worldofbraingirlau · 11 months
{{{{{ Grumble! }}}}}}
Carrie tried to ignore her stomach grumbling. Knowing she didn't have food on hand at the moment nor money she knew she would have to find a way to eat.
Her stomach growled again. Hunger pains were setting in again. When was the last time she actually had something to eat ..?
So she did what anyone would do-
Rob the nearest store she could find.
Okay maybe not anyone. ..
She was hungry and being reasonable was the last thing on her mind as she stuffed some fish in her mouth. Ignoring the stares she got by the customers and store owner alike. She was used to being stared at, at this point.
Just as she was about to reach the exit a gust of wind knocked her over. Carrie laid splat on the ground as the fish she had "borrowed" was now scattered around her Carrie blinked in stunned surprise before she slowly got up from the floor. She rubbed her head as she tried to gain her barrings. "What hit me?" she muttered before turning around. Carrie for the first time since she escaped that awful place was shocked to see who knocked her over. "MWAHAHAHA!" The figured cackled. "It is I mousebraingirl! I am here to illegally acquire all of your precious freshly made yellow dairy concoctions." Mousebraingirl exclaimed with evil glee. Everyone in the store looked at her with confusion. "Your going to do what?" The Grocery Store Manager asked. Mousebraingirl frowned in annoyance. She hated that people still didn't know what certain words meant. Wasn't there a dictionary or a word themed superhero they could learn from? "I'm going to steal all your cheese now." Mousebraingirl restated in a less than enthusiastic tone of voice. The Grocery Store manager and crowd nodded as they now understood what she was saying. They then froze, their eyes wide open as they NOW understood what she was saying. The people in the store screamed and began running around in frantic motions as they panicked about being robbed. Mousebraingirl gave a huff as she crossed her arms. "Thats' better." she muttered before switching to a mischievous expression. "Now say goodbye to your precious cheese!" @experimentedcat
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Sorry for spamming buuuut:
Carrie running into Dart in the alleyway?
Tumblr media
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madmousescientist · 2 years
(So i forgot what we had wrote in chat but i think i remember some of it-)
Carrie was tired. Too tired to care about finding food to eat. Right now she wanted to snooze. However finding a safe place to sleep wasnt easy. Not when there was the danger of another angry mob looking for her.
So what if she. Stole fish? It wasn't like she took all of them! Just one small flounder!
In her defense, she was hungry. So she did the most logical thing a cat would do. Hunt...well look for food. Carrie did tried to hunt something. Birds to be exact. To her annoyance they all flew away before she could catch even one.
It didnt help that she no longer had the money that she found. or did someone give it to her? The more she thought about it the more muddled up the memory became. In the end she decided to give up thinking about it.
What mattered was getting some place safe.
With a sigh she continued her journey. Not feeling content sleeping under junk and ruble again. She wanted something to keep the rain off her head. Being splashed with water was unpleasant. She wasnt trying to be picky rather, just some place slightly more comfortable than a dark alley way.
Running along slide what looked like an abandoned building of sorts she looked around for an entrance point. Not finding one aside from a scrunched up gap, she was too excited to care. Luckily she could crawl through.
Inside was dark. And she could smell mice...most be some hiding in the darknes somewhere she thought to herself. She figured since this place was supposedly abandoned. The feline hoped there was some sort of light source nearby.
Exploring could wait until the morning...pr atleast when she would wake up wake up again. Carrie yawned laying down, not far from where she had entered in from.
Curled up, the feline's eyes began to close as she dosed off.
(-@experimentedcat )
Dr.Two-Brains had came back from his walk with Glenn Furlblam. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, a soft blush left upon his expression. Looking fondly at the cheese bouquet he was given. The mad scientist shook his head, what was he thinking? Sure he wasn't mad at him anymore but he was still frightened at the possibility of liking him. Sure he dated around alot but he always kept them at arms length. The scientist wasn't quite sure why he did that, thankful that when his relationships ended the friendships didn't. He was still in good terms with them all.
When he finally got the sliding door open the villain was surprised to be met with darkness. Huh. The henchmen seemed to haven taken off. Which was fair, it was time for their personal lives that was separate from their jobs. He flipped on the light, missing the curled up Carrie in the corner.
He placed the bouquet of cheese upon the coffee table, humming softly to himself. Dr.Two-Brains couldn't exactly remember where he knew this tune but he still liked to hum it. It always made him feel better. He had a rather long day and it was finally time to unwind. With cheese. He didn't want to wrestle with that mouse attached to his head when he just wanted to take a load off. So he went off into his cheese vault and came out with a tiny stash of the stuff. Sure he could've just ate the bouquet of cheese, he knew it was meant to be eaten but he just couldn't do it. So just left it on the coffee table so he could continue to admire it.
Something had been bothering him as of lately, Something was missing. It wasn't like before where he knew his memories about his past had been scrambled slightly. It was a nagging feeling that just wouldn't leave him alone.
