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Haryun Hate Compilation
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 050 | gifts for jimin
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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The night of the party came quickly. October 13th, arguably one of the most important days of the year, had arrived, and it felt as if a royal event was to take place.
There was an electric buzz in the air that was tangible the moment you set foot on campus, as everyone seemed to have a particular pep in their step. Those who were fortunate enough to come face-to-face with the man of the day, Park Jimin, seemed to be more excited about his birthday than he was himself. Almost every other person had a gift for Jimin. Whether it was a gift bag or an envelope with a card inside, they ensured to shower him with presents throughout the day.
He was overwhelmed by all of the expensive and showy gifts a few classmates attempted to give him. Hyoyeon from his Perspectives class bought him the newest Keurig, the one that brewed lattes and cappuccinos, so he knew it was expensive. Suri from his dance class gifted him a watchband made of patent leather, which the price had the specific amount scribbled out for obvious reasons.
And as the day went on, Jimin’s arms filled.
Between his last class of the day and dance practice, Jimin had thirty-five minutes to make his way home, shower, change, and return to campus for practice. Today, his trek was slightly longer, as he paused a few times to collect his bearings and reassure himself he wasn't leaving behind any gifts he had received throughout the day.
Fifteen minutes later, he made it into the apartment safely, yet out of breath. On the couch, deeply enthralled with whatever cartoon was on the television, sat Jungkook, oblivious and aloof to the struggles his roommate had just endured.
“Kook-ah, be a saint and help,” Jimin slid off his shoes and backpack as he spoke. “Please.”
At the sound of Jimin’s voice, Jungkook turned and smiled, rising from his spot to greet and obey Jimin’s plea. “Jimin-ssi, happy birthday!”
Burnt out and tired, Jimin paid no mind to the lack of honorifics as Jungkook teased him, shedding a different article of clothing with each step toward his room. A pair of sweatpants and a hoodie later, Jimin was back the way he came and happy to see the clutter that once inhabited the area in front of the door was gone as he had asked.
A rustling could be heard from the living room, signaling that Jungkook was probably helping himself to the many gifts Jimin had. A part of him wanted to scold Jungkook, give him some half-assed lecture about how it was rude to open other people's birthday presents, but it was Jungkook. Jimin knew Jungkook would never open anyone else's gifts since he didn't do it to Namjoon at their shared party a few weeks earlier. Jungkook had known Jimin for years; they practically shared all property.
(Save for Yebin, Jimin was more than happy to let Jungkook have her to himself for a slew of reasons--the more prominent one being that Yebin was like a daughter to Jimin, someone he protected with his life, so there was no romantic attraction there at all.)
While Jungkook sifted through the items, tiny noises of interest and gasps of surprise left his mouth every few seconds. Jimin grabbed his prepacked dance bag and his set of keys before he yelled over his shoulder, "Kook-ah, I'm going!"
Jimin slipped on his shoes, waiting for a response from Jungkook, and just as he pulled open the door and stepped outside, Jungkook's voice could be heard gasping, "You got a Keurig?!"
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          Dance practice was the one place Jimin felt like everyone treated each other as equals. Despite him and Hoseok sharing the co-captain title and having more authority over dance routines, everyone was friendly enough that Jimin considered everyone his acquaintance. For a few select team members, Jimin called them his friends, people he hung out with outside of dance practice just for leisure fun.
Lee Luda seemed to float somewhere between those two classifications. She was more than an acquaintance—Luda would speak to Jimin whenever she saw him outside dance practice, no matter where, when, or how busy she seemed. But those were the only times they would speak, in brief spurts over some time that Jimin would not call frequent enough to call her a friend but also not scarce to where he could leave her as an acquaintance.
It was his first year in university when Jimin had first seen Luda. She looked so small amongst the immense sea of people that wished to try out for the dance team that year. Anyone from any year level could try out for the dance team, but there was always a naivete and innocence to the freshman that they were easy to pick out. Jimin was one of those, an auditionee that looked timid and nervous but kept to themselves out of the instinct of survival: every man for themselves.
It wasn't until after tryouts finished and the names of who made the team were posted that Jimin had spoken to Luda. Brief congratulations were exchanged between the two, something that nearly gave Jimin a heart attack to do, and he planned to leave it at that. Until Luda began gushing, with extravagant gestures with her hands and the way her eyes sparkled while she talked about Jimin's dancing and how easy it was to get lost in how he moved.
Tiny, timid Jimin had a hard time receiving compliments for anything. Nonetheless, compliments on his dancing. And even less than that, compliments from a pretty girl who was also very talented in dancing.
She had continued on and on for a solid five minutes, only noticing that she had been rambling once Jimin’s round, brown eyes never moved from her face. She blushed a furious red, her cheeks aglow as she muttered an apology, a second congratulations, and hurried away.
The crush Jimin had on Luda was inevitable. His stare always lingered in her direction; something about how she carried herself left an aura that radiated positivity in waves. Sooner than later, the awkwardness from their initial interaction faded, and there was a tenderness to how Luda would speak to Jimin. Even before he became co-captain of the dance team, her words were always soft-spoken and comforting to him.
This was why, as practice ended that day, everyone was exhausted but preening with excitement about Jimin's party later; Jimin stayed back a few minutes—as requested by Luda. Never had she asked to speak to him in private before, but most subtly during practice, Luda had pulled him aside and asked for him to patiently wait for her once everyone left.
She could ask him to murder for her, and Jimin would've foolishly complied. So as Hoseok begrudgingly left without Jimin, after all his complaints and worries, Jimin was left alone in the dance studio. He stood idly in front of the mirrors, touching up his hair and ensuring he didn't look like practice had wiped too much out of him.
He was freshly showered, doing so in the locker rooms adjacent to the studio they had used that day. Seven minutes passed, and there was no sign of Luda anywhere. Jimin tried to take note of which direction she had gone in after practice, maybe the locker rooms or out into the central area of the Arts Building. However, his plan fell flat once multiple people rushed up to him with wishes for his birthday. Once that group of people had dispersed, Jimin decided to abandon the plan and patiently wait.
The seven minutes turned to ten, then twelve, and for a smidge of a second, Jimin thought he had been stood up by Luda. But before those thoughts could fester, the door to the dance room clicked open, and a loud squeaky noise filled the room.
A multitude of balloons blocked the doorway, tiny grunts and sounds of struggle beneath them as they were squeezed through the door by a smiling Luda who struck a pose and smiled giddily at Jimin.
"Happy Birthday, Jimin-ah!" She shouted, a breath of air leaving her as she hurried over to Jimin and shoved the balloons into his hands before she was back out the door in a flash.
Moments later, she's back with a massive poster board, a cardboard box, and a perfectly wrapped present complete with a bow, cluttered in her hands as she made her way to him. With the fast-paced beating of his heart and the sheer amazement at Luda and her antics, Jimin found himself frozen in astonishment.
He wanted to take a moment to thank Luda and applaud her for even giving him a present in the first place, but Luda left no room for Jimin to talk. Because in less than a millisecond, she had snatched the balloons from his grasp, letting them float freely within the space. She held the poster board in front of her face as she shook it back and forth animatedly.
"I recruited, and by recruited, I mean forced, everyone on the team to print out their pictures with you for a collage," Luda said from behind the poster. "Hobi had a lot, so I had to limit him to three pictures to make room for everyone else's-"
The poster board was much longer than Luda's wingspan as she struggled to hold it up. Still, Jimin's eyes raked over the photos with intense nostalgia as tons of pictures from the last year and a half were splayed in front of him. There were many pictures of Jimin and Soojin after they had placed first with their duet performance at last year's regionals. They were clad in their costumes with a shit ton of makeup, but the smiles on their faces were contagious as present-day Jimin found himself smiling too.
Two pictures of Taemin and Jimin were right below the images with Soojin, sandwiched between pictures with Seulgi and Soonyoung. Jimin's eyes continued moving as he came about the outermost edges to see pictures of him, Minhyuk, and Momo. A slew of images with Hoseok, mainly taken outside of dance practice, sat at the bottom, with giant smiles on their faces.
But in the middle, the largest of them all, was a picture of Luda and Jimin. One where Luda had her arms wrapped around Jimin's neck, his arms around her waist, and their cheeks smushed together as they cheesed at the camera in a similarly energetic manner. Jimin could recall that moment as if it happened yesterday, the very moment when Luda had made the dance team for the second year in a row, and Jimin had just been announced to have been voted co-dance captain with Hoseok.
Spirits had been high that day, and with the ease of a well-oiled machine, Jimin had wrapped his arms around Luda and requested their picture to be taken. He had expected Luda to push him off or freeze for a moment, but the exact opposite had occurred. Her arms quickly snaked around Jimin's neck, and she rose to her tiptoes and pressed her cheeks to his. It took all of a second to take the picture. Still, Jimin had spent most of his night later that evening staring at the utter perfection of that picture.
Once Jimin had taken in the collage of photos, he reached forward to grab the poster board from Luda's hands with little to no objection from her. He opened his mouth to express his gratitude, but before he could mutter a sound, Luda shoved the nicely wrapped box into his hands and tossed the poster board to the floor.
The poster fluttered pathetically to the ground as Luda gestured to the box with excitement. "Open it!"
Not needing any more convincing, Jimin gracefully took to his knees to set the box on the floor as he proceeded to tear the paper from the outside and peek to see the contents within. Luda had followed him down to the floor, almost as eager to look into the box as if she hadn’t been the one to place the items in the box herself hours prior.
The first thing Jimin came across was a small journal. It was no larger than his hand, which meant it was pretty small in size and perfect to stick inside his pocket. The book's cover had 'OPEN ME' scribbled in Sharpie, to which Jimin obliged and turned to the first page.
This is a LUDA ANYWHERE-ANYTIME coupon, redeemable for ONE TIME ONLY. Use wisely, Jiminssi, for your Luda coupon has an expiration date of 12/31/2099!
Jimin laughed at the sight, his fingers instinctively flipping through the rest of the pages to find every single one with the same script on them. A coupon for Luda, anytime, anywhere, no questions asked, but only redeemable once for each page. There were easily enough coupons to last Jimin a year and a half if he used them weekly and responsibly. But knowing himself and his lack of control when it came to Lee Luda, the coupons would maybe last him a month. (Two if he tried exceptionally hard to ration them).
