#Ezra Standish / reader
make-me-imagine · 2 years
Magnificent Seven Scenario Game
This includes characters from both the Mag7 Tv Series (1998-2000); and the 2016 Mag7 movie. *Since together there are 14 characters, 2 months have 2 options.
(Scenario Game Masterlist)
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :)
A/N: I also take these scenarios as writing requests as well (only when requests are open obviously)
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Your Birth Month:
January: Ezra Standish
February: Billy Rocks
March: Buck Wilmington
April: Nathan Jackson
May: Joshua Faraday
June: Goodnight Robicheaux
July: Josiah Sanchez /or/ JD Dunne
August: Vasquez
September: Vin Tanner
October: Sam Chisolm /or/ Jack Horne
November: Chris Larabee
December: Red Harvest
Your Birth Date:
1: Tells you how much he loves you... 2: Buys you a horse... 3: Takes you on a picnic... 4: Brings you breakfast in bed... 5: Takes you dancing... 6: Brings you flowers... 7: Surprises you with random gifts... 8: Gives you a bear hug... 9: Asks you to marry him (or to be his s/o)... 10: Makes you dinner... 11: Takes you horse-back riding... 12: Gives you a hand-made gift... 13: Dances with you... 14: Takes you star(cloud) gazing... 15: Teaches you to ride a horse... 16: Writes you an (anonymous) love letter... 17: Makes you breakfast... 18: Asks you on a date... 19: Surprises you with random kisses (lips/hand/cheek,etc)… 20: Takes you to a festival/fair... 21: Asks you to move in with him... 22: Suddenly kisses you... 23: Surprises you after being gone... 24: Takes you out to dinner... 25: Teaches you to fight... 26: Surprises you with a cat/dog... 27: Takes you on a surprise trip... 28: Brings you hand picked flowers... 29: Leaves you random gifts (anonymously).... 30: Gives you a token of their affection... 31: Surprises you with your favorite food/candy...
First Letter of Your Name (Or Username):
A-E: Because it is your birthday.
F-K: To make you smile.
L-Q: To show you he loves you.
R-V: To cheer you up (To Apologize)
W-Z: Because it is your anniversary (Or to Confess his feelings)
*words in (parentheses) are alternate options/additions.
I apologize if your combo/match up does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does. 
Please consider reblogging or tagging your friends/mutuals to share this around.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Mag7 Taglist: @spuffyfan394
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Chapter Summary: Coming back after an eventful trip forces some to reflect on their feelings and thoughts with trouble on the horizon.
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 2735
Warnings: Always pining.
CHAPTER SIX: Back in Town
You had only just gotten back to town the previous night and in the morning as you were making your walk to the clinic when Mary came after you. “Y/n!” You stopped to let her catch up. “This telegram came in for your the day before last.” You took it and smiled at her.
“Thanks, Mary. I’ll read it when I get to the clinic. Have a good day,” you took a few paces backward, smiling at her. “And thanks again.”
“No problem,” she grinned disappearing back into the newspaper office.
You continued your walk when you caught sight of Vin who smiled and touched the brim of his hat, “morning, Vin.”
“Morning Miss, Y/l/n.” He nearly passed you when he called for your attention again. “Hey, can you uh...Ya, see I got this tear in my jacket and I was wondering if you could stitch it up before I head out?”
“Well if I can handle people I think I can handle cloth. Sure, come on up to the clinic.” He grinned and fell into stride beside you.
“Thank ya.”
“Anything for you boys, Vin,” you smiled at him.
“So uh, Ezra didn’t get under your skin too much did he?”
“No,” you laughed, “Actually it was a really nice trip. He was great company.”
“He talks an awful lot.”
“So do I,” you answered opening the door to the clinic. “Sit down I’ll get you in a minute.” You pointed, while you headed over to a cabinet. “Moring Nathan.”
“Good Morning,” he chirped back. “Vin please don’t tell me you went and got yourself hurt.”
“No, I’m patching his jacket,” you answered unfolding the telegram.
You groaned as you crumbled up the paper and threw it in a vague direction. “Hey,” Vin cried. “Watch it! What the hell was that for?”
You turned your head towards him and looked over at Nathan who was giving you an equally shocked expression. “Sorry.”
“What got you so riled up,” Nathan asked walking up to you.
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
“That ain’t nothin’,” Vin stood, folding his arms. “Someone causing you trouble again?”
You shook your head, “Seriously y/n, “ Nathan spoke, “If you need help.”
“No,” you cut him off. “No. It’s just. My trip was not entirely uneventful. I ran into my aunt and she wants me back east. She said some nasty things about the town,” you bit your lip, “and Ezra.”
“What,” Vin asked. “She can’t have you.” You laughed and you shook your head.
“What’s this have to do with the telegram?”
“She let me know she’s going back to Illinois and left me with a warning.”
“Which was,” Nathan pressed.
“Stay away from the gambler,” you didn’t look at either of the men.
“Damn,” Vin cursed. “Ez was that bad?”
“No, he wasn't! He was was perfectly polite. A true image of a gentleman. At least while she saw him.”
Nathan eyed you a minute, “So she just doesn't want you hanging around him?”
“Well, she also got this idea in her head that I must fancy him.” You shook your head  “I tried to explain that it wasn’t like that. She didn’t listen.”
“It’s not,” Vin asked in a rare moment of his mouth being in front of his head.
“Of course not,” you grew defensive. “No. D-Does it seem like I do?”
Both men looked at each other then shook their heads. “No,” Nathan waved his hands dismissively. “No, it’s just you and him is close is all. People talk.”
“People? Like you,” you folded your arms.
“Nah,” Vin jumped in. “People who’ve got nothing better to do.”
“Which is most of the people here,” Nathan added and Vin nodded along. “Your aunt sounds like she’s trying to do what’s best for you.”
“Yeah,” you settled in a chair taking Vin’s jacket into your hands. “Except she doesn’t understand what I want. She doesn’t seem to understand I live for this town with its small population, dust, and fights. That I like the uncertainty and rotating cast of characters that waltz in and out.”
“I don’t think most ladies often see themselves digging bullets out of drunks and the fools that deliberately jump in front of them,” Nathan shot Vin a pointed look, who only smiled before saying:
“Well, I reckon she’ll be leaving you alone for the time being,” he shrugged.
“I think she is only going back to plan how she’s going to come here, call you all of you horrible names and drag me off. Nothing stops that woman.”
“Last time I checked,” Nathan put a hand on your shoulder. “Nothing stops you either.” You chuckled and he squeezed your shoulder. “Alright, I haven’t eaten yet. I’m going to head to the saloon.”
“I’ll join you,” Vin hopped up, taking his jacket out of your outstretched hand. “Thank you again. I really appreciate it.”
“Any time.” You sat back as you watched them leave and sighed. You wondered if Ezra knew that people talked about you and him. What he thought on the matter. Probably thought it was ridiculous. If you and he were meant to be you would’ve already been right? 
Then your heart sunk with the thought that if he heard what people thought he be mad. Upset at the prospect. That in truth he really only put up with you.  you shook your head trying physically dispell the thoughts that were madness. 
You sighed, this was crazy. To have your head swimming with thoughts of ‘does he like me?’ like a school girl. After all on that list of reasons to leave was relationships. The only inkling of romantic thoughts you had where when you were young then they became all about being a doctor and avoiding your poor lovesick shadow, James. It was with him you decided that you would never be as lovesick as he was.
But that wasn’t going so well. Damn him. 
The sun now hung high over the small down and Ezra was enjoying some time alone on top of the roof of the large hotel. With his jacket laid out next to him as he read his book, taking generous nips from his hip-flask.  Trying to distract himself from thoughts of you that had been plaguing him since the moment you arrived. They were getting worst, ever since you left for that last supply trip it was worst. He had a great time, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything. He wanted more of it. He wanted-
He was interrupted by the sound of a ladder clattering against the roof and the subsequent creak of the rungs being climbed. 
“I still can’t figure out how you get up here so easily,” Buck complained, taking careful steps. “Took me 15 minutes to find a ladder.”
“I have found agility to be useful in my past endeavors,” Ezra commented not looking up the book he was pretending to read.
“So, how did the trip go, Hoss?” Ezra looked up from his book, sticking his bookmark into the pages and setting it aside. Buck settled next to him on the edge, held out a small tin cup and produced a coffee pot.
Ezra held out his cup as Buck poured, “You didn’t make this right?”
“No,” Buck smiled. “I know how you feel about my coffee. Now answer the question.”
Ezra sighed pouring a healthy splash from his half-empty flask into his coffee. “What do you expect? It was remarkably uneventful from other trips I’m forced to take.”
Buck smiled and leaned in causing Ezra to lean away with an uncomfortable look, “You know what I’m talking about.”
“No, I don’t, actually,” Ezra took a sip from his cup, watching his friend carefully.
“Really? Come on Ezra! You spent all that alone time with Miss. Y/N and you are telling me nothing exciting happened?” Ezra’s head snapped to him, giving him a scrutinizing look.
“Now just what are you trying to suggest?”
“Well, it’s just that I’ve noticed the way you look at her Ez,” Buck’s voice became solemn. “You go out of your way; out of your comforts for her. Hell, you didn’t even complain when you had to take a four-day round trip.” Ezra didn’t answer looking into his cup. “Ezra. Listen, I just don’t want to see you lose your chance. She’s a great lady who obviously has feelings for you.”
Ezra’s lips pulled into a forced, wounded smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a chance with her.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Ezra was quite again. “You are just a glutton for pain huh?”
“What does that mean?!” Ezra twisted to face Buck, trying to fix him with an incredulous glare. To no surprise, it didn’t work.
“It means this sweet little filly blows into town. You two have this instant connection and you both look at each like you are the only ones on this goddamn earth. Ignoring us half the time when she waltzes in. So when are you going to stop being so goddamned stubborn and just take her out for dinner?” Ezra rolled his eyes and faced forward again. “Maybe a nice moonlit walk, kiss her on the hand at the end of the evening?” Buck nudged his friend with his elbow and chuckled a bit. “When are you going to do something instead of waiting for it to be too late?”
“Because,” Ezra snapped, breaking off Buck’s litany. “Because,” he repeated stalling as he thought to phrase it. For once he was blunt, “I’m scared.” Buck reeled from the sudden, dry honesty but rolled with it. It wasn't often Ezra was so vulnerable, but when he was, he really needed support.
“Scared? Ez, she likes you, a lot. I doubt that she’d turn you down.”
“It’s not just that. I’m scared o-of her saying yes too. What if I let her get closer and she doesn’t like what she finds? Then-then she’ll avoid me, and things will change. A-and if for some ungodly reason decides she likes the scoundrel I am, I don’t deserve her. I have done too many sinful things in my life to deserve someone as brave, bright, kind, and beautiful as her.” As Ezra spoke his voice softened and started to get thick with some emotion. Buck let out a long breath through his nose. “Mr. Wilmington,” he spoke after a short pause, in a low voice. It was steadier but still wavered. “As much as I appreciate your companionship and the coffee, I think I might like some time alone.”
