#just funny if you have either a dark theme or a light theme
melodythebunny · 2 years
Sorry for spamming buuuut:
Carrie running into Dart in the alleyway?
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samandcolbyownme · 11 months
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Summary: Anon request - "can you PLEASEE give us something super smutty, super kinky, halloween themed either both sam and colby or just colby. kinda like the halloween one you did for sam?"
Basically, this will be reader at a Halloween party and they decide to mess with an ouija board and Colby gets attached to reader, but doesn't reveal himself until reader is home.
Warnings: SMUT18+, Strong language, alcohol consumption, drunk actions, demon! Colby possesses reader, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (both), choking, hair pulling, scratching, filth
Word count: 4.7k | somewhat edited
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“Alright guys.” Ray says as he claps to get everyone’s attention, “Halloween game time.”
You walk into the living room, shocked at what you see, "No." You hold up your hand, pointing to the board lying in the middle of the circle, "No. fucking. Way."
The group groans, trying to convince you, "Come on, you really believe in that?" One says. Another chimes in, "It's all fake anyway."
You roll your eyes, "You have no idea what you're messing with. Plus, you all are fucking drunk."
"Come on." Your best friend, Amelia grabs your wrist as you stand up, "You don't have to touch it, but just stay with me.." she laughs slightly, "Moral support."
"You know this could get bad. Fast." You whisper as you lean in, “I am always saying how these things are a bad idea.”
“Can you please just stay.” She more or less demands, and you lean into her, squinting, "You're scared, aren’t you?”
She scoffs, "N-no.. u just.. can you just please?"
You sigh, "Fine. Fine. But I'm not touching that thing."
You sit there, watching as the guys across from you argue about how to get started.
"How do you- where's the instructions?"
You sigh, "You're supposed to cleanse the board first, and it would be better if you would stop-" you watch as someone spills alcohol on the board and you sigh, "Drinking."
"Lighten up, y/n." Sam says nudging you, "What? Are you afraid that we'll let all the dark spirits in?" He laughs, "Hell is empty tonight. So.." he leans over, "Can't summon something if it's already here, right?"
You rolled your eyes, you felt like the only sober one there.
"Alright, everyone, one finger on.. this thing." Ray says pointing to the pointer, "oh, and someone kill the lights."
You close your eyes one the lights flick off and everyone but you puts a finger on the pointer.
"Just do it."
You look at Amelia, "Did you say something?" She shakes her head, "No." you look over at Sam, "Did you say something?" He shakes his head, "No." a smirk grows on his face, "Hearing things already?"
You roll your eyes and sigh, "Fine. Fine." You lean forward, laying your pointer finger on the pointer, "Fuck me."
"Trust me.."
You close your eyes, shaking your head. You regret even being at this party.
You want to take your finger off the pointer but you physically can't.
It's like it's glued there.
"If there is any spirits here, we'd like to talk." Jace says with a slight laugh and you tilt your head as you stare at him.
"Jace, you have to ask nicely. They need to feel safe." You say looking up at him, "We welcome the friendly, positive spirits to talk to us."
The pointer starts to move, "Oh shit." Sam looks up, "Yo, who's doing that?" Sam laughs slightly, "That's not funny."
Everyone denies.
It moves to H then slides over to the I.
"Hi?" You all say in unison, "Hello."
You look at Amelia, "Ask it something." She goes wide eyed, "Are you fucking nuts?"
You sigh, "Fine. I'll do it. What is your name?"
The pointer starts moving, going to C.
Then O.
Then L.
Then E.
"Cole? Is your name Cole?" You ask and it slides to YES.
"Are you a demon?" Jace asks and you all look at him. You shake your head, "You don't-"
The pointer slides to MAYBE, making everyone shut up.
You try to take your finger off but it still feels stuck, and you hear a quiet whisper, "Stay."
"You can't just ask shit like that, Jace." Ray says, "Are you stupid!?"
"What? Are you scared?" Jace says with a laugh, "You said you don't believe in this shit."
The pointer moves, sliding to the letters A, S, K.
“This isn’t supposed to move on its own… right?” Amelia asks quietly as she looks over at you. You shrug and look over at Sam.
"Ask?" Sam whispers, "How many of you are there?"
The pointer moves to 1.
"So it has to be just one." Amelia looks at you and back to the board, "Are you Cole?"
“That was already asked.” Jace says with an eye roll, but the pointer slides to YES, anyway.
"What are you doing here?" Sam asks and before you can correct his question, the pointer moves to each letter that spells out your name.
"Fuck no. No!" You yank your hand away, "Who did that?" You look around and they all shrug, "I'm serious. Who fucking did that?" Your voice is in a high pitch and you sigh, "I’m done."
You stand up but you get dizzy and stumble backwards. Amelia and Sam stand up, holding onto you.
"Whoa, you alright?" Sam looks down at you, concern on his face, "y/n."
"I’m not gonna hurt you."
You shake your head slightly, "Yeah." You stand up straight, "I'm fine." You smooth out your costume and walk to the bathroom, Amelia on your tail, "What happened?"
You stop, whipping around, "What do you mean what happened? Those idiot fucks moved it to scare me because I didn't want to do it."
"Then why did you?" She holds her hands out and shrugs.
"I felt like I had to." You look at her, "Like something was telling me to."
She walks up to you, laughing slightly, "that's called peer pressure, y/n."
"It wasn't.." you sigh, knowing you're just wasting your breath, "Yeah.. you're probably right." You look up as she walks into the bathroom and you see a shadow standing at the end of the hall.
"Jace? Ray? Sam? Come on guys this isn't funny." You slowly walk towards the shadow, preparing yourself for one of them to lunge at you with a 'boo'.
"You okay?" Sam peaks his head around the corner from in the living room and you look at him. Your eyes move back to where the shadow was, and it's gone.
"Yeah, I'm just seeing shit now." You sigh, "I thought you'd never fuck with an ouija board, Sam."
He shrugs, "Peer pressure."
"That's what I said!" Amelia says in a sing song tone as she walks back into the living room. Sam looks you up and down, "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Yeah, that'll do that to you when your name is spelled on one of those things." You laugh slightly, "I just don't-"
"Listen." Sam walks up to you, "It was probably just Jace or Ray playing a stupid prank. I'm sure it wasn't anything. They didn't even do it right."
You shrug, "If I go missing, I'm blaming them."
Sam laughs and looks back the group in the living room, "Come on, I'll drive you home."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
It kept replaying in your head. The pointer moving to each letter. The shocked and scared expressions from everyone.
They couldn't fake the genuine shock, especially with majority of them being drunk.
"Do you think it was real?" You ask looking over at Sam in the drivers seat. He shrugs and rests his elbow on the center console, "I mean, maybe.. but like I said, they didn't do it right. So if anything were to happen, it'll probably be to them."
He laughs and you sigh, "I'm serious Sam. When I was going to the bathroom, I swear I saw something in the hallway, just standing there."
"I'm sure it was just that stupid fake tree that Leah got Jace to buy. I'm sure it was nothing but your imagination feeding off your fear."
You nod, "Yeah, you're probably right." You laugh at yourself, "I'm such a scaredy cat on Halloween."
He looks over at you as he pulls into the driveway, "Yeah. You're telling me." He rolls his eyes playfully and laughs.
You look at the door to your house, "Do you wanna come hang out for a little bit, just until I'm not scared?"
He turns the car off, "Yeah, I can."
You make your way inside and as you open the door, you see the same shadow you saw in the hallway of Jace's apartment standing over by the door to your kitchen.
You quickly flip the lights on and it's gone.
"That shadow was there again." You point and Sam moves in between you and the door, "Stay here." He goes to check it out, coming back out a few minutes later, "No one is here."
You shut the door and sigh, "I knew that was a bad idea. I should have next touched that thing."
"You know, I heard stories or people burning them or throwing them out and they reappear in the spot they were in last." Sam walks to the couch, plopping down and you just glare at him, "Not helping."
"You don't have one of those here do you?" Sam looks back to you and you shake your head, "Hell fucking no."
"Then you should be good." Sam laughs and turns back to the tv.
"I'm going to go for a shower. I'll be back down." You make your way up stairs, undoing the corset on your costume and taking a deep breath.
You move around the room, looking over your shoulder when you feel like someone is watching you, "Sam?" You call out as you walk out into the hallway.
"Still on the couch." He yells back and you laugh slightly, "Alright."
You walk back into your room and close your door as you finish getting undressed when you suddenly feel frozen.
You can't move.
You move your eyes around, trying not to freak out.
"Relax, babe."
"Mm." You whimper as your lips are pressed shut. You feel a hand drag up your back, "I'm not going to hurt you."
A man walks around your left side, stopping when he gets infront of you.
You couldn't lie, he was hot, but you were more worried on how he got into your house. Past Sam on the couch.
"If I let you go, will you stay quiet?" The man asks as he brushes your cheek.
You try to nod, but you can't, "Mhm."
You feel your body relax and you sigh, "How the fu-"
"Lower.. your voice." He walks around and presses his chest against your back, "Don't you want to know who I am?"
"N-no." You hesitate because you were intrigued by him, but you also didn't want to die.
"You won't die, baby."
You look over your shoulder at him confused. He chuckles, "I can read your mind, so that means I also know that you find me intriguing, but you're still scared."
"Who are you?"
"My name is Cole, but I go by Colby. Or-" he laughs, "did. I did go by Colby before.. ya know."
Your eyes go wide, "So that was real?"
"What the ouija board?" He nods, "Oh yeah, that was all me."
"You spelled out my name. Why?" You turn to face him, "Why me?"
"Because I like you. Your energy intrigues me as well." He runs his fingers along the open seams of your costumes, "Why don't you pick up where you left off, yeah?"
You bite your lip, multiple things going through your head.
He sighs, "Alright. I'll answer those questions because you're giving me a headache." He chuckles and steps back, "My name is Colby, or Cole. I am in fact a demon, and I died when I was twenty four, but that conversation is for another time."
You blink, trying to comprehend what he just said.
"And yes. That was me controlling you, I can honestly make you do anything I want you to, but if you're a good girl and do as I say, I won't have to." He winks and walks over to the bed, plopping down onto his side.
"How.. I mean.." you pinch the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes. You sigh and look up at him, "I thought demons had horns and black eyes or other creepy features.."
Colby chuckles, "I have horns, yes. But like what I said about making you do things, i can make you see things, too."
As you stare at him, his image flashes in your mind and you see him with horns and his blue eyes are black. You blink and look back at him and he's normal looking.
"Crazy right?" He sighs and heaves himself forward to sit up, "I can walk amongst the living, just like this and I can even control more than one person.. if I wanted to."
"Why are you here?" You cross your arms, feeling a chill run down your spine as he walks up to you. He looks into your eyes and they flash quickly from blue to black, "Because you want me here."
"I don't remember ordering a demon off Uber Eats." You snap and he laughs, "You're funny and pretty? Jackpot."
He walks around you, his hand sending a tingle through your shoulder as he touches it, "The devil himself would love you. You know why?"
"Why?" You slowly turn your head to meet his gaze and he smirks, "Because you portray yourself as an angel, but really you're just as nasty as me."
Your heart beat picks up pace and it makes Colby smirk, "You don't have to be nervous, darling." He tucks hair behind your ear and sighs, "I won't hurt you. Not unless you want me to."
He winks and you feel a warmth spreading over your body.
"What do you want from me?" You chew on your inner cheek and he stares into your eyes, "What I want from you right now, is for these clothes to come off."
Your hands move to finish taking off your costume, leaving yourself naked infront of him.
"You're such a treasure." He licks his lips and steps towards you, "Tell me what you want me to do."
"I-I don't-"
Colby cuts you off, "I can read your thoughts, baby. But that's not enough for me. I need to hear you say it."
You clench your jaw, trying to keep the thoughts out, but you couldn't. They were strong and you didn't know where they were coming from.
"Are you putting these thoughts into my head?" You look up at him and he shakes his head, "I am not. That's all you, baby."
You're shocked. Shocked because you're so turned on by him when you really should be petrified.
"There's no reason to be afraid of me, baby. The only people I hurt is people that deserve it, and you my dear, are far from deserving of that." He smiles, "I'm here to serve you, if you will."
"Serve me?" You swallow, "What do-"
He cuts you off with his lips on yours and you immediately become his. You can't explain it, but it feels like you belong to him.
His hands move into your hips, warming the skin as he squeezes, "Fuck." He leans back and shakes his head, "Tell me you need me."
"I need you." You whimper out quietly.
He tilts his head, "do you?"
You nod, "Yes." You felt like it was him making you say that, but he assures you it's not.
You pull him back into you, kissing his lips only to pull away when there's a knock on your door, "Y/n? You good?" Sam jiggles the door knob, but you don't remember locking the door.
"I locked it." Colby makes you look at him and his eyes flash black, causing you to stare into them as he speaks, "Tell him you're going to bed."
"I'm going to bed."
"Oh... alright. Well I'm just going to crash on your couch if that's okay." Sam says from in the hallway.
You look over at Colby and he nods.
"Yeah, no that's fine, Sam." You bite your lip, "Goodnight."
"Yeah.. night.." he walks away mumbling to himself and Colby appears in front of you, "Now let me show you something cool."
He stares at you and you feel a pleasure sensation slowly consume you. You furrow your brows, taking a deep breath as you try not to moan.
"Let it out baby, don't fight it." Colby whispers and you moan almost instantly.
Colby smirks, waking around your body, "I can make you feel things without even touching you." You tilt your head back, eyes fluttering close as you feel the feeling you get right before you're about to cum.
And then it stops.
You whimper, sad the feeling is gone.
"Don't worry baby. We have all night. Well." He looks at the clock on your wall and shrugs, "At least until midnight, so we better get to it yeah?"
You look at the clock that reads eleven twelve, "why midnight?"
"We can leave hell empty all night, baby. But let's not worry about that right now." He pulls you to him, lifting you up and your legs wrap around his waist.
He walks you over to the bed, "Spread your legs for me, I haven't tasted pussy in years." He kisses down your body and you bite your lip as gets closer to your clit.
You arch your back, moaning out as his tongue drags up between your folds, "Fuck." You look down at him and his eyes flash black, his voice ringing in your ears as his tongue laps at your pussy, "Don't cum until I tell you to cum."
You nod, closing your eyes as you lay your head back, whimpering out his name.
His voice rings in your ears again, "Say my name, baby."
"Colby.. fuck, yes, Colby." You arch your back, moaning out as your hand slides to his hair, pulling slightly which earns a moan from him.
You look back down at him, biting your lip as you lock eyes with him.
You freeze when you feel the feeling of two fingers slip into you, but his hands are still on your hips, digging his nails into your skin.
Your eyes roll back and you let out a loud groan, "Oh my god."
Colby pulls away, "God's not here baby. You're dancing with the devil tonight."
His words make your lips part and the feeling of being finger fucked heightens. Colby watches you as he controls how you feel.
Your legs start to shake as you approach orgasm, but Colby is holding you back from it, "a little longer baby. Can you do that for me?"
You nod quickly, gasping as his hand moves to rub circles onto your clit, "Tell me."
"I-I can.. I can.. I can.." You needed to cum, and you needed to cum bad, "Please? Please Colby."
"Please Colby what, baby?" He watches as you look up at him, "please let me cum."
He smirks and sighs, "Since you asked nicely." He bites his lip, tilting his head as he pulls his hand away, "Cum."
Your body explodes with pleasure. Your thighs press together and you're pulling the sheets off of the mattresses.
The best orgasm you've ever had.
"I take pride in that, baby. Thank you." He leans down, kissing your lips as you breathe heavy, "I'm only here to give you the absolute best pleasure you'll ever get."
You smirk up at him, in awe of his power, "Don't ever leave."
He chuckles and stands back up, "I wish, but if you only knew what it's like down there. Devil runs a strict schedule."
You can't help but laugh and his face goes serious, "I'm not kidding."
Your smile disappears and he can't help but laugh, "Nah, I'm just playing. But I will be back. I can tell you that right now." He slips his shirt off and starts to undo the belt on his jeans, "you won't ever get rid of me."
And you were weirdly okay with that.
You bit your lip as you watch the demon before you undress and walk over to you.
"On your knees, baby."
Your body moves from the bed and drops to the floor, "Not fair."
"Never said I was." He grips your chin and forces you to look up at him, "You can always tell me to stop. But I know you don't want me to."
"No." You whisper and he tilts his head, "No what, baby?"
"Don't stop."
He chuckles, "That's what I thought." He takes his hand away and you part your lips, waiting for the head of his cock to enter.
He lets out a low, deep moan as you work your head down onto his cock, bobbing it and hallowing out your cheeks.
"Fuck, you're better than i ever imagined." He lays a hand on the back of your head and you feel that finger fuck feeling again. You moan around his cock and close your eyes.
"Eyes on me, baby."
