kennak · 3 months
東証スタンダード上場でITサービスや金融サービス事業を手掛ける「CAICA DIGITAL」(旧商号:カイカ・SJI)は、連結子会社の「EWARRANT INTERNATIONAL」「CAICAデジタルパートナーズ」、それに「CK戦略投資事業有限責任組合」を解散および清算すると発表しました。 不採算事業の整理・合理化に伴う施策で、2018年に子会社化された「EWARRANT INTERNATIONAL」はカバードワラントのマーケットメイク業務を、2020年に設立の「CAICAデジタルパートナーズ」はSI事業者向けプラットフォーム事業をそれぞれ手掛けていました。 なお、この件に伴う業績への影響は現在精査中です。 子会社の解散および清算に関するお知らせ:CAICA DIGITAL
CAICAが子会社「CAICAデジタルパートナーズ」などを解散 企業不況 - 不景気.com
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palatinetechnology · 3 years
Court Hearing through Video Conferencing: 5 Important Tips for You
Are you appearing in a video conference court hearing sometime soon? Think of it as a regular hearing; just because it’s virtual doesn’t mean you can make any less effort. It’s crucial to prepare adequately before entering the call.
Video conference court hearing is a new and improved way for legal professionals and inmates and their families to communicate without meeting in person. These hearings are done through e-court systems specifically designed for this purpose.
What are some tips to help you prepare for video conference court hearings?
1.    Use the best video conferencing technology.
The system you use plays a large role in the quality of the video call. For example, top-rated e-court applications are designed to deliver HD audio and video to every participant. Some of the best solutions even come with noise cancellation, acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), and automatic gain control (AGN), giving each participant a stress-free auditory experience.
E-court conferencing platforms are also built with web-access features, allowing inmate families to participate in sessions from any device. As long as they have working USB webcams or wide-angle cameras, they’re all good to go.
2.    Dress the part.
Virtual court hearings are still hearings no matter where they're held. You need to dress appropriately and professionally, especially if you want to exude an air of professionalism. Wear well-ironed clothes and fix your hair.
3.    Consider your background.
Your background is just as vital as your outfit. A distracting background could lead peers and colleagues to think that you’re unprofessional. As much as possible, use a solid color background that does not clash with your clothes. If this is not possible, consider using a curtain image to cover the clutter in your room.
4.    Test your devices.
Technological problems will only distract from the matter at hand, especially when you are in the middle of a hearing. It’s best to test your devices and ensure that you have a strong internet connection to avoid any mishaps.
5.    Use a headset.
Are your computer’s speakers not loud enough? You might want to opt for a headset instead. Using one gives you much better audio quality and prevents you from missing important details during the video conference court hearing.
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palasys-blog · 6 years
The traditional process of issuing and processing various warrants is time-consuming and way too expensive. To get over the traditional system, why not to use a Paper warrant that lets officers manage the issue of warrants. For more details, Visit the link.
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Нефть и биткоин подчеркивают растущий риск «внезапного краха» рынков
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Аналитики Bank of America Merrill Lynch заявили, что крах криптовалютного и нефтяного рынков являются индикаторами надвигающегося «внезапного краха» на рынках, как сообщает Reuters, в частности, спады цен на нефть и на биткоин. Стратеги предположили, что растущая волатильность по различным классам активов и сокращение доли заемных средств, как это произошло на нефтяных рынках за последние недели, являются признаками эволюции медвежьего рынка. 14 ноября цена биткоина (BTC) упала ниже $5,400, в то время как общая рыночная капитализация всех криптовалют упала до $174 млрд. Падение цен ознаменовало новый рекорд года волатильности. В последнее время, в заголовках стали чаще появляться сообщения о «стабильности» цены биткоина, означавшая обратную сторону для трейдеров — низкую волатильность. Но последнее падение разогнало волатильность актива до апрельских значений. Во вторник цена на нефть марки Brent, достигла восьмимесячного минимума, что делает это самым экстремальным падением за последние три года, прошедшее за один день. В результате текущего медвежьего рынка денежные средства превзошли в этом году акции и облигации впервые с 1992 года. Аналитики сообщили Reuters, что, несмотря на медвежьи сигналы, $122 млрд. перетекли в акции, $35 млрд. — в фонды денежного рынка и $24 млрд. — в облигации. Тем временем на рынках наблюдался большой отток корпоративных облигаций, где фонды корпоративных облигаций инвестиционного уровня потеряли 2 миллиарда долларов, а фонды высокодоходных облигаций-2,3 миллиарда долларов. «Последние быки» — это высокодоходные корпоративные облигации и доллар США, считают стратеги. Доллар США предположительно подорожает к концу текущего года и продолжит дальнейшее повышение в первом квартале 2019 года с последующим падением. Аналитик Fundstrat Роб Слеймер (Rob Sluymer) предсказал, что крах биткоина 14 ноября подтолкнул криптовалютный рынок в зону «глубоко перепроданности», в то время как «долгосрочные технические индикаторы не такие уж и благоприятные». Слеймер пришел к выводу, что биткоин сможет продолжить «многомесячное ралли», но только после того, как будет преодолен «значительный» ущерб, нанесенный на этой неделе. Позавчера, трейдер eWarrant Japan Securities K.K. в Токио Соитиро Цуцуми (Soichiro Tsutsumi) сказал Bloomberg, что потеря поддержки на уровне 6000 долларов выглядит как «опасный знак» для игроков отрасли, особенно тех, у кого «бизнес-модели зависят от клиентского пула». Read the full article
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Crypto and Oil Market Slumps Are Sign of Approaching ‘Flash Crash’ in Markets
Analysts from Bank of America Merrill Lynch have said that the crash in cryptocurrency and oil markets are indicators of a looming “flash crash” in markets, Reuters reported Nov. 16.