“Don’t Mr. Wilmington me.” Buck sighed standing, “But uh let me just say one thing. I may not be as philosophical as Josiah or as smart as Nathan or you, but I know a great deal on love.” Ezra didn’t look up, but Buck knew he was listening. “I know that who we love and who loves us, despite what we think is not a choice. And I know for a fact that that it has nothing to do with deserve. You don’t get to decide who she thinks deserves her love, only she does. If she thinks you’ve earned it you have. And I trust that girl’s judgment.”
“Is that all,” Ezra looked up picking up his flask taking another swig.
“Yeah that’s it,” he started to walk away before he stopped, “Oh. take it easy on the whiskey. You do have to get down from here. And uh, you get pretty loose-lipped when you're all liquored up and I don’t think you want to tell y/n how lovely you think she is while explaining your broken arm.”
Ezra scoffed as he listened to Buck descend, lifting his flask to his mouth. He paused before sighing and screwing the lid back on and setting it aside. He looked out towards the edge of town and saw a small posse coming in. He huffed as he watched them, hoping they were not going cause trouble, he didn’t need this. He did not need some upset cattle ranchers or some men with a wild vendetta.
“I’m looking for a man named Ezra!”
“Damn it all,” He stood, moving to get himself off the roof, “I knew I should of used a fake name.” Ezra, after scaling down the same way he got up landed on his feet with a soft thud. Then his arm was being grabbed by none other than Chris.
“You want to explain to me why we have a gang of 15 men coming in looking for you?”
“Maybe it’s a different, Ezra,” Ezra grinned.
“It’s never a different Ezra with you. Why is he here? Who is he?”
Ezra finally pulled his arm away from Chris. “It was hard to see from the roof but I’m assuming that’s the man that was attempting to cheat me earlier this week. While I was out of town with Y/N”
“What happened?”
“I called him out for cheating after he played cards I had not dealt him. Really it was a horrible display, Chris. Anyone would be able to spot his failing efforts.” Chris fixed him with a stare. “I was told, after receiving some very unfair vituperations and an equally unfair punch that knocked me off my feet, to leave town in five minutes or they would ‘paint the walls with my blood.’ Understandably, I took my traveling companion and left.”
“Why didn’t you make sure they weren’t following you?”
“Don’t insult me, Chris. Of course, I did. I didn’t see them. I was as vigilant as I could be.”
“I think you would have seen 15 people, Ezra.”
“They must have a tracker with them. You can’t honestly think I’d want to bring harm to this town. After all, I’ve risked for them.”
Chris licked his lips as he thought. “Well, we better get out there. Find out what he wants.”
Chris, Buck, and Ezra stepped out into the road. The other men came to a stop looking down at the three. Chris stepped forward, “What can I do for you boys?”
“We are here for him,” the leader pointed to Ezra. “He accused me of cheating!”
“Were you?”
“Of course not! Look at him, if anyone was cheating it as him. He owes me.”
Buck stepped up and looked over at Chris, before turning his head back to the men in front of him. “I think a nice fair game is in order. Clean out your sleeves and play a few rounds. Clear the air. What do you say, Ez?”
Now Ezra stepped forward never removing his gaze from the men before him. “Sounds fair to me. I’m willing to prove my innocence. But I’m sure you gentlemen are all very tired from your trip I know I still am. How does tomorrow sound?”
The man shifted in his saddle, “Alright. Tomorrow. Then you’ll get what’s coming to you!”
“I shiver with anticipation,” was the deadpanned response. The posse rode away and Ezra turned to Chris. “Listen, I do not think our friends over there are going to leave so easily. You and Buck need to ride out and get the others.”
“What and leave you and Nathan here all alone? No way in hell,” Buck whispered yelled.
“I don’t like it, Ez.”
“Me either, I’m the one he wants to hang with my own gun belt. But the odds are much better if we have the others. I’ll stall as long as I can. Hell, I’ll lose on purpose!”
“That’s still a long ride, and Vin, Josiah, and JD are all in different directions,” Buck folded his arms.
“Then take Nathan and ride fast.”
Chris nodded to Buck to follow him, shouting over his shoulder as he walked briskly to his horse. “Don’t do anything stupid while we’re gone! And be careful.”
Ezra watched Chris take off and Buck run up the stairs to the clinic. “Aren’t I always,” he muttered to himself, looking around. Looking up in time to see you out on the balcony of the clinic looking down at him as Buck and Nathan took off on their horses. He had to force himself to breathe looking at you up there, his heart pounding. He tipped his hat and walked towards the hotel to get his belongings. “Damn her.”
TAGS: @make-me-imagine @7men
If you want to be tagged in updates just message me! 
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notsanguineatall · 5 years
@hoidn did this, and I’m always up for navel gazing:
Rules: list the first lines of your last ten published stories. See if there are any patterns, or have other people say what they notice. 
1. Sheldon was wearing a Flash t-shirt earlier. (Inside Jokes, The Big Bang Theory)
2. Mycroft Holmes was one of those toffee-nosed stuck-ups that Greg couldn't tolerate. (The Dictionary Begins and Ends With You, Sherlock)
3. St. James' Park is still and quiet. (*uck, Good Omens)
4. Aziraphale had never seen the point of sleeping. (To See When Shown, Good Omens)
5. Something was not right. (A Little Help, Good Omens)
6. It had been six hours since the Armageddon That Wasn't. (Ins and Outs, Good Omens)
7. It did not, as a rule, snow in the territory around Four Corners. (A Game of Truth, The Magnificent Seven TV)
8. The outlines of the livery at dusk are muted, but the sharp tang of beast and hay is in Ezra's throat. (Sign, The Magnificent Seven TV)
9. Ezra Standish makes for a fine looking woman. (Charade, The Magnificent Seven TV)
10. "Robert," Tess starts, like he's in trouble and she's his mother. (The Hard Part About Playing Chicken Is Knowing When To Flinch, Ocean’s Movies)
Observations? At least half lack punch. I think this is because they are generally prelude to a more interesting second or third line. Take, for example, the following:
Aziraphale had never seen the point of sleeping. There were so many more interesting things one could be doing. Like reading.
It did not, as a rule, snow in the territory around Four Corners. Tell that to capricious Mother Nature, Ezra thought as the first light flakes settled on the path before him. His horse snorted, perhaps as indignant as Ezra himself at the change in weather.
Both first lines lead into a paragraph that is meant to snapshot the POV character’s... er, character. Aziraphale would rather be reading. Ezra’s vocabulary is as showy as the man.
My opening paragraphs are little stepping stones to draw you in, not indicated well merely by the first line. But that assumes trust on the part of the reader that a bald first sentence will lead to something more interesting. Which is probably dangerous for a writer. So maybe I’ll work on punching up my first sentences.
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: The Magnificent Seven (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Vin Tanner, Chris Larabee, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Ezra Standish, Josiah Sanchez, Nathan Jackson, Mary Travis, Inez Recillos, Casey Wells Additional Tags: Fanon Backstory, Vin Tanner - Freeform, More characters should be coming Summary:
All legends start somewhere--they do not simply pop out of the ground fully-formed. Every person has a story. Populated by such colorful characters, the residents of Four Corners might have more interesting histories then the average citizen. That is for the reader to judge.
Second Backstory: Mary Travis
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Sensory Prompt: 'The feeling you get when you learn a crush has been asking about you.' Requested By: Anonymous
Pairing: Ezra Standish x GN!Reader *Mx. used once in replacement of Mrs/Mr/Ms
Warnings: None
Words: 1.2k
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"Do you need anything from the shops Mary?" You asked as you looked out the window, noting how many people were out today.
"No, I don't think so, thank you Y/n." Mary said as she looked up at you.
Seeing your demeanor change a bit as you stared out the window, she looked curiously out the window near her, a smile crossed her face as she saw a familiar face walk by.
The second you spotted Ezra walking down the road, your heart skipped a beat. You looked him up and down, noting how well dressed he always was. You couldn't imagine what he would look like dressed casually. But that was fine, you loved the clothes he wore, they suited him well.
Seeing him tip his hat and smile to a someone who walked past, you smiled softly. You had never officially met him, and you don't think he ever noticed you. But you certainly noticed him. The charming southern gambler, who got himself mixed up with the seven working as protection for the town.
You would be lying if you didn't wish that smile would be directed at you, at least once. Feeling a clench of disappointment in your chest, you sighed softly and turned away, back to your work.
Mary, noticing this frowned softly. Looking back out the window, she saw Ezra crossing the street, towards the office. She had a feeling he was going down to the hotel. Looking over to you, she hid her spare ink jars below the desk.
Clearing her throat he looked over at you "Darn, I guess I forgot to pick up some spare ink when I was at the store. Does that offer to get me anything still stand?"
You looked over at her and smiled "Of course, I'll go get it."
She watched in anticipation as you made your way towards the door. 'Perfect' she thought to herself as you exited, just in time to nearly run into Ezra as he passed.
"Oh!" You exclaimed softly as you stepped back from almost colliding with someone.
"Pardon me" A smooth voice said as you met a pair of light green eyes.
"I apologize Mr. Standish, I was in a bit of a rush."
You saw him cock his head slightly in confusion for a moment before he smiled at you "No, no need to apologize."
You smiled, flustered and unsure of what to do. Quickly nodding your head a bit you muttered out an "Excuse me." Before leaving and heading towards the shops.
As you walked away, you cursed yourself for being too flustered to talk to him, but the surprise of suddenly running into him was too much.
Ezra watched you leave with a newfound curiosity. You knew his name, but he didn't recall ever meeting you before. Looking into Mary's shop, he saw Mary quickly look away.
Stepping in he called out softly "Good afternoon Mary."
"Good afternoon Ezra." Mary replied as she looked up with a smile.
"May I ask, who that was I almost just collided with?"
Mary pushed down the grin that threatened to cross her face. "Oh, that was Y/n L/n, they help me from time to time with the newspaper."
He nodded a bit as he looked back out the door, unable to see you anymore. How had he never noticed you before?
--- --- --- ---
It was a new day since your near-collision with Ezra, but the thought of it stuck in your mind almost constantly. Your eyes moved through the small groups of people scattered around the streets as you and Mary walked together.
Mary noticed how you were looking around and smiled softly. After you came back with the ink, Mary got too busy to mention her conversation with Ezra.
"You know, after you almost ran into Ezra yesterday, he came in and asked about you."
Your head snapped towards her quickly, as your eyes widened. Your ears began to burn as your heart fluttered in your chest.
"He asked about me? Why?"
She smiled and shrugged lightly "He wanted to know who you were, he seemed...interested."
You swallowed as you looked straight ahead, your heart still pounding. The idea of him going out of his way to ask who you were, sent butterflies rampaging through you. He was interested? In what? What did that mean?
You looked back over at Mary "What did you tell him?"
"I told him your name, and that you help me out with the newspaper."
You nodded softly as you reached the store. You looked over at Mary and nodded in farewell as she continued down the road. Heading into the store, you tried to shake the thought of Ezra from your mind.
As you stood at the counter, waiting for the store owner to come back with supplies to fulfill your order, you head someone come into the store behind you.
Just before you looked back to see who it was, a smooth and familiar voice called out "Ah, Mx. L/n, a pleasure to see you again."
Your heart immedietely began to beat harder, as your neck grew hot. Looking back, you saw Ezra standing there with a wide smile. The smile you had secretly hoped would some day be directed at you.