You look up at him, whimpering as you feel the pleasure work its ways up your body, legs shaking below you.
"Such a beautiful sight." Colby groans, "fuck, yeah. Keep going." His fingers wrap around your hair, pulling tight as he pushes your head down more.
You gag around him and he pulls your head off, eyes flashing black, "Stand up."
The pleasure stops completely as you rise to your feet, obeying his order.
"Get on your hands and knees." He nods towards the bed and you comply, walking over to the bed and bending over for him.
He walks up behind you, bringing his hand up to let it fall with a quick smack to your one asscheek. You wince, biting your lip, "Do it again."
Colby chuckles, "Since when did you become the one in charge?"
You clench your jaw and look back at him and his eyes flash black, "You won't be able to cum until I say you can." He winks, flashing you a smirk before pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, "How's that?"
You roll your eyes and he gasps, "Are we catching an attitude? Last time I checked.." He reaches up and grabs your hair, pulling your head back and looking down at you, "You weren't the demon in this situation, now, not another word until I tell you."
You bite down on your lip, whimper as you feel his fingers slide up and down your slit, "You're soaked, darling, I wanna hear all those pretty sounds."
He rubs the head of his cock along your folds, slowly pushes past them, "Fuck." You rest your head down on the bed, moaning out loudly.
"That's it." Colby groans as he pushes his hips against your ass. His hands squeeze your hips, pulling you back and holding you on him, listening to each moan and whimper that slips through your lips.
"Let's hear em, babe." He slowly pulls his cock out and thrusts back in, hard. You gasp, moaning loudly he keeps a slow and hard pace, "You sound so pretty."
You grip the sheets, pulling as you try and push back, but you're frozen again, all you can do is moan, hoping he lets you speak.
"You wanna speak, baby?" He taunts, "you wanna tell me how good my cock feels?"
You whimper in response, clenching around his cock and he sigh, "Alright baby. Tell me how good you feel."
"So fucking good." You scream out, "please.." you whimper, "Please don't stop."
"I won't, darling, but you have me so close already." He brings a hand down, slapping the skin of your asscheek, "You are fucking.." he groans and squeezes your ass, railing into you.
"Hands behind your back and keep them there."
Your hands move, laying on your lower back like they're tied together, a moaning, unraveling mess under his control.
And you loved it.
"I knew you couldn't turn me away." Colby moans out, laying a hand over your wrists and holding them, using them to pull you back into his thrusts, "Do you want to be choked?"
"Yes, but I want you to touch me." You squeeze your eyes shut and lift your head slightly as you feel his hand slide up your body and around to the front of your neck.
He pulls you up so you're on your knees, "No one has ever had this much power over me." He whispers in your ear, "No one."
You smirk slightly at both his words and his hand squeezing your neck.
"Such a dirty girl, I know exactly where you're going when it's your time." He thrusts into you, his thrusts quickly getting sloppy, "And I'll be waiting for you."
You moan and tilt your head back, resting it on his shoulder, "Colby." You whimper out, "P-please."
He smirks, "Words, baby. I need you to use your words."
"Let me cum.." you moan out, "P-pl-" he squeezes your neck tighter, cutting off your words. He runs his nose up and down your cheek, "If you cum, that means you're mine. No one else's."
A squeak slips from your throat, "Y-yes."
"I mean it." He bites down on your ear lobe, "I know you have a crush on Sam.." you bite down on your lip and he sighs, "But I guess he can suffice when I'm not able to come to you right away."
Your eyes go wide and Colby chuckles, "I'm just kidding. He touches you and I'll snap his fucking neck."
You can't help but moan as you clench around him, “No one but you.” You whisper out, “P-please Colby.”
“Do you mean it?” His thrusts are slow, as he’s trying not to cum himself, “Be honest with me baby.”
Instantly, “Yes, yes, only you. Only you.”
He glances at the wall and tsks his tongue, “Gotta go soon baby. Lay on your back for me.”
You roll over after he pulls out and he immediately slides back into you, a moan pulled from your lips. Colby brushes hair from your face, staring down at you as you look up at him.
You see his natural look flash and a smile grows on his face, “It’s the horns right?”
You bite your lip and nod and he chuckles, “Yeah. Maybe next time I’ll wear em for ya.” He winks and begins to thrusts again, biting down on his lower lip as he watches your face scrunch up.
“C-Colby, please.” Your legs wrap around his waist and your nails drag up his back, forming red lines, “Fuck.”
He says nothing as he watches you beg for him.
You let out a whine, laying a hand on his cheek, “Please.”
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours before leaning just an inch away, “Cum.”
Your back arches up, a pornographic moan ripping from your lips as your orgasm tears its way through your body.
Colby moans with you, as he fills you with his cum, “that’s it baby. Let it all out.” He watches you twist and turn, trying to get yourself under control, but you quickly realize that you’ll never be in control with Colby.
“Alright, relax, darling.”
You rest into the bed as your chest rises and falls quickly as the dizziness fills your head.
“I’ll be seeing you soon, baby. Don’t go too far.” Colby chuckles and when you open your eyes, you’re alone.
You sit up, pulling a blanket around yourself as you frown at the clock on the wall that reads midnight.
You shake your head, wondering if this actually happened or if it was all just an alcohol induced dream, but the quick settling pain in your legs as you stand up, makes it known to you that it’s definitely a reality and not a dream.
You look in the mirror, laughing slightly as you find yourself missing Colby.
You swore you’d never touch a Oujia board, but now, you’re kinda, in a very weird way, happy you did.
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This is kinda short in my opinion, so sorry about that! But I have ideas for a part 2 on this! I have many many requests that I’m going to try and power through, so part 2’s will be on hold for right now!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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rainerioun · 2 months
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— Hey there! In this reading, we'll explore which romantic/writing trope might fit your relationship with your future spouse best. Some of these themes can get pretty deep, so if you're not in the right headspace for that, perhaps come back another time. <3
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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Romance Trope? Knight of Wands [Reversed]. | Ten of Wands [Reversed]. | The Hanged Man [Reversed].
For some, a person from your past might resurface. Either way, there will be a separation. When you first encounter your future spouse, one or both of you may be going through a dark time. I should state that this connection will never become manipulative or deeply toxic, which nobody should accept or endorse.
Nonetheless, this connection won't be smooth sailing in the beginning. While serious hatred will not arise, there'll be a struggle to understand each other, which stems from inner wounds. Seeing reflections of yourself in them, and vice versa, leads to frustration because neither of you has fully healed yet. Stubbornness on both sides leads to drifting apart. Impulsive actions worsen the situation, causing you to dislike each other.
Initially, I wasn't quite sure how to define the relationship because y'all aren't really enemies, just two hurt people.
Expansion. Community. | Hostilities. | Anxiety.
Your future spouse might come into your life through a friend or an acquaintance, perhaps in a familiar setting you visit often. The connection between you both sparks a profound realization, which leads to heightened anxiety and tension. It might feel like you weren't supposed to meet this person, but in truth, you were destined to cross paths. Because when you reunite in the future, you'll love each other through the toughest times and cherish each other even more during the best moments. You're meant to teach each other lessons that no one else could, guiding you back to where you're meant to be in the end. I definitely see sleepless nights, though. — You might find each other again in the place you originally met.
What Energy Will Your Future Spouse Embody? Dolphin : Innately Intelligent, Healer, Light Blessings. Bear :  Waking From Spiritual Slumber. Beginning Anew.
When you reunite, both you and this person have undoubtedly grown. It's a chance to begin anew with them at the right moment. Your future spouse has a knack for making people question themselves, but with you, it's particularly intense. While it may have caused hurt in the past for both of you, now you can work through it together.
While pulling the cards, I heard a distinct and amusing cackle, almost like a 'dolphin laugh,' even their giggles could be a loud and funny.
Insight. Hermit — Light : Seeks solitude to focus intently on inner life. Serves personal creativity. Shadow : Withdraws from society of others. Refusing to help those in need.  Father — Light : Talent for creating and supporting life. Positive guiding light within a tribal unit. Shadow : Dictatorial control. Abuse of authority.  Fool — Light : Fearlessly revealing emotion. Helping people laugh at absurdity and hypocrisy. Shadow : Using humor to wound rather than liberate. Denial of your emotional truth.
Your future spouse will always have an introverted nature, but before change occurs, they are extremely reserved, perhaps to an unhealthy extent. They could be overly engrossed in work, other projects, or family matters, possibly taking on a leadership role for their siblings, which can be stressful even if they don't live together. Beneath the surface, they have a playful side. In the past, both of you might have been a too naive, but you'll reconnect when they emanate this strong fatherly energy. I'm hearing, 'Young, Dumb, and Broke.'
Additional. Soulmates : Soul Connection, Partnership, Agreement, Soul Contract. Coffin : Endings Bring New Beginnings, Growth, Change, Liberation, Transition.  Separation : Sadness, Missing You, Thinking About You, Yearning, Unsure of Future. Clock : Need Time, Takes Time, In Time, Cycles, Time to Heal, Progress.
There might be a bit of a chase for a while, whether it's conscious or not. When you make efforts to understand them, they might pull away, and the same goes for you. As much as it feels strange to say it, the label of twin flames could suit this connection. However, you'll eventually overcome this phase. It's possible you were only meant to learn the lesson of self-betterment from each other in this life, but both of your paths took unexpected turns, leading you to find each other despite it all. You both will make up time from not only your younger years, but previous lifetimes.
When everything falls into place and you seek forgiveness from each other, this connection becomes truly extraordinary. It's profound and complex, holding such true beauty. Eventually, it settles into something steady, providing the stability and fulfillment you both crave. Life together feels as close to perfect as it can get.
Take A Walk : Passion Pit. | Salad Days : Mac Demarco. | The Blower's Daughter : Damien Rice.
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Romance Trope? The Emperor. | Justice. | Four of Pentacles.
You and your future spouse will be drawn to each other no matter what, as if fate itself is pulling you together. You'll find yourself in situations where you encounter your future spouse frequently. I suspect this could be through some form of work. It's possible they might hold a higher position than you, maybe even a boss, though it's not necessary. They could simply have a lot of influence and trust. In some manner, this person plays a role in ensuring your financial stability.
Expansion. Angel of Strength. | Cornucopia. | Man Holding A Coin.
Once more, this person holds a certain sway over you. For some, this influence might stem from them being your client. They control your actions because they requested them.
It all depends on your current profession or your future plans. If you're primarily self-employed, even if you have a 'boss', this person might approach you as a client or possibly someone seeking work. However, if you're in a more corporate environment, they could be your boss or a colleague.
What Energy Will Your Future Spouse Embody? Dragon : Seeing One’s Most True Self, Balancing The Ego.  Bat : Darkness, Letting Go, Death Leading To Rebirth. Lizard : Instinctual, Sensitive to The Subtle, Dreamer.
Your future spouse isn't really the bossy type. They can be assertive but are generally understanding and flexible. I don't see a power struggle whatsoever. They could be a natural leader, yet I believe their compassionate and accommodating nature prevents them from being cutthroat or overly blunt. Their work is very important to them, but they also recognize the humanity in their co-workers.
Insight. Healer — Light : Passion to serve others by repairing the body, mind, and spirit. Ability to help transform pain into healing. Shadow : Taking advantage of those who need help. Failing to care for oneself. Thief — Light : Sheds light on the potential wealth within you that can never be stolen. Shadow : Stealing money, creative ideas, affection or other powers you think you lack.  God — Light : Benevolence and compassion. Recognizing the eternal force within yourself and others. Shadow : Despotism and cruelty. Using power to control people.
As I mentioned before, this person will play a role in guiding your career somehow. They'll have things to teach you, just as you'll have things to teach them. You might notice an increase in financial opportunities or wealth around the time you meet this person, probably because of their doing, but maybe not!
Additional. Karmic Relationship : Fleeting, Turmoil, Resentment, Lessons, Letting go and Loving you.  Camera : Reminiscing, Keepsake, Perception, Learn From the Past, Make Memories.  Girl Talk : Time with Friends, Moving On, Happily Single, Living in the Moment, Having Fun. Palm Tree : Stability, Security, Permanence, Growth, Endurance, Flexibility. 
Before anyone gets worried, let me clarify that I didn't take the Karmic Relationship card too seriously. I interpreted the message as affirming that this relationship will involve significant learning and growth. Not everyone will end up parting ways with this person, but everyone involved will gain valuable insights from the other. This connection could help both of you avoid repeating past mistakes. — As an alternate message, I'd like to add that it's time to let go of past relationships. Your future partner wants you to embrace self-love and believes in your ability to find happiness within yourself. Mastering contentment while single will not only attract them sooner but also teach you a valuable lesson that's ready to be learned.
Your future spouse will stand by your side and do everything in their power to support you. They aren't just interested in your safety and stability; they'll actively work to make sure it happens. Their actions speak volumes in this regard.
Partition : Beyoncé. | I Will : Mitski.
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Romance Trope? Two of Bows/Wands [Reversed]. | Seven of Vessels/Cups. | Two of Vessels/Cups [Reversed]. | The Green Woman. | Ten of Bows/Wands.
For many of you, I don't believe this is just an ex. I sense a third-party element at play here. Pinpointing a main scenario is too tricky; it varies for everyone by a lot. Perhaps you meet this person through a friend with whom you'll later drift apart with. Maybe your future partner happens to be a sibling of a friend. The possibilities are numerous. Nonetheless, there's someone who acts as a bridge between you both, influencing the connection. You might even have someone in mind already as you read this.
Regardless of the circumstances, I don't think your future spouse is the cause of this temporary 'separation', which might end up being a lack of communication for a short period of time until the situation resolves itself. I can't see a time where your future spouse was previously unkind or unpleasant to you, but rather it's more likely that the mutual person between you two played that role. If there are any rumors circulating, your future spouse will likely discern who's at fault and support you.
Expansion. Angel of Love. | Fifth Chakra : Archangel Gabriel. | Magician and The Mirror.
At first, your future spouse might assume they're to blame for the fallout and feel guilty about it. This uncertainty might delay the reconnection, even though they're fully committed to being by your side. They'll struggle with how to initiate fixing things, but eventually, they'll gather the courage to try. This reconciliation could happen online, if that resonates.
The forbidden aspect of this connection might originate from parental expectations, like qualities they require in your partner. Remember, you always have a choice in this matter. If not, it's not necessarily wrong but might be viewed with disapproval, such as getting involved with a friend's ex-partner.
What Energy Will Your Future Spouse Embody? Tiger : Lunar Force, Ease in Darkness, Feminine Energy.  Raccoon : Talented, Shadowy, In Hiding. Hawk : Watchful, All-Seeing, Messenger of Divinity.
Your future spouse is incredibly passionate and generous in their relationships and friendships, and this will shine even more when you two reconnect. They'll be open and sincere about their love for you once they emerge from hiding.
Insight. Addict — Light : Helps you recognize and confront addictive behavior. Shadow : Compromises integrity and honesty. Allows an addictive pattern to have authority over your inner spirit.  Avenger — Light : Desire to balance the scales of justice. Righteousness on behalf of society or oneself. Shadow : Resorting to violence in the name of a cause. Seeker — Light : Thirst for wisdom and truth wherever they are. Shadow : Inability to commit to a path once found.
After reconnecting, your future spouse will become more righteous, not just in relationships, but in all aspects of life. They won't stand for their loved ones being mistreated and will seek truth in murky situations, sharing their insights to keep you informed. They'll be honest about areas needing improvement while maintaining their patient and kind nature. By this time, they will understand how to be straightforward yet gentle.
Additional. The Butterfly : Relationship Evolving to the Next Phase, Healing the Inner Child, Growth. Boat : Receiving What You Need, Progression, Arriving, Moving On, Closure Issues. Girl With a Snake : Empath and Narcissist Paradigm, Being Charmed or Used, Enable Boundaries.  Heartbroken : Deeply Hurt, Sad, Separation, Breakup, Feeling Lost, Grieving, Mourning.
Reconnecting with you will be a healing and transformative experience for them. It will bring closure to their past, and you might need to reassure them that your aren't going anywhere. It's a bit odd, but lately, I've been watching Supernatural, and this person reminds me of Sam Winchester. They have a strong desire to protect you, but sometimes they might overextend themselves trying to provide for you. Which isn't your fault at all, they just need a reminder to relax and slow down.
Killer : The Ready Set. | She Looks So Perfect : 5 Seconds of Summer. | Holding Hands : The Magic Lantern.
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Romance Trope? Six of Pentacles. | Seven of Cups [Reversed]. | Three of Wands [Reversed].
Although it's one of the sweetest piles, it's also a tad messy. Not everyone will relate to this aspect, but take what resonates.
This person could be from your childhood or teenage years, or maybe someone you've recently met, or have yet to meet. Anything really. However, I feel for the majority it's someone you know. You have to figure this part out for yourself. But regardless, they're incredibly generous toward you, whether it's with money, affection, or understanding. However, this connection isn't without its challenges. Despite being very supportive, you'll have to navigate obstacles together. There might be setbacks or delays, but ultimately, your bond will grow stronger and develop into a romantic relationship.
