#Every other new parent on that show is holding their baby except Zoe.
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Mollie Winnard’s first role, Zoe in episode one of Love, Lies and Records. (And a tiny appearance by Zoe’s baby son Zachary.)
[Zoe sits at the desk in the registration office and talks to Jamie and Kate. Baby Zachary waves his hand around. Zoe gets up, takes the pram, and leaves.]
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maxbernini · 3 years
sekou and zoe :0? for 3 headcanons
tysm anon 💕 sorry this is so long i’m on mobile & can’t do a read more
zoe m (assuming it’s her and not wtf’s zoe lol):
- zoe is THE postergirl for “pretending you’re famous in the shower and being interviewed”, which is cool, we all do it, except zoe doesn’t limit herself to the shower, nor is she silent. many times ava has come home to find zoe in the kitchen telling an invisible oprah a highly exaggerated version of her life: something about kieu my once being SO lovesick zoe thought she had a fever and had to carry her to the hospital, bridal-style, and also there were zombies. it’s an easy way to make nora laugh too, but on her worst days, zoe will hold her and when she’s calm, give an “off the record interview” where she details why she loves her sister, the strongest person she knows
- she writes fan-fiction. it used to be self-insert type stuff, you know, “my mom sold me to one direction” and the like, but actually...really really good? she had a solid wattpad fan-base for a reason. nora used to make her story covers on photoshop. she sticks to ao3 now, posting devastatingly gorgeous 30k pieces once every six months or so that garner their own mini fandoms. i’m not going to say what medias she’s writing for, but i’m not ruling out a certain cursed never-ending CW show, nor something completely different and wild like....RPF about the buzzfeed unsolved guys or whatever. or maybe less famous, very niche buzzfeed people which makes it better/worse (she gets her own ‘10 Lines In This Fanfic About Our Employees That Will Make You Cry Into A Pillow And Demand We Start A Union’ article)
- when the instas went on their social media detox / camping retreat / whatever the fuck it was, zoe enjoyed herself more than she thought she would. they were there to help constantin, yes, but it was healing for her, too. she, kieu my, and finn shared a tent, and on the last night, she stayed awake far longer than she should’ve, listening to their breathing, listening to the trees. if she concentrated hard enough, she could make everything fade away until she felt, for a strange, single moment, that she was the only person in the entire world. it was honestly comforting, all that peace and quiet and numbness, and yet, when asked about her exhaustion the next day, she says she stayed up on guard to protect them from any bears or serial killers; ismail immediately pretends to stab finn (“i was the killer all along!”), and amidst all the ensuing dramatic chaos, zoe thinks: i am very glad to not be alone. i am very glad to be alive.
- with an older brother and two older sisters, sékou’s the ‘baby’ of the family but they don’t baby or other him at all. they’re all close, despite the miles between them: his parents came with him to canada, though his dad, a doctor (and his son’s biggest defender, especially when it came to getting diagnosed within an ableist, racist healthcare system) had to stay in paris a little longer to sort out work stuff with the pandemic, meaning he and his mom spent the first few months alone - “but not lonely!” she says every morning over breakfast; she doesn’t mind cooking it because she loves him and he helps with dinner anyways, as that’s how he unwinds after school. dealing with numbers in recipes helps him stay sharp whilst allowing him to relax and have fun
- other unwinding techniques include IT-related commissions, video editing, art history, philosophy, and, of course, urbex. since it’s canon that la mif are too depressed to urbex now that he’s gone, i’ll say it’s the opposite for him. he does urbex in canada, and it’s nice to finally be with people who follow maps and put safety first and are rather clinical - though not necessarily boring - about their approach. he becomes the president of his uni’s urbex club, the quickest anyone’s ever risen through the ranks. still, sometimes down in those tunnels it’s dark enough that it’s easy to pretend he’s back in paris, the indecipherable shapes around him his old friends. he tags their initials on a wall, and never tells them, his own little secret
- determined to not fall out of touch to an irreparable degree though, sékou sends la mif letters/packages, often very personalized: it starts with, like, memes for jo, film recs for max, political articles for maya, positive affirmations for lola etc, before becoming an international small gifts exchange because everyone involved is extra. noticing two new guys on the group insta, sekou thinks it’d be rude to exclude them, figuring there’s no harm in sending a tiny boxing glove keychain he saw at the store the other day, or some sewing tips his eldest sister, a fashion designer, passes along. bc skamfr is often an unintentional comedy (eg: the car), everybody in la mif assumes they’re the only one getting sent stuff bc nobody talks about it out of guilt (“what if he’s not sending them things...”). so it’s quite a shock when sékou flies back home for summer and he and redouane are like, immediately going in for a hug, the first to do so, and bilal presents sékou with a homemade bowtie. max is very pouty about it but max is pouty about most things so jo elbows him in the ribs and they all hash it out at maya’s that night; sékou takes one look at the place and thinks: i’m glad your taste in decor is better than your wardrobe, and then thinks: i’m not sure where i want to live, there are so many things i want to do and discover and become, but there’s no where else i’d rather call home right now (is he talking about the city or his friends?? you decide!)
give me a character and i’ll tell you three pieces of headcanon i have about them! 
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cnrmrphy-blog · 5 years
life as we know it 5
title: baby steps  warnings: weed mention, implied depression summary: a tiny bit of effort can go a long way, right?  author’s note: i had this done for a hot second, but things have been busy and school’s starting soon so we’ll see if i can keep some semblance of consistency lol part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
Connor Murphy had a complicated relationship with his little sister.  
He told you one day when they were both little, they would play in their backyard.  Zoe was obsessed with the Backyardigans (the best kids television show in her own personal opinion, but you learned Connor was more of a Pokémon kind of guy) and she would make him go on various adventures with her, sometimes even throughout their neighborhood if their mother was feeling particularly generous.  
They actually had fun.  Connor would come up with these crazy quests, and they would have to complete them before dinner or else the world would be destroyed.  He seemed like such an incredible storyteller, even if he was only seven years old.  Zoe idolized him. 
But then one day he just… stopped talking to her.  He stopped talking to everybody.  He never smiled, never laughed anymore.  At first, it was just loud, angry music that he would blare to drown out any noise (whether it was his father’s shouts or his own thoughts, it was impossible to tell.  Everything was too muddled together for him to make sense of it all)—but when he turned thirteen he became eerily silent.  Connor retreated into his room, sometimes with the smell of weed wafting from underneath the door, sometimes without.  
He stopped eating dinner with his family (he seemed to have stopped eating in general).  He stopped joining his family to watch television at night.  He refused to leave his room whenever Zoe and their parents went out on the weekends.  By the time he turned fifteen, he almost effectively cut off any sort of relationship he had with his family (his mother was stubborn as shit and wouldn’t give up on him.  It pissed him off).  
You actually have never met Zoe.  It wasn’t like it was a big deal to you or anything—she didn’t run in your admittedly small social circle and Connor definitely wasn’t close with her anymore.  It wasn’t as if he wanted it to be this way—he’s just been on a whole other planet for so long he didn’t know how to connect with his family anymore. 
But at least one thing was going to change today.  
You’re not quite sure how this even happened in the first place.  One moment your English teacher was assigning partner projects (she let you pick your partner?  Oh hell yes.) and the next you were making plans with Connor to meet up somewhere after school. 
Originally, you were just going to carpool to the Panera near by and to work, but then he cursed, saying that he was grounded and wasn’t allowed to stay out after school (which you were surprised he’d even care from what you learned about him, but you were not about to question it).  So then you suggested doing it at his house without thinking. 
He wasn’t… thrilled.  He almost convinced you to just put it off and work on it later, maybe during lunch tomorrow or some other day.  But you gave him your puppy dog eyes and he begrudgingly caved. 
So now you were waiting for Zoe, keeper of the car keys because apparently Connor lost driving privileges too. You two leaned against the wall in silence and you had yet to determine if it was uncomfortable or not.  You were leaning towards uncomfortable. 
You bit your lip as you gave Connor a sideways glance.  He was more broody than usual ever since you made your questionable suggestion.  He did agree, but it was clear his relationship with his sister was rocky at best.  You prayed you weren’t a catalyst for some sort of blow out because you definitely couldn’t handle that right now.  
You trained your focus on the ground.  “I don’t have to come over if you really don’t want me to.”
“It’s not—you’re not the problem.” Connor bit the inside of his cheek, “You already know everybody in my family fucking hates me.  They’ll have a field day when they find out someone’s willing to work on a project with me, let alone actually be my friend.” 
You snapped your gaze at Connor.  “Bullshit.  That’s not true.” 
“Yeah well,” Connor smiled mirthlessly, “I’m not exactly an angel.  Zoe has every right to hate me.” 
And what was that supposed to mean? 
“...It’s never too late to make amends.” You bumped his shoulder with your own, “Maybe nothing will be fixed right away, but at least you tried.  Baby steps.” 
Connor grunted, acknowledging you but said nothing more.  You sighed, “You are not a bad person Connor.  Whatever happened before doesn’t dictate your future.” 
It was subtle and quick, but Connor’s face fell and his eyes grew a little more dull, and it broke your heart.  The bags under his eyes were more prominent than usual—he was so incredibly tired.  
But then he sucked in a breath and straightened his back, and any evidence of emotion was wiped from his face.  He glanced at you and quirked a smile—one you couldn’t really tell what was behind it. 
“Quit worrying about me, nerd.” 
You scoffed, kicking his foot, “Says the guy that reads Catch 22 for fun, you nerd.” 
“Because it’s funny!” 
Voices interrupted you, and you looked over to see two girls walking towards you—one with a guitar slung over her shoulder and the other one wearing glasses with a handful of textbooks in her arms.  
The one with the guitar looked your way and stopped mid sentence.  Her eyes flicked towards Connor, but snapped back to you.  She smiled, albeit empty.  
“Uh, hi!  You’re Y/N?  I’m Zoe.” 
“And I’m Alana—I don’t recognize you, are you from around here?” Alana cut in, and you weren’t quite sure if you even caught all of it. 
“Um yeah, that’s me!  Just moved here a few months ago.  Nice to meet you.” 
Your discomfort grew tenfold.  You didn’t loved people pointing out the fact that you’re not from the area.  It made you feel like an outsider, and Connor knew that.  He opened his mouth, but then closed it.  He crossed his arms tight around his chest, trying to restrain whatever it was he wanted to say.  
At least he’s trying to be civil, right? 
“Sorry, the car’s kinda far back.  We got a late start this morning.” Zoe wouldn’t look at Connor, but the scowl on his face told you that was very much a passive aggressive dig. 
You shrugged, “It happens.” 
You began your trek to the back of the student lot, Connor trailing behind.  Alana bit her lip and looked between Connor and Zoe, and locked eyes with you. 
Okay okay okay, maybe she’s chill.  She understands how awkward this is. 
“So Y/N, you said you just moved here?  Where from?” 
The redirection of conversation was a godsend, even if it was at your expense.  “I moved from Y/HT.  My dad got a new job so here I am.” 
“I personally never moved, but I can totally imagine how hard it is.” 
That’s a stretch, but I appreciate the sentiment, I guess. 
“It’s was rough. sure.  But I’ve met some cool people that made it easier.” 
“I’m glad!  You’re a senior right?  Because you’re in AP with Connor?”
“How do you know that?” Zoe and Connor said in unison, and it was uncanny how they had equal levels of incredulousness in their voices.  Zoe was more so surprised while Connor grew defensive.  Oh no. 
Alana was less confident than she was before.  “...Um.  I’m an office aid… I helped organize the schedules and I saw Connor’s, and Zoe said Y/N is his partner for class earlier so I just figured...” 
You reached the Murphy’s car (a black SUV with a giant dent in the back bumper, and you really wanted to know the story behind that), and Zoe fumbled with the keys.  “No it’s okay Alana!  I just… didn't know Connor was in that class.” 
The car beeped, and you climbed into the back seat with Connor sitting on the other side.  The silence was deafening while Zoe threw her guitar in the trunk.  She climbed into the driver’s seat, the tension in Zoe’s body was tangible (even if you could only see the back of her head).  
Connor’s jaw was clenched and he refused to look anywhere except the back of the headrest in front of him.  Alana surprisingly chose this moment to stay quiet (as she should, she was at least that much aware of the situation).  You kind of wanted the world to swallow you right then and there. 
There was another beat of silence before she turned around to face Connor. 
“Sorry.  It’s cool that you’re in that class.  I didn’t know.” 
Connor blinked and looked down.  His the tension in his shoulders dissipated, if only slightly.  
“S’okay.” He paused, then spoke again.  “You wouldn’t have known, I didn’t show anyone my schedule.” 
Zoe released the breath she was holding and turned back around.  She backed out of the spot, and hesitated before speaking again.  “...Do you guys want some food?  Mom doesn’t keep anything good in the house.” 
“Sure.  I’ll buy.” Connor cut in before you were even able to think.  
“Wait no, it’s fine—!” 
Again, Connor interrupted Zoe, “You’re really questioning my generosity right now?” 
His tone was clipped, but there was no malice in his voice.  Zoe laughed, a mix between disbelief and slight relief.  “Right, I’ll shut up now.” 
“Oh if Connor’s buying, then I’m getting the most expensive thing on the menu.” You turned your head towards Connor with a wide, playful grin.  
“I will literally shove you out of the car.” 
Your smile grew wider, “Do it bitch, you won’t.” 
“Try me.” Connor lunged at you, causing you to shriek.  Zoe and Alana giggled at your expense, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t thrilled that this wasn’t a complete disaster. 
Baby steps right?  Maybe everything will be okay.
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leaves-of-three · 7 years
Character Study || Larry Murphy
We are going to put Larry Murphy from Dear Evan Hansen under a microscope and analyze his every move. A lot of these points are simply how I perceived him. You could interpret them very differently. It’s up to you. This is just my thoughts. We’re also looking at things through Larry’s POV and how he would see things, not how other characters would see them, because they all see things differently. (heads up: i did not reread this and wrote it in one sitting so apologies in advance for awful horrible mistakes that are probably there)
Let’s begin!
