#ever thought about cain and abel?
worldendercharles · 1 year
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these three boys can fit so so many dynamics and themes and metaphors and symbolism and narrative tragedy and love in themī
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gendzl · 1 year
"The voice of thy brother's blood cries out against Me from the ground" (Gen. 4:10). R. Simeon ben Yohai said: This verse is all but intolerable to recite and impossible to explain. For it seems to regard Cain and Abel as two gladiators, wrestling in the king's presence [in an arena, where] if the king desires it, he may separate them; or if he does not desire to separate them, and one gladiator prevails over the other and is about to kill him, the other may cry out, "Who will intercede for me with the king?" [Therefore God said: Since I, the King, did not interfere between Cain and Abel] "The voice of thy brother's blood cries out against Me."
—Sefer Ha-Aggadah, trans. William G. Braude
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twost3ps · 4 months
I have not been doing so hot. I keep on saying that but burnout is actually crazy double comboed with artblock. But after some tears of frustration I wanted to show my swap au so yeyey
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Short synopsis:
Lilith, Lucifur, Charlie 🔄 Adam, Micheal, Emily
Micheal and Adam fall after taking the forbidden fruit (it is a pear!) Rule over hell together and then have 7 children- Cain, Abel, Seth, Alclima, Awan and Emily. Hell does its own exterminations every year. Micheal and Adam lead along side with their children who participate as well. Up above Charlie watches in dispair. Her father has told her about the horrors of hell and its deranged rulers. She's the angel of Mercy (maybe I might change that) and wants the sinners of hell to have a second chance. So she goes down to hell without asking and tries to find a way to help save some of the sinners from suffering. In that time she makes friends with Hell's royal family starting with Emily and then comes to realize that heaven is a little (a lot) more corrupted than she thought
So here are some of their busts. I drew emily young bcz this was initially going to be a family portrait but I got lazy but for the au she's her canon age her horns are covered by her hair o3o
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So heres a long but not full backstory and info of the au if ur interested under the cut:
Idk why yet why Micheal tempted Adam with the pear but it happened. Because of their betrayal, Adam and Micheal get sent down. But while Lilith is stripped of her fertility, Adam has his humanity stripped. When Micheal recovers, he's greeted with his lover in the form of a wild beast, body stretched, covered in feathers. The only human-ish thing is Adam's face which is essentially looks like a porcelain mask of his face with his eyes closed in a permeant smile unless he opens it and then the mask splits in two.
It takes days for Micheal to calm down the animalistic Adam. It just seems like everything about him is gone. Micheal still loves him, though, so he stays. Adam thrashes around, he screams, and he yells. The abyss is nothing but rubble as Adam digs wildly while screaming. Adam is too hostile for Micheal to comfort so he deals with just watching from afar.
As years roll by as Micheal watches his lover, Adam begins to calm down. He's grown tired and his animalistic rage has subsided. Micheal is able to pet Adam and he can see how tured Adam is. They begin sleeping together again.
All seems hopeless that Adam will ever gain any semblance of his humanity. That is until the first sinner arrives.
Micheal had seen the sinner from afar. He was going to approach, but then he heard Adam. Adam barreled at the sinner and before Micheal knew it, Adam had eaten the sinner with a vile crunch.
Micheal rushed to Adam to see the damage. Then Adam moved and turned. It was then that Adam had spoken properly since the fall. He asked Micheal what happened but Micheal could only stare and cry. They were able to talk for a while and they savored every bit of it.
That joy only lasted for a few hours before Adam became animalistic again.
From then on, Micheal made it his mission to gather as many sinners and feed them to Adam.
Initially it hurt. It hurt a lot. And after doing it for so long, Micheal knew that the sinners would never reform. But that harsh reality paled in comparison to Adam finally having his concise again. Being able to finally talk to his lover and husband was more than enough reason for him.
So time flies and hell is getting bigger and stronger. The population of sinners is also getting bigger. There becomes less spawn killing of sinners but they are kinda checked over like livestock to the royal family.
Hell in this universe is more fairy tale based to differ from whats supposed be a circus theme??? that i get from hazbin. Thats what people say so I'm making my hell the brothers grim x into the woods x shrek.
I want the royal family in fairy tale clothes okay >:(
Hell is essentially far far away land except everything is out to get you. The place is straight up inhabitable as everyone who spawns in ends up having to run away immediately. It's so hard not to die or get hurt. The terrane is unforgiving, the trees are out to get you, the flowers are out to get you, the animals are out to get you, the weather is out to get you, the water thats not whatever is out to get you. Any wrong slip and you can just die again. Sinners are a lot more prone to betrayal and rage because living is just so hard.
There is no pentagram city, its like, a couple of very small town that are ruled by overolords. Overlords are people who just got lucky or got into a contract with one of the royal children. They use their power to stay alive and have some semblance of stability but they are given power to they raise other sinners like cattle through contracts if needed.
These overlords though are pretty... yeah... so they kinda become like those fairy tale villains.
So for funzies, all those fairy tales that people hear on earth are true stories that come from hell that had been told by demons who escape to the mortal realm and whisper them in writers ears as they sleep or some bs like that sdfoeufb
But as stated, exterminations do happen. Like cattle, it is important to save up the stock. You cant consume everything as they come, cattle needs its time to grow. So every year, they let the population grow and on extermination day, Micheal and Adam ride out into hell as they purge a bunch of sinners till Adam eats enough to revert back to human form till the next ectermination.
It's only them that exterminate and collect till their children grow up and join them in the exterminations- fueled by their want to keep Adam humanly conscious. They collect the bodies and then Adam feeds on them after hours to gain his humanity back
Micheal and Adam have their children- Cain, Abel, Seth, Alclima, Awan and Emily
Cain, Seth, Alclima, and Awan become the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse (i went with the good omens version with death, famine, war and pestilence- conquest is not one -yet- )
Cain (death) in very short is like Death in puss and boots with a lot less chill. He does have Death's sickles (I wanted to make them Abel's horns so thats a maybe) He's a mama's (adam) boy and a giant brat
Seth (Famine) Chillest of the siblings. He's a lot like Adam, just not as brash. He spreads famine through locusts that emerge from his cloak. They look like pretty jewels until they fly off. Food rots in his presence during exterminations. He hates when he accidentally activates it when hes eating (he loves snacking)
Alclima (War) She's very tough and brutish. Very honest in her opinions and not afraid to speak about it. Her and Cain play fight a lot. The exorcist army exists but they live as the royal family's castle's soldiers and they are commanded by Alclima. During exterminations, she is the one to lead them in battle. Her presence gives people the rage of war.
Awan (Pestilence) Very eerie girl/ Shes got that dead eye look sometimes and just stares at people. Shes actually very kind and soothing. She's very girly and has a room similar to stockings from paswg. Shes a stem girlie
Abel kind of overlooks them as the representation of chaos. (I wanted the death and chaos are the children of the devil thing to happen so this it) The first attempted murder does happen between Abel and Cain, but since they're in hell magic sooo hahah blam Cain allows his body to merge with Abel out of regret and so Abel kind lives in his conscience but can also switch control over his brother (idk im so done)
Emily is supposed to become a fifth horseman as the representation of conquest. But she young and stuff and only just became an adult so she still maneuvering through it- also sera's here too and she takes the place of Alastor and is a royal advisor to the family sufoauebfoebos
They are all part lion coming from Micheal but their horns are from Adam
Their children are very mixed about exterminations, but Emily has the most issues with it. The family in general feels bad, but family over the people. Emily is just way more emotional about it, especially since she is yet to participate.
Exterminations are very mixed in hell with the citizens because while some have the will to live, some want to truly end their suffering. Many willingly sacrifice themselves and go under contracts with overlords. With overlords, they get to live comfortably as they possibly can but they still hate hell so when exterminations roll around they willingly die.
This is a lot but its not everything. Actually this is all very vauge rn but idk if I want to work on this :p
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Also a bit of the beast adam deisgn. I want to add some more stuff. do some tweaking but AUAGSDD yuppers i will change some stuff about him later (i forgot his horns)
i dont think i'll do much with this au after this -maybe draw it but i won't write- but it was a fun thought
I'll try to post tomorrow some guitarhero stuff but im so dead IAFBISUEBFGI
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Hi, Could I request a platonic yandere story (or headcanons, whatever works best for you) for Adam's ror family? The reader is human and they decided to adopt her. I haven't seen much for this family and I really need more. Please and thank you very much 💗
Hello anon!! This is one lovely request. I'd love to ^
RoR!platonic!human!family × daughter reader
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- I can say that there are many ways that they could have found you, but what I think would be so much funnier is that if Cain and Abel found you abandoned somewhere.
- maybe they were out adventuring until they heard baby noises, little crying. I have a feeling that Cain and his big brother instincts told him to go check it out. And boom, they find you, wrapped around very thin cloth, shivering.