“Luda, these,” Jimin paused to laugh as he looked up and caught Luda’s eyes watching him intensely. “They are every-”
“Wait, wait,” Luda interrupted. Carefully, she took the small notebook from Jimin’s hands and set it to the side. “We haven’t even gotten to the best parts. Keep going.”
The next item that caught Jimin's eye was a navy-blue porcelain jar. A bow was securing the top of the pot with a note hanging from it. Flipping the small piece of paper, Jimin read:
Happy Birthday, Jiminssi! Namie and I wanted to get you something special to show our appreciation. We did some deep diving and decided to create a custom tea for you!
Namie's aunt in Japan has a tea shop, and she helped us create a tea that reminded us of you in flavor and scent. It's a blend of jasmine and peach teas with a few more additives that we swore not to share for the sake of it being unique to you and Namie's aunt's shop in Japan.
Hope you enjoy it! If you ever make it to Japan one day, Namie's aunt wants you to visit her shop. She thinks you're adorable :))
With a steady hand, Jimin untied the bow, unscrewed the top, and took a whiff. The Jasmine scent was strong, but there were undertones of peach and a smidge of vanilla that had Jimin swooning from the comfort it gave his body. Astonishment overcame him at the intensity of all the gifts; first the board, then the coupons, and now a custom tea that Luda and Namie had gotten from Japan.
Jimin softly placed the jar onto the floor as he grabbed the last item in the box: a long, sleek black box that had For Jimin in gold lettering on the top. Jimin opened the box without hesitation, and from the pure shock that electrified his body, he dropped the box.
The loud slam startled Luda, who laughed and picked up the contents before she huffed out a breath, "Don't drop these now, Jiminssi. These were the most expensive out of everything."
“Luda, I can’t take those,” Jimin quietly spoke. “I refuse.”
As if the words Jimin had said meant nothing to her, Luda placed the open box in front of Jimin again. "I reject your refusal. Now put them on."
In front of him, glimmering from the studio lights in the dance room, taunting Jimin with the expensive nature of the gift, sat two rings. Both were made with sterling silver, and both were rings Jimin had once saved in his gallery as a future gift for himself once he felt like he was responsible enough for a purchase that large.
Conflicting emotions were rushing through his body at that moment. Anxiety from how overwhelmed he was at the entire gift-giving ordeal Luda had set up for him. Slight fear at how Luda had even known Jimin had been thinking about purchasing the ring set for himself in the future. And lastly, as he slid the rings onto his thumb and middle finger, was how Luda knew the ring size perfectly to the point where they were snug and felt at home on his stubby little fingers.
Jimin took a few moments to admire the jewelry on his fingers in silence as he came to terms with the fact that the girl of his dreams had made the purchase of his dreams and gifted them to him for his birthday. As if it was just another simple thing they did. Luda had just changed Jimin's life forever, and she probably had no idea.
"Do you like them?" Luda had the gall to look nervous as she spoke, her eyes dancing across all of the gifts she had just bombarded Jimin with in the last fifteen minutes. "I put a lot of thought into most of these, and I just want you to like them."
And to think, Jimin was convinced Luda would stand him up.
"Luda, these are perfect gifts that I'm not even sure I deserve," Jimin said with finality. "You went above and beyond for me, and I really appreciate it all."
"Oh, I'm so glad," Jimin felt himself melt at the smile Luda sent his way. "I had to practically hound the entire dance team for their photos of you, and some of them were being selfish, which threw off my entire plan, but I got them in the end."
“I’m glad our picture was the largest.”
Luda nodded. "Yeah, Hobi-Oppa almost strangled me because his pictures with you weren't in the middle, but I told him this was my project and that he had to deal with it.”
“I love the dedication.”
“Thanks,” she responded. “It’s one of my best qualities.”
“But how’d you get the ring sizes?” Jimin held his hand that adorned the rings up to Luda as he still felt himself stare in awe. “They’re perfect.”
"I got Jungkookie to take a thumb ring and middle finger ring from you. I also had him take measurements to be sure," Luda shrugged as she packed the jar of tea, the now empty box that once held the rings, and the coupon book into the box they came from. "I'd be agitated if I paid all that money, and they didn't fit you."
"But-" Jimin lost his voice as he began to think of the sheer effort she had to put into everything to get such perfect presents for his birthday.
"And I know how much of a ring guy you are, so I just found something that I would wear and thought about it that way," She continued to explain. "Honestly, now I understand why some people love gift giving because of the look on your face the entire time, Jiminssi-"
Luda paused her movements to look Jimin straight in his eyes, almost as if she wanted him to know she meant every word.
"-I like seeing you happy. It gave me this sort of…," Luda trailed off as she sought the proper word to describe her feelings.
“Tingle,” Jimin answered. “It felt like a tingle.”
A timid smile appeared on Luda’s face. “Yeah, a tingle.”
Jimin had an inkling about the tingle Luda felt. It was one that he experienced each time he had caught himself dreaming up scenarios about her in his head, scenarios that shocked his spine and left his lower back sizzling with anticipation and nerves. It was uncomfortable at first, but now it was almost masochistically satisfying when it happened.
Amicable silence accompanied the two of them as they set about cleaning up any evidence that they had spent time in the practice room after the allotted time had ended. Luda offered to take the balloons back to her place once Jimin voiced he had no legitimate use for them back at his own. Luda had been sure Namie and Geummi would find some odd service for them later as they continued to pack up and walk side by side as they exited the Arts Building.
Jimin began to set off to the left as Luda set off to the right, both stopping once they realized this was where they would split ways.
"I'll see you later tonight, Luda?" Jimin asked, surely, mostly positive Luda would be at his party.
“Of course, Jiminssi,” Luda replied as she stepped up to him, rose to her tiptoes, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “Save me a dance.”
As Luda turned to take her leave, Jimin called out, “How about two?”
"Make it three, and we have a deal!"
Yeah, Jimin thought to himself, there was no way he was getting over Lee Luda anytime soon.
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author’s note: APOLOGIES!! APOLOGIES!! i feel like i’ve apologized every ten chapters for disappearing but this time… SIX MONTHS???? i didn’t mean to leave for six months but when life changes a little too fast, baby it gets crazy.
anyway, with that out of the way. i am back until the end of this story (which i have planned and mostly written beforehand). once i’m done with coffee i’ll take a short break before i’m back with the second part of the series.
okay, enjoy and i’ll be back on tuesday :)))
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kodim0736 · 1 year
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Dandim 0736/Batang Letkol Inf Ahmad Alam Budiman didampingi Ketua Persit KCK Cabang XXIV Kodim 0736, Ny. Mutia Alam Budiman, hadiri acara malam kenal pamit Kapolres Batang di Pendopo Kabupaten Batang. Jumat (20/01/2023) malam.
Acara tersebut juga dihadiri oleh PJ Bupati Batang Lani Dwi Rejeki, Ketua DPR Batang Maulana Yusuf,Kajari Batang Mukharom ,Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Batang Haryuning Respanti, dan tamu undangan lainnya.
“Adapun pejabat Kapolres lama yang semula dijabat oleh AKBP M.Irwan Susanto yang kini menjabat sebagai Irbid Itwasda Polda Jawa Tengah . selanjutnya dijabat oleh AKBP Saufi Salamun yang sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Kabagops Polres Metro Jakarta Pusat Polda Metro Jaya.
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untangle-my-heart · 5 years
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“기하륜 너는 꼭살아”
“Ki Haryun, you must live”
#MINHO #JangsariForgottenHeroes
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 060 | sweet like a caramel macchiato, part two.
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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After they made their way through most of the exhibits, Haryun found herself growing hungry. Of course, she suggested they go to the gift shop on their way out. She claimed the souvenir was for Moonhee, but Yoongi watched as she carefully examined each stuffed animal until she found the perfect one. 
The lucky stuffed animal she decided to take home was a bottlenose dolphin. Although they didn’t see any at the aquarium, Haryun wanted that specific one and who was Yoongi to deny her that request. 
“I’m naming him Dahee,” Haryun said as they walked to an open market that was a few blocks down and Yoongi suggested they went to. When Haryun had mentioned to him that she was hungry, he figured it was the best decision since there would be an array of food to choose from. “Y’know because he’s a dolphin.”
“Dahee does not mean dolphin.”
“No, but it does start with a ‘D’.”
“So are you going to name all of your children C names because child starts with ‘C’?” Yoongi asked.
Haryun gave him a bored look. “Please, only ask me smart questions.”
In a swift motion, Yoongi scooped one of Haryun’s hands into his, and he began swinging them back and forth. “Sing for me?”
Since Yoongi held up his end of the bargain, Haryun planned to uphold hers. “Any song request?”
“I don’t mind anything,” he assured. “Just want to hear you sing.”
She’s silent for a few moments. There were a few options she felt fit the moment right, but she didn’t quite know all of the words. Once she decided on what she felt was the proper and best song, Haryun sang. 
“Its a long way to California, its a long way to the palm trees.” Her voice was soft and blended into the night while she sang. She watched Yoongi close his eyes for a moment as she continued, basking in her voice after so long of not hearing it.
Never did Haryun receive any training for her voice. Many would compliment her on her voice and that they liked it, but for some reason, Yoongi and his love for her voice had a special meaning. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that Yoongi studied music, so he had an ear for melodies and tuned voices. He was as close to an expert that Haryun knew, and if he found her voice well enough to listen to then maybe she would sing more often.
It wasn’t that she had no confidence in her voice, but sometimes she would be reminded that it was not something to practice toward improving, so maybe he singing voice wasn’t great. But as she continued singing while they walked to the open market and Yoongi gasped with each lyric she sang, Haryun finally felt comfortable with this side of her that she attempted to put on the back burner for so long.
Ten minutes into their walk and halfway through Haryun’s song, they came upon the market. Even in the dark hours of the night, the market bustled as people just like them, hungry for late-night authentic cuisine, came to get their fill.
The two of them visited a few different stands, gathering as much food as their empty stomachs groaned for. Yoongi got two corndogs and some jjajangmyeon while Haryun settled for two rolls of gimbap and an American-style burger stacked with different condiments and add-ons. The two had even managed to get a serving of soondae from an ahjumma that thought the two of them were “just the cutest pair~”.
So with their arms full of all of the food they managed to hoard, the two found a bench far enough from the market to not be disturbed by the loud chatter but also close enough to use the residual light.
They sat down in unison, laying all of the food between the two of them giving each other the opportunity to pick and choose what they wanted to eat.
