#Ever think about any combinations of the three???? And their complex and fascinating dynamics?
worldendercharles · 1 year
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these three boys can fit so so many dynamics and themes and metaphors and symbolism and narrative tragedy and love in themī
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sitp-recs · 3 years
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Nightcall by Femme and noeon
Harry/Draco (2015, Explicit, 116k)
A hideously mauled corpse is found sprawled across the paving stones of Brick Lane in the East End of London. Inspector Harry Potter--widely believed to be the lead candidate for next Deputy Head Auror--is called in to investigate a possible magical crime. To make matters worse, his occasional lover and former school-nemesis, Viscount Draco Malfoy, now billing himself as a consulting criminologist, shows up at the crime scene to aid in the investigation of the suspicious death.
If there's one thing he and Potter both excel at, it's fucking. They may drive each other mad outside of bed, but here, with the sheets tangled beneath them, they fit perfectly, their bodies moving in just the right ways to bring them both to the brink of the little death.
I planned to post at least three more single recs this year but things have been so crazy at work I’m not sure if I’ll manage that. I almost didn’t write this one - mainly because I’m feeling a bit rusty, but also because Femme doesn’t need any introductions. I always feel a bit dull reccing a popular author because chances are everyone already knows their entire catalogue, right? But I don’t see this fic recced often and since I think it’s a perfect Christmassy read without being about Christmas (like, at all 😂) I thought I’d share my thoughts about it in case this sensual and unique Edwardian AU flew under your radar - and you, like me, gravitate towards darker and mysterious plots at this time of the year. I’m not particularly into creature fics but every now and then I revisit my favorites and this one is a must read for me simply because I can’t get enough of Femme’s storytelling! Each one of their fics presses my buttons just right, combining compelling characters, intriguing plot and rich, immersive world building - not to mention the trademark sinful smut, my god 🔥
Here’s a delicious 116k murder mystery tale with perfect historical vibes and an addictive fuck buddies to lovers dynamics. What a feast! Every little 1900s AU detail is brilliantly executed from the unique setting / language to the dark and sexy atmosphere, the complicated subversive Drarry romance, the central werewolf drama and its political implications, and fascinating side characters as a treat - btw this has one of the best Harry & Severus relationships I’ve ever seen in fic. The narrative is intriguing, spicy, intense and full of emotion, all characters breathing so much personality it’s impossible not to relate, fall in love and cheer for them. I love how human and flawed they are. Stories that give them room to be petty, stubborn and egotistical but keeps their hearts in the right place are my jam, and these authors always deliver that nuanced complexity in a deeply satisfying way.
This is ultimately a love story and a gorgeous one at that, told from different POVs with lots of vivid grit and suspense. It’s also a fascinating exposé of a conservative and frightened society that will stay with you through its vibrant cast, rich historical details and deliciously turbulent romance. Go ahead and enjoy!!
Read on AO3
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k-s-morgan · 3 years
Hi! This isn’t an ask, but more of a rambling that I deemed too long for the comments, that stems from your post claiming Book of Circus as your favourite Black Butler episodes. and to that I say - YES. Book of Murder is a masterpiece. It houses one of my favourite scenes - the one where Sebastian says: "This wasn't a scenario decided by God or fate, but one decided on by my master, with timing decided by my master. I was killed by the criminal expected by my master, by the Hione who came to torment my master", which really captures the essence of whole 'Ciel vs God' dynamic that's woven into the duration of the show.
Throughout the plot, there are three major instances in which an offering is made to Ciel - offerings of redemption. The first is from Angela - a chance to purify himself and have an afterlife - which he so vehemently rejects in the knowledge that he quite literally *is* his darkness, and therefore refuses to rid himself of it.
