#Ezra Standishxreader
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Chapter Summary: Coming back after an eventful trip forces some to reflect on their feelings and thoughts with trouble on the horizon.
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 2735
Warnings: Always pining.
CHAPTER SIX: Back in Town
You had only just gotten back to town the previous night and in the morning as you were making your walk to the clinic when Mary came after you. “Y/n!” You stopped to let her catch up. “This telegram came in for your the day before last.” You took it and smiled at her.
“Thanks, Mary. I’ll read it when I get to the clinic. Have a good day,” you took a few paces backward, smiling at her. “And thanks again.”
“No problem,” she grinned disappearing back into the newspaper office.
You continued your walk when you caught sight of Vin who smiled and touched the brim of his hat, “morning, Vin.”
“Morning Miss, Y/l/n.” He nearly passed you when he called for your attention again. “Hey, can you uh...Ya, see I got this tear in my jacket and I was wondering if you could stitch it up before I head out?”
“Well if I can handle people I think I can handle cloth. Sure, come on up to the clinic.” He grinned and fell into stride beside you.
“Thank ya.”
“Anything for you boys, Vin,” you smiled at him.
“So uh, Ezra didn’t get under your skin too much did he?”
“No,” you laughed, “Actually it was a really nice trip. He was great company.”
“He talks an awful lot.”
“So do I,” you answered opening the door to the clinic. “Sit down I’ll get you in a minute.” You pointed, while you headed over to a cabinet. “Moring Nathan.”
“Good Morning,” he chirped back. “Vin please don’t tell me you went and got yourself hurt.”
“No, I’m patching his jacket,” you answered unfolding the telegram.
You groaned as you crumbled up the paper and threw it in a vague direction. “Hey,” Vin cried. “Watch it! What the hell was that for?”
You turned your head towards him and looked over at Nathan who was giving you an equally shocked expression. “Sorry.”
“What got you so riled up,” Nathan asked walking up to you.
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
“That ain’t nothin’,” Vin stood, folding his arms. “Someone causing you trouble again?”
You shook your head, “Seriously y/n, “ Nathan spoke, “If you need help.”
“No,” you cut him off. “No. It’s just. My trip was not entirely uneventful. I ran into my aunt and she wants me back east. She said some nasty things about the town,” you bit your lip, “and Ezra.”
“What,” Vin asked. “She can’t have you.” You laughed and you shook your head.
“What’s this have to do with the telegram?”
“She let me know she’s going back to Illinois and left me with a warning.”
“Which was,” Nathan pressed.
“Stay away from the gambler,” you didn’t look at either of the men.
“Damn,” Vin cursed. “Ez was that bad?”
“No, he wasn't! He was was perfectly polite. A true image of a gentleman. At least while she saw him.”
Nathan eyed you a minute, “So she just doesn't want you hanging around him?”
“Well, she also got this idea in her head that I must fancy him.” You shook your head  “I tried to explain that it wasn’t like that. She didn’t listen.”
“It’s not,” Vin asked in a rare moment of his mouth being in front of his head.
“Of course not,” you grew defensive. “No. D-Does it seem like I do?”
Both men looked at each other then shook their heads. “No,” Nathan waved his hands dismissively. “No, it’s just you and him is close is all. People talk.”
“People? Like you,” you folded your arms.
“Nah,” Vin jumped in. “People who’ve got nothing better to do.”
“Which is most of the people here,” Nathan added and Vin nodded along. “Your aunt sounds like she’s trying to do what’s best for you.”
“Yeah,” you settled in a chair taking Vin’s jacket into your hands. “Except she doesn’t understand what I want. She doesn’t seem to understand I live for this town with its small population, dust, and fights. That I like the uncertainty and rotating cast of characters that waltz in and out.”
“I don’t think most ladies often see themselves digging bullets out of drunks and the fools that deliberately jump in front of them,” Nathan shot Vin a pointed look, who only smiled before saying:
“Well, I reckon she’ll be leaving you alone for the time being,” he shrugged.
“I think she is only going back to plan how she’s going to come here, call you all of you horrible names and drag me off. Nothing stops that woman.”
“Last time I checked,” Nathan put a hand on your shoulder. “Nothing stops you either.” You chuckled and he squeezed your shoulder. “Alright, I haven’t eaten yet. I’m going to head to the saloon.”
“I’ll join you,” Vin hopped up, taking his jacket out of your outstretched hand. “Thank you again. I really appreciate it.”
“Any time.” You sat back as you watched them leave and sighed. You wondered if Ezra knew that people talked about you and him. What he thought on the matter. Probably thought it was ridiculous. If you and he were meant to be you would’ve already been right? 
Then your heart sunk with the thought that if he heard what people thought he be mad. Upset at the prospect. That in truth he really only put up with you.  you shook your head trying physically dispell the thoughts that were madness. 
You sighed, this was crazy. To have your head swimming with thoughts of ‘does he like me?’ like a school girl. After all on that list of reasons to leave was relationships. The only inkling of romantic thoughts you had where when you were young then they became all about being a doctor and avoiding your poor lovesick shadow, James. It was with him you decided that you would never be as lovesick as he was.
But that wasn’t going so well. Damn him. 
The sun now hung high over the small down and Ezra was enjoying some time alone on top of the roof of the large hotel. With his jacket laid out next to him as he read his book, taking generous nips from his hip-flask.  Trying to distract himself from thoughts of you that had been plaguing him since the moment you arrived. They were getting worst, ever since you left for that last supply trip it was worst. He had a great time, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything. He wanted more of it. He wanted-
He was interrupted by the sound of a ladder clattering against the roof and the subsequent creak of the rungs being climbed. 
“I still can’t figure out how you get up here so easily,” Buck complained, taking careful steps. “Took me 15 minutes to find a ladder.”
“I have found agility to be useful in my past endeavors,” Ezra commented not looking up the book he was pretending to read.
“So, how did the trip go, Hoss?” Ezra looked up from his book, sticking his bookmark into the pages and setting it aside. Buck settled next to him on the edge, held out a small tin cup and produced a coffee pot.
Ezra held out his cup as Buck poured, “You didn’t make this right?”
“No,” Buck smiled. “I know how you feel about my coffee. Now answer the question.”
Ezra sighed pouring a healthy splash from his half-empty flask into his coffee. “What do you expect? It was remarkably uneventful from other trips I’m forced to take.”
Buck smiled and leaned in causing Ezra to lean away with an uncomfortable look, “You know what I’m talking about.”
“No, I don’t, actually,” Ezra took a sip from his cup, watching his friend carefully.
“Really? Come on Ezra! You spent all that alone time with Miss. Y/N and you are telling me nothing exciting happened?” Ezra’s head snapped to him, giving him a scrutinizing look.
“Now just what are you trying to suggest?”
“Well, it’s just that I’ve noticed the way you look at her Ez,” Buck’s voice became solemn. “You go out of your way; out of your comforts for her. Hell, you didn’t even complain when you had to take a four-day round trip.” Ezra didn’t answer looking into his cup. “Ezra. Listen, I just don’t want to see you lose your chance. She’s a great lady who obviously has feelings for you.”
Ezra’s lips pulled into a forced, wounded smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a chance with her.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Ezra was quite again. “You are just a glutton for pain huh?”
“What does that mean?!” Ezra twisted to face Buck, trying to fix him with an incredulous glare. To no surprise, it didn’t work.
“It means this sweet little filly blows into town. You two have this instant connection and you both look at each like you are the only ones on this goddamn earth. Ignoring us half the time when she waltzes in. So when are you going to stop being so goddamned stubborn and just take her out for dinner?” Ezra rolled his eyes and faced forward again. “Maybe a nice moonlit walk, kiss her on the hand at the end of the evening?” Buck nudged his friend with his elbow and chuckled a bit. “When are you going to do something instead of waiting for it to be too late?”
“Because,” Ezra snapped, breaking off Buck’s litany. “Because,” he repeated stalling as he thought to phrase it. For once he was blunt, “I’m scared.” Buck reeled from the sudden, dry honesty but rolled with it. It wasn't often Ezra was so vulnerable, but when he was, he really needed support.
“Scared? Ez, she likes you, a lot. I doubt that she’d turn you down.”
“It’s not just that. I’m scared o-of her saying yes too. What if I let her get closer and she doesn’t like what she finds? Then-then she’ll avoid me, and things will change. A-and if for some ungodly reason decides she likes the scoundrel I am, I don’t deserve her. I have done too many sinful things in my life to deserve someone as brave, bright, kind, and beautiful as her.” As Ezra spoke his voice softened and started to get thick with some emotion. Buck let out a long breath through his nose. “Mr. Wilmington,” he spoke after a short pause, in a low voice. It was steadier but still wavered. “As much as I appreciate your companionship and the coffee, I think I might like some time alone.”
“Don’t Mr. Wilmington me.” Buck sighed standing, “But uh let me just say one thing. I may not be as philosophical as Josiah or as smart as Nathan or you, but I know a great deal on love.” Ezra didn’t look up, but Buck knew he was listening. “I know that who we love and who loves us, despite what we think is not a choice. And I know for a fact that that it has nothing to do with deserve. You don’t get to decide who she thinks deserves her love, only she does. If she thinks you’ve earned it you have. And I trust that girl’s judgment.”
“Is that all,” Ezra looked up picking up his flask taking another swig.
“Yeah that’s it,” he started to walk away before he stopped, “Oh. take it easy on the whiskey. You do have to get down from here. And uh, you get pretty loose-lipped when you're all liquored up and I don’t think you want to tell y/n how lovely you think she is while explaining your broken arm.”
Ezra scoffed as he listened to Buck descend, lifting his flask to his mouth. He paused before sighing and screwing the lid back on and setting it aside. He looked out towards the edge of town and saw a small posse coming in. He huffed as he watched them, hoping they were not going cause trouble, he didn’t need this. He did not need some upset cattle ranchers or some men with a wild vendetta.
“I’m looking for a man named Ezra!”
“Damn it all,” He stood, moving to get himself off the roof, “I knew I should of used a fake name.” Ezra, after scaling down the same way he got up landed on his feet with a soft thud. Then his arm was being grabbed by none other than Chris.
“You want to explain to me why we have a gang of 15 men coming in looking for you?”
“Maybe it’s a different, Ezra,” Ezra grinned.
“It’s never a different Ezra with you. Why is he here? Who is he?”
Ezra finally pulled his arm away from Chris. “It was hard to see from the roof but I’m assuming that’s the man that was attempting to cheat me earlier this week. While I was out of town with Y/N”
“What happened?”