- Cain told Abel to watch you so that he could get Adam. And off he went running. Abel really pitied you despite his age, what a poor thing you were. you were very small and in need of protection.
- once they got Adam to see you, he picked you up gently, cradling you around his arms while instructing the boys to get some leaves and tree branches, to make you a nest.
- he stared into your small little eyes, as eve came rushing, hearing the cries of a baby.
- They adored you so much, you were so weak. They needed to protect you no matter the cost.
- when you started growing older, the two siblings would take you out with them to watch them hunt or scavenger hunt for berries and other tasty fruit.
- your big brothers were so sweet, and very nice. You got scared because of a squirrel once, and they scared it off. Making you giggle happily.
- Eve would make you all desserts, or make you wear pretty clothing. Of course they wouldn't just have you wearing things like them, that means there would be people staring at your body. That's disgusting.
- instead, they give you a dress, and a flower crown. Like a mini princess, you were so cute. their cute little baby girl was growing up. (You were actually still five years old)
- anytime you went missing, everyone would go insane, like you were only out for a walk and eve is already rushing towards you and crying out your name, before squeezing you into the tightest hug ever, barely letting you breathe.
- Adam would scold you, before telling you to go eat berries cus he thought he was too harsh.
- Cain and Abel would cry too, blabbering nonsense like "my baby sister...Whaaa!!! We thought you were dead!!!"
- okay maybe that was too dramatic.
- what if you had a crush? Well. They don't like that. Eve would tell you to consider, and tell you all the littlest details on stuff that she found 'odd' about the person. Like how they dress, or their hair, the way they walk, a bald spot on their head- just basically anything to make you dislike them.
- Adam tho, protective father switch on. Mf is literally pouty about the fact that you had a crush on someone, saying that you were too young, and that you were still his little girl.
- Cain would go chasing the person away while holding a twig, like an angry dog. While Abel would cry to you like "why would you wanna leave us...we're your familyyy..."
- bro.
- but, you've gotten used to them. They love you very much and are only doing things like this for you because they love you.
- might as well just take it, right?
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greyssketches · 5 months
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What if C&A wasn't for "Caine and Abel" like people theorize?
But Caine and Aclima?
The story of Caine and Abel has been told time and time again. However, no one ever talks about the daughter's of Adam and Eve.
I should clarify that this story is not accepted by most religions with a "Cain and Abel" retelling
TW: Murder, incest:
In some retellings of Caine and Abel, Caine and Abel were each born with a twin sister for the other to marry. However, in this story, Caine wishes to marry his own twin, Aclima. Ot is said that they both made a sacrifice to God in order to win her. God favored Abel's sacrifice. Caine then kills Abel over Aclima.
Aclima is treated like an object in this story. Something for the brothers to fight over. Her input is not taken into consideration. Her thoughts not recorded. Her account not considered. Her twin takes her away from her mother, her father, and her other siblings. She is isolated with a murderer.
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lilys0evil0twin · 2 years
Yandere Adam nsfw headcanons ( Record of Ragnarok )
Uuuuuuhhhhhh get ready for a ride, I put both sfw and nsfw since I came up with the whole story and needed it written 😂
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Adam is an interesting yandere
Despite having a beautiful woman and two sons, whom he's very found of, Adam felt ... Bored? Trapped? Tired of the same thing? ... Uncomplete?
But what could be the reason, he has everything he ever wanted, he has peace, a loving family, save home.... Total Paradise
And yet it was not enough
After their banishment from the Paradise, the first humans explored the earth, their new home, except they weren't alone
After seeing you for the first time, Adam knew you all should stick together, call it an animal instinct, a hunch if you will, but Adam's urgue rooted from something else
His sons Abel and Cain were enthusiastic about you joining too, a lil more than Eve but she was happy for her husband nonetheless
You on the other hand had this feeling of uneasiness, sure you'd accepted the offer right away, it better to be together than alone, and despite you felt more save with them, there was still this little cricket chirping in your ear
You fell into the family relatively quickly, Abel and Cain saw you as another parent those two pranksters loved your hugs and kisses
Eve, being the kindhearted girl she is, accepted you surprisingly quickly, she admired how her sons loved you and you handled them with ease, she loves talking to you when out gathering fruits, flowers and herbs
And then there's Adam, he kept his distance, straining away from physical touch (such as hugs, cuddles or sleeping on each other to maintain warmth) yet he kept you safe, fed and happy
Never saying it out loud, but he hated how his sons loved you, how comfortable they were around you, how comfortable you were with them touching you
He taught them not to take what's not theirs
So one time he just decided it's enough and told his sons off, he taught them about hierarchy of this family
When the time comes, Adam feels this tingling in his abdomen
He's even more distant and keeps to himself, but acts more predator like
Staring unblinkingly from across the field, like he wants to hunt you, like you're his pray
Remember how he taught Abel and Cain a lesson? well now they're not allowed to even exist near you or him
Adams mood really determines his actions, he may be cold and feral or warms and soft
Either it is the time to fuck is when he says it's time to fuck, doesn't really care if you or him are doing something or if you don't want to, doesn't really care where you are or if you're alone
One second you may be climbing up the tree for sweet apple and the next he's pounding into you, or you may be looking over Abel and Cain with Eve and then you're held down with Adam between your legs keeping your ankles on his shoulders
Most of the times, it's right after the thought strucks his mind, and wearing only leafs or plants for coverage it's just an easy access
As said before, his mood palys the main cards in his actions
If he's calm and happy, just a little horny, he'll enjoy his time with you and will make sure you do too
Vice versa when he's not in the best mood or god forbid if he's angry over his sons and whatnot, this reflects on his behavior
Not that he's verbal or shows his anger nor directs it to you, no rather fucks you till you pass out, moving faster harder and cares very little about your sweet sports
Either of these sessions never end after one round, no no Adam is going till his balls are empty, until he can't cum anymore
Adam never lets any of his precious seed get wasted, whatever position you're in, his cum ends up inside, doesn't matter where, but it needs to stay inside
That is why he's doing it, that's how he understands ejaculation in general, why would his body excerete something when it's not supposed to stay in the other?
Eve learned to accept you as another partner of her husband and if Adam alows it she'll be happy to join~
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butchdykekondraki · 10 months
do you ever think about how jealous cain and abel were of eachother. do you ever think about how cain, the hated, was so jealous of his doted-on brother, who got to do nothing but what? sit around? sing songs with their father? help their mother do her hair? all while cain was made to do the work. do you ever think about how jealous abel, the one who got all the attention, was of his spiteful brother, who got all the praise? the one who got told he was such a hard worker? the one who was oh so kind, so sweet, that darling boy cain. do you think abel knew he had it coming. do you think he saw the way cain looked at him when he thought nobody was watching. do you think he saw the way his hands tightened into fists and his brow furrowed. do you think cain saw the way abel seemed to almost worry when he picked anything up around him. do you think he noticed the way he hunched forward, always ready to run like a rabbit being hunted. do you think that's why he stood behind him. do you think it was because he didn't want his prey to run. do you think cain, like a rabid dog, didn't truly know the consequences of his actions. do you think cain, like a rabid dog, dragged his brother as far as he could. do you think cain, like a rabid dog, felt an odd lingering pit of emptiness when he stared at the cold corpse of the boy he grew up with, lifeless and still for the first time.
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Kinger: "Do you think God stays in heaven because he too fears what he has created?"
Abel: "What the [%$!#] are you on?"
Gangle: "This is so sad...Bubble, play Despacito."
Caine: "I don't know if I give the air of knowing things, but I really don't."
Seth: "Your secret is safe with my indifference.
Loo: "Why are you smiling?"
Gummigoo: "Can't I just be happy?"
Pomni: "Jax crashed on the final lap."
Pomni: "Caine and I don’t use pet names."
Ragatha: "I see. Hey, what do bees make?"
Pomni: "Honey?"
Caine: "Yes, dear?"
Pomni: *sweats*
Ragatha: "Don't ever lie to my face again."
Caine: *gesturing to himself and Seth* "No, no, TWO idiots."
Gangle: "I actually have a black belt."
Ragatha: "In karate?"
Gangle: "No, from Gucci."
Jax: "Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist (mostly). I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground."
Zooble: "Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that."
Kinger: "A theif."
Zooble: "Thief?"
Kinger: "Theif."
Zooble: "I before E, except after C."
Kinger: "...Thceif."
Zooble: "No."
Caine: "Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something."
Seth: "You don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass."
Ragatha: "If you had to choose between Jax and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?"
Gummigoo: "That depends, how much money are we taking about?"
Jax: "Hey!"
Ragatha: "63 cents."
Gummigoo: "I'll take the money."
Jax: "HEY!!"
Loo: "WHY. why did you give Gangle a KNIFE?!"
Ragatha: "She said she felt unsafe."
Loo: "Now I feel unsafe!"