The second is comes from Abberline in his death, where in his final words he tells Ciel he has a chance to take back his future. And Ciel has to watch him die with the knowledge that he has already made up his mind about his fate. I don't think he's so affected because he regrets selling his soul. I don't think he suddenly wants to live, or no longer wishes for revenge. But I believe the reason he is so affected by Abberline's death is because he holds a sentimentality for him that is not dissimilar to the one he feels for Elizabeth. Ciel is cruel, I don't think he regrets the steps he has taken to get to this point, nor the ones he knows he must take in the future. But though he is cruel, I believe he has a sort of fond curiosity for the untainted goodness that characterises those like Abberline and Elizabeth. Like you said before, he feels condescension towards the man perhaps due to the naivety his blind heroism implies, but I think his attachments to him come from an underlying curiosity to see if such goodness can exist in such a corrupted world - a silent hope to be proven wrong in his cynicism. When Abberline dies, that very hope he didn't even know he had gets shattered. It brings about a sort of forced perspective that makes Ciel question himself in ways we haven't seen before.
Abberline's death had been avoidable and it was certainly in vain. Abberline had died for someone who had already made up his mind - someone who had rejected God once before and would do it time and time again as proven in the anime. Ciel is such an interesting character because, although he is dark, he still values the light and makes some sort of effort to preserve it in spite of the contempt he feels for them. It is the thought of dying in vain that seems to bother him so greatly, not death itself. No, Abberline dying isn't enough for him to want to live again, or to even think about throwing away his revenge - that was never in question. But it is enough to extinguish the lingering flicker of hope he had for humanity (despite being so distanced from term himself).
This, combined with the disappointment he feels at Sebastian's actions, causes the existential haze of uncertainty that leads to the third and final offering. And the most surprising thing is that this offering comes from Sebastian himself. He senses the doubt in Ciel and, like every thought the boy experiences, fails to understand it. He mistakes it for him second-guessing his revenge and decides to discontinue their contract. But he isn't angry - that much is clear. Instead, he wishes him to "forget everything and have pleasant dreams", with a rather wistful expression on his face. What this line ends up reading as is a bittersweet  goodbye from the demon - an offering for Ciel to let go of his revenge and find happiness in the afterlife with his now soon approaching death.  There is almost a strong disappointment in him, but is not resentful of it - Ciel is human and he can't keep expecting him not to be. His offering almost acts as a thank you for the moments of excitement their contract had given his monotone life and I believe that is why he makes it.
He sticks around to see if Ciel accepts his offer, though already expecting him to, and is there to witness the very moment the boy rejects it. Gone is the uncertainty of Abberline's death and the Paris crisis, and Ciel, the Earl of Phantomhive, returns to him - sharper, colder, more ruthless than ever. Sebastian realises his misjudgement and returns to his side, ready for the final battle. Killing an angel. It's laughably symbolic.
The rejections of God, the evasion of the Hope Diamond's curse (where he even wore two rings as if to taunt the fates), the references in Book of Murder - they all depict this metaphorical sort of battle between Ciel and God. And the ending of Kuroshitsuji II is the depicts how he triumphs over fate, claiming his rightful place as an immortalised creature of Hell.
I know I've gone on a bit of a tangent here in your inbox, but that one quote from Book of Murder is so symbolic to me in the way it sets up the comparison between Ciel and God (in which 'God' represents power over fate).
Before I sign off, though, I just want to make light of the existence of the show's final offering, occurring in the last few minutes of the series. This last offering has nothing too do with God, nothing to do with any complex battle between the Phantomhive and fate, but is much simpler than that. In fact, the final offering of the show comes from Ciel, and he gives it to Sebastian - it's almost poetic, is it not?
"Are you sure you don't want to pull it any tighter?"
In this single, unassuming line, Ciel is asking Sebastian if he wants to kill him, and release himself from the eternal contract they've found themselves in. Such a noble and dignified soul as Ciel would always be sure to make through on his word and, despite the loophole that now extends their contract, he would still be willing to let Sebastian kill him should he wish to do so. The man may no longer be able to take his soul, but the boy can still give the order to kill him and free himself. Ciel's respect for Sebastian is complex and contradictory at times, but what never changes is his willingness to die by his hands and see through to his side of the contract.
