#Expect more fanart now that we're mutuals
creakincreek · 5 months
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@hatekawa quick rushed 3 months fanart/panel redraw(?)
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decodedparagram · 3 months
Hello im bri and I don't know how to do this.
Miscellaneous thingsss
- I talk Spanish and english
- I don't make a lot of posts, I mostly reblog things or add something on the tags
- talking about that I don't usually tag posts with their source material unless I'm the one making the post
(example: *good omens fanart* You: wow that's nice! My tags: #THE COLOURSS *nothing that says explicitly from what show the fanart is*)
- I'm a minor (don't interact if you're a blog with 18+ content pls)
- right now hannibal is eating my brain
- IM GETTING A LOT INTO MITSKI TOO (that's not a good mix with Hannibal (jk but I do have more ideas for animatics than my hands can do))
- talking about that I'm starting a tiktok account by this same name so if you wanna see any of my animations/drawings you can go there
- but I also post drawings or sketches here just not that much
- I think about the Magnus archives very regularly too
- will wood also disintegrates my brain frequently
- and I'm currently watching Bojack horseman (I just finished S5)
- good omens is also there
- I'm learning to play the guitar too!
- add a liittle bit of kaiju no. 8, cosplay, casual movie watching, sherlock, adventure time, music in general and other things and we're done!
Other things i love??
- my friends
- my dog
- my turtles
- this face -> :D
Im trying to be organised, let's see how much that lasts
- for art: #art tag
- for posts where I talk I need to think but I'm gonna get there
-after thinking I'm going to use: #new conscious tag
Do not interact list
If you're a proshipper, bigot or "artist" (image generating AI user) or just a dick dont expect me to talk to you, I'll just probably humiliate you like I did to the last anon on my ask box and forget about you.
To anyone else i would love to be mutuals!
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commiicc · 1 year
Hi. I'd like to talk a little about my time on social media as an artist. I'm sure a lot of this has been said by a ton of artists before me, but I'm going to say it again anyways.
My online handle is @ commiicc. I've gone by the alias Comic for a few years now. I was extremely active of Twitter during the height of the DreamSMP fandom. My time in this community brought me many memories and experience. Both good and bad. Today, I just want to focus on the art.
In my opinion and experience the art community of the DSMP fandom was so incredibly toxic. Artists were the backbone of the community. It was said time and time again. But this held many artists to unfair expectations. The turn around on art was insane. If art was not posted directly after or the day after the stream/ event it would flop. Posts would circulate about the perfect posting times, which I would memorize, then be so sad when I'd post at those times and a price would still fail. I'd blame myself. I'd internalize it and think I just wasn't good enough. It was never my art. It was simply the shit algorithm that is any social media, but that didn't stop me of course.
And I watched so many young artists beg for followers, because validation meant everything. And we all wanted to be mutuals with the popular, big twitters because that meant we'd made it... right?
I watched followers drop and people ask if they'd done something wrong to deserve it because canceling was so common. It was usually just bots being deleted, but "what if I did something wrong" was always everyone's go to.
Going back to artists being the backbone of the community and pumping out content. I used to say how thankful I was for the community because it made me grow and find my style. But in reality, I only found my style once I stepped back and took time on a piece. I was just slapping shit together back then. I hated most of what I made during that time. It was all rushed. Because no one gave me time. I always felt so rushed to post something so it gets attention. Post something so my followers don't think Im leaving. Because if you took too long to post (more than a week) you'd start losing people. I was a small artist and craved that attention... So I forced myself to create, even if I had no ideas. It's pushed me into burn out.
I'd compare myself to other artists who somehow created masterpieces in like two hours when it took me ages to do anything. I compared myself to everyone and hated everything I did. It was incredibly unhealthy.
I've only just now started making things I enjoy again.
Even when I switched fandoms I was still in the mindset of pushing out art, so I hate it all.
Only after burning myself out can I now restart and find my style... Can I now actually create again.
And I know that's just the culture of social media. and people used to tell me "just don't care" "just don't look at the views". do you know how hard it is to be a 16, 17, even 18 years old and NOT look at that??? to be a new artist and NOT care how much attention your art gets??? when a content creator that you love can see your fanart and has actually seen it.. all humans want is validation. Social media prys on that toxic need. On that innate human need. Cause yeah, we all want to know that what we're doing looks good, but holy shit was that place bad.
And I KNOW I'm not the first person to say this. I'm just trying to share my experience and I'm putting all this disclaimer here in case... So please just check yourself and remember we're all human. Social media is kinda awful and this is literally just my blog to share long thoughts and archive who I am. My time on social media fucked me up a little and I'm just now realizing it. That's what all this is.