Ragatha: "I’m sorry... would you like a knife?"
Caine: "How's the most beautiful person here~?"
Pomni: "I don't know, how are they~?"
Caine: *flustered* "I-"
Seth: *from across the room* "I'm doing great, thanks!"
Jax: "We need to get through this locked door. Kinger, give me your credit card."
Kinger: Here.
Jax: "Thanks." *Pockets the card* "Zooble, kick down the door."
Pomni: "Seth, can I talk to you for a second?"
Seth: "Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Caine are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss?"
Pomni: *blushing furiously* "What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books."
Seth: *snorts*
Gangle: "Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night."
Ragatha: "You were flirting with Zooble."
Gangle: "So what? They're my partner."
Ragatha: "You asked them if they were single."
Ragatha: "And then you cried when they said they weren't."
Caine: "Pomni, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?"
Pomni: "I don’t know, love you, talk to you later."
Caine: "Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Kinger."
Pomni: *realizing* "WAIT-"
Pomni: "You have to apologize to Caine."
Seth: "Fine....Unfuck you or whatever."
Jax: "Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container."
Kinger: "The cow???"
Jax: "What?"
Ragatha: "Kinger, W H Y?"
Pomni: "Do you have any skeletons in your closet?"
Abel: "You mean literally or figuratively?"
Pomni: "Honestly, the fact that I have to specify..."
A/N: Heh, these where fun. I might need to do more
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I have a prompt request:
Cain and Abel were born due to an affair between Adam and Lucifer(who was disguised as a hunter). Eve noticed it but doesn’t tell Adam. Meanwhile,Heaven is scheming on how to get rid of them both.
TW: For character death
Adam held his beautiful babies in his arms, they truly were perfect. He knew having them likely hurt Eve's feelings, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
Adam had stumbled upon Lucias in the woods ten months ago, both were hunting and hit it off.
It didn't take long before their relationship turned romantic and sexual. He had made Adam feel so loved and special. He didn't even know he could get pregnant until it happened. Lucias had been there for his whole pregnancy getting everything Adam would ever need and want, hunting and fishing for him.
Adam was saddened that he wasn't there when their boys were born. But maybe he'll see again some day?
Eve knew what happened, but she didn't have it in her to take away Adam's happiness. She would raise the boys as her own.
Sera sat at a round table with many other angels, fuming about the current events on earth. The first man and the devil had twin boys together, this was completely unacceptable!
Even banished to the pits of Hell Lucifer finds ways to spit in their eye. "You know what must be done about these children, they were never meant to exist."
Michael nodded. "How would you like it done?"
"When they are older, influence the older of the two. I don't care how. Make him be the one to do it, then we will take care of him." Sera's voice was cold and lacking any emotion.
Lucifer wanted to play dirty? Sera would make sure he pays for what he had done.
By hurting his love.
- Years Later -
Adam screamed in horror at the sight before him, he rushed over to his son who laid bloody on the ground unmoving. "What did you do!?" He pulled Abel to his chest and sobbed.
Cain just stood there wide eyed, why did he do that? He was mad sure, but his brother...... "I don't know dad, I'm sorry!"
All Adam could do was cry as he held his youngest son, rocking him like he did when he was a baby.
Sera came down to earth and pointed to Cain. "For your act of violence resulting in a death, you will be cursed to walk this earth alone until you atone for what you did."
Adam snapped his head up. "What? No! Ca-" He turned and his other son was gone, like he was never there. He screamed louder, his heart shattered beyond repair.
After a while of sobbing there, Eve found him and they eventually buried Abel near the house.
Lucifer could feel something was very wrong, but he didn't know what. There was a presence of a soul in Hell now and part of him thought it was Adam.
When he answered his door after there were a couple of soft knocks however, he was surprised at who was there. "Abel?"
The newly formed sinner looked up at him with matching yellow and red eyes, other than that he looked like Adam. "Hello, father."
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cakerybakery · 1 month
Cain pushed around his porridge in the bowl with his spoon, “it’s too hot.”
Taking his eyes off feeding Abel in his lap, Adam waited for Cain to said something else before sighing, “blow on it.”
“I diiiiiid! And it’s still hooooot!” Cain whined and slumped down in his seat.
“Well, not much I can do buddy. Just blow on it and eat it. We have to get going.” Adam went back to feeding the fussy toddler who tipped the bowl of porridge into their laps.
It was warm but not hot and Adam groaned. It took forever to grow the grains for their breakfast and now they were both dirty.
Abel babbled, “oh no.” And squished it between his fingers before jamming his hand into his mouth to eat.
Adam scooped as much as he could in the bowl and set Abel down on the ground. He needed to go out to the well and get some fresh water to bathe Abel in. He had to wash out their robes. At least it was summer and they would dry fast in the sun.
“It’s still to hot, dad!” Cain whined again. “I want fruit instead.”
“Little busy, bud. Just eat your porridge. It’s not too hot.”
Adam peeled off his robe then started to pull Abel out of his while he giggled and tried to crawl away.
“But it is too hot! I don’t want to eat it.”
As Adam pried Abel out of his wet and dirty clothing he ignored Cain. He just needed to focus on one thing at a time.
“Dad! Dad! Daaaad! I want to eat something else!”
“Just est your food, Cain. Abel! Get back here!” Adam grabbed at Abel but he was already making his way to Eve and his room. “Hold on buddy. Mommy’s sick today. We’re letting her rest today.” He looked over at Cain. “You finished eating up? You two are coming with me today and there won’t be any snacks.”
“I don’t want to eat it. Mom’s is better. Why can’t she make breakfast?” He pouted and stirred his cooling food around.
Finally he got Abel naked and went to go get some water from the well when there was another crash from the table.
Turning around, Cain’s bowl of porridge was on the floor and the smug look on his face wiped away when he noticed Adam looking at him. “It was an accident!”
It was always an accident.
Adam wondered if Cain wasn’t Lucifer’s. Annoyingly, he knew Cain was all his, but still, with the way he acted, sometimes Adam hoped otherwise.
Guilt wormed its way into his heart at the thought. Adam just wished he knew what was going on in his son’s head.
He just picked up Abel so the boy wouldn’t get into the mess and walked out of the house. Down to the well he carried Abel, putting him down to chase a bug as he drew some water.
“Fuck me!” Adam nearly jumped out of his skin as Lucifer’s voice hit him like a cold splash of water.
“Hmm, is Eve not putting out because I could arrange something.”
“Fuck off. I regret thinking your name.” Adam started drawing up water again as Lucifer hopped onto the wall of the well.
“Oh darling, you’ve been thinking about me? How sweet.” His voice was overly sweet and Adam rolled his eyes at the fakeness of it.
How he could ever have once fallen for such an obvious asshole… er, an obvious trick of the voice.
His crush was nearly ten years ago, Adam was over it.
Eve was better in every way. She was actually sweet. And she told actually funny jokes and didn’t laugh at him for not knowing shit and then say, “oh it’s nothing, you’re just too cute.” She was smart and helped him and didn’t just watch him fail. She was a good wife and took care of things closer to home, the chickens, the children, meals, and home while he hunted or tended to the fields and livestock further away. He didn’t need Lucifer and his lies.
“The only reason to think of you is to wonder how much of a bad influence you and your apple were on humanity.” Adam pulled up the bucket and bent to grab Abel.
There was a slap against his bare ass and he quickly turned to face Lucifer, balling up his fist and leaving Abel on the ground.
Lucifer flashed him a cheeky smile, “there was a bug.”
Adam swung and punched Lucifer in his nonexistent nose. As the demon tumbled down the well Adam shouted after him, “there was a bug.”
He gathered up Abel and the bucket of water and stormed into the house.
The splashing and sputtering from the well made him smile the rest of the day. Even as he scrubbed Abel, their clothing, and the floor clean and well into the evening after harvesting and gathering, even when he had to make lunches and dinner and care for poor sick and fevered Eve.
He closed his eyes by the fireplace that night with a smile on his lips and the memory of Lucifer’s pained and surprised face as he fell on his mind.
“Ohh what do we have here?” Lucifer voice echoed in his mind and Adam stood up straight in the middle of the field.
“Lucifer?” He looked around.
From here it gets FUN!!
Something for all the little adamsapple lambs out there. Tell me what you all think
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
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Art: @iamespecter
Racing AU!
Sorry folks, today's race is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances...and the aftermath of that afterparty! But it's all showtime ALL the time at the Raceway when Pomni takes Caine up on his offer for a second date!
WARNING: suggestive Ragatha/Loo
"Able..? Able to do what?" Pomni asked with a shaky voice. Abel only glared. "Oh! That- that's your name. Sorry."
"I'm not surprised you don't recognize it. Few memories often make it through the transfer."
"You-! You know what's going on?"
"Of course I do. I am a prisoner of Caine, like you. I was the first, but I have since been isolated."