“I haven’t had proper soondae in a while,” Yoongi muttered as he ate a piece. His sounds of delight were endearing to Haryun as he hummed to himself in satisfaction. “It’s really good.”
Haryun took a bite of her first roll of gimbap, she had asked the nice gentleman who prepared it to not cut it for her since she liked to bite it in chunks to sate her hunger.
“Food is just so good,” Haryun moaned once she swallowed. “Like why can’t I just sleep, eat, and sleep some more.”
“That’s not very healthy.”
“A girl can dream can’t she?”
Wordlessly, Yoongi handed Haryun one of the corndogs he got for them and he watched her eat it proudly. Maybe it was his primal urges that got satisfaction from seeing her happily take what he provides her, but every time Haryun gushed about the food or about Dahee the dolphin, Yoongi felt a shiver go down his spine.
“You know, Yun-ah, I don’t know much about you.”
Haryun wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “What do you want to know?”
“Where’re you from? Your family? Your love life? Your birthday? You know all of these things about me, but I don’t know anything aside from your name and Moonhee.”
She realized he had a point. Haryun had a habit of asking questions, but she never liked talking about herself. “I’m from Jeju.”
Yoongi had begun eating the second roll of gimbap Haryun got. That one was cut into small pieces, so Yoongi had helped himself. “Like the island?”
“Is there any other?”
“I’m taking Dahee back to the aquarium,” Yoongi easily threatened, no true malice in his words.
“Okay, okay,” Haryun laughed in response. “Yes, I’m from Jeju the island. My family still lives there. I visit them for Chuseok and Christmas, and my birthday too.”
“Which is?” Yoongi trailed off.
“The first of the year. New Years.”
“No way.”
“Yes way. And in 1994 by the way, so we’re practically the same age,” she hummed. “Okay, birthday is out of the way. What else do you want to know?”
“Any siblings?”
“One. A younger brother. You?”
“Older brother. He’s already married,” Yoongi answered. “What about your love life?”
“Just you, Gi-Gi bear,” She placed the empty skewer into the empty carton that once held the jjajangmyeon that Yoongi polished off. “Unless you want me to have others?”
Yoongi was unimpressed with her joke. “No. But I meant in the past.”
“Well,” Haryun paused and took a deep breath. She seemed hesitant with her words but this was Yoongi, he was trustworthy. Plus, she agreed to keep no secrets. “There was one guy, he’s the most recent.”
“How recent?”
Thinking that far back was hard. “Last year around this same time, my sophomore year is when it ended.”
This had Yoongi interested. “Who was it? I know him?”
The thing was Haryun’s relationship with Kyungsu was much less a relationship and more of a toxic push and pull between the two. One moment, things would be great with them, and the next Kyungsu was upset because Haryun forgot to text him goodnight. It became too much of a hassle once Moonhee reminded Haryun that Kyungsu never asked Haryun to officially be his girlfriend. 
Nor did he take her on dates.
Nor did he let her come to his apartment. At that point in time, Haryun put up boundaries that Kyungsu could not and would not respect. He always came to her apartment at inappropriate times, often bothered Moonhee about getting Haryun to text him back, and never paid for his own meals when Haryun did give him the benefit of hanging out with her.
It became more of her taking care of him than a relationship which was why she ended it. And because Kyungsu was a narcissist who believed he could do no wrong, he behaved like a child and threw a gigantic tantrum. Kyungsu would repeatedly text her, call her, dm her on every social media and had even started harassing her younger brother.
But with one complaint to Seyoung, the older girl took it upon herself to handle Haryun’s issue with Kyungsu. Be it the grace of god, Kyungsu seemed to vanish. No more texts, calls, and anytime Haryun would pass by Kyungsu on campus he made sure to walk the other way.
She had no idea what Seyoung said to him, but whatever it was had him scared, and Haryun needed him to stay that way.
“Do you know Lim Kyungsu?” Haryun could tell by Yoongi’s confused look that he had no idea who she was talking about. Lucky him. “He’s the goalie for the soccer team in the same year as us.”
“I don’t know him. Was he good to you?” The atmosphere turned serious.
She didn’t try to hide her annoyance. “No, not at all, but it’s in the past. I haven’t spoken to him in almost a year so,” she shrugged. “I’m over it.”
Haryun may have been over it, but Yoongi seemed bothered, his expression tight and eyes dark. “You’re going to have to show me who he is.”
“Okay, no,” she looked at Yoongi with an incredulous expression. “No threatening anyone.”
“But you can threaten Umji?”
“I won’t to her face. How about that?”
“Then I won’t threaten him to his face either,” Yoongi conceded, but his tone did not suggest he meant any of his words. ��With words. If I make any suggestive gestures then I can’t help that.”
“I’ll allow it.”
During their conversation, the two had managed to eat most of the food they bought at the market. All of the soondae was gone, Yoongi focusing on that the most since he would probably never get the chance to have anymore for a while. The burger Haryun got received two bites from her before she offered the remnants to Yoongi who happily accepted them and polished it off as well.
The night carried on with bright moonlight and twinkling stars. Chilling breezes swept by the two every few moments as they continued talking, getting lost in one another and wanting it to last forever.
Sadly, time waited for no one. Eleven o’clock came sooner than the two would have liked as text messages from Moonhee came through Haryun’s phone.
♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎: are you coming home or can i sleep now?
and they were roommates (yunbun): im omw now. but sleep dont wait up
♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎: you already know i will wake up when you come in, so ill wait around
♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎: did you kiss him yet?
and they were roommates (yunbun): go to sleep
and they were roommates (yunbun): and no :/ not yet :(
Haryun ignored the repeated buzzes from her phone as Moonhee replied, helping Yoongi pick up their trash and place each item into their appropriate bins. 
“Is that Moonhee-ah texting you?”
“She told me to tell you to release me back to her,” Haryun grinned as the two began walking back through the market, making their way out. “You’ve reached your limit.”
Shyly, Yoongi stretched his arm across Haryun’s shoulders, pulling her close to him and into his chest. It helped keep them warm as the temperature reached an all-time low for the night, but the proximity was comforting.
“Can I get an extension?”
“There’ll be an extra fee.” 
On the way into the market, Haryun spotted a slushy stand that made her mouth water. With the opportunity presenting itself to her, what better way to get one last treat out of Yoongi for the night?
Unsurprisingly, he had agreed, more than happy to give Haryun anything she wanted. Now, did he chastise her for drinking an ice cold beverage when the temperature was below forty? Yes. And did Haryun’s puppy eyes get him to concede anyway and continue to buy her the drink? Also yes. But the two were learning that when it came to one another, the only option was yes.
While the two made their way back to the train station, taking their sweet time with the thirty minute extension that the slushy earned Yoongi, Haryun gave Dahee to him while she focused on her drink. The streets were mostly empty, a few stragglers here and there as the city went to sleep.
The atmosphere was calm and cold and Yoongi took it upon himself to voice his inner thoughts. 
“Tonight felt like every other day we met up for coffee,” he pointed out. “It was comfortable, no first date jitters.”
Haryun shivered from her drink. “Maybe that just means we’ve been dating this whole time.”
“Have we?”
“That means you ghosted your girlfriend, Gi-Gi Bear.”
“Ohhhh,” Yoongi shared a surprised look with Dahee, then turned his face and Dahee’s face to look at Haryun. “My girlfriend?”
“You better be my boyfriend after this,” Her voice was even with determination. “No take-backs.”
“Gosh, give me time to decide,” he teased. Haryun looked fed up with Yoongi’s antics. He put a finger on his chin, pretending to genuinely debate the offer. “I guess I’ll give you the pleasure of being my girlfriend.”
Knowing there was a new status to their relationship seemed terrifying. For Yoongi, he hadn’t had an official girlfriend in a while. Being in a relationship meant you were a part of a different whole, other than yourself. It came with two identities: For Yoongi, he was Min Yoongi, the star basketball player and now Yoon Haryun’s boyfriend. For Haryun, she was Yoon Haryun, but also Min Yoongi’s girlfriend, and while she didn’t want to think about it now, a lot of people would care about that fact back on campus.
Maybe they should keep their relationship private. If there was anything she hated more than gossip it was people gossiping about her. But also, there was a nagging possesiveness in her that wanted to let everyone know Yoongi was hers, no one else could have him.
Yes, you could look. Maybe even fantasize a little, but the second anyone got the idea to act on their attraction, Haryun wanted to be able to crush their dreams. Was it evil? Of course. But would it bring her a morbid satisfaction? Hell yes. Yet she could care less. 
Alot of hardwork went into gaining Yoongi as a friend, and even more as a boyfriend, so to hell will all of her qualms and anxieties, she’d yell it from the rooftops that Min Yoongi was hers and she was his. And for as long as he would have her, she’d stay by his side.
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Being Yoongi’s girlfriend felt no different than when she was simply receiving a coffee from him for two weeks. Sure, it had only been thirty minutes since they had made it official, but Haryun felt the same. Yoongi looked at her the same, treated her the same, and maybe that was when she realized he had liked her all along.
From the very moment at Hope World all those months ago, Yoongi looked at Haryun like he was smitten. Sure, back then she didn’t realize it because she barely knew him. But now, she liked to think she knew him well enough to know what his looks meant, and each and every time Yoongi looked into her eyes, there was enamor. 
Even as Yoongi walked Haryun to the front of her building, handing her back Dahee, there was that look in his eyes. Small twinkles of stars lit up his brown eyes as he looked down at Haryun the same way he had for weeks on end.
“You already know what I want to ask,” Yoongi softly spoke, his hands already dancing their way around Haryun’s waist and settling on the small of her back as he pulled her close. “But I am a gentleman before anything else, so-”
Haryun giggled, just as eager as Yoongi. “Just kiss me.”
Without any hesitation, the two fell together with a sense of haste and calmness, allowing their lips to press together chastely before it evolved to a deeper, wanton kiss. With Dahee in her right hand, she shoved the dolphin behind her, sparing her son from the intense action that was there kiss, but with her left hand, Haryun curled it behind Yoongi’s neck, pulling him as close as she could get. Yoongi sighed in relief as he continued indulging himself with kiss after kiss, leaving little to no room for Haryun to breathe. 
And she had no complaints. His lips were soft, pillowy and warm, inviting her back for more each time the kiss grew weak and she teased him by pulling away. After a few moments, the kiss became less of an action and more of a press of their lips together as Yoongi refused to let the moment end.