“I called him out for cheating after he played cards I had not dealt him. Really it was a horrible display, Chris. Anyone would be able to spot his failing efforts.” Chris fixed him with a stare. “I was told, after receiving some very unfair vituperations and an equally unfair punch that knocked me off my feet, to leave town in five minutes or they would ‘paint the walls with my blood.’ Understandably, I took my traveling companion and left.”
“Why didn’t you make sure they weren’t following you?”
“Don’t insult me, Chris. Of course, I did. I didn’t see them. I was as vigilant as I could be.”
“I think you would have seen 15 people, Ezra.”
“They must have a tracker with them. You can’t honestly think I’d want to bring harm to this town. After all, I’ve risked for them.”
Chris licked his lips as he thought. “Well, we better get out there. Find out what he wants.”
Chris, Buck, and Ezra stepped out into the road. The other men came to a stop looking down at the three. Chris stepped forward, “What can I do for you boys?”
“We are here for him,” the leader pointed to Ezra. “He accused me of cheating!”
“Were you?”
“Of course not! Look at him, if anyone was cheating it as him. He owes me.”
Buck stepped up and looked over at Chris, before turning his head back to the men in front of him. “I think a nice fair game is in order. Clean out your sleeves and play a few rounds. Clear the air. What do you say, Ez?”
Now Ezra stepped forward never removing his gaze from the men before him. “Sounds fair to me. I’m willing to prove my innocence. But I’m sure you gentlemen are all very tired from your trip I know I still am. How does tomorrow sound?”
The man shifted in his saddle, “Alright. Tomorrow. Then you’ll get what’s coming to you!”
“I shiver with anticipation,” was the deadpanned response. The posse rode away and Ezra turned to Chris. “Listen, I do not think our friends over there are going to leave so easily. You and Buck need to ride out and get the others.”
“What and leave you and Nathan here all alone? No way in hell,” Buck whispered yelled.
“I don’t like it, Ez.”
“Me either, I’m the one he wants to hang with my own gun belt. But the odds are much better if we have the others. I’ll stall as long as I can. Hell, I’ll lose on purpose!”
“That’s still a long ride, and Vin, Josiah, and JD are all in different directions,” Buck folded his arms.
“Then take Nathan and ride fast.”
Chris nodded to Buck to follow him, shouting over his shoulder as he walked briskly to his horse. “Don’t do anything stupid while we’re gone! And be careful.”
Ezra watched Chris take off and Buck run up the stairs to the clinic. “Aren’t I always,” he muttered to himself, looking around. Looking up in time to see you out on the balcony of the clinic looking down at him as Buck and Nathan took off on their horses. He had to force himself to breathe looking at you up there, his heart pounding. He tipped his hat and walked towards the hotel to get his belongings. “Damn her.”
TAGS: @make-me-imagine @7men
If you want to be tagged in updates just message me! 
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 1486
Warnings: There is a brief description of hanging other than that there is nothing. 
A/N: Welp...This is not Star Trek...Nor anything else I’ve written about. This story is dedicated to the small fandom of the Magnificent Seven Television series. I have fallen in love deeply with seven gunslingers. I hope you enjoy it. Even if you do not watch Mag 7 I: 1, highly suggest you do. and 2 would hope you read it just to validate me I have put a lot of work into this. 
A/N 2: Yes I did tag most of you on my list just so you are aware what is happening. If you want to remain tagged let me know. I won’t tag you all in the second chapter and forward unless you ask
Why did you ever come this far out west? You hadn’t been in town more than a few days and you were already in a horrible situation. Tied up, being threatened, and now you were having a rope tied around your neck. “You let my buddy Jonathan die.” You looked into to the angry eyes of the man in front of you.
“It was a severe infection. I did all I could.”
“Bullshit. You killed him and you should hang. Unless” he grinned as he brought his face closer to his breath reeking of strong sour liquor. “You wanna have some ol’ fashion fun.”
“Oh come on Billy just let her hang!”
A hand was placed on your leg, “Give me a minute Michael!”
“Burn in hell you bastard!”
“Come on now sweetheart, don’t be like that.”
“Billy, come on,” another man spoke as he shifted uncomfortably on his horse with the rest of the men with him.
“Joel shut up!”
You should’ve stopped yourself, but, You took the opportunity to spit in his face which earned you a slap. “You bloated white liner, yellow bellied son of a -” This time it was the back of a pistol and you nearly fell off your horse, which was keeping you alive
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice called. “Is that any way to treat a lady?” You glanced up and saw seven men on horses at the top of the small hill.
“This ain’t a lady! She’s a snake.”
“Let her go,” another man shouted.
“My pleasure,” you capture laugh and he slapped the horse's hindquarters that was supporting you. It bolted and you felt rope tighten cutting off your air flow. You failed in attempting to catch a breath. You could hear the pounding of hooves or maybe that was just the blood in your ears. Maybe gunfire or your heart pounding. Your vision started to go as you struggling started to slow.
Suddenly there was a mass beneath you and an arm was around your waist easing you into a lap. You could suddenly breathe, taking gasping breaths as you heard a stream of comforting words. “Alright now, ma’am. You’re alright, let me get this,” there was a grunt of exertion as the rope slipped off your neck, “damn thing off you.” Then suddenly you were moving from the noise of gunfire, and you were pressed into the chest of your savior with your hands still bound in your lap. As soon as you were a top of the hill he reached his hands around you to untie your hands. You finally turned to look up at the man and God, he was handsome. “There you are, are you alright?”
You quickly looked down and nodded numbly trying to process what had happened. “y-yes, thank you, Mr-” you trailed off.
“Standish. Ezra Standish, no need to thank us,” He tipped his hat as the other men rode up beside him. “And the rest of these men are Josiah, Vin, JD, Chris, Nathan, and Buck,” he pointed to each man, in turn, and you followed his hand.
The one that Ezra had pointed out as Vin maneuvered his horse closer, “How are you feeling?”
“Okay,” you rasped, your throat sore.
“I’ll take a look at you back in town, you do live in Four Corners right?” Nathan asked and you nodded unconsciously leaning back into Ezra’s chest. “You just opened up a doctor’s office, came to town a few days ago?”
“I-I think that is enough questions for now gentlemen, let's just get this young lady home,” Ezra spoke urging his horse forward
After a few minutes you started to feel your chest get tight, and then tears started to fall. Ezra, who was in the middle of the pack pulled his horse back a bit wordlessly to the back of the pack. He reached into his breast pocket of his bright red jacket with one hand and pulled out a white handkerchief, gently he placed it into your hands.”It’s alright. You’re safe. Here dry your eyes.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured unable to stop crying.
“Ma’am, not to sound rude, but you are being ridiculous. You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve had a close brush with death, I’d be a bit worried if you didn’t have some form of emotional reaction.” You dabbed your eyes, turning the handkerchief over in your hands. You ran your thumb over the embroidered, ‘E.P.S’.  You hiccuped and more tears fell, you felt him sigh, was it annoyance? “Now now,” he hushed, dropping a hand on your hands holding the hanky. “You’re okay. And I promise you will be okay. You’re safe with us. If those men ever come back we’ll protect you”
You looked at his hand on top of yours, it was such a soft gesture. You started to cry a bit harder, the people were nice enough but you had been rather alone. Not really making any connections.
“I think you were brave,” Ezra’s voice was soft, even softer than before. You started to laugh, a laugh tangled with a sob.
“I think you mean foolish.” You tilted yourself to the side and tilted your head up to look at him, finally taking the chance to examine your savior, there was no doubt the man was handsome. Sturdy jaw, bright snapping green eyes, as he started to smile, it was a wild mischievous one you realized, which was only enhanced buy a gold tooth that caught the sunlight.
“Well in most cases you be right. But it took a special kind of gall to call a man who has a rope around your neck a- a- what was that I heard you yell?” He tilted his chin down to look at you and your breath caught in your chest.
“Well before I was rudely interrupted I was going to call him, uh, a bloated, white liner, yellowed bellied son of a bitch.” one of the other men nearby started to laugh with Ezra.
“Wooo nelly, you certainly have grit little lady.”
“Buck don’t be a vulture. Excuse him, ma’am. Oh!” Ezra exclaimed suddenly, “We have been very rude, very rude indeed, ma’am. My apologies might I ask your name?”
“Y/N,” Buck tested it out, “what a lovely name.”
The ride back to town was a fairly quiet one, there was some idle chit chat, but nothing past that. The feeling of a warm body, the gentle sway of the horse, and the exhaustion after the stress caused you to doze off in the arms of your savior.
You were not sure how long you were out but you were being awoken by gentle shake and whispers. “Come on now,” Ezra whispered, as you came too he placed his hands on your arms, “Nathan’s going to help you down. Okay?”
“Alright,” Nathan reached up towards you to grab your hands to help you hop down from the horse.
“Let’s get you up to my clinic so I can look at you.” Nathan took you by the arm and lead you up to his space above the livery.
“This is a nice place here. Nathan tell me if I am stepping on your toes but how would you feel about us combining our clinics?”
“Well, I think that be a fine idea,” He smiled as he helped you sit down. “Let's take care of the details later, I want to clean that cut on your face.”  You nodded as he kneeled before you, touching a rag to your face, you winched and tried to pull away from the stinging pain. “Sorry, it’s going to hurt for a while, and it going to be a nasty bruise.”
“Figured,” you hummed as he moved his attention to your neck. “Thank you. You have very gentle hands.”
“Thank you,” he smiled, “I do my best to make my patients comfortable.”
“You do very well.”
Nathan nodded and stood up, “You seem alright, just take it easy for a few days. Rest you’ve had a rough day. You are welcome to take a short rest here if you want.”
“I think I’ll just head home,” you stood and shook his hand. “Thank you, Nathan, I look forward to working with you.”
“And I you.”
As you exited the building and headed down the steps you ran into the other men, who were just waiting there, supposedly for you. “Can I help you, gentlemen?”
“We just wanted to see if you were alright,” Chris spoke up.
“I’m fine. Thank you again for saving me.”
“Ma’am it’s our job. No need to thank us,” Vin raised his hand to stop you.
“I sure hope this doesn’t scare you away,” Chris started to smile, “I think going back home would be a waste of your fire.”
“No. I’m staying, especially now I know I have you boys to back me up.”
TAGS: @outside-the-government @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger @mccoymostly @bkwrm523 @youre-on-a-starship @thefanficfaerie @sparkedupsilver @pinkamour1588 @captainbabysitter-blog @make-me-imagine @7men @dumbcowboys
23 notes · View notes
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Chapter Summary: A bet goes awry and you get to know the gambler just a bit better. 