"Wait, you're like me? You're human??" Pomni slid off her bed and took a few steps towards Abel.
"Yes. And I know how to leave. I simply lack access. This is where we can help each other."
Pomni swallowed the nervous lump in her throat.
"In my solitude, I have figured out how to work myself into the game's code, but I must do so slowly lest Caine ruin everything. His most recent distraction..." Abel eyed Pomni up and down. "...Has left me an opening. Enough that I'm finally able to speak in person."
A cold shiver went down Pomni's spine. "So you're the reason things have been glitching?"
"Yes, and they will only increase the closer I get. Keep Caine distracted. Once I have made it to the mainframe, I can use my administrative access and get us all out of here."
"Administrative access? How-?"
"I remember more than most. Caine saw to that personally." Abel's voice deviated from it's calculative cadence to a more venomous tone. "Caine is a rogue AI. Everyone trapped here is his personal play thing."
Pomni felt numb. "H-how do I know your telling the truth?"
"Ask about me." Abel smirked. "I'd love to know what he has to say." He stood. "Keep in mind, Caine is dangerous. Tread carefully. I'll be in touch."
Blue sparks jumped from Gummigoo's eyes and dissipated into the air. Gummigoo staggered and grabbed his head. "Oooooh, crikey. What..? Pomni? What are you doing in my-?" He looked around. "How did I get here?"
Pomni wasn't sure if telling him the truth would be a good idea. "You...were a bit drunk. I guess the silly juice finally wore off." She forced a laugh and pushed Gummigoo to the door. "Looks like you can go to your own room now, have a good night!"
"Pomni, wha-" The door slammed on Gummigoo's face.
Pomni leaned against the door, slid to the floor and curled her knees to ther chest.
Caine teleported himself to his workshop, listlessly floating along. He truly felt lighter than air. The excitement from racing with Pomni had left him full of new soft feelings that he let himself relish in. His thoughts if her turned to new desires. The kiss she blew his way...even as just a distraction, he wanted her to do that again. Maybe a bit closer next time.
He gave a lovesick sigh and slowly backflipped in the air. "What a woman..." As he drifted along he spotted Bubble. "Bubble! I simply MUST tell you about the most spectacular time I just had with Pomni!" He zipped over and grabbed Bubble with both hands.
"Okay, boss! But first I need to tell you that the jungle starting light tasted normal."
"That's gre- wait. Bubble, you've already told me that. That was ages ago. You, uh...you feeling alright?" Caine rolled Bubble around in his hands, seeing nothing visibly out of the ordinary.
"I feel great, boss! Ready to see you announce the winner! Was it Pomni? Is that why you're so excited, boss?" Bubble's smile was as big as ever.
Caine's upper jaw furrowed with confusion and concern. "Bubble, the jungle race was yesterday. We've done a whole other race since, you were there! The- the Drift Disco! The afterparty??"
Bubble just smiled at him with their blank, beady eyes. "Whatever you say, boss."
Caine's eyes widened in horror. "The glitches...they're starting to affect you! Don't worry Bubble, I'll fix it! Whatever's going on, I'll fix it!" He teleported away with Bubble.
The following morning was a slow one. No one left their rooms when sunlight poured in though the windows. With the exception of Jax, who was still passed out under a table.
Ragatha stirred awake, feeling a presence in bed with her. Her eyes gradually widened as she realized she was being spooned by someone. Long, thin arms draped over her. She slowly turned to see Loo peacefully sleeping behind her. Her hand flew over her mouth to keep from screaming. She remembered dancing and...that's about it. Ragatha tried to scoot away but Loo's grip tightened.
"Five more minutes..." Loo mumbled.
Ragatha didn't know what to do. She was flustered all over again, her face as red as her hair. "How did this happen?" She wasn't upset by any means, but couldn't even begin to imagine how she got in this situation.
"You were wonderful last night, that's how~" Loo whispered.
Ragatha put both of her hands over her face, wishing the bed would swallow her whole. "Oh... I'm SO sorry. I don't-"
"I'm not." Loo kissed Ragatha's cheek. "That was the best night of my lives."
Ragatha lowered her hands. "Lives..?"
"Mmhm. Ironically, I didn't have a lot of fun as some medieval princess." Loo giggled.
Ragatha spun around to face Loo. "You REMEMBER??"
"Yes...well, partially. It's sort of like trying to remember a dream, but you...you I remember clearly."
Ragatha's mouth hung open, eyes wide. "How???"
Loo shrugged. "I don't rightly know. You must have made quite the impression."
Ragatha cringed, remembering her finger guns. "...yeah." She cleared her throat awkwardly.
Loo smiled sincerely, kissing Ragatha's palm. "I look forward to seeing you in the next life I get to lead."
Ragatha frowned. "...so, does that mean...you know?"
"That this is all some simulation? Oh, yeah. Not that hard to figure out, really. But, I'm not too bothered."
"Seriously? But all of those lives-"
"Are real to me. And that's all that matters." Loo boops Ragatha's nose. "And I get to see you in all of them."
"Wow...you're incredible."
"I try." Loo giggles and sits up to stretch.
Ragatha sat up too, fiddling with her sheets. "What happens now? Do you wait for Caine or-"
"No, I disappear when I perform my exit action. In this case, it's leaving the garage."
Ragatha wrapped her arms around Loo. "You're never leaving this building."
Loo laughed. "You're too sweet. But, I have to go at some point. How would I ever get to live my next life? Don't worry, I'll find you again." She kisses Ragatha's cheek. "You're worth finding all over again."
Ragatha nearly cried.
Slowly but surely, everyone emerged from their rooms. They gathered in the lounge, waiting for Caine. They all slept so late into the day cycle, he should to be arriving any moment to announce the day's race. Pomni sat on a bean chair, Gummigoo sat next to her.
"Hey, uh, Pomni...did something happen last night? I really don't remember much and, well, you seem...upset."
Pomni was upset. Her whole body was upset. Upset was a constant state of mind for her since Abel showed up. She couldn't look at Gummigoo without thinking she saw blue. "Nothing happened. Really. You just...wandered into the wrong room."
Gummigoo remembered accidentally trying to get into Ragatha's room, it wouldn't open for him. He remembered his own room. He did NOT remember going to Pomni's room. He frowned. "...alright." He got up to move away from her.
Hours pass. They preoccupy their time with mini games and light reading. Gangle draws, making Kinger a portrait of him and Queenie with their extensive combined insect collection.
Kinger smiled, it brought a tear to his eye. "Thank you...moths were her favorite." He went still and silent as memories of Queenie preoccupied his mind. He gently touched her drawn face, trying to remember what she felt like.
Ragatha and Loo were in the throngs of lively conversation. Taking about everything under the sun, laughing together, and enjoying tea from the bubble chef.
Jax knawed on one of his candy sticks, looking out the window. The sun was past it's highest peak and turning west. "Hey, where the actual [%$!#] is Caine?" He asked the others.
Zooble looked outside too. "Now that you mention it...yeah, this is weird."
"Caine's never late." Gangle put her hands over her mouth. "Pomni! What happened last night? You and Caine left together."
Pomni jerked her head up out of a contemplative trance. "Huh? What happened?"
Jax smirked. "Gangle says you eloped with Caine. What did you do to him? He's late."
Pomni suddenly realized it was all eyes on her, again. "Uh, nothing. We just- he, uh, taught me how to drift."
"Oh, well that was nice of him." Said Ragatha.
Gangle narrowed her eyes out of suspicion. "Uh-huh...what ELSE did you do?"
"Nothing. Really. Stop asking." Pomni asserted.
"Oh [%$!#]." Chuckled Jax. "It's serious. When's the wedding?" He grinned wider as Pomni glared at him.
"I said, drop. It."
"Knock it off, Jax." Ragatha groaned. "If Pomni isn't kissing and telling, don't push it." She was joking but Pomni looked at her as if she'd spat at her.
"CAN EVERYONE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!?" Pomni exploded and marched out the front door.
Caine was in the mainframe painstakingly sifting through Bubble's code line by line, looking for any anomalies. Nothing stood out to him beyond the unexplainable gap in Bubble's memory. He carefully bundled up Bubble's code and their avatar manifested.
"Hey, boss! Don't you know it's race time?"
Caine looked at his wacky watch with tired eyes. "Yes...I know, but you were more important. Are you sure you feel okay?"
"I'm as well off as any Bubble can be!" They cheerfully exclaim.
Caine snapped and the code curtains vanished. He sighed heavily. "I suppose I should tell the racers that today's race is cancelled. I've got nothing for them, not even an old one, ready. I hope they aren't too disappointed."
He teleported himself into he garage, the gathered racers stopped talking and looked to him. He put on his best stage face. "Hello, my gathering of glonkers! I apologize for my tardiness and wish I came bearing good news, but the Amazing Digital Raceway is experiencing some minor technical difficulties. Therefore, today's race has been cancelled." He braced himself for the backlash.