Expansion. Strategy. | Storm Warning. | Healer of the Ages.
This part might only apply to a few, but I don't necessarily see it as your next relationship. Why? Well, because there are cards here, and later in the reading, that hint at some kind of breakup, which your future spouse helps you navigate through.
What Energy Will Your Future Spouse Embody?  Elk : Stable, Resilient, Headstrong, The Father. Turtle : Ancient Soul, Grounded, Trusting, At Home in the Self. Crocodile : Resting, Submerging, Collecting Energy, Cooling Off. 
Your future spouse will always carry the aura of a caregiver, being nurturing and extending their kindness towards both loved ones and strangers alike. They have a natural inclination towards being giving but possess a discerning eye when it comes to where and who they invest their energy. Their actions are consistent, and they seem calm and collected.
Your future spouse really embodies the ideal father figure and likely connect effortlessly with children. Patience and wisdom are strong in their nature, further enhancing this energy. They're like a true teddy bear until provoked.
Insight. Student — Light : Humility and devotion to knowledge. Openness to lifelong learning. Shadow : Arrogance in the pursuit of destructive knowledge. Unwillingness to translate knowledge into action.  Prince — Light : Romantic charm and potential for power. Shadow : Using power for self-aggrandizement.  Companion — Light : Loyalty, tenacity, and unselfishness. Shadow : Betrayal by misusing confidences. Loss of personal identity.
Think of your ideal "prince charming" - that's precisely who your future spouse is, whether in appearance or mindset. Gender doesn't limit this; it's about their energy and attitude. They have boundless curiosity, always eager to explore life and learn. Their fascination with you extends to wanting to know every detail, so they can envision and arrange everything in their mind. Loyalty and romance are ingrained in them, qualities you'll surely cherish. They're very charming.
Even in friendship, your future spouse exhibits a strong protective instinct, perhaps even a hint of possessiveness. You might not even realize your love for them until something sudden strikes. It's really like something out of fan fiction, where a seemingly random spark is actually the culmination of a slow burn. This realization may dawn on you when your future spouse defends or stands up for you in some manner. Suddenly, all the signs they've been dropping will become clear, and even the glance from them afterward will convey everything you need to know.
Additional. The Phoenix : New Phase, Rekindle, Renew, Transformation, Growth, Changed Mind.  Stabbed in the Back : Heartbreak, Pain, Separation, Deception, Shocking Attack. Palm Tree : Stability, Security, Permanence, Growth, Endurance, Flexibility. Mask : Not Showing True Feelings, Hide, Personify, Pretend, Delude, Gaslighting.  Sunglasses : Watching, Looking, Stalking, Gaslighting, Perception, Focusing Out. Keys on a Ring : Many Options, Decision, Unconventional, String Along, One Night Stand.
For those it applies to, I'm revisiting my earlier point about being in a relationship and your future spouse's good sense of judgment regarding character. If this doesn't resonate, feel free to skip and check out the songs instead. Thank you!
Your future spouse had already secretly admired you for some time. Aware of your existing relationship, they struggled to suppress their feelings. Amidst the chaos in their mind, they couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right with your partner. They wanted to reach out to warn you out of genuine concern, but you dismissed it as an overreaction. There's a chance your partner at the time suspected something between you two, leading to a sudden end to the relationship [Although, I don't think there was anything actually happening.] They might have harbored resentment for a while. But fear not, your future partner comes to the rescue. Whether they witness the breakup or support you afterward, you'll come to realize that your true feelings lay with them all along, but you were blinded by the allure of another. With too many choices before, you failed to think clearly and see what was right in front of you.
Like That : Jack and Jack. | Somewhere Only We Know : Keane. | Little Person : Matt Maltese. | Boyfriend : Dove Cameron. [Update: Forgot to add a song, sorry!]
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fairykazu · 7 months
youre dating me! not him! ft. lyney࿐࿔ ✦cws: est. relationship, otome game (i.e. love and deepspace), rafayel my beloved, jealousy, feminine terms are used but reader is gender neutral, crackpost, lyney is trying to be batman to save chaos from gotham (his brain) and ooc ✦masterlist
lyney noticed something off with his girlfriend, giggling on their phone and of course, he thinks that youre either chatting away with your own friends or youve picked up a new hobby.
you have plenty of hobbies but you so happen to be invested in fandom culture.
hes well aware of how you read fanfiction on those websites, totally not because he snooped on your phone and accidentally found them. he will admit though that they are pretty well written, and he did steal some of the tropes and some of the pick up lines just to flirt and fluster you.
but you're not intensely reading fanfiction because you don't have the face, the "oh my god???" or "OH MY GODDD..... ?!?!?!?" so clearly, you're playing something else here. but you were being sneaky!
every time he tries to peek over, you hid your screen, turn off your phone. hell, you even invested into a privacy phone screen. although, these signs do sound like cheating. it most definitely is not because well… to put it lightly, you’re kind of a loser (affectionate) but its his favorite trait of yours!!!
that sounded more backhanded than he intended.
but he has to solve this mystery before the world falls to chaos…
he’s just going to “borrow” your phone. he had a plan and everything. he knew exactly what he was going to do. wait until you sleep, unlock your phone and find out your biggest secret at the moment.
but instead, midway of his plan, you had light mode on??? why are you the devil? knowing he was going to sneak onto your phone, you put your themes to light mode. its a sneak attack on his very character!
a bright light burned his eyes as he lowered the brightness because he will power through!! but he was being too loud when he was putting in your phone password.
lyney noticed you were waking up, quickly hiding your phone under a pillow case. as you yawned, you turned on the lamp, peeling open your eyes, “…mhmm, hey, lyney why are you up?”
“well, i couldnt sleep.” he replied back, snaking his arms around you. you laugh,
“is anything keeping you up?” funny you ASK, the joker of his heart !! you shifted in your side of the bed, facing his way. “ow, what the hell?” you reached under your pillowcase, “huh, why is my phone here?”
lyney, sweating, “um, maybe you forgot?”
“its even unlocked!”
“woww… wonder how it got there.”
silence filled the air as the both of you just stare at each other. well, he looked at your eyes with unwavering confidence and a midge of fear and you were straining your half asleep eyes at your boyfriend.
“um… dont know! okay, fine i did it.”
“if you wanted to know, you can.” you handed him your phone, clearly even more suspicious. not really. he really wanted to get into this dark knight hero guy character.
he swiped through and nothing hut a new game. “oh! dont click that…”
“why?” he clicked on it anyway. he was met with kind of realistic men, painting, winking and other actions. its not as bad as he thought. or even, kind of typical girlfriend behavior.
hearing the theme song, you sighed, rubbing your temples. your tone was embarassed, “i.. its an otome game. i thought it would be weird—”
you met eye contact with lyney as you nervously laughed. “because its a dating simulator.”
you could tell he was processing it in his mind. “wait, youre dating me,”
“and youre playing otome games, which is, dating sims.”
“but youre dating me! not him! ive been feeling neglect lately and you were gone in your prtend world of these…” he looks at the home screen. “very attractive suitors while i waste away to our homelife, trying to be better.”
“good narrative, babe.”
“thank you, i made it on the spot. wait, no, dont distract me!!” he made himself sound serious. “all jokes aside though, im glad it was a game. i thought it was more something serious.”
“such as?”
“like cheating! and i know how that sounds and i know you wouldn’t but the way you acted made it seem bad.”
he saw you load in the information he just gave you and you began to apologize. “dont worry, you just have to pay attention to me and i guess, whoever is on ‘amor and deepabyss’.”
“sounds like a plan!”
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not-that-n · 7 months
I think Kotor 2 is a really funny game when it comes to the average analysis of it's themes, because it managed to create such a compelling antagonist that most people just kinda get lost into trying to analyze her words and actions through her apparent philosophical stand when she is just written to be a great hypocrite, something that they almost always fail to mention in the average analysis of Kreya's character.
Like she makes some points, that sometimes helping others without thinking about your actions can hurt them more than you could imagine and says some other things that are almost true but she frames them as a philosophy of might, you shouldn't help others because you are depriving them of their strength, because through suffering there's growth, through struggle you reach enlightenment, through individual freedom you reach apotheosis. She then reaches the conclusion that God, aka the Force, is the biggest chain of all and to be truly free is to kill the force, to reject fate completely.
She acts like she has some sort of moral high ground over the sith and the Jedi when in reality she is not much different. In a way, she does have some beliefs she follows without question, she still uses the force and if you ask her about it she admits the hypocritical nature of her argument, first comparing to a poison and then saying that that's just an argument of an old woman trying to justify it. She always talks about how there are no chains, how you must be completely free of fate because there's no determinate outcome, whatever happens being a result of your strength, yet she still betrays you by the end because there must always be a Darth Treya, there must always be someone that directly betrays the order in it's moment of need. That's fate, that should, and will, always happen.
I always read her admiration for the player originating from our achievement of her goals without becoming hypocrites like she is, something I'm sure she is aware of as hinted by her dialogue in her last fight. The player rejected the force, reject fate, through strenght of will alone, using it more alike a weapon than a dogma, but the player, in a way, still uses the force mostly as a way of unknowingly influence others, their strength is not in self isolation in pursue of the strength of an individual through the death of morals and complete freedom, but instead in connection with others.
In the dark side ending the player becomes Kreya, a hypocrite that acts on their own desires, on their own impulses, because they can, afterall they had the strength to reject the force once so they are strong enough to do whatever. On the light side ending the exile takes the correct path, not following Kreya but transcending her, becoming better than her, understanding that you can overcome the chains of fate not through individual freedom but through connection, in the light side ending you archive what Kreya never could.
I always read Kotor 2 as a story of abuse and trying to grow out of it, in this case Kreya being the abuser, breaking both Scion and Nihilus causing them to become what she hated the most, and the player character being her new target, the exile being able to either follow the narrative's themes and be able to grow despite the abuse or fail and become the abuser themselves, perpetuating the cycle, the chain, that I always read as what the force is supposed to symbolize in this story.
Kreya is a spiteful person that believes that she can not grow, that she can not change and become better, she accepts herself in her own hypocrite nature because of this belief, she understands that through her own argument, one of complete freedom and transcending any chains that bind us, she is a failure like the rest of her students because she follows her own chain, she believes she most perpetuate the cycle of abuse.
That's the reason why I always disagree witht he concept that Kreya steals the show from both Scion and Nihilus because both of them are different outcomes that the exile could have become, both are victims of abuse that thought they couldn't change.
There's this one study I always think about, how kids that came from abusive households were more reluctant to let go of their parents, and Scion reminds me of this, rejecting Kreya at every opportunity but being unable to let go of her, she defined who he became as a person, a failure in both of their eyes. That's why he is so mad when you are going to confront Kreya, he thinks of you as her favorite, as the one that didn't become a failure, as someone who could reject and grow from their abuse when he couldn't. And I always found so interesting that the way you beat him os through words because, well, because you try convincing him that he can change, that he can grow, you beat him not through a fight, through a show of strength, but through showing, arguing, that the abuse he went through is not an unmoving chain, that he has the capabilities of change. And he doesn't believe you, never does, he would rather die than think about that, that admit you are right, he reacts the same way Kreya does, dying rather than admit they were wrong. It feels incredibly tragic that this happens because you know it could end up in another way, you are that other possible outcome.
And Nihilus is a simpler character because most of the content related to him was cut, but I always read him as the complete rejection of Kreya, as doing the exact opposite of whatever she said even when it still ends up hurting him, becoming a shell of what he was once. That said, most of that is just me guessing something that would fit with my reading of the themes and is never actually said in the game, it's kinda hinted but I admit there's not enough information to confidently say that.
Anyways, my point is that I find kotor 2 quite a compelling story and, while I understand why most people only ever discuss Kreya, I feel slightly disappointed that most discussions of the game never really talk about anything else the game presents
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amourtoken · 4 months
Hiiiii I don't typically write for Oli Sykes however Kool aid has adjusted my brain chemistry and I have to put these thoughts out there lmao
I offer: cult leader Oli x a gullible, malleable reader who doesn't know any better than to follow him <3
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: triggering themes possibly, cult ideology, toxic Oli, manipulation, corruption, dubcon, spanking, general torment lmao, edging, oral, raw sex, dacryphilia, hair pulling, throat fucking, coercion, guilt tripping, thigh riding, nipple play, light bondage, there may be more but this is already rlly long.
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♡ he's fucking horrible, and he knows it. But you don't.
♡ he couldn't help himself but to drag you in, you were just so fucking easy. All you needed to hear was someone was "there for you" and you were in. Oli had hundreds if not thousands of followers by now as well but he never treated any of them like he treats you.
♡ you'll follow everything he says on a whim and if you question him, he'll pull you close, hold your hands, run his fingers through your hair, say "when have I ever been wrong?", kiss your forehead and send you on your way. When it comes to the more toxic sexual side of the "favors" you perform for him, he defends himself saying you're supposed to follow his order without question, he's always right, do you not trust him?
♡ everyone's used to seeing you at his side by now and you always get the most pitiful looks from people. They see someone being manipulated that's too dumb to realize and fight it but you're confused, Oli would never hurt you, why do people keep saying be careful? When you bring this up to him, he just tugs you in his lap and trails kisses up your neck and jaw while stroking your hair and telling you not to worry about it.
"They're just jealous I spend so much time with you, love. Stop thinking."
♡ he's a massive sadist, and loves seeing you cry. He'll achieve it one way or another. Either fucking your throat until you're gagging around him and crying for him to be more gentle or fucking you to tears while he's pulling your hair to add to the sting. He fucking loves seeing his mark on you too, whether it's the hundreds of dark hickeys he drowns your soft skin in or the endless handprints littered over your body be it from spanking, slapping, choking, it doesn't matter. He wants to brand you.
♡ he's a cunt, and will humiliate you to tears then wipe them away while you're sitting on his cock. He knows if he breaks you down enough, he can build himself up as your savior. The only one you can trust, the only one you can crawl back to. You're so pliant for him it's almost funny to watch.
"Bad day, princess? C'mere. I'll make it better."
"You know I love you, right? I'm only harsh when I have to be."
"You always follow directions so well, love. I wanna reward you for that."
♡ at first you were really against anything sexual but he's coerced you. He'd plead for hours, claiming you must not trust him if you won't do what he wants. Do you not love him? He's done so much for you, given you a place to stay, given you affection, you're not gonna pay him back? Eventually you felt guilty and ended up folded in half under him nearly in tears while he fucked into you like he was trying to split you in half. He praises you so fucking heavily in the moment you can't help but enjoy it now. You crave that attention and affection so much it has you needy for him. He's trained you well.
♡ you're constantly crawling into his lap, kissing all over his neck and begging him to touch you nowadays. Of course, he "gives in". His big tattooed hands running all over your body, tugging your shirt off to play with your nipples while you grind yourself against his thigh and get all teary for him cause you wish he'd just stop teasing.
"So impatient. Haven't I taught you better? Or do you just need me that bad."
♡ he figured that'd be a good chance to teach you some extra manners and by teach you he means tying you up and leaving you on his bed with a vibrator pressed right against your clit indefinitely. No squirming is gonna help, if anything it'll make it worse. He'll sit on the edge of the bed near you and coo about how if you weren't so needy and impatient you would've gotten what you wanted without being overstimulated for hours. And he does in fact mean hours.
"I'll touch you when I feel like it, you don't need to be a whiny slut to get what you want. Could've just waited and you wouldn't be here right now."
"Aw, want it to stop? I'm not sure. I think you still haven't learned your lesson."
"Maybe if you keep begging in that pretty little voice, I'll turn it down."
♡ if you're being needy and he's in a mood. He'll give you what you're whining for, just not how you wanted. He'll fuck you with one of the seemingly endless toys he has for you and drag you through what feels like endless orgasms until you're pleading for a break.
"What? Wanna stop? You were so fucking needy before, where'd that attitude go?"
"So needy you don't even need my cock, you'll get off on whatever fills this pussy up. Right?"
♡ he has the biggest breeding kink as well. Loves the idea of carrying on his whole lineage and it's a bonus you'd look pretty all round with his babies. He never let's you off without pumping you completely full of his cum. Even then, once he pulls out he's gathering excess with his long fingers and fucking it back into your sensitive pussy so you don't waste any. If you do get pregnant, he's still planning on enjoying you, just maybe a tad more gently.
♡ god forbid one of the other cultists finds some interest in you. He'd notice eyes lingering on you just a little too long for his taste and it'd end with said cultist tied to a chair across the room while Oli plays with your pussy in front of him. He's shit talking and reminding the man you're spoken for, property of your leader, no one could possibly make you feel as good as he does. Oli makes sure you're moaning his name and whimpering about how good he feels and how much you love him just to get the point across. He'll make sure no other name sends a swarm of butterflies to your stomach like his ever again.