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 1951
Warnings: Pining, my god, the pining. Dumb babies not really understanding their feelings.
A/N: I don’t have anything to say other than it took me forever to edit this the way I wanted it. 
CHAPTER THREE: More Than Bargained For
It had been a few days since you had really seen any of the men, you had been wrapped up with a little girl who had a serious fever and had not left the clinic as Nathan was out of town buying supplies. Finally able to join the public you walked down the road and caught sight of most of your friends in the saloon. You slipped inside and saw four of your seven new friends at a card table. They all had their eyes trained on the bar. You stepped behind Vin and JD following their gaze to Ezra talking to a woman. You felt a strange pang in your chest watching him smiling, leaning into the conversation. Surely it couldn’t be jealousy. You had no reason to be jealous. You gripped his back of the chair slightly, swallowing hard, forcing yourself to ask, “What’s going on here?”
“Oh Buck and Ezra had a minor disagreement over Ezra’s and his’, what’d he call it? ‘Predilections’ for wooing a lady. So, Buck offered a bet,” JD explained.
“And you know how Ez loves the word,” Buck laughed, but you didn’t you had no idea what he meant. The Ezra you knew, or so you thought seemed almost too good to be caught in a bet like this. Or a bet at all. “Bet him five he couldn’t talk her into dinner.” You shifted, you looked at the men and back up at Ezra who had the girl giggling.
“You know Buck,” Vin laughed, “Ez is mighty persuasive and I hate to see you lose that much money.” He turned to you with a broad grin, “I will give you four dollars, if would you pretend to be his wife or lady friend.”
“You can have Ezra’s five if you make it good,” Buck laughed. You smiled and weighed your options, you bit your lip and you don’t know for sure what made you do it but you strode right up to Ezra.
“Sweetheart there you are,” you gushed as you placed your hands on his arm. He snapped his head to you, his eyes wild. He licked his lip and turned back to the lady he’s been flirting with, trying to smile through the confusion. “Why didn’t you tell me you were headed off this direction?”
“Whose this?” the other woman asked as Ezra searched for words, a blush starting to creep up his cheeks. He wasn’t sure if it was from you or the embarrassment of being caught.
“Well I-I, you see,” he sputtered.
“I’m his wife! Just married last month, isn’t that right my dear?” Then you moved to kiss his cheek, instead, his head snapped to you when the sentence had registered you kissed him right on the lips. Though it was a mistake you sold it.  To your amounting shock, there was a second he pressed back before he pushed you back at arm’s length. He looked at you in shock, “What’s wrong dear?”
Ezra still gaping turned his head over to the woman who threw a drink in his face and proceeded to slap him, “You scoundrel!”  She left in a huff and the men over at the table proceeded to whoop and holler waving the money for you to retrieve.
Ezra touched his lips, not at all feeling the sting of the slap, instead, reeling from the shock of your lips. As he came to his senses he could feel the heat in his face, making his cheeks match his jacket in color. His brows were knitted together as he watched you join the other men.
“Hey, Ezra! Maybe your wife will share her winnings,” Buck shouted laughing loudly. Ezra huffed and walked up to the table snatching his hat.
“That was cheating, Buck. You owe me five dollars,” Ezra accused, pointing a finger into the other man’s chest.
“Sorry, Ezra you lost and I gave the money to your wife,” Buck laughed and you stood there smiling but recounting the kiss.
“Y- You cheated, that was not part of the deal! You can’t alter the parameters like that!”
“You sure are one to talk. Mr. deck stacker,” Nathan laughed. Ezra froze glancing up at you, your brows knitted in confusion. He didn’t need this, he didn’t need you to know that he was no good. He was trying to be better, he wanted to impress you, for a reason he didn’t understand.
“That’s luck gentlemen, don’t be sour. I just have a certain tactile sensitivity.”
“Right,” Buck jumped back in, “Putting the odds in your favor.”
“Leaving nothing to chance,” Vin added
“Being one with the cards, in tune with their vibration,” Nathan suggested.
“Sounds like cheating to me,” JD finished with little tact.
“Not like it’s news,” Vin folded his arms.
Ezra gripped his hat and huffed again, unable to come up with any lies, or smooth words to cover his dirty tracks. “I have business to attend to, Gentlemen.” He put on his hat and looked at you before tipping his head slightly, “Ma’am.”
“What was that about,” JD asked and the table shrugged. You turned and ran out the doors and went after him.
“Mr. Standish!” You ran up and grabbed the crook of his arm. “Mr. Standish. I’m so sorry that I embarrassed you, I was just,” He didn’t look at you and you looked away as well. “I don’t know that I was doing.”
“It’s alright, I was already making a fool of myself. Those men, despite most things, can be very persuasive. How much did you get out of my misfortune?”
“9 dollars,” you admitted. “You can have it if you’d like.”
“No, no, you earned it fair and square. Put it towards the clinic. Honestly, I can’t find fault with you,” he laughed, but it was weak and wavered, “You saw what I would do when ‘bet’ is uttered. And then my companions so kindly decided to remind me that I-”
“Cheat?” He still wouldn’t look at you, “Would you take me to lunch?”
Now he looked at you and his face was just contorted in pure confusion “Excuse me?”
“I think you have a story you need to tell. Take me to lunch and tell me.” You put your hand out. Ezra stared at it for a second, he didn’t know quite what he was doing but he took it and tucked it into his arm. He was being given an opportunity to control how his past was seen, and he was nothing if not an opportunist. And despite claiming to be an observant person, somehow he couldn’t see that you were taking a sledgehammer to the walls he had built up.
Ezra sat across from you looking into his drink, “I wanted to keep this from you.”
“That you cheat at cards?”
“I tend to cheat at most things. I’m what people kindly refer to as a grifter. Those less kind than you use cheater, con man, swindler and other such words.” You nodded, “I-I never really perceived my talents as wrong before I became so involved with my fellow paid-protectors. Yet, even now I can’t stop myself, it’s habit.” You watched him as his fingers drummed on his glass, doing all he could to not look at you.”It’s fun.
“I was raised by my mother to be a con man, taught me everything I know.” His voice picked up an off-handed nature, like it was a thought that had escaped, “Well, in between her leaving me at relatives houses until she needed me. So I’ve always done what I’ve been told.
“And as such, I’ve always gotten that look you know, that ‘can I trust him?’ The look, some of my cohorts still give me, the side eye, especially when they think I don’t notice.” He didn’t know why he was spilling this out. Maybe it’s the way you looked at him, a look of understanding. Or maybe his friends had broken him down more than he had thought.
“Why didn’t you want to tell me this,” you asked after he fell silent for a while.
“Because you haven’t done that. When you first actually met me, after I saved you, you didn’t look at me like I was a snake in the grass, like I always have an ulterior motive. A-and I didn’t want that to change.” He finally looked up and his eyes were the softest you’d ever seen, watery even. He was sitting there baring his soul to you, scared, and bracing for the worst. Bracing for the rejection that was surely coming. “I didn’t want you to look at me like I am what I am.”
You bowed your head a moment, thinking. You sighed and looked back up at him with resolve. “Well, you’ve done so much for me already. I don’t think I anything you say could change my opinion on you.”
“And what opinion is that pray tell?”
“That you are a good man. Sometimes a little misguided, but you have a good heart.”
“You know I was wanted in several cities and territories. I was pardoned when I joined this peacekeeping service.”
“Okay.” Your face remained soft, no sign of scrutiny or anger or anything else Ezra had grown used to seeing over the years. No, your face held some level of understanding. A face he had started to recognize in the other men, but you were different. It felt different coming from you, and he didn’t think he deserved it. 
“I still do it. Time to time when a money opportunity comes up I am ready to exploit it, you saw it today. A-a-and, and-”
“Mr. Standish, do you not want me to like you?”
“Huh?” Ezra wanted to slap himself, allowing such an uncouth response tumble from his mouth like he was some schoolboy.
“Well, you seem to be going out of your way to say things and prove to me that I shouldn’t like you. So do you not want me too?”
“Of course not. What I mean is I don’t want you to not like me.”
“Then why are you trying so hard?”
“You deserve to know that I am not as heroic or selfless per se, as my partners.”
You smiled and shook your head, “Okay. You might think you know who you are. But I am pretty sure I know the truth about you.” You stood grinning now as he still looked confused, perhaps more in awe than anything else. “Thank you for the meal.”
Now Ezra stood, “Alright since you have gotten some my tangled pass out of me faster than a preacher and seem to think you know me better than myself, I think we are long passed formality. Call me Ezra.”
“Only if you call me Y/N”
He took your hand in a firm grip, a wolf-like grin brightening his features. “It’s a deal, Y/N.” He pulled your hand to his lips. You smiled, wishing for the brief moment of intimacy to last longer. Loving the chills the sensation sent down your spine.  
“It’s a deal. Thank you for sharing,” you pulled yourself up and kissed the side of his face. You smiled pulling back and squeezed his arm gently. “I’ll see you around, Ezra.”
He watched the door close behind you, rooted in his spot, “Steady Ezra, Steady,” he whispered to himself.” Few warm looks and you are ready to tell her all your secrets. What would mother say?” He mulled over that question till he reached his room, he knew what his mother would say. ‘Use it to your advantage.’ This was one thing he would not be writing to mother about. Well, one on a growing list of things.
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Hmmm, okay...what about a short drabble with Ezra? Like, you've lived in town for a few years and he's basically in love with you but wont admit it, even to himself, and the boys find it hilarious? idk I'm bad at requesting stuff, that's why I write lol I could also request drabbles for the others if you want (like Chris or Vin or something)
You can request those dumb cowboys all you want lol.
This turned into more of a one-shot so I’mma just gonna put it under a cut
You had blown into town a few years ago, finding a stake in working for Mary. Which meant you cleaned the printing press a lot, but you had also written a few stories pertaining to the town and the men that protected it. And Ezra Standish hung onto every word. He would never admit it, but he had a small pile of clippings in his room. And he convinced himself that it was because you are such a great author. 
He had his eyes on you for nearly the three years you had been in town, but never uttered a word about it. He didn’t need to the rest of the boys had caught on, after a few weeks. He always trailed off while talking whenever you passed. Whenever you talked to him suddenly the silver tongue was gone and was a stuttering mess. 
After a recent particularly bad encounter, the other men behind him laughed. 
“Oh Ezra,” Buck laughed, “What was that?!” 
“I’ll tell you what,” Vin prodded, then he cupped his hand over his mouth and started to make a mooing noise. JD joined in and Ezra turned on his heel to face him. 