The strategists reportedly suggested that rising volatility across various asset classes and deleveraging, such as that which happened in oil markets over the past weeks, are signs of the evolution of a bear market.
On Nov.14, Bitcoin (BTC) price slumped below $5,400, while total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies dropped as low as $174 billion. The price dive marked a new volatility record for markets this year, while the BTC volatility rate exceeded the index of seven on Bitcointicker for the first time since April 2018.
On Tuesday, Brent crude reportedly hit an eight-month low, making it the most extreme one-day fall in over three years. As a result of the current bear market, cash has outperformed stocks and bonds this year for the first time since 1992. The strategists reportedly said:
“Ingredients of flash crash rising … bond, FX, equity volatility all trending up, vicious deleveraging events, dislocation risk via abnormal spreads … triggers could be violent U.S. dollar move and/or shock macro data forcing abrupt GDP and earnings downgrades.”
The analysts told Reuters that, despite bearish signals, $122 billion has flowed into equities, $35 billion into money market funds, and $24 billion into bonds. At the same time, markets saw large outflows from corporate bonds, where investment grade corporate bond funds lost $2 billion and high-yield bond funds lost $2.3 billion.
The “last bulls standing” are high-yield corporate bonds and the U.S. dollar, according to the strategists. The U.S. dollar will purportedly rise by the end of the current year and continue climbing further in the first quarter of 2019 before falling.
Fundstrat analyst Rob Sluymer predicted that Bitcoin’s collapse on Nov. 14 pushed crypto markets into a “deeply oversold” area, while “longer-term technical indicators aren’t so favorable.” Sluymer concluded that Bitcoin will be able to support a “multi-month rally,” but only after the “significant” damage done this week has been overcome.
Yesterday, a trader at eWarrant Japan Securities K.K. in Tokyo, Soichiro Tsutsumi, told Bloomberg that the loss of $6,000 support looks like a “dangerous sign” for industry players, especially the ones with “business models reliant on a client pool.”
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86xsite · 6 years
The stock price of many crypto-related companies, especially in Asia and the US, fell on Thursday after the cryptocurrency market crashed to multi-month lows, with Bitcoin touching its lowest level since October 2017. In Japan, Coincheck parent company Monex Group and SBI Holdings each declined by more than 2%, while Vidente and Omnitel closed 7% lower in South Korea.
Speaking about Bitcoin’s support level, Soichiro Tsutsumi, a trader at Tokyo-based eWarrant Japan Securities K.K., told
This article appeared first on Cryptovest
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detikdax-blog · 6 years
Crypto Crash Impacts Perusahaan Keuangan Besar sebagai Saham SBI Menurun
Pada tanggal 15 November, pasar crypto mengalami penghapusan lebih dari $ 27 miliar, karena nilainya turun dari $ 210 miliar menjadi $ 183 miliar. Seperti yang dilaporkan Detikdax , intensitas penurunan mencapai titik di mana Bitcoin turun lebih dari 11 persen, setelah mempertahankan level dukungan $ 6.000 selama hampir enam bulan dan mempertahankan tingkat volatilitas terendah hingga saat ini dari Agustus hingga November. Penurunan tak terduga pasar cryptocurrency juga telah mulai berdampak pada sektor keuangan tradisional, terutama di pasar aset digital utama seperti Jepang dan Korea Selatan.