So yeah all this to say, I'm done posting my art on social media for now. I'm done pumping out art just for the sake of it. When I create something worth sharing, I'll post it. But for now, I'll be in my comfortable void. I'm around and always willing to chat about the art making process or just chat in general. I'm creating. I always have been. I'm just not sharing it. It's not for your eyes.
It will be when im ready.
And new artists, young artists, any artists; your worth is not determined by the views or likes a post gets. Your art is worth more than any amount of attention it gets on social media. Don't create for attention. Create because you enjoy it. Create for yourself. That's where the magic happens.
thanks for reading. sorry this is long. I'm very wordy. thanks for being here.
- Comic
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tklpilled · 2 years
ty for the tag @cantsaythetword <3
fandom faves of the year !!
favourite new fandom: i guess bsd considering i've been hyperfixated since april LMAO but mp100 is also a vv good one!!
favourite new ships: skk, satosugu, and akiangel
favourite anime/tv show: chainsaw man !!
favourite movie: the only good ones i watched didn't come out this year so. none
favourite character: do Not make me choose i'll cry
favourite soundtrack: the csm soundtrack goes So hard
favourite book/manga/comic: TGCF OMG i havent even finished it (if anyone knows where i can read the whole thing translated i'll love you) but its so good
favourite game: i dont think i played any that came out this year!! been wanting to play legends arceus though
highlight of the year: i am forgetting literally Everything that happened this year. reigen sans queen of england was definitely a fun one though
community faves !!
favourite tumblr moment: goncharov was certainly a time
favourite fanart: this, this, this, this, and this are some :)
favourite fic: oh this one is. very hard .... but some that i find myself revisiting often are -if we're being honest by thequeenofwhump -now and forever (and before then, too) by radstarmuffin -difficult patient by stargazingly -birthday tickles for the child(e) by anonymous
favourite ask game: gonna be honest i remember absolutely zero of the ones i reblogged
top achievement as a creator: i hit 500 followers !! which is so cool ily guys
best fic of mine: in terms of impressions, on ao3 it was looking out for you and here it was kiss me hard before you go, which is wild because i wrote it last week, but if we're talking fic that im most proud of, im a fan of my akiangel drabble here
most underappreciated fic of mine: dandelion didn't do very well on ao3 </3
post that got more popularity than expected: that akiangel fic. what the hell
something on my blog i changed: my layout. numerous times.
next year !!
something i didn't do this year but would like to next year: commissions!! i plan on opening them soon :D
goals for next year: i feel like i didn't write much this year until these past few months, so writing more!!
2023 releases i'm looking forward to: botw2 definitely!! as well as the new seasons for bsd, jjk, tgcf, and sxf :)
spreading love !!
shoutout to people who made my year better: of course all of my friends and partners!! i love you all sm <3 and shoutout to those mutuals i don't regularly talk to but we're still chilling together
(too nervous to tag anyone so just go for it lmao)
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jaderimehardt · 7 months
👋🏻 So, I ended up not drawing anything for that character's birthday.
I did think of a pose about a day and a half ago but that isn't enough time for me to actually get anything drawn out and colored. I'm too slow and I set myself to too high of standards. Plus factor in irl things and my lack of motivation... 🫠 *shakes head*
If I feel bad about it, it's for a couple of mutuals who like him as much as I do, or more- even. I've kind of grown super attached to a certain B🔹L🔹E🔹A🔹C🔹H boi, to be completely honest with you (I'm bypassing the tagging system with the 🔹's).
They still draw him every year on his birthday, and one even bi-weekly almost. She has supported me every time I draw him by re-tweeting my artwork on Twitter. Probably the only person who acknowledges me like this on a regular basis. The other person supports me also on a bit of a lesser scale, and she draws him often too, but I think she struggles with confidence in her art like I do.
It's not an easy thing... "having confidence" in one's own art. And when you don't see likes or favorites on your art, that confidence drops tremendously. You feel like you've done something wrong. You try to figure out 'what' you did wrong, and when you can't find it- you just want to give up. It's a sinking feeling.
But inevitably most artists pick up the pen or pencil again and draw once more because it's something we love to do. The thing is, this time we're less likely to share it because of that lack of confidence. This is what has been happening to me slowly over the past couple of years (and to a couple friends of mine as well).
People don't seem to realize this.
"Where did all the fanart go?"
Well, you all got so picky with favoriting things, they lost motivation and stopped posting. What did you expect?
If and when I post things, I have a fear of tagging it. 💠 Well if you don't tag it, no one is going to see it- and then you really won't get likes/faves. ⚜️ Yeah no kidding. but then I have a logical reason for WHY no one likes it. Like Twitter, I get under 10-30 impressions on most my posts even with tags. At the very least if it's posted, it's on record/in my portfolio of sorts. It exists in my history somewhere.