He had exercised enough patience, waited long enough to feel her lips on his again, and he’d be damned if he rested before he was ready. So after a few more quick pecks, an obnoxiously loud howl of laughter from Haryun, and one more swift yet sweet kiss, Yoongi seemed to have quelled his deepest desires. He loosened his grip on Haryun’s waist, but made sure to keep her close as a cheeky smirk danced over his swollen lips.
“Feeling better?” Haryun chuckled as she thumbed over Yoongi’s bottom lip with tease. “Seemed like you were on a mission.”
“Just gonna say,” He took the opportunity to press a kiss to the corner of Haryun’s mouth. “It was worth the wait.”
“Mhm. I agree.”
They knew it had to be past midnight at that point, but there was no sense of urgency to separate. Giving themselves a few more moments to be together, their foreheads rested against one another as they shared hushed whispers of goodnight that seemed never ending.
“I’ll text you in the morning,” Haryun promised as she took a step back. “First thing.”
Yoongi kept a grip on her free hand as he let her drift a bit further from him. “I’ll text you first. I’ve got practice.”
She had gotten far enough to the point where both of their arms were extended in order to keep contact, but they could both tell that they weren’t going to let go.
“One more for the road?” Yoongi asked.
Haryun pouted cutely, her cheeks puffing considerably. “Just one.” As Yoongi guided her back to him to share one final kiss for the night. It lasted long enough for the two to manage a few hours apart, so with one final wave to both Haryun and Dahee, Yoongi allowed Haryun to walk into her building with reddened cheeks from both the freezing temperature and the heated kisses.
And if Haryun had turned around to witness Yoongi fistbump himself in congratulations, she didn’t mention it.
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 055 | you’re all dead to me
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 058 | start at the end
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 063 | family dinner
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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16 notes · View notes
crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 057 | the prelude to an apology
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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It was almost comical how much fear was coursing through Yoongi’s veins at that moment. Those who were not in his shoes—not about to make one of the most nervewracking decisions of their life—would laugh at him. Seokjin and Jimin did.
On the exterior, Yoongi seemed harsh. It seemed like he was rougher than he indeed was, a juxtaposition to the heartfelt, sincere type of guy he was. As he continued down the sidewalk with a light sweat on his hands and forehead, he looked calm to those around him.
While internally, deep inside his chest, his arteries worked overtime to get enough blood to his heart and prevent him from collapsing on the spot.
A mere two hours ago, Yoongi had dished out his plans of winning over Haryun to his friends. He claimed it was foolproof, with no errors in sight. He had spent the previous night sketching a rough plan of how he would approach Haryun, where Yoongi would approach her, and what exactly he wanted to say. Yoongi had briefly entertained the idea of writing a script, but once he began to practice it, he realized how ingenuine it would seem, so he decided to let the words flow naturally when the time came.
Although the time is near, and Yoongi just might throw up if he came within ten feet of Yoon Haryun, let alone close enough to apologize and gush his deepest feelings. 
After reviewing the many texts Yoongi and Haryun shared, Yoongi had a rough idea of when Haryun would be at cheer practice. It technically wouldn’t be blind-siding her, as the gymnasium was commonplace for the two. Yoongi frequented the location for basketball practice and Haryun for cheer practice. It was the one place that wouldn’t seem like Yoongi was actively seeking out Haryun, so it made perfect sense.
He would waltz there, take her by surprise, and reveal it all. How he had been feeling for the past two weeks, during the two weeks they spent together—just everything.
But that—that is what made Yoongi want to vomit.
In his head, it seemed easy. Just speak. Just voice your feelings. But every time he imagined standing in front of Haryun with her eyes on him, his heart sped up, his palms turned sweaty, and all his motor skills malfunctioned.
He needed a buffer—an olive branch—that prefaced his true intentions once he came face to face with her. It needed to be something that held significance to Haryun and the history she shared with Yoongi. So what better thing to offer than a coffee? 
The godforsaken beverage is why Yoongi was in this situation, so why not have it represent a new page for himself and Haryun?
The walk was brief to Toasty Beans, with nearly no one on campus being awake at a time so early that the birds hadn’t even begun chirping. Yoongi walked into the empty cafe and smelt of fresh coffee beans and pastries with a stride that held false confidence.
There were only two baristas behind the counter, and at the sound of the bell from the door, they both turned to greet Yoongi.
“Yoongi-ah,” Gaeul greeted, meeting Yoongi at the counter. “It’s been a while.”
Without the arrangement with Haryun, Yoongi didn’t have a reason to grab a coffee every morning. Usually, Yoongi drank an Americano once a week if he had the time. He often didn’t have the free time to even think about coffee, let alone make time to buy one. So the two weeks with Haryun, where he spent every day at Toasty Beans for her, was the most he had stepped inside the coffee shop during his entire college career.
The frequency of his presence made him somewhat of a regular. A few baristas knew him by his order as opposed to his status as a basketball player on campus. Namely, Bada and Gaeul knew his preferences the best, and each day, no matter the time, whether it was rain or shine, they would always add a medium caramel iced latte for Haryun. It was helpful at first, seeing as Yoongi would almost always forget to order for Haryun in the beginning. But as time progressed, it became slightly embarrassing that they knew he still needed the latte. Even if she wasn’t with him, he still needed it.
As Yoongi greeted Gaeul good morning, this was why she replied, “A medium iced caramel latte, and what else?”
The air conditioning must’ve cut off at that moment because there was no other explanation for the warmth that coated Yoongi’s cheeks as he looked down and cleared his throat.
“No, Gaeul-ssi,” Yoongi handed her his payment. “That’s all today.”
It was silent for a moment as she processed everything before handing him his change and receipt. “Haryun-ah isn't with you today?”
Yoongi simply shook his head.
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen the two of you here,” Bada walked up to the counter, the prepared latte in her hand. She slid it across to Yoongi as she spoke. “How is Haryun-ah?”
“She’s fine,” He tensely replied as he grabbed the beverage. “Things have been a bit busy, so-”
Bada shrugged in agreement before she waved goodbye to Yoongi. “See you later, Yoongi-ssi!”
He wished the two girls a good day as he continued on his solemn way to the auditorium where Haryun would be. The chilling temperature of the iced latte seemed to burn as Yoongi held it tightly with both hands. He made sure to guard the drink with his life because if he showed up to speak with Haryun empty-handed, he was almost sure she would ridicule him.
Once he reached the auditorium, he received greetings from most cheerleaders who were outside as they stood in small groups and chatted with one another. The practice had already ended if their tired expressions and worn-out posture were anything to go by.
Yoongi hadn’t been precise with what time practice started or ended, but he had a brief idea, so seeing as he made it within a few minutes was good enough for him. But as he stood amongst the cheerleaders, with little to no acknowledgment, Yoongi realized Haryun wasn’t among them.
He saw Moonhee and Luda together on one of the cement walls chatting, none the wiser, that he was standing there looking for their friend. And since he was too afraid to ask the two girls where Haryun could be, he took it upon himself to go inside and search for her there. The worst that could happen was that she wasn’t inside, but it was better than having Moonhee or Luda or both antagonize him for searching for Haryun after all this time of not speaking to her.
He could go without that scolding for the time being.
So as he walked inside, it took less than a glance to spot Haryun as she was sitting on the ground, a few feet from the entryway where Yoongi stood. She hadn’t looked up from her feet, where she seemed to be struggling to put her shoes on, one of her feet wrapped tightly with compression tape that extended up her ankle. Although her head hadn’t risen, Haryun heard the door shut and sighed.
“Moonie, just give me two seconds. I promise I’m fine,” Haryun grumbled as she abandoned the efforts to put on her shoes and instead pulled a sweatshirt over her head to cover her sports bra.
Her eyes never left the ground, and Yoongi’s eyes never left her.
For a few moments, Yoongi thought about telling her he wasn’t Moonhee, that it was him, and that he had a few things to get off his chest, but everything seemed frozen. He could think about walking over there, but his legs wouldn’t move. Words formulated in his head, sentences so poetic and romantic that Shakespeare would be ashamed, yet they wouldn’t form on his tongue.
Yoongi felt paralyzed. With fear, anxiety, and an overwhelming sensation of want.
He wanted to pour his heart out, to simply hold Haryun’s face in his hands as he looked straight into her eyes and just existed. But there was that nagging feeling in Yoongi’s mind telling him just to leave.
Why would Haryun want anything to do with him after what he had put her through? So much back and forth that could have quickly been settled with one text had been prolonged because of his foolish actions.
Yoongi’s inner turmoil ran deep. It enveloped every part of his body to the point where he missed Haryun looking up at him and simply staring. If he had been paying attention, not caught up in his head, Yoongi wouldn’t have been able to decipher the amalgamation of feelings that she was trying, and failing, to convey.
Haryun jumped up from the floor with a slight grimace as she placed too much weight on her injured foot. The sight of struggle snapped Yoongi from his trance as he rushed over to help Haryun steady herself on her feet.
The physical contact was welcomed by Haryun, her grip on Yoongi’s forearms tight while she found her balance. She noticed the latte in his hands and carefully grabbed it before she  took one sip and asked, “What are you doing here?”
As if he had no clue, Yoongi froze. A few beats of silence ticked by, Haryun growing worried at the lack of awareness Yoongi presented before he blinked and immediately started rambling.
“I wanted to see you. I have to explain to you why I didn’t text-why. I’ve been ignoring you-“
Haryun’s eyebrows furrowed. “You were ignoring me?”
“Only slightly,” Yoongi responded, to which Haryun let go of her grip on him and attempted to turn away. With the strain on her ankle and lack of balance, she looked like she was throwing a minor tantrum more than anything else. “But I had a reason!”
“Sure, that makes this so much better.”
“No,” Yoongi rushed to turn Haryun back towards him. “No, I have so much to say.”
Haryun startled at the abrupt yank Yoongi gave her arm to turn her around. Her shoulders rose as she staggered, and Yoongi gripped her arms to keep her in front of him, with nowhere else to go. And with the realization that she could not just walk away, Haryun relented.
“Okay, then. Speak.”
There is a second where Yoongi is afraid to speak now that he has permission to do so. He had expected Haryun to fight more for her to refuse to talk with him. So now that he was here, with her attention on him and willing to listen, Yoongi had no idea what to say.
Should he start by explaining who Umji was? Or maybe explain the whole ‘I ghosted you over text, and I’m sorry, but I was spiraling’? On second thought, perhaps he should drop to his knees and beg for forgiveness like a petulant child with no other options because that is what he felt like at that moment.