The first time we meet Larry is during the breakfast scene: 
Cynthia: “Are you going to get involved here or are you too busy on your email, Larry?”
Larry: “You have to go to school Connor.”
Cynthia: “That’s all your gonna say?”
Larry: “What do you want me to say? He doesn’t listen. Look at him. He’s not listening. He’s probably high.”
It’s early in the morning. Larry is preparing for work. He’s the main provider of money in the family. Work is probably very important to him especially as we almost always see him in a suit or tie. Their family is able to live a very comfortable life because of him and his job. 
The last thing he wants to do is settle family drama first thing in the morning. This isn’t a new occurrence. Connor has clearly been an issue for a long time. He’s probably heard this same argument a million times. He’s over it. He’s tired. He has other things on his mind.
If I were going to write Larry, I would say he’s a workaholic or, at least, favors work over his family issues. 
Larry:  The interstate’s already jammed.
He’s already forgotten about breakfast issues. He’s thinking about the immediate future. He knows he’s got to get to work and now he’s going to be stuck in traffic. This morning is already wiped form his mind. 
He kisses Cynthia on the cheek before he leaves. 
You could look at this as something out of love for his wife, possibly silently thanking her for breakfast and saying goodbye.
Or you could see it as something he does out of habit. Maybe he’s been kissing her goodbye every morning so it’s just part of his routine. You could take that as him being very strict on structure and routine in his life. 
The next time we see Larry is in the principle office after Connor died: 
Larry takes control of the conversation. 
Clearly Cynthia is a mess. She’s having trouble getting out any words. Larry takes over for her. 
He becomes head of the household. His wife is in pain. He steps up so she doesn’t have to speak while she tries to collect herself.
This is different then how he reacts in other parts of the story. Cynthia does more of the talking whenever her family or Evan is around. Larry stays quiet and let’s her lead the conversation. 
To me, I see that small action as his love for his wife. He doesn’t want to force her to speak while she’s grieving. If I relate this to my life, I know my mom is good at picking up when I have really bad anxiety and will help steer the conversation to herself and away from me. Larry could be doing something similar until she’s ready. 
“We never heard your name before. Connor never-”
He stops talking then. He was going to say something alone the lines of Connor never mentioned you. 
Despite having never heard of Evan before, they still believe that Connor wrote the note. Larry just accepts that Connor would be hiding things, friends included, from him. They don’t have an open communication. He doesn’t know much about his children’s live. 
“We didn’t think Connor had any friends.”
He sees his son as a loner. Larry seems like the kind of person would of had a lot of friends in high school. Possibly a jock. 
Technically, he’s right. Connor didn’t have any friends as far as the audience knows. 
That means he had to fairly observant enough to notice that his son never went out or brought anyone home. 
“His last words.”
Larry to looks to Cynthia when Evan questions what he means by last words. Cynthia shakes her head and starts crying. Larry once again takes over the conversation for her. 
He fidgets a bit on his seat, leaning back then forwards again, his hands are clasped together. He keeps not finishing the sentences that he starts then rethinking and saying something else. He’s uncomfortable. He doesn’t want to be there. He doesn’t want to be talking about his (what believes to be) dead son’s suicide note but Cynthia can’t so he has to. 
“Honey, now is not the time.”
After Evan says that Connor didn’t write the letter, Cynthia starts to panic. She gets out of her chair. She closes in towards Evan. Her voice is rising and she’s crying. She’s starting to breakdown. She’s clearly scaring Evan as he gets up and cowers away from her. 
Larry stands up and takes a direct step between his wife and Evan. He physically puts his body between her and this kid they just met. He holds his arm out around her so she can’t get any closer to Evan and gently pulls her back. 
1 - His father instincts are probably kicking in. He’s protecting Evan from someone who’s scaring him. 2 - He’s trying to protect his wife from the pain. Evan is causing her pain. He’s not agreeing with what they want. She wants to hear that he was Connor’s friend so that her son wouldn’t seem so alone. She wants Evan to be that person and when he tries to deny it, she panics. 
Larry puts himself between the two of them. He keeps his back to Evan the rest of that scene. He’s facing his wife. He tries to reach out a for her hands but she pushes him away so he steps back. 
This whole principle office scene was Larry trying to protect and care for his grieving wife. 
Evan eats dinner with the family aka For Forever scene: 
Larry: “Would anyone else like more chicken?”
Cynthia: “I think you’re the only with an appetite, Larry.”
Larry: “The Harris’ brought it over.”
He’s trying to be a good host to their guest and his family. He’s willing to go bring them more food if they want it. It’s a polite thing to ask. 
He stands up as if to take his plate the kitchen but after Cynthia scolds him, he sits back down. He’s a little defensive saying that someone else brought over the food. 
Like attempting to be a good host, he’s also probably trying to be polite to the Harris family who brought them the food. He’d want to eat it as a show of thanks. 
Cynthia: “He knew you read his emails.”
Larry: “Somebody had to be the bag guy.”
I mentioned this point in Connor’s post but Larry was forced to play the role of the “bad guy”. 
Cynthia shows lots of signs of being apologetic and enabling of Connor’s behavior. She doesn’t want to see Connor for how he acted but how she knew he could be. He’s her first born. She probably feels a very strong connection to him. Chances are, she let a lot of things slide and push over when it came to Connor. She never says anything bad about him. She makes excuses and downplays his anger. He was her little baby boy and she probably turned a blind eye to a lot of the things he was going through. 
That meant that Larry had to double up. He had to play the part of the strict authoritarian of the household. 
In Child Psychology, they often teach of four types of patenting styles. The authoritarian parenting, authoritative parent, permissive parenting, and uninvolved parenting.
Larry is the authoritarian. They set the rules and expect their kids to follow them without exception. They don’t often allow their kids to get involved with problem solving obstacles. They have little regard for their child’s opinion. It’s their rules or else. There is no negotiating and they expect their child to be obedient. As punishment for breaking rules, they often focus on making the child suffer for their mistakes instead of talking it out.
Cynthia is a permissive parent. They only step in when there is a serious problem. If they set any rules, they are often not followed through, or there aren’t any consequences for breaking them. They forgive and forget easily. They put no effort into discouraging poor choices or behaviors. 
Alright so what does that mean? Well children are heavily affected by the way their parents raise them.
Children who grow up with an authoritarian parents can go in two ways. They can follow the rules all the time. They might not ever stray far from the rules for fear of being punished. They become quiet and reserved and keep to themselves. Often they develop self-esteem or self worth problems. (Zoey anyone?) Or they can became hostile and aggressive. They become good liars. They grow up learning to lie in order to avoid punishment. They hate people who hold high roles of authority. They display disruptive, aggressive, defiant, or anti-social conduct behaviors. (gee I wonder which Murphy child that sounds like...)
Children who grow up with a permissive parent may have less emotional understanding. They may make poor decisions. May be more prone to delinquency and substance use. Because they do not learn to deal with their emotions effectively, particularly in situations where they do not get what they want, they struggle when faced with difficult situations. May display low achievement in many areas. 
Now combine those two parenting styles and ta-da! You’ve got a hot mess called the Murphy siblings!
Conclusion to this: Parenting is hard and neither Larry or Cynthia are getting it right. 
Zoe: “Connor was a bad person.”
Larry: “Zoe, please.”
Zoe: “Don’t pretend like you don’t agree with me.”
This is a fun one. It makes me wonder if Zoe and Larry had some sort of chance at a decent relationship. 
Typically, when Zoe talks to her mom, she’s rolling her eyes or yelling. It seems like there’s not much of a structured relationship there. 
But she’s a little different with Larry. When she says “don’t pretend like you don’t agree with me” I wonder if that’s something they’ve talked about before. 
I’d like to think that maybe Zoe has vented or confided in Larry about how awful Connor was to her. I can get into this more when I do Zoe but it’s still an interesting point. 
The “don’t pretend” part really leads me to believe that they shared similar thoughts on how fed up they were with Connor before. 
If I look at this family, I see Cynthia/Connor on one side and Larry/Zoe on the opposing side. I feel like Connor drove a deep grove between everyone. 
The picnic, toy airplane bit. 
This is a sweet, typical story about a normal happy family. Two parents taking their children to a picnic at an apple orchard. Sitting on a nice sunny day and eating lunch. Taking out a new toy and watching them fly it around. 
Larry decided to get his hands in there and play with the kids. He accidentally crashes the plane. They probably all laughed about it and I’m sure he promised to buy them a new one. 
It’s normal. He was a good father when they were children. Sometimes it’s easier to connect to a child. They’re innocent, forgiving, and loving. They haven’t had a chance to let the world hurt them yet. As they become teens, things change. Teens are harsh. They’re hormonal and emotional and confusing. It’s important to note that we have no idea the kind of home that Larry came from. Since cycles often repeat themselves, I’m going to assume that Larry’s dad was probably the same. He might not know how to properly express his emotions (I’m so gonna get into that later). Maybe he watched his kids grow up and he was like wtf how do I take care of these humans now that they’re not tiny and can talk back. 
Evan gives the Murphy’s his fabricated emails: 
Larry is drinking. 
Cynthia is shown to be sitting on the couch while Evan talks. Larry is standing behind it. He paces around during this scene but stays mostly quiet. He had a drink in his hand. I’m guessing whisky. He seems like an Old Fashioned kind of guy. 
I just went back and watched this scene. I always assumed it took place at the end of the day because the stage is so dark I just got night vibes. But then I released that Zoe is just coming home from school and they haven’t eaten dinner yet. I don’t know if she stayed late or if it’s right after school ended. So the timing is a little off for me. It would be one thing if it was late at night and Larry was drinking, but now I’m thinking it’s mid afternoon, so that changes things a bit. It seems more important like the writers purposely wrote him as clearly having a drink in his hand as Zoe is getting home. I don’t want to ignore that placement and timing. He’s drinking before dinner. People usually have a drink after.
We don’t know if this is an everyday occurrence or something new. Does he drink every night after work? Has he always done that? Did it start when Connor starting acting out? Or did it start after his the death of his son? Does he drink a lot? Does he get drunk? Or is it one glass? We don’t know but it’s something to think about. 
In similar fashion to Connor getting high, Larry drinking at the end of/mid day the day could be his way to wind down, to cope, to take the edge off of everything. 
It’s important because it shows he’s struggling. He doesn’t say that he’s struggling with the loss. You just have to look for the clues that point to such. He conveys it through actions. Not words. 
Cynthia: “We would love to see more emails. We would love to see everything. Wouldn’t we?”
Larry: “...Mhm.”
Larry does not want to see more emails. He does not want to see these ones. He does not want to have his dead son being thrown back in his face. 
“Why don’t I show you out?” 
Cynthia tries to invite Evan to stay for dinner. Zoe is clearly not thrilled with that idea. There’s an awkward pause and she shares a look with her dad. After he gets the look, he steps up’s and ushers Evan out of the room. 
He can pick up on his daughter’s emotions. It was her first day back at school. It was hard. She doesn’t want Evan there. He’s not part of the family. She doesn’t want to try an entertain someone who’s invading her home after a tragedy. Larry gets that and moves him away from Zoe. 
He cares about Zoe. He cares about Cynthia. And he cared about Connor. No one can tell me otherwise. They’re his family. He loves them.
Larry: “I’m going to bed.”
Cynthia: “Sit with me.”
Larry: [shakes his head no]
Cynthia: “You cant stand to be in this room for five minutes.”
Larry: “I’m exhausted.”
Cynthia: “You know at some point your going to have to start dealing with this.”
Larry: “Not tonight. Please. I’ll keep the light on for you.”
This shit is big, my dudes. 
LARRY IS HURTING. His wife is sitting in their dead son’s bedroom reading the supposed words of when Connor was happy. 
That was not the Connor he knew. Evan’s words are forcing him to reevaluated everything he thought he knew about Connor (like Zoe too). It makes him feel like an even worse father than he’s already feeling. 
He is dead in this scene. He is so tired. His body language, his facial expression, the tone of his voice. It’s all showing an extremely exhausted man. Larry is just done. He can’t handle any more in one day. He needs to sleep. 
Cynthia knows that he’s not dealing with this. He’s not allowing himself to grieve. He’s trying to stay strong and keep it together for his family. She knows him better than anyone else. She can see that he’s in denial. There are many stages of grief. He’s stuck in the denial stage. 
After she tells him that, he responds with a “not tonight.” Which is classic denial. Then adds a very sad, helpless “please” after. He’s begging her to let him sleep. To let him forget for a few hours. 
She pushing him to stay in Connor’s bedroom. Do you know how hard it is for a parent to step foot in a child’s bedroom after a tragedy? It’s nearly impossible for some people. Larry doesn’t want to be there. 
As he leaves, he still says that he will leave a light on for his wife. Because he loves her. He cares about her. That’s what you do when you love people. You put blankets over them when they fall asleep, or you surprise them with their favorite starbucks drink when they weren’t expecting it, or you turn up the heat when you wake up because you know they get cold in the morning, or you keep a damn light on even if you’re trying to sleep so that they don’t have to stumble around in the dark!
The lines Larry sings in Requiem: 
I gave you the world, you threw it away
Literally and metaphorically. He brought Connor into this world (well...Cynthia did but he helped!) and he gave Connor everything that he could have wanted. 
Connor threw it all away. He didn’t care about the things Larry could have offered him. He metaphorically threw all that way. And he committed suicide. He literally threw away his life. 
And it’s important to note that he says “I” not “We”
Larry is selfish. He’s self absorbed. He’s probably high up the chain of people at his work. He’d be used to people respecting him. 
Connor pushed against that and Larry doesn’t take it well. 
Leaving these broken pieces behind you
Connor left them all broken. Cynthia is a mess. Zoe is forced to deal with the scars he left on her. Larry is left to try and pick up the pieces. 