It made his human brain itched like crazy, desperate for whatever it was he was missing.
Dr.Two-Brains had dumped his little stash of cheese upon the coffee table, picking up one piece of stuffing it into his mouth as he plopped himself onto this cheese themed couch.
Tonight he just wanted to relax and unwind instead of the usual scheming and invention building. He was running out of ideas and was becoming burnt out. A well deserved break was what this doctor ordered. Didn't matter if he wasn't even that kind of doctor.
The mouse themed villain soon spotted something moving at the corner of his eye. What? What was that? He turned his head to what had caught his attention and squinted.
The unidentified pile moved once more, revealing to Dr.Two-Brains horror, cat ears. This caused him to spit out the cheese he had been nibbling on all over. Eyes widened in fear as he let out a yell. "C-CAT!!!"
With that he had jumped up and scurried behind the couch, squeaks of fear had been coming from him. He stayed behind the couch, cowering in fear.
Of all the times they decided to leave the lair alone, a random giant cat had made its way in. His heart was pounding ever so loudly within his chest. Too frozen in fear to retrieve a weapon for self defense.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
After a long time to think and chatting with eris. I have decided to make Carrie an ask blog
very much a WIP tho. @experimentedcat
Nice, excited to see when you post it.
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worldofbraingirlau · 10 months
"I'm..sorry to hear that." Carrie says. Feeling a bit awkward now. Given how she couldn't relate to that. The feeling of loosing someone dear not once but three times nearly. She could only imagine how Steven felt.
The rest of the night was a blur to her. Mostly wrapped in her own thoughts. For once it seemed like sleep wasn't going to come easily. Perhaps it was this place. A feeling of deja vu left her on edge for reasons she could decipher.
Surprisingly, Steven never asked for the photos back. Perhaps he had forgotten to take them back. After looking through them for the umpteenth time in the row, Carrie figured to return them. Or at least put them somewhere where Steven would be able to find them.
That was her intention in the beginning anyways. Somehow she found herself looking at the photos hung on the wall, bookshelves and practically anywhere photos were normally placed. They all felt off however. Like something was missing. 'wait... didn't he mention his late wife?' Carrie thought. Why didn't he have any pictures of her? Carrie was genuinely curious now. Wanting to find them if any were still around. Part of her knew it was most likely painful for him to have those up. ' I'll just give a quick peep at them...it's not like I'd have to tell him I saw them...' she says to herself.
After a bit of quiet rummaging around. She found a box that was hidden among other items in the area. She carefully opened the dusty box. Holding back a small sneeze. Inside were old clothes jewelry...very shiny jewelry. She was almost tempted to nab one. But her promise of no more stealing stopped her.
and underneath...'jackpot!'
her eyes lit up seeing Steven, younger and less looking like a zombie. Geez he really needs more sleep Carrie thought. And beside Steven was...
Carries eyes widened.
staring at the photo a familiar face stared back.
Steven frowned when he heard shuffling coming from upstairs. He was working on a cure for his daughter like he did every night. He was surprised someone was still up at this late hour. "I wonder if Carrie might be awake." Steven pondered. The shuffling he heard with his super hearing wasn't too close. So it couldn't have been Mouse or Bob rummaging for food in the kitchen again. Steven exited the basement and up to the living room. The shuffling has ceased. Steven wasn't relaxed by that. It had sounded like the shuffling originated upstairs. Steven walked up the stairs and saw his daughter and Bob still asleep in their room. It warmed Steven to see the noise hadn't awoken them. Steven then checked on where Carrie was sleeping. He wasn't that all surprised to see her missing. It only further confirmed his theory that Carrie was behind the noise. Steven saw the trapdoor to the attic was opened and the lights were on. He climbed up the ladder. Once he was up there, Steven turned his head and gazed around the attic. He soon found Carrie leaning over an open box and frozen in place. Steven became confused. 'What on earth could have made her freeze in place like that.' Steven tried to peek over Carrie's shoulder and see what was the matter. Steven still couldn't see Carrie's expression but he could now see what her focus was on. Steven became a little upset that Carrie was looking through a box that belonged to his late wife. 'I guess what they say about cats and curiosity is kind of true.' Steven mused. He wasn't going to kill her over it of course. The worse he was going to do was scold her for looking through private and personal things without permission. "What are you doing Carrie?" Steven addressed, causing the woman to become startled by the sudden presence behind her. @experimentedcat
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madmousescientist · 1 year
(@experimentedcat )
Ooo? Mysterious gift cheese? For me? Don't mind if I do!
(@experimentedcat eyyy)
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madmousescientist · 2 years
That's Carrie and Glen two brains...
Hey. They said this is you? But it's not you?
*shows the picture.*
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madmousescientist · 2 years
-leaves Birb-
Aw man. Who left this bird here?! I don't want to touch it. ):
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madmousescientist · 2 years
<:3 )~
Am I doing the emoji thing right?
🧀 Hey! Look! Cheese!
🧀 <:3 )~
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