And just as Yoongi bent at the knees, the door to the auditorium slammed open, and a screeching, “Haryun, what is taking so long,” rang through the air, startling Yoongi upright. Haryun held an unimpressed expression as she looked over Yoongi’s shoulder to greet Moonhee, who seemed impatient with how long she had been waiting.
“I’m injured,” Haryun gestured down to her foot as she hobbled away from Yoongi and over to her belongings. “Be nicer to me.”
“It’s simply a sprain,” Moonhee corrected as she walked to stand next to Yoongi. She stopped directly next to him and scanned her eyes up and down his figure. “Hey, Yoongi-ssi.”
Haryun had managed to put her other shoe onto her foot and quickly limped back towards Yoongi and Moonhee. Yoongi smiled at Moonhee with the same gummy smile that Haryun despised (read: adored) and said, “Hey, Moonhee-ah.”
“What brings you here, Yoongi-ssi,” Moonhee reached for Haryun’s hand as she asked the question, although she already knew her answer. “Is it my sweet little Haryun-ah that brought you here because the other day she told me-”
“Nothing!” Haryun interrupted. “I told you and will be telling you nothing ever again.”
With a quick maneuver, Haryun gripped Moonhee’s wrist and tugged her toward the door and away from Yoongi, her steps uneven but determined.
“But, Haryun-ah, we still have to talk,” Yoongi reminded her as he trailed behind them. “It’s important.”
“Not now, Yoongi,” Haryun huffed once she reached the door. “I don’t have the time.”
“I’ll text you!” Yoongi was desperate as he yelled this. He hadn’t seen Haryun in two weeks, and he wasn’t exactly sure when he would get the opportunity to see her next.
Haryun didn’t believe a word that spilled from Yoongi’s mouth in that instance, and it was visible on her face. Yoongi couldn’t blame her, given their history, but he doubled his efforts.
“I promise I will,” He pleaded. “Right now.”
As Yoongi moved to grab his phone, Haryun held out her hand in his direction, stopping his movements.
“Okay, fine,” Haryun backpedaled, to which Moonhee snickered. “But give me a few minutes-”
Confusion washed over Yoongi’s face.
“-I have to unblock you first.” With her words being final, Haryun turned and walked out the door. Moonhee stayed in her place for a few moments, her eyes glittering with mischief as she glanced at Yoongi.
“It’s all a front,” Moonhee muttered. Her eyes turned soft. “She’ll listen to whatever you have to say, Yoongi-ssi.”
Then she was out the door, and Yoongi was left alone in the auditorium with a newfound sense of courage sizzling in his chest.
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 056 | haryun = geummi
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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A/N: I WILL BE SKIPPING THE THURSDAY POST!!! just wanted to give everyone a heads up because the chapter just doesn’t seem perfect to me so imma work on it some more until i actually like it.
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 053 | instagram stalking
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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A/N: lmao this is nothing serious but i just want to let you all know that you’re so cool for liking and interacting with my story. i appreciate y’all for real, you guys make updating so much fun. anyways thanks.
20 notes · View notes
crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 052 | a simple solution
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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As hard as she tried, Haryun could not deter her friends from returning to her apartment after their night at Hope World.
In large, public settings, her friends weren’t big partiers. They would be discreet with their drinking, tone down their voices, and behave tame compared to behind closed doors. While at Haryun’s apartment, they drowned themselves in alcohol they loved, spoke crudely and informally, and submerged themselves in one another’s presence that they acted like complete idiots.
Haryun would have welcomed the intrusion any other night, but as she planned on continuing her studies, she needed complete solitude. Not the erratic screams from Geummi and the consequential yells of scolding from Seyoung telling her to calm down.
From the moment the seven of them—eight when you count Jungkook—entered the apartment, Haryun sequestered herself in her room with a pot of coffee. The clock neared three AM as Moonhee grabbed a nearly empty bottle of wine and joined the seven other occupants of her apartment in the living room.
Geummi, Luda, and Namie lay on top of one another on the couch while Seyoung claimed the loveseat that was adjacent to the sofa. Moonhee took a spot on the floor in front of the couch while Jungkook and Yebin cuddled together on the floor in front of the loveseat. A random television show played in the background as everyone murmured amongst themselves, Moonhee taking occasional slugs directly from the wine bottle to sate her cravings.
“So, wait,” Geummi slurred from her spot in Namie’s lap. “Yebinie. Jungkookie. You’ve been together for how long?”
Jungkook, with his arms, wrapped securely around Yebin, answered. “Four years in November.”
Yebin nodded in agreement and leaned into Jungkook’s hold, comfortably on his chest. “We started dating when we were fifteen.”
“That’s too long,” Moonhee grumbled as she slammed the wine bottle onto the coffee table with a thud. “Way too long.”
Yebin shrugged in response. “I love him.”
And as if Jungkook hadn’t expected Yebin to say that, he cooed as he kissed her cheek. “You’re the sweetest.”
Geummi dramatically clapped at their show of affection while Namie scoffed in jealous disgust. Seyoung was in the kitchen, fixing everyone's glasses of ice-cold water that she constantly bombarded them with every few minutes. She focused on Geummi, seeing as she was the drunkest out of everyone.
“I think Jungkookie and Yebinie have a cute relationship,” Seyoung said as she shoved a glass in Luda’s face. “I wanna be just like them when I grow up.”
“They’re cute.” Luda deadpanned before she downed the entire glass in a few gulps and handed it back to Seyoung. “I just think relationships take a lot of work.”
“Not when you want it to work out, Noona,” Jungkook responded. “It’s easy with Yebin. We just make sure to communicate with each other.”
Once again, Namie scoffed. “That’s bullshit.”
“It isn’t Unnie,” Yebin softly spoke. She understood that Namie had a rough night and wasn’t saying these things to be mean; she was just emotional. “It helps if you both really and truly want to be together. Relationships work two ways.”
“Maybe that’s why I can’t ever be happy,” Namie slowly answered. Everyone heard her, but knowing that Namie hated mentioning anything about her love life, they let it pass and allowed her space and time.
The group tuned back into the television for a few moments. Everything leveled and calmed for what seemed like the first time that night. Moonhee slowly made her way to the end of the wine bottle, stubbornly refusing Seyoung’s glasses of water anytime she offered. 
“I don’t think-“
Haryun screamed from her room, her voice reverberating through the apartment so loud that it silenced everyone in shock. For a brief moment, Moonhee hadn’t registered that it was her name that Haryun yelled, but once she did, she jumped up and ran straight to her room.
The first thought to come to Moonhee’s mind was that Haryun was in trouble. The scream sounded panicked, like she needed immediate attention, and Moonhee planned to give it to her. But as she pushed open the door to Haryun’s room, instead of being welcomed to an ongoing struggle or injury, she was faced with Haryun’s phone shoved in her face and what looked like unshed tears in Haryun’s eyes.
“What is this,” Haryun hissed.
Moonhee was still slightly tipsy and had pushed up from the floor a little too fast, so everything was blurred. Instead of attempting to read whatever was on the phone screen, Moonhee shrugged and muttered, “What is it?”
“Your text,” Haryun stuttered. “You texted me-“
She paused to turn her phone back towards herself to read aloud. “When you get here, don’t look for yoongi. Why-Why couldn’t I have looked for Yoongi?”
Almost instantly, Moonhee sobered up. Her eyebrows raised dramatically, giving away her panic before she could adequately school her expression back to confusion and nonchalant. And Haryun could read Moonhee well enough to catch the millisecond shift in her facial expression to know she was about to lie.
“And don’t lie to me!”
“Well, shit,” Moonhee muttered in response. She had no choice. 
She kept quiet for a few moments, gathering her thoughts and thinking of a friendly and gentle way to tell her best friend that the same guy she had been fretting about over the past two weeks had been doing the complete opposite. Hell, to Moonhee, Yoongi seemed fine, almost as if he wasn’t worried about anything at all.
If Moonhee weren’t so sure that Haryun had strong feelings for the idiot, she would’ve punched him.
With a deep sigh that took a few moments to resonate, Moonhee spoke up. “Well, I guess I saw Yoongi with Yooa--lets be clear, I saw him kissing her.”
“You guess,” It took less than a moment for Haryun to respond. Almost as if she didn’t take the time to let everything sink in. “Or are you positive?”
Loud and hurried footsteps echoed outside the bedroom door, drawing both girls’ attention to the closed door just as it swung open and three bodies burst through it. Geummi came in with the most force, falling straight to the ground with drunken giggles. Namie was right behind her, holding the doorframe as Luda crashed into her back with how fast Namie had halted.
“I fell.” Geummi deadpanned before she, Luda, and Namie laughed in sync. 
Haryun knew that this meant they would have to pause their conversation to situate the three drunk stooges that had just burst into her room. There was no question that the three would be staying at Haryun and Moonhee’s apartment. They were too drunk to reach the front door, much less their apartment.
So as Haryun helped Geummi off the floor, Moonhee ushered Luda and Namie into the room and softly guided them toward Haryun’s bed. The bed wasn’t large by any means, it was a full size, but that was no trouble for the three girls. As soon as they climbed in, they latched onto one another in a drunken mess but managed to fit together like puzzle pieces.
Moonhee refused to leave them alone, so until she was sure the three were asleep, she forced Haryun to sit on the floor with her until the three drunk girls’ breaths were even. It took a few “shut ups” and “go to sleep,” but after twenty minutes, Haryun was positive they had all fallen asleep.
With oblivious hope, Moonhee thought Haryun had dropped the conversation and forgotten what they had been talking about before their interruption. But with the force that Haryun gripped Moonhee’s wrist and tugged her across the hall, Moonhee knew that Haryun was only getting started.
“Yun-ah, I don’t think-”
“No,” Haryun’s answer was curt and concise. “No. Tell me. Please.”
Moonhee scanned Haryun’s face and could tell she was struggling. She had no idea why Haryun wanted to know so bad, mainly because it would only hurt her in the end, but Haryun was her best friend, and they kept no secrets.
“At the party, Yoongi was kissing Yooa,” Moonhee repeated, watching Haryun’s reaction close. “I didn’t see a lot, but they were together most of the night. And the last thing I saw was them kissing.”
The air went still as Moonhee’s words still flowed through the air. The cogs in Haryun’s brain were turning as she took her time to process the words. She understood that Yoongi had kissed someone. That all made sense. But she couldn’t wrap her head around the stinging in her heart, the knot of air in her throat, and the pressure of tears behind her eyes.