“Gentlemen. Be civilized. Just what are you trying to say?”
Buck slung his arm around Ezra, “You are lovesick. Jesus. Just tell her you like ‘er Hoss.” 
Ezra stuttered looking for words. “It’s alright Ezra. We are just surprised there’s a heart somewhere in there for her to get to,” Vin shrugged. 
“We know about you keeping those clippins of her writing,” JD laughed.
“I-I don’t have feelings for her. I hardly know the girl!” He laughed nervously attempting to push Buck away.
“Right, and I’m the queen of England. I’ve seen you abandon card games to do her a favor.” Vin and JD confirmed in agreement.
“Fer a man that hate menial labor you sure do a lot of favors for her,” Vin grinned. 
“No good deed goes unpunished, I swear. I was just being nice!” Ezra answered a blush coming to his cheeks
Buck sighed, straightening up, stepping away. “Fine. So then you don’t mind if I-”
“Like she ever go with you,” the words came out far more venomous then he ever intended. “She is a lady, Buck. She isn’t going to want a boreish man hanging over her. A lady like her should have a gentleman. Someone to woo her a-and whisk her off to dinner. Maybe a nice horse ride. Someone- Someone-”
“Like you,” Vin asked. The other two smiled at him, but Ezra’s face remained somber. 
“No. No one that lovely deserves a scoundrel.”  Ezra tipped his hat and headed off. 
Vin, Buck, and JD exchanged looks as their friend left. “Well, that went less than perfect,” Buck sighed. 
“Didn’t Mary mention that y/n never shuts up about Ezra,” JD turned towards Vin.
“Yeah, she did.”
As Ezra walked down the street he heard the distinct sound of Chris Larabee's mooing. He turned his head and caught a glimpse of Chris with a shit-eating grin. That when he ran into someone, he grabbed the arm belonging to the body in front of him. “Good Lord! I am so sorry. I really should watch where I am headed!” He turned and saw it was you, “Miss. Y/L/N. My apologies.” 
You started to laugh, as you shook your head and Ezra swore he wasn’t breathing. “No,no, I had my head in a book again. It’s fine Ezra.” You both kept your vice-like grips on one another.
“Well, it must be engrossing novel, then.” You nodded as a grin pulled at his feature and your heart melted. That damn smile was going to be the death of you.
“Yeah,” you sighed. Suddenly courage or foolishness, you weren’t sure, came over you. “Mr. Standish, would you like to go to the hotel for dinner tonight, say around six?” The grin became warmer and wider as he shook his head with a laugh. He licked his lip, staring at you in awe a few moments before answering.
“I’d like nothing more.”
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3: Sad Kiss: Ezra Standish
Takes place in the episode of “The New Law.”
Marshal Bryce was taking over, imposing new laws. Pushing the seven men that had been protecting Four Corners out. You shifted as Ezra came up to you taking his hat off.  “I can’t believe this Bryce character! He can’t just kick you guys out! You’ve been keeping us safe! Safer than any sheriff could out here!”
He started to chuckle, “Please, tell me how you really feel.” He took a deep breath. “Actually I wanted to talk to you about this.” Your heart stopped, you prayed that he wasn’t about to say what you knew he was. “I’m going to leave.” You fought the tears building up, you didn’t have much of a right to be upset. Sure you flirted off and on with him but nothing ever really came from it. Mostly because your father warned you against him, and you were pretty sure he threatened the man before you more than once.
“Oh,” was the only thing you said. You looked at your feet, then up at him. “Just like that? Where will you go?”
“Wherever the trail takes me I guess,” he shrugged, “Maybe St. Louis. I suppose it’s a good thing that I never let my skills deteriorate.” He looked off, rubbing his thumb over his lip. “I-I just wanted you to know that I was leaving. I wanted to see you before I left because I don’t plan on coming back while Bryce is running things.”
“I’ll miss you,” whispered honestly.
“Y-You could come with me you know,” Ezra suggested quietly, looking at you again. “Take you across this country. Show you things, you never imagined.”
“You know I can’t do that. Pa would never let me, he thinks this Marshal Bryce is a hero. And you know how he feels about you.” Ezra dropped his head with a huff and a grin playing on his lips and you smiled in spite of your aching heart. “Even if I could, I could never keep up.” You laughed, but it was weak and watery.
“I-I figured. But, I felt It was worth the attempt.” A heavy silence fell between you, there was so much you wished you could say, that you could tell him. You wished you had disobeyed your father, taken your chance with the gambler. But now, it was all too late, it was useless.
“I-I don’t know what to say, so I guess this is goodbye,” You put your hand out to him. He smiled and took your hand in his, “It’s been a pleasure, Ezra. Write to me, I want to know every detail.”
He didn’t say anything at first, just looking into your eyes and it was like the world had stopped. Finally, he pulled you in by your hand and kissed you. It was soft and warm, unlike anything you had ever felt. There was so much unsaid words in this one gesture, so much emotion. As much as it filled your soul with warmth, it ripped your heart from you. Knowing this was the first and last kiss. And after these few seconds was over, when this one moment was over, he was gone. He pulled away, squeezing your hand he still had in his grasp. “This has been my greatest pleasure knowing you.” He placed a kiss on your fingertips, holding it there for a few seconds, eyes closed.” He pulled away and started backing away from you, “Goodbye,” he whispered, his voice sounding thick with emotion. He didn’t let go of your hand right away, allowing your hands to slowly pull apart. He took a few more paces backward after your fingertips slipped away from one another. It was almost as if he was committing you to memory before placing his hat on, touching the brim, and forcing himself to turn from you. 
You finally let the tears slide down your cheeks as you watched him mount his horse with the other men, heading off away from you and the others. You watched until you couldn’t make out his form against the horizon and long past that.
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How about some Ezra and “Everything’s gonna be fine! Y-you’ll be fine! You’ll see!” ?? :D it's okay if you've already gotten too many, or if this ones been taken.
This is your warning that most if not all of the Road Trip Drabbles contain descriptions of blood and injuries. And some may contain death. This has been your warning proceed at your own discretion. 
Fire. That was a good word for the pain that exploded through your body. You tried to catch your breath, but that seemed nearly impossible. The ground, well what you thought was the ground moved from underneath you. You stared up at the sky, placing a hand on your abdomen where that fire originated. It was wet. You lifted your hand up and waited for your eyes to focus on the blood covering your hand.
“Good Lord. Nathan!” You felt pressure on your abdomen. “Now, what did you do that for,” Ezra asked, panic seeping into his voice. You didn’t answer, turning your head to try and focus on his face. “Why did you push me down?”
“You didn’t seem him,” you rasped. “C-Couldn’t let him,” your voice was failing you as you struggled to breathe. It scared you but you sucked in a breath to finish “Kill you.”
“Though grateful. That seems foolish, getting yourself injured for me.” He was trying so hard to hide his fear, but you could see it in his eyes.
You shook your head slightly, “Not foolish.” You felt tears build, the pain and fear overwhelming you. “Am I going to die?”
“No,” He smiled, taking the less bloody hand to rest on your face, thumb rubbing over your cheek. “No, everything’s gonna be fine! Y-you’ll be fine! You’ll see!” He raised his face from you shouting attempt to shout out again, his voice faltering into a whisper, “N-Nathan.” Then he let out a clearly scared yell, “Nathan! Get over here!”
You heard soft footfalls and you looked up at Nathan as he examined your wound. He looked up at Ezra and barely shook his head. You knew it.
“There must be something,” you barely heard the whisper.
“I’m going to get something for the pain.”
Ezra adjusted himself to pull you into his lap, cradling you. “Now, you just relax alright? Everything will be just fine.” You stared up at him, and him down at you, knowing full well it wasn’t okay.
“You shouldn’t have done that,” he whispered.
“But then you would be dying. Four Cor-Corners needs you.”
“What about you,” he did his damnedest not to let the emotion out but it was becoming too much.
“I just make sure the printing press doesn’t run out of ink. Y-you…your wonderful.” Your world was going dark around the edges. In reality, this was not the worst way to go, in the arms of the man you loved and admired. Someone who went out of his way to say good morning. Someone who escorted you almost everywhere. Maybe you should tell him you love him. No. No that would be cruel to leave him with. You started to smile as you let your eyes shut and your body relax. No, this was not a bad way to go.
What was bad was what happened after your breathing stopped. After you had left your body you had no idea how Ezra begged. How he pleaded with deities he wasn’t sure that existed, burying his face into your shoulder, letting out raspy broken cries. Never knowing how he called himself a coward for never telling how he felt. You might have been in a better place, he thought, but surely he was in hell without you.
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Chapter Summary: You arrive at the town only to unexpectedly run into a relative.
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 3986
Warnings: Always pining.
CHAPTER FIVE: The Trip pt. 2: Meeting the family
When you woke in the morning you noticed the fire was out, you glanced over at the horses and saw Ezra tightening the girths. You shifted and remembered the jacket laying over you wasn’t yours. You smiled at it, you stood holding it in your hands. You brushed it off as you walked towards him you came up you his side, holding out the jacket.
“Thank you,” you said suddenly to get his attention.
“It was my pleasure,” He took the jacket, sliding it on. “Good morning, I left you some coffee over on that flat rock there with a sandwich, if you want it.” He waved his hand off in the direction, as he turned his attention back to the horses.
“Thank you, I think I’ll take you up on that. And good morning to you too.” You drank the coffee, fairly quickly as it was just barely warm and finished the sandwich as quickly as possible so you could help him finish packing up and set off to finish the journey.
After another almost full day of riding, with Ezra, though he denied it, taking small naps in the saddle. You finally came up to the town which was still on the smaller side but still quite a bit larger than the strip of road you called home. “I’ve been here before in passing,” Ezra spoke up. “Things can get a little rough at night. How would you feel sharing a hotel room? I’ll take the floor, you take the bed.”
“I would prefer not to put you on the floor, Ezra.”
“And I would prefer not to take the chance of you ending up dead or worse.” He shifted on his horse. “I’d be run out of Four Corners.”
You chuckled looking over at him, but his face was serious and your face fell. “Now you are just being dramatic. Alright.” He dismounted and reached to help you down. You sighed and took his hand as you dismounted. He lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it before putting back in the crook of his arm. A sensation that could be described as cold electricity ran up your arm.
He leaned in close to your ear and whispered, ”appearances are everything.” You kept quiet and let him lead you into the hotel.
“Hello,” Ezra’s voice was bright and cheery, “I need a room for my wife and I.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Smith.” The clerk made a few quick notes before retrieving a key. “
“How long will you be staying?”