"Oh. Okay." Shrugged Ragatha and went back to talking to Loo. "You could stay another night if you want!" She whispered excitedly.
"Ugh, wish you had said something sooner, Caine. I wouldn't have bothered getting up." Jax leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes.
Gummigoo was mildly disappointed but didn't say anything. Kinger wasn't even paying attention. Neither was Zooble, but on purpose.
Caine wasn't sure if he should be relieved or not by this kind of lukewarm reaction. He counted heads. Someone was missing. "Wait- where's Pomni?" A cold spike of panic hit him. "She hasn't run off looking for doors, has she?"
Gangle pointed to the window. "She's outside. ...you should go to her." A small mischievous smile on her mask.
"Thank you, Gangle. Enjoy your day off! Please excuse me." He teleported outside.
Caine felt candy butterflies in his code as he appeared just a bit to Pomni's left. "Hello, my-"
"WHAT IN THE FLYING MONKEY CHRIST DO YOU WANT!?" Pomni screamed before she looked at who she was talking to. Her stern glare faltered when she saw Caine.
Caine jumped a bit, his hat sliding forward on his head. "Well, hello to you too."
"Oh my god! Caine, I'm SO sorry. I thought you were someone else. Um, hi." She forced a smile.
"It's quite alright. That's not the worst thing anyone's ever said to me as a greeting." He laughed but the smile did not reach his eyes. "A bit on edge today?"
Pomni took a calming breath. "Yeah, um- actually, I'm glad your here..."
Caine perked right up. "Really?"
"Mmhm, can we-? Uh, can I take you up on the offer for a second date?" Pomni blushed just a little bit.
Caine's very being became more vibrant and saturated with color. "Yes!! As it just so happens, I'm free today. I wasn't expecting you to take me up on my offer so soon, so I don't have anything planned...but I'm sure we'll figure something out." He held out his hand to her.
Pomni took his hand and they teleported. She blinked and she was out of bounds, surrounded by random game assets.
"Welcome back to my workshop! Excuse the mess. Here, I create the tracks, if you'd like...you could help me build the next one for tomorrow."
"Oh, okay. Yeah, that's sounds fun. Can we...can I ask you questions? I'd really like to get to know you better. That what people do on dates, after all." She fiddled with her fingers.
Caine's code fluttered. If he had a heart, it would skip a beat. "Of course you can! I'm an open book!" He snapped his fingers and a floating tray of lemonade appeared. He handed a glass to Pomni and clinked his to hers. "Cheers."
"Cheers." She smiled nervously.
Working on the track was as simple as Pomni telling him what she thought would look good and him either finding or fabricating it. He took care of the track technicalities, letting her focus entirely on the aesthetic. Occasional casual questions were asked in between the building stages.
"This is coming together nicely, Pomni. You really have a creative vision." He sipped his lemonade, his coat long abandoned on a random asset.
"You don't think it's cheesy? I mean-"
"Nonsense! If you want cheesy, you should see my backlogs of early builds. Those are just awful. And boring. And unoriginal. I've grown a lot in my time as host." He lounged back in the air as he focused on fabricating a giant neon mushroom.
Pomni sipped her drink. "...speaking of early. Can I ask you about your early life? What was it like, uh-...suddenly coming into existence?" She didn't know how else to phrase it, it's not like AIs are born.
Caine set his drink down in the air, it levitated next to him. "Well, disorienting would be a good word for it. Imagine suddenly appearing in an unknown world with a head full of questions and no memories."
"Yeah...can't imagine that at all." Pomni said sarcastically.
"I-....oh. OH. I never thought about it that way..." He cleared his voice. "Well, moving on, I was introduced to the game. Oh Pomni, I wish you could have seen it in it's hay day. The connected worlds' populations grew so fast! I could evolve an entire world and structure entire adventures and campaigns! I could've entertained millions!!"
"What happened?"
Caine became crestfallen. "An error. An irreversible one. It resulted in the inadvertent destruction of the exit and the trapping of the beta testers."
"Can I ask...um...were one of these beta testers...was one of their names...Abel?"
Caine looked at her. He didn't answer right away, but eventually did so slowly. "No. There has never been any racer by the name of Abel. Why do you ask?"
Panic grabbed Pomni's heart. "I just wanted to know about those who came before me, that's all. I thought I overheard the name at some point, my mistake."
Caine continued to look at her, his eyes unreadable.
She could feel herself sweating. "Uh-! What about the worlds? You said that the game used to be bigger?"
Caine looked down. "Yes, a lot bigger. But that...was human error. I was reduced to what was originally a side quest minigame. An option of an option. Between that and the subsequent entrapment of the beta testers...suddenly everyone beyond my digital realm was gone. I was on my own to figure out how to fix my situation. It's been a lot of trial and error...more error than not." He sighed and then chuckled. "Wow. What is wrong with me? I've already apologized for over sharing and here I am, dumping this on you. I'm sorry." He pinched the area where the bridge of a nose would be.
"No! No! Don't apologize. I asked. I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me. I'm sorry you got rug pulled like that." She took his hand in hers, gauging his reaction.
He smiled, giving her hand a gentle squeeze and bringing it to his teeth for a gentlemany kiss.
Color blazed across Pomni's face.
"Thank you, my dear." He caresses her knuckles with his thumb. "But as good as it's been for me to vent, we should talk about lighter topics."
Pomni nodded, tongue completely tied by Caine's romantic gesture.
As Pomni and Caine continued onto more fun topics of conversation, a small blue spark zipped along the rows of assets. The spark stopped when it reached Gummigoo. With a touch, the Gummigoo asset began to glitch and flicker until it completely vanished from existence.
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dyns33 · 2 years
Upon a dream
Dream x reader, being idiots, as always 
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Morpheus was truly the best boyfriend in the world. Romantic, poetic, attentive, tender, passionate.
If he had been real, he would have been truly wonderful.
But unfortunately such a perfect man couldn't exist, and so it was normal that Y/N only met him in her dreams.
During one of her nocturnal wanderings, she had found herself in a huge library, his library, and even if he had been surprised to find her there, he had not chased her away, allowing her to explore, showing her the castle, chatting at length with her.
It had been a beautiful dream, which she thought she would quickly forget. But she had dreamed of him again the following night, then every other night.
She was trying to convince herself that it was no big deal.
Her life wasn't so terrible, she had her family, her friends, her job, her hobbies. There were plenty of people who remained celibate all their lives and were perfectly happy being alone in front of the television, eating ice cream and imagining an ideal lover who would visit them in their sleep.
Nothing special.
           "My love, you seem troubled tonight. Far from me. Are you alright ?"
           "Yes, Morpheus. Excuse me, I'm just tired." Y/N apologized with a smile, snuggling into his arms to forget her worries, and the fact that he wouldn't be there when she woke up.
           "Good. That's what I'm here for. You can rest in peace, I'm watching over you. What do you want to do, my love ? Lucienne would be happy to show you new books, Cain and Abel wish to tell new stories, Matthew asks for gossip from the waking world. We can also walk in the gardens, travel to the other side of the galaxy, or stay in bed. Tell me, my love, I am at your command."
           "You're adorable. Anything is fine with me, as long as we do it together."
           "My sweet." he whispered, kissing her.
As always, it was difficult for Y/N when she opened her eyes and found herself in her bedroom, alone, in her cold bed, just like when she went to sleep.
It was absurd, she repeated it to herself every time she was about to fall asleep, but a simple dream managed to make her feel things she had never felt in her entire existence. The human brain could really be fascinating. And dangerous.
Because even if she was terribly happy when she was with Morpheus, she was just as sad when she left him and returned to reality.
Several times, she had thought of talking to a doctor about it. To find a solution. But Y/N didn't really see what it was going to solve.
They were only going to tell her that she felt lonely, which she already knew, and that her dreams were trying to fill that void.
The only thing she could do was seek the company of real people when she was awake.
It was not easy.
If Y/N had been able to get a real boyfriend, she would have done it a long time ago.
And it was worse now, because no one could ever be as good as Morpheus. She was really in love with him.
In love with a dream, it was really depressing.
There was also this ridiculous idea in the back of her head, which kept telling her that it wouldn't be very proper to cheat on him. Even if he didn't exist.
He didn't exist. Morpheus didn't exist, he wasn't waiting for her in her dreams every night, he would never magically appear in front of her, and if he loved her, then he would understand that she was looking for someone to spend her life with.
After asking her friends for advice, one of them offered to introduce her to a charming man, with whom she could get along well. It was less risky than meeting a stranger, because they could tell he was a good person.
And if she didn't like him, it would be fine, she would find other suitors.
Désiré was indeed a charming man. Funny, kind, seductive. But during the whole evening they spent together, Y/N only thought of Morpheus.