Everything wasted, nothing to say
I see this part as Larry leaving the denial phase and entering the anger stage of grief. 
Remember: It is okay to be angry at someone after they take their own life. 
Larry is angry. Connor hurt everyone. He put his family through hell. The people he loves are hurting because of Connor’s choices.
So I can sing no requiem
Requiem is an act of honoring the dead and putting them to rest. 
Larry can’t honor his son right now. He’s too angry. He doesn’t want to put him to rest when there is still so much pain to deal with. 
Why should I have a heavy heart? 
Once again, this is the anger speaking. Why should he be sad? Why should he mourn? Connor took his own life. It was his fault. He did this. He destroyed this family. Not Larry. 
Obviously that’s not true. Many people were at fault here. Especially Larry. But the last thing a mourning father wants to do is put all the blame on himself. That guilt could destroy him. 
I will sing no requiem
Right now, he needs to be angry to cope. Let him be angry for now. It’ll pass in time.
The Connor Project: 
“I didn’t realize Connor meant this much to people.”
So may ways to view this line! 
It could mean that Larry didn’t think very much of Connor and, in turn, believed no on else did.
It could mean that Larry is confused again because this does not seem like the Connor he knew, and he’s trying to wrap his mind around this, despite going against what his gut is saying.
It could mean that he’s shocked and maybe a little proud that Connor was actually making an impact on people’s lives.
However you chose to view it, it’s a cool line. 
Larry is quiet. 
Once again, Cynthia does all the talking for the family. 
Larry keep quiet except to say that one line about Connor.
He spends the rest of the scene reading over the pamphlet Evan gives him. 
Larry sticks close to Zoe. 
Zoe and Larry are both quiet. They stick near each other in this scene. She’s sitting and Larry walks around her and behind her but never very far from where she is.
Neither of them look very thrilled about the idea. They’re confused. This was not the Connor that they knew.
When the scene fades out. Evan, Alana, and Jared are all up front in the spotlight. Cynthia is behind them to the left. She excited and she leaves the opposite side of the stage from her family. Zoe and Larry are still to the right by the table. The lights fade on them first and they get cast into darkness. They’re the first one’s to disappear off stage. 
You Will Be Found:
Larry starts to understand. 
When Cynthia and Larry enter the stage, their backs are towards the audience. They’re looking around in awe of everything being shown on the screens. Neither of them expected this big of an impact. 
He follows her around the stage. Until she turns and walks to the back of the stage with everyone else. Everyone has their back to the audience and Larry is left standing at the front of the stage. Alone. For a few seconds, he’s the only one facing the crowd. He’s apart from the group. He’s facing a different direction from them. He’s looking at everything. 
This is him releasing how big this shit is. It’s him releasing everything he couldn’t give Connor. It’s him understanding how he messed up, how he should have tried harder, or done better. Larry is finally allowing himself to see things in a different light. He’s finally starting to understand Connor. 
Larry sees the light. 
Then everyone gathers together. They walk in circles around Evan. Cynthia goes up to Evan and hugs him as everyone else parts from them. Larry looks over and sees them. He takes a forward towards them but they walk off together. 
Then he’s once again left in middle of the stage by himself. Except this time two spot lights suddenly shine directly on him. 
The lyrics during this part are “Out of the shadows. The morning is breaking. All is new. All is new.” 
Larry leans over as if he was hit with grief. (I can’t tell if he’s crying or not because it’s a bootleg and the lighting washes out his facial features here but his body language looks like he is??) 
Larry literally sees the light. 
You are not alone. You are not alone. 
Right after that happens. Cynthia runs across the stage and hugs him. He holds her really tight as the “you are not alone” lyrics are being sung. 
This is a really sad Zoe part but I’ll save it for her study. 
But basically, Larry is focusing a lot on his wife here and his dead son and low key forgetting about their other child. 
Him and Cynthia walk off together in an embrace. 
Larry is finally allowing himself to grieve the death of Connor. 
Garage Scene before Break in a Glove:
Larry is a baseball fan.
He has signed baseball memorabilia that are worth good money. 
He has a “man’s man”
If you look at his garage set up, it’s full of the stereotypical men shit. He’s got a work bench with a bunch of tools and baseball stuff. 
Zoe: “You can tell him he’s being boring and he won’t get upset.”
That’s such a kid thing to say about a parent. It also gives another look into Zoe and Larry’s relationship. It’s a cute interaction. It’s playful. I’m sure he’s tried to talk to Zoe about baseball stuff before and I’m sure she brushed him off in a similar manor. 
Again, a very manly kind of thing to say to another dude. Heh, woman, ammiright? Grr we bros. We tough. Testosterone woo. 
“Feel how stiff the leather is? Never been used.” 
In response to Evan picking up the glove. It was supposed to Connor’s glove. 
He says “never been used” quietly as an after thought and then brushes it off by saying that Evan probably has his own glove at home. 
He also says, “This one’s just gonna sit here. Collecting dust.” Ha cause Connor is dead and he’s never going to use it and I’m not crying what. 
Break In A Glove aka the most we’ll ever learn about Larry:
I bought this glove a thousand years ago, For some birthday or some Christmas that has come and gone
He can’t remember the exact date he bought the glove for. But he knows he bought it for Connor. In Connor’s study, I interpreted this whole part having a much different meaning to him. 
To Larry, he knows what he knows. 
To Larry, this is a great gift. 
He likes baseball. He probably dreamed of having a son he could play catch with. 
So he buy Connor a glove because that’s the sort of present he would have liked as a kid.
For a minute just imagine Larry going out shopping. He’s in a store by himself. He comes across this glove. And his first thought is Connor. He thinks, wow hey. I’m going to do something really nice. I’m going to buy this for my son. I love baseball so I’m sure he will too. I just have to teach him how to love the things I love. It’ll be a great bonding moment for us. I’ll be a good dad. He’ll be so happy.
I thought we might play catch or... I don't know
He wanted to be involved in Connor’s life. 
He just didn’t know how. 
This is him trying. This is his effort. 
But he left it in the bag, with the tag still on
Obviously Connor didn’t care about baseball. 
To Connor, this was an awful gift. It showed that his dad didn’t understand him. It was insulting. 
To Larry, he can’t quite get why Connor wouldn’t like it. 
His son is quiet and withdrawn, has grown out his hair, paints his nails, wears dark clothes...Larry doesn’t understand any of that. He doesn’t get it. He can’t change his own ways to accommodate his son’s personality. So he tries to force his loves onto Connor who only pushes away. 
Still, Larry never used the glove after that. He left it there for all those years in case Connor ever changed his mind. He kept it. Just in case. 
“Your dad never taught you how to break in a baseball glove?”
He starts to realize that Evan’s father was lacking. He’s shocked that his dad never taught him something that, he believes, every father should teach their son. 
Larry is very old fashioned in this way. 
But he see’s that Evan was lacking a father figure. Larry was lacking a son figure. Some kid is showing interest in something Larry loves and he jumps on that opportunity. 
They try create a father/son bond that they both craved but never got. 
He is so excited to share his baseball knowledge with Evan. 
He has wanted this moment forever and he’s finally getting it. 
Just not with his own son. 
And though this method isn’t easy, Every second that you spend is gonna pay off, it will pay off in the end.
Aaaannndd now we’re no longer talking about baseball gloves. We’re talking about parenting and his relationship with Connor.
It just takes a little patience. It takes a little time. A little perseverance and a little uphill climb. 
Larry really believed that Connor would get better. He probably didn’t even realize how bad he was until they found him. 
You might not think it’s worth it. You might being to doubt but you can’t take any shortcuts. You gotta stick it out. 
He would occasionally doubt his parenting techniques. He would get nervous for Connor. He would get scared. But he knows one way and only one way and he refused to stray off from that path. 
And it’s the hard way but it’s the right wat. The right way...to break in a glove.
He really believed his parenting method was the right way. He believed he was doing the right thing. He believed Connor would come out the other side a better man. 
Even when everyone around you thinks you’re crazy. Even when evertone around you let’s things go. 
Cynthia was the push over parent. She let things go. She thought he was crazy for being so hard on Connor. They didn’t agree on their parenting techniques and because of that Connor fell through the cracks while they were trying to figure their shit out. 
Or you’re just trying to do best...for a kid who’s lost control.
This line is so sad. His voice breaks. He looks away from Evan. He busies himself by looking at a rag in his hands. He’s trying not to cry.
Like I said before, never tell me that Larry didn’t love Connor. 
He might not have a been a good father. He might have contributed to a lot of Connor’s illness. But that does not mean that he didn’t love him. 
In Larry’s eyes, he tried to his best for what he thought his son needed. He was wrong. But he tried. And now Connor is dead and he will never get over that. 
You do the hard thing...cause that’s the right thing...Yeah, that’s the right thing...
He’s not as confident as he was before at the start of the song.
He doubts himself. He walks away from Evan. He refused to look at him. 
He’s trying to convince himself that his ways were right but he knows that they weren’t.
If they were, then Connor would be alive, and he’s not. 
Larry knows he fucked up. 
Your dad must feel pretty lucky to have a son like you. 
Larry just wanted that a son who would listen and enjoy what he did and spend time with him. 
He never came to terms with the fact that wasn’t who Connor was. 
“Shaving cream. Rubber bands. Mattress. Repeat.”
Evan just confided something personal to him about his own father. 
Instead of talking about it, he replies with this. 
It’s not him brushing off what Evan said. It’s his advice and his support. 
You got to go through the hard things. You’ve got to stick it out. And it will be worth it at the end. 
Shit goes South real fast:
Larry is protective. 
The Murphy’s start getting threats from people online. Some of things said in the midst of the chaos are “their house is at the end of the cul de sac” and “the gate to the back is completely unlocked”. His families lives are potentially in danger. He’s on high alert. He’s tense and worried. He keeps looking around at everything. He’s breathing heavy. He’s trying to protect his family. 
Zoe’s phone rings. Larry tells her not to answer it. She does anyway. It’s another person saying something awful to her. She hangs up. Larry is immediately asking who it was, what’s their number, what they wanted, and if they threatened her. He’s angry. Someone is harassing his daughter. He’s pissed.
Larry cares about the image of his family. 
Cynthia is about to call the police. Larry responds with “wait and see if it all blows over.” 
Larry doesn’t want negative attention brought on his family. 
He didn’t want to be seen as the father with a mentally ill son. And he didn’t want to be seen as the house with cop cars out front. 
He cares about image and status. 
“All he needed was another thousand dollar yoga retreat.” and “He just wants attention.” 
Cynthia begged for therapy, or rehab, or anything that would help Connor. 
They spent big money on trying to get Connor better. 
And every time Connor would probably come back not changed at all. 
To Larry, that was a waste of money. Nothing about Connor changed. Therefore, it was stupid and pointless in his eyes. 
He refers to rehab as a “yoga retreat” and suicide as “wanting attention” 
Larry know nothing about mental illness. He’s old fashioned. Back when he was a kid, those things weren’t talked about. He doesn’t understand them.
He’s like a grumpy old man sitting in a rocking chair and lecturing about “how when I was a kid we had to walk up hill to school both ways!” 
He’s incredibly stubborn and it’s one of his biggest faults from my perspective. 
Zoe: “You wanted to punish him. You treated him like a criminal.” 
This goes back to Larry being an authoritarian parent. They punish their kids really harshly. 
Larry’s family is turning against him. They’re blaming him. He starts getting defensive. 
“I tried to help him. I did everything I knew how. If that’s not good enough then I don’t know what to tell you.”
He tired, dude. He tried but he went about it all wrong. He loved Connor. He cared about Connor. He just didn’t do things the right way and he’s paying for it. 
He feels guilt. He feels pain. He’s not an evil robot. 
Some men are kinda dumb especially when it comes to human emotions. In the time Larry was raised, things were different. Men were supposed to be tough. They weren’t supposed to cry. They were supposed to be strong and financially support their family. They weren’t supposed to show emotions. So that’s what he did. 
I’m not saying that’s right but it’s the best way to describe him. 
Sometimes you have to give people a little slack. My dad was the same way. I resented him for it for years until I grew up and realized that he was just trying his best with what he knew. He’s not perfect. Larry’s not perfect. That doesn’t mean you can’t try to look past their imperfections and see them as humans.
Larry fucked up but I think he’s learning from it. 
The look of betrayal he give Evan
After Words Fail, Cynthia and Zoe run off. They’re heartbroken. 
Larry walks up slowly to Eva slowly like he’s trying to intimidate him, gives him a look of disgust and betrayal, then walks off. 
Evan hurt his family. He hurt Larry. Larry started to love him like a son. He’s hurt but he more furious that his family is hurt. 
It’s like they lost Connor a second time. 
Other random bits I forgot to add in:
Larry likes Star Trek (?)
“Sulu is a character on Star Trek, I believe.” - Larry Murphy 
He shows love through touch. 
He reaches out to touch Zoe’s shoulder a few times. 
He reaches out to put a hand on Cynthia when she starts talking about giving Connor’s college money to Evan. 
It’s his little way of showing support. 
Cynthia and Larry fight a lot. 
It makes sense. When you look at their different parenting styles, they’re complete opposites. That would lead me to believe that they are opposites on many other things as well. They’re bound to bump heads and get into fights when they don’t agree. 
Also because he’s so stubborn. He wouldn’t be one to admit that he was wrong. He doesn’t like being wrong. 
He didn’t cry at Connor’s funeral. 
This is a big point that I saved for last. I wanted everything else to be said about Larry before I touched on this one. 
People bring this one up a lot when talking about how awful he is but I think that’s completely unfair. 
Larry can’t cry. He’s keeping his shit together for his family. He’s trying to be the strong one. He’s trying to be the rock. 
He’s repressing all his emotions. 
It’s something I know very well. I’m a queen at repressing emotions to get by. I’ve never cried at a funeral. No matter how much I adored and loved a person, I didn’t cry there. I cried later. On my own time. 