“Is it over? The one who plunged me into bottomless darkness… I don’t even know why she did it.”
In the episode where Angela is crushed by the Church, Ciel offers his soul to Sebastian. Even when unsatisfied with the result, his unwavering nobility led him to make good on their deal and fulfil his end of the contract. The earl faced the demon, his expression calm, and with a steady voice said “A promise is a promise. Take it.”
This unwavering dignity and nobility he holds in himself I believe is the reason for this offering and Sebastian's turn to reject it is almost a 'love confession' (as you have brought me to see it) in itself.
As a final sort of note - I just wanted to let you know that, since reading your reply to my comment on TGSTLTH (from a while ago), I brought myself to rewatch Kuroshitsuji II with your interpretation in mind and ended up really enjoying it. You've singlehandedly made me do a complete 180 on a season I previously hated - looks like I had just watched it from the wrong perspective. So, for that, I thank you
Hey! Sorry for getting to your ask just now. I absolutely loved it :D And yes, Book of Murder is a masterpiece - I still remember watching it for the first time. It was late at night, I had to go to bed, everyone was sleeping, but I kept watching because stopping just wasn't an option, I had to know what happened next.
Ciel vs God is such an interesting topic. In some ways, Ciel and Sebastian exist in their own universe where there is no place for anyone else. There is a God aka Ciel and a demon aka Sebastian. And they are both allies and adversaries at the same time - they are tormenting each other and uniting to torment others.
I agree absolutely that Ciel holds a fondness for certain people, with Lizzy and Abberline being a good example. He has a degree of contempt and irritation for them, but they do mean something to him. Ciel's curiosity is a big and detached thing, and this places him on Sebastian's level in such an interesting way because sometimes it's almost like Ciel isn't human himself - humanity intrigues him as if he doesn't belong to it. His fascination with the light just underlines his affinity with the darkness.
I have many thoughts about Ciel's behavior during the days following Abberline's death, and you certainly introduced many excellent points! My general opinion on Ciel's motives is... complicated. I agree that he never felt like really giving up his revenge and trying to live a 'happy' life - he knew it's not for him at that stage already. However, I feel like Abberline's parting words affected him a lot, even if briefly. When Abberline tells him that he can start everything from the beginning, Ciel sounds absolutely heartbroken when he confesses, "I don't have a future." The way he acts later, telling Sebastian to stop and not kill the angel, hesitating, reinforces this idea to me. I think you described it best - Ciel is having an existential crisis. It's not like he suddenly regrets his decisions, but he's temporary unanchored and unsure what he wants and what he should do. Having a dream where Abberline urges him to give up his hatred also seems to affect Ciel, but it's so telling that he wakes up and immediately says, "Sebastian." It's a fascinating arc and I can't wait to explore it.
I love your words about three offerings - so true. And I'm so happy you liked S2 when watching it from a new perspective! I used to be so confused as to why people hated it: it's not perfect, but I thought it was amazing in many ways, especially its bittersweet ending.
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Summer of 1899 fanfictions: with Philosophy, ancient Greek and Latin, foreign languages and a bit of Literature
(note: by “Summer of 1899 fanfictions”, I refer to the summer of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald’s meeting as teenagers)
(note: I am not a native speaker, so I apologise for the mistakes, inaccuracies, truly bad use of tenses and wrong phrases. I hope it won’t be too unpleasant. Let me know if something is really not understandable!)
What about philosphy, Latin, etc, but in 1899 fanfictions? (dark academia vibes, I know)
There are already quite a lot of fanfics about it but not enough - because it's so great, let me detail why it is (and expose my headcanons)
(the [1] and [2] are notes, check the end of the post to read them)
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(tiny disclaimer: i am not at all an advanced scholar on any of the following topics, just studying that kind of subjects and loving to draw parallels with hp. i hope i won’t say too many wrong things, etc.)