"Mr. Standish, hello."
He took a few steps closer as he removed his hat. Stopping in front of you, he gently took your hand, in what you thought was going to be a handshake. But as he bowed down, and pressed a small kiss to your hand, you felt your breath catch.
Looking back up he smiled again "Ezra, please."
You smiled, hoping you did not look as flustered as you felt. "Y/n" You added, allowing him the familiarity of your name as well.
He continued to smile brightly at you as he spoke "I am glad I ran into you again, I had hoped I would."
"Y-you did?" You stuttered a bit, surprised.
"Oh yes. I wanted to apologize or having never made your acquaintance before."
You shook your head a bit "There is no need to apologize, our paths just never crossed at the right times."
"Yes, and what a shame that is, don't you think?"
You looked down at your feet, a bit flustered, only making his smile widen at the sight. "Yes, I do." You admitted.
"I was also hoping, that uh- you might agree to having dinner with me at the hotel this evening?"
You felt for a moment as though you would be unable to speak, but you manage to find your voice, though it came out softer than you intended.
"That would be lovely."
He grinned at you as he nodded his head "Wonderful. I will meet you there at seven then, yes?"
"Seven it is." You nodded.
Smiling widely one more time, he stepped back before putting his hat on and tipping it in goodbye. You watched him leave, feeling your heart skip a beat when he looked back on more time with a charming smile.
Finally turning away from the door, just as the store owner came back in. You pushed away the grin on your face, though a small smile still remained.
Glancing at the clock, you wished seven would come sooner, knowing that your mind and heart would not be still again.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Magnificent Seven Masterlist
This is a Masterlist for everything I have written for both the 2016 Magnificent Seven movie, and the 1998-2000 Magnificent Seven Tv Series.
Here is a link to my Main Masterlist
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Scenario Game: Show and Movie Characters
- - Magnificent Seven (2016) - -
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Billy Rocks:
Flowers and Fireflies (fluff/cute)
What's Mine is Yours (fluff)
Headcanons + Drabble: 'How the Seven would Admit their feelings for you' (fluff/cute/romantic)
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert); 'Moment of Realization' (angst/romance)
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Goodnight Robicheaux:
+ Drabble: 'How the Seven would Admit their feelings for you' (fluff/cute/romantic)
Taking care of each other when you are sick (cute/fluff/whump)
‘Wonderful Things’ (fluff/cute)
'Ghost Stories' (spooky/halloween)
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Red Harvest:
Fic: 'Unspoken'; (fluff/bit of angst)
Headcanons + Drabble: 'How the Seven would Admit their feelings for you' (fluff/cute/romantic)
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Joshua Faraday:
‘Fear and Trust’ (angst/fluff)
'Songbird' (cute/gen)
Headcanons + Drabble: 'How the Seven would Admit their feelings for you' (fluff/cute/romantic)
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Headcanons + Drabble: 'How the Seven would Admit their feelings for you' (fluff/cute/romantic)
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Sam Chisholm:
Headcanons + Drabble: 'How the Seven would Admit their feelings for you' (fluff/cute/romantic)
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- - Magnificent Seven (Tv Series) - -
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All Characters:
Characters as Scents (#2)
How each of the seven admit their feelings for you (The Seven x Reader; fluff/cute/romance)
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Ezra Standish
Headcanons + Drabble: How they admit their feelings for you (cute/fluff)
‘The feeling of fingers brushing together by accident’ (fluff)
'Comforting Company' (comfort/cute)
Safe With Me (cute/comfort)
'Noticed' (cute/gen)
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Chris Larabee
Headcanons + Drabble: How they admit their feelings for you (angst/fluff)
Fic: 'Wherever You Go' (fluff/angst)
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Vinn Tanner
Headcanons + Drabble: How they admit their feelings for you (cute/fluff)
Fic: 'Wanna Bet?' (fluff/humor)
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Buck Wilmington
Headcanons + Drabble: How they admit their feelings for you (angst/fluff)
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Josiah Sanchez
Headcanons + Drabble: How they admit their feelings for you (angst/fluff)
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Nathan Jackson
Headcanons + Drabble: How they admit their feelings for you (fluff)
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J.D. Dunne
Headcanons + Drabble: How they admit their feelings for you (humor/fluff)
62 notes · View notes
make-me-imagine · 3 years
Safe With Me
Requests/Prompts: The aftermath of Ezra and the gang saving the reader and just helping to clean them up. + 'Fall asleep in same bed, on opposite sides, wake up in each others arms.' and 'Fingertips brushing hair from your face.' and “If I asked you to stay, would you?” Requested By: Anonymous & @katesparkscreativity; sorry this took so long!
Pairing: Ezra Standish x GN!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence, guns and blood, but not graphic.
Word Count: 1.8k
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire Mag7 Taglist: None - let me know if you want to be added.
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Your eyes studied the figures across the barn as they paced back and forth. Two inside, two outside, all armed. You winced a bit as you twisted your wrists, continuously trying to loosen your binds, even as they dug into your skin. You tried to breath steadily through your nose as the cloth over your mouth seemed to only get tighter the longer you waited.
The sky was getting darker outside, as the sun began to set. You knew the boys would wait until dark to come get you, but you felt time was dragging on slower than ever.
One of the men by the door eyed you, you glared at him in response. He was just one of the lackeys, paid to take a hostage, which unfortunately turned out to be you.
Your whole body stilled as you heard a noise outside the barn just behind you. You listened intently. Another noise. A footstep. Was it the men outside doing a perimeter check, or had the boys shown up to get you out?
Your answer came as a gunshot came from outside, followed by more, and the sound of fighting. The two men inside pointed their guns at the door, waiting for someone to enter.
As the door swung open, you threw yourself down as close to the ground as you could. A few gunshots later, you felt someone grab you. You prepared to fight back, until you heard Ezra's voice in your ear telling you to run.
Getting up, you stumbled as Ezra dragged you out and behind the nearby stable. He took the gag from your mouth and cut your binds before he met your eyes. "You alright?" He asked as his eyes scanned around.
You nodded, "Yes."
"Good." He reached down and grabbed your hand. "We're going to the hotel, alright?"
You nodded and your grip tightened around his hand. A moment later, he fired a cover shot as you both ran behind one of the stores, and towards the hotel. Your body and head ached as you ran, but you pushed down the pain.
Darting into the hotel, Ezra took your hand again as he pulled you up the stairs and into a specific room. Once you were in, he locked the door and checked the window. You both sat in silence as you waited.
Ezra's hand ripped around his gun as he saw a shadowed figure move towards the hotel. A few moments passed before Ezra let out a breath. It had been Vin, signalling Ezra it was all clear. "Alright, it's done for now."
You did not question him, instead just nodding your head, trusting he must know what's happening.
Ezra looked over at you, and finally got a good look at you. You were disheveled, covered in dirt. You had blood streaked across your temple, and your hands were bloodied from fighting back against the men. Red marks circled your wrist were the ropes binding you had dug into your skin. You gripped your side, so he assumed they had hurt you even more so. He felt anger grip his chest as he clenched his gun.
Setting it down, he went to the bathroom, grabbing a towel, he wet it, before going to sit beside you. You felt your body stiffen a bit as he sat close beside you. He placed his finger under your chin and gently moved your head so he could look at the cut on your temple.
As he gently dabbed the cut, cleaning it, you wrung your hands nervously. "What now?" You asked, wanting to cut through the silence, and closeness of your bodies.
"Those men are mostly likely dead, or locked up in the jail. The leader of this so called gang will probably find out by tomorrow. So for tonight, we lay low, you stay here, and it'll all be over tomorrow. Hopefully."
You nodded, though you heard the uncertainty in his voice. You looked over at him and met his eyes, you saw him hesitate for a second as he seemed to be unable to look away. Slowly, he leaned up, his finger tips gently brushed across your face as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear. He froze, his hands rested there for a moment, before he cleared his throat a bit, he finally forced himself to look down at your hands.
Gently, he took them in his own, as he looked over your scraped knuckles. He smiled lightly to himself, knowing you must have done some damage before you had been taken.
Ezra's hands were soft, which did not surprise you. His touch was gentle as he wiped your hands clean. You knew you could have done this yourself, as did he, but there was something intimate about him doing it himself.
You and Ezra found yourself stuck in moments of tension before. Whenever you were alone, and your eyes met, in moments like this when you were closer than was necessary. But something always seemed to break the tension, and you pulled away from each other.
But now, both of you seemed to make sure it lasted. Ezra didn't need to stay, didn't need to help clean you up. He could have left, he probably should.
Ezra glanced out the window before letting out a breath. "You should get some rest." His voice held a hint of resignation. He didn't want to leave you. You could feel it.
You were tired, your body exhausted. You nodded, feeling a hint of disappointment. Ezra rose and looked out the windows again, as you slipped off your shoes, you lied back against the pillows.
You watched him for a moment. "Are you sure they wont find out about what happened? Or where I am?" You asked softly.
You were afraid of this, afraid they might come to kill you out of revenge, or to take you again. But a part of you was also trying to find a reason to get Ezra to stay.
Ezra, turned and studied your face. He could see the anxiety in your eyes, but it was paired with something else he couldn't quite place, though he had an idea it was similar to his own thoughts.
"Do you want someone to watch the hotel?" He asked softly.
You paused for a moment, your heart beating heavily as your question formed in your head. You were unsure of how to ask, or if you should. But speaking softly as you continued to fiddle with your hands, you did ask.
"If I asked you to stay, would you?"
Ezra felt his chest tighten, as he watched you. You finally looked up, meeting his eyes.
A soft smile spread across his face as he nodded. "I'll stay. Just in case. You'll be safe with me."
A smile ghosted your lips briefly as you nodded. "I know."
He looked at the bed before looking around the room, there was no where for him to sit or sleep. You could see the idea forming in his head. "It's alright, Ezra." You said as he looked back at you. "I don't want you to sleep on the floor."
Both your's and Ezra's heart were pumping heavily in your chests as you lied side by side. The bed was designed for two people but it felt small. You could feel every movement the other made, as you lingered close to each other, but never touching.
You lied in the darkness for a while, every noise seemed ten times louder than it actually was. Both of you focusing on the mixed tension. The possibility of someone finding you in the hotel, the closeness of your bodies as you lied side by side. Eventually, after a while, you both fell asleep. Back to back, but both comforted by the other's company.
As the morning light lit up the hotel room, you felt yourself wake from a dream that faded from memory as soon as you opened your eyes. Your face was pressed against something warm, and for a few moments, you tried to place were you were.
The hotel. Everything came flooding back to you. And as you slowly moved your head back, your heart seemed to implode as you came face to face with a slumbering Ezra.
His arms were wrapped around you, holding you close to him. How long had you been like this? No wonder you were so comfortable.
Anxiety coursed through you, as your face burned a bit hotter. What should you do? Should you pull away? Would that wake him?
Before you could decide, a knock back to the door, and you suddenly remembered more about what happened.
Ezra's eyes shot open at the noise, before his eyes locked with yours. He looked down, realizing you had been in his arms.
As another knock came to the door, Ezra knew he had to ignore it for now as he reached over and grabbed his gun. Looking back at you, he nodded, and you softly called out. "Who is it?"