Larry cried over his son’s death. But from everything we know about him, it would have been something he did in private. He wouldn’t want people to see him. He wouldn’t want to cause a scene. 
Emotions are weird. People are weird. Life is weird. Just because someone isn’t grieving in the exact way you are, doesn’t mean that they aren’t hurting too. Someone could be going through hell on the inside but on the outside look hard as a rock. Don’t take everything you see at first glance to be true. 
End point: Larry Murphy loves his family and he was trying his best. Give him some slack. Don’t excuse his wrong doings, hold him accountable for the things he’s need to fix, but don’t write him off as an unloving father. Michael Park does a beautiful job of portraying that. 
Thank you. Have a nice day. 
205 notes · View notes
for-f0rever · 6 years
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i saw Dear Evan Hansen for the second time on December 17 at the 3pm show, and figured I’d write a recap on it/comparisons between MLB and the show the first time and Noah/the show the second time! 
i apologize in advance that this is so long! I’ll put it in a read more because i tend to ramble a lot and figured maybe people don’t want to read this because it’s probably going to be long? so you don’t have to scroll forever just to see this! but if you have any specific questions or you just want to talk about it you can always ask them i’m so willing to answer anything! :)
i write notes on my phone on the way home from shows i see every time, so i’m going to go through them and kind of make them more coherent for you guys :) i have one about MLB’s performance as well, so if anyone wants that i can do this again :)
starting with the theater:
the Music Box is honestly one of the most gorgeous theaters i’ve been to. It’s small in my opinion, but so intimate that i can honestly say wherever you sit is a good seat. I was in the mezzanine the first time around (like three row from the last row in the theater), and the orchestra this time, and both times i felt like i could feel everything just as well both times. the theater really lends itself to immersing you in the show and the storyline without feeling disconnected.
the show:
Act 1
there were no understudies on :)
in the opening when Evan is saying why it’s going to be a good day and why he shouldn’t have to worry, Noah pauses a lot, thinking about what he’s going to say. he puts a lot of emphasis on certain words but he was so funny about it and definitely played the part so well, i really believed how anxious he was about having a good day and just being himself and not worrying about anything
When Heidi enters, she spent a lot of time rubbing his back/shoulder and trying to encourage him that this year will be great. it felt so intimate if that makes sense? i’m not sure, it just felt like she was really rooting for him/was just as invested in him having a good year as she wishes he was
when the Murphy’s enter, Connor is playing with the spoon in his hand, generally looking high and not listening. Zoe bounces her leg uncontrollably like she’s constantly on edge by her family, and Larry is scrolling through his phone not paying attention.
when Cynthia says that Connor has to go to school, Mike leaned his head back to look at her, and kind of rested his head against her arm. I don’t know if it’s intentional or not (the first time i saw it i was off to the left and so i couldn’t see the angle i was at this time, but it was a cute thing i noticed and i’m not sure that it happens every time)
when Connor says fuck you to Zoe and Cynthia denies that he’s high Mike does this little smile that is so funny and cute at the same time before he storms off
Laura rolls her eyes when she says if Connor isn’t ready she’s going to leave without him
Will is INCREDIBLE at making things feel lighthearted when they seem to be getting too intense, and he starts right away like i love it.
Kristolyn delivers her lines so perfectly and when she’s talking to Evan on the first day of school you can’t help but laugh at how awkward things are
When Jared says Connor’s new hair length is very school shooter chic, Connor looks up with the huge smile on his face like he can’t believe he just said it.
He pushes Evan to the ground so hard (because i was so close i could hear a lot of the sounds on the stage that i didn’t hear before, and Mike’s hands slammed pretty hard into Noah’s chest. it didn’t seem like it hurt, but damn it sounded like it did) (also to be fair mike did slap his own leg, chest, arm quite a bit and he did it just as hard as he hit noah)
i was so impressed by Noah’s vocals the whole show? i wrote like in the notes that WTAW was incredible but? the whole show i was just so impressed by how great he was. i didn’t expect much mostly because i didn’t know much about him and i don’t know, but i definitely was blown away by him singing and playing this part that is so hard
when Connor goes to sign Evan’s cast and grabs his arm roughly, Noah yelps much louder than MLB did, which isn’t a bad thing, it’s just a little difference between the two
also when he asks Evan how he broke his arm and Evan says he fell out of a tree Connor says “that’s the saddest fucking thing i ever heard, oh my god” and kind of laughs. in this show when Mike laughed he didn’t even finish the word god he just sort of laughed through it, smiled and shook his head
at the end of For Forever, Cynthia just grabs Evan and hugs him so tight while thanking him a million times. it takes Evan a moment before he hugs back
will sincerely, me ever not be a bop? Noah and Mike definitely looked like they were having so much fun doing it, they were smiling and laughing at each other during the dance parts. also Will’s laugh in this song gives me life it’s so funny
Connor does this little smile after “dude i’m proud of you” and like points to himself and it’s so cute
when Connor says “my sister’s hot” Noah’s version of “what the hell” is more annoyed than horrified that Jared would write that 
when they’re going through the bridge of sincerely, me, Evan like awkwardly grabs Connor’s arms when he says “dear connor murphy i’m just glad to be your friend” except Noah? rubbed Mike’s nipples? i collapsed
this isn’t specific to this point in the show, but Will mimics the pitch of Noah’s voice a lot when he’s mocking Evan, and it’s hilarious
Laura cried during requiem when she crumples the emails in her hand, Cynthia sobs into Connor’s pillow. she just holds it and rocks back and forth. Larry mostly just tries to hold it together
Evan got flustered a lot during If I Could Tell Her (fidgeting with his cast, his collar, really everything)
During Disappear when they’re telling the Murphy’s their plan Jared tries to butt in and Evan holds his arm out to stop him and Jared just looks upset that he’s not as included
When Cynthia tells Evan that Connor hadn’t been invited to a single bar mitzvah she is so upset and trying not to cry at the thought when she’s giving Evan the tie
in between Evan’s speech and the beginning of YWBF Evan drops his notecards and falls to the ground and has a borderline panic attack trying to collect himself in front of everyone. Noah portrays this INCREDIBLY well, it made me feel like he really was having a panic attack and my heart hurt just watching him struggle to breathe and shaking (side note his shoe fell off? i cannot for the life of me remember that happening to MLB, so i’m not sure that was planned)
during the bridge of YWBF baby pictures of Connor flash on the screen and Larry is center stage looking up at them. he breaks down, stumbling over with his hands on his knees, just crying. Cynthia runs over and embraces him, holding him tight as they both sob. (i could hear both JLT and Michael Park just sobbing holding each other and it was so heartbreaking)
Act 2
the first song is a sincerely, me reprise, and Will and Mike were making each other laugh so much when they were doing it it was funny. (when they say hey to each other they both did really weird voices omfg). when Evan interrupts them and says Jared can’t make things up Jared pushes Connor off the stage
during to break in a glove, Larry bites his lip to try to stop himself from getting emotional just after “you’re just trying to do your best to a kid who’s lost control”
Evan finally invites Zoe over, and when she says they need to talk he’s scared she’s breaking up with him and rambles about how he doesn’t even know if they’re dating officially. she stops him and says she’s not breaking up with him, and he reaches out and rests his hands on her arm and is like “thank you” and she laughs and does it back to him and goes “you’re welcome” it’s so awkwardly hilarious
during only us Zoe just seems so appreciative of Evan? they were super cute
the scene where the Murphy’s offer Evan Connor’s scholarship money for college is so tense and awkward that you can’t help but feel something watching it. it’s so beautifully written and acted out, but god is it tough to watch
Evan and Heidi’s fight just after is SO TENSE. Evan almost slips up and calls the Murphy’s his family, which sets Heidi off. It’s insanely tense to watch, but RBJ and Noah play this so well and I was in love
Evan says that he’s a burden to her, and Heidi gets emotional and yells about how he’s the one good thing that’s ever happened to her
good for you is also a bop, and the whole thing is just pinning Evan in the middle so he can’t escape thinking about what he’s done. it’s so claustrophobic the way they pin him in
during good for you Evan says to Jared that they’re only friends so Jared’s parents will pay for his car insurance and Jared is just so hurt and says “fuck you, Evan! Asshole!” and runs off. it kind of feels like the first time Jared really has a huge problem with Evan.
just after good for you is a Connor/Evan scene, where Connor tries to get Evan to keep the lie going. Evan wants to just end it all, but Connor says he can’t. I love Mike Faist with my whole heart and i’m definitely biased, but good god is he incredible. each time he’s on stage you can��t help but watch him, but this scene is where he shines. He is so set on Evan keeping the lie going, letting his parents believe all these things about him.
Connor gets Evan to admit that he’s lying to himself about how he broke his arm, and the whole thing is so intense. i’m definitely overusing that word but i don’t know what else to say about it.
during the for forever reprise Connor cries while he’s singing, he starts crying just before with his little speech (”you can get rid of me whenever you want...”
the buildup to Evan revealing the lie to the Murphy’s is almost anxiety-inducing. you can sense something is coming, you know it’s going to be intense and earth-shattering, but nothing prepares you for the way Evan yells “he didn’t write it!” and the silence that falls over everyone before he says “i wrote it” while sobbing.
Cynthia SOBS during Words Fail. Not small sobs, but covering her mouth, breaking down, unable to control herself sobs
Connor comes out and stares at Evan during Words Fail just before “this was just a sad invention” and he just looks so sad and broken that someone could do this and admit the lie to the family that was struggling so much
the scene just after where Heidi and Evan are talking on the sofa is heartbreaking. you can see how broken Heidi is that she had no idea how much her son was hurting. Evan says “if you had any idea how broken i am” after he says she’d hate him if she knew, Heidi says “I already know you, and i love you” and god, her face when she says it. i can’t even describe how emotional she is.
RBJ’s vocals speak for themselves in this song, i can’t write anything that would even come close to doing them justice
during so big/so small Evan flings himself at Heidi, and god, she holds onto him so tight, rubbing his back, singing to him, rocking back and forth
when he pulls away she rubs her thumbs along his cheeks, trying to force his mouth into a smile, wiping his tears away. it’s just so soft and motherly and caring and it’s all a bit much for me to handle through my own sobs and tears
when Zoe and Evan meet at the orchard Zoe gets choked up when she says “it’s been...it’s been a really tough year” and god, you just feel awful for this poor girl who’s been through so much. she tells Evan about how the orchard saved her parents, how they’re there all the time having picnics, and how everyone needed it for something. Evan tells her how he’s trying to get to know Connor better by reading his 10 favorite books that he listed in a yearbook, but he knows it’s not the same. Zoe tells him it’s something.
Evan asks her why she wanted to meet there just before she leaves, and she says “i wanted to be sure you saw this”, and his face is just so hopeful? emotional? a little bit of everything
the finale Evan turns around to face the cast, and they’re all emotional/smiling and the screens turn from blue to this orangey-purple to mimic a sunset, and it is GORGEOUS
during bows Will and Jennifer hug and Will said something to make Jennifer laugh. Mike and Kristolyn hugged, then Mike hugged Michael. When Jennifer and Michael were running out Jennifer said something and both of them died laughing and then Mike and Kristolyn laughed at them. Rachel walked over to Jen and held her hand, and then Noah ran out and they all smiled and clapped for him.
differences between MLB and Noah/the show the first and second time around
i can confirm that even if you know what’s coming, you’re still going to cry! i definitely did!
i genuinely cannot pick who i liked better between MLB and Noah. Going in I had no opinions on Noah, but i knew he had a lot to live up to because MLB just blew me away at how talented he was in this role. Noah definitely brings something different, but it’s a good different that’s so believable that you just can’t help but immerse yourself in the story the same way between the two
overall, there’s little blips that are different. Noah has a litlte bit more of a confident side with Evan at points, whereas MLB definitely played him a little more shy, a little more anxious. again, NOT a bad thing, just something a little different.
Noah’s rambling has a few more pauses, some vocal intonations that rise and fall, and Michael was more a quick talker with more emphasis on some words.
i loved both of them and felt like they both did such an incredible job, and if you’re seeing either of them you’re in for a treat! both of them bring this role so much depth and do this character justice, and i’m just so proud of both of them?
there really isn’t much i can say about the differences between the shows, because i think it’s so consistent show to show that there isn’t much that changes. maybe little moments between the actors on stage where they smile or laugh at each other, but the acting was all virtually the same -- so gut-wrenchingly emotional, hilarious, and incredible all at once.
this has nothing to do with anything, and maybe i’m biased, but JLT deserved a tony nom. good god, this woman spends 85% of the show crying, and your heart breaks for her and god, she brings it to a level that you just understand how heartbroken she is over the loss over her son and how she just wants to hang on to the little pieces she has left via Evan. i understand why she wasn’t nominated, but god, i wish she was.
okay, this was far too long i’m so sorry! if you have any questions about parts in the show/MLB and Noah comparisons feel free to send me an ask! i’ll answer whatever, i promise :) like i said earlier i also have a recap of MLB’s performance in my phone if you want something similar to this, please let me know :)
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lisiczka-zorua · 7 years
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Main Bio
Name: Zoe Rúna Edith Nightfall
Hometown: Gniewkowo/Toruń
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 0,28m
Species: Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus)
Appearance: She looks pretty much like other Indian flying foxes. Sometimes she temporarily dyes the fur around her neck to an electric blue/turquoise color. Her eyes have a dark magenta color. Zoe never leave house without her glasses and her three red earrings.
Living place: Zootopia (The Rainforest District)
Occupation: Student/Reptile&Spider Breeder
Family: Agnieszka and Aleksander Nightfall (parents), little sister Michaela and big brother (actually cousin) Robert. All of them live in Poland.