Philosophy :
Moral philosophy
The theories and questions throughout the history of moral philosophy (as far as I know) fit so well with the concerns of our revolutionary boys.
Is there any moral duty? Knowing wizards and witches could solve an amount of muggles' problems, is this immoral for them to stay in the shadows? What about the means of the revolution - is this ok to kill for the Greater Good, to initiate injuries, doom and destruction to build a better world, which cost is acceptable? What about consequentialism, utilitarianism, moral of virtue, deontological philosophy, idk? What's good? What's fair?
More touchy question: the maj-people are able to perform marvellous things, so are they consequently more important than maj-people? Because of their capacities, should they be praised - considered as superior beings - as gods? But if yes, should they treat muggles differently than they would treat wizards? If wizards shouldn’t be considered as superior beings, are they equal to muggles anyway?
And what about the Hallows - is this moral to possess them, considering they mirror Gyges’ ring? Should Albus and Gellet keep them for themselves, use them for the Greater Good (yes they want to, it’s clearly exposed in DH)? Is the Quest important enough to justify sacrifices?
Also, what about Aristotle’s virtue system - being moderate and all, use our reason to be in the middle? Because I’m sure as hell Albus and even more Gellert would reject this idea: isn’t it a form of passivism? (no, but through their pov and situation, they might think that)
(by the way they both read passages of Bentham's and Mill's and Kant's and Plato's and Aristotle's books nobody can convince me otherwise)
(I never read Nietzsche’s extracts and haven’t even merely a define idea of his theories to be honest, except for a few uncertain glimpses of his philosophy - he disagrees with religious morality and is quite vehement about it, and praises an idea of a free human being, released from this moral of the weaks. And as far as I know, I’m pretty sure Gellert would agree with him.)
Political philosophy
I do have a headcanon: Albus and Gellert both read the Republic of Plato (initially because it’s well-known and they didn’t want to be ignorant about it and they surprised themselves being enthralled by Socrates reflexions) ; and quite a lot of their discussions about a perfect society instituted by themselves (and about what’s fair and what’s good) were underpinned by the book.
Is this ok to rule the world? Which system is the best - tyranny, democracy, oligarchy? Are the wizards just like the philosophers and, thus, are righteously meant to be the aristocrats at the top of the government? And are all the wizards as legitimate as Albus and Gellert to rule the world (no)? What’s the acceptable extent of power they should have on civilians? What’s the necessary authority they must be allowed to have on civilians? What about the freedom of the press, of speech (those themes are explored in the Republic and well-), of maj-people and non-maj-people?
Philosophy of desire, joy, pleasure, beauty, etc
Have you ever heard of Plato? (sorry, again, yes.) Well in several Socrates’ dialogs, themes of love and desire are developed (I particularly think about the Symposium) and Albus and Gellert could be convinced by it: the praise of relationships between men, of intellect, of beauty… but also by the myth of Aristophanes (people are halves and search their soulmate (more or less)). Besides, I’ll be quite curious about what Albus and Gellert may say about Alcibiades’ eulogy of Socrates and what they may think of their dynamics.
(long story short, Alcibiades is young and handsome and desires the ugly Socrates, is fascinated by his intellect and considers him as the most interessant man he knows, and can’t help but feeling inferior facing him and being deeply humiliated because Socrates rejects him (on top of that, Alcibiades is drunk and jealous - the parallels to draw between them and our revolutionary boys are bloody interesting but back to the point))
Also, I totally see Albus and Gellert as hedonists during their youth - justifying their immoral and unwise chase of pleasure and complaisance by an artificial sentiment of moderation, temperance, so not true hedonists, like they are not epicurean at all - and this is again something quite compelling, I must admit.