“Tonight, that’s it.” Ezra finished business and you carried a few supplies to the room. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“The name is a bit mundane,” you teased. “And there are worst fake husbands in the world.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Yes?”
“How have I only known you a short time and you have been my wife twice?”
“You are just lucky,” You both laughed it off as he rolled out his bedroll.
“Well I often consider myself so, this is no exception.” He laid back on the roll, hands behind his head. “Oh, my, my. I swear I could doze off right now.”
“We should get something to eat.”
Dinner was quick and “barely tolerable,” according to Ezra. And as soon as your head hit the pillow you were out from the exhausting trip.
The next morning you woke up to deep, even breathing sounds filling the room. You stretched and sat up. You spotted Ezra who was deep in sleep his coat laid across his chest, a hand resting atop his chest and his other arm at his side. You took a second to admire him and how peaceful he looked. The way his face was relaxed, lips parted, his chest rising and falling steadily. Despite how much you wished you could have stayed there in this quiet moment, you had work to do. So you got up and gently poked him with your foot. “Ezra?”
He shifted, “Darlin, did I not say that morning did not suit me?” His voice was thick and filled with gravel. You laughed and nudged him with your toes again, whilst you tried to rationalized having your heart race at the term of endearment.
“Ezra lets go, I want to get back to town as soon as possible. And I’m assuming you don’t want me leaving by myself.”
Ezra groaned and sat up, “You’re right,” he mumbled rolling his bedroll. He stood stretching out his back and neck. He chucked heading over to the mirror, he scratched at the faint shadow that had grown, “how the others deal with hair on their faces is far beyond my comprehension.” He reached into one of the saddlebags pulling out a few items. “You don’t mind, do you? If I wait till we get back to town I’ll want to -”
You shook your head laughing, “No, no. Go on. If I have to fake being married to you, I want a presentable husband.”
“Ha,ha,” he deadpanned, but you could see the mirth in his eyes from the reflection. You tried to keep yourself busy, but you kept looking over to watch him shave. This comfort in your presence did not go unnoticed. When he was done, he took his sleeve gun rig, moving towards you. “Put out your dominant hand.”
“Why,” you asked while obeying. He placed the rig on your arm getting to work on fastening it.
“I want you to wear this in case we get in trouble,” it sounded so dumb when you thought about it but your heart started to race as he angled himself around you to better fasten the device.
“You plan on getting me in trouble, Standish,” you turned your head towards him as you attempted to joke. But your breath caught even more in your chest. Why in the hell were you acting like this? He was your friend.
“Me,” he feigned hurt, flicking his gaze up to you. “Get you in trouble, darlin’? Never,” he promised as he smiled and winked. There it was again. Darlin’. Since when were you anything besides your name to him. “But trouble has had a tendency of finding me, and no doubt will find you too” He cupped your hand palm-side up, and once again heat was rising in your cheeks and your mouth started to go dry. Maybe you were getting sick, that would explain it.
“I could just carry the gun in my bag.”
“Too slow,” Now, all you have to do is flick your wrist back. About here,” he slowly bent your hand back, his touch gentle as he eased your wrist back. “Just flick it like that.”
You did and the small gun launched into your hand and you let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You started to grin wildly, “wow. That’s something.”
“Truly one of my best assets. Come on now, you have work to do.”He took no time slipping his revolver into his holster. He grabbed the few things you took in with you, placed on his hat, and out the door he went with you in tow. 
After business at the hotel was taken care of you roamed the streets looking for the proper shops for what when you heard your name. You spun and saw a short portly woman in a light green dress coming right for you. Your aunt, “Oh no.”
“Y/N,” she knew that you had seen and heard her, so there no choice but to wait for her to reach you and wrap her arms around you.
“Aunt Katherine! What are you doing here? I thought you were still living back East!” It came out far more panicked then you were intending.
“What’s the harm in wanting to surprise my favorite niece! I should ask you what you are doing here! I thought you were in that little Four Corners town.”
“I am. I came to get supplies we need for our clinic.” That’s when her eyes landed on Ezra who was standing at your elbow, eyes flitting around the crowd before coming back to land on your and your aunt.
“And who is this,” suddenly his face brightened and a charming grin took up most of his face.
“Ezra Standish ma’am.” He stuck his hand out graciously waiting for a hand that never came. He gave a few forced laughs before putting down his hand and continuing. “I’m sure you’ve heard of the seven men that protect our quaint little villa. I’m one of them. I’m making sure one of our healers has safe passage and a traveling companion.” He placed a hand on your shoulder, as if that was going to make your aunt feel any better about him.
“Oh, yes,” her voice dropped a bit. “I had heard. I had also read. I thought that little novel was made up, but more rumors and oral stories came the closer I got.”
“Novel,” Ezra asked, then his face fell, “Oh. Jock Steele.”
“Yes, yes! That’s his name, The Magnificent Seven, have you read it?”
“I’ve heard a few lines as one of my colleagues was reading it. I think I will survive without the rest of that drivel.”
You finally spoke up again, “I’ll let you borrow my copy.” He turned to you, shocked. “What? Though reductive, his portrayals are not that far off. It’s not like I knew I stumbled into the “no-name town’ from the novel. I thought he made it all up too.”
“I think calling it reductive is too generous. From what I understand I was hardly in it.”
You smiled, folding your arms, “Are you just jealous that big bad Chris Larabee got more pages in the ‘drivel’ than you.” He made a disgusted scoff, bringing his hands from his side up to hook into his gun belt.
“Please. I’m just saying there is more to me, and the other’s for that matter, than-”
Your aunt interrupted, “well dear if you need help gathering supplies I’ve been in town for a few days, the stage for your town wasn’t scheduled to leave till tomorrow, I could help you collect what you need.”
You turned to Ezra, “Um, I think I’ll be okay with my aunt don’t you?”
He sucked in his lower lip a second, running his thumb thinking it over, “I’ll stay close by, so you can catch up if you want. I’ll give you privacy. Just yell if you need me.”
You smiled and nodded. “Aye, aye,” you teased giving a mock salute. He gave one back and touched the brim of his hat towards your aunt.
“Pleasure to have met you, ma’am,” he tried but she just turned on her heel and walked away. “That went well.” You shook your head turning to follow your aunt further into town.
“I don’t like him,” you aunt spoke suddenly as you entered a shop.
“Aunt Kay,” you sighed. “Please.”
“He’s a paid gunman! They all are! On top of that, he’s a gambler!”
“No, they’re lawmen.  We don’t have a sheriff out there, he ran out. They keep us safe.” You looked through some bottles, inspecting the labels. You hoped she didn’t notice that you didn’t answer the backside of her statement. “They’re my friends.”
“I knew it was dangerous! You should send the supplies with him and come home with me.”
“I like it there,” you looked at her as you paid for the few bottles and herbs you picked up and slipped them into your bag.
“Just look at this town, it’s so small and dusty and barely has anything. And I’m sure your town is worst.”
“You really aren’t going to let this go, are you?”
“Just look what the west has done to you! You aren’t wearing a dress and your face is dirty, your hair looks a mess.”
“Dresses are not ideal for long rides Aunt Kay, and trails are dirty, and I need to get back to Four Corners soon. I don’t have time for appearances this moment.”
As you exited you spotted Ezra sitting on the boardwalk surrounded by children, “Now you said it was the six of clubs?” The kids nodded and agreed. “Alright, then let’s spell it out. S-I-X,” He continued like that, laying out face down cards with each letter. When he got to the end he dealt the next card face up producing the six of clubs. The children clapped, asking him to do it again, and to show them another trick. You watched him sweep up the cards, grinning as he began to shuffle the cards, clearly talking them around for another trick.
Your attention was pulled back to your aunt once you entered a different shop. “You are fixing to get yourself killed out there. And all for a man.”
“Excuse me? I want to help people, I can help people out there. Not in the city.”
“Y/F/N, I’ve been looking after you since you were ten. I know what your moony look is, you look at him like he blesses the earth wherever he steps.”
“I do not,” You scoffed. “He saved my life. I owe him that. Besides that, he’s a friend. A close one, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time with him and the other men.”
“Right, you know love may be blind, but the neighbors aren’t.” You groaned again, “ I don’t like it. What about James?”
You shook your head, refusing to look at her. “How did I know this was coming?”
“He was devastated when you left! I thought you two loved one another.”
“He loved me. No, he loved the idealized version of me that he wanted at home and making him sons. He told me ‘you don’t need to worry about medicine anymore.’”
“I thought that was sweet of him! Would it be so horrible to have a safe home life, Y/N? Why can’t you just find yourself a nice young man in the city? Like a banker, or a Lawyer?”
“That’s boring and I like to work! These people need me. You always supported me before”
“I tolerated it. I didn’t know what to do. I thought that was how you were grieving.”
“Really? Because I was under your roof until a few months ago. Don’t you think you should have caught on sooner,” you asked your voice growing as bored and irritated as you felt.
“I wish I did. If I had known you would run off west to a backwater gutter of a town and go falling in love with a gunslinging, cheating bastard, I would have set you up with a nice man long ago.”
You spun on her, rage suddenly taking over you. To fast to control it and hold anything back, “Take it back. You take it back right now. You do not get to talk about my town or him like that. You don’t know them. I do. They are good people.”
“You are not honestly defending them. You’ve only known them a short time. We had a lovely time back in Illinois!”
“I know that they are nice. And they deserve someone to care for them. And I know that I trust them with my life. We are building something great out there, something special. I also know that Ezra and the other 6 men that protect the town are my friends. Ezra is brave, smart, a-and,” You caught yourself. “And I don’t like him that way.”
“I have a chicken that lays golden eggs.” You groaned again, “Fine. Be that way.”
“Maybe it’s best if I finish my shopping on my own,” you attempted to walk away but she grabbed you by the arm. All you could think was to be grateful it wasn’t the one with the rig. You could only imagine how that would go over, it be ugly, uglier.
She held bother your upper arms, forcing you to look at her. “Why won’t you listen to me? I just want what’s best for you.”
“And I found what’s best for me,” you answered honestly, “I’m happy.”
“Fine. Fine, just know that you can always come home. I’ll leave you with your scoundrel.” You raised your head above hers and waited for her to leave you alone. As you heard her footsteps recede you sighed, why couldn’t she just get it?
The rest of the shopping went on without a hitch, some of the larger items you arranged to have sent on the stage. It was almost peaceful if it weren’t your aunts words echoing in your head.