Hobby: This “little” bat is a big bookworm. She reads everything she can get her wings on, but she prefers fantasy over other genres. Zoe also loves all types of mythology, as she kinda studies it, with Norse mythology in the first place. When she doesn’t read anything in her free time, she watches a lot of movies and listens to music. Very often, Zoe loses herself in the music and plays it so loud that angry neighbors come knock on her door. She feels very embarrassed and kindly apologizes. She not only listens to music, she also sings. In her past, she was attending music school. Unfortunately, because of a panic attack in front of the big crowd on stage, she must give up her dreams of becoming a musical actress. Even after this, Zoe still practices singing and playing the violin, but never performs for anyone. Since her childhood, this bat has an enormous interest in reptiles and spiders. When she was 10, her cousin convinced Zoe’s parents to let her have her first snake, a little corn snake that she named Tom. When it comes to stuff she loves, Zoe becomes biggest fangirl of all time. Remember this thing about listening music so loud that is annoys others? Yeah it is not only one times when this bat is loud. Zoe is huge gamer girl and plays every kind of games. Computer games, card games, board games? She is really crazy about that stuff. Also this girl plays a lot of RPG session where she loves to be a Dungeon Master. One more thing she adores is flying high above the ground. Everything seems so small then and she doesn’t feel so small herself.
Personality: When alone or surrounded only by strangers, she is really shy and silent, usually walking with her headphones on, cut off from the world. However, if she is with her friends, Zoe automatically changes by 180°. She becomes more confident, happy and easy-going. Most of her relationships with friends are love-hate rivalries when they exchange sarcastic comments, trying to beat each other in arguments or small competitions. She is very open for new acquaintanceship, but only if the other side makes a move first. Don’t misunderstand though! Even if Zoe is very shy around strangers, that doesn’t mean she can’t stand up for herself. She hates injustice and seeing how stronger bully weaker. This bat will not stand by when something bad (in her opinion) happens. Usually, she tries to solve problems peacefully but… Yeah, an even bigger problem is her short fuse. And when she snaps? Oh boy… “Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?” If not, then now is your chance. Imagine a furious ball of claws, fangs, fur and wings. This lady doesn’t care then if she should or shouldn’t fight. She just attacks with all her fury, even if the enemy is a lot bigger than her. Because of her fear of performance, she has a lot of self-doubt. She also never shows that she feels bad and very often lies about little things. However, in the end, Zoe is very caring for what is close to her and she quickly creates a strong bond. If that bond is broken, she falls into a depressed state for a long time. Last problem with her is that Zoe is very ambitious and very often tries to do more than she is actually capable off. Plus, she is very messy person and that always makes things harder for her.
~General Story~
Zoe was born in Poland, but a lot of her family lives in India from where the Indian flying fox comes. Her parents were also both born in Poland, so Zoe views herself as a polish girl and has a strong connection with her country. Yet, her great-great-grandmother Rúna passed down some of Indian things and thanks to that,  Zoe could almost fluently speak Hindi for some time. When Rúna passed away because of cancer, Zoe was so sad that she tried to get rid of her grief by forgetting completely about her great-great-grandmother. Since then, her Hindi has become a little rusty and she can’t speak it anymore, but she can kinda understand it. It all happened before Zoe turned 7 years old. And for these 7 years, you could tell that this little bat was… a rather energetic child. Her mother worked at kindergarten and she taught Zoe’s class. Zoe never was too much of a social kid. She learned writing and reading rather fast, because she just liked it, but that made some other children look at her weirdly. That was a cause of some bad behavior by Zoe. Here’s one example. She once came back from kindergarten with a big black dot stick to her shirt for bad behavior and when her parents asked Zoe why she got this, she calmly and with full satisfaction said: “I spit Andrzej in the face.” Even with such behavior, she has her group of friends and she was pretty happy. Eventually, when she started her school, she became a little outcast and yet, she became a lot more calm. Classes bored her, because she mostly learned basic stuff so fast that she didn’t have much to do during lessons. Usually, she’d start reading then and teachers didn’t like that very much. Her love for book, studying and her rather short height were most of the reasons for bullying her at school. Sometimes, she just couldn’t take it anymore and just snaps. One time, some male weasel from her class didn’t want to stop bothering her during breaks. He always followed her and said: “You are not allowed to read.”. Zoe couldn’t take it anymore, so she just hit him with book she was holding in her wings that moment. That was “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” and that thing is huge, so it hurt a lot. That was just one situation and there were plenty more. Once, she almost got in lot of trouble when she was defending her friend. At the canteen, she stabbed a wolf with a fork when he was aggressive towards her friend. Things in 6th grade were so bad that her mental state started to show in her physical appearance too when she lost some of her fur because of the stress. Fortunately, Zoe graduated school with the highest marks possible, even with her mental breakdown in 6th grade.The music school that Zoe attended was a big help for her mental state, as she could do what she loved and nobody judged her for that. She also had a very nice instrument teacher that helped Zoe raise her confidence a little higher. Middle school was rather normal and a pretty happy time for the female bat. Because she lived in little town, moving from one school to another wasn’t that hard, as the same mammals that were with her in her old school, were in that school as well. The good news for her was that most of her not so nice classmates were in sport class, so she didn’t need to have any contact with them. Months were passing and everything was good except for one thing… After years of friendship, Zoe started to remark that her best friend wasn’t as much of a friend as she thought. The relationship that she had with that mammal was toxic, abusive and totally messed up. The ginger bat, with help of her other, real friends, found the strength to end this friendship with the toxic mammal. She sometimes still feel guilty for it, even if it wasn’t her fault. After graduating from middle school with great grades, she start her math-IT-class in one of the best high school in Toruń. That was also around the time when she stopped attending music school. After lot of hard work and surprise, she managed to graduate school with decent and someone could even say good grades. After that, she chose to study outside the country and move from Poland to the USA, even if she felt a little homesick immediately after leaving her family house. She bought a little apartment from the money she had earned from her business and after that, she started her main study.
~Additional yet important story~
When Zoe was 10, she got her first snake. A corn snake which she named “Tom”. That’s how her breeding hobby/business started. Years pass and Zoe learned more and more about reptiles, not just snakes. She also started to breed spiders. When she was 18, she opened her little reptile shop and started to sell some of reptiles that she had bred. However, she was always very careful about to whom she sold her little friends. Before any transaction is made, Zoe must be 100% sure that her little scaly babies go to a good home. When she moved to the USA, she have enough money to move her little business with her.
*Zoe can, like any other bats, fly and she loves doing that.
*Her second and third name are named after her great-great-grandmothers from both sides.
*She is crazy about bubble tea, especially with tapioca.
*Unlike others of her kind she likes to eat citrus fruits, but it sometimes makes her sick if she eat too much.
*She’s had her 3 earnings since she was 8 years old.
*Knows 5 languages on different levels, but is mostly capable of understanding them. Now she’s trying to learn her 6th language.
*Zoe is short-sighted, but she could live without her glasses. She only wears them to not worsen the state of her eyes.
*Hates bat stereotypes and hisses furiously when she hears one.
*Her favourite pet is 21ft long reticulated python that she named “Sunrise”.
*Hates to be in charge of the group.
*Loves to stay up late at night and then she looks like death during her study.
*Her relation with her younger sister is rather rough and these two just can’t understand each other.
*Hates most types of sports, but there are few exceptions. When she wanted to have good grades for P.E. at her old schools, Zoe tried some sports and found them very fun. For quite a time, the bat did gymnastics, dancing and ice skating. However, it was never professional and she did it just for building confidence just like when she was taking lessons at the music school. From time to time, Zoe likes to do little parkour around town. She also dances quite often, usually when she sings.
*Her favourite kind of games are platform games and J-RPGs.
*When she takes part in RPG-sessions, she usually is a Dungeon Master. When she isn’t, she plays as a Rogue, Ranger or Bard.
Ginger Lizards - Reptiles Shop
Zoe runs her own little business: A reptile shop named “Ginger Lizards”. It is located not so far from the middle of Savannah Central. Zoe found a very good place for a decent price, even if she had been waiting for a great location for a long time. Only two mammals work at the shop - Zoe herself and one of her best friends: A jaguar named Altair. He is huge help, especially when it comes to bigger snakes. When you enter the shop, it is your typical reptile shop: some shelves with food, terrariums and other things for reptile keepers. Some terrariums are put in the holes in the walls. In them, you can watch different kinds of snakes, geckos and other lizards. The whole room is set up as a rainforest and monsoon forest biome. In the back of the store are two counters, one for small and medium sized mammals and one for big ones. Both sellers help all kinds of customers, but they feel more comfortable with their own counter. Behind the counters, there is a door that leads to a back room, where all bred reptiles are kept. When customers have decided to buy a pet (after a lot of questions from Zoe, like if they are aware what responsibility it demands and if they have a good living space for keeping such a pet), they could walk along and see all scaly creatures. With help of the two reptile breeders, customers choose a pet and get all additional info that is needed to take care of it. The shop doesn’t have many different species yet, but it is still expanding. For now, you could buy the following species:
Red bamboo rat snake
Diamond Python
Boa constrictor constrictor/Boa constrictor imperator
Corn Snake
Ball Python
Leopard gecko
Crested gecko
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olympiansrpg1-blog · 7 years
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Name: Rakim Hannibal “Rocky” Beauchamp Age: 28 Affiliation: Titans Occupation: Drug Dealer Faceclaim: Don Benjamin Status: TAKEN by Mae
They call you Prometheus. You have always embraced the fire, the harsh, acrid smell of leather and the constant buzzing of a tattoo parlor. They say one man can’t change the world but you have always fought that, against anything that stood in your way. Your knuckles have always been stained red and painted blue, because you have never learned to face the world any other way. They don’t understand that you are a man of chaos and a man who rarely steps into the fire without careful calculation all at once - a businessman, one who has created something out of so little. Soon enough, all the red lines led to you, no longer someone who could be so easily ignored. It didn’t take long for Atlas to find you, as you have never been humble nor felt the need to hide yourself from the rest of the world. Unlike some others, you didn’t agree to join Atlas because you needed him - no, you, a small fire, finally saw an opportunity to engulf the rest of the world in flames. 
ATHENA - You tell yourself that you didn’t realize it was Athena because it was too dark, but you know that’s not quite true. Maybe it was a form of temporary rebellion, to feel that rush of adrenaline that comes from almost getting caught, meeting up in secret spots and sneaking in through back doors. It’s just for fun, anyway - at least that’s what you tell yourself. 
POSEIDON - If there’s something actively stopping the Titans from completely taking over the New York scene, it’s the fact that they can’t seem to get rid of Poseidon, who no one can seem to touch right now. If you could just track down where they manufacture their goods, it’d be too easy to bring them down. Plus, it’s just the icing on the cake that you’ll get to show that smug bastard that they’re nothing special. 
HYPERION - You’ve dealt with a fair share of dishonest people in your past, and you’ve hated every single one of them. Hyperion is no exception, and you can’t stand the fact that you can’t seem to read them. You have to admit it’s a little mean, the way you always goad Hyperion, but for once, you’d like to see the real person underneath that mask. It’s nothing personal. 
Rick Genest, Don Benjamin, Kim Woo Bin, Charlie Hunnam, Zoe Kravitz, Kehlani Parrish, Rihanna Fenty 
Some babies are born happy, their chubby arms reaching out towards the warmth of their parents, their cousins, their aunts and uncles and grandparents. Some babies are born healthy, their hearts beating strong and loud, their breathing easy and clear. Some babies are born in hospitals, some babies are born at home, and some babies are you.
You’re a week early, born in the back of a bus in a puddle of your mother’s heroin-laced blood. You cry the moment your head hits air; your mother cries to, because she’s scared—of you, for you, it’s hard to tell. You cry and you cry and you cry, you don’t stop. Even when your mother wraps you up and carries you off, you don’t stop. At the hospital, you don’t stop. Nurses and doctors take you away, and still you cry. Turns out, you’re jonesing hard.
It takes weeks for the withdrawals to stop tearing you apart.
The first time you bleed, you’re five years old. You walk to school, all by yourself. Your mother sleeps on the couch, arm and head dangling off the side—you covered her with a blanket before you left, because she loves you enough to give you the only bed. But you don’t mind. You like it, walking by yourself. You walk with your head held high, haughty and proud. A king of the streets, untouchable.
Boys on the way take notice of you, of the angle your chin is raised, and they don’t like it. Really, they don’t like you. Naïve, you don’t notice them, you’re too busy ruling your little kingdom—it exists in the squares of the pavement, the lines on the road, the exhaust of countless cars trundling by. So they grab you, hold you down, hit you until you can barely breathe. You try to fight back, but they’re too big. From where you are, their elbows are hitting the tops of skyscrapers, their heads hitting stars.
The next day, you have a knife in your backpack.
School is boring, for you especially. Math, science, literature—they hold no meaning for you. Homework goes undone, classes go without any attention being paid. Instead of learning, you draw. You deface your assignments, your projects, your detention slips. Any desk you use falls victim to your pens. Teachers, they don’t care. They don’t get paid enough to care. So you draw and you draw and you draw until it’s all you’re good at.
Someone asks you to decorate their skateboard. You think it’s stupid, but you do it anyway. To make it worth your time, you ask for money. He thinks, he looks at your desk, he agrees. (In your house, money’s tight, unavailable. You’re a little desperate to actually have dinner.) So you draw and you paint and you make twenty bucks. Other boys ooh and aah over your finished product. They want one too. You agree to make them, but charge more and more.
The other kids, they actually start to like you.
You were ten when your mom started using again. You’re older now, and just as apathetic. You like your mom when she’s high. She lets you do whatever you want, whenever you want. She doesn’t give a shit about who you invite over or where you spend your nights. Her boyfriends pay you to leave the apartment, to leave the both of them alone. And it’s one of her boyfriends that starts you on your next business venture.