SBI Holdings Turun 3%
Raksasa perbankan Jepang, SBI Holdings, yang mengoperasikan SBI Ripple Asia dan memimpin beberapa inisiatif terkait blockchain besar, melihat penurunan substansial dalam harga sahamnya ketika pasar crypto mulai menjualnya. Soichiro Tsutsumi yang bermarkas di Tokyo, seorang pedagang di eWarrant Japan Securities, menyatakan bahwa harga saham dari beberapa lembaga keuangan utama seperti SBI Holdings turun karena para investor mengkhawatirkan usaha cryptocurrency akan melihat beberapa bulan yang stagnan dalam jangka menengah karena koreksi.
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Harga saham perusahaan publik di Tokyo, grafik yang disediakan oleh Bloomberg.com “Tanda $ 6.000, yang telah berfungsi sebagai lantai untuk waktu yang lama, memberi jalan - ini terasa seperti sedikit tanda berbahaya. Perusahaan yang paling terpengaruh oleh pergerakan harga adalah perusahaan dengan model bisnis yang bergantung pada pool klien, dengan kekhawatiran bahwa jumlah akun klien tidak akan bertambah. ” Bahkan Fundstrat, perusahaan Wall Street yang dipimpin Tom Lee, yang cenderung positif dalam hal tren harga jangka menengah hingga jangka panjang dari cryptocurrency besar, menyatakan bahwa koreksi besar dari pasar crypto yang dialami pada 15 November dapat menyebabkan aset digital menjadi menanggung masa konsolidasi selama berminggu-minggu sampai berbulan-bulan. “Kerusakan minggu ini menghasilkan kerusakan teknis yang signifikan. Yang kemungkinan akan mengambil minggu, jika tidak bulan, untuk memperbaiki untuk membuat tahan lama cukup harga 'struktur' untuk mendukung reli multi-bulan,”mitra Fundstrat Global Advisors Rob Sluymer kata . Monex, perusahaan teknologi terdaftar di Tokyo, mencatat penurunan harga saham paling curam setelah crash pasar crypto, kemungkinan karena kepemilikannya terhadap Coincheck, sebelumnya pertukaran mata uang cryptocurrency terbesar di Jepang yang mengalami serangan peretasan $ 500 juta pada Januari. Coincheck baru-baru ini membuka kembali perdagangan setelah mendapatkan lisensi dari Financial Services Agency (FSA). FSA menyediakan pasar mata uang cryptocurrency Jepang status self-regulatory, memungkinkan pertukaran untuk mengatur diri mereka sendiri. Namun, itu memperketat proses menyetujui pertukaran baru, membuatnya lebih sulit untuk pertukaran seperti Coincheck untuk mengajukan permohonan kembali. Oleh karena itu, pembukaan kembali platform perdagangan Coincheck diakui sebagai perkembangan positif bagi Monex. Namun, harga saham Monex menurun dengan margin yang cukup besar dalam 24 jam terakhir.
Jangka pendek
Dampak dari pasar crypto pada industri keuangan Jepang dan Korea Selatan diperkirakan berumur pendek. Investor di pasar saham publik panik karena pasar aset digital menunjukkan tingkat volatilitas yang tinggi untuk pertama kalinya dalam beberapa bulan. Ketika pasar stabil pada kisaran harga yang rendah, efek pasar crypto pada perusahaan yang terdaftar secara publik diperkirakan akan mereda. Read the full article
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palatinetech-blog · 6 years
E-Warrant Process from Palatine Technology Group is very simple and timeless. It will be connected to the court via electronic media. Judges will review the uploaded documents properly. Predictive Analysis can also be done by using this system.
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palasys-blog · 6 years
Ewarrant allows a rapid and suitable method to guarantee that a warrant is issued in a matter of few minutes, as compared to the extra length of time that is wasted in using traditional methods.
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palatinetechnology · 4 years
7 Essential Things to Know About Video Arraignment Hearing
An individual who has been charged with a criminal offense will need to have an arraignment hearing where the judge will formally mention the charges against that person. It is a critical part of the criminal justice process, and the way it goes can differ according to the laws of the state. A video arraignment hearing is a great option to reduce the number of people in courtrooms, minimize overhead costs associated with hiring security personnel, and speed up the case proceedings. It may even free up some resources, such as letting security forces be present in other areas. Here are more things you should know about it:
1. Done through video conferencing – These days, the use of video     conferencing has gone beyond conventional meeting rooms. It may be adapted     for court use, too. Providers of eCourt services can customize a video     conferencing platform to ensure a secure, high-quality, and versatile solution     for courts to continue providing their services. 