I removed all of my stuff off of my DeviantArt a couple years ago. Now I'm sure when I post things people question if I'm genuine or not because they have no history to look at- no 'portfolio'. Though if they went to my Wordpress Blog, they'd see that I've been drawing and posting my stuff for a long time. But no one is going to go and look into me that far in-depth. "Guilty until proven innocent" means nothing when all they want to do is prove you guilty.
That makes me even more hesitant to post things- but I do have all my PSDs with individual layers, so I can always provide proof whenever necessary. And I know where my posts are, with timestamps and dates. I can defend myself. That's all that matters to me.
I made this blog to "be more creatively unhinged" and to "be ramble-y". That includes putting my thoughts out into the open, "having proof on paper", so to speak.
I also want to show people the path that I'm taking, so if they're interested in taking it- they can. But everyone learns differently. Everyone has a different style. I may absorb information one way and apply it in this manner, while someone else may learn it in a completely different way and apply it in a polar opposite format. It's all a matter of who you are, perspective and variables.
So... one day (or a string of days), I'll post a bunch of videos. I did this a few days ago actually, lol. These are learning tools. Other days I may make tutorials (I used to make a lot of these but then I deleted that blog). Some days I'll promote my Etsy shop (this might happen the most, tbh)- featuring a lot of my Resin things, and graphics I'm working on. And on rare occasion some fanart because I'm at the lowest of low with that atm.
If I do anything fanart I'm thinking my OC's... 🤷🏻‍♀️. People dislike OCs, I'm aware of that but it's not like many people (if any) like my stuff anyways. They say to draw for self-satisfaction. I think it's time to follow that.
And I 💓 H🔹I🔹T🔹S🔹U to death, but his hecking fluffy hair man 🫠. I did my best with his hair in my last fanart- spent hours perfecting the lineart... honestly I was so proud of it. But apparently it wasn't everyone's cup of tea 🤷🏻‍♀️. It is what it is. (I'm still happy with it. I love his hair, please never change it Kubo-san 💝)
I might doodle a lot of the Loomis Method heads cause I like drawing faces. Poses/bodies not so much. In time I'll work my way to the poses but I just want to mindlessly doodle. (I hate drawing hands 😒)
Btw here's another vid on that, and I like this one so much better.
I also want & need to do a full graphic image for a puzzle. My Mom and my Step Dad are really big into puzzles right now and they're just passing them around with all their friends. Like some puzzle group, lol 😅
I think it'd be cool to actually design one myself, buy it from my Partner- Printful, gift it to them, they can complete it and then they can pass it around.
Mother's Day and Father's Day isn't that far away. I just have no clue what to make the graphic, lol. All the things they like are copyright and I'm not crossing into those waters.
I need to find something generic 🤔💭
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
Hi Phoenix!! This is Comsic from AO3 🤗💕 First off, I hope things have been okay with you, and the writing process has been going well (I mean, as well as writing can go, anyway 😅) I saw your tweets regarding Ep 6 of HB (not to mention that lovely fanart!!!) and I hope you don’t mind if I share some of my own thoughts, because hoooo boy, is there a lot to unpack.
So. Blitzo has a MASSIVE inferiority complex. I figured as much from the previous episodes, but this really hammered home for me that he has huge issues regarding his sense of self-esteem/self-worth. I definitely think he feels unworthy of Stolas and fears he means nothing to Stolas in the long run/is seen only as a plaything—this was made especially evident this episode by those two silhouettes of him fanning Stolas during the vision sequence: he quite literally faded into the background. And not to mention that he crawled up the stairs, as opposed to walking upright on his own two feet. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely think that he feels SOMETHING for Stolas (there’s surely a reason that the bit with Stolas is the only one that isn’t visually dark during his vision) but like, yeah… our boys have a LOT of work to do.
Now, this may be an unpopular opinion, but when I first watched the episode, I thought the kiss between Blitzo and Stolas was very… sudden??? I mean, I’m sure they’ve made out a lot offscreen, but I suppose I was caught off-guard by how quickly they shared a kiss together onscreen: I suppose I just wasn’t expecting that to actually happen until some of their personal issues were resolved, i.e. I had it in my head Blitzo had a “no kissing outside the bedroom” rule on account of that being too “intimate”. But the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like maybe it wasn’t so sudden.
Like, I don’t think this was their Big Damn Kiss; it wasn’t really the “focus” of the scene, if you catch my meaning. They seem to be shaping up to be the main couple of the show (will they/won’t they), and I feel that The Kiss between them will have a whole scene/episode building up to that moment, rather than it being almost… downplayed???? That kiss, I think, will come after a couple seasons’ worth of character development ☺️☺️
Not to get Angsty on you, but that whole vision fucked with Blitzo’s psyche, I have no doubt about that, and I think that he’s going to freak out about the fact his feelings for Stolas aren’t as straightforward as he may have been trying to convince himself they were, and he’ll call their relationship off/self-sabotage/do something to Stolas that may or may not be related to THAT scene from the teaser trailer :( I don’t think the photos exposing them are going to bite them in the ass just yet, it’s way too soon, but the fact that Stolas’ image was shown onscreen the longest at the very tail end of the episode suggests he’s going to be the one hit the hardest by whatever punishment awaits.