He’s a dealer, missing part of his demographic. The two of you discuss it over a bowl of off-brand cornflakes. What do you want now, you ask—it’s not a question, because her boyfriend’s the type that always wants something. You wanna make some money? You’re quiet, but he knows: fucking duh. The two of you strike a deal. He supplies, you sell. At first, you keep ten percent, then you up it to twenty, and then thirty. By sophomore year, you’re keeping seventy (and you’ve expanded. You’re a regular pharmacist).
By now, you’re one of the most liked boys in school.
No matter what you do, there are still those that hate you. There doesn’t seem to be a reason, but they do. Maybe it’s the way you wear your clothes, how ratty they are, how hungry you look every morning before lunch. Maybe they can smell how badly you want to be powerful, how badly you want to be king, and they hate you for it. Maybe they just want a piece of your business. You don’t know, and you never will.
You only know how much they hate you, because they like to tell you. In twos and threes, they come at you. At lunch, after school, when you’re walking home from your girlfriend’s, it doesn’t seem to matter. They jump you, beat you. But you’re strong now. You’re less naïve, smarter. You fight back. This time, they bleed too.  Whatever they want from you, they never get. Eventually, they stop trying.
Soon, everyone knows not to fuck with you.
Sometimes, you’re too proud for your own good. Usually, you’re too proud for your own good. The cops get involved when someone reports your little business. They don’t know who’s selling, they just know someone is. Everyone else is in on the joke, everyone knows who they’re looking for. No one wants to rat you out, though—it’s better for them if you don’t get caught. Otherwise, who are they going to buy from?
The cops are there a whole day. They have dogs and bulletproof vests. One stands at the end of every hallway, just watching. You don’t try to get your stash. It’s too ballsy, even for you. By noon, they find you. There’s nothing in your locker, but the teachers have big mouths. They take you into the lounge and ask you questions for a few minutes. You’re silent until you confess—you got bored with them. That afternoon, you’re no longer a student, you’ve got a criminal record, and you’re picking up trash on the side of the freeway.
You’re one of the most popular kids out of school.
Business is fine, but you get bored, trapped in your house like that. You wander the neighborhood, chatting up people you know and people you don’t. Some of them are friendly, some of them are not. You don’t really care. At some point, you end up in a tattoo parlor. It’s a few blocks from the apartment, but it feels like a whole different world. It’s gentrified, full of yuppies—nothing you’ve ever seen before. But you stick around, because you’re bored.
You watch them work, you ask them questions. They seem annoyed, but none of them make you leave. A boy, not much older than you, takes you under his wing. You show him some of your art and he likes it, a lot. It’s the first time in years someone’s noticed it. You lie about your age so you can work there, work with him. They pay you in cash and don’t ask many questions.
Turns out, you’re a really fucking good tattoo artist.
After a few years, you get too comfortable. You’re tired of the same old, same old. Rich people come in and get some shitty tattoo, and you have to give it to them. Hardly anyone wants anything interesting and they hate making conversation. So you quit, you move, you get away from the yuppies, in favor of something grungier, more exciting.
You get a job somewhere seedy, somewhere close to bars. Drunks come in and pitch you the greatest ideas you’ve ever heard. You save them, call them later. People with extra cash come in wanting intricate back pieces, or sleeves, or whatever else. You start posting your work online, because you’re proud and you want everyone to see. Look at me! Look at how great I am! And people see your greatness and hey come in and they want a piece of you to take home.
For a moment, you’re actually happy.
At some point, Atlas finds you. Your side business has only flourished over the years, developing until it stretched city-wide. You have connections, you have friends; you can be a powerful player, when you try—which you do, every once in a while. Apparently, it’s enough to get noticed. You don’t worry about how easy it is to find you. Actually, you like it.
And when he proposes his business to you, you accept right then and right there. You don’t need to think, because this is exactly what you want, what you’ve always wanted. You see your way up, your way out. It’s a foot in the door to something bigger and better and wilder than anything you have. If you play your cards right, maybe it’ll all be yours.
You don’t tell him that, as you shake his hand.
But now, you’re growing bored again. Art’s fun and all, but it feels repetitive. People come in and they already know what they want. No matter what you sketch out, they never like it. They change it, deface it, erase it. No longer does it feel like something you’ve created. So you get ballsy, get wild—not just with your tattoos, but with everything you do.
You go places you’re not supposed to go, meet people you’re not supposed to meet, do things you’re not supposed to do. It’s fun, the sex is good, you’re not think about how bored you are. You smile so easily, it feels like a sin. But you don’t care, you’re getting what you want. You’re risky and you’re risking everything. It makes you feel like a kid again, like that untamable wildfire who once burned through your life.
If only you had a seat at the table, then maybe whatever you feel would be real.
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cardsagainstanme · 7 years
Attack on Titan Version
Black Cards
v  What’s Grisha Jäger doing?
v  So, what’s in the basement?
v  Hello, I am Jean and I like ______.
v  Levi’s catchphrase is ______.
v  What is worse than Marco’s death?
v  The new plan to take back Wall Maria involves ______ and ______.
v  Levi’s secret is ______.
v  Beyond the walls, other than the Ocean is _______.
v  The Military has discovered that titans have another weakness: ____.
v  Armin’s latest idea to defeat the titans involves ____, ____, and ____.
v  Sie sind das essen und wir sind die _____.
v  Sasha’s love of potatoes has been eclipsed by her desire for (            ).
v  When the titans broke through the wall, I had to leave behind everything except (           ).
v  Why did Hannes save Mikasa and Eren?
v  In the scouting legion, ____ and ____ are now standard issue.
v  What do the wall worshipers use for sacrifices? 
v  Why are the Beast Titan’s arms so long?
v  What are the soldiers’ titan-killing swords made of?
v  What were the makers of a Slap on Titan on when creating their abridged series?
v  What do the Titans dream about?
v  What 2 things does Erwin use to get ready in the morning?
v  Erwin's hobbies include (             ) and (                 ).
v  The true reason the Asians are almost extinct is (              ).
v  How does Connie shave his head?
v  Who created the 3DMG?
v  Who is the true saviour of humanity?
v  Why didn’t the Santa Claus Titan devour Armin?
v  Jean hasn’t died yet because of (             ).
v  As they don’t do any titan killing, what do the Military Police use their 3DMG for?
v  Eren’s true goal is (            ).
v  When Eren first transformed he went on a rampage because of (             ).
v  The true reason Mike likes to sniff people is (              ).
v  Why do the Titans in the walls stay inside of the walls instead of devouring all nearby humans?
v  Why is Levi so bad at drawing?
v  Why is Armin so cute?
v  After his unfortunate demise, what will Erwin’s eyebrows colonise next?
v  Why is everyone in the series going to die?
v  Why does Mikasa really wear her scarf everywhere?
v  Hanji’s next experiment will use (             ), and (              ).
v  The Scouting Legion rises to the sound of (             ).
v  Hanji’s greatest strength is (              ).
v  Why will Mikasa survive?
v (                ) & (              ), the hottest new ship in Snk.
v  Why does Moblit drink?
v  The new name of Attack on Titan is (                ).
v  What does the carving on Mikasa’s wrist mean?
v  The best way to describe Attack on Titan is (               ).
v  What brings all the Titans to the yard?
v  Erwin created a new encouraging slogan for the Scouting Legion. What is it?
v  What’s the true reason that the humans won the Battle for Trost?
White Cards
v  The precise number of zero people who were surprised by the Female Titan’s identity.
v  People who mistake Thomas Wagner for Reiner.
v  Nile and Erwin’s hideous bolo ties.
v  Petra and Auruo pissing themselves on their first mission.
v  Ereri becoming canon.
v  Armin’s creepy face.
v  Stabbing a titan with a pitchfork to save your delusional boyfriend.
v  Defeating a titan with nothing but a bow and arrow.
v  A screencap of every time Bertholdt makes his “sweats nervously” face in the manga.
v  Hanji and Armin plotting your demise.
v  Fans who still make Bertholdt FUBAR jokes.
v  Connie’s pending genius status.
v  The correct way to spell Jean Kirschtein’s last name.
v  The inevitable deathmatch between Mikasa and Annie.
v  JÄGER!!!!!
v  Jean’s trying to flirt unsuccessfully with Mikasa.
v  A complete list of things Guren no Yumiya doesn’t go with.
v  Ymir and Christa’s not-so-secret love affair.
v  Using blood like other animes use cherry blossoms.
v  Erwin’s eyebrows.
v  All these big-ass trees.
v  Putting your 3DMG on backwards and blasting ass-first into a wall.
v  Annie’s nose.
v  Marco’s other half.
v  A titan’s lack of genitals.
v  Stabbing a man when you’re nine years old.
v  Dead Anime Mom syndrome.
v  3DMG.
v  Levi’s resting bitchface.
v  Mikasa’s tragic backstory.
v  Titan shifters.
v  Cooking on the evaporating corpse of a titan.
v  Titan puke.
v  Human meat.
v  Jean’s suit vest.
v  The coordinate.
v  Inside of a titans stomach.
v  I don’t what Shingeki no Kyojin is, but I like Attack on Titan.
v  Levi’s cravat.
v  Mikasa’s abs.
v  The titans inside of the walls.
v  The titan-serum.
v  Lot and lots of death.
v  A scarf from Eren.
v  Losing a leg and losing an arm, before being swallowed by the Santa Claus titan.
v  The fall of Wall Maria.
v  Potatoes.
v  Hanji’s indestructible and unending love for titans.
v  Titan, titan, titan, titan, titan, titan, titan, TITAN!
v  Isayama’s love of body hair.
v  Marco’s holy freckles.
v  The amazing, indescribable walls.
v  Running out of Gas.
v  Moustached Titans.
v  The train wreck that is Junior High.
v  The power of science.
v  Petra being smashed against a tree.
v  The pregnant titan.
v  Historia, the true Queen.
v  Eren’s 8 pack.
v  The Colossal Titan’s Houdini manoeuvre.
v  Getting high on the gas from the 3DMG.
v  Death, pain, and suffering.
v  Piloting a titan like a mech.
v  Killing anyone who makes any progress.
v  The Santa Claus titan.
v  The armoured Titan spouting flames from its mouth.
v  Making a deal with the devil to create the Titans.
v  The Garrison’s drinking problem.
v  The characters whose eyes have sunken in.
v  The meat shield division.
v  Armin’s eyebrow evolution.
v  Armin’s Titan eating Bertholdt while Erwin dies elsewhere.
v  Dinosaurs in the Season 2 opening.
v  Connie’s village becoming Titans.
v  Eren’s unquenchable rage against the Titans.
v  Commander Pixis’s unorthodox obsession with a giant, naked, lady titan who has large breasts.
v  Levi’s tragic backstory.
v  Isabel’s and Eren’s uncanny resemblance.
v  The fact that Titans were once oppressed humans who tried to plot a revolution and were then punished by being thrown off a wall while turning into a titan.
v  The fact that Junior High has bigger volumes than the actual manga.
v  Eren being turned into a Titan by his Dad, then he proceeds to eat his Dad and Keith Shadis is confused and traumatised for the rest of his life.
v  Mikes amazing, Titan-smelling nose.
v  Levi’s special way of holding a teacup.
v  The chapters only come out once a MONTH!
v  The conspiracy of the walls and the Reiss family.
v  The Beast Titan’s weird eyes.
v  The way that Isayama draws hands.
v  Mikasa’s hair strip that comes in front of her face.
v  The fact that Levi is shorter than nearly all his subordinates even though they are teens, while he himself is surprisingly old.
v  The creepiness and deformities of the Titans in general.
v  Eren’s Titan form’s Nictitating Membranes (Third Eyelids.)
v  Farlan’s left over torso.
v  The many screams of Armin.
v  3DMG performances in Bollywood costumes.
v  The fact that Eren means Saint.
v  The fact that any textbook showing human muscles has pictures that looks like the Colossal Titan.
v  The cuteness of a taco on titan.
v  The Shingeki no Kyojin Tumblr fandom. (The embarrassment of Tumblr.)
v  Badass Windex.
v  The fact that Mikasa’s name means 3 bamboo hats
v  The fact that Grisha’s first wife, Diana, ate his second wife, Carla, as the smiling Titan, and was then killed by other Titan’s under the command of his son. (Talk about family issues. )
v  Giant naked cannibals that your parents certainly do not approve of.
v  Mikasa having to save Eren every other weekend.
v  The fact that Levi’s horses back is taller than he is.
v  Hanji Motherfucking Zoe, the psychopath of the Scouting Legion.
v  The key to the basement.
v  Jean, a regular guy going through Hell.
v  The Avatar of the 104th training squad.
v  The McDonald's parody of Attack on Titan.
v  Saluting with the wrong hand in front of Keith Shadis.
v  Ackerman magic.
v  Guren no Yumiya’s intro.
v  Moblit, the Scouting Legion’s resident drunkard.
v  The white pants of the soldier’s uniform’s magic abilities to deflect dirt and blood.
v  “Your name is ErWIN, not ErLOSE”. –Erwin at some point in his life.
v  Darius Zackly, the man who let a 15-year-old be beaten brutally in front of him in a court room.
v  Nile Dok, the asshole leader of the Military Police.
v  Levi’s height of 160cm.
v  Hanji’s goggles.
v  Farlan telling Levi to be sociable.
v  The ‘I don’t give a fuck’ squad.
v  “I’ll sacrifice your baby for humanity, I don’t give a FUCK!”. -drinkyourfuckingmilk
v  Hazing new recruits by chopping off Eren’s hand and pretending to freak out.
v  Krista Lenz, the Goddess of the 104th training squad.
v  Eren’s sexy Titan form with his chiselled chest and his rebellious face.
v  Horseface.
v  Bertolt's confidence issues.
v  Rainbow 3DMG straps.
v  Commander Erwin’s speeches.
v  3DMG with guns.
v  A titan’s butt-crack.
v  Shoot everyone, kill everything and then declare peace atop a pile of bodies.
v  Being squished into a blob by a titan.
v  Just ram your blade up their assholes.
v  The correct way to pronounce character’s names. (Gene or John)
v  Jean’s hallucinations of Marco after his death.
v  The outside of the walls.
v  Shipping wars in the fandom.
v  Eremika shippers Vs Ereri shippers.
v  A church of wallists crushed by Annie.
v  Jean’s obvious crush on Mikasa.
v  The wall that is on the edge of the ocean.
v  Coconut head.
v  Mikasa force-feeding Eren bread.
v  A Slap on Titan in general.
v  Abridge on Titan in general.