That was what happened when Haryun was upset. When she wanted to cry, but that wasn’t the case.
“Okay…. Was that it?”
Moonhee had perched herself on the edge of her bed moments ago, but Haryu’s faux nonchalance is what got her to shoot up in disbelief. “No, no, no. Tell me how you’re feeling. Be honest with me. Bare it all.”
“I have,” Haryun shook her head in response. “I am-”
“No, either you tell me the truth, or you’re sleeping on the couch.”
The injunction might’ve seemed futile and like a joke to others, but Haryun knew what it meant. Sleeping on the couch was a metaphor of sorts for the silent treatment. And when Moonhee put Haryun on the silent treatment, it was unbearable. The way Moonhee practically acted as if Haryun didn’t exist made living with her brutal, it had only happened once in the past, but that was enough for Haryun never to want to experience it again.
The erratic beating of her heart hurt a lot. It dawned on Haryun what her behavior meant, why she was so hysterical about Yoongi kissing someone else, why she was so disappointed that he had yet to text her—to pay attention to her.
A smug, conceited smirk sat on Moonhee’s lips, and if Haryun didn’t love her so much, she would’ve slapped her. Moonhee had known. She was Haryun’s best friend. For crying out loud, she knew what every emotion of Haryun’s looked like, even if Haryun had trouble deciphering her feelings. It sickened her to the core, but her best friend was right.
“So, what are we feeling tonight, Yun-ah?” Moonhee’s tone was all-knowing as she crossed one leg over the other and folded her hands together.
Haryun was speechless. Not because she couldn’t find the words—she knew what Moonhee wanted from her, but she refused to say it. Did it only take fourteen days for Haryun to feel something for Min Yoongi? Was it the coffee, or was it his stupid gummy smile? Maybe it was his cat-like eyes and the dark pools of brown that had Haryun dreaming of him day in and day out. Or was it the way he spoke to her? Like he understood her every word and hung onto them like they were honey to his ears.
“My god,” Haryun quietly groaned. “I like Yoongi.”
“I’m sorry,” Moonhee leaned forward as she cupped a hand behind her ear, beckoning Haryun to speak up. “I don’t think I heard that.”
With a huff, Haryun repeated herself, this time with confidence. “I like Yoongi.”
“Oh good,” Moonhee smiled. “Now tell him that.”
“You must want me to combust because I will do that before Yoongi ever hears those words from my mouth.”
“But he likes you too!”
Haryun snorted in disbelief. “Oh really? What told you that? Was it him making out with Yooa tonight, or maybe it was that he hasn’t spoken to me in two weeks!”
“We won’t know until you tell him!”
“I will be doing no such thing,” Haryun grew fearful at the idea of revealing her feelings to Yoongi. “I just want to wallow in self-pity until my undying love withers away naturally.”
“Now it’s love,” Moonhee raised her eyebrows in interest. “That’s way different than like, Yun Bun.”
“Oh, suck it! I want to have his children, okay!”
“Woah,” Moonhee was on her feet now, cautious with her words. “Haryun, if you’re serious about this, tell him.”
Silence swarmed the room for a few moments. Haryun’s eyes danced from wall to wall as she thought about the situation. Yes, telling Yoongi would make everything feel less stagnant, but Haryun was afraid. This type of thing overwhelmed her and made her want to cry.
So she did.
The first tear streamed down her cheek as she whined. “I can’t.”
Wordlessly, Moonhee wrapped her arms around Haryun as they stood in the middle of the room. There were many conversations between the two about Haryun’s trouble voicing her feelings. She was stubborn when it came to letting others know what she felt. Whether it was annoyance or fondness, Haryun never had a good way of communicating her more intense emotions, and Moonhee knew that.
But in this instance, Moonhee couldn’t let Haryun sabotage herself. Never had Moonhee seen Haryun fall for someone so fast, so intensely, so entirely that she had to convince her to do something.
“Let’s take baby steps,” Moonhee whispered into Haryun’s ear, her breath tickling the skin. “We don’t have to jump straight in, but we are doing this.”
Haryun whined more intensely as she burrowed deeper into Moonhee’s arms.
“But for tonight, let’s just sleep,” Moonhee suggested, turning the two of them towards the bed and tucking them under the covers.
Haryun cuddled up to Moonhee’s side as they sat in the room's darkness. Rhythmically, Moonhee rubbed Haryun’s back in a soothing pattern that Haryun could’ve slept immediately. 
But she didn’t.
Her mind was still racing with thoughts of Yoongi and Yooa and what they had done that night. Nothing perverse, but what Yoongi had felt with her compared to what Yoongi felt with Haryun. Was it more fulfilling?
Was this one night with Yooa better than the two weeks with Haryun?
A multitude of intrusive thoughts scrambles around Haryun’s mind as she attempts—and fails—to fall asleep in Moonhee’s arms. There was only so much she could take before she reached across Moonhee toward the nightstand and grabbed her phone from where it lay.
“You need to sleep,” Moonhee moaned with her eyes closed and breaths close to even. “It’s almost four.”
Ignoring her altogether, Haryun unlocked her phone and opened Instagram. She scrolled aimlessly for a few minutes, her thumb hesitant in how it scrolled as she felt her subconscious edge closer and closer to letting her impulsive actions win. There was a reason she grabbed her phone, and there was also a reason she helplessly scrolled until she was positive Moonhee was sleeping.
Into the search bar, Haryun typed hobisunrise as her heartbeat sped to a pace that felt inhumane. With one press of her finger, she came across Hobi’s account and pressed on his following tab.
There was a moment of reflection. Did Haryun want to do this? Was this the wisest choice? Probably not. But she was far too gone—far too desperate to care.
With the dried tear streaks still on her cheeks, Haryun typed yoongi into the search bar. As each letter appeared, the accounts disappeared once a solitary account was left.
yoon93 — 민윤기
Haryun slowly looked at Moonhee’s sleeping figure, knowing that if she were awake, she would’ve snatched the phone from Haryun’s hand with a quickness only she possessed. But Haryun planned for this, and with the freedom of Moonhee not knowing a thing, she pressed the profile and followed it.
Leisurely, she scrolled through his account. There were photos of Hoseok, a few of Namjoon, and a lot of Yoongi with his blond hair dressed in athletic wear either post or pre-practice. It was hard for Haryun not to comment a slew of heart emojis or write sonnets beneath his pictures about what he does to her heart, but she persevered.
Further down his account were photos of Yoongi and a girl months back. She didn’t look familiar to Haryun, but she was to Yoongi with how he looked at her in the pictures and had his arm wrapped around her in each.
Word around campus spread fast, whether by word of mouth or the SNU Student Updates account on Twitter. Never had anyone said Yoongi had a girlfriend or mentioned anyone that would be worthy of posting on his Instagram feed. In all honesty, Haryun paid no mind to Yoongi before their night at Hope World together, but rumors were rumors. And no matter how much you didn’t want to hear them, you did.
So why hadn’t she heard of this girl? And why had she never seen her before?
Seven photos of Yoongi and the mysterious girl were on his page, all within three months. But the most recent out of the seven had Haryun curious. With the way their mouths were centimeters apart, and their eyes gazed lovingly into one another’s, there was no question whether or not there was a romantic nature to these pictures—to their relationship. 
It confused Haryun and made everything so complicated.
With a deep sigh, Haryun prepared to sleep. She glanced at the picture just as Moonhee gasped before she jolted in her sleep. It startled Haryun, who locked her phone hastily, afraid to be caught by Moonhee with what she had been doing.
After she calmed the beating of her unpredictable heart, Haryun slid her phone beneath the pillow and shut her eyes to sleep. She’d deal with her stupid feelings tomorrow. Her night had been long enough between studying, dancing at Hope World, and crying about a guy that gave less than two craps about her.
It would bring her some stability to forget about Min Yoongi for a day. Maybe that would be the simple solution to all her problems.
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 051 | and we party, part two.
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
☆ ⁄⁄ ★
The atmosphere was permeated with high energy and the tangible thrill of partying at Hope World. While most partygoers chose to indulge in the free and unlimited booze, Kim Namjoon took to having deep conversations with anyone who would listen. For someone who happened to be as good-looking and smooth-talking as himself, there were plenty who gladly listened.
          As the party continued entirely, Namjoon was crowded in a corner, one that gave him the ability to see the entirety of Hope World, save for the top lot areas, as well as gave everyone the ability to see him. Throughout the night, many had sought out Namjoon. Whether to ask for a dance or simply say hello, there was a revolving door of people that wanted his attention.
          Nayeon held his attention for the moment, with her feigned interest in Namjoon's plant life and how much detail he had to put into caring for his three bonsais that were back at his apartment. He could tell that Nayeon wanted something else if the way she repeatedly leaned closer and threw herself into him each time she over-exaggeratedly laughed. The joke he had told was not even worthy of a chuckle, but he'd be lying if Namjoon said he didn't like to test how far he could get others to try and please him for their own benefit.
          Once she had straightened herself up and crowded even closer to him, Nayeon cleared her throat before she spoke, "I really admire how much you care for nature, Namjoon."
          He shrugged nonchalantly, having heard that many times before and knowing no one genuinely meant it. It used to bother him initially, but now, not so much.
          "Do you maybe want to-" Nayeon had continued, and before Namjoon could softly let her down, he heard his name called just as two arms embraced him around his waist.
          "Namjoonie," Jisoo whined as she slid herself flush against Namjoon, hugging him to her body. "I was looking for you everywhere. You've been in this corner all night, baby."
          Without a glance in her direction, Jisoo had given Nayeon a hint to put some distance between herself and Namjoon. Admittedly, Namjoon would often flirt too loosely for someone that was in a relationship for the past seven months. Jisoo would tell him repeatedly how he was at fault for entertaining different girls with his body language and the lulls in his deep voice. Still, it was hard for Namjoon to not flirt back. Almost as if it was second nature, he felt the need to feed into it and play a little, but it always sparked discourse with Jisoo. Yet tonight, Jisoo had let herself loose and forwent the scolding she would've laid upon him.
          Somewhere between Jisoo's petulant whines and Namjoon rubbing her back to sate her, Nayeon had discreetly left the two. It was better that way, he'd thought. It had saved everyone the embarrassment of seeing Nayeon look guilty and apologetic when she knew Namjoon had a girlfriend--everyone knew Namjoon had a girlfriend.