I’m this was so ridiculously long, but I just have a lot of Thoughts about this episode, and I figured you would understand 😂😂 take care!! 💕
Hi there, Comsic! 🤗💕 On the writing side, I'm in a bit of a transitional phase right now deciding between working on either TUT ch5 or P&B ch4, especially since both of them have such different atmospheres—and I'd just seen ep6 of 'Helluva Boss,' so that's fresh in my mind—and writing styles. Eventually I'll make up my mind but I'm stuck in indecisive limbo right now, ha.
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(This is me^ with my two WIPs, and having to decide which one.)
I love your analysis. I totally understand. I'm flattered that you had a lot to say and went to my Ask to unload THE FEELS from ep6. Because I, too, was hit with THE FEELS. (Ah, the pain train especially. I anticipate we're in for a bumpy rollercoaster ride of suffering in the later episodes, but from a writer's perspective, it's necessary because in order to get the deserved Happy Ending, the main characters have to experience character growth and development. The mutual pining is a staple, as well as establishing character flaws and things that'll need to be resolved between them as well as the context of the hurdles they'll have to face, before we get to the well-deserved "actualized" relationship. I fully hope we get something close to what we saw in the Instas as we progress, with the fluffier times between them.) If we don't see "Stepdad Blitzo" in the show canon, I hope for a "Boyfriend Blitzo" with him officially and openly with Stolas in a relationship in a later season, with him shown to somewhat mesh well with Octavia eventually and maybe the two girls getting along too. I want to continue seeing the chemistry between Blitzo and Stolas, even if there needs to be a brief period of separation to get their sh*t together. I'm putting my expectations low, so that if HB exceeds any of it, I can happily lose my mind and scream.
Blitzo's inferiority complex will have to be addressed in canon eventually. Right now, we see it being set up. The kernels should eventually lead to a situation where Blitzo can't take it anymore (possibly leading to an emotional eruption) and there should be an episode that serves as the "healing episode" where he'll need to learn how to deal with it. It's ok if you got angsty on me, haha. Oh gawd, I'm not ready but I wouldn't be surprised if we see Blitzo self-sabotaging himself in the show. Or it could be a moment where Stolas is forced to stop "their arrangement" (leading to an unhappy owl) and Blitzo can have that time to himself to realize that he's being a dumb-dumb. Personal issues take time to be resolved, and I hope the show shows that growth before awarding us (so that it feels EVEN MORE SATISFACTORY).
I'd liked how the Vivziepop crew went for the open-to-interpretation symbolism in ep6. It makes the writer in me salivate. Of course, I see some takes that jumped the shark a bit too much in the speculation imo, but I think most of us saw what the crew was trying to convey. I can see the foreshadowing and the building blocks that the show is trying to set up for future confrontation(s)/ episodes. It will be painful, but what's a little pain and suffering when we get to the promiseland (hopefully; crossing my fingers and knocking on wood)?
Ah, the kiss. Haha, tbh, I get it. On my side of things, I'm rather desensitized to it as a slowburn writer myself who has to write about people kissing and leading up to them doing the horizontal tango. I didn't expect to see a heavy tongue makeout session in ep6, but I could tell the animators—and especially the storyboard artist who'd worked on those frames and tweeted it—really wanted to give the fans some food. I like the hc myself of Blitzo being uncomfortable with kissing outside of their arrangement in bed, with him slowly growing comfortable reciprocating gestures of affection and even initiating a kiss himself once he gets to a certain point. But it's ok. I don't see it as their "Big Damn Kiss" moment personally as well; I took it as a fanservice gift which I appreciated. I hope in a future season and episode though, when they lay their emotions bare, it's an over-the-top dramatic or touching moment where they actually kiss and it's a point of the story where it means something emotionally (like, yes, this is their happy moment, so they deserve this kiss and it's worth celebrating and losing our minds over).
The last few minutes where we see them recorded on footage...hahaha. The conflict has been established. This is indeed gonna come bite them in the ass. It was a nice touch for the crew to have Stolas say about not wanting to get in trouble, and like a self-prophecy, at the end of the episode we see that he will indeed most likely get in trouble (either with the higher-ups or humans, or what have you). It was a nice cliffhanger to establish a future conflict. (Gotta keep us on the edge of our toes and make the story interesting.)
Take care as well! Stay safe and healthy! 💕💕
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