When their hands touched at the end of the meal, she quickly pulled it away apologetically. He looked a little offended, but he didn't say anything, forcing a smile.
           "It seems to me that I am not up to it." he sighed when it was time to part ways. "I don't like to lose, but I know when I'm not... wanted. Which doesn't happen often. He's lucky. He doesn't deserve it."
           "... I don't understand what you are talking about."
           "Oh, darling. I think that's the part I find the funniest. He'll be pissed that we had dinner together, but I can't imagine his reaction at all when he finds out why we had dinner together. "
           "It's late, I have to go home."
           "You're right. Sweet dreams." he purred, throwing a kiss at her.
Y/N did not try to understand what Désiré had meant. No doubt he had drunk too much alcohol during the meal, and he had guessed that there was someone else in her heart.
Going to bed, she relaxed thinking that she was finally going to find Morpheus and his marvellous kingdom, after this long day.
The throne room was horribly empty and cold when she materialized there. Sitting on the steps of his huge staircase, Morpheus watched her with an impassive face.
           "How was my brother-sister ?"
           "... Your what ?"
           "Desire. You were with them all night. At first I thought I had to step in, that they were going to try to hurt you, but... Matthew told me you asked to have dinner with them. A "date". You asked your friends to find you a 'date', several 'dates'. So I'm not enough for you ? You don't love me anymore ? Are you making fun of me ?"
           "Morpheus." she sighed sadly. "Of course I love you. I love you more than anything."
           "But not enough to be faithful."
           "Oh, I knew my mind would go to that ground, it's really not fair."
           "... Your mind ?" he repeated slowly.
           "Listen, I love you. But you're not real. It's just a dream. I can't wake up every morning to be reminded that this isn't true, that I'm alone, not loved, and the only times I feel some joy are during my sleep, with a being that my subconscious has invented. You are perfect, and the more time I spend with you, in this fabulous world, the more I cut myself of the real world. It's not healthy."
           “It is true that it is not good for mortals to live in the Dream. But that does not mean that it is not real. That we are not real. You... You really don't know who I am ? You really don't know it's not just a dream ? It's never just a dream."
           "Morpheus... Don't make me hope in vain."
           "I told you to go on dates in the waking world, boss. Just because you always say you exist doesn't mean the lady is going to believe it's true."
The little raven trembled a bit when his master looked at him, flying away to rest on Y/N's shoulder, where he would be safe, for the moment.
           "Maybe I should have listened to you, Matthew. But it's not too late. Desire also showed me that our love was strong, they couldn't do anything against it. I just have to make up for my mistake."
Slowly, Morpheus stood up, approaching Y/N, who didn't know what to make of this dream. It really wasn't like the other nights.
He caressed her cheek tenderly, before kissing her like every time she was going to have to leave soon.
           "When you wake up my love, I'll be there and you won't have any reason to be sad, or look for another partner."
          ��"Don't make me..."
           "This dream is over."
Jumping up in bed, Y/N first looked at the window, seeing that it was still dark. She then looked at the time, which made her sigh. It was still very late.
           "Good evening my love."
This time, in addition to jumping, she screamed, falling off her bed. Immediately, a man came running to her side, asking her if she was alright and helping her to sit on the mattress. He had the voice of Morpheus. And his face.
No, it was impossible.
           "Well done, boss. Subtle. She wasn't scared at all."
           "Silence, Matthew. My love, forgive me, I told you I would be here."
           "... I'm still dreaming ?"
           "So this is it, I'm crazy."
           "You are not in my younger sister's domain, I can assure you. I should have explained a lot about myself to you more clearly, I should have visited you in the waking world earlier. We were so happy I was not thinking, as soon as you appeared in front of me I only wanted to be with you and I did not see that I was hurting you. I apologize. My love, I am Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, king of dreams and nightmares, prince of stories, and I am very real."
           "... You are real." she said softly, touching his face to make sure he really wasn't an illusion. He closed his eyes when her fingers touched his skin, turning to make them pass on his lips. "All this time, you've been real. And I almost dated another man. You must hate me."
           "I wasn't thrilled by this news, but there was a misunderstanding, so I forgive you, if you promise me never to do this again, and to stay away from Desire."
           "His name is Désiré, and okay."
           "Desire is my brother sister, my sibling. Another Endless. They wanted to have fun with you, at my expense, but your feelings were strong and sincere, preventing them from manipulating you, and proving to me that I had no reason to be jealous."
           "But you were still a little jealous."
           "Boss." muttered the raven, poking its head out of its creator's cloak. "Boss, you're really bad with girls. You always have to say yes. Yes I'm jealous, but I trust you, I love you, I don't deserve you and I'll do anything to be worthy of..."
           "Thanks Matthew, you can go back to the Dreaming now."
           "I'm a good wingman, I think it's safer if I stay."
           "My love and I are together for the first time in the waking world, at night, in her room, on her bed."
           "... See you, boss ! Madam ! Be good !"
The raven disappeared back into the cloak. Morpheus waited a few moments, as if wanting to make sure he was gone, before laying sensually on top of her, suddenly looking a bit taller, his shadow enveloping the entire room as a sort of purr emanated from him. Y/N wondered if she was really awake.
           "So, my love, what do you want to do ?" he asked, as he asked her every night.
           "Hmm... I'm too tired to go out. It's a little late to read, watch a movie or even dance. So what could we do ?"
           "What, indeed ?"
           "Is the king of dreams sleeping ? Is he dreaming ?"
           "No, and no. But I think about you all the time, to the point that it interferes with my work. A lot of people often dreamed of you, because I wasn't concentrating enough."
           "Are you willing to sleep with me ? I mean, sleep sleep. I'm really tired. But if you're here tomorrow morning... You know."
           "It would be an honour for me to watch over you while you sleep. I already do it every night, but to hold you in my arms while you are asleep. It is the most beautiful proof of love and trust. Not many people realize that there is nothing more vulnerable than a sleeping being. Thank you for this gift, my love."
Smiling, Y/N snuggled up to him after being settled under the covers. She would have liked to listen to his heart before falling asleep, but obviously he had none. He didn't need it, he wasn't human.
They would talk about that later, and the consequences that implied.
But now she was tired, and happy that Morpheus was really there, in her bed.
           "Are you really not going to sleep ?"
           "No. I'm going to beg my father for the night to pass faster, so that it's morning and we… You know."
Y/N would also ask him about his strange family when she was better awake. In the meantime, she fell asleep peacefully in the arms of Morpheus, who sang her a lullaby while stroking her hair.
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ananke-xiii · 8 months
About Sam Winchester.
[This post has been edited after my discussion with @samjgirl , @sam-winchester-admiration-league and after @adaav 's comment to my post. I really want to thank them for their time and for pointing many interesting points out. I wasn't well informed about the techniques of storytelling and I believe I lost a bit of focus after season 11. Now I'm actually happier as I've started to even more appreciate this character, so win-win for me!]
The character of Sam Winchester was my biggest surprise and my biggest disappointment while watching Supernatural (but it's not his fault). [EDIT: while I still don't particularly like (for now) s12-15, I've realized that my disappoint was more due to my ignonorance of storytelling techniques rather than by the way the character was written]
It was my biggest surprise because I had never related to a fictional character this much before. I think you just have to both be the younger sibling of a dysfunctional nuclear family and be trauma-bonded to your elder sibling to get it. I won't go into further details about it because it's a whole essay, but I have to mention it because I need to state that I feel a deep connection to Sam. We both made the same choices, the same "mistakes", the same sacrifices.
So I was astonished when I started Supernatural because of the way it felt true and real. I don't know if the writers lived similar experiences and were therefore able to tell this story truthfully, but they nevertheless did a hell of a job in describing the unique bond of two siblings trying their best to navigate their traumas.
From season 1 to 8-9ish, we see Sam morphing from being the hero of the story to one of the two main characters. [EDIT: this is incorrect, Sam has always been the hero of the story. I think I felt like he was "shifting" into a slightly less prominent role because Dean, as supporting protagonist, was given more space in order to proceed with the filler episodes]Slowly but surely, Dean also becomes the hero and I think that was fair. [EDIT: see above, technically this is incorrect, sorry lol!]You can't fully narrate the story of a bond withouth fully integrate one part of it. I loved all the parallels to Michael/Lucifer and Cain/Abel. I thought they were brilliant. The show allowed me to go deep inside and start sorting out some stuff I've lived. It really made me think a lot.
It's fair to say that the brothers' codependency was the crux of their problem. It was painful to watch and sometimed downright awkward but the writers got it all right: the otherwise unxeplicable and toxic jealousy they felt for one another, the inability to share their deepest feelings in way other than fighting, and hell yes, even Sam's decision to run away and not look for his brother after season 7. It was not OOC, it's exactly what he did when he was 18 and what John did as well 4 years after that. As a matter of fact, Sam is more similar to John than Dean could ever be.