Ancient Greek and Latin :
Latin and ancient Greek at Hogwarts
Throughout the 19th century, the civilizations of antiquity increasingly fascinated the intellectuals - a phantasm around the topic grew and influenced artists and erudite persons, and was furthermore a mark of the cultural capital and level of education of somebody.
Although we haven’t any clue about the fact that Hogwarts changed the disciplines provided through the centuries, we know it is possible : Dumbledore himself almost dismissed divination studies and depending the demands of the students, 7th years can study alchemy (most likely thanks a teaching offered by Dumbledore himself).
And I do have the headcanon that Hogwarts was in the past not that far from studies dispensed in english colleges - or at least, proposed classes of British (magic) Literature, maybe Law (like an elitist subject but necessary to enter in the Ministry and consequently pure-blood kids are always following that course) and, of course, ancient Greek and Latin classes.
And it was necessary, because Latin is the language of spells and most of the magical essays written back in antiquity were in ancient Greek - furthermore, the more complex, ancient and ruthless spells and rituals were based on ancient Greek and not on Latin, more used in everyday, ordinary, common magic (it is again an hc).
(by the way, Arabic and Hebrew could be as well considered as ancient languages used in magic (again an headcanon, but it would underline how magic is complex and has multiple forms and is not just European-centred), but I have the slight feeling that the ideologies and culture of European countries combined with xenophobia and racism have excluded the study of those languages even though they are also vital in the history of magic you know)
Yes it’s based on nothing, but it would be so great and ask so many things about the Wizarding World back in the late 19th and early 20th century - especially about social and political struggle between the population - pure-blood families vs muggle born students, etc [1]. (And it would satisfy my dark academia aesthetic. But quite irrelevant here.)
What about Albus and Gellert then?
Durmstrang could also dispense Latin of Ancient Greek class, in my opinion, but I think (again, imo), it is a bit unlikely. But it does not change the fact that Gellert had always been attracted to Dark magic; so he could have learned the basis by himself in order to decipher ancient Dark ceremonies, etc.
That’s why I think both of them had learnt ancient languages. Maybe Albus took an interest in Celtic dialects (Merlin’s language?), and Gellert was familiar with Vicking Runes. It obviously helped them regarding a lot of their magical and academic performances. Indeed, the boys were able to understand old papers about the Hollows, but also ancient rituals, etc. And thus, had a wide access to a more dangerous, unstable, raw and primeral practice of magic: it was not like the average spells in Latin, but an intricate way to unleash their potential [2].
Besides, only few people - erudites - were as interested as the boys were in these old ways to use magic, and needless to say that neither of those persons were as powerful as Albus and Gellert were. Furthermore, the boys were able to keep a balance between the complexity of the enchantments and the instincts they both have regarding the expression of their magic. They accordingly thought of being more powerful than everybody else.
Foreign languages :
The languages in the schools
It is clear that Hogwarts is exclusively Anglophone. The school is quite small: 40 students per year, so 280 students in all, coming from Great Britain - England, Ireland, Scotland, Yales, so the isles. We could also think that the wizardkind living in the CommonWealth during the colonial age also studied in Hogwarts. (again a hc, but Henry Potter and his son Fleamont were both born in India, fight me)
Durmstrang, on the other hand, could host quite more nationalities. I imagine the school having three main languages: German, French and English. But in fact, English and French are more “officials”, used by administration and in some classes (French was quite important at the time, right? then it was English?). So the students most likely speak between them in German (Germany had been formed in 1871 and I think the Austrian-Ungarian Empire was also Germanophone?), Russian, Hungarian, Lithuanian… well, all the languages spoken in Easten Europe.
(and just to mention it, I believe that Beauxbâtons is a huge school, bigger than Hogwarts and Durmstrang, because we need logic at some point - anyway)
What about Albus and Gellert then, again?
Gellert was probably speaking German, English (obviously, he wrote letters in English, spoke in English with Albus and Aberforth…), maybe French, and maybe another language depending on his mother country. I headcanon him coming from the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, but he might as well come from Denmark (the country of Mikkelsen?) or a Balkan State (there were wars here at the end of the 19th century, it could be an interesting theme), etc.