♡ he'd be lying if he said he didn't have *some* feelings for you, but he'd never show anything other than his prior torment. On rare occasions, when you're tucked against his chest dead asleep after he's fucked you in every position imaginable, he'll press kisses to your forehead and trace circles on your back while almost admiring you. He'd never let anyone else see him so unguarded but you're just so soft and malleable, so cute. He feels lucky to have found someone who's too soft to say anything out of line against him.
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artist-issues · 1 year
Some Things I Believe About Stories
Stories should not be PRIMARILY created to entertain. They should be created to teach, or encourage, or inspire, USING entertaining qualities. The Romans used entertainment to distract the populace from corruption. J. R. R. Tolkien, on the other hand, described "escapism" as "a prisoner of war escaping from enemy camp to go back home." You're not running from reality to fantasy when a story does it's job. You're running from the dark, twisted side of the world to something that reminds you of the good, the true, the beautiful, the correct. You've been imprisoned by bad ideas and confusion and dark perspectives, and the story shows you how to escape and get back to true and beautiful reality. It's got a point, it's not just for diversion.
Stories should be made to serve others and leave the world better than they found it. Storytellers should not only tell a story to exorcize their personal demons or point to how clever and artistic they are. That can be a nice bonus. But the point should be to serve the audience. Think about it. When it's made, it's timeless; it will be read or watched or listened to by the next generation, or the next. What are the storytellers letting fall into the hands of the people who come after they're not around to explain or gain a profit?
The storyteller should be passionate about the story while they make it. This could look like a sense of duty, or fun, or just excitement. But those outward emotions usually signal an inward understanding of how important the story is, and therefore, a level of compassion and care for the eventual audience.
You can like a story or dislike a story. You can interpret a story or misinterpret a story. Those things are subjective. But whether or not a story is good is objective: it can be measured. Does the story say what it is trying to say in the clearest, most compelling way possible? If yes, it's a good story. If no, it might be great entertainment. It might be funny. It might be cool. It might be quotable or franchise-able or profitable or even memorable. But it's not a good story if it does not say something in the clearest, most compelling way possible.
A story's main point, or theme, is the most important thing about it. The characters, the set design, the pacing, the soundtrack, the language, the use of color or lighting or blocking etc.; all of those pieces work best when they are unified in the goal of communicating that main point or theme.
Death of the author = death of the story. It's point is to say something. If you claim the speaker's intent is meaningless, so are the words spoken. If you claim it can mean anything, your words are meaningless too. We all might as well tell no stories and blabber gibberish instead. It’s one thing to say you understand what the author intended, and you like to think of it in/wish it were another way. But it’s quite another to say that what the author intended is unknowable or doesn’t matter. You’re either calling the author a bad storyteller or, again, recommending we all speak gibberish.
Both form (the quality of the story and it's elements) and content (the main point or lessons) matter. Without one you have a lecture, not a story. Without the other you have entertainment, but no valuable, timeless, beautiful truth to make it a “story.”
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islayhawkin · 5 months
Coming home
Simon "Ghost" riley x f!asexual!reader
Request: Hello! I saw you're cool with writing fics for ace readers and I was wondering if you'd like to write something for either Ghost from COD or V from Devil May Cry? Something like they're reassuring the reader that they're okay with them being ace? If it's not possible, that's completely fine! I'm just so happy to see someone including us in fanfiction 🖤💜🤍Thank you, and have a good day/night! :) Warnings!: mention of sexual themes, making out, human body reaction, swearing ooc simon ( bc it's kinda unrealistic that he'd even be in a relationship but we can do in fanfiction what we want so we're gonna ignore that. In my head he's just a lost puppy ) Hurt/comfort, fluff A/N: I did my reasearch in form of fanfiction too and literally almost every fic on tumblr under ghost x reader is smut so I'm starting the counter-revolution for aces. Hope anon will find this again. Bc I've been on hiatus for some time.
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The 414s had gone to a bar at friday night after a long mission. They had the weekend off for the first time in a while. They all had a hard time adjusting to the civilian life again but most of them did have a life to return to outside of work. For ghost, well rather simon, this life contained you. His civilian life was practically you. It was all he cared about outside of work really.
The group sat around the table with glasses in their hands conversing about nonsense really but for them it was pretious to be this careless for a moment. Simon sometimes contributed dry comments which earned some laughter from soap beside him.
Simon had invited you. Though he was at first hesitant to bring you together with the 414 however that changed quickly when he heard that you'd be walking home alone in the darkness than. And as if you didn't do that every day he seemed adamant to not let you do that when he was around.
The bar they were at was relatively quiet as you entered and spotted the team on the other side of the room. A small smile formed on your lips when you saw the back of his head.
Unfortunately for you the men had settled on the topic of sex when you joined them.
"Can't wait to get that stress of the last months sorted out." Gaz chuckled. The others laughed while adding comments of their own. "I bet riley's gonna have a blast tonight when he gets home." Soap laughed with a teasing look to his commrade.
There was a small grin on Simon's lips at the teasing but he quickly shut them down. "Shut up johnny."
You made intentionally loud noices when walking the last few steps to make yourself known to the group and also not to startle simon. He turned around in his chair and immediately stood up to greet you. When he stood up his figure towered over you.
"Hey. I'm glad you're back." You smiled and gave his arm a small squeeze. You were still quite distant from eachother due to your knowlege about him, were you aware what he was comfortable with. You were sure he didn't even feel your soft touch through all that cloth and muscles though.
He made a quick introduction to the team before everyone rearranged themselves so you were able to get a seat beside simon.
The evening was great. You got along really well with everyone especially with soap. There were laughs here and there sometimes teasing comments towards you and ghost, which he quickly shut down. But they still lingered in the back of your mind when you came home to your shared apartment.
It's not like you minded their comments. You all were adults and it was their way to chill after weeks of just living in life-death situations. Some jokes were actually quite funny you had to admit. These men who normally went around threatening people were actually really hilarious.
You clicked the lights on in your apartment and threw your shoes off. Ghost stood for a while at the entrance hall watching your every move as you moved around the apartment, changing your clothes into something comfortable.
When you realised he didn't follow you inside you took a cautious step back into the entrance hall and tried to read his emotions through his mask and gear. "Are you okay?" You asked softly as you approached him. Your hands slowly moving around his waist.
"Hm." He nodded.
"Your home." You whispered with a smile and moved your hand up to remove his mask. He didn't stop you from doing so.
His hair sprang out from under it and you were able to fully take in his state. He looked incredibly tired and worn out.
"Home..." he repeated lowly. The sound vibrating through his body.
You traced a scar on his face tenderly. "Let's get you to bed hm? You look exhausted."
"I'm fine."
"I'm sure you're fine. Just let me take care of you. I'll give you a massage or something..."
The side of his mouth quirked up at that thought. "Alright."
You stood on your toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving for the bedroom again. This time ghost followed you.
His sweatpants and a pair of handmade socks were already neatly folded on his side of the bed. He made quick work of removing his vest and shirt at the sight, leaving his muscled upper body exposed. You had already moved to his side to help him unclasped his belt for him with quick fingers.
"You want to take a shower?"
You unsipped his trousers and he stepped out of them.
"Not now. Tommorow."
You threw the pyjamas pants to him and handed the socks over after he had his pants on.
"You made these for me?" He asked quietly. His eyebrows rose with surprise.
"Yep." You smiled shyly. "We got a matching set now." You showed the socks on your feet. A proud look showing on your face.
One of his rare genuine smiles took over his face. "You're adorable." He chuckled and fastly took his big arm around your waist to pull you flush against him.
"I missed you." The words only a low rumble vibrating through his throat. His eyes switched from your eyes to your lips before he cupped your cheek and leaned into a kiss. His touch was always surprisingly tender with you, almost cautious. As if afraid he'd crush you under his strenght.
The first few times you slept in the same bed with him you even needed to reassure him that he wouldn't crush you beneath him while he slept with you in his arms.
His kiss on the other hand now showed a bit of force behind it as he pushed you slowly against the wall behind you. You both gasped for air when he finally pulled his lips from yours.
A smile tucked at your lips and you stroked your hand through his tousled hair. "I missed you too love."
He didn't give you a long time before pushing his lips to yours again. His free arm resting besides you against the wall. You felt his body react to you as he pulled himself as close to you as he possible could. One of your leg was positioned between his thick thights making it impossible for you not to notice.
The next time simon pulled away he muttered a breathy "sorry. I didn't mean to-" before leaning his forehead against yours. "I'm just- it was much the last few weeks. I've felt bloody alone without you."
"I know." You caressed the side of his head. "Let's go to bed okay? You can cuddle with me all night."
He nodded and cautiously disconnected his body from yours. "I didn't make you uncomfortable did I?" There was a dark shadow over his eyes, which gave you a glimpse of the eyes his enemies saw.
"No. It's alright..." you faltered for a moment. "Are you content this way?"
He looked almost betrayed. "What do you mean? Of course I'm content. I couldn't think of anything better to come home to. You're the bloody best thing that happened in my shit life."
You smiled sadly at his words and took his big hands in your smaller ones. "I mean with me being asexual. I know you said it was okay but I can't help but think I'm depriving you of it when you actually want it. The others made these comments and it got me thinking that you can't have these experiences and advantages of having a partner."
You could see how he was taken aback by your words. As if he never even considered it this way. "I'm not coming home every time again just so I can fuck you. When I'm all alone out there, with the possibility of dying everyday I'm always thinking about you. You're the one that keeps me alive. And you give me so much more that I could ever have asked for. I don't care if I want to have sex. I can't stop wanting it but I can live without it, I can't live without you."
There was silence in the room except for the small breathes.
You smiled tearfully. "Who would've known you could be such a poet." You chuckled.
He grinned. "I'm just stating the truth."
You kissed his crooked nose. "God I love you."
You snuggled up against his bare chest. His arms engulfing you in them. It was a comfortable silence between the two of you. But simon was still in his head. You thought he was trying to process the events of the past weeks.
"I don't want you to think of us like this ever again." He muttered.
"What?" You raised your head.
"I don't want you to think that I'm unhappy with you. That you are depriving me of something. I'm sorry for not showing it more often what you mean to me."
"That's alright. I know how you struggle..." you caressed his side with your palm.
"No it's not alright. You always do this. You're so sweet and understandable of me but I never give you enough back. So please don't think that I think any less of you because of your asexuality. For me you are the best person."
You smiled softly against his chest. "Thank you. I'll try not to."
"good." He squeezed you against him.
It was some time before you spoke up again. "You think about me when you're out there?"
"All the time. You're the reason I'm still alive and come back to you every damn time."
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trash-gobby · 1 month
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Summary: You've had a long night, and it's about to get even longer. Showing up at your friends Halloween party, you think your in for a night of being the local wallflower. However, after catching the eye of a certain creature of the night, your about to find that there is much more that can happen in a few short hours then drinking, dancing and having a good.
There is so much blood to spill and so little time.
Word Count: 5.9K
Pairing(s): Dwayne X GN!Reader
Characters: Dwayne, Reader, David, Marko, Paul, Michael Emerson, Star, Laddie Thompson
⚠️ Warnings!: Vampire!Michael, mild violence, sexual themes, some stalking elements, non-consensual blood drinking, drugs and drinking
Note: I still need to do some more editing on this, I just was so excited to post that I had to do it now lmao 🤣
It felt like walking into another world aglow with strobing lights from a cheap disco ball, heart beating to the tune of Rockwell and air thick with the musky smell of sweaty skin. You narrowly avoided a collision with two party-goers, heavily intoxicated and too busy necking to actually notice that other human beings existed and also needed to use the front door, whilst making your way inside.
Their commitment was admirable, not only to their costumes -peanut butter and jelly- but to each other. How people managed to be so attached to each other it seemed like not even the force of gravity and common sense could keep them apart was a mystery not even you felt god could solve.
The house was heaving with people.The halls were crammed with costumed people talking loudly over the music, drinking, and laughing loudly at jokes that were most likely only funny because of the aforementioned alcohol. You tried your best to squeeze through the masses of those hanging in the hall, slightly regretting your choice of costume. The wings were getting in the way more than you’d thought. 
The costume of choice was a simple angel outfit made mostly out of spare materials you’d found lying around in your best friend's art studio. It was a simple white tank top, jeans, the wings themselves made out of wire, tinfoil and glittering fake plastic jewels. The halo was a headband with the halo attached to the top made also out of wire and tinfoil. It’s not like this dollar store outfit was that much different from anyone else’s
You’d already spotted a couple other party guests with equally low effort halloween costumes. One guy you saw in the living room passing the open double doors, was dressed in probably the laziest cookie monster outfit ever. A blue baseball cap with giant foam balls glued to them, the dark sharpie pupils pointing in different directions. The only reason the costume was even identifiable was that the guy was making stupid joke references to the kids show to one of the girls he was clearly trying to impress.
At least you could be comforted in the fact that you weren’t that sad. Although you were getting there.
The light at the end of the crowded hall beckoned you. Beyond would be the kitchen, and hopefully a beer which you could nurse for the rest of the night while hiding in a corner where no one would bother you.
The only reason you were here was as moral support for your best friend who had begged that you come out for once. “It’s Halloween,” they said. “Come out and socialize” for once, they said.
Yeah, some socializing you were gonna do. They weren’t even anywhere to be seen and the only other people to talk to were either too drunk to hold a sentence together, or their only interest was getting into each other's pants. No thank you.
Finally reaching the end of the hall, you squeezed your way past some party-goers who had decided that blocking the doorway was more important than having any kind of common decency.
“Watch yourself,” you had nearly knocked one of the guys drinks as you passed through the doorway. You didn’t even bother to stop or apologize, you didn’t want to talk to any of these people. It was rude, and you knew that, but you just weren’t in the mood for politeness.
Every surface of the kitchen was covered. Whether it was the gaudy red plastic solo cups, or the various chip bowls and pizza boxes, not a single surface was unoccupied. Thankfully it was much more empty in here for some reason, then in the rest of the house. Not by much though.
The light hurts your eyes with its oppressive white fluorescent glow, making you squint. The bare bulb flickers slightly as you make your way over to the island counter in the center of the kitchen. Gingerly you lifted one of the lids of the leaning tower of pizza boxes to see a couple slices of Hawaiian style pizza. Go figure that would be the only kind of pizza people hadn’t completely consumed.
Lucky for you, you weren’t that picky.
“Hey, you made it!” A familiar voice called out to you. Turning your head to the doorway you’d just passed through, you saw your friend standing there, having parted the sea of people blocking them much more easily then you had.
They were dressed in a much more elaborate costume then most of the people at the party you’d seen. A very TV show accurate Morticia Addams, complete with the nicely combed wig and curve-hugging black dress. She looked fantastic. You knew somewhere around had to be her boyfriend dressed as Gomez. They’d been planning the whole couple-costume thing for months. They’d changed their concept several times. First it was Bonnie and Clyde, then Mickey and Minnie, and finally settling on the current getup.
“Yeah, work let out a little earlier than expected and I thought I'd drop by and at least try to get a free meal,” Grinning, Y/F chuckled at your comment and made her way over to you, a beer clutched in her hand. “Well, I’m glad there is enough leftovers for you to make it a meal.”
You nod before taking a bite out of the slice you’ve procured. It tastes like cheap pizza always tastes. Greasy plasticy cheese, with the pineapple pieces being just a bit too sweet. The cut ham tastes more like something which is attempting to masquerade as meat rather than the real deal.
“Only the best quality pies here,” Y/F jokes as she sees the expression on your face.
“You don’t say,” you manage to reply between chewing, and swallowing the cardboard-masquerading-as-food before trying to place it down discreetly on one of the used paper plates.
“If you come outside we can get you a hotdog. We started grilling a new batch, and there’s apple bobbing. And ooh I almost forgot about the bonfire.” She was going to drag you outside, and as you looked over out the kitchen window, which showed the backyard, your stomach sank. There was no escaping the masses of people out back. However, now that Y/F had started mentioning all the things she’d set up, you knew you were going out back there whether you wanted to or not.
“Do I have a choice?” Your last ditch effort of asking was obviously in vain. She gave you a look which told you what you’d already known. At least there were hotdogs promised.
Y/F’s backyard was massive. An open space of evenly cut grass which backed onto a forest which was even more massive. Her house was at the edge of town, isolated enough that the music and mayhem was not going to be overheard by neighbors.
The typically immaculate lawn was packed full of people. As you came out the back with your friend, you could hear now where the loud music was coming from. Someone had made sure to bring a massive stereo system outside onto the deck. A tall lanky kid you recognized from campus was DJing with a clunky looking remote.
Not far from the deck, in the center of the grassy lawn was a truly impressive bonfire burning in Y/F’s fire pit. You’d been over for a bonfire before with Y/F’s family to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night. Her father was English and made a point of making sure his kids participated in some traditions of his own youth.