It's definitely been a long journey but I find that the resolution of their codependency (in season ELEVEN!) was cleverly thought-out and brilliantly executed. It couldn't have happened before, the two bothers must have been either already in or close to their 30s to confront the knot, to acknwoledge the grip the trauma they've lived had on their life. Sometimes getting older does help and give you perspective. This might be why (as I've stated here) season 11 is my favourite one: it gives a sense of closure and hope.
However, here comes the biggest disappointment part. [EDIT: this is due to the fact that in part, I didn't fully get it]
After season 11 Sam morphs from one of the two main characters to a side character. [EDIT: incorrect, as per previous EDIT, Sam is always the hero and lead protagonist]The show must be about the brothers' bond and I'm okay with that. However, it looks like after season 11 the writers couldn't come up with new ideas to talk about this kind of bond. It felt like, other than co-dependency, the bond didn't have much to say. Therefore, both Sam and Dean almost go back to square one while they had all the possibilities to explore a new aspect of their relationship.
What could've been this new aspect? Easy: making them realize that the family they each wanted was, simply, different. This is just my opinion on the subject and how I've felt about season 12-15 so it's okay if you disagree. [EDIT: well, this is still my opinion, although it has nothing to do with Sam's narrative role in the story and more about my personal preference, so I think this is where I got confused]
In my opinion, from season 12 Sam is just a part of Dean's family. It's not "Sam&Dean"'s family. It's just Dean's. And I think the writers could've explored that in a more meaningful way. Let me explain: let's take Cas since he makes the perfect example for this scenario. Dean has repeatedly included Cas in the "family", he's called him not just his brother but "our brother". He includes Sam in the equation but I personally don't think Sam feels the same way. Sure, Sam cares for Cas and thinks he's family, but I think his idea of family is "Cas is my brother's husbandbest friend and therefore he's part of the family". He's extended family, kind of. [EDIT: this is still just my opinion and has nothing to do with Sam's narrative role. Although "family" is one of the themes of the show, it was not the only one]
My opinion is canonically backed because, aside from Rowena, all the members of the Winchesters Found Family are part of the family because Dean has allowed them, Dean has a deeper relatioship to them and ultimately because Dean decides who can enter the circle. This is totally in character and I love Dean for his ability to care and form deep bonds. [EDIT: this was also needed for Dean as a character because he's not the lead protagonist so he had to have something else in the story that was not necessarily connected to the mytharc]
However, this is not in Sam's character: Sam is the one who runs away, the one who wants to create his own family, the one who really needs to emancipate himself from his older brother. I truly wished the writers explored his passivity in "accepting" the status quo and made him, if not rebel, at least express his wants.
It would have been a moment in Sam's growth if he could've just, instead of running away, confronted his brother and stated that his desires were different, that he was part of Dean's family but it was not his family. Instead, we only have glimpes of what Sam really feels: he doesn't think of the bunker as his home, he doesn't ever say that he has a family (not surprisingly it's Dean that in "Lebanon" tells John "I have a family" and not Sam), he doesn't really have any other meaningful relationship aside from his brother.
Supernatural ending did him dirty, too. Not just for the awful wig and make-up but because the ending framed Sam as a two-dimensional character: "freed" from his brother and his brother's family, he finds a blurry wife, a dog, a son, a white picket fence. How sad is that? We never get to see Sam really connecting with anyone: all (and by all I really mean ALL) the women in his life, from his mother to one-night-stands while on the road passing through Ruby, end up dead (RIP Sarah Blake). Of course his wife at the end had to be a blurry figure in the backfround (she was not even besides him on his deathbed!): she was a testament to all of his past relationships. Like, seriously, apart from Dean, the ONLY lasting relationship Sam has throughout the whole series is with LUCIFER and this alone, I think, speaks volume. [EDIT: again this just relates to the fact that I'm not particularly fond of s12-15 and of the overall ending. Technically speaking, the ending makes sense. Whether I liked it or not is another issue]
In conclusion, after season 11 Sam is no longer an interesting character because the writers both downright refused to give him another substantial character to interact with and insisted once again on his codependency with Dean (which was already resolved). [EDIT, tbh it was a weak ending to begin with, LOL, I didn't like it even after I wrote it hahahhaa, but yeah, as this whole post proves Sam Winchester is far from being an uninteresting character because I just spent a frigging afternoon learning new things thanks to him so I guess he's like the gift that keeps on giving!]
Having said that, in my heart of hearts, Sam Winchester will always have a special place because I get him, I really do.
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eggybug · 2 months
we're at the end of season 5 and i have thoughts:
1. i must have been damn blind the first time i watched supernatural because destiel was screaming in my face the whole time this season
2. i feel kinda bad for adam if im being honest, he didn't deserve what happened to him
3. chuck being chuck being chuck being god is SO annoying
4. i love gabriel with everything in me and thats the whole thought
5. BOBBY!!!!!
6. CROWLEY!!!!
7. the first appearance of "moose" and its thrilling!
8. JODY MILLS my favorite hunter
9. rip jo and ellen you will be missed
10. does anyone else think its fucked up they can never have two women hunter mains at the same time until like season 10
11. castiel is literally so babygirl but in the opposite way as dean and i love them both so much
12. speaking of cas, his journey through faith in god and in dean is so insane. i could write sonnets about it.
13. im so glad this is the last season that sam drunks blood in (i think)
14. let's talk about death (this will be a post all on its own dw)
15. dean is always so worried about cas, especially post losing his angel mojo and its killing me
16. these two self-sacrificing sons of bitches are the WORST
17. i think we need to talk more about the fact that dean views his time in hell like a full on soldier
18. i have SO many thoughts about the boys' time in heaven and none of them are coherent
19. bobby is the best dad in the world and it sucks that he has to keep watching those dumbass boys keep trying to kill themselves
20. i don't think cas and sam ever fully like each other and i do love that
21. i can't wait for the episode from baby's perspective
22. those boys wouldn't know subtle if it knocked them in the head
23. before long i will be making more insane comparisons between cain and abel and i want to hear nothing of it
24. can't have SHIT in detroit
25. i do feel bad for sam at the end of the day
26. it is a temper tantrum lucifer, dude you can't deny it anymore
i think that's it for now
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thehomophobe · 4 months
Twilight Joyride (Moon x Reader) 🌑🎠
Written by me!
Moon loomed in the dark, once again acting as the security of the plex. He's been doing this for how long? A few years? He can't really remember. But from actor to attendant, it definitely changed some things. From creation and meeting his brother to transferring to childcare to...her...he experienced things he thought were only told in fairytales. He knows these walls contain secrets unparallel; he was a secret in this place. Doing...inhuman things to...poor...innocent lives. He harmed his brother...the only family member he had since the beginning. And ever since the corruption, so many people either loathed him...or feared him. Staff, children, Sun...How long has he been doing that? He didn't want to know.
Fortunately, Moon has gained resistance. Like bacteria to an antibody, he evolved. He's better than before when he was nothing but a puppet. He's gained his consciousness and he created his own antivirus barrier inside the mindscape, with the help of Sun of course. Though there were times when he felt like slipping, hearing the warmth of his beloved brother's voice made him regain himself again. He was glad to hear some optimism counter his pessimism during those times, even if he envied his brother's love of the children and time in the limelight. But he doesn't want to be the Cain to his Abel. That's the last thing he wants.
Still nothing. No sly crooks, no naughty children, no loose animatronics. A little boring but it's better than dealing with a robber trying to be slick or Monty smashing equipment due to something stupid. Moon crawled in the shadows cast by the dim lights of the plex. He already checked the second and third floors. Majority of the attractions were clear. Some wet-floor bots loiter around the floors not doing their jobs, but only because there were no spills. The security STAFF bots rolled around as well. He can tell where everyone comes from. Moon never really liked them either. He remembers waking up abruptly one night, lying on the floor of his room and surrounded by broken STAFF bots. He didn't know how they got up there. He didn't think Sun would do this. He was confused. It wasn't until he knew what was happening to him he knew how they got there. And why they were broken. 
Moon shook out his thoughts. One because Sun reports having "nightmares" of robot slaughter while he sleeps. But two because he hears the sound of...clicking. Someone must have slipped from his radar. Whoever it is, they'll be in big trouble. Moon makes his way as the sound gets closer. His acrobatics let him move more through the halls faster and fluidly. He wanted to stay silent just to see if it was an intruder. The noises led him deeper into the plex, a place he wasn't so familiar with. It was a hallway he had searched in the past, but he never went down this way. Little sparks flickered in the dark accompanying the light being shined on a fuse box, illuminating a contraption a little. As well as a silhouette of a person. With the light, Moon could see a roof-like shape covering the person, with details of blue, white, and gold embroidered on the top. He could hear little mutters from the person who looked to be hard at work. He slinked down from his roost, crawling silently toward the human, like a predator hunting prey. Jumping down to the floor, he could see several porcelain horses, their colors dark due to the lack of light as well as a pole attached to all of them. Wait...this was...his carousel...