"It's Vin." You felt relief wash over you, but it was quickly replaced by an odd sense of embarrassment. What if he walked in? What would he think?
"Are you alright?" His voice came through.
"Yeah, I'm alright." You called out.
"Okay, just checking. When you're ready, come to the saloon alright?"
"Yeah okay."
"Ezra can come too." You could hear the amusement in his voice before you heard his footsteps fade.
You looked at Ezra, who rolled his eyes and shook his head. You felt heat rise up your neck again. He looked over at you, and you saw him wracking his head for what to say.
"Thank you." You muttered out, you looked down and fiddled with the blanket a little. "For staying with me. I felt much safer than- that if I had been alone."
You saw a small smile pull at the corners of his lips as he nodded his head ever-so-slightly. "Of course. I- I would say 'anytime', but I don't want to come off sounding like, well..."
"Buck?" You finished, and he chuckled.
"Exactly." He cleared his throat. He got up off the bed and straightened out his shirt, as he grabbed his jacket. He looked over at you as you got up as well, slipping on your shoes.
"There may be a cacophony of tasteless questions." He said softly as he looked away.
You smiled to yourself as you stood up and faced them. "Let them ask, it's your decision of you want to answer, or let them wonder."
Ezra smiled a bit before he shook his head lightly. "I'd hate them to think I took advantage."
You frowned a bit as you walked over to him. He met your eyes cautiously. "I know you didn't. And I know you wouldn't." You quickly stepped closer, placing a kiss to his cheek, catching him off guard.
You began to walk out the door, "I'll set them straight, don't worry."
Ezra watched as you gave him once last smile and headed out the door. He looked back at the bed and remembered how it felt holding you in his arms.
He tried to push the thought away, but couldn't help wondering if he would get to experience it again. And he couldn't help but hope it would be sooner rather than later.
xx End xx
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Headcanons + Drabbles: How each of the Seven would admit their feelings to you
30 Day Writing Challenge Day 15 - 'Admission'
Pairings: Chris Larabee x Reader; Vin Tanner x Reader; Ezra Standish x Reader; Buck Wilmington x Reader; Nathan Jackson x Reader; Josiah Sanchez x Reader; and JD Dunne x Reader. <All Gender Neutral Reader Inserts.
Warnings: Brief mentions of drinking/alcohol; and brief mentions of blood/wound, gunfire.
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000 Requested Taglist: @techssexythighs, @hybrid-omegaverse, @spuffyfan394
*All gifs were made by me on giphy
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Chris Larabee:
Chris was stubborn. He knew he had feelings for you, but he fought against it.
He was too afraid to love again, to move on, to possibly lose you, just like he lost his family.
But no matter how often he tried to ignore these feelings, they would always climb back up.
He convinced himself that he would live with it forever. That he would suffer with it, and never tell you.
Until one day, when he had to watch as a small spark seemed to rekindle between you and an old flame.
He had returned to town, the man you had dated when you were younger.
As Chris watched you walk around with him, smiling and laughing, he couldn’t stop the jealousy and anger that rose through him.
The scowl on his face was more prominent than usual, that even the others couldn’t fail to notice.
And the way Chris scoffed as you laughed at one of the mans stupid jokes told them all they needed to know.
Buck could see the war raging on inside Chris, and was the only one brave enough to confront him about it.
“We can all see how you feel about Y/n, Chris. And no matter what you tell yourself, it’s not wrong. You have every right to be happy again. But, you might just lose them to another man if you don’t speak up. And I can promise you, that that will feel a hell of a lot worse than just ignoring it forever.”
Chris would tell Buck to stay out of it, but the usual bite behind his words failed to come through, and Buck could see that he got to him.
The boys weren’t the only ones to notice Chris’s change in behavior. You did too. And when you asked him about it, he brushed you off. A little more rudely than he meant too.
After finally getting fed up with himself, he would find you later in the evening, sitting out in the field where he often spotted you.
“I thought I might find you out here.” He said as he walked over to you. You smiled up at him in greeting, as he sat down on the grass beside you “I wanted to say sorry, about how I acted before. I know you were just checking on me.” He spoke with a soft voice, one people didn’t hear too often.
“It’s alright Chris.” You said with a soft smile, before looking off into the distance again.
Chris could tell that it was you who had something weighing heavily on your mind now “What’s wrong Y/n?” He’d ask as he watched you closely.
You stayed quiet for a moment before speaking softly “He asked me to leave with him.”
Chris felt his gut clench as you said this and tried to fight back the anger and jealousy. He looked down at his hands as he played with a piece of grass “And? Are you gonna go?”
You could hear the strain behind his voice, the unspoken feelings peaking though, and you couldn’t help but feel hope that he felt as you did. “I don’t know. Should I?” You asked.
Chris looked up and met your eyes, somewhat surprised by your question. As you looked at him, he saw it behind your eyes. You knew how he felt. And you were asking him to tell you to stay.
A soft smile fell across his face, almost shy in a way “No. You shouldn’t.” He shook his head lightly.
“Then what should I do?” You asked softly, cautiously.
Chris almost hesitated, but the hope behind your eyes stopped him. Told him what he needed to do, for both of you.
“You should stay here...You should stay with me.” He said, finally admitting what he really wanted.
A soft small was now forming on your face, and Chris paired it with his own “Is that what you really want Chris?” You asked once more.
He nodded his head as he brought up his hand, moving a stray piece of hair from your face, his eyes meeting yours once more “Yes. It's all I want.”
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Vin Tanner:
Vin is on the shyer, more reserved side.
So though he is entirely aware that he has feelings for you, he is just unsure of how to express them in the way he wants to.
Part of it, of course, is the fear that you might reject him.
Though he is a smart man, he is a bit oblivious to your feelings for him; which are obvious to the other boys.
But, to Vin’s credit; you were a bit oblivious to his feelings towards you too.
Vin kept trying to plan different ways to confess to you how he felt, but every time the moment came up, he panicked and kept quiet.
Planning again, he invited you out with him when he was going scouting around the area.
He knew how much you liked to go riding.
You walked barefoot through the small stream you had come across in the shady area of trees. The horses drank nearby as Vin sat at the edge of the stream watching you, a fond smile on his face as you splashed around, cooling off.
Turning around, you caught him watching you and smiled at him. His heart fluttered as you did so. You walked a bit closer to him “Don’t you want to cool off too? It’s hot today.”
Vin shook his head “Nah, I’m alright out here.”
“Come on Vin.” You began, amusement lingering in your voice “You’re wearing like four layers of clothes.” Vin chuckled as you playfully ridiculed him. “You should cool down before you get heat stroke.” You said as you kicked some water at him playfully, barely splashing him.
“Hey now.” Vin said as he jumped back a bit, laughing as you did so “Don’t threaten me.” He said as he pointed at you, a grin on his face.
“What are you gonna do about it?” You asked with a grin.
Vin stood up as he looked at the water and then at you, you kicked the water again and splashed him, a laugh bubbling out as you did so.
“Okay, you-” He began as he stepped into the water, making his way towards you.
You stepped back in surprise having not expected him to react so quickly. You moved to run from him as he reached down and splashed water at you, making you let out a gasp. Getting to you before you could escape, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer to him with a laugh.
You splashed more water at him before he could grab your arms and stop you, but as he did so, he pulled you closer to him. You locked eyes as your faces were barely an inch apart, and as you let out a small giggle, your noses brushed.
You both went silent and nearly still as you realized how close you were to one another. Vin couldn’t stop himself from gazing at your lips for a moment before meeting your eyes again. You smiled lightly at him and he felt his chest tighten.
“You’re beautiful.” He suddenly muttered out, catching himself by surprise.
You were surprised as well, but didn’t show it as much as you showed the delight you felt. Your mouth widening into a smile. Vin let out a nervous chuckle before he decided that this was finally the moment, whether he expected it or not.
His eyes flicked to your lips again, and this time he leaned a little closer. Glancing back at you eyes for a moment, he found nothing but acceptance and happiness, which he was sure matched his own.
Leaning the rest of the way in, he pressed his lips to yours, his hands leaving your arms and wrapping around you as he pulled you flush against him.
You planted one of your hands on his chest, and brought the other to his face as you leaned into the kiss. Relieved that your feelings for one another were finally expressed.
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Ezra Standish:
The second Ezra realized he had feelings for you, he had a moment of 'Wait a second.'
He wasn’t opposed to it, nor entirely surprised.
You challenged him in every way and he admired you for that, and found it quite attractive.
He was also grateful for your ability to call him out on his crap. The others did this as well, but it always felt different coming from you.
So no, he wasn’t really that surprised at all.
Ezra and you always had sarcastic banter with each other, so as soon as he really figured out he liked you as more than a friend, he amped it up a bit.
But much to his chagrin, you didn’t really seem to notice the change from friendly sarcasm, to flirting.
He wasn’t really sure how to just come right out and say it; even after the not so helpful tips from Buck.
So he wallowed in his annoyance towards himself with a drink or two.
But, when he saw you enter the saloon, followed quite closely by a man he did not recognize, he perked up in his seat.
You were clearly annoyed by the man's presence, similar to that of a mosquito buzzing around your head.
So, he watched for a few moments before choosing the right time to come to your rescue, so to speak.
You tapped your fingers rhythmically on the bar as the man continued to talk about himself. He was just passing through town, but wanted to stop for the night. And unfortunately for you, he spotted you as you walked through town, and has been following you ever since.
The man sat at the bench next to you, chattering about who knows what. Just as he began to make some flirty remark and lean a bit closer to you, you were surprised by a figure pushing in between you, blocking you from the man’s view.
“There you are darling, I’ve been wondering where you got to.” Ezra’s smooth voice said as he interrupted the man.
As you met Ezra’s eyes you saw the small smirk on his lips as he turned his head back towards the man “Oh, excuse me sir, was I interrupting? “
The man looked at Ezra, and was about to say something, but seeing something behind Ezra's eyes he backed off a bit “Uh, no, just-” The man stopped before looking around him and at you “Just wanted to thank you for your kindness.”
You gave him a curt nod “Don’t mention it.” Your voice was stale as the man nodded once more and left, sparing a couple more glances back at the two of you as he did so.
“Weasel” Ezra muttered under his breath as he watched the man go. And as he looked back at you, seeing the smile on your face he gave you an innocent look “What?”
You giggled slightly, making a proud smile cross his face. “Thank you.” You said “I was a few moments away from shooting him.” You said with a joke, making Ezra chuckle lightly.
“Don’t mention it. I was surprised at first to see you enter with him, but, after seeing the scowl on your face I figured his attention was unwanted.”
“I was hoping it was obvious to him.” You said matter-of-factly. You thought about what he said for a moment before looking back at him “Why were you surprised?” The man was not unattractive in any aspect, but his personality is what made him unappealing. So you were curious as to why Ezra would be surprised.
Ezra opened and closed his mouth a few times as he thought to himself “Well, I just had never seen the man before. And it’s not as if you often...go around with..other gentlemen.”
‘“Other gentlemen? You mean other people than you?” You asked somewhat amused.
Ezra felt a small smile tug at the corner of his lips before shrugging a bit “Perhaps.”