          There was no time for Namjoon to speak before Jisoo tugged him toward the dancefloor. However, before he could step foot into the crowd, his eyes caught onto a familiar figure that had him freezing in his tracks. A chill so cold and startling ran up his spine as his brain vibrated and contorted to understand what, no who, he was looking at. Dressed from head to toe in black was Yoon Haryun as she made her way through the crowd, with no signs of hesitation as she continued onward and toward the stairs.
          With the way Namjoon watched her, you would think she had offended him in some way, perhaps she had owed him something, and he wanted to make sure she never left his sight.
Although the moment she had disappeared up the stairs, a voice came from Namjoon's right, a quick "Hyung," that was audible over all of the noise. Taehyung seemed to have noticed the same event unfold before his very eyes if his shocked expression was anything to go by.
“I don’t know,” Namjoon simply said in response to Taehyung’s silent questioning of what Haryun was doing there.
As Jisoo realized her boyfriend had other obligations that did not lie on the dance floor, she sauntered into the arms of Chaeyoung, who whisked her deep into the crowd. As if they had been replaced with Jisoo, Seokjin and Hoseok came right from the group of people on the floor and straight over to join Taehyung and Namjoon.
"Okay," Seokjin was a bit unsteady on his feet, but his eyes were determined. "I don't know if it is just the liquor or what, but I swear I just saw Haryun on the dancefloor.”
“Because it was, hyung,” Taehyung quickly answered right as Hoseok blew his eyes wide and let out a noise of disbelief at the new information.
"Wait, Haryun as in," Hoseok raised his hand beneath his chin. "This tall and said she couldn't make it to the party, Haryun?"
“Do we know any other Haryun, Seok-ah?” Seokjin sassily replied as he turned to face the younger boy.
Hoseok fell into a rant of defending himself as Taehyung and Seokjin continued with their taunts and teases. Still, Namjoon was focused on something else--something far more important that could make or break their entire evening.
“Where’s Yoongi-hyung?”
The question seemed to quiet down the other three as they joined Namjoon in searching the club for their friend. Earlier that evening, as they had been getting ready for the party, Yoongi was hesitant to attend, using every possible excuse under the sun to not go.
"I feel a cough coming on. What if I get sick?"
"I don't plan on drinking anyway. I won't have any fun."
“But what if my Eomma calls? I can’t not answer her phone calls.”
It was futile and sad to watch, but as Seokjin explained to Yoongi that none of those possible scenarios mattered and that Yoongi was going to the party, whether it was by his free will or Seokjin physically dragging him, Yoongi ceased all of his complaints and begrudgingly got ready. The first few minutes of the party saw Yoongi being pessimistic and a grouch, his butt practically glued to the seat in the booth where the seven had initially been seated. But as they knocked back more shots and he had gotten out of his head, Yoongi scampered off into the depths of the party, and none of them had seen him since.
“He was at the billiards an hour ago-” Hoseok began with his voice trailing towards the end.
But Namjoon finished his statement for him. “With Yooa, right?”
Hoseok nodded shortly. “But that was an hour ago.”
“Saw hyung with her by the stairs in the back hall,” Taehyung said. “The ones near the bathroom.”
A loaded bout of silence set over the four as they all subconsciously understood where Yoongi was and what he was doing. The stairs in the back hall led to one place only; each had been acquainted with those spaces before.
“So, are we telling him that she is here, is the question?” Namjoon was the first to break the heavy silence.
“Unless you want to be the one to go into one of those rooms and run the risk of seeing Yoongi’s bare ass cheeks, then the answer is no,” Seokjin flatly said. “No, we are not.”
Hoseok looked as if he had something to say, but the excited cheers of Jungkook and Yebin as they walked over to the four of them killed whatever words were on his tongue.
“Why does everyone look so sad,” Yebin shouted once she joined them. “Looks like someone did something wrong.”
“Nah,” Taehyung answered offhandedly, being sure to keep his voice level. “Nothing happened.”
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          With Haryun agreeing to dance with them just once, each of her friends hurried to gather their belongings before they made their way to the dance floor. It took a bit longer for Haryun and Moonhee to join the others, seeing as Moonhee had kept Haryun back as the others made their way down the stairs.
          “Yun,” Moonhee said, crowding close to Haryun’s side as she spoke. “Did you see my text?”
          Haryun furrowed her eyebrows in response. “What text?”
          Once she understood that Haryun did not see her text, Moonhee looked conflicted as her eyes darted back and forth avoiding all eye contact. She began to explain herself, a deep sigh leaving her lips as she did so, but a loud voice echoed around the building.
          “I've received a request from three special ladies as we turn the lights low and celebrate Park Jimin,” the DJ announced through the microphone, dragging the two girls' attention away from each other and to the stage on the lower level. “Let’s have fun, everybody!”
          Cheers rang through the air as the lights dimmed, engulfing the entire club in darkness, the familiar hues of color coming to life as the strobe lights activated. Haryun turned back to her best friend, expecting her to continue. Moonhee simply told her it was nothing before dragging her down the stairs and onto the dance floor to join their friends.
          In moments like these, Haryun understood why her friends like to party. Everyone was doing their own thing as they enjoyed themselves to the fullest, with immense joy and a sense of euphoria as you surrendered yourself to the music. Bodies pushed up against her own as Haryun giggled and danced, a few unfamiliar, while Moonhee made sure to stay close. The beat of the song picked up as the energy on the floor increased. Moonhee snatched Haryun's bucket hat from her head, placing it on her head as she belted out the lyrics to the song, causing a blanket of warm adoration to fall over Haryun's being.
          Further into the crowd were Luda and Namie. The two girls clutched onto one another tightly as they swayed to the beat and basked in the other's presence. A short distance from the two of them, Haryun spotted Yebin and Jungkook. The couple danced around Seyoung, looking like two excited puppies with their owner as they jostled the older girl between them with gigantic smiles on their faces. Seyoung's eyes were leveled as she let them toss her between them; she would do anything to make them happy. They knew that as they only elevated the ridiculous dance moves that they persuaded her to do as the music continued.
          Stress about school, life, and everything in between faded away as they danced, enjoyed each other’s presence, and just lived in the moment. The music slowed as the bridge came, and Haryun crowded closer to Moonhee. Their giggles grew soft, as did their touches, Moonhee turning to place her back to Haryun's front, and they playfully danced with one another. Moonhee's arms rose above her head as she leaned back to rest her head on Haryun's shoulder as they let the lyrics wash over them.
          Are you gonna be the one?
          I want you to be the one.
          Everything grew fast-paced as the beat returned and a surge of liveliness washed the crowd as a figure climbed on top of the bar with encouraging cheers. In a flash, another person joined the first, and a scream left Moonhee's mouth as she recognized the two people on the bartop.
          While Moonhee found it entertaining, Haryun was appalled and genuinely worried-- “What the fuck are they doing?!”
          Geummi, in her drunken glory, danced across the bar, her movements sloppy and encouraged by the liquor in her system. Luda hopped up there with her, dancing in sync with the music. She remained cautious as she made sure to steer Geummi away from the edge anytime she got too close or erratic. The cheers from the crowd were deafening, and they picked up once Geummi unbuttoned her loose, satin shirt button by button, one by one. Once she had taken it off, leaving her in a cropped tank top, she swung the thin piece of the garment around her head twice before it flew from her arm and was lost within the crowd.
          Having seen enough of her drunk friend put on a striptease for strangers, Haryun began to push her way through the crowd and towards the bar. It was hot and stuffy, and she was almost positive she got someone's sweat or saliva on her forearm as she shoved people to the side, but Haryun couldn't care at the moment. As she cleared most of the crowd, she caught sight of the top of Seyoung's head as she gestured fiercely at Luda and Geummi to get down once the song ended, and the lights slowly turned back on.
          The cheers faded as if the air hadn't been electrified a moment ago. The calm atmosphere returned as everyone dispersed. Geummi was sitting on the bartop now, a pout on her face as Seyoung scolded her with short words and a stern look on her face. Moonhee came up behind Haryun with a look of pure adrenaline in her eyes as she held Geummi's discarded shirt in her hands.
          "That was amazing," Moonhee gushed as she handed the shirt to Seyoung, who laid it across Geummi's shoulders. "Top ten, top ten."
          Luda was still standing atop the bar, her arms crossed, and gaze focused on her group of friends as they surrounded the bar section. "She's far too gone to remember any of this tomorrow."
          “Don’t worry,” Namie called out. “I got it all on video.” She helped Luda down from the bar as Seyoung concluded her scolding session with Geummi.
          "Okay, we're done," her voice was stern as she faced the group with her hands fisted by her sides. "No more drinking, no more dancing. We are leaving.”
          Seyoung had never been rude to any of them; it wasn't in her nature. But their entire friend group knew there was a tone she would use whenever she was at her limit, and that was the exact tone she had at the moment. There were no objections as everyone gathered close to make sure they were leaving with everything they came with. As they did so, Seyoung kept her grip on Geummi with one hand and Yebin with the other.
          “You two are not leaving my sight,” Seyoung instructed. “You too, Jungkookie, you’re leaving with us too.”
          Jungkook’s eyes went round as his lips pulled into an adorable pout. “But, Noona.”
          “Nuh uh, hold Yebi’s hand,” Seyoung left no room for negotiation as she gestured with her head for Jungkook to follow her command. “No one is letting go until we are home, okay?”
          Like they were preschoolers caught doing something wrong, the three nodded solemnly as Seyoung led them to the entrance, not letting any of them go as they walked. Namie followed close behind, having had an excellent time at the party but never being someone who could stay up too late in the evening. As the five of them made their way to the exit, Haryun turned to Moonhee, ready to leave.
“Wait, Noona! Haryun-noona," The voice was faint over the music, but Haryun turned to face the source--she turned to face Park Jimin.
          Elation was an understatement to Haryun's expression. She had indeed been conflicted about missing Jimin's party because she wouldn’t be seeing Jimin, but as he walked over to greet her, she felt her heart settle into her chest with happiness.
          “Jimin-ah, happy birthday!” She cried out as she pulled him into a hug. “I’m so happy to see you.”
          “I’m glad you could make it, Noona. How come I didn’t see you earlier?” Jimin pulled back with a quizzical look.
          "Oh, I only just got here," Haryun rushed to explain. "And I'm actually leaving now, so-"
          “Did you get to see hyung?”