Moon always loved his carousel, from the moment it was built he loved it. He remembered hearing the music playing from the hall down. Such lovely music. And even more lovely horses. He gave each one a cute name to match them. He remember when he heard complaints about the carousel breaking down every now and then. But staff was too lazy to fix it, so it was just there to rot away. Sun likes the carousel so much, he wishes they fixed it already, or at the very least give them the code to fix it. He also remembers hiding away there during the corruption, where no one can find him. Just Moon and his horses. And now someone wants to destroy one thing that brought him comfort. How naughty. Moon approached the distracted intruder, red eyes piercing the silly little human. Closer and closer until-"AAAH!" The person shined their flashlight at his face, stunning him. He cried in pain.
"Oh my gosh! Moon, you scared me half to death!" A familiar voice cried. "Are you ok?"
After regaining his vision, Moon was surprised to hear the voice. It's the voice of who he knows and loves the most. "(Y/N)? What are you still doing here so late at night?" 
"Oh. Well..." (Y/N) looked away in shame. "It was meant to be a surprise." She turns to face the fuse box. "But the dang switches weren't working." She huffed.
Moon was a little more confused. "A surprise?"
"Yeah! I wanted to fix the carousel for you." (Y/N) smiled sweetly. Which made Moon fall harder and faster in love. First, they created separate bodies for him and Sun, fixed the lighting in the Daycare, moved the generators into a safe spot away from the children, cleaned their room, and now this! How much did this woman go through for them? No wonder Sun was always so uptight with returning all those favors for them. Moon would ask why go through all this trouble for them but he knows she'll give the same answer.
"Because you guys don't get any support."
"Because you're just as important as the Glamrocks."
"Because I care."
He remembers the first time (Y/N) stepped into the Daycare on her break just to help Sun clean. Every time she watches through the glass, she says how much he has to deal with and not getting enough time to rest. He always said his brother was a hopeless romantic, swooning over anyone who complimented him. Saying it's true love and they'll live happily ever after. Then he had to be the one to bring Sun back to Earth telling him they were only being nice and it isn't love at first sight. But (Y/N). (Y/N) was different. Something about her persistence in helping...any of the animatronics really. He heard the Glamrocks talking about how nice (Y/N) takes care of them during maintenance. But that can't be the case, she's just a nice person. Nothing more, nothing less. 
So why did it make the circuits spark and the cooling fans whirl every time he's seen her? 
This was just another good deed (Y/N) wanted to do "for the hell of it" as she says. 
"I was trying to fix the lighting and the motors of it but the fuses weren't working right." She crossed her arms.  "But look, I polished all the horses. Look's good as new huh?" She gleams at a white horse with a vermillion saddle, breast collar, nose, and browbands, and a golden yellow mane. Golden glitter was flicked on the back legs down to the hooves. "Hyperion," Moon said breathly. He never realized how shiny and white the horse was. It's been that long of a time. 
"I saw it in the corner while I was doing security. Reminded me of my childhood when I would to the state fair with my mom." She chuckled at the memory as her hand petted one of the horses. "I would beg my mom to let me ride, and when she did, I find the prettiest one to mount on and have a blast." She chose to saddle upon a silvery gray horse with a dark, almost black, navy blue saddle with little sparkly bits of silver. "I can still hear the little jingle the carousel played." 
Moon smiled at the newly clean merry-go-round. The horses looked brighter and more elegant, and the roof was clear of cobwebs and dust, but sadly the lights weren't on nor was it moving. It would have looked so magical with them. "Glad you're happy with my gift Moon, even if it wasn't finished."
"You've done enough, Starlight. And I thank you." Moon looked to (Y/N) softly.
"Aw, you're welcome." (Y/N) was about to get off, only for her to fall. Well, if it wasn't for Moon's fast reaction time holding her back up before helping her get down. "Careful, Phoebe was always taller than the rest." Moon comments. But it made (Y/N) raise an eyebrow. "Phoebe?" Moon gets startled not realizing what he said. "Wait, the horses have names?!" 
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Moon turns away, trying to hide his embarrassed face.
"Awwww! That's so cute!" (Y/N) coos. 
Moon covers his face with his sleeping cap, unable to handle the embarrassment. "So what's that one's name?" (Y/N) points to a cream-colored horse with green harnesses and little flowers. "R-Rhea," Moon muttered. But (Y/N) couldn't hear him so she asked again. "Rhea. And the one next to her is Iapetus." Moon points to another horse. "So they're all named after different moons?" (Y/N) asked. "Y-Yes. But it's better than what Sun was calling them." Moon huffed. (Y/N) chuckled, imagining what kind of names Sun would have called each horse. 
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
"My pleasure."
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rius-cave · 3 months
So I found another AU. And guess what.
It’s one of the most angsty shits I’ve ever came up with.
Guardian Angel AU.
Lucifer is a winner who died with his family in a car accident when he was 14. (Let’s ignore the fact that Lu’s parent is God and throw two random parents. He had a twin brother, Michael and a sister, Charlie.) And they went to Heaven.
Lucifer rose in status and became a Guardian Angel, whose job is to go and help people who SH themselves or people who thinks about oofing themselves. They have timers in Heaven which shows the time left to save these people.
One day, they give him a “To Be Saved” list and he sees his childhood friend, Adam there. They were neighbors until Lucifer moved away when he was 12. Adam lowkey had a crush on him but didn’t realize. He chose him as his next job.
Why does Adam want to oof himself? Let me tell you. Also this is the part with the most tw’s.
Starting from the beginning, Adam’s mental health took damage for the first time when he had a you-know-what relationship with someone named Steve, who was 2 years older than him. He fell in depression. Sera, his adoptive mother, didn’t want to take him to a psychiatrist (Because he’s just being dramatic and should get up and be a man) but Emily, his stepsister insisted, so he did see a doctor and got help. They gave him a medicine to help him heal. (Maybe Xanax)
Also he had to use Vicodin aswell at one point. This’ll be relevant I swear.
Years and years later, he met with Eve. And they had kids when they were both. 20. They got married because their parents forced them and moved to another state, where they opened their small farm. They had twin boys, Cain and Abel btw.
Adam thought maybe, even though they had a rocky start, he could live happily now with his family. But…
Cain killed Abel when they were 14. And he went to juvie.
Adam and Eve broke up after this, with Eve blaming it all on Adam. She got almost all their properties in court, sold them and moved to another country, telling Adam she never wanted to see his stupid face or be associated with someone like him.
Hopeless, Adam contacted his mom. Oh God I wish he didn’t.
Sera too blamed him for everything and disowned him, calling him a murderer because he was supposed to be the father of his kids and raise them properly. It wouldn’t have happened if he just did a better job at raising them. She refused to help him because “he was a grown ass man, he wasn’t a baby”
Emily was in another country as well, she went there for education and stayed there. Sera lied about what Adam did and made him look like the devil himself. So Emily thinks her mom is right to disown him.
Adam stayed at a small apartment for a while, but he couldn’t even afford the rent, so he was going to be thrown at the streets until a “superhero” came and saved him.
Alastor. His step cousin.
Alastor paid the rent, and even bought Adam a house, saying “He can take care of him until he’s fine again”. But as you may have guessed, of course that’s not his intention.
He gave Adam the same pills the doctors gave to Adam when he was a kid. Saying it’d ease the pain. And they did. But..
He became addicted. To both Xanax and Vicodin. He kept buying them from two weirdos named Vox and Velvette, who were actually helping Alastor.
Speaking of Alastor.. He thinks he can do any physical harm to Adam since he saved his ass. He visits him once every three weeks and gladly reminds him how much of a desperate piece of shit he is.
Slowly, Adam became addicted to tequila as well.
Adam slowly became a bit like a hermit, never leaving his house for days and always ordering stuff there.
Phew. With that’s out of the way I can continue.
So Lucifer disguises himself as Adam’s neighbor and does his job the best he could.
What he didn’t expect was to fall in love with him. He couldn’t help it. Adam did as well.
It was forbidden for an angel to love a human but Lucifer didn’t care. Adam literally lived Hell on Earth and deserved someone.
But one day another angel reported this. His ex, Lilith, a heaven born angel.
I’ll get to it later. It has much more stuff.
Well! That whole traumatic backstory seems very on par with what would happen to him tbh, plus the extra Alastor stuff, oof, yeah that's a lot.
The part that stings the most is definitely still the part about his children, but wow he's having not a good time.
You know this kinda reminded me of the youtube pilot Welcome to Hell (super recommend it btw), it has basically the opposite premise to this LOL because its a boy that is tasked to make other people want to end their lives, but then ends up becoming friends with the boy that he's supposed to torment.
Very interesting AU, having Lucifer as a guardian angel is <3<3<3<3<3 love that a lot!
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