Little did he know it would be used by a bunch of drunk uni students on Halloween to set the spooky chaotic atmosphere. Or in this case an atmosphere of drunken chaos where more people were attempting to mosh to the ghostbusters theme blasting from the speakers in low effort costumes, then scare each other. Unless your fear was getting thrown up on, or getting elbowed in the face.
“The grill isn’t far off from the bonfire. Come on,” before you could even respond or react, Y/F was already wading through the throng of people. You had no choice but to follow.
Avoiding most of the people messing around in the designated area for dancing -it couldn’t really be called a dance floor- people stepping out of the way as you went. Trying your best not to hit people with your wings was more of a challenge than expected. At least the way they glowed in the fire-light made you noticeable enough that those around you knew to let you through. No having to tap shoulders or push through. That was a small mercy. 
“Cool costume,” one of the women you passed said.
You turned to thank her, and while turning back to your journey across the lawn you were met with the firm surface of someone’s back. The sudden contact caused the halo on your head, which was already precariously placed to get flung onto the ground.
Just what you needed. Mumbling apologies, you bent down to pick up your fallen costume piece. Before you could gather up your belongings an arm leather-clad comes into view, hand wrapping around the headband.
Looking up your vision tracing up the arm to the man who it was attached to. Immediately, your face started to heat up as you locked eyes with the man in front of you.
He was handsome in a dark and mysterious type of way you were sure lots of girls who were into bad boys would begin salivating over. You weren’t that kind of person, you had to remind yourself.
His hair was long and dark, but not as dark as his eyes. It was like looking into two dark pools of midnight, intense with how they held your gaze. Not to mention the face that held those piercing eyes was beautiful, with his strong jaw and sharp contours.
This is who you’d run into? Well… shit.
His outfit felt the most out of place weirdly. More like street clothes than an actual costume. Leather jacket with a leopard clawing its way up the arm which wasn’t currently holding onto your halo headband.
Your eyes briefly lingered on the man’s bare sculpted chest underneath the jacket. He clearly made physical activity a regular part of his routine.
The way the firelight played across his face only enhanced the intensity of the eye contact between the two of you. The shadows played off the features of his face in a way that was both sexy and sinister and you couldn’t decide which were making you feel these strange feelings which were cropping up.
He then smiled, breaking your reverie, holding out the halo to you. 
“T-thanks,” you said, taking it back from him feeling self-conscious all of the sudden under his gaze. “I’m sorry for running straight into you.”
“No problem,” his voice was deep in a way that crawled up your spine and into your gut making your stomach flip. Damn…
Feeling awkward just standing there, you looked around to see where Y/F had gone. You were only met with strangers who had come up behind you, sizing you up in a way that made you feel less like a person and more like an item at a buffet table.
They were boys of varying stature, all dressed in similar punk streetwear to the man you’d just run into. Various shades of black with the exception of one man with a jacket covered in different coloured patches.
“Look what you found here, found a new friend for the night?” The man with the elaborate patch jacket said, giggling as he did and moving in way too close to you, causing you to take a step back.
He was a strange man, long hair which was dirty blonde, curly, in the mullet-esqu style which was popular among the more grungy youths. The shortest of the group, he sure made up for it with a presence that was large. It felt like witnessing the personification of bottled lightning.
“Marko, careful, you're scaring them. Calm down,” one of the other men stepped forward, placing his hand on the shoulder of the shorter man. “Sorry, he can be a lot.” Icy blue eyes held your gaze.
“Uh,” you didn’t know what to say. Friend for the night? What the heck was that supposed to mean? “It’s fine, I mean no problem.”
There was a pause in which it allowed you to take in the man who had addressed you. His bleach blonde hair, long heavy winter coat, not necessarily appropriate for the California weather, and the clear air he gave off of being the ringleader. His energy was infectious and his gaze able to pin you down and make you feel a twinge of fear mixed with an odd attraction.
“I’m David,”  he stuck out his glove clad hand at me, a subtle smirk playing across his lips. You accepted the offer, feeling the strength he was holding back in his grip.
“This is Marko, and yes he’s always like this,” David broke eye contact to look over at Marko who was chewing on the thumb of his own riding gloves, promptly causing him to pull it from his mouth. “And this is Michael.”
The man he signaled to was the only one who’d remained completely out of this little exchange for the most part until his name was mentioned. He was the most sedate, preferring to eye up the crowd around the other men then to pay attention to what was going on, now he had his eyes back on the group, giving you a small sympathetic smile. At least you're sure he knew how you probably felt during this strange exchange.
“Um, I’m Y/N. It was nice meeting all of you, but I really need to find my friend.” Your attempt to extract yourself from this strange group of men must have seemed pretty blatant. It wasn’t that they were doing anything outwardly bad, just that something about them made you feel like a deer caught in the sightline of a predator. You needed to move, get away.
Awkwardly walking backwards, you ended up bumping shoulders with the man who you’d ran into earlier. “Sorry, sorry.”
He chuckled in response, moving to let you pass. His eyes were the most transfixing to you of all the men, causing your gaze to linger on his for a moment before you turned around. Making your way back into the throng of people you felt oddly relieved to be leaving that group behind.
You didn’t want to look back over your shoulder as you went, until you were sure that you’d gained some distance. Finally taking a moment to look around, you realized you had ended up roughly in the area of the grill. There were several cheap folding tables packed with beer, chips and dip. A large punch bowl filled with a dubious substance you knew you weren’t going to touch.
Making your way along the table, you could see Y/F’s boyfriend at the grill wearing an apron over the Gomez Addams classic pin-striped suit.
“Hey Y/N!” your friend called from not far behind the grill, holding two jumbo hotdogs in each hand. “I lost track of you. Where did you go?”
“Just got lost in the crowd, you're a really fast walker you know,” you joked, as Y/F handed you one of the dogs.
“Well, I do have a lot of people to entertain and long legs,” she responded, before taking a bite out of her food. “I didn’t know what you wanted on yours so I just left it plain. You can get condiments over there.”
You looked over, taking in a chaotic mess of a foldout table. Some slightly crusty looking condiments, sad crumbly napkins and a red solo cup which held only a couple of plastic knives and forks.
Picking up the ketchup gingerly, you went about preparing your meal. Moving about the table, your thoughts wandered to mundane things. How you weren’t excited to be going back to work Monday for a double shift at the diner, how Y/F was gonna enlist you in the morning to clean and hassle the hungover part-goers out of the house. Inevitably you would have to spend the rest of your morning before work helping scub puke out of the living room carpet. Just great.
Satisfied that you’d applied the amount of toppings to your liking, it was time to find a seat or at least somewhere out of the way to stand. The thought crossed your mind to just go back inside and hide from the party in Y/F’s father's study, which was strictly off limits. No one would be allowed in on pain of death except for the family. You had been in there once or twice when you'd been over for dinner, and Y/F had gotten permission to borrow her father's telescope. You would both hang in the dark of the office with the giant eye of the device looking out into the night. Y/F’s father would be there of course, pointing out where you should look in the sky to see the different constellations. You'd never been there without him and Y/F before though. For all you knew, her father probably locked the door. It was worth checking out if you could find time to slip away after a little while.
For now you settled for spending the next hour and a half with Y/F, some of her friends from work and her boyfriend. The conversation was good, if not a little stilted by the fact that a couple of them were pretty drunk. It was easy enough to pretend you knew what some of them were talking about with the excuse of eating so you didn't have to answer any questions or comments. Letting the comfort of familiar voices wash over you, allowing some of your composure to return. It was nice to have a moment of peace among good company for a while. It was easy to forget about your problems, but the exhaustion of social interaction did start to nag at you as the hour went on.
A few times your eyes swept over the crowd of guests. It was likely that half of them were people who Y/F knew, and the other was people who had invited friends, who had invited their friends. Strangers who had just decided to tag along for the free beer and company. The party was reaching its peak, with the yard heaving with sweaty bodies of everyone dancing, eating and socializing.
The small comforts of being surrounded by a few recognizable faces started to fade as strangers began joining the fray of conversation. At some point Y/F was pulled away to deal with something, abandoning you to entertain people you had never met before, who were too intoxicated to hold any meaningful conversation with. Now was your chance to take a break. Get some space between you and the throng.
You abandoned your used napkins on one of the fold-out tables as you began to work your way back through the crowd again. This time without bumping into any more strangers, though it seemed strange that you didn’t, considering the closely packed crowd.
As you maneuvered your way towards the house, your eyes were drawn to the people you passed by, almost like you were searching for someone. All you seemed to see were strangers in a variety of costumes mingling, none meeting your eye for longer than it took to politely acknowledge your presence or look away. Only when you reached the house and looked back before entering, did you realize it was the man from earlier you had been trying to pick out of the crowd. However, if he was somewhere out there among the others you didn’t notice. It wasn’t really worth lingering on if you wanted to go find somewhere to take a break.
If the backyard was crowded, then Y/F’s house was absolutely bursting at the seams with activity. The kitchen counters were overflowing with cups, food, and paper cutlery. As you made your way into the front hallway, avoiding the living room, you heard the sound of something fragile smash. This was followed by raucous hooting and laughter. Whatever it was that broke, you hoped it wasn't something Y/F’s parents were going to skewer her for.
The lighting in the hall was dim and murky with a smoky haze that made you cough. Someone, or a couple someone's, had decided that hotboxing the front hall was a great idea. Passing by you met the bloodshot eyes of a clearly stoned Han Solo, with his arm slung around an equally stoned Wonder Woman. Her cheap black party wig askew on her head. There were a couple others leaning around them, partially blocking the stairs. As you passed they moved, lethargic in their countenance. Nearly tripping over one of the stoners legs, you ascended into the upper floor.
It was much less crowded and noisy. Most of the people there were either waiting to use the bathroom, or having their own little huddled quiet conversations. As you passed the guest bedroom you heard the sound of giggling and low moan. Now you'd never be able to look at that room or those sheets again the same way. Gross. Another thing you would have to help wash in the morning.
You could see the door at the end of the upper hall, no one between you and your goal in sight. As you made your way, you noted that no one lingered close by, the door having a piece of paper taped to it saying that it was off limits for guests “on pain of death.” The sharpie all caps must have really hammered the point home, because as you opened the door the sweet sound of silence met you. The loudest thing which met your ears was the muffled base of music.
You shuffled around the room, trying desperately not to knock anything off one of the side tables by the door as you searched the wall for the lightswitch. It was blocked slightly by a picture frame which had tilted, causing you to try steadying it as you flicked on the light.
It was a small lamp which came on overhead, casting a tranquil orange glow across the office space. Your feet shuffled across the throw rug, as you admired the tall book shelves. Stacks of books on all manner of nonfiction topics, most of them academic in nature. There were a couple yellowed spy thriller paperbacks near the bottom of the shelf closest to the large window on the opposite side of the room. The shades were still drawn, the telescope standing before it, waiting for someone to look out into the night sky.
You felt the temptation, the draw towards it, but you knew it was probably a bad idea to open the curtains with the lights on. Y/F might come check, and you’d get a stern talking to for going in the office and trying to escape the party. Instead you opted to pull out the creaky rolling desk chair and sit down while fiddling with the flimsy elastic holding the wings to your back. They had really been chafing and you could see where they had started leaving a red irritated line against your shoulders.
Slipping the elastics off, one snapped, causing you to let out a frustrated sigh. Well, it was only a matter of time before these cheap things broke. At this point removing the halo felt necessary. Maybe you could fix the wings if you bothered looking in the desk for tape or stapler, but you really didn’t think you should touch anything. If you broke something you most likely wouldn’t be let back into the office ever again.
Laying the wings and halo down on the desk it was impressive how clean Y/F’s father kept his workspace. The desk held a glass paperweight that looked quite hefty and a wooden desk organizer filled with a couple folders. Nothing worth snooping through, not that you really felt like trying to bother looking through anything.
Stretching, you felt your neck crack, releasing some tension. It was good to have some time to yourself for a couple minutes. All you’d been doing all day was interacting with people. From customers, friends, and strangers, it had been a lot to process. 
Your mind wandered back to that man you’d bumped into. His piercing gaze had made you feel both like a prey animal caught in the crosshairs of a hunter, and yet, at the same time there had been a thrill to it. Not often did you feel like anyone looked at you with a semblance of interest outside of a passing glance or a friendly smile. For once, having someone size you up was even a little flattering in a strange way. Though there was something strange about the others he had been with.
The way they had all surrounded you was a little disconcerting, and how one of them –Marko you thought– had joked about you being a friend for the night. It was almost like you weren’t even really a person, but a piece of meat. The thought of that curdled whatever sense of elation you got out of your little connection with the stranger you had bumped into. Guys like that were bound to be more trouble than they were worth, and the last thing you needed in your busy life was trouble.
As this thought crossed through your mind, it was like the Gods had heard your little inner monologue, and responded with the lights in the room going out, plunging the office into almost complete darkness. You sat up quickly, causing your head to spin, blood rushing through your ears.
There hadn’t been a sound of the light switch going off or of anyone entering the room.
Stumbling to your feet, you smashed your hip into the side of the desk, grunting, as you reached out and used the wall as a guide to try and find the light switch again. However, when you finally did, flicking it seemed to do nothing. Had the power gone out?
The only light in the room came from a crack within the heavy curtains. Their form letting in the smallest amount of glow from the fire pit outside. At first you could hear some commotion as people seemed to have realized that something was wrong, and there seemed to be some disgruntled booing.
You carefully made your way to the window, pulling the curtains open slightly to see what was happening. The yard was lit by the pit, the grill going strong and some music still coming from a portable radio. However, most of the guests seemed to be looking around wondering in their own little huddles, what was going on.
“Someone get the music working” a voice yelled from somewhere below you. Likely from one of the windows in the kitchen. Vaguely you could make out the heavily shadowed figure of Y/F striding across the yard, with another friend in town, politely mumbling apologies to guests as she passed.
Your eyes followed her progress as she got closer to the house. Before she entered was when the screaming started.
At first I thought it was someone messing around in the darkened first floor. However, that was short lived as people began to pour out of the back door, the first of the stampede knocking Y/F out of the way aggressively.
This only served to further plunge into chaos the already confused crowd of people outside. Most stood in place watching as others ran past, others started running away as well. Most likely in their drunk or high minds they thought it was a fight, the police or they just saw people running and didn't want to get caught just standing around if anything was really wrong.
As the first scream cut out though, more began to join it, along with yells of fear cut off as if severed violently. Among the shouts was also the sound of furniture being thrown, glass breaking. All of it from below you, as a few more people exited. One was a woman who appeared, from the distance to be soaked in something dark. She staggered a couple steps in a daze, before falling forward onto the grass.
The few people near her didn't even bother to check if she was okay, instead opting to turn and run as fast as they could in the opposite direction. The whole unfolding madness made your stomach drop, something cold worming its way into your gut.
The animal instinct the fear you were feeling was what kept you there, in the half light of a slightly pulled back curtain. What got you to move was when you heard the crashing off a window breaking. The thing thrown through it was a strange, almost unidentifiable mass of limbs. Two bodies entwined that fell heavily to the ground.
A man, familiar to you in the firelight. His face smeared with a dark redness, mouth pulled back into a snarl, like some kind of wild animal. Blonde hair wild, face distorted beyond anything human. Below him, the contorted and broken figure of… Y/F’s boyfriend.
His suit shredded along the chest, something looking like deep gashes, –clawmarks perhaps?-- along his skin. What got you to really step back, besides the shock, was the look on his face. A pure mix of confusion and horror, neck ripped to shreds so that it seemed his head was almost severed.
The curtains swished back into place, as you stepped away. The image already burned onto the inside of your eyelids. A permanent mental tattoo which no amount of mental coverup would hide.
Some small part of you hoped that what you'd just seen and the commotion you could still hear was all just a prank. A prank that had gone wrong, but one that was harmless.
Backing up more into the darkness, you felt almost suspended in a void between action and processing what you had just seen. More noise from below your feet, almost violent as more voices rise up. They are incomprehensible, but completely clear in how much terror was behind them. It felt like you were standing in place suspended in the darkness for hours, which in actuality was likely minutes. The hair on your arms raised, body still with only subtle tremors and jumps at any sound from below.
Slowly, painfully so, the noise began to die down, yelling faded. The sounds of breaking glass and ransacking quieted until it felt like you were standing in the deep dark belly of something dead. The only perceptible thing being the hammering of your racing heart-beat in your ears.
You hadn't noticed when the trembling had started in your legs until now. It had become full shakes, causing you to crumple onto the office carpet. Lacing your fingers behind your neck pressing your forehead to the soft fabric and taking in deep breaths. 
You weren't going to panic, you had to keep it together. Whatever was going on couldn't be that bad. Or, at least if it was bad, it was over now.