However, I doubt that Albus knew Danish or Hungarian, but he definitely spoke French rather well (he exchanged letters with Nicolas Flamel) and perhaps the basis of something else (Italian? German?).
I do not mention magical foreign languages they could have been familiar with - we know Albus is fluent in Goblegedook and Mermish in 1994, but I doubt he already was in 1899.
(Also, Albus’ mother came from America, so she might be originally from the Native American community and thus know an another language and let Albus know as well, but the fact that she is Christian (most likely, regarding what is her epitaph) let me doubtful; but I’m not enough informed about the Native American history to build meta, headcanon and theories, so I won’t explore this idea more.)
All in all, they are quite familiar with a lot of languages, and they certainly had a few conversations in what was not English (a mix of Latin, Ancient Greek, German and French, perhaps?) to infuriate Aberforth and not let him know about what they were talking about. (headcanon, again)
Literature :
We do not have a lot of clues about fiction - novels, theater or poetry - belonging to the wizarding universe - except Beedle’s Tales, of course. But we can imagine it exists.
Nevertheless, I am more interested in what Albus and Gellert might have read in the muggle literature. Besides, I think it is funny to consider that some writers or playwrights are known by muggles but are in reality wizards and witches - especially Braham Stoker, Mary Shelley… maybe Poe and Shakespeare as well.
So, I imagine that Albus and Gellert would have heard of Goethe, Heine, Novalis for German literature; maybe Hugo, Baudelaire, Flaubert for French literature… most likely Dante (definitely Dante). Though I honestly do not think they were fond of novels and literature, they could have been interested by it sometimes, when it echoed to something in them - Shakespeare, but also the story of Verlaine and Rimbaud, or Oscar Wilde’s story and unique novel.
There is also the theme of Oscar Wilde, homosexual writer, and his trial at the end of the 19th century, which are recurrent topics in 1899 fanfictions - a quite interesting one, imo. Have you ever read the Preface of the Picture of Dorian Gray? Definitely Albus and Gellert vibes.
All in all, I don’t think they may have been interested in literature for literature itself, but rather for the political aspect of it. (except for Shelley, Shakespeare and Dante which are a witch and two wizards, and are interested by the references to magic in the works themselves, again hc)
To conclude :
Even though 1899 fanfictions are great - and I thank you, 1899 fanfictions writers, you are amazing - I quite love the idea of all of this aesthetic that could developed. It is somehow prompt ideas.
(also I an studying humanities so it might be why I see those themes in 1899 fanfics so well, yes)
Thanks for reading! :)
Notes :
[1] : I wrote about the conservative Wizarding World and pure-blood families here:  Why are the Weasleys poor? (eng&fr) (theories about pure-blood families, inheritance, etc) /  How can everyone find their true-love and still be in love after years in HP? (”magic-soulmates” theory and conservative society)
[2] : I wrote about Dark magic and rituals in 1899 here: What if Antonio (Gellert Grindelwald’s chupacabra) had been created in 1899? / What about a dangerous, complicated and a bit gore alchemical experience tried by Albus and Gellert secretly?
And I posted quite a lot of things about GGAD, check the Table of contents if you are interested! :)
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absolutenil · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
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Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
0 notes
yideum · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
caitspera · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
lahiffed · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
nintendopoweronline · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
home-astronaut · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
spuhuras · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
1390photo · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
kenvac · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
pyramidsandmemories · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
0 notes
kokido-kuku · 3 years
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out?
Lucid Dreaming is an incredible experience! Would you like to find out how to lucid dream tonight?
First of all, let’s chat a bit about what Lucid Dreaming is. After that, we can get you heading towards experiencing a lucid dream tonight!