AN: Just to be clear I don’t own Attack on Titan, but me and my friends created our own version of Cards Against Humanity and I wanted to share them. They take awhile to make and coming up with the ideas was a process.I encourage you to enjoy and if you wish to make your own, you are totally allowed to use these or simply take ideas. It is a long post as it has 50 Black and 150 White cards.
Have a good one.
-Claire Bear & Friends
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3one3 · 7 years
The Sequel - 834
Hanging Out With You
André Schürrle, Juan Mata, other Chelsea/BVB players, and random awesome OC’s (okay they’re less random now but they’re still pretty awesome)
original epic tale
all chapters of The Sequel
“Terrorism is so much worse once you’ve had a kid. I have this whole new response mechanism inside. I wish I didn’t.”
“You’re never going to let Mausi go anywhere or do anything.”
“You know what doesn’t attract terrorists? Horse shows. He can do horse shows.”
André and Christina stayed up late on her first night back home after GCT Madrid because the show they were originally watching was interrupted with breaking news: an explosion in the Manchester Arena with immediately reported casualties. They kept the news on to find out more. It was looking like a suicide bombing, at a concert full of teenagers. André felt the general malaise and fatigue of the steady stream of varying size terrorist incidents around the world. Christina experienced vicarious horror on behalf of the parents of all the girls who thought their night was special because they were going to see their favorite artist in person, and not because they were going to become victims of a terrorist attack.
“I forgot to tell you, he complained to me this weekend when we watched you on TV. He said he wanted to go to the show. What do you and Espen even do with him there all day long now that he doesn’t just sleep half the day and sit in the stroller?” The footballer continued petting his girl’s hair. They moved to bed when it was clear the news of the night wasn’t going to be reported quickly, and she watched it unfold from her regular spot under his arm, but closer. She wanted to be there even before anything horrifying, sad, and depressing happened at home in the UK. Her weekend was just okay. She didn’t win anything. She also didn’t feel like she got robbed, which was nice, nor that she underperformed. André started a conversation with her about momentum, and how key it is to the best runs of form. He talked about Leicester City, Kent Farrington, and Chelsea, and how she was just like them. They all experienced long winning streaks. They all grew in confidence because the momentum of each win compounded. He said confidence is everything and the difference between first and second is all down to confidence. Luck can appear to come from confidence too, he argued. He wanted her to know that she wasn’t just riding less well than when she won every weekend, or doing something wrong in her preparation, or letting her head get in her way. He did his best to convince her that she just needed to get one of those strong runs going, and let it take her places- let herself get caught up in it, almost, instead of being calm about it. If she could just get a really nice, satisfying win, and let herself get really excited about it, he said, then she could be hugely successful again.
Christina bought into that theory even before her husband presented it. She made that argument to him many times, and firmly believed that most of sporting success, and particularly the fine margin between good and great, was mental, and that confidence was the most important part of the mental component. “Get confident” is not the most useful advice, but she really appreciated that André was trying to help her and support her without making her disappointment some cerebral matter than she shouldn’t worry about. He didn’t try to blame any other issues or problems on the disappointment either, and that was significant. She’d been willing him to stop using her inconsistency in the show ring and all the emotions that stemmed from it as a scapegoat for every non-ideal thing in their lives. His understanding and constructive support drew her near, literally and figuratively. He was making her feel better, just as she wanted. Hugging a pillow and leaning on his chest was actively being in a happy place, even if what they were watching on the TV made the world seem a very unhappy place.
“We find ways to play,” she mumbled back to him about Lukas. “We had the beach to go to in Miami. I don’t know what there is to do in Hamburg, but I’m sure we’ll find something. He likes to visit the shopping areas, and hang out in hospitality. Everyone goes “Ohhh, you’re sooooo cute!” to him and he likes the attention.”
“Do you think he likes watching the competition? I’m pretty sure he said he wanted to go to the show because he knows you were there. He just wanted to see you, I think.”
“I don’t think he even notices the horses unless they do something naughty. He giggles when horses misbehave, like during prize giving ceremonies. Any horse that flips out and rears or shies away is totally delightful for him,” Christina yawned. “Do you need to get to sleep? We don’t have to keep watching.”
“Whatever you want, Prinzessin.” The world is burning. All you want to do when you see these things is hold onto the people you love. I already wanted to relax with her tonight. I would gladly stay up and lay with her the whole night, André remarked to himself. To some extent, Christina could compartmentalize and put herself into an analytical mode to look at geopolitics, and law enforcement procedure, and counter-terrorism strategy instead of internalizing such an attack emotionally. He couldn’t do that as well. He also knew that if he devolved into a sad, sorrowful wreck, she would follow. So he just tried to remain some kind of level, for himself and for her, and humor her when she talked about what she thought was happening behind the scenes, or what relevance the American president’s recent speech on terrorism had in the situation, and any other thing he didn’t know or particularly care about. He really did want to stay cuddled together with her for as long as possible, especially since she’d been gone for days anyway, but he really would have preferred to do so without the news anchor cycling through the same known information, the supposition, the input and forecasts of relevant experts, and the little bits of new reporting.
“I want to not have to go to Hamburg tomorrow,” she sighed quickly. “Not because I don’t want to ride or anything. I just wish I didn’t have to pack again and drive 4 hours and then sleep in a hotel again.”
“I thought you were making Tom drive.”
“Sit in a car for 4 hours,” the rider corrected herself. “I want to sleep late and then watch TV in bed all day, preferably with you and puppies.”
“You are the laziest professional athlete I’ve ever met.”
“You’ve met Eden.”
“You are the second laziest professional athlete I’ve ever met.”
“I’m not lazy. I just like snuggling, and my bed.”
“What time are you leaving?”
“Noon-ish. Isa is coming in the morning so Tom can give him the tour and walk him through everything, and then the horses are getting picked up, and then we’re leaving.”
“Don’t forget the dogs.”
“Duh. Can I have your arm?”
“Which one?”
André left her hair alone and let her do with his arm what she wanted. What she wanted was to put it around her waist and hold onto it in front of her chest, sort of wedged inside where her knees were drawn up close and where her pillow was poofing out at the bottom because she was leaning on the top. Her fingers wriggled between each of his, and she yawned again in a way he found adorable from above and behind her. Baby tiger! Finally, he chuckled to himself after getting excited. There was a certain yawn in her collection that always made him think of some tiny wild cat that thought she was big and mighty and ferocious, and actually could be if she wanted, but was actually too small and cute and sleepy. I love that she goes from all this serious analysis of the terror attack to “I love snuggles and need you to hold me”, he thought, still smiling inside. The dichotomy of his wife’s personality extremes could be amusing and entertaining and even admirable to him, not just maddening and frustrating.
I wonder if she’d like to go to the zoo for her birthday, the player mused, sticking with the big cat theme. He wanted to have a dinner for her when she returned from Hamburg, but didn’t know who he could invite. Christina didn’t have many local friends yet. A dinner party with just her barn crew, her nanny, and Marco and Zoe would have been awkwardly small, and maybe even depressing. It had been a few years since they did anything special to celebrate her birthday. Other ideas in the running included filling the kitchen with balloons in the morning and then going out for dinner together, just the two of them, with an expensive bottle of wine and a dessert with a candle and everything, giving her flowers and declaring himself her slave for the day, to do household chores or perform sexual favors and everything in between, and dropping her at a spa in Düsseldorf for the day. None of those seemed like great choices, but there at least was a list. There was no list of birthday gift ideas. André had no idea what to get her, or even which direction he wanted to go in- something meaningful, something very expensive, something special, something useful, something thoughtful. Also, the birthday girl wasn’t helping. Can’t hurt to try again.
“What do you want for your birthday, pretty girl?”
“New Achilles tendons for me, you, and Marco.”
“Are you hurting?” His arm twitched against her because his immediate instinct was to rub her ankle and he forgot his arm was already in use.
“I’m always hurting.”
“What else do you want?” I know you’re always hurting. In so many ways. It’s terrible and I can’t think of anything else to make it stop except what we’re already doing, André lamented, leaning forward to rest his chin on the top of her head. It was plain to him that Christina was still some ways off from “happy”, or the happiness he perceived in the past, back in that ambiguous time neither of them could really pinpoint but during which they were sure everything was wonderful and they were both deeply content with their lives together and separately. She seemed closer to constant torment than happiness. Sometimes he asked himself if he was being cruel. He felt a little like the owner of a pet who can’t afford to take good care of it, or doesn’t have enough time for it and keeps it in a crate for 12 hours a day. He asked himself if it was possible that letting Christina go was the only way to be fair to her, so that she could get over that mystery torment that dulled her always and at times completely defeated her. The answer he came up with was “no”, to both questions. He was sure that she was better off with him, and that being with him wasn’t the problem.
“A sirloin steak grilled so that it’s perfectly crunchy outside and right between red and pink inside, with a lot of pepper and a ton of onion salt on it, crispy tater tots, and broccoli steamed in the microwave with butter like my dad used to do it.” Her mumbled answer was difficult to characterize between absent or distant and just sleepy. It gave her partner hope though. He got excited, because he could deliver that kind of present.
“How do you steam in the microwave?” he asked just to make sure.
“You put big pieces of broccoli in a bowl with a little bit of water and a pat of butter, and then you put a plate on top and microwave it for like 5 minutes.”
“I could do that. I could do all of that. Would you like to have that for dinner on Sunday night? Will you be home for dinner?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t looked at the schedule. Can you imagine a demographic worse equipped to handle a bombing in a concert like that?” Christina cleared her throat and shook her head some. “Teenage girls are the most annoying people in the world to begin with. Add a fucking bomb and oh my god.” She was still watching the mobile phone videos of the aftermath of the explosion.
“How do you not know the schedule?”
“I know which day each thing is, generally, but not what time of day. They’re all the same, more or less. And Tim is going to be there to help with the CNN thing we’re filming, so between him and Tom and Kyle, someone is sure to keep me on schedule.” The defending Global Champions Tour winner was fibbing, or exaggerating, or maybe the opposite of exaggerating. The Hamburg event schedule had not yet been committed to her memory, but she would look at it in the morning and plan out, in detail, every single thing her horses would do for the 5 days, and every important thing she would do from workouts to sunscreen applications. That was part of her routine, and part of her vital preparation. She believed it was part of what brought her success, and at the very least, a sense of calm about her competitions. Other riders got anxious or stressed or fell into the perpetual horse show “hurry up and wait” trap. Christina learned how to be prepared when she was about 10, and hadn’t suffered since.
“Can you look?” Her hard and lumpy cuddle toy was getting anxious instead. He was picturing the dinner she described, and trying to check with himself to be sure he knew where to source and how to prepare it exactly as she wanted, and ascribing way too much importance to a meal because she wasn’t giving him anything else to go on in terms of celebrating her birthday.
“That requires moving and I don’t wanna move. You can check on your- No! Wait. I’m doing Santi in the 4* thing on Sunday afternoon. We’re all doing it, actually.”
“Who is Santi?” André’s face scrunched up in the middle. Christina couldn’t see it, but she could hear it, and it made her laugh. He definitely thinks I’ve acquired yet another animal, she giggled to herself before explaining that she was still trying to get the name to stick to Cartagena.
Kyle and the gray horse weren’t primetime ready yet and the plan was always for his coach to show the animal too, so she was doing a couple of 4* classes with him at the German show. The nice thing about the event was that it was a whole horse show, and not just a GCT competition, meaning there were lots of different classes instead of just a 5* group and a 1 or 2* group for completely different riders. Riders could cross-enter in Hamburg. There was also a couple of Young Horse classes. Christina was bringing Dirk and Socks for the Tour stuff, including the Champions League competition, Cartagena for the 4*, and Kimi for the Young Horse undercard. Kyle was still going too, and making a big step up career-wise by doing Calvin in the 4*. Stefanie was also attending and competing in the same classes with Julian and Jelly Bean. It was the first time the three of them would compete against each other, and they were all looking forward to it and exaggerating the intra-stable battle.
“So how about I make the steak for you as late dinner when you get back?”
“If you want. It’s really not that essential, babe.”
“I want.”
Now, what else? Think man. André had been compiling a list in his head of all the things he thought Christina really loved in a small-scale kind of way, like reading magazines in a bookstore with a nice coffee, or buying shoes at Christian Dior. Dior shoes were like a religious experience for her, and he didn’t quite understand why. They weren’t any more expensive than the other brands she just liked a lot, and he didn’t see anything particularly special about the designs. She just got really heart-eyed in that store, and didn’t go that often. He thought the best little experience he could gift her was a short trip somewhere she’d never been, but they didn’t have time for that and it was doubtful that she would want to be away from home when she had so few days there to begin with. Two nights in Prague, or Budapest, would probably delight her, and would be fun for him too. It wasn’t going to happen though. He needed a better idea.  
“For real, if you were in a situation where a bomb went off but you were okay, would you just run like hell, run like hell but make sure whoever you were with originally was okay and still with you, do that but also check to see if anyone in your immediate vicinity needed help, or go toward where the explosion happened to see if you could help more people?” his girl posed as a serious question.
“Depends who I’m with, I think. If it’s you, or you and Mausi, I’m getting us out of there immediately. If I’m by myself...I don’t know,” the loving father and husband shrugged. “You would get Mausi to safety too, but I think if you were by yourself, or with anyone else, you would stop to help people. You are that kind of person. Your first instinct is to help, not self-preservation.”