As you were packing up the horses you heard a commotion come from the saloon, then you saw a red-clad form stumble out falling into the dirt. He scrambled up and was bolting for you, You mounted your horse as was running up you heard him shout, “We need to leave!” 
“What did you do,” you shouted at him as he mounted hastily, causing the beast to almost rear.
“Listen, the proprietors of that establishment are being generous and are allowing me to leave as long as we are out of their town limits in the next five minutes and I would like to have some room for error. ” He dug his heels into the horse's side and bolted and you followed right after him.
After you had gained quite a bit of ground you slowed your horses, catching your breath. And his was the first to speak. “I apologize. I- Well I was just-”
“It’s fine Ezra, I was about to go in and get you,” you could hear the anger dripping into your voice. You turned to look him over and saw a small gash on his cheek. “Did someone hit you? You’re bleeding, let me help,” you pulled your horse to a stop dismounting and pointing to a small rock. “Sit.”
“He had a hell right hook,” He grumbled as you started soaking a rag in water from your canteen. You stood between his legs, bowing slightly to reach his face. You reached out and held his head in place with one hand as you gently dabbed the rag to the cut and he flinched.
“So did they catch on to the great Ezra Standish?” You glanced at him a brief moment before turning your attention back to his wound.
“No. I caught him. I abhor amateurs,” he scoffed as you adjusted the rag, pressing on the wound.
“You can’t keep that big mouth of your shut can you?” You smiled and his eyes flicked to yours snapping.
“One of my limited number of weaknesses,” he attempted to smile but it ended up a wince.
You scoffed, “Sure. Limited.”
“He did accuse me of cheating though. He saw me with the children, and put together the intelligent thought if I could do card tricks I could cheat.”
“You? Cheat? The nerve of some people,” you chuckled causing him to smile at you.
“I know, the gull it must take to accuse me of such a crime.” You slowly pulled the rag from the wound, looking up at him and letting your hand that was holding him still drop to his shoulder. It was in these few seconds that you finally registered how close you were to him. How easy it would be to just lean up and kiss him.  How much you wanted to. Your eyes were drawn to his lips when he licked them. It felt like an eternity in just a few seconds. Even though you swore you felt him start to lean towards you; you stood up quickly with a huff. Leaving yourself a lingering thought of ‘what if,’ which only made your already heated anger, brighter. “There. You should be fine.”
He eyed you suspiciously as you practically threw the rag into the saddlebag, “Are you mad at me? Or something else?”
“My aunt. She wants me to go back east. Get married, have children, be safe. Which means don’t be a doctor.”
“Ulck,” Ezra’s nose crinkled up as he stood up, approaching you slowly. “Sorry, that just. That sounds horrible. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but that doesn’t sound like you.”
“Because it’s not,” you confirmed as you swung around to him. “That’s why I ran out here. I was running from that.”
“May the good Lord help the man whose heart you snare. He has a difficult road ahead of him,” He huffed, but had a warm smile as he swung up into his saddle.
“It wouldn’t be such a hard road if I was listened to,” you bit back, settling up on your own horse.
You didn’t know what you expected, but it wasn’t a soft, “agreed,” as he urged his horse forward.
You had fallen into silence again, which gave your mind time to rehash over what your aunt had said, you started to bristle in your saddle. What did she know? She’d just met Ezra, and she had never been to Four Corners, hell the woman had never been out West except for this trip. Now nothing was going to stop her from trying to drag you home.
Not to mention that moment, hell this whole trip with Ezra at your side. Why did you feel weird when he was close? And why didn’t you do it? Why didn’t you just admit what you wanted and kiss him? Why were you so upset you didn’t kiss him? Why were you so upset about how your aunt insulted Ezra. Well surely you should have been, he was your close companion. Any attack against him felt like a personal attack against you. She had no idea how sweet he was, how kind, how-
Ezra must have noticed your stiffness because he cleared his throat and spoke, “You still thinking about your Aunt?”
“Yeah.” You spoke curtly, hoping he wouldn’t press.
“Ah, yes, I figured that would be sticking with you.”
“She said nasty things about the town.”
“And me I wager,” you snapped your head at him, but he was looking ahead. “I told you. I know that look.”
“She called you a bastard,” you admitted with distaste.
“Technically true,” he still looked ahead, “What else did she say.”
“Called Four Corners a gutter. And that’s just not fair. She has no right to be so,” you sighed. “Sorry, nevermind. It’s stupid I shouldn’t have gotten so upset.”
“You really care about the life you’ve been building. I fail to see how that is stupid.”
“Of course I care. Being in that town is the first time I’ve felt like myself since my dad died. The first time I’ve felt like I wasn’t missing a piece of me. Like I belong.”
Ezra didn’t say anything at first but smiled looking over at you. It was small and tight-lipped, it lifted his eyes slightly as they twinkled with warmth. “And that my dear, that is something beautiful. You should hold onto that tight. That feeling is rare in my opinion.” His face was so vulnerable and sincere as if what you just said struck a chord in him. Oh, you wished he would always look at you like that always.
That’s when it hit you like a hoof to the chest, you loved him. 
God damn it.
Tags: @make-me-imagine
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Chapter Summary: A trip out of town forces you and Ezra to be alone. 
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 2731
Warnings: Always pining.
A/N: This is the longest part so far! Yay?!? Also The day this is posted it’s Anthony Starke’s birthday! YAY!!! 
CHAPTER FOUR: The Trip pt. 1
For a town that sure got you into a load of trouble your first week, it had been quite a few weeks almost a month without an event. Everyone went on, living their lives, fortunately not getting themselves in trouble or injured, or sick. Which meant you spent a lot of time out on the boardwalk, reading, chit-chatting with the few ladies you knew. Some afternoons you sat in the saloon with the men you had grown so fond of and had taken you into the fold like you had always been there. 
And as worried you were, things were not weird between you and Ezra. You half expected the man to never look at you, let alone speak to you again after he poured himself out to you. To your surprise, he acted like nothing had happened, in fact, perhaps, things were better. You still talked, laughed, and teased one another. Every so often in the middle of a conversation touching his arm to grab his attention, which you already had.
Then there was that moment he stood behind you, hands on your shoulders, pitching the idea of the ‘Standish Tavern,’ to you. Gesturing around the room, his voice filled with hope and excitement as he described where he’d put the new piano, and fresh tables. And you admit it got to you, you laughed and nodded along. Agreeing that it would be, ‘a sight to behold.’ The excitement in his voice was so genuine, so pure that it made your heart swell. It was like you finally understood why he was such a good conman, the way he laid out the prospect like it was a secret only he and you knew. And you almost believed it, almost. Either way, you thought anyone who wanted something as bad as he wanted this, should get it.
Then it made you think how big that donation was. He must've given well over half of what the cost of that saloon was, setting him back, who knew how long. You were silent for almost the entirety of the night after that. Stuck in contemplation of why the hell he would do that for you. Why would someone ever give up such a large amount of money, to begin with, but set himself back on something he’s clearly dreamed of? You just didn’t understand.
With the all the visual indications that you and Ezra were glued at the hip most days the rest of the boys were growing frustrated. You two danced around one another, always almost meeting in the middle. You were just so damned blind to the other’s advances it seemed.
 it was getting so ridiculous that there was a betting pool. Nathan, Josiah and even JD to a degree didn’t think it was quite right to be betting on another man’s love life. The other three defended Ezra would be honored to be the center of a bet, poetic even. Needless to say, the other’s threw in money into the pot.
Also needless to say there were plots to force you together, even the ones who betted against Ezra and you. It was getting painful.
“Mr. Larabee!” Chris looked up where he was whittling a piece of wood.
“Good morning, Miss. Y/L/N. How can I help you?”
“I need to go a few towns over to get some supplies, Nathan and I discussed he should stay, an’ he also said I should ask you or one of the others to go with me in case of trouble.” About this time Buck came wandering up.
“I see, well I’m about to go on border patrol for the town with Buck. But uh,” He glanced around and smiled as his eyes found on Ezra walking across the way. “Hey, Ezra!” The man looked over and Chris motioned him over. “Take Ezra, he’s a talker I hope that’s okay,” Chris shared as Ezra reached you.
“Mr. Larabee, but what do you need?”
“To take one of our doctors out of town to get supplies. Get saddled up.”
“Right, I’ll get your horse, Miss, Y/N,” He touched the brim of his hat with a smile.
“It’ll be a few days, make sure you have your bedroll, I’ll get some food supplies.”
He nodded, “Alright ma’am,” soon you were saddled up and on your way.
Buck sat beside Chris as they watched you and Ezra head off, “Chris, ain’t Josiah and JD already on patrol?”
Chris turned back to his whittling, “Sure are.”
“You sly son of a bitch,” Buck slapped his friend’s back as he laughed.
“Well someone has to point them in the right direction. I’m just getting tired watching them run in circles around each other is all.”
“So you’re talkative,” you started the conversation after about 10 minutes of silence. “Chris promised me talkative.” You laughed as you glanced over at your protector.
“I prefer conversationalist. A quality that some of my partners find annoying I’m sure. I guarantee you Mr. Larabee will never go on patrol with me.” You laughed, “Then again he likes to conduct patrol at dawn or before and I am not equipped for that lifestyle.”
“Not a morning person?”
“I am hardly a daytime person. When you spend nights cleaning out traveling cowboys, you stay up long past the sun. And somedays the feather bed is just too comforting”
“You stack the deck every time?”
“You don’t need to with half of them. Dumber than sand, and drunker than skunks.” You laughed and he glanced at you. “What?”
“Nothing. What else have you done?”
“Plenty. Most I’m not proud of, not anymore. Some I am. In the way of that, they were executed almost perfectly.”
“What is one you are proud of?”
“The time I faked being a preacher sticks out right now. Spoke some scary words about God, the devil,” Suddenly his voice became very theatrical, “the flames of hell licking at their heels.”
You laughed and he grinned at you, “and that worked?”
“That and I did let a few rattlesnakes bite me, without the parts that make them poisonous. Claim my faith makes me whole and healthy. You pass around an offering plate after a performance like that?” He whistled, “That was a good one. It lasted a while too.”
“Wow,” you nodded, chuckling a bit. “Impressive.  So, what happened? Or did you just move on?”
Ezra started to laugh a bit nervously, “Well uh, I got run out.”
“Did they find the snakes without their fangs?”
“And some other things. Outstayed my welcome,” He forced out an embarrassed cough before moving on. “How about you, do you have any stories like that?”