You thought he might be joking, but something behind his eyes told you differently. But Ezra noticed the smile on your face falter a bit, and he wondered what he had done.
“You should be careful Ezra, you might make me think you were jealous.” You said with a small smile, though, he saw it falter again for a moment.
Did you think he was toying with you? He felt his chest clench a bit before he leaned just a little closer “What if I was?”
Your eyes snapped to meet his, and you expected to see amusement behind them, as he made another joke. But all you found was a sincere gaze as he looked at you.
You almost didn’t believe it. “Are you saying you were jealous, Ezra?”
“Well...for the moment I thought you were with him, rather than trying to run from him...Yes, I was.” he admitted, a smile forming on his face “Why are you surprised? I thought my feelings and intentions might be obvious to you at this point, but…” He trailed off for a moment. “But, you always thought I was joking, didn't you?”
You almost felt guilty, nodding slightly “I never thought you were being serious.” You admitted.
Ezra nodded again, letting out a dry chuckle “Maybe that was my fault. But I have felt myself, adoring you, quite ardently recently. But, I’ve never been very good at expressing my feelings.”
You smiled at him, making his eyes gleam a little brighter. “Well, you’re not doing that bad of a job right now.”
Ezra smiled at you as he leaned a bit closer “Then I suppose I should continue.”
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Buck Wilmington:
Buck is as straightforward as they come.
But, this works against him at times, especially since he has flirted with you since the moment you met.
And at first, once he got past the initial flirting, you became good friends.
Since Buck flirts with a majority of the people he meets, you never took him seriously.
So, When Buck developed honest-to-God feelings for you, you couldn’t tell the difference, except that maybe he flirted more often.
This annoyed Buck to no end, and he knew it was entirely his fault.
So he decided to change it up a bit and be more romantic in his flirting, more sincere.
But this backfired tremendously.
For he had not realized you took it the wrong way.
“Y/n, looking as lovely as ever.” He said as he pulled out a small bundle of flowers and handed them to you.
Your heart fluttered in your chest when he did this, but it was replaced by suspicion immediately. “What is it?” You asked, your voice full of suspicion and annoyance.
Buck seemed to malfunction for a moment as his face went blank before his eyes flicked between the flower and your face a few times. “It’s...they're flowers?” He said slowly, unsure of exactly why you were confused.
The genuine confusion on his face made you let out a sharp laugh “No, Buck, I’m asking what you want.”
“Oh-” He let out a laugh “Well what do you mean? I’m just saying hello.”
You squinted at him clearly unconvinced “You've never just brought me a flower and told me I was lovely, so really Buck, what is it you want?”
Buck was almost hurt by your sheer refusal to believe him, but he knew it was his fault. So, playing on it, he took a step closer to you “Alright, I’ll tell you what I want.” He paused for a moment before smiling “I’d like to take you on a date.”
You blinked a few times, and you couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. You wanted him to be serious, you wanted the flirting to be genuine, but you honestly just did not know with him, and it had really begun to play with your heart.
Handing the flowers back to him he took them reluctantly, giving you a confused and almost hurt look “Try again when you’re serious Buck.” You said before walking away from him.
You really thought he was just toying with you, setting you up with flirting and jokes just to let you down. Buck felt his heart clench at the thought, but he knew he couldn’t give up. Moving quickly, he caught up to you, stepping in front of you and stopping you. He placed his hands on your arms and stared down at you “Y/n.”
The seriousness in his tone made you stop “I understand why you don’t think I am being honest with you. But I can assure you, I have never been more serious. I have not looked, flirted, or been with anyone since I came to the realization that I am absolutely head over heels for you.” He could see the surprise and realization come over your face as he smiled warmly down at you “I promise you Y/n. Anything I have said to you over the last few weeks has been true, every word. I’m not playin’ any games with you.”
It took you a moment to find your voice again, the sheer amount of emotion in Bucks eyes as he stared down at you leaving you speechless. Swallowing, you spoke, your voice quiet “Promise?” You asked, almost shyly.
Buck’s smile widened a bit as he nodded, handing you back the flower “I promise.”
Taking the flowers from him again, a smile spread across your face. Buck moved to stand behind you, putting his arm out for you to take “Now how ‘bout that date?” You smiled up at him before looping your arm around his and nodding your head a bit, letting him lead you.
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Nathan Jackson:
Nathan was aware of his feelings for you from the beginning.
And the sweetheart that he is, is hopeless when it comes to confessing.
From the fear of you rejecting him, or explaining himself poorly, to the fear of other people possibly disapproving of your relationship, he was hopeless.
The other’s tried to give him tips, but none of the things they told him to do, were “him”.
He wanted it to be natural, not scripted, but he was never quite sure of the right moment.
For some time, he was afraid the right moment might never come.
Buuut, luckily for him it did. Just not in the way he necessarily wanted it to start.
“Nathan!” Chris yelled, trying to get his attention as he held you up.
After some men came into town causing trouble, the seven, along with your help got rid of them. But as most things, it turned into a big firefight, and you got caught in some of the crossfire, and now had a bullet in your shoulder.
As Nathan ran over to Chris, his eyes landed on you. Your face was screwed up into a pained scowl, and he felt his heart drop. “Y/n!” He said as he ran over to you.
“Hey Nathan.” You said as he started to look at your shoulder.
“That bullet’s still in there. Come on.” Before you knew it, he was taking you from Chris and carrying you in his arms towards his office.
His heart was beating rapidly as he panicked, his mind running through everything he needed to do to make sure you were gonna be alright. And the entire time he was getting the bullet out and cleaning your wound, his heart never stopped racing. Not until you were completely bandaged up and sitting up with a smile on your face. You were still tired from the blood-loss, but you were going to be alright.
“Here you go.” Nathan said as he handed you some water.
“Thank you.” You said with a smile, taking it gratefully. “I didn’t give you too much trouble did I?” You asked with a hint of amusement.
He smiled at you and shook his head “I have to admit it’s always harder when it’s someone you care about.” He admitted.
“But you always work a lot harder.” You countered.
He chuckled. “That is true. But I much prefer not having to do it, sooo.”
“Sooo.” You continued.
He leaned forward and placed his hand on yours “So. Please don’t do it again. I hated seeing you hurt like that.”
You smiled softly at him, your heart racing a bit faster as his hand gripped your own “I promise.”
You had feelings for Nathan for a while now, and part of you was sure he felt the same, but you never knew why he wouldn’t express it. Though, you had to criticize yourself too, you never did anything about it either.
But as his hand sat on yours you felt as though he was, in his own way, trying to show you. So, giving him a bit of a hand, so to speak. You turned your hand over so your palm was up, and linked your fingers through his.
Nathan glanced down at your hand as you did this, and he smiled before meeting your eyes again. Closing his fingers so he would be holding your hand in his he kept his eyes locked on yours. And as you smiled at each other, you both knew now, in your own silent confession, how you both felt.
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Josiah Sanchez:
Josiah is a man who often thinks himself unworthy of things like love and affection; redemption and happiness.
So, when he felt himself falling for someone like you, he thought he was not worthy of such a connection.
So he buried it down, and tried to ignore it. You surely deserved so much better than him,
And when Buck and Nathan both told him that you clearly felt the same, he refused to take their word for it. Not believing you could ever come to love him.
But ever since they told him, he couldn’t help the thought in the back of his mind that spoke up every time you smiled at him, that said, 'What if?'
And the longer he was around you, and the more you showed care for him, the harder it came for him to find reasons not to embrace it.
It became especially hard when you seemed to always know when he was in need of help.
After another visit with his sister, Josiah had come back to Four Corners in a foul mood. It wasn’t as bad as it usually was, but he always felt a heavy guilt hanging over him each time.
You knew about his sister and what had happened to her, Josiah had told you the last time he visited her. And this time, when he came back and didn’t even bother to check in, you knew it had been rough.
Josiah was sitting on an old rock wall behind the church, staring up at the darkening sky. And as he heard someone come around the corner, he was prepared to tell them to leave him alone. But when he looked over and saw you peeking around the corner with a cautious, but kind look, he felt the annoyance disappear.
You smiled softly at him as you came around the corner entirely, and in your hands was a cup and a plate of food. Seeing what you had brought him, he felt his heart swell a bit as his mood got a bit better.
“I thought you might want something to eat. Since I didn’t see you get anything since you’ve come back.”
“That’s too kind of you Y/n.” He said as you handed the food and drink to him.
“Actually I think it’s about the usual amount.” You said with light amusement, to which you were glad he smiled at. “Do you mind if I sit with you?” You asked.
He smiled at you “I’d be honored.” He said curtly, making you smile as you sat beside him.
You looked up at the sky as well, as Josiah took a few bites out of the sandwich you had made him. After he took a drink, you dared to speak again. Your voice soft “How was she?”
Josiah glanced at you and saw the caution behind your eyes, unsure if he really wanted to talk about it. He smiled at you “A bit better than before, but..” He trailed off, and as you nodded, he knew he need not continue. “Thank you Y/n.” He said after a few more moments of silence as he finished eating his meal.
“Don’t mention it.” You smiled as he set down the plate.
“Thank you for checking on me.” He continued as he looked over at you “Thank you for caring.”
You smiled at him, and he saw a bit of surprise behind it as you shook your head lightly “You don’t have to thank me for caring Josiah.” You said with a hint of disbelief “It’s not a chore. It’s something I do needlessly, naturally.” You added on.
He smiled at you again “And I am grateful that you are so naturally kind, and beautiful inside and out.”
You felt your face heat up at his comment as you smiled a bit shyly, you looked out at the sky again before speaking “You always seem to think you don’t deserve it you know.” You began before looking back over at him. “But you do, Josiah. You deserve someone who cares about you, naturally, and genuinely.”
Josiah stared at you, adoration taking over his features as you spoke “And you deserve the same Y/n.” He responded. He stared at you softly for a moment, before speaking again, cautiously “Do you-” He began, but paused for a moment, unsure of himself. But seeing how you stared at him, he felt no need to hide it anymore “Do you think, I could be that. For you?”
For a moment Josiah thought you might turn him down, turn away and leave. But instead your smile widened at his words as you nodded your head “I don’t think I’d want anyone else to.”
Josiah felt his chest swell with almost overwhelming feelings as you said this, and though he was unsure of what to do now. He took your hand in his, and brought it up to his face, planting a kiss on the back of your hand. Smiling at you, he felt more happiness than he could truly express.
- - -
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John "J.D." Dunne:
JD is a mess when it comes to anything romantic.
He is an awkward and rambling mess, and often says the wrong thing.
JD was a bit flirty when you first met, but the second you responded in kind with a sarcastic comment, he was thrown off.
And just like that, he was in trouble.
He admired you greatly and thought you the most amazing person he knew.
He wanted to tell you how he felt, and ask you out on a proper date, but was clueless as to how he should go about it.
He would try to get advice from Buck, but would regret it immediately.
Asking the others, he didn’t get much further, so decided he would just try his best to be himself, and not mess it up for the sixth time.
He had hand-picked some flowers from the field around the town, and also stole a couple from a nearby garden. Reciting to himself over and over what he was going to say to you as he paced around outside of your room.