“Probably. I can’t imagine I would go looking for people to help, but I would definitely do whatever I could for those around me, or on the way out. I’m not really sure though. I’m not smart enough to be like, “Oh, I have a family, I better not get myself killed. It would be pretty terrible for them.” So I might-“
“That isn’t a question of smart or not smart, Prinzessin,” he chirped, spreading his palm a bit to try to rub her tummy. It was difficult to do anything since Christina was holding his hand in a pretty confined place, but his arm was going numb and he needed to move it. “That’s instinct. You’re smart enough that you make an emergency exit plan every time you go into a place like a stadium or arena. Most people don’t even think of that. You’re the only girl I know who locates the emergency exits before the bathroom.”
“You don’t know any other girls.” His prudent partner was being facetious, and monotone, and sounded very tired. He thought he should try to distract her away from the news and thus get her closer to sleep, so he played into what she said.
“That’s true. You’re the only one,” he smiled, taking control of all of his limbs to pull her into a hug and thus ruin her well-entrenched position on and beside him. Thanks to dragging, pulling, and lifting, he managed to get her both turned over onto her stomach and flat enough to hold in a tight bear hug. “I love very much that you find the exits and that your instinct is to help others. I would be pretty upset if it got you killed, but it’s still a very good quality.”
“Pretty upset? You’d be pretty upset?”
“Extremely, tremendously, greatly upset.”
“If you ever find yourself in that situation, help no one and get somewhere safe, because Luke and I need you. We can’t have you sacrificing yourself.”
“Don’t talk like that, Prinzessin,” André mumbled by her temple when she put her chin on his shoulder because she was trapped and couldn’t otherwise do anything.  Her arms were stuck inside his. “And don’t worry about things like that either.”
“I wish people would stop blowing up other people so I wouldn’t have to.”
“I know. Let’s turn this off. It’s in the stage after an incident where no one knows anything yet. I’m sure some of your questions will be answered when you wake up.”
“I don’t want to go to sleep yet though.” Christina pulled away enough to get him to let her out of the hug. She sat on his stomach and he patted the tops of her thighs.
“Why not? You’re so warm. You have to be overtired.”
“I’m not done...hanging out with you.” Her slightly bloodshot blue eyes “blinked” downward. That is, she used a blink as cover to drop them away from the footballer’s face, to focus on something else. That alone was puzzling for him, never mind his immediate question about whether she was alluding to some desire to have sex with him, or something else. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like when his wife acted like she had something to be shy about around him, and the lack of a certain something on her face around her eyes said she wasn’t being shy about wanting to be intimate. Usually some amount of playfulness was visible in her brows and near her temples even when she hid her eyes away because she was embarrassed. Whatever she was feeling shy about was definitely not sex, and it was embarrassing enough to her that she didn’t want to make any eye contact while breaking the eye contact. She didn’t even want him to see her look away, hence the blink.
“Are you okay?” André squinted at her, one brow up and one down, and racked his brain for some explanation for her suddenly peculiar behavior.
“I don’t wanna go to bed yet. I want to stay up with you.” The rider scratched at her scalp at the back of her head and at the side of her neck at the same time.
“You mean like-“
“No. I just- I’m not done with you yet. I need more André pillow, and it doesn’t count if I’m sleeping. I don’t wanna go to sleep. I’ll miss you already.”
“Aww. Come here, baby,” André smiled, cocky but somehow sweet too. Christina couldn’t help but grin a little before trying to collapse back into her preferred spot at his side. “Why so shy about not wanting to end the amazing experience that is being in my presence?” He received her with a smooch when she got there.
“Shut up.”
“But really, why were you so afraid to say that?” he questioned, returning to seriousness and moving his right arm around to find a good place on and around her to leave it.
“I don’t know.”
0 notes
Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin Version CAH
Black Cards
v  What’s Grisha Jäger doing?
v  So, what’s in the basement?
v  Hello I am Jean and I like ______.
v  Levi’s catchphrase is ______.
v  What is worse than Marco’s death?
v  The new plan to take back Wall Maria involves ______ and ______.
v  Levi’s secret is ______.
v  Beyond the walls, other than the Ocean is _______.
v  The Military has discovered that titans have another weakness: ____.
v  Armin’s latest idea to defeat the titans involves ____, ____, and ____.
v  Sie sind das essen und wir sind die _____.
v  Sasha’s love of potatoes has been eclipsed by her desire for (            ).
v  When the titans broke through the wall, I had to leave behind everything except (           ).
v  Why did Hannes save Mikasa and Eren?
v  In the scouting legion, ____ and ____ are now standard issue.
v  What do the wall worshipers use for sacrifices? 
v  Why are the Beast Titan’s arms so long?
v  What are the soldiers’ titan-killing swords made of?
v  What were the makers of a Slap on Titan on when creating their abridged series?
v  What do the Titans dream about?
v  What 2 things does Erwin use to get ready in the morning?
v  Erwin's hobbies include (             ) and (                 ).
v  The true reason the Asians are almost extinct is (              ).
v  How does Connie shave his head?
v  Who created the 3DMG?
v  Who is the true saviour of humanity?
v  Why didn’t the Santa Claus Titan devour Armin?
v  Jean hasn’t died yet because of (             ).
v  As they don’t do any titan killing, what do the Military Police use their 3DMG for?
v  Eren’s true goal is (            ).
v  When Eren first transformed he went on a rampage because of (             ).
v  The true reason Mike likes to sniff people is (              ).
v  Why do the Titans in the walls stay inside of the walls instead of devouring all nearby humans?
v  Why is Levi so bad at drawing?
v  Why is Armin so cute?
v  After his unfortunate demise, what will Erwin’s eyebrows colonise next?
v  Why is everyone in the series going to die?
v  Why does Mikasa really wear her scarf everywhere?
v  Hanji’s next experiment will use (             ), and (              ).
v  The Scouting Legion rises to the sound of (             ).
v  Hanji’s greatest strength is (              ).
v  Why will Mikasa survive?
v  (              ) & (             ), the hottest new ship in Snk.
v  Why does Moblit drink?
v  The new name of Attack on Titan is (                ).
v  What does the carving on Mikasa’s wrist mean?
v  The best way to describe Attack on Titan is (               ).
v  What brings all the Titans to the yard?
v  Erwin created a new encouraging slogan for the Scouting Legion. What is it?
v  What’s the true reason that the humans won the Battle for Trost?
White Cards
v  The precise number of zero people who were surprised by the Female Titan’s identity.
v  People who mistake Thomas Wagner for Reiner.
v  Nile and Erwin’s hideous bolo ties.
v  Petra and Auruo pissing themselves on their first mission.
v  Ereri becoming canon.
v  Armin’s creepy face.
v  Stabbing a titan with a pitchfork to save your delusional boyfriend.
v  Defeating a titan with nothing but a bow and arrow.
v  A screencap of every time Bertholdt makes his “sweats nervously” face in the manga.
v  Hanji and Armin plotting your demise.
v  Fans who still make Bertholdt FUBAR jokes.
v  Connie’s pending genius status.
v  The correct way to spell Jean Kirschtein’s last name.
v  The inevitable deathmatch between Mikasa and Annie.
v  JÄGER!!!!!
v  Jean’s trying to flir unsuccessfully with Mikasa.
v  A complete list of things Guren no Yumiya doesn’t go with.
v  Ymir and Christa’s not-so-secret love affair.
v  Using blood like other animes use cherry blossoms.
v  Erwin’s eyebrows.
v  All these big-ass trees.
v  Putting your 3DMG on backwards and blasting ass-first into a wall.
v  Annie’s nose.
v  Marco’s other half.
v  A titan’s lack of genitals.
v  Stabbing a man when you’re nine years old.
v  Dead Anime Mother syndrome.
v  3DMG.
v  Levi’s resting bitchface.
v  Mikasa’s tragic backstory.
v  Titan shifters.
v  Cooking on the evaporating corpse of a titan.
v  Titan puke.
v  Human meat.
v  Jean’s suit vest.
v  The coordinate.
v  Inside of a titans stomach.
v  I don’t what Shingeki no Kyojin is, but I like Attack on Titan.
v  Levi’s cravat.
v  Mikasa’s abs.
v  The titans inside of the walls.
v  The titan-serum.
v  Lot and lots of death.
v  A scarf from Eren.
v  Losing a leg and losing an arm, before being swallowed by the Santa Claus titan.
v  The fall of Wall Maria.
v  Potatoes.
v  Hanji’s indestructible and unending love for titans.
v  Titan, titan, titan, titan, titan, titan, titan, TITAN!
v  Isayama’s love of body hair.
v  Marco’s holy freckles.
v  The amazing, indescribable walls.
v  Running out of Gas.
v  Moustached Titans.
v  The train wreck that is Junior High.
v  The power of science.
v  Petra being smashed against a tree.
v  The pregnant titan.
v  Historia, the true Queen.
v  Eren’s 8 pack.
v  The Colossal Titan’s Houdini manoeuvre.
v  Getting high on the gas from the 3DMG.
v  Death, pain, and suffering.
v  Piloting a titan like a mech.
v  Killing anyone who makes any progress.
v  The Santa Claus titan.
v  The armoured Titan spouting flames from its mouth.
v  Making a deal with the devil to create the Titans.
v  The Garrison’s drinking problem.
v  The characters whose eyes have sunken in.
v  The meat shield division.
v  Armin’s eyebrow evolution.
v  Armin’s Titan eating Bertholdt while Erwin dies elsewhere.
v  Dinosaurs in the Season 2 opening.
v  Connie’s village becoming Titans.
v  Eren’s unquenchable rage against the Titans.
v  Commander Pixis’s unorthodox obsession with a giant, naked, lady titan who has large breasts.
v  Levi’s tragic backstory.
v  Isabel’s and Eren’s uncanny resemblance.
v  The fact that Titans were once oppressed humans who tried to plot a revolution and were then punished by being thrown off a wall while turning into a titan.
v  The fact that Junior High has bigger volumes than the actual manga.
v  Eren being turned into a Titan by his Dad, then he proceeds to eat his Dad and Keith Shadis is confused and traumatised for the rest of his life.
v  Mikes amazing, Titan-smelling nose.
v  Levi’s special way of holding a teacup.
v  The chapters only come out once a MONTH!
v  The conspiracy of the walls and the Reiss family.
v  The Beast Titan’s weird eyes.
v  The way that Isayama draws hands.
v  Mikasa’s hair strip that comes in front of her face.
v  The fact that Levi is shorter than nearly all his subordinates even though they are teens, while he himself is surprisingly old.
v  The creepiness and deformities of the Titans in general.
v  Eren’s Titan form’s Nictitating Membranes (Third Eyelids.)
v  Farlan’s left over torso.
v  The many screams of Armin.
v  3DMG performances in Bollywood costumes.
v  The fact that Eren means Saint.
v  The fact that any textbook showing human muscles has pictures that looks like the Colossal Titan.
v  The cuteness of a taco on titan.
v  The Shingeki no Kyojin Tumblr fandom. (The embarrassment of Tumblr.)
v  Badass Windex.
v  The fact that Mikasa’s name means 3 bamboo hats
v  The fact that Grisha’s first wife, Diana, ate his second wife, Carla, as the smiling Titan, and was then killed by other Titan’s under the command of his son. (Talk about family issues. )
v  Giant naked cannibals that your parents certainly do not approve of.
v  Mikasa having to save Eren every other weekend.
v  The fact that Levi’s horses back is taller than he is.
v  Hanji Motherfucking Zoe, the psychopath of the Scouting Legion.
v  The key to the basement.
v  Jean, a regular guy going through Hell.
v  The Avatar of the 104th training squad.
v  The McDonald's parody of Attack on Titan.
v  Saluting with the wrong hand in front of Keith Shadis.
v  Ackerman magic.
v  Guren no Yumiya’s intro.
v  Moblit, the Scouting Legion’s resident drunkard.
v  The white pants of the soldier’s uniform’s magic abilities to deflect dirt and blood.
v  “Your name is ErWIN, not ErLOSE”. –Erwin at some point in his life.
v  Darius Zackly, the man who let a 15-year-old be beaten brutally in front of him in a court room.
v  Nile Dok, the asshole leader of the Military Police.
v  Levi’s height of 160cm.
v  Hanji’s goggles.
v  Farlan telling Levi to be sociable.
v  The ‘I don’t give a fuck’ squad.
v  “I’ll sacrifice your baby for humanity, I don’t give a FUCK!”. -drinkyourfuckingmilk
v  Hazing new recruits by chopping off Eren’s hand and pretending to freak out.
v  Krista Lenz, the Goddess of the 104th training squad.
v  Eren’s sexy Titan form with his chiselled chest and his rebellious face.
v  Horseface.
v  Bertolt's confidence issues.
v  Rainbow 3DMG straps.
v  Commander Erwin’s speeches.
v  3DMG with guns.
v  A titan’s butt-crack.
v  Shoot everyone, kill everything and then declare peace atop a pile of bodies.
v  Being squished into a blob by a titan.
v  Just ram your blade up their assholes.
v  The correct way to pronounce character’s names. (Gene or John)
v  Jean’s hallucinations of Marco after his death.
v  The outside of the walls.
v  Shipping wars in the fandom.
v  Eremika shippers Vs Ereri shippers.
v  A church of wallists crushed by Annie.
v  Jean’s obvious crush on Mikasa.
v  The wall that is on the edge of the ocean.
v  Coconut head.
v  Mikasa force-feeding Eren bread.
v  A Slap on Titan in    general.
v  Abridge on Titan in general.
AN: Just to be clear I don’t own Attack on Titan, but me and my friends created our own version of Cards Against Humanity and I wanted to share them. They take a while to make and coming up with the ideas was a process. I encourage you to enjoy and if you wish to make your own, you are totally allowed to use these or simply take ideas. It is a long post as it has 50 Black and 150 White cards.
Have a good one!
-Claire Bear & Friends
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