You thought for a moment, “Hmm, a few. I didn’t take the fangs out of snakes but, when I was about sixteen my aunt and I moved to Illinois. It was on the smaller side, still quite a bit larger Four Corners. We had a doctor, and if he was in a good mood he let me help him. Mostly he paid me to run errands.
“Anyway my father was not just, ‘unconventional’ for teaching me medicine. He also made sure I could defend myself. As if he knew I was going out west. If those men didn’t ambush me the way they did I could have taken them.”
“Of course,” Ezra nodded, “So what did you do?”
“This man, a loose definition mind you, wanted me to go with him. I said no. He moved to grab my arm and I broke his.”
His eyebrows rocketed skyward, “My, My remind me to never get on your bad side.”
“The best part was that I had to reset it because the doc was outta town.”
He chuckled,”listen, if you are as strong as you say, and you ever want to make some extra money,” He trailed.
“Are you suggesting we hussle the good people of our town?”
“Me? Never. I am only suggesting we could take some of those staggering, over baring oafs down a peg or two. I’m not talking much, but it could be fun.”
“Could be dangerous.”
“Do you honestly think I’d place you in danger. Doesn’t really matter I suppose. It’s not as if Nathan would let me get away with it, even if you did consent.”
You fell silent for a while nothing but the steady beating of hoof beats. It was comfortable and easy like it didn’t matter you weren’t filling the silence. That it was okay to just exist with him. It was okay just to be you with him. Ezra felt the same, swaying in his own saddle. He always felt like he had to fill the void with others, silence had always bugged him, even as a boy. It made him nervous, he didn’t know why. He was afraid of it, that he was sure of. Over the last few years he had grown more comfortable with it with the other men, but you this ease wasn’t practiced, it fell into a place instantly.
Topics shifted easily, laughs intermingled with small talk that disappeared as fast as it started. You pointed out clouds that you thought made shapes, commenting how much you watched clouds when you were younger. Ezra mentioned he was more of a stars person.
“I would love to learn the constellations.”
“I’d be happy to teach them to you sometime. I have found the roof of the hotel is an excellent place to watch the stars”
You snapped your head towards him, “The roof?”
“As much as I appreciate the company of the other men, sometimes one requires some solitude. I have found the hotel preferable. Mr. Tanner prefers the curch’s roof. Often up there with a book, perhaps some of my finer whiskey. Maybe watch the sunset.”
“Huh,” you smiled, “That does sound nice.”
As night started to fall you found someplace near a rock face and a few dead trees, “I think we should rest here. There’s nowhere anyone could ambush us, easily at least. We’ll start a fire. I’ll keep watch, you rest, we’ll continue at dawn break.”
“What about you,” you questioned dismounting and securing your horse to the tree.
“I’ll be fine until we get where we going.” You unpacked your bedroll to lay it near the rock face, doing the same for Ezra’s as he started the fire. You sat back opening the small paper package handing your travel partner a sandwich. “Thank you.”
“You sure you’ll be fine? We can take turns,” you suggested between bites.
“I promise, I’ll be fine. just rest alright?”
“I just think it’ll be better if my assigned protection wasn’t exhausted,” you justified which earned you an exasperated sigh.
“I have gone longer without sleep, my dear. I also happen to be a light sleeper, even if I was to doze off I would wake up.” Now, you let out a sigh resting your head against the rock, turning to look at him.
“You’re stubborn you know that?”
“I have been informed a few times.” You let out a huffed laughed and shook your head.
You watched the sun dip below the horizon, the sky turning brilliant hues of orange and pink. You eased yourself against your bedroll, attempting to get comfortable. “Last time I was out here, I was alone. And thinking that I was never going to find somewhere I could call home. Considering turning back. Wondering If my happiness, if what I wanted was worth it.”
“I’m glad you didn’t turn back,” Ezra poked at the fire with a stick, looking into the flames.
“Me too,” you agreed watching him instead of the fire. “Ezra.” He hummed in response. “Thank you for being a friend and trusting me. It’s been quite some time since I’ve been around someone I’ve felt so comfortable with.”
“I suppose I should thank you for trusting me. Especially after what I told you.”
“Like I said, you are a good man.”
Ezra scoffed and shook his head, “Hardly, my dear girl please do not let my manners fool you.”
“You are definitely not a bad man. I know those like the back of my hand. I’ve broken their hands”
“I know I’m not good,” he huffed still staring into the fire. 
“I guess we are just at an impasse then?”
Ezra chuckled, “I guess so. Just don’t bet me to prove you wrong.”
“It’s a deal, Ezra.” You chuckled looking over at him and he returned it over his shoulder, biting his tongue between his lip and top teeth. He turned back to the fire and you decided to rest your eyes falling into a deep sleep.
Ezra stood stretching stepping towards his horse, “Hey boy.” Chaucer tossed his head and nosed his waist pocket, “What? We have a sweet tooth today?” Ezra pulled out a sugar cube offering it to the horse. He turn back towards you as the pony nibbled at his hand. “She’s beautiful, wouldn’t you agree, Chaucer?” The horse whinnied, “What am I to do about her? I swear, she occupies nearly every thought. I’ve never-” he trailed off, shaking his head. “What do I do?” Chaucer pushed his nose against Ezra’s back forcing him to take a few steps forward. “What?” He was pushed forward again and the horse nickered. Ezra gently pushed the nose back, starting to chuckle. “Oh, what do you know? You’re a horse.” Just then your pony snorted, “alright, alright hush.” He moved over to where you had tied her down. “Just as vocal as your partner? I wasn’t going to forget you.” He pulled out a sugar cube and fed it to the mare. He patted the side of her neck. “See? I couldn’t forget someone as pretty as you. Maybe I owe you a thank you. For carrying her out here to me.” The horse tossed her head, “I’m going to take that as you’re welcome,” she said as he patted the soft nose and started to walk away.
He made his way back over to you and the fire. You had your arms around you tightly as if you were trying to pull your jacket tighter in your sleep. Ezra watched as you shivered suddenly, it was so violent it woke you. This caused you to look around in a blurry confused manner.
Pulling off his jacket he made his way to you. “Here, you must be freezing. Can’t have you catching a cold.”
“Huh,” you looked up in sleep-idled confusion to see him standing above you laying his jacket over your shivering form. “What about you?” You reached out and grabbed his hand. “Won’t you be cold?”
“Thick skin,” Ezra joked and attempted to pull away but you refuse to let go.
“Says your cold hands. Sit next to me, I don’t want you to catch your death because of me.”
“I-I have the fire. Don’t worry about me, darlin’.”
“I want to,” You sat up, yawning. “You have spent all this time worrying over me. Let me return the favor.”
“I’m fine,” he insisted.
You screwed up your face in a defiant determination, “What if I’m still cold? We don’t have extra blankets and I’m not so good sleeping that close to the light.” It was a dirty trick to get him close, you knew that. Using this as an excuse to get close to him, to have an excuse to touch him. But in all honesty, you were worried about his health too. The winds could whip and nip at noses and fingers. Ezra stood still a minute rubbing his thumb against his pointer and middle finger in a nervous gesture.
“It would be right unkind of me then to abandon you.”
“Certainly would,” you smiled widely as he settled next to you pressing his shoulder against yours. You shifted his jacket so it covered mostly him. “Much obliged, Mr. Standish.” 
You fell asleep quickly, your head lolling over onto Ezra’s shoulder, your breathing deep and even. Slowly he pulled out his arm, reaching slowly, as not to wake you, around your shoulders. He pulled you in a bit closer, for the pure reason of making sure that you were warm and comfortable. As any gentleman would do, he told himself. He rested his head against the rock behind him, before mumbling to himself. “What am I to do?”
A/N PT2: Friendly reminder that you can be added to a tag list for this fic, so you get an alert to when it is updated!
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 2697
Warnings: Pining 
A/N: Nothing much to say but we are making our way into the story by that I mean the pining.  Also in case you are curious that alternative title for this was “It’s a deal.” which will become more obvious the further we get.
CHAPTER TWO: Small Favors
It had been a few days since the new doctor in town had almost hung, and the buzz was starting to die down as the town returned to its somewhat normal rhythm.
Vin and Chris where walking pass the clothing shop when Vin stopped when he caught a familiar figure in the window. Vin grabbed Chris’ arm, “hold it. Is that Ezra?”
“How many shirts does one man need?”
“He ain’t looking at shirts, come on,” Vin yanked Chris into the shop and found their companion looking at dresses. “That looks mighty fine on you Ezra.”
“Yeah, it’d really bring out your eyes.”
Ezra turned, gripping a dress in his hands, his surprise quickly masking back to indifference. “Hah. This isn’t for me gentlemen.”
“Are you sure,” Chris pushed.
“Who’s the girl then?”
“Miss. Y/L/N. Her dress was ruined in that whole ordeal so, I thought I might, on behalf of all of us, of course.”
“Of course,” the men chimed in together.
“Get her a replacement.”
“Since when are you a bleeding heart, Ezra,” Vin tilted his head to the side laughing as Ezra hung up the dress, reaching for another, this one a deep blue.
“Since she’s a beautiful woman,” Chris laughed.
“I will not deny her beauty, but this is not about that. She has had a rough few days I just thought it be hospitable of us to replace it. Nothing more, serving the public if you will.”
“Right,” Vin nodded slowly, “Well we’ll leave you to it, come on Chris.”
“Make sure you sign it from all of us.”
The two men laughed as the existed and Ezra moved to purchase the dress. “Can you deliver this to the Hotel? Room 6.”
“Certainly Mr. Standish. She’ll have it later today.”
Only two days later, Ezra sat out in front of the saloon, feet propped up on a barrel. his green jacket draped over the back. He was messing with his cards listening to and occasionally joining in on JD’s and Buck’s conversation.
“How come you don’t think I’m funny? I have good jokes!”
“Listen, kid, they suck. There ain’t no shame in not being funny! Just look at Ezra, man is as funny as a saddlebag, but he’s getting on fine!”
“I can hear you, you know?”
“I am funnier than Ezra,” JD bit back. “Maybe it’s you who-” JD stopped looking over Buck’s shoulder. Buck made a face and turned his head.
“Oh wow.” It was time for Ezra to sit up and lean forward, and a small smile pulled at his lips as you were walking up the way towards them. In the new dress and you looked ravishing. You beamed at the men as you reached them.
“Good morning, Mr. Standish,” you gushed, “Buck, JD.”
“My, Miss. Y/N,” Buck stepped forward. “You look lovely. Is that a new dress?”
“It is! Do you really think I look pretty,” You swayed a bit letting the fabric swish.”
“Very fetching, Miss. Y/L/N. That color looks marvelous,” Ezra cooed, leaning his elbows on his knees.