 2. Not all courts may permit it – Similar to how arraignment hearing     processes can differ per state, not all courts may consider it. However,     if there are limitations to the number of people present in a courtroom,     then implementing video     arraignment hearing through online conferencing can     help. 
 3. Features – The video conferencing service for court hearings can     accommodate up to 300 participants and enables multipoint conferencing     over VPN or LAN networks. It does not require any specialized hardware to     work, and it comes with client applications, which should run on popular     platforms. The service is compatible with popular wide-angle cameras and     USB webcams. 
4. Cloud-based – It makes sense to ensure that the video conferencing is     secure, flexible, and can accommodate the most relevant audiences most     conveniently and cost-effectively. That said, eCourt service providers are     offering cloud-based video conferencing solutions with good audio quality     and HD video. 
5. Technologies – High-quality video     arraignment hearing uses a system with SVC technology based on     the VP8 video codec. It ensures the best possible video quality on all     channels and devices. Built-in acoustic echo cancellation, noise     cancellation algorithms, and automatic gain control deliver optimum     wide-band audio quality for every participant. 
 6. Live streaming – The arraignment hearing online can be streamed live through     web broadcasting services. 
 7. Ensures security – Video     arraignment hearing may increase security by eliminating the     need to transport someone from prison to the courthouse, and vice-versa.
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palatinetechnology · 4 years
Important Things that You Must Know About Video Warrants
The video warrant is an absolute game-changer. This virtual warrant system has changed and significantly improved and enhanced the law enforcement agencies' ability to apply for different types of warrants and judiciaries to issue warrants seamlessly and efficiently by removing the physical boundaries. You may be wondering: How does it work? What are the main advantages of using a video warrant?
Streamlining the entire process
More popularly known as electronic warrant systems, video warrants are essentially software applications that allow law enforcement to request warrants and summons in the court from a judge virtually. With its advanced tracking module, officers can follow the various stages of the process too. Using the same system, the judge can review and approve the request from any place and any device. Then, copies of the warrants are sent to predesignated locations for officers and other authorized individuals to access them easily. In other words, the entire warrant procedure—which includes the creation of an application, warrant issuance, and even service of the warrant—can all be completed remotely by the parties.
Secure video conferencing session
Video conference is one of the best features of a video warrant system. It allows law enforcement agencies and the judiciaries to communicate effectively without meeting physically. The software provides a secure, safe, and collaborative environment, making it possible for warrants to be issued in less than 15 minutes from anywhere with access to the internet.
Speedier and more effective service of warrants
With this technology, the days of emailing and faxing of warrants may soon be over. It eliminates the tedious and time-consuming steps in applying and issuing warrants and minimizes unnecessary delays. It empowers various agencies such as Police, Sheriff, and probation officers to obtain warrants via the system and serve them immediately. The Ewarrant system has simplified and streamlined the process of obtaining and issuing warrants and gaining popularity day by day.
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Вслед за биткоином упали акции азиатских компаний, связанных с крипторынком
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В четверг, 15 ноября, акции нескольких компаний, связанных с криптовалютным рынком Азии, просели вслед за падением курса биткоина и других цифровых валют. Об этом пишет Bloomberg. Monex Group, которой принадлежит японская биржа Coincheck, и SBI Holdings, упали более чем на 2%, закрывшись на двухнедельном минимуме в Токио, в то время как Vidente и Omnitel упали на целых 7% в Сеуле. Сойчиро Цуцуми, трейдер eWarrant Japan Securities K.K., говорит: Отметка в $6000, которая долгое время была основой цены, пробита — это слегка тревожный знак. Наиболее подверженными влиянию цены станут те компании, у которых бизнес-модели зависят от пула клиентов; есть опасения, что количество аккаунтов клиентов не будет расти. По словам Роба Слюмера, управляющего директора Fundstrat Global Advisors, это может привести к резкому скачку цен на «сильно перепроданном» рынке, однако долгосрочные технические показатели не так оптимистичны. Обвал на этой неделе привел к значительным техническим потерям. Скорее всего, потребуются недели, если не месяцы, для восстановления, чтобы создать достаточно прочную структуру цены для поддержки многомесячного ралли. Read the full article
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palasys-blog · 6 years
Ewarant can be issued from anywhere to any part digitally connected to facilitate a faster delivery of law enforcement. The fast delivery of such warrants Help Bridge the gap between serving the cases that delay due to more paperwork and the traditional delivery system.
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