From inside, you could hear something going on, and finally walked over and pulled the door open. And as soon as you did, a stunned JD looked at you with surprise and quickly placed his hands behind his back.
“Y/n!” He’d exclaim, as if surprised to see you at all.
“J.D.?” You responded.
“Uh, I - uh, I was just about to knock.” He said with an awkward laugh.
You smiled at him, a bit amused at his behavior and at how cute he was being. ‘Typical JD’ you mused to yourself. “Do you want something?”
“Huh? No, no, well yeah actually.” He admitted with an awkward nod.
He stayed silent and you blinked a few times “So, what is it?”
“Oh right, uh.” He cleared his throat a bit before bringing his hand out from behind his back, presenting you with a poorly put together and mismatched bouquet of flowers.
Taking the flowers from his hand, you couldn’t help but smile, your heart fluttering. You let out a soft chuckle “Thank you JD, what are they for?” You asked as you looked back at him, bringing the flowers to your nose.
JD remained quiet as he watched your response. You smiled, took them, laughed a bit, but it wasn’t in ridicule. This was good.
Realizing you asked him a question he shook himself from his thoughts “Well they’re for you.” He said quickly before realizing how stupid he sounded. Shaking his head a bit he let out a dry chuckle “I mean, well I came to ask if you, by chance, and if you don’t have other plans, wanted to go to the concert with me? You know, the one being held by the singer who came in yesterday? It’s alright if you don’t want to go, I just really like you and thought it might be fun, and I mean-”
“JD.” You said, stepping his rambling.
“Yeah?” He asked innocently.
You smiled at him, amused by his adorable rambling “I don’t have any other plans. I’d love to go to the concert with you, and I like you too.” You responded.
JD blinked a couple times as he processed what you had said before a smile spread across his face “Yeah?”
You laughed. “Yeah, JD.”
“Oh, good, great!” He chuckled again “Okay, uhm, I’ll come get you at eight?”
You nodded your head “Eight it is.”
He nodded again as he smiled brightly, turning he waved a bit before he began to walk down the hall. And as soon as you closed your door behind you, you heard a distant cheer as footsteps pounded down the stairs. Letting out a laugh, you smiled at the messy flowers once more before thinking about what you should wear.
xx End xx
I hope you enjoyed these! If you did, please consider reblogging! This is a rather small fandom, so a reblog would help to spread it around :)
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Magnificent Seven Week
From March 6th-12th, I will be releasing 3 oneshots/fics for the 2016 Magnificent Seven movie, and 1 fic for the 1998 Magnificent Seven Tv Show.
A bit of a niche fandom, but I have quite a few old requests for it. (6 in total; with 4 I am merging into 2 different fics).
If you'd like to be tagged in any of these, let me know
March 6: Oneshot; Joshua Faraday x GN!Reader: 'Songbird'; (casual/fluff) - POSTED
March 8: Fic; Red Harvest x GN!Reader: 'Unspoken'; (angst/comfort/fluff) - POSTED
March 10: Oneshot; Ezra Standish x GN!Reader: 'Safe With Me'; (bit of angst/comfort/fluff) - POSTED
March 12: Drabble; Billy Rocks x GN!Reader: 'What's Mine is Yours'; (fluff) - POSTED
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Comforting Company
Sensory Prompt: 'First bite of warm soup on a cold day.' Requested by: Anonymous
Pairing: Ezra Standish x G!NReader
Warnings: None Word Count: 1k
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire
*I'm trying to get through as many old requests as I can, so sorry it's a bit short. I hope you like it though!
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As Ezra finished putting his horse away for the night, he breathed a hot breath into his hands, before rubbing them together. Exiting the barn into the cold windy night air, he let out a shiver as the cold wind pierced through his jacket.
Heading inside to escape the cold night, he expected to be met with silence. Knowing that Inez had left town for a few days, he thought he would be completely alone. But instead, he heard someone walking around in the kitchen, some dim lights from a lantern casting shadows of the possible intruder.
Ezra, placing his hand on the hilt of his gun, in case, walked slowly and softly into the room. As he rounded the corner, he was unsure of what he would find. And seeing you, flitting around the kitchen, cooking something, was definitely not it.
After watching you for a moment, finding a soft smile racing his face. He cleared his throat lightly "Y/n." He greeted, holding a bit of confusion in his voice.
Turning to face him, you smiled brightly at him, causing him to feel his heart skip a beat at the sight. "Ezra! I hope you don't mind, but since I knew Inez was gone, I thought I'd use the kitchen to make some soup."
"Soup? And- uh, Y/n Dear, don't you have a kitchen?" He asked amused.
You let out a chuckle. "Yes,of course I do, but this isn't for me Ezra, it's for you." You said with a smile.
Ezra was unsure of what to say, his eyes moved to the pot on the stove, and was for the first time aware of the appealing aroma leaving it. "For me?" He finally questioned, his voice carrying a softness neither of you were expecting.
You smiled and nodded, "I knew you were upset that you had to take the prisoner by yourself, and I knew it would get very cold by the time you got back, so I took it upon myself to make you some soup to have when you got back. To hopefully chase away any cold that might have latched itself to you."
He watched as you grabbed a bowl, and after stirring around the soup, ladled some into the bowl. Setting it aside you opened up the oven, and pulling out a small tray with a fresh loaf of bread you let out a satisfied sigh "And, the soup would not be complete without some nice fresh bread." You smiled at him before turning away.
Ezra watched you with a fondness he could not hide. You had always been nice to him, to all of them, but this, these actions, gave him a hope he could not ignore. He had found himself admiring you from a distance since you first met. He cared for you, and found himself thinking of you more often than not.
"Come on!" You said with a cheery smile as you walked past him and out towards the bar.
Following you silently, he watched as you set down the soup and bread. Motioning for him to sit, he did, watching as you fetched him some water as well. He watched you with a glint in his eye, and a smile on his face as he felt butterflies flutter through him. He was near speechless as he watched how you cared for his well being.
Getting a whiff of the soup, it sent a comforting warmth through him. Unable to resist, he took a scoop of the soup and ate it slowly, unsure if it would burn him or not. Being the perfect temperature, he closed his eyes for a moment as the warm soup slid down his throat. As the warmth and deliciousness radiated through him, he felt the piercing cold that had taken hold of him outside slowly begin to fade away.
As you set the glass of water beside his plate he met your eyes. "I can't thanks you enough for this kindness Y/n, it is beyond what I expected, and I am very grateful." You smiled and nodded at him, and he continued, "But I can only think of one thing that would make it better."
You rose your brow, and questioned him, "How's that?"
He motioned to the seat next to him, "Get yourself some of this delicious soup, and join me." He spoke with a soft tone and an almost adoring smile on his face.
You could not ignore the heat rising up your neck, and the smile that crossed your face. "I don't wish to impose, anymore than I already have I mean." You said softly, with a hint of awkwardness.
He simply shook his head, "I would want no other way to end the day. I assure you, I could think of no one whose company could console me more. Please, join me." He gave you a bright smile that you were sure made your heart stop for a moment. The way he looked at you, assured you that he was truly grateful for your actions, and you could not be happier.
Nodding your head lightly, you smiled "Alright". Turning, you hurried into the kitchen, Ezra watching you with an amused expression.
After a few moments, when you came back with your own soup and bread, you sat beside him at the bar. "Now," Ezra began "You tell me about anything exciting that happened in town today, and I'll tell you about the ridiculous day that I had." He said with an amused chuckle, hinting that he had a much harder time that originally intended.
You let out an amused chuckle, "Sounds like you had a rough time."
"That Y/n, is an understatement."
As you both began to eat your soup, you enjoyed each others company, for much further into the night than you intended. But neither of you felt it, as you relished in the comforting evening, away from the cold night, only too happy have the solace of each others presence.
xx End xx
If anyone would like to be added to my Mag7 taglist, let me know (I write for both the series and the 2016 movie).
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make-me-imagine · 6 years
Sensory Prompt: The feeling of fingers brushing together by accident
Requested by: “Anonymous”
Note: I had a hard time with this one, because my writing muse decided to go on vacation again, but I hope you like it!
Pairing: Ezra Standish x reader      Gender: Any/Neutral 
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gif made by me
As you leaned against the bar talking to Inez, you were unaware of the man that kept glancing at you from the other side of the bar. He often found himself watching you, but he couldn’t help it.
Your laugh always had a way of making his head whip your direction so fast he would get whiplash. Something Buck never let him live down.
“You’re staring again” Nathan said, smirking
“I am doing no such thing” Ezra replied, quickly dealing cards to his friends
“Ezra why don’t you just go and talk to her” JD budded in as he took a sip of milk and read his cards.
“Now why would I need to do that?” Ezra said casually, tried to force himself to keep his eyes on his cards as a small laugh came from your direction.
JD and Buck shared a look before Nathan cleared his throat “I’m out”
“Me too”
“Well gentlemen, you three are not providing a very good distraction from this boring little town“
Nathan shook his head “Why don’t you go get our refills Ezra”
Ezra looked over at the bar, seeing Inez refilling them next to you, he shuffled his cards as he took a breath “Fine” he said standing “But do not take this as me doing you a favor Mr. Jackson”
As he slowly walked over to the bar, Buck and JD leaned forward, Buck spoke low to the others “Five dollars says he wont do it”
“I’ll take that deal” Nathan spoke up “I have faith”
As Ezra approached the bar he reached forward to grab the tray of drinks, but instead his fingers met yours, as he faltered you turned in surprise “Oh, Ezra, you didn’t have to come get your drinks I was going to bring them to you” you smiled at him, making his heart flutter.
Just then, he realized that his and was still on top of yours, pulling it away, he managed to find his words just in time to avoid an awkward encounter “Oh, well, there is no need for that, though I do appreciate it” he paused for a moment “How are you Y/n? I haven’t had the chance to speak to you in recent days” he lied, knowing full well it was because he had been avoiding you, afraid he would say something embarrassing.
“Oh, I’m fine, though it is true that I was beginning to think you were avoiding me Mr Standish”
“I would never” he replied, feigning offense “I’m sorry you thought that”
He could see a twinkle in your eye telling him that you didn’t quiet believe him, he cleared his throat “How about I make it up to you?”
“Now how would you do that?”
“How about dinner this evening?” he was surprised by his own words, and began to panic, but when you smiled at him his fear began to fade.
“Alright Ezra, I’ll take you up on that” 
Inez glanced between the two of you before taking the tray of drinks as the two of you stared at each other, un-noticing of her movements. As she approached the boys table and began setting their drinks down, she could see that they were desperately trying to hear what was going on. 
Buck grabbed Inez’s wrist “What’s happening between those two?”
Inez leaned down, the boys leaning closer “He asked her out to dinner and she said yes” she smiled, having known how much you liked Ezra. 
The boys all silently cheered “Now, don’t forget Buck, you owe me five dollars” Nathan said, catching his attention.
Buck’s joy left his face as it was quickly replaced with realization “Aw, dammit!”
Again, I really suck at endings XD
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 1486
Warnings: There is a brief description of hanging other than that there is nothing. 