You started to blush, “Thank you. Really, without you, I wouldn’t look this nice! Thank you, gentlemen.”
“Why are you thanking us for,” Buck looked from JD to Ezra, back to you.
“Well you got me this dress, the note said from the Seven.”
“I think there has been a mistake, we, at least I never went shopping for a dress, did you JD?”
“Naw, I think I remember that.”
“I  did it,” Ezra spoke up, finally standing up. “Well, Really Vin, Chris and I,” he covered quickly picking up his jacket and brushing it off before sliding it on. “Well, They were there at least.”
“Well, thank you, Mr. Standish. I should have known you did this. It’s such a nice dress and you always look so handsome yourself.” You did your best to make it just sound like a nice compliment, and not what it was, flirting.
He looked up after straightening his coat, a broad grin with that devilish twinkle in his eye. “I knew you were a smart girl.” There were a few seconds of you and Ezra looking at each other before JD interrupted.
“So where you off too?”
“Oh! The store, I need to get a few things for my clinic. Then to talk to Nathan, we have been having talks about combining the clinics. I think we are going to finalize things today. Well, I better go, have a good day.” You waved and started to walk away.
“What the hell was that, Ezra?”
“What do you mean?”
“Getting her a dress? That shameless flirting?”
“You are one to talk, Buck. It was just a kind gesture.”
“Right, right, you know you aren't known for those right, Ez?” Ezra huffed, mumbling something about ‘go to hell,’ under his breath as he walked into the saloon.
The very next day Ezra was in his normal spot outside of the saloon, coffee in one hand and book in another. The warm morning already causing him to strip his jacket, he looked up a second and saw you struggling with a large crate, “Miss. L/N?”
“Oh! Morning Mr. Standish,” you grunted setting the box down on the nearby porch stepping closer to him. “Having a nice day?”
“Haven’t been shot at yet, so can’t complain.”
You chuckled a bit, “guess not.”
“What do you have there,” he pointed behind you.
“Oh, equipment and tools. Nathan and I decided the best place for us was above the livery. Everything is set up there.”
“Looks awfully heavy,” Ezra stood taking out his cufflinks slipping them into his waistcoat pocket. “If you would carry my belongings, I’ll be happy to help you with that.” Ezra moved towards the box, rolling up his sleeves.
“Oh, you don’t need to do that. I can handle it.” He passed you and lifted the crate with a strained ease.
“Nonsense. I insist.” You sighed and shrugged picking up his jacket, hat and book. You turned over the book in your hands, looking at the cover, “Pride and Prejudice? Huh, are you a romantic Mr. Standish?”
“You’ve read it then?”
“Yes, I loved it. So are you a romantic?”
He scoffed, “Hardly, but it is a nice book.”
“Are you rereading it?”
“I am actually. I’m nearly done. If you’d like you could borrow it.” You smiled and thumbed through the pages.
“I might take you up on that, I didn’t really bring any of my books with me. Besides medical ones, not enough room when I packed up.”
“Well, I, myself,” Ezra grunted readjusting the box in his hands, “have acquired a few novels living here, you are welcome to them.”
“Thank you,” he smiled when he caught you grinning at him out of the corner of his eye.
You rounded the corner and started heading up the steps to the clinic, that’s when Buck slammed his arm into JD’s chest and pointed to the stairs that went above the livery. “Is that miss. Y/N and Ezra. More importantly is that Ezra carrying a crate? First the dress now this? He has been acting super weird lately right?”
“He must really like her,” JD mused.
“You think he even knows?”
“Probably not, do you think she realizes it,” JD countered as he watched Ezra struggle a bit up the steps.
“Probably not.” The pair shook their heads started to chuckle turning away to go tell the others. “Poor lovesick calves.”
You opened the door to the clinic, “Mr. Standish thank you again for carrying that over here. How about I get you lunch?”
“No need, It wasn’t a problem,” he sighed as he set down the crate wiping his hands against one another “So, how did a lovely lady, like yourself get involved in such a messy profession?”
“My father was a doctor. While he was alive he taught me everything he knew. Everything and I loved it. I bought books I could and learned more, even after he died. I felt it was my duty to carry on as a doctor.”
“Ah,” Ezra shifted, “ I’m sorry for your loss. Was it in the war?”
“No, no I was younger, when he died I went to l live with my Aunt Katherine. I was with her as the war happened.”
“What of your mother?”
“Childbirth,” you sighed starting to unpack the crate.
“I’m sorry, Um, well I think our little town will benefit by having two doctors.”
“I’m glad you think so, I can tell I’m going to really enjoy myself here. I wanted to get more schooling but after my father died that became more impossible,” you admitted and Ezra nodded, sucking in the corner of his lip into his mouth momentarily. 
“Right. So from the east, our dear Mr. Dunne is out from that way he came looking for adventure. Did you just come here to heal?”
“Escape too,” you shrugged. “I like a challenge. And  I...I don’t know I just headed out this way after getting fed up of being told no and told my aunt and I just left. Trying to find a place that would take me.” Ezra stared at you, hands on his hips you mirrored the action.
“Well, I guess, my first impression was right. You are very brave. You made that trip all alone?”
You nodded, “Illinois.” Feeling your cheeks heat up at the compliment.
“Illinois...Illinois,” he shook his head, “My-My. That is…a trip. On horseback? Alone?” He took a few steps closer, invading your bubble slightly not that you really minded. 
“I don’t know if it was brave. I was running away,” you admitted folding your arms looking away.
“It takes courage to run,” he said softly. You looked up and were shocked that the sincerity in his voice matched the sincerity on his face. You wanted to pull him in close the small gap between you.
“Really,” you asked in a low voice, your breath starting to catch in your chest. Too busy with your own racing thoughts to notice the blush coming across his face.
“What you’ve done is brave.” then he cleared his throat and took a few nervous steps back, straightening up. “Do you need anything else moved?”
“No, no, the rest isn’t that heavy. I think I can manage, I wouldn’t want to take up more of your time.”
“You aren’t bothering me, I don’t have any business today,” he looked around trying to stall. Trying to think of a reason he needed to stay.
“How about you Mr. Standish?” You moved back to unpacking the box. “That’s a nice lazy drawl you have there. You from the Carolina area?”
“Not for a very long time, a very, very long time. Never been in one spot very long, even as a boy.”
“Oh,” you nodded slowly, “So you’ve seen a lot, huh?”
“I’ve traveled if that is what you are asking.” A knock on the door frame pulled your attention to Mary Travis, “Mrs. Travis,” Ezra greeted warmly. “No doubt here to talk to our new doctor.”
“Yes, I was trying to give you time to settle in a bit. I’m Mary Travis, I run the paper. I was wondering If I could talk to you about your arrival and you working with Nathan?”
“Sure, I’d be happy to Mary. Mr. Standish if you’ll excuse us.”
“Of course,” he bowed his head and left.
“He so nice,” you commented as you watched him go.
“He does have is moments. This town owes him and the others a lot. Now about this clinic.”
Ezra sat his desk in his room, tapping his pencil, tip of his thumb between his teeth. He stared at the math, his ledger, and a large envelope spread out on his desk. Just like had been doing for nearly a week now. “What would mother say?,” He started talking to himself out loud before putting on his best maternal impression. “‘Don’t give handouts, Ezra. It’s a scam, And Ezra, be aware of the most dangerous scam of all. Love.’” Ezra froze, was that the tightness he was feeling? Why he wanted to jump up every time you walked near him, follow you anywhere? No. Certainly not, he just wanted to help. Right? He’d need to be stupid to fall in love after all Standishs didn’t really love anyone right? His mother had been married five times, and he himself never had anything that really resembles a real relationship. An infatuation maybe.
Then again, the way you always smiled at him made his heart stop. You were well read, kind, and had this fire. And you were beautiful, one of the most beautiful women he’s ever seen. He shook his head, throwing his pencil down. “I’ve already been a disappointment. Why stop?” He reached into the envelope and pulled out some of the cash, counting it out and placing it into another envelope. He reached for his ink pen, carefully writing your name on the front.
Ezra stood slipping his gun into his hip holster and slipping on his jacket. He looked himself over in his mirror. “Alright,” He sighed grabbing his hat and the envelope, “Now or never.”
Ezra sat next to you where you were eating, “Miss. Y/L/N, good evening.”
“Hello, Mr. Standish! What brings you here. I thought you were more of a saloon goer.”
“Normally, yes, but I wanted to see you,” You felt your face heat up instantly, and your heart fluttered with the thought of him seeking you out. He grinned and his face fell a little bit. “I actually wanted to give you something.”
“Oh,” you turned towards him and he looked down at the table, rubbing his thumb over his lip.
“Yes, you see I- “ He sighed and reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope and placed it on the table pushing it toward you. “Here. There is enough there to uh get you to the east to study medicine. And a well-written letter of recommendation in case they put up a fight, and even more money if the letter is not their fancy.”
You gasped at him, staring the envelope and the man before her. “Mr. Standish I can’t,” you pushed the envelope back. “That is too much I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Well, I guess it is a good thing that you aren’t. This is a gift. You told me a story about how you wanted to really to study to be a doctor, well you need money to do that and I have it.” He tapped the envelope.
“You really want me to go?” You searched his face as he snapped up to look you in the eye.
“Well I-I,” No, “I understand this is your dream. And it’s not often that you get the opportunity to chase your dream.”
“I don’t want to go,” you whispered honestly. Ezra tilted his head and licked his lips. “I can’t leave this town now.”
“May I ask why?”
“I-I’ve fallen in love,” everything stopped, you froze staring at Ezra and him at you. It was hard not to be falling in love with the man, he was polite, handsome, a smooth talker.
“Well, I-I um,” Ezra did his best to put on his rehearsed mask of indifferent but he was worried that it would fail. “Who is this lucky man?”
“Oh! No,” you laughed, perhaps a bit too hard. “I’ve fallen in love with this town and her people. I’ve fallen in love with you, a-and, and the rest of your little posse.”
“Oh,” now it was time for Ezra to laugh, again perhaps too hard. “Of course. Of course, this is a charming little street. Just worms it’s way into your heart”
“But I can’t take your money, Mr. Standish.”
“You aren’t taking it. I’m giving it to you. If you don’t want to leave, fine, but take the money. Get better equipment or books. Just….Just take it.” He slid the envelope back. “Put it to good use.” You put both your hands over his before he could pull away. 
 “Alright. It’s a deal, Mr. Standish.”
TAGS: @make-me-imagine @7men @sevengoofygunslingers
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