The panic was sudden though, as if it was in reaction to something outside your perception. An animal fear which your subconscious had picked up on, but had yet to communicate to you in any tangible, logical way.
Until you heard it.
The smallest of shuffling, like fabric rubbing together softly. You almost wanted to dismiss it as something your mind had conjured up in the following silence, after so much chaos. The floor made a soft creaking sound, which made you perk up so you were looking into the almost pitch black gloom of a barely lit space in the office.
You could make out nothing but blackness in a space between two bookshelves where the sound had come from. For a moment all you could do was look and hope, maybe you were wrong about something being there.
There was movement in the black. As if resolving itself out of nothingness, a tall figure moved towards you. No clear features could be made out, but it didn't matter. The shiver that worked its way up your body was enough to awaken your flight response.
Up from your knees you quickly backed up away from the advancing form until you smashed into the back of a side-table. The lamp placed upon it came crashing to the ground. Back to the wall, hand scrabbling for the handle to the door you must have looked down for a second on instinct. 
In that split second the figure was upon you. Up close you could smell musk and the faint acrid smell of smoke burning your nostrils. The force with which the arms of this person grabbed you were so aggressive you knew it was likely going to leave a bruise.
You let out a cry as you felt the nails of this stranger dig into your skin, drawing blood, body slammed onto the wall knocking the breath out of your lungs. They had crowded your personal space, leaning their body flush to yours, head burying into your exposed neck.
You pushed against this attacker, feeling the overwhelming heat of them against you, as if they were suffering from a high fever. Their hair brushed against your cheek, something scraping your neck. Stubble possibly?
For some reason in your messed up terrified brain found that it wanted to focus more on how much the scratching tickled then any other sensation.
“Get off me!” Your voice was lower in volume and cracked at the end with the bubbling terror in your gut. The scratching lead way to lips brushing your tender flesh, finding that sensitive spot, making you flinch away.
In response one of those talon-like hands moved, with inhuman swiftness from your arm to grasp your head. Tangled in your hair, you were forced still as your neck was wrenched to the side painfully to create easier access.
Tears prickled your eyes as you tried using your now free arm to push and scratch at the person holding you. But it was like trying to push against a stone statue, as if gravity had multiplied the weight of not just your attacker, but made your weight meaningless.
“Please,” was the last word you were able to work out of your lips in a strangled whisper before the scratching sensation began to overwhelm you again. Slowly it bloomed from an irritating tickle, to an itch, to finally a slow rising burn. As if a mosquito bite had evolved first to a bee sting and then a knife being driven down your throat.
The pain was radiant, stunning in its ability to dwarf any other feelings, almost euphoric. It was as if all your body had ever known or had been was this singular moment of sharp suffering. The feeling of something hot, and sticky touched your lips, working it's way into your mouth and on your tongue.
The taste, reminded you of the smell of oak burning and steel. The substance worked its way down your spasming throat. Your last thought before consciousness left you was how you wished you could scream.
To be concluded in part two…
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devilworeprada · 2 years
‘can i get a bump?’
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summary: drugs, sex and alcohol.. when your best friend throws an end of semester rager, you mix a bad habit of partying with sarah’s arrogant kook older brother and his best friend - what could possibly go wrong? 18+
pairing: rafe cameron x topper x fem!reader
warnings: NSFW, heavy drug use, heavy drugging, DUBCON, NONCON, threesome, coercion, dumbification, degradation, corruption, all around mature themes.
notes: hi! this is my first dark fan-fiction, after reading so many I decided to start writing some of my own works, apologises if this isn’t the best I do love writing and hopefully this gives me a chance to get better <3 this will be in 2 parts enjoy!
© to devilworeprada. no translations/reposts.
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part 1.
Last night.
The sky was midnight blue, specks of white fluttered across the horizon. The crackling of your lighter distracted you from noticing Sarah’s shiny black volvo, quietly pulling up on the road next to the beach.
Watching the waves greeting each other comforted you, you heard your best friend scrambling around to find her belongings in her car.
“Oh my fucking gooooood…” the feminine voice whined from a distance.
You turn your head slightly behind you to see your friend Sarah dragging herself onto the beach.
A look of exhaustion seen across her face, “finals are killing me… please find a new best friend i’m going to die” she uttered before dramatically collapsing onto the warm sand.
You smiled at her scene, cigarette smoke leaving your mouth as you spoke “very funny Sarah, but i don’t have the funding for your funeral right now”.
Sarah lifted her head from the sand, giggling to herself while she sneakily tried to grab your idle pack of lucky strike cigarettes. You playfully smacked her hand as she successfully grabbed one.
“hey, Y/N it’s been a long fucking time since we’ve had a party.. like a rager type shit right..?” Sarah questioned while lighting her cigarette.
“I mean with finals and moving out, i guess i forgot how to get fucked up” you joked.
“you… Y/N… the bitch who did K with Mr. Johnson from history class? forgetting how to party? you’re so fucking unserious” sarah remarked, her laughter filling the air with how silly the concept sounded.
“Oh my god why did you remind me of that” you put your hands in your hair internally screaming, no. embarrassed, at the memories flooding your mind.
Your history teacher for last year, Mr. Johnson, a 6’5, 29 year old dirty blonde heartthrob had gotten fired for smoking in his classroom. Being the outgoing, bubbly and fun loving girl you were, you invited him to one of sarah’s infamous parties - long story short JJ and sarah walked in on Mr. Johnson, shirtless and dazed, snorting Ket off of your inner thigh.
Sarah too stunned to speak and JJ not being able to hold in his laughter, the night shortly ended for Mr. Johnson as he ran out the cameron’s front door - not wanting to spend the rest of that night in holding.
“But a rager… sounds interesting, i mean finals are over and it’s the end of our semester right?” you added, quickly trying to change the topic as your cheeks flushed with those blurry flashbacks of that night.
Sarah stretched her arms over her head and flicked away whatever was left of her tiny cigarette before she mentioned happily, “my parents aren’t in town either!”
“fuck.. Rafe is though..”
Her face darkened, knowing the history the both of you shared.
That name. Rafe fucking Cameron.
Just hearing it made your shoulders feel heavy, Rafe was Sarah’s older brother, and god did you wish she had no relation to the arrogant cunt.
You always had bad blood with rafe, completely one sided.. he just hated you for being a pogue. Years of constant frosty glares being exchanged, passive aggressive comments and the occasional threat from the taller blonde.
But the tipping point of your cold war with Rafe was when he found out you were an addict. Rumours of your bad habit spread throughout school, you didn’t care though knowing you had friends who lived the same almost worse lifestyles.
However, when Rafe heard of this, he chose to purposefully buy out your supplier just to fuck with you. As if he got off on knowing the withdrawals drove you crazy.
You were snapped out of thought when the small blonde put a light up to her lips, turning the end of the pale cigarette an amber hue, handing it to you with care.
“Y/N i know how you feel about Rafe so i’ll tell him to keep out of your way, kay?” she looked at you, able to tell you were bothered.
“I’ll tell him and his idiot friends to get us some drugs n’ let JJ and Pope take care of the drinks this time” hoping it would lighten you up.
“Thank you” you spoke, with a grin entering your face again while you took a drag of your cig.
“Rager it is then!” you exclaimed, getting up and dusting the sand off your shorts. Sarah shouted happily in response, both chuckling in unison and running off into her car.
A noisy somewhat crowded street could be seen from afar, bass filled music bumping and college kids drunk of out their mind to care about who was looking, a full moon gleaming ahead - brightening the landscape of teenage recklessness.
“Y/N! Sarah!” two male voices yelled in the distance, jogging up to the pair of you in the black car, it was JJ and Pope urging you both to hurry up. The two boys holding booze in each hand meticulously making sure they didn’t drop it.
“One minute my mascara is pissing me off” Sarah complained, grabbing at the silver tube on her lap, you both consulted about outfits with each other at your place, getting ready to 2000s era songs.
The two of you came to a conclusion, you were wearing a shiny ruby toned halter neck dress, the texture was velvety- rich and it hugged all of your curves. Which Sarah then shamelessly praised you on while walking to her car.
Sarah adorned a cream colour tube dress, the sleeveless dress showcasing her dainty frame focusing on her neck and chest.
“You look so fucking hot y/n” JJ ogled, earning a playful smack on the head from Pope.
“I’ll bite you JJ” you teased back.
“Let’s fucking do this thing” Sarah yelled in joy, stumbling to get out of the car just as Kesha started roaring from the ivory estate across the street
Upon stepping into the Cameron mansion, you were welcomed with the strangely sweet smell of weed and fruity puff bars. Immediately you headed into the kitchen bumping past a few senseless shoulders to get yourself a drink, if you were going to run into Rafe you at least wanted to be fucked up enough to forget the interaction.
The kitchen island was scattered with a myriad of booze, all different flavours and brands. Without hesitation you grabbed an idle red solo cup and poured in the nearest tequila.
“Isn’t that a bit too much for a girl your age” a familiar voice questioned, perking up from the overly loud rendition of Poker face booming amongst the large room.
“Topper..” you replied rolling your eyes, venom stained in your voice.
“I get it, not much of a talker anymore since the dealer shit right?” the taller male responded trailing on.. “you seen Rafe around?”.
“I’m 18. shit for brains, i can drink whatever the fuck i want, and no i haven’t seen Rafe. Do i look like a cop to you?” you spat back, looking at Topper as he lit his joint, the sides of his mouth smirking at your remark.
“My bad, just thought Rafe’s little pet would know where he was at all times..” he boasted, running a free hand through his hair.
You gritted your teeth at the edge of the solo cup, gnawing at it, wishing it was his skull.
“Don’t let him catch you looking like this.. I know i’d eat you alive” he mentioned while gawking at you, dark blue orbs creeping up and down your body. His eyes feeling like a violation, fixating on your hips.
“Eat a dick Topper” you snapped back, causing the older male to wheeze in response.
You walked off, heels clicking and bottle of tequila in hand to find JJ, hopefully talking to him while he was off it would cause your mood to brighten up.
The living room was packed with people pulsing to a techno beat, smoke filled the air while an array of various coloured lights swished back and forth. ‘I need some fucking coke’ you thought to yourself, getting bumped around like a rag doll trying to get out of the haze and up the stairs.
Slamming doors open and shut on a mission to find JJ was tiring, assuming Rafe was with a girl in one of the guest bedrooms soured your mood. It made your frantic search for JJ faster, just for the night maybe you could fuck JJ? Your thoughts trailed off as you took a swig of your tequila.
“‘Do i want to fuck Rafe?’.
end of part 1.
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thesquishypenguin · 2 months
psst apologies that i have been away for a bit but a consideration: do you think Maxime sleeps with any plushies. i'm quietly delighted by the idea that he has a little roach plushie he cuddles to bed every night. he would rather die than anyone find out, and Valentina is sworn to secrecy under villainous threat (which of course he'd never act on, he's just embarrassed 🙈💖). Valentina thinks it's the CUTEST thing in the world and has definitely taken pics of him snuggled up with it when he's asleep 🥰💖💖💖
you: concept?
me: wait here's my book on it
I think Maxime sleeps on THE BIGGEST BED KNOWN TO MAN. I think this guy has one thousand fancy throws and blankets and is surrounded by 50 fucking 'decorative pillows' in his big ass bed. It's like a little den and its SO COZY. This is a bed fit for a king (+queen) and I feel like Maxime takes up ALL of the fucking room sprawled out all over the place while Valentina is a side sleeper right on the gd edge fighting for her life out here.
I think despite the overall size of the bed he DOES very much like feeling super cozy and snug and easily gets wrapped up in all the throws/blankets/etc (plus its extra warm and toasty uwu)
I went back on forth on if like...he does indeed have a pile of them or at least a rotation of different ones (I get the feeling he might have like...a collection of roach-themed things he just picks up along his journeys and adds to the collection). OR if he just has like THE ONE plush that's his main/only snuggle plush anD I THINK that's probably the case!! I think he's got one special one that's always in the bed with him and it probably gets more love and attention in bed than fucking Valentina weeeeeeeps he is GLUED to that thing when its time to go to sleep. This plush absolutely gets tucked into the bed when he's not in it and is well loved and taken care of!!! If Maxime and Valentina are cuddling in bed, this fucking thing is in between them and Valentina is highly likely to roll her eyes in light annoyance, though also thinks its THE most adorable thing. (is she a little jealous of it? yeah, sure!!!) I'm not sure like...how it came about. If it was something he received quite young and it just..helped fuel his interest in roaches or like.... if Valentina gifted it to him when she saw it and thought it was cute (either before or after the roach-ening). But I can just see her finding it somewhere in a store and wiggling at him with the biggest smile. " ¡Ay! Maxiiime!! It looks like jouuu!" //dances the plush at him// Maxime waving a hand frantically and shushing her before snatching it out of her hand. (But yeah for sure he's looking it over and finding it kinda funny and endearing and they absolutely take it home with them)
(Personally I was given a hand knitted owl plush (VERY simple in shape) when i was born and I called it 'Wol' - and when I was older I received a Penguin I just call Penguin and I've loved birds ever since!!) I'm also not sure if he has a name for it or if it just gets called something like 'Roachie' or 'Little Roachie'. or if it gets some kinda french term of endearment. Or if they call it separate things lmao. ( I feel like whatever Valentina would call it he finds embarassing/mocking)
She has 110% ABSOLUTELY taken photos of him sleeping soundly with it all cute and snuggled up, drooling and snoring with that roach plush pressed right up into his cheek.
1000% Agree on him being embarrassed about it though!!! He is NOT a fan of him or his things being found 'cute' he is everything but cute!!! (1000% purely embarrassed about it I feel like if you call him cute and adorable enough he'll just explode/melt about it). He definitely gets a bit snippy about it if she's taking pictures/videos but :'DDD he's just shy. he loves the affection really!
As a side anecdote I also think he's a big fan of humidifiers (at least while the air is on the dry side). roaches be LOVING them dark, hot, humid places but I think he has his limits - I don't think he likes it when it gets OVERLY wet and damp, he doesn't like feeling 'soggy' (plus it ruins his hair). So catch his ass with a little humidifier on 'his side' of the bed. They probably spat on occasion when Valentina has had ENOUGH of the humidity but it feels just right to him. (oppositely you could argue valentina is likely to have a facial steamer or smth! I love mine! I get the feeling maxime would also use it tbf that man does NOT look his age and their skincare must be on point)
As ANOTHER anecdote I wonder how many sheets they go through because he's moved 'the wrong way' in bed and his spines have caught the delicate fabric. I feel like its gotta be a LEAST sometimes!! this bitch is a FRONT SLEEPER at least MOST of the time. I feel like being on his side is at least more acceptable than being on his back (roaches are not a fan of that I can tell you. sp. if the surface is too flat or smooth sometimes they literally *can't* right themselves oof). Being on his front too means his spines are much less likely to catch on anything when he squirms around in bed.
and y/k how like animals will twitch their little limbs while they dream Q-Q i bet he does little wing shuffles/flutters. (believe me I bet valentina has videoed this and every time she shows him how adorable he is in a new one he tries to snatch the phone from her)
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laguezze · 1 year
PAC: Characteristics of your FS
This is for or all the people with intention to marry or have a long term relationship. Next up will be a soulmate characteristic PAC. I decided to split it in two to get more details!
Now onto the PAC!
Here are the piles!
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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Pile 4
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Ready? Let's go!
Pile 1
This person is a rebel. Might be a bit hypocritical about it. Like they might come from money but decide to live out their best broke musician dreams while still living in their rich dad's apartment that he bought for them. That's just one case example, take it as it resonates.
This person loves to keep appearances, they love to be in control of how people perceive them. I'm seeing they want to be taken seriously.
Long, messy, brown, curly hair. Middle part is possible.
North America, Australia, Oceania, Hawaii, UK.
Dainty eyes?, Blue eyes, light eyes.
Not too defined features but also not ugly. Might be what people call "medium ugly" for some of you. Nothing too shocking about their features.
Musician, plays guitar, indie music taste, 420 friendly? Nirvana (the band), big social life, plaid shirts, leather jackets, bad boy persona, baddie aesthetic, motorbike, cigarette, old school lover, 70s aesthetic and fashion.
Pile 2
This person is very much hypocritical, they don't know what they want in life. Very much lost with their career and family life. You might help guide them.
They definitely have unconventional dreams like opening up a tea shop, or flower shop. Which is fine, but I'm seeing they want to do that for the wrong reasons. Very easily manipulated person, it'll be frustrating for you to see. But they'll get better with your help probably.
Probably from any capitalist country. Take that as you will.
Light eyes or medium eyes but not dark. Downturned eyes.
Short hair, pixie cut, wolf cut.
Wears bandanas, baggy clothes, long skirts, hippie style, boho aesthetic, activist. Necklaces and bracelets, lots of jewelery in general.