          Moonhee's eyes blew wide involuntarily; she hadn't meant to seem so surprised at the question. Had Jimin not been aware that Haryun and Yoongi hadn't spoken in two weeks? Unless Haryun hadn't told her that Yoongi had finally texted her, but that was impossible, Haryun told her everything. From each time she shaved her armpits to the tumultuous time she had with waiting for Yoongi's text. How had Jimin not known?
          “Do you mean Y-”
          "Seokjin-ah," Moonhee yelled as she caught sight of Seokjin standing a few feet behind Jimin. He looked caught off guard and his face filled with brief dread as he noticed Moonhee had called out his name and gestured for him to join them. "I didn't see you there-oh, and Hoseokie too!"
          It was a weak attempt at changing the topic, but it had worked, Moonhee gleamed. As Jimin's two friends walked over to greet them, Moonhee caught another pair of eyes a bit farther away, but she knew those dragon eyes anywhere.
          “Namjoonie,” she screamed again, her eyes narrowed. “You too, come on!”
          Everyone exchanged hugs belatedly once they saw Haryun. She seemed happy to see them all and had fallen into a short conversation with Hoseok when Jimin had interrupted.
          "Hyung, could you take a picture of us?" Jimin asked as he held up a polaroid camera. Lord knows where he got it from, but no one questioned it as Jimin wrapped his arms around Moonhee and Haryun and smiled into the camera lens. Hoseok counted down from three, and the camera flashed and produced the undeveloped photo. Jimin begged for a few more, each one with a different pose, as Hoseok happily clicked away each time the three of them changed their positions.
          "One more, one more," Haryun urged as she gestured for Moonhee to turn toward Jimin, and as Hoseok counted down, the two girls leaned in and pressed a kiss to each of his cheeks. Jimin's smile was gigantic as his eyes fell into endearing crests, just as they do whenever he is overly happy.
          “That was a good one,” Hoseok said as he took the undeveloped photo and fanned it to make it appear faster.
          "Wah, if this is what happens when it's your birthday, I'll make sure you two are at my party," Seokjin quipped as he patted Jimin on the back.
          "Where were you two when my birthday was last month," Namjoon cried while he held his hands towards the girls.
          "Next year, Namjoonie," Moonhee grasped Haryun's hand, signaling they needed to leave. "But we have to go."
          Namjoon hurriedly stepped forward. "Let's hang out soon. It's been a while since I've seen you, Haryun-ah."
          There was a level of discomfort on Haryun's face as she nodded curtly. Her smile was tight, but her eyes showed authentic emotion as she agreed. "Sure, Joonie, whenever you want."
          “I’ll text you,” Hoseok said with finality as he pulled her in for a short hug.
          The farewells were short before Moonhee pulled Haryun away and toward the exit.
          “That was fun.”
          Moonhee snorted smugly. “I told you.”
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          The party didn't begin its decline until two hours later as people called it quits and slowly trickled from the building one by one. After their run-in with Haryun, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Seokjin took refuge in a booth as they talked among themselves over pints of beer. The night was a success to Jimin's standards. He had spoken to all of his friends, felt love from all the birthday wishes, and honestly had a good time as everyone gathered to celebrate him.
          He never missed an opportunity to thank Hoseok and Namjoon for organizing the party each time he ran into them throughout the night. Hoseok assured him he loved every second of planning the party but that it felt easy doing it for someone like Jimin, someone he cared about a lot.
          Each of them had been leisurely sipping on their beers as they waited for the club to vacate. By the time they had moved onto their second serving, Taehyung had joined them, and by the third, Yoongi had made his appearance. Yoongi's blond hair was unruly, his eyes were low, and red smudges of what his friends could only assure was lipstick sat to the left of his mouth. His lips were bruised as they told the story of what Yoongi had been preoccupied with all night while he was absent from his friends.
          “Enjoyed yourself there, bud,” Seokjin teased as Yoongi slid into the booth with the rest of them. “You look a mess.”
          Wordlessly, Hoseok slid a glass of whiskey neat over to Yoongi, who received it graciously as he downed the glass like water. “I did, hyung. It was a blast.”
          “You have a little,” Namjoon pointed to his own lips as a way to gesture to Yoongi that he had remnants of his hookup on his face. “All over.”
          Taehyung chuckled as he watched Yoongi attempt (and fail) to rid himself of the red smudges, too entertained to offer any help of his own. By that moment, the last few stragglers of the party had cleared out. At the same time, the DJ swapped his upbeat tracks for melancholy, slow ones, as he usually did once the party ended.
          Doing his routine headcount, Seokjin lifted a brow at the absence of their youngest and new member of the friend group. "Anyone seen Jungkookie?"
          “He left with Yebin-ah,” Taehyung answered as he polished off his pint of beer. “He texted me a few minutes ago.”
          “He made it home safe?”
          Taehyung shook his head. “He’s staying at Seyoung-Noona’s.”
          "Lucky bastard," Hoseok grumbled at the exact moment that Jimin gasped quite loudly.
          “They developed,” He excitedly shared, pushing the polaroids around the table.
          Namjoon tried his best to discreetly keep them from Yoongi. Seokjin and Hoseok attempted to help aid his efforts, but Yoongi's hands were fast as he snatched up one of the polaroids and let his eyes drink it in. It was unclear if it was because of how intoxicated he was or if he was just unprepared. A million emotions ran through his dark eyes in less than a minute. Rage, sadness, yearning, surprise--to use just one word would be a disgrace to describe his face at that very moment.
          "When-" Yoongi paused as his eyes danced over each of his friend's faces. "When was Haryun here?"
          The silence was almost comical as it only left the music from the DJ audible. At that moment, A Whole New World had just reached its crescendo as it poured over the six of them. Seokjin struggled to hold in his laughter while Hoseok let himself hum along, but Yoongi--Yoongi never let his eyes leave the polaroid in his hand.
          It was a picture of Jimin with Moonhee and Haryun. Haryun was on Jimin's left, his arm around her waist as she leaned into his side and pressed his cheek to hers. Her smile was bright and pure, and everything that set Yoongi's heart aflame and tore it apart simultaneously. No mundane person held the power to invoke such violent and intense emotions within another's heart, but Haryun could, and maybe she was celestial in her own sense.
          That was the only thing that made sense to Yoongi. That was why his heart sped up at the sight of her and the mere sound of her name.
          “Earlier, hyung,” Jimin answered once no one else did. “For a few moments.”
          Robotically, Yoongi shook his head in disbelief. “None of you told me?”
          “To be fair-”
          Seokjin finished Hoseok’s sentence. “-You were quite busy.”
          All of the colors drained from Yoongi's face as he realized what he had done that evening. He hadn't come to the party intending to hook up with anyone. He had simply wanted to enjoy Jimin's birthday, but that was hard to do when every ten minutes he was looking to the entrance for the arrival of a certain someone. His attempts at being inconspicuous were futile, as the third time he glanced to the doorway, Namjoon had handed him a shot of lousy alcohol and encouraged him to let loose.
          It had taken more than one shot, but eventually, Yoongi forgot all about his worries and took to a game of pool with Seungcheol, Mark, Minhyuk, and Jooheon. The game was silly and laidback with no real stakes, but it kept him preoccupied, which was the goal. Once Yoongi and Minhyuk secured their win, it was less than ten minutes between Yooa asking him to dance, them taking two shots, and her lips landing on his. Throughout the evening, Yoongi hardly remembered anything that wasn't Yooa's lips on his, his hands on her body, and their bodies pressed against one another.
          A year ago, Yoongi would have loved this. Hookup culture was something he endorsed, if not lived by. No strings, no attachments, no promises--it was perfect. But now, in that very moment, with the polaroid in his hand and a fresh reminder that he had been naked and deep inside of someone less than an hour ago, had bile sitting at the back of his throat.
          There was guilt, disgust, and a feeling that he needed a scolding for everything he had just done. But the worst part was that he had no idea why he was feeling these emotions.
          Noticing how silent he had become, Jimin nudged Yoongi on his side and gained his attention. "Hyung, are you okay?"
          His friends watched with loaded anticipation as they awaited his response. Namjoon was sure rage would be the prominent emotion, but as Yoongi set the picture down on the table and his crestfallen face was visible to each of his friends, Namjoon wasn’t too sure.
          “She was here?” Yoongi resembled a kicked puppy, his eyes glossed over.
          “Yeah, but like we said, Hyung,” Hoseok gently reminded him. “It was for ten minutes, max. We were just lucky to run into her.”
          "Caught her on her way out, actually," Jimin added. "So don't beat yourself up. She probably didn't mean to ignore you."
          Yoongi wasn’t so sure about that.
          "Just text her," Seokjin pretended to be nonchalant as he spoke, as if his words didn't hold as much weight as they did in that situation. "I'm sure that'll go well."
          Coincidences were mean and cruel things like fate wanted to laugh at others' misery, which was no exception to Yoongi. Because the moment Seokjin laughed to himself, Yoongi's phone buzzed. A single message on the screen, and as he opened it, he read:
[ from unknown ]: hey yoongi, its yooa
[ from unknown ]: lets hang out tmrw, my treat. txt me if ur down
          Was it all a joke to fate, karma, and voodoo to make Yoongi's life a living hell? He wondered who he had pissed off in his past life to receive this kind of sardonic treatment as he simply locked his phone, glared at the polaroid that haunted his conscious, and threw his head back in frustration.
          So much for no deadlines, he thought. Because Yoongi had to make a choice soon and it would not be easy.
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A/N: okay part twoooo. if you wanna be added to the taglist just send me an ask since i’m actively updating again. also, in a few chapters imma ask whose story you want next (either hobi or seokjin), so i can start planning. okay that’s it! see ya sunday :))
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 062 | code red
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ 054 | men are dumb
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
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tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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crownjimin · 2 years
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☆ ⁄⁄ ★ epilogue | baby you're a caramel macchiato
coffee — the enemies to lovers social media au where min yoongi refuses to date a cheerleader, but yoon haryun might be able to change that.
( masterlist / prev / the end )
tag(s): @secretlycrazyhummingbird @preciouschimine @bubblytaetae @btsarmymochi97 @chogiyeol-utopia @flyxfall @cherrybubblesandvodka
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A/N: okay and we're finishedddd. this epilogue is a bunch of nothing but the last one is a foreshadow to the next story which from the majority of the votes will be hobi's story! i'm going to take a break for two or three weeks just to plan and write and chill out but i'll be back soon :)) and thanks for reading coffee, hope you liked it.
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