The Wikipedia interpretation of Lucid Dreaming is:
“A lucid dream can start in one of 2 methods. A dream-initiated lucid dream ( DILD) begins as a normal dream, and the dreamer ultimately concludes it is a dream.”
The secret to experiencing a lucid dream tonight is passing through the Delta and Theta states as you would usually. The crucial component, however, is instead of reaching the whole Alpha state, you navigate back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken; however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to your dreams.
Or put differently.
Enjoying a lucid dream tonight leads to “A dream state in which one is conscious enough to acknowledge that one is really in the dream state and is then able to manage the events within the dream.”
Having a lucid dream tonight is a dynamic experience and is entirely natural. It is simply like any other dream other than for your knowledge that it is a dream.
It can not harm you any more than an everyday “regular” dream might do. Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to do with the brand-new age, faith, the dark arts, or escapism.
Why would anybody wish to Lucid Dream tonight?
The answer is simple!
What if you could remain in complete control of your overall environments and capabilities?
Think of being in a world without any guidelines, no danger, and no limitations to what you could do?
Lucid Dreaming permits you to do all that, and it is only just scratching the surface!
Can you remember experiencing a dream that felt totally free and so amazing that after you eventually woke, you were incredibly disappointed that it was over? Well, visualize how you would feel if you could program yourself and learn how to Lucid Dream tonight and every night?
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Think about the possibilities when you harness this incredible power!
Do you want to visit and climb up the Sphinx?
Possibly fly all over the world (aided or unaided!)
See the magnificent view of the Grand Canyon or Mount Everest?
Swim and dive amongst marine animals in the most stunning turquoise ocean?
Get behind the wheel of the speediest red Ferrari you have ever seen?
Play and compete in the Superbowl or the Olympics or wander a lovely grassy meadow with your liked one?
Anything you can envision is attainable when you experience and are in control of a lucid dream.
At first glance, it might sound like pure fantasy. However, Lucid Dreaming is exceptionally realistic and vivid and not dissimilar to the waking experience version!
Everything you experience appears natural. Yet you have the bonus of being safe and out of risk no matter what you are experiencing.
Lucid Dreaming is Not Just For Remarkably Vibrant Dreams
We have gone over mainly using Lucid Dreaming for Experience and Enjoyment. There are, however, several other terrific applications for this ability.
Lucid dreams enable us to solve problems. These particular dreams can also help us in social situations and can even stop nightmares and even night terrors. Lucid dreams contain endless motivation for the artists amongst us, and of course, are outstanding when it comes to Personal and Spiritual expedition.
What’s the best approach to explore how to have a lucid dream tonight?
The answer to this question is simple!
Genius technology takes advantage of BrainEntrainment Hypnosis, Binaural Beats, and the fascinating and powerful, Isochronic Tones!
“Two different frequency waves are created using Sine wave generators. These waves hit each ear independently, and as a result, a 3rd tone is created by your brain. The new tone is the actual difference between the first two. When all three frequencies combine, a shift in consciousness is the outcome!”
“The secret to having a lucid dream tonight is going through the Delta and Theta states like normal. However, instead of reaching the complete Alpha state, dip back into Theta before you wake. Your subconscious will awaken, however, your conscious mind will remain asleep as you return to a dream state.
Your subconscious mind will act as if you are awake. This distinction delivers you complete control of the world around you, but you will be dreaming.”
Next Steps In Having Lucid Dreams!
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Now you understand the theory behind Lucid Dreaming, let’s point you in the direction towards having a lucid dream tonight!
In the same way as studying telepathy methods and seeing auras, you can train yourself to lucid dream tonight.
There’s no crazy complexity here; just plug in your headphones. Then, get comfortable, sit back, and listen to these unbelievable hypnosis recordings, and you will present yourself a terrific chance to start Lucid Dreaming.
Now you know what it’s all about, let’s put you on the road to seeing if you can have a lucid dream tonight!
The Article How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
This post How to Lucid Dream Tonight – Care To Find Out? first appeared on WalrusVideo
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