(sorry it's a bit short, your person wasn't too specific with the looks but rather with the personality)
Pile 3
You guys got yourselves a romantic, old school, kinda person. They probably listen to music from the 50s and 60s and jazz, lots of jazz. Might love to take things slow and smooth. Doesn't like running late to things and is always calm and early. Very collected person, never a hair out of place. Always is composed. They might have been different before they met you. They probably were chaotic and funny before they met you but something happened that made them this sophisticated, chic person. You might need to bring the fun in them back, I'm hearing. Might be a judgy individual.
Latinx, Hispanic, Southern Europe, North America (East Coast)
Brown eyes, very deep set eyes, intense gaze
Short hair, very short for men, curly hair, either Brown or dirty blonde.
Long eyelashes, very pretty features. Either small nose or large nose, no in between; defined face, high cheekbones.
Medium height, slightly muscular.
60s, 50s music and fashion, coffee and tea lover, might be a cook or love to do it, kitchen lover, architecture fanatic, probably loves house decor and renovation, secretive, mysterious, romantic, candle collector.
Pile 4
(idk i swear this is not Hozier themed, there's just something about him present here)
"imagine being loved by me"
This persoooon omg. So pure hearted. Truly has the best intentions at heart. They literally are sunshine personified. They radiate light, like their smile lights up a room and they always look clean and cheerful. The type of person everyone likes. No one ever dares say anything negative about them and if they do, it's because of jealousy.
They might have a lot of pretty privilege that makes this effect happen. Like if this person was a 6/10 (conventional attractiveness scale) their personality wouldn't be as appreciated. But because they're so beautiful inside and out, it shines through. I'm getting they realize this privilege and it rubs them the wrong way sometimes but they won't fight against it because it's helping them with their goals.
North America, Sweden, Finland, etc, Northern Europe and UK.
Blonde hair, short hair, curly hair, honey hair.
blue eyes, light eyes, almond shaped eyes
Bunny pretty (that one TikTok trend ifykyk), slim, short, cherubin look (if you don't know what that is, think cupid angel type of beauty), white clothes, flowy dresses, short eyelashes, defined jawline, big smile, straight teeth, bunny teeth, cardigans.
Hope it resonates for all of you!!! 💕
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definatelymrhyde · 2 months
I guess I’ll send in my ask now 🤣
Since I already seen a post on Edward’s design choices, I’m curious what was the inspiration for Jekyll’s design? Like do you based him on a musical cast actor? Or your personal preference? Things like that.
Jekylls design is based mainly off of personal preference and how I imagined him in my head when I first read the original novella!! I also gave him long hair because one; I love that design idea for Jekyll and think it’s super neat! I took inspo from the musical in that effect. And two; It made a great subject for any transformation scene. Because Hyde’s hair is shorter. How would Jekylls hair get shorter? Yeah. Im not gonna say it outright though because the implication is terrifying both to ME and to Jekyll. Because he was still very much so conscious during any transformation. He could see hear and feel what was happening. I also really REALLY love the red/green motif in TGS, so I snatched that too! Jekylls eyes also have opposite light/dark halves to Edward’s which was so I could have a little nod at the ‘opposite halves’ bit. I also think it’s funny he looks more like TGS Hyde than TGS Jekyll. Jekylls Eyes are a huuuge part of his design too!! As I mentioned before him and Edward have got an opposite eye thing going on, not just colour wise either. Jekylls eyes are darker on the bottom and lighter on the top while Edward’s are lighter on the bottom and darker on the top. I kinda think this gives Jekyll a neat little effect where he looks MUCH more worn out and tired than Edward does!! I also really liked the idea of Jekyll having little circle Victorian Glasses, but never actually decided wether or not I wanted him to HAVE said glasses. Hence we get that sometimes he wears glasses and sometimes he just doesn’t. I think it’s because he’s stubborn and refuses to wear his damned glasses for anything that doesn’t require fine detail vision like reading, writing or alchemy/doctor stuff. The glasses don’t really have arms on them though when I draw them so it’s beyond me how they stay on his face. For the rest of Jekylls clothes I went with the THS red/brown/warm colours theme. Originally it was meant to be just a TGS au but then @fanartsandstuff (sorry for the ping!!) drew an amazing photo of wtiht Jekyll with a darker vest and I fell in love with that idea!! So credits to them for that part of the design!! I also loooooovvveee gradients on my designs so of course he gets a little gradient on his pants and when I’m in shading occasionally the rest of his clothes too lmao.
Anyways I apologize for how long that was, I just think a lot about my character designs and how I execute them woshishahs
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strawberryfloofs · 4 months
Lights Out (CG Sun and Moon x Little Reader) (part 2/3)
“Oh new friend! I almost forgot! Here in Superstar Daycare, we don’t have many rules, but the most important one is to keep the lights ... .ON” He spoke upbeat for the whole sentence, dropping it at the last word. You nodded, not exactly knowing what that meant, but if you didn’t know what it meant, then there’s no way you could break it! That’s what you thought, atleast. Brushing that off, you quickly became bored now that arts and crafts was over, and you still wanted to have playtime, so you chirped, “Sunny! We pay hid an seek?!” The sun-themed animatronic was more than ecstatic to play hide and seek with you! 
In fact, he started counting right away, urging you to find the bestest hiding spot ever! So as he counted down from 10 (he went extra slow for you), you glanced around the daycare for potential hiding spots. 
The ballpit? No…it would be too loud n hard to stay still in…
The jungle gym! But… it'd be lots of climbing- and you feel a little too tiny to get to the top…
How about….
Your eyes darted around the daycare, but you couldn't find any other good spot until your eyes landed upon the security desk. It was a pretty good spot AND wasn't too far, so you began running towards there, silently praising yourself for picking such an awesome spot!
You quickly ducked behind the desk and peaked your head over, still seeing Sundrop kneeled down with his hands covering his eyes
“And 10! Ready or not, here I come!” Sundrop beamed, quickly skipping towards the play gym.
Part of you kinda wished you didn't pick this spot because it's so boriinnggg! I mean, it's just some tiles and buttons and grown up stuffs here! There's no way Sunny would check here either, and you kinda wanted him to find you- it's more fun that way…
Pouting and full of boredom, you started to fidget with a couple things there and snoop around. There was a bear box thing of Freddy attached to the wall, and when you opened n closed it, it was so funny because Freddy's mouth would open! After playing with that for a while, you peaked over the desk to see where Sun was.
He was inside the play gym, crawling through the tubes at the almost tippy top! You were sure he'd realize you weren't there soon, and maybe come this way! You hoped…
Using the desk to help you stand up, you noticed another Freddy head thing, but it didn't open to reveal anything like the last time, this time it had a button! Curious to what it did, you pressed it.
Suddenly, the daycare lights turned off and you started to tear up from the sudden switch.
“Unny? I didz acciden…not meaned to” You tried to speak in a loud voice, scared about what would happen.
Time-out? Lines? No playtime? Would Sunny be mad at you?! It was a mistake! You didn't know what that button would do.
But Sundrop never replied to your shout, and you couldn't even see him anymore. Peeking over the desk, the sun-themed animatronic was nowhere to be found…
Maybe this was your punishment, you thought, him leaving because you broke the only rule.
Thinking this, your back slumped against the security desk and you began to cry.
Mechanical sounds could be heard from above, followed by a deep, raspy voice, “Naughty, naughty…”
“Naughty children must be found…” A moon-themed animatronic spoke.
He appeared to have a blue cap with stars on it, as well as his pants. He looked like Sundrop, but there were no sun rays. Even though the daycare was dark, you could tell the color difference. 
But he only added to your cries
You weren't a naughty child…you thought
It was an accident, it wasn't intentional. Not on purpose..
You could see the lunar-themed animatronic float around the daycare, and you tried to silence your cries but they only grew louder- until he turned around in your direction.
Moon slowly tilted his head and let out a sinister laugh, floating down towards you, “I've found you~ It's time to get punished…” He said as he landed in front of you.
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physalian · 6 months
On Writing Theme (Or, Make it a Question)
An element of story so superficially understood and yet is the backbone of what your work is trying to say. Theme is my favorite element to design and implement and the easiest way to do that? Make it a question.
A solid theme takes an okay action movie and propels it into blockbuster infamy, like Curse of the Black Pearl. It turns yet another Batman adaptation into an endlessly rewatchable masterpiece, seeing the same characters reinvented yet again and still seeing something new, in The Dark Knight. It’s the spiraling drain at the bottom of classic tragedies, pulling its characters inevitably down to their dooms, like in The Great Gatsby.
Theme is more than just “dark and light” or “good and evil”. Those are elements that your story explores, but your theme is what your story *says* with those elements. 
For example: Star Wars takes “dark vs light” incredibly literally (ignoring the Sequels). Dark vs Light is what the movies pit against each other. How the selfish, corrupted, short-sighted nature of the Dark Side inevitably leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy of doom—that’s what the story is about.
A story can have more than one theme, more than one statement it wants to make and more than one question to answer. Star Wars is also about the inevitable triumph of unity and ‘goodness’ over division and ‘evil’.
Part of why I love fantasy is how allegorical it can be. Yes I’m writing a story with vampires, but my questions to my characters are, “What makes a monster? Why is it a monster?” My characters’ arcs are the answer to my theme question.
Black Pearl is a movie that dabbles in the dichotomy between law-abiding soldiers and citizens, and the lawless pirates who elude them. Black Pearl’s theme is that one can be a pirate and also a good man, and that neither side is perfect or mutually exclusive, and that strictly adhering to either extreme will lead you to tragedy.
Implementing your theme means, in my opinion, staging your theme like a question and answering it with as many characters and plot beats as possible. In practice?
Q: Can a pirate be a good man? A: Jack is. Will is. Elizabeth is. Barbossa is selfish and short-sighted, and he loses. Norrington is too focused on propriety and selfless duty, and he loses.
Or, in Gatsby.
Q: Is life fulfilled by living in the past? A: Mr. Buchanan clings to his old-money ways and is a sour lout with no respect for anyone or himself. Daisy clings to a marriage that failed long ago, to retain an image and security she thinks she needs. Myrtle chases a man she can’t ever have. Her husband lusts after a wife who’s no longer his. Gatsby… well we all know what happens to him.
The more characters and plot beats you have to answer your theme’s question, the more cohesive a message you’ll send. It can be a statment the story backs up as well, as seen below, questions just naturally invite answers.
Do you need a theme?
Not technically, no. Plenty of stories get by on their other solid elements and leave the audience to draw their own conclusions and take their own meaning and messages. Your average romance novel probably isn’t written with a moral. Neither are your 80s/90s action thrillers. Neither are many horror movies. Theme is usually reserved for dramas, and usually in dramatic fantasy and sci-fi, where the setting tends to be an allegory for whatever message the author is trying to send. That, and kids movies.
Sometimes you just want to tell a funny story and you don’t set out with any goals of espousing morals and lessons you want your readers to learn and that is perfectly okay. I still think saying *something* will make the funny funnier or the drama more dramatic or the romance more romantic, but that’s just me and what I like to read.
When it is there, it’s right in front of your face way more often than you might think. Here’s some direct quotes succinctly capturing the main theses of a couple famous works:
“He’s a good man.” / “No, he’s a pirate.” - Curse of the Black Pearl
“What are we holding onto, Sam?” / “That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” - LotR, Two Towers
“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.” - LotR, Fellowship of the Ring
“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” - Horton Hears a Who
“You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” - The Dark Knight
“Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!” - The Great Gatsby
“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” & “Life finds a way.” - Jurassic Park
"Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind." - Lilo & Stitch
“But… I’m supposed to be beautiful.” / “You are beautiful.” - Shrek
“I didn’t kill him because he looked as scared as I was. I looked at him, and I saw myself.” - How to Train Your Dragon
“There are no accidents.” & “There is no secret ingredient.” & “You might wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.” - Kung Fu Panda
*If any of those are wrong, I did them entirely from memory, sue me.
Some of the best scenes in these stories are where the theme synthesizes in direct dialogue. There’s this moment of catharsis where you, the audience, knew what the story has been saying, but now you get to hear it put into words.
Or, these are the lines that stick in your head as you watch the tragedy unfold around the characters and all they didn’t learn when they had the chance.
When it comes to stories that have a very strong moral and never feel like they’re preaching to you, look no further than classic Pixar movies.
“Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.” - Ratatouille
“I’m not strong enough.” / “If we work together, you don’t have to be.” - The Incredibles
“Just keep swimming!” - Finding Nemo
Ellie’s adventure book, to live your own adventure, even if it’s not the one you thought it would be - Up
The Wheel Well montage, to slow down every once in a while, because in a flash, it’ll be gone - Cars
The entire first dialogue-less section of Wall-E, to stop our endless consumption or else
The real monsters are corporate consumption - Monsters Inc
One cannot fully appreciate happiness without a little sadness - Inside Out
With enough loud voices, the common man can overthrow The Man - A Bug’s Life
A person’s worth is not determined by their value to other people - Toy Story
These are the themes that I, personally, took from these movies as a kid and later in life. If I remembered the scripts any better I could probably pull some direct dialogue to support them, but, sadly, I do not have the entire Pixar catalog memorized.
After you’ve suffered through rigorous literary analysis classes for years on end, the “lit analyst” hat kind of never comes off. Sometimes you try to find a theme where none exists, coming up with your own. Sometimes you can very easily see the skeleton attempt at having a theme and a message that came out half-baked, and all the missed opportunities to polish it.
Whatever the case, while theme isn’t *necessary*, having that through line, an axis around which your entire story revolves, can be a fantastic way to examine which elements of your WIP aren’t meshing with the rest, why a character is or isn’t clicking, how you want to end it, or, even, how you want to approach a sequel.
Unfortunately, very, very often, a movie, book, or season of TV has a fantastic execution of a theme in its first run, and the ensuing sequels forget all about it.
No one here is going to defend Michael Bay’s Transformers movies as cinematic masterpieces, however, the first movie did actually have a thematic through line: “No sacrifice, no victory.” They didn’t stick the landing but, you know, the attempt was made. Where is that theme at all in the sequels? Nonexistent. They could have even explored a different theme and they abandoned it altogether.
Black Pearl’s thematic efforts fell away to lore and worldbuilding in its two sequels. Not that they’re bad! I love Dead Man’s Chest, but to those who don’t like the sequels, that missing element may be part of why.
Shrek and Shrek 2 both centered on their theme of beauty being how you define it and no one else. Fiona finds true love in her “true” form, then strengthens that message in the sequel when she has the chance to be “normal” and conventionally attractive, and still chooses to be an ogre, to be with Shrek. Shrek 3’s theme is…? 
When it was never there, that theme is missing isn’t so obvious. When it used to be there and got left behind, it leaves a crater in its wake everyone notices, even if they can’t pinpoint why.
TLDR: Theme is more than just vague nouns and dichotomies. Good, evil, dark, light, selfishness, altruism, beauty, ugliness, riches, poverty, etc are what your story uses. Your theme is what your story has to say with those elements, using as many characters and plot points as possible to reinforce its message. Is it necessary? No. Is it helpful and does it lead to a richer experience? Yes.
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star-junk · 4 months
Only Bones
Chapter 4
Rating: Mature
Pairings: In this chapter Vox x ReaderOC, mentions of Alastor x ReaderOC
Second Person POV, Slow burn (or fast burn - really moving through the plot quickly), please forgive the typos, fem!reader
Warnings: Dark Themes, Altered state of consciousness, alcohol abuse, possessive behavior, mention of dv, non-con elements in the future, cannibalism and just things not being nice--it's Hell.
General Notes: Still not sure if Alastor will remain ace within the confines of my story. Also, operating under many assumptions for Season 2 so walk with me on this one.
Author Notes: I know nothing about TV production so I'm just winging most of this. Continuing with the breakneck pace bc otherwise I'd spend endless chapters setting shit up.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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You spend some time going through your limited wardrobe, choosing to go for something more traditional to really sell the “homemade” part of your business. A thrifted A-line skirt and button up blouse did the trick, they made a nice combo as you sat in front of your old vanity dresser humming along to the tune of the small radio in the corner of your room.
You complete the ensemble with a neat high ponytail and bow, right on time for—something brushes against your wings… for the second time today. You whip around catching sight of movement at the corner of your vision but when you turn to that specific spot, nothing’s there.
That has been happening often lately; things you set in one place appeared in another, a formless brush or touch here and there - you chalked it all up to stress. Because what else could it be?
Your phone rings, it’s Jo: 
[ They're here. ] 
This second trip to the Tower is quiet, unlike the first—filled with Jo’s chatter and your own laughter. The only similarity is the knot forming at the base of your stomach, and well - the fact that a limo was sent for you. Jo must feel just as nervous (which is funny because this was his suggestion to begin with). His knee bounces up and down until you place a hand over it.
“Just this one thing, Jo, and then we’ll be set.” He searches your eyes for further reassurance which apparently you’re good at faking because he nods and sits up straighter. 