A/N: Welp...This is not Star Trek...Nor anything else I’ve written about. This story is dedicated to the small fandom of the Magnificent Seven Television series. I have fallen in love deeply with seven gunslingers. I hope you enjoy it. Even if you do not watch Mag 7 I: 1, highly suggest you do. and 2 would hope you read it just to validate me I have put a lot of work into this. 
A/N 2: Yes I did tag most of you on my list just so you are aware what is happening. If you want to remain tagged let me know. I won’t tag you all in the second chapter and forward unless you ask
Why did you ever come this far out west? You hadn’t been in town more than a few days and you were already in a horrible situation. Tied up, being threatened, and now you were having a rope tied around your neck. “You let my buddy Jonathan die.” You looked into to the angry eyes of the man in front of you.
“It was a severe infection. I did all I could.”
“Bullshit. You killed him and you should hang. Unless” he grinned as he brought his face closer to his breath reeking of strong sour liquor. “You wanna have some ol’ fashion fun.”
“Oh come on Billy just let her hang!”
A hand was placed on your leg, “Give me a minute Michael!”
“Burn in hell you bastard!”
“Come on now sweetheart, don’t be like that.”
“Billy, come on,” another man spoke as he shifted uncomfortably on his horse with the rest of the men with him.
“Joel shut up!”
You should’ve stopped yourself, but, You took the opportunity to spit in his face which earned you a slap. “You bloated white liner, yellow bellied son of a -” This time it was the back of a pistol and you nearly fell off your horse, which was keeping you alive
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice called. “Is that any way to treat a lady?” You glanced up and saw seven men on horses at the top of the small hill.
“This ain’t a lady! She’s a snake.”
“Let her go,” another man shouted.
“My pleasure,” you capture laugh and he slapped the horse's hindquarters that was supporting you. It bolted and you felt rope tighten cutting off your air flow. You failed in attempting to catch a breath. You could hear the pounding of hooves or maybe that was just the blood in your ears. Maybe gunfire or your heart pounding. Your vision started to go as you struggling started to slow.
Suddenly there was a mass beneath you and an arm was around your waist easing you into a lap. You could suddenly breathe, taking gasping breaths as you heard a stream of comforting words. “Alright now, ma’am. You’re alright, let me get this,” there was a grunt of exertion as the rope slipped off your neck, “damn thing off you.” Then suddenly you were moving from the noise of gunfire, and you were pressed into the chest of your savior with your hands still bound in your lap. As soon as you were a top of the hill he reached his hands around you to untie your hands. You finally turned to look up at the man and God, he was handsome. “There you are, are you alright?”
You quickly looked down and nodded numbly trying to process what had happened. “y-yes, thank you, Mr-” you trailed off.
“Standish. Ezra Standish, no need to thank us,” He tipped his hat as the other men rode up beside him. “And the rest of these men are Josiah, Vin, JD, Chris, Nathan, and Buck,” he pointed to each man, in turn, and you followed his hand.
The one that Ezra had pointed out as Vin maneuvered his horse closer, “How are you feeling?”
“Okay,” you rasped, your throat sore.
“I’ll take a look at you back in town, you do live in Four Corners right?” Nathan asked and you nodded unconsciously leaning back into Ezra’s chest. “You just opened up a doctor’s office, came to town a few days ago?”
“I-I think that is enough questions for now gentlemen, let's just get this young lady home,” Ezra spoke urging his horse forward
After a few minutes you started to feel your chest get tight, and then tears started to fall. Ezra, who was in the middle of the pack pulled his horse back a bit wordlessly to the back of the pack. He reached into his breast pocket of his bright red jacket with one hand and pulled out a white handkerchief, gently he placed it into your hands.”It’s alright. You’re safe. Here dry your eyes.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured unable to stop crying.
“Ma’am, not to sound rude, but you are being ridiculous. You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve had a close brush with death, I’d be a bit worried if you didn’t have some form of emotional reaction.” You dabbed your eyes, turning the handkerchief over in your hands. You ran your thumb over the embroidered, ‘E.P.S’.  You hiccuped and more tears fell, you felt him sigh, was it annoyance? “Now now,” he hushed, dropping a hand on your hands holding the hanky. “You’re okay. And I promise you will be okay. You’re safe with us. If those men ever come back we’ll protect you”
You looked at his hand on top of yours, it was such a soft gesture. You started to cry a bit harder, the people were nice enough but you had been rather alone. Not really making any connections.
“I think you were brave,” Ezra’s voice was soft, even softer than before. You started to laugh, a laugh tangled with a sob.
“I think you mean foolish.” You tilted yourself to the side and tilted your head up to look at him, finally taking the chance to examine your savior, there was no doubt the man was handsome. Sturdy jaw, bright snapping green eyes, as he started to smile, it was a wild mischievous one you realized, which was only enhanced buy a gold tooth that caught the sunlight.
“Well in most cases you be right. But it took a special kind of gall to call a man who has a rope around your neck a- a- what was that I heard you yell?” He tilted his chin down to look at you and your breath caught in your chest.
“Well before I was rudely interrupted I was going to call him, uh, a bloated, white liner, yellowed bellied son of a bitch.” one of the other men nearby started to laugh with Ezra.
“Wooo nelly, you certainly have grit little lady.”
“Buck don’t be a vulture. Excuse him, ma’am. Oh!” Ezra exclaimed suddenly, “We have been very rude, very rude indeed, ma’am. My apologies might I ask your name?”
“Y/N,” Buck tested it out, “what a lovely name.”
The ride back to town was a fairly quiet one, there was some idle chit chat, but nothing past that. The feeling of a warm body, the gentle sway of the horse, and the exhaustion after the stress caused you to doze off in the arms of your savior.
You were not sure how long you were out but you were being awoken by gentle shake and whispers. “Come on now,” Ezra whispered, as you came too he placed his hands on your arms, “Nathan’s going to help you down. Okay?”
“Alright,” Nathan reached up towards you to grab your hands to help you hop down from the horse.
“Let’s get you up to my clinic so I can look at you.” Nathan took you by the arm and lead you up to his space above the livery.
“This is a nice place here. Nathan tell me if I am stepping on your toes but how would you feel about us combining our clinics?”
“Well, I think that be a fine idea,” He smiled as he helped you sit down. “Let's take care of the details later, I want to clean that cut on your face.”  You nodded as he kneeled before you, touching a rag to your face, you winched and tried to pull away from the stinging pain. “Sorry, it’s going to hurt for a while, and it going to be a nasty bruise.”
“Figured,” you hummed as he moved his attention to your neck. “Thank you. You have very gentle hands.”
“Thank you,” he smiled, “I do my best to make my patients comfortable.”
“You do very well.”
Nathan nodded and stood up, “You seem alright, just take it easy for a few days. Rest you’ve had a rough day. You are welcome to take a short rest here if you want.”
“I think I’ll just head home,” you stood and shook his hand. “Thank you, Nathan, I look forward to working with you.”
“And I you.”
As you exited the building and headed down the steps you ran into the other men, who were just waiting there, supposedly for you. “Can I help you, gentlemen?”
“We just wanted to see if you were alright,” Chris spoke up.
“I’m fine. Thank you again for saving me.”
“Ma’am it’s our job. No need to thank us,” Vin raised his hand to stop you.
“I sure hope this doesn’t scare you away,” Chris started to smile, “I think going back home would be a waste of your fire.”
“No. I’m staying, especially now I know I have you boys to back me up.”
TAGS: @outside-the-government @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger @mccoymostly @bkwrm523 @youre-on-a-starship @thefanficfaerie @sparkedupsilver @pinkamour1588 @captainbabysitter-blog @make-me-imagine @7men @dumbcowboys
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Chapter Summary: A bet goes awry and you get to know the gambler just a bit better. 
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 1951
Warnings: Pining, my god, the pining. Dumb babies not really understanding their feelings.
A/N: I don’t have anything to say other than it took me forever to edit this the way I wanted it. 
CHAPTER THREE: More Than Bargained For
It had been a few days since you had really seen any of the men, you had been wrapped up with a little girl who had a serious fever and had not left the clinic as Nathan was out of town buying supplies. Finally able to join the public you walked down the road and caught sight of most of your friends in the saloon. You slipped inside and saw four of your seven new friends at a card table. They all had their eyes trained on the bar. You stepped behind Vin and JD following their gaze to Ezra talking to a woman. You felt a strange pang in your chest watching him smiling, leaning into the conversation. Surely it couldn’t be jealousy. You had no reason to be jealous. You gripped his back of the chair slightly, swallowing hard, forcing yourself to ask, “What’s going on here?”
“Oh Buck and Ezra had a minor disagreement over Ezra’s and his’, what’d he call it? ‘Predilections’ for wooing a lady. So, Buck offered a bet,” JD explained.
“And you know how Ez loves the word,” Buck laughed, but you didn’t you had no idea what he meant. The Ezra you knew, or so you thought seemed almost too good to be caught in a bet like this. Or a bet at all. “Bet him five he couldn’t talk her into dinner.” You shifted, you looked at the men and back up at Ezra who had the girl giggling.
“You know Buck,” Vin laughed, “Ez is mighty persuasive and I hate to see you lose that much money.” He turned to you with a broad grin, “I will give you four dollars, if would you pretend to be his wife or lady friend.”
“You can have Ezra’s five if you make it good,” Buck laughed. You smiled and weighed your options, you bit your lip and you don’t know for sure what made you do it but you strode right up to Ezra.
“Sweetheart there you are,” you gushed as you placed your hands on his arm. He snapped his head to you, his eyes wild. He licked his lip and turned back to the lady he’s been flirting with, trying to smile through the confusion. “Why didn’t you tell me you were headed off this direction?”
“Whose this?” the other woman asked as Ezra searched for words, a blush starting to creep up his cheeks. He wasn’t sure if it was from you or the embarrassment of being caught.
“Well I-I, you see,” he sputtered.
“I’m his wife! Just married last month, isn’t that right my dear?” Then you moved to kiss his cheek, instead, his head snapped to you when the sentence had registered you kissed him right on the lips. Though it was a mistake you sold it.  To your amounting shock, there was a second he pressed back before he pushed you back at arm’s length. He looked at you in shock, “What’s wrong dear?”
Ezra still gaping turned his head over to the woman who threw a drink in his face and proceeded to slap him, “You scoundrel!”  She left in a huff and the men over at the table proceeded to whoop and holler waving the money for you to retrieve.
Ezra touched his lips, not at all feeling the sting of the slap, instead, reeling from the shock of your lips. As he came to his senses he could feel the heat in his face, making his cheeks match his jacket in color. His brows were knitted together as he watched you join the other men.
“Hey, Ezra! Maybe your wife will share her winnings,” Buck shouted laughing loudly. Ezra huffed and walked up to the table snatching his hat.
“That was cheating, Buck. You owe me five dollars,” Ezra accused, pointing a finger into the other man’s chest.
“Sorry, Ezra you lost and I gave the money to your wife,” Buck laughed and you stood there smiling but recounting the kiss.
“Y- You cheated, that was not part of the deal! You can’t alter the parameters like that!”
“You sure are one to talk. Mr. deck stacker,” Nathan laughed. Ezra froze glancing up at you, your brows knitted in confusion. He didn’t need this, he didn’t need you to know that he was no good. He was trying to be better, he wanted to impress you, for a reason he didn’t understand.