Much of your arrival was a blur. Somehow your first impromptu TV appearance was much easier, probably because your identity was hidden by a costume. Now though, you’re very much the face of your business, of something directly connected to you. Everyone was unexpectedly much more pleasant this time around too, so there’s that (maybe this production was just managed differently?). The couple of pies you brought, the most popular - as requested, were taken for set up, so you didn’t even have to worry about that either. Instead you were sat in a beautifully decorated lounge, where one of the producers came in for a short debrief. You were instructed where to stand, what to expect and did you want something to drink or perhaps a snack while you waited, hon? 
Yeah, much nicer. 
Regardless, you declined all offerings - unable to eat with how worked up your were but soon came the call came: “Apothecary Pies?” Both Jo and you look up. “You’re up.” 
“And I am telling you, babe, these had us scrambling to find their origins!” High pitched laughter can be heard even from the backset. “But wonder no longer, Yaz, we finally got a hold of them. Please welcome this week's Rising Entrepreneur; Nuria from Apothecary Pies!” 
Both of you walk into the brightly lit set. The audience, composed of sinners of all kinds and sizes enthusiastically clapping as prompted. You wave, vision adjusting to the light as you greet them, then come to stand in between the four hosts as instructed. Your pies have already been plated before for them. 
“My, aren’t you a pretty one?” The host with green flame for hair teases.
You smile, “Thank you. I love the hair too." You return the compliment. "And thank you for the invitation as well. Jo, my assistant," A hand on his shoulder, "and I were really looking forward to this.”
“Oh, but of course! It’s always exciting to see new talent in Pentagram CIty, you never know when someone will surprise you next!” One of the hosts, this one with bug-like antennae, chirps in. 
“So! Mysterious pie baker, tell us a little about yourself and how you set up such a thriving business so quickly, not an easy feat!” The one with triple stacked eyes asks. “As I understand, you’re a fairly recent arrival.”
Okay, so they did their research. “Ah, about myself… well let’s see, I can tell you that owning a business is a complete 1st to me!” You keep it cute and simple. “As to how I made my business grow, I suppose it’s a bit of everything; luck, hard work and careful planning. Though luck was a big factor for sure, at least it was in my case, I can’t lie.” 
“We do love the honestyyy,” one of them pipes up. “And that totally makes sense too, considering rumor has it that you used to perform in one of the… less reputable establishments downtown. What was the name? The Feisty Minx?” 
Wait, did these fuckers run an entire background check on you? Their shit-eating grins confirm it, they're needling for a reaction. This was at its core a gossip show, after all.
“You guys are well informed as expected!” A smile to play off your slowly-building annoyance. “Yes, I certainly did in the beginning,” you nod without missing a beat, “for a short time. And you know I'm actually kind of happy to have done that—it helped build character as you would not believe the kinds of people frequenting the place, We had several from VoxTek in fact!” That was a bluff but by the shifty glances from the crew you weren’t too far off.
An intrigued ‘Ohh’ comes from the audience.
“But I mean, everyone has a past, right? Otherwise we wouldn’t be down here in the first place.” You shrug and even chuckle a bit.
“That’s right, sister, he who is without sin and all that.” The fiery-hair demon comments. “But why don’t you perform for us, girl! We’d love to see your more exotic talents!”
They're really not taking you seriously. Another good-natured laugh, don't let them get under your skin...
“I’m afraid I’m not here for that today. I’d have to charge y’all and I’m not cheap~!” You wink at them, “But do let me tell you about my other talent— Baking!” then turn to the camera to start your usual pie spiel before they can get a word in; going on about how the pies are made, the ingredients, how they're carefully selected and wouldn’t you all like to have a taste of Earth? A taste of home? Jo chimes in to give the location, hours, and prices finishing right before one of the hosts announces a commercial break, signaling the end of the segment. You both wave goodbye, bright friendly smiles and all still in place.
“And cut!” The Producer announces.
The entire room goes silent.
“Kitten has a bite.” Fiery hair purrs. 
Your smile remains. “Thank you for the opportunity. Enjoy the pies.” Is your only reply tapping Jo’s shoulder, “C’mon let’s go.” 
Bug-girl encircles Jo’s arm. “Not so fast, babe. What’s the hurry?” 
“Miss Nuria?” A corpulent figure emerges from a dark corner of the set, it's the same shark demon who visited you at the shop with the invitation. The unnatural smile gone from his sharp maw. “Accompany me please.”
To think he had been there this entire time.
“It never is just the one thing with you people, is it?” You glare, internally cursing at yourself for being so easily led. “Let Jo go first. Whatever you want, it's clearly only from me.”
“Relax, nothing will happen to you or your imp.” The suit says, “He just has to stay put while you and I go for a little walk. He’ll be in good company. RIght, girls?”
The hags giggle in unison encircling him with their arms.
Surrounded by a fully staffed studio, no one moves or dares make a sound. You might as well be alone in a seedy alley about to meet an ugly gory end. You sniff, feigning s nonchalant gesture, eyes never leaving the other's. This entire situation is almost a repeat of last time with Myrna, only now something more sinister lurks underneath.
“Jo, I’ll be back.” You murmur softly.
He nods, still wrapped in long spidery arms. Neither him nor you having much of a choice.
Nothing is said between you, walking through winding sleek halls, passing here and there a handful of employees. All glance at you and the suit before quickly averting their curious gaze away. 
“So who’s your weirdo of a boss?” You ask, might as well get in a few licks too. "Some perv big wig?"
“Oh he’s no weirdo.” He chuckles, “And you’ve met him before. He's the biggest wig of them all around here.” As he says that, an employee in a red jacket steps outside one of the hallway doors. Red square glasses frame a set of mismatched eyes.
“Here she is.” The suit says, and then to you, "Good luck."
You flip him off, he looks pissed but the other demon clears his throat interrupting whatever he was about to say. “Please, this way.” He says directing himself to you. 
You take an elevator, going up, up, several floors. Awkward silence fills the air - you almost wish for the sarcastic friendless banter of the suit even if this new lackey looked far less intimidating. “Is this thing taking us to heaven or what?” You attempt a poor joke to break the uncomfortable silence.
“N-no. I don't believe that's possible, Miss.” He answers, he's not much for jokes it seems.
Soon you reach one of the upper floors - a soft ding announcing your arrival. Your footsteps echo in the nearly deserted floor, hues of blue and red light emanate from several screens guiding your way to the end of a long hall where two metal doors adorned with sharp crimson ‘V’ open and you’re motioned inside.
Several screens hang from thick wiring connected to the ceiling, all display different angles of the building, other parts of town and - look, the show you were just on. Behind them, a wall-to-wall aquarium houses predatory eel-like creatures you weren’t even sure existed in hell. However, you didn't dwell much on them as the cool light drew your attention to the awaiting form at the back of the room. The shape of his head is like the rest of the screens overhead. And your hear sinks.
“But if it isn't my beautiful Nuria!”  The VoxTek CEO greets. His long legs sway like pendulums as he uncrosses them to stand at the end of the large conference room you were ushered into.
“¡Hijo de— !” You quickly cover your mouth to keep the expletive from spilling forth.
He merely chuckles at that. “You look lovely too, doll. But please, come… come and have a drink with me.” He says pouring two glasses of wine over the large conference table. You’re too upset to notice the unsteadiness of his movements, or the many bottles already littering the table's surface.
“It was you… ” You breathe, pointing an accusatory finger at him, good manners be damned.
“Why so surprised? Of course it was me! You did great by the way!” He compliments coming closer to offer you one of the glasses. “Handled them like a champ!”
Should you thank him then? Is that why you’re here now? He wants you to thank him? But you didn’t ask him to do all of this. 
“Don’t be so tense, Nuria. I only wanted to have a little chat.” He insists with the wine, you take it without intending to drink from it. The chair closest to you pulls away from the table controlled by an automatic gesture of his hospitality. “Please, have a seat.”
You do not.
“Pardon my rudeness, sir, but what could we possibly talk about?” You're doing an excellent job at keeping your tone even.
He looks at you for a brief moment before he sighs in defeat. “Look, I admit sending out a big scary goon for you might not have been the best course of action, but be honest, doll—would you have come if I had personally asked?” He concedes, and the source of your apprehension when the invitation to appear on TV was extended to you finally reveals itself.
“No.” Is your dry reply.
“See?” He shrugs, downing the glass in one go, it’s only then that you take note of the bottles and wonder how long he's been at it and should you be more worried?
“But, sir,” You insist still, setting your wine down. “We have nothing in common, I have nothing you could possibly want or be interested in, while you… well, you have everything.”
“That’s where you’d be wrong, doll.” He sighs again, shoulders slumping.  
Oh please… 
He goes for another glass, but this time he pours himself something that looks far stronger.
Your eyes survey the room then, looking for other exits only to be disappointed when you find none. You bite inside of your lip reflecting on your current predicament until the glowing creatures inside aquarium draw your gaze once more. They move in hypnotizing patterns, careless of the misery around them - it wouldn’t surprise you to find they’re actually artificial. Fakes.
“You see… Alastor... " Alasto? "and I… we used to be good friends... once upon a time. Or at least I thought we were.”
You do recall people making a big fuss about the Radio Demon’s reemergence and his consequent public feud with the CEO a few months back. But as far as you were concerned, Overlord rivalries and alliances came and went, all that mattered to you was that your business wasn’t affected. So you paid it no mind.
“But he W̵͖̺̕R̸̫̰̝̀̐͌O̶͍͖͕̒͆N̷͓͈̪̆̒G̶̹͖͍̀͂̔͌E̷͉̲͐̓̕D̵̹̗͂̉̆ ̸̱̪͇̘̑̊M̵̛̭͕̀͒̈Ĕ̶̡̻̆ͅ!̴̢̙̻̿” 
A fist slams over the table's surface, electric sparks fly as the pixels on his screen glitch out of focus. Your heartrate spikes as you step back falling over the offered chair from before. 
“And I saw you with him.” He accuses with the tone of man betrayed.
He’s very drunk, it's obvious to you now. So you must navigate this carefully, you swallow before answering carefully. “Yes… I’ve spoken to him but only for business. I don’t know him personally.” you wet your lips to continue, softening your voice further. “Regardless… I’m sorry that happened to you. Losing a dear friend can be just as tough as losing a partner.“ 
He stills for a second, leaning against the table for support. “Finally!! Some sympathy for this poor sinner!“ He exclaims lumbering closer to you, his imposing form makes for a terrifyingly familiar sight. You fight the urge not to flinch when the claws of his fingers brush the scarf around your neck. “Oh Nuria, you have no idea how much grief he’s caused me.” His expression pained as he places both of his hands over the armrests of your chair, caging you inside. “That’s all I ask for - understanding… ” The iris in his left eye spins outward; reaching the electric neon framing the bright red sclera of his vision. “Some comfort… ”
The implied meaning behind his words is not lost on you, on instinct your eyes avert to avoid the intensity of his stare, your nerves already on high alert. “I'm afraid I'm not the right person for that, sir... I’m only a baker.” 
He watches you closely, the crisp image of his eyes searching before a disarming smile plays over the screen of his face. “Oh Nuria, no. I merely seek to warn you… ” He straightens, and air returns to your lungs once again.
“Warn... me? Of what. Alastor, sir?” You ask since this whole thing seems to have been all about him. “I'm sorry, but he’s nothing but a gentleman to me."
“That’s how he tricks you!” The grasp on your chin takes you by surprise. “His wicked tongue rivals Lucifer’s very own!! He fooled me, lulling me into a sense of security— ” His voice breaks for a split second before taking on a more sinister tone. “... until his true nature spilled forth! Listen to me, Nuria, you could end up nothing but a pawn in one of his sadistic games, it almost happened to me. A little thing like you? Doesn’t even stand a chance… ” 
“But aren’t you the same?” You ask without thinking, because aren’t all Overlords the same for that matter?
He lets go. 
The pressure of his presence dissipates as he stumbles away, barely supporting himself over the table’s surface. “̵̗͆T̵̞͌ḧ̴̳́ë̶̞́ ̵̩̒s̵̼̕a̷̧̎m̵̳̈ę̷̔?̴̧̔” His voice indignant, “He and I are not the same! I care about people. I bring joy to the millions of condemned souls in this pathetic existence! I offer an escape to suffering! He and I are not the same!!” He takes one the bottles from the table - flings to the wall - shattering it into countless pieces upon impact. “What else has he done but worsened it?! TELL ME” 
Now you’ve stepped in it. You stand, palms up, voice docile and shaky—that part, at least, was genuine.
“You’re right, you’re right. I’m sorry, I apologize and... th-thank you for the warning, that was very kind of you, Mr. Vox." You dare not move as you watch him collect himself which takes some time, after which, and against all better judgement - you approach. "Now, please sit down. I don’t want you falling and hurting yourself” Because you don't want to think of the consequences that will have for you, so you return the favor of pulling a chair from behind him. “Here, sir, sit.” Surprisingly, he goes down without a fight when you pull him to it. The chair creaks bearing his full weight. “Jeez, how much did you drink?”
“Don't... know," He slurs. "You’re so caring, Nuria… ” His unsteady hand manages to grasp your wrist and you pause all movement. “Stay. No one in this godforsaken place cares or appreciates me.” He mumbles, eyes finally closing.
“I’m afraid I can’t.” Your voice barely above a whisper, “Got my shop to take care of, remember?” 
“Oh… Right, right… ” His replies, screen entering rest mode per the loading spinning icon. You would find this funny - cute even in other circumstances - but now you must take this chance to gently free yourself from him.
Quietly, you walk backwards as he snoozes over the conference chair, his head tilted against the headrest. The short distance to the only exit seems eternal, but are thankful to find the sliding doors hadn’t been locked. They make no sound opening and shutting as soon as you step out. 
“Not bad for a former bar whore, ‘suppose you had a lot of experience dealing with drunks.” 
Behind you, opposite from the conference room, stands a woman.
She's petite and doesn't even bother meeting your eyes after the casually flung insult. Instead she chews gum tapping away at her phone - the latest VoxTek model (Jo wouldn't shut up about it). Her bright tri-colored hair is tied into two spacebuns: Velvette, she's Velvette - the woman the suit mentioned last week.
“I was a performer, not a sex worker.” You correct.
She shrugs, popping a gum bubble. “Same thing.”
You bite your inner lip, measuring your reply. “He passed out in there. Maybe someone should check on him?” Her eyes meet yours then. “Am I free to go?”
“You know when he came to me babbling about some hidden-talent with a nice ass he discovered, I thought ‘Oh good, finally some distraction from his insufferable hissy fit with Val. I wonder who it is.’ And then he said, it was a baker and I laughed because I thought he was joking but then he said ‘she’s friends with Al,’ and I thought ‘Well that makes more sense, I want to meet the broad myself now.’” She looks you up and down. “Have to say, those homely clothes? You’re not fooling anyone.” 
Oh you did not like her. At all. Your hands flop to your sides.  “Well now you’ve met me. And don’t worry I have no interest in meeting with Mr. Vox again. Can I go now?” 
“Funny because I don’t think what you want matters here.” Your brows furrow. What is she saying? “So I just came to clear up the air. In case you get any funny ideas between those pretty horns of yours.” She’s too quick for you to dodge her reach, grabbing a fistful of your hair to yank you closer to her. Your neck twists in a painful angle in a fight to keep yourself from hitting the floor. “Vox, in his lonely lunacy, believes you could be useful but I have no qualms about making sure you roast nice and crispy inside your little shop’s oven if you do anything to undermine the Vees. So act stupid and I will immediately know about it. Understand?” 
“Let go, you— “ 
She pulls harder. “Careful now.”
You want nothing more than to claw her eyes out but self-preservation wins over. “I have more important things to do with my time.”
“Good, keep it that way.” 
But you can’t keep a bitter chuckle from rising up your chest.
“Care to share the joke, doll?” She asks.
“I just… " You snort between grit teeth, "I just find it funny that you— people care so much about a meager sinner like myself, because what? Because I made friends with the Radio Demon? I mean, he must have done a really nasty number on your friend if you're this invested.” 
Her eyes narrow, “What would you know, stupid thot. But laugh it up, we’ll wipe that smirk off your face soon enough.” You spot the entrance through which you came but before you can think to free yourself from her, she squishes herself face against yours. Her phone already on selfie mode, it displays a friendly smile you wouldn’t believe she was capable of. “Be cute now.” She warns between grinning teeth, her hold on you tightens hidden in the fullness of your hair. 
You oblige with a sweet smile; anything to get yourself out of here. Fast. Thankfully, she releases you as soon as the image is captured, her attention returning to the phone like nothing happened.
“Now you can go.” 
A small package is delivered to the shop two days later. The beautifully wrapped box contains a rose gold plaque reading:
You toss the entire thing to the trash, Jo looks on worried but asks no questions.
Have some Nuria art!
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