“That’s luck gentlemen, don’t be sour. I just have a certain tactile sensitivity.”
“Right,” Buck jumped back in, “Putting the odds in your favor.”
“Leaving nothing to chance,” Vin added
“Being one with the cards, in tune with their vibration,” Nathan suggested.
“Sounds like cheating to me,” JD finished with little tact.
“Not like it’s news,” Vin folded his arms.
Ezra gripped his hat and huffed again, unable to come up with any lies, or smooth words to cover his dirty tracks. “I have business to attend to, Gentlemen.” He put on his hat and looked at you before tipping his head slightly, “Ma’am.”
“What was that about,” JD asked and the table shrugged. You turned and ran out the doors and went after him.
“Mr. Standish!” You ran up and grabbed the crook of his arm. “Mr. Standish. I’m so sorry that I embarrassed you, I was just,” He didn’t look at you and you looked away as well. “I don’t know that I was doing.”
“It’s alright, I was already making a fool of myself. Those men, despite most things, can be very persuasive. How much did you get out of my misfortune?”
“9 dollars,” you admitted. “You can have it if you’d like.”
“No, no, you earned it fair and square. Put it towards the clinic. Honestly, I can’t find fault with you,” he laughed, but it was weak and wavered, “You saw what I would do when ‘bet’ is uttered. And then my companions so kindly decided to remind me that I-”
“Cheat?” He still wouldn’t look at you, “Would you take me to lunch?”
Now he looked at you and his face was just contorted in pure confusion “Excuse me?”
“I think you have a story you need to tell. Take me to lunch and tell me.” You put your hand out. Ezra stared at it for a second, he didn’t know quite what he was doing but he took it and tucked it into his arm. He was being given an opportunity to control how his past was seen, and he was nothing if not an opportunist. And despite claiming to be an observant person, somehow he couldn’t see that you were taking a sledgehammer to the walls he had built up.
Ezra sat across from you looking into his drink, “I wanted to keep this from you.”
“That you cheat at cards?”
“I tend to cheat at most things. I’m what people kindly refer to as a grifter. Those less kind than you use cheater, con man, swindler and other such words.” You nodded, “I-I never really perceived my talents as wrong before I became so involved with my fellow paid-protectors. Yet, even now I can’t stop myself, it’s habit.” You watched him as his fingers drummed on his glass, doing all he could to not look at you.”It’s fun.
“I was raised by my mother to be a con man, taught me everything I know.” His voice picked up an off-handed nature, like it was a thought that had escaped, “Well, in between her leaving me at relatives houses until she needed me. So I’ve always done what I’ve been told.
“And as such, I’ve always gotten that look you know, that ‘can I trust him?’ The look, some of my cohorts still give me, the side eye, especially when they think I don’t notice.” He didn’t know why he was spilling this out. Maybe it’s the way you looked at him, a look of understanding. Or maybe his friends had broken him down more than he had thought.
“Why didn’t you want to tell me this,” you asked after he fell silent for a while.
“Because you haven’t done that. When you first actually met me, after I saved you, you didn’t look at me like I was a snake in the grass, like I always have an ulterior motive. A-and I didn’t want that to change.” He finally looked up and his eyes were the softest you’d ever seen, watery even. He was sitting there baring his soul to you, scared, and bracing for the worst. Bracing for the rejection that was surely coming. “I didn’t want you to look at me like I am what I am.”
You bowed your head a moment, thinking. You sighed and looked back up at him with resolve. “Well, you’ve done so much for me already. I don’t think I anything you say could change my opinion on you.”
“And what opinion is that pray tell?”
“That you are a good man. Sometimes a little misguided, but you have a good heart.”
“You know I was wanted in several cities and territories. I was pardoned when I joined this peacekeeping service.”
“Okay.” Your face remained soft, no sign of scrutiny or anger or anything else Ezra had grown used to seeing over the years. No, your face held some level of understanding. A face he had started to recognize in the other men, but you were different. It felt different coming from you, and he didn’t think he deserved it. 
“I still do it. Time to time when a money opportunity comes up I am ready to exploit it, you saw it today. A-a-and, and-”
“Mr. Standish, do you not want me to like you?”
“Huh?” Ezra wanted to slap himself, allowing such an uncouth response tumble from his mouth like he was some schoolboy.
“Well, you seem to be going out of your way to say things and prove to me that I shouldn’t like you. So do you not want me too?”
“Of course not. What I mean is I don’t want you to not like me.”
“Then why are you trying so hard?”
“You deserve to know that I am not as heroic or selfless per se, as my partners.”
You smiled and shook your head, “Okay. You might think you know who you are. But I am pretty sure I know the truth about you.” You stood grinning now as he still looked confused, perhaps more in awe than anything else. “Thank you for the meal.”
Now Ezra stood, “Alright since you have gotten some my tangled pass out of me faster than a preacher and seem to think you know me better than myself, I think we are long passed formality. Call me Ezra.”
“Only if you call me Y/N”
He took your hand in a firm grip, a wolf-like grin brightening his features. “It’s a deal, Y/N.” He pulled your hand to his lips. You smiled, wishing for the brief moment of intimacy to last longer. Loving the chills the sensation sent down your spine.  
“It’s a deal. Thank you for sharing,” you pulled yourself up and kissed the side of his face. You smiled pulling back and squeezed his arm gently. “I’ll see you around, Ezra.”
He watched the door close behind you, rooted in his spot, “Steady Ezra, Steady,” he whispered to himself.” Few warm looks and you are ready to tell her all your secrets. What would mother say?” He mulled over that question till he reached his room, he knew what his mother would say. ‘Use it to your advantage.’ This was one thing he would not be writing to mother about. Well, one on a growing list of things.
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3: Sad Kiss: Ezra Standish
Takes place in the episode of “The New Law.”
Marshal Bryce was taking over, imposing new laws. Pushing the seven men that had been protecting Four Corners out. You shifted as Ezra came up to you taking his hat off.  “I can’t believe this Bryce character! He can’t just kick you guys out! You’ve been keeping us safe! Safer than any sheriff could out here!”
He started to chuckle, “Please, tell me how you really feel.” He took a deep breath. “Actually I wanted to talk to you about this.” Your heart stopped, you prayed that he wasn’t about to say what you knew he was. “I’m going to leave.” You fought the tears building up, you didn’t have much of a right to be upset. Sure you flirted off and on with him but nothing ever really came from it. Mostly because your father warned you against him, and you were pretty sure he threatened the man before you more than once.
“Oh,” was the only thing you said. You looked at your feet, then up at him. “Just like that? Where will you go?”
“Wherever the trail takes me I guess,” he shrugged, “Maybe St. Louis. I suppose it’s a good thing that I never let my skills deteriorate.” He looked off, rubbing his thumb over his lip. “I-I just wanted you to know that I was leaving. I wanted to see you before I left because I don’t plan on coming back while Bryce is running things.”
“I’ll miss you,” whispered honestly.
“Y-You could come with me you know,” Ezra suggested quietly, looking at you again. “Take you across this country. Show you things, you never imagined.”
“You know I can’t do that. Pa would never let me, he thinks this Marshal Bryce is a hero. And you know how he feels about you.” Ezra dropped his head with a huff and a grin playing on his lips and you smiled in spite of your aching heart. “Even if I could, I could never keep up.” You laughed, but it was weak and watery.
“I-I figured. But, I felt It was worth the attempt.” A heavy silence fell between you, there was so much you wished you could say, that you could tell him. You wished you had disobeyed your father, taken your chance with the gambler. But now, it was all too late, it was useless.
“I-I don’t know what to say, so I guess this is goodbye,” You put your hand out to him. He smiled and took your hand in his, “It’s been a pleasure, Ezra. Write to me, I want to know every detail.”
He didn’t say anything at first, just looking into your eyes and it was like the world had stopped. Finally, he pulled you in by your hand and kissed you. It was soft and warm, unlike anything you had ever felt. There was so much unsaid words in this one gesture, so much emotion. As much as it filled your soul with warmth, it ripped your heart from you. Knowing this was the first and last kiss. And after these few seconds was over, when this one moment was over, he was gone. He pulled away, squeezing your hand he still had in his grasp. “This has been my greatest pleasure knowing you.” He placed a kiss on your fingertips, holding it there for a few seconds, eyes closed.” He pulled away and started backing away from you, “Goodbye,” he whispered, his voice sounding thick with emotion. He didn’t let go of your hand right away, allowing your hands to slowly pull apart. He took a few more paces backward after your fingertips slipped away from one another. It was almost as if he was committing you to memory before placing his hat on, touching the brim, and forcing himself to turn from you. 
You finally let the tears slide down your cheeks as you watched him mount his horse with the other men, heading off away from you and the others. You watched until you couldn’t make out his form against the horizon and long past that.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Status: CLOSED
Alright, requests for all of my fandoms are open. Send some in while you can, they will not be open long!
Writing Prompt List #1 *210 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; & Scenario Prompts)
Writing Prompt List #2 *200 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; and Scenario Prompts)
Sensory Prompts #1 *125 prompts (nature ambiance; fluff/relationship; angst/sad; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Sensory Prompts #2 *around 130 prompts (nature/outside ambiance; relationship/fluff; angst; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Rules Page *Basic Rules: - I only write 'x reader' inserts; no ships or oc inserts - GN!Reader only - I do not write specific body types, or for other specific physical characteristics, since I try to keep my inserts as neutral as possible - No nsfw; no pregnancy/children, no readers/character fics below 18
You can request for fics/oneshots or headcanons.
You can send in your own plot, and/or 1-3 prompts. Feel free to mix and match from the prompt lists!
Full Fandoms List Below Cut:
9-1-1 (FOX show)
Evan “Buck” Buckley Eddie Diaz Det. Lou Ransone Howard “Chimney” Han
The Boys:
Serge “Frenchie” Hughie Campbell Billy Butcher
Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Simon Basset Colin Bridgerton *maybe others? 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike Angel
Criminal Minds  (I have only watched seasons 1-11)
Spencer Reid Aaron Hotchner Derek Morgan
Doctor Who
Ten Eleven Twelve
Sherlock Holmes *I have not watched the whole series so I wont write much for in-show plot points
Malcolm Reynolds Simon Tam
Lark Rise to Candleford
Daniel Parish Fisher Bloom Sir Timothy Midwinter Alf Arless Mr Rushton
Eliot Spencer Quinn Alec Hardison
Magnificent Seven Tv Series (1998-2000)
Chris Larabee Ezra Standish Vin Tanner Buck Wilmington
The Mandalorian + TBoBF
Din Djarin Cobb Vanth Boba Fett (prefer platonic)
M*A*S*H (Tv Series)
Hawkeye Pierce BJ Hunnicutt Trapper John
Merlin (BBC)
Merlin Arthur Gwaine Percival Lancelot
Moon Knight
Steven Grant Marc Spector Arthur Harrow
Person of Interest
John Reese Others; platonically is preferred
Prodigal Son 
Malcolm Bright Gil Arroyo 
Shadow and Bone:
Kaz Brekker Matthias Mal Alexander/Kirigan ?
*I have read the Grishaverse books, so I am willing to write around that plot. But the characters will be in character for the show, and the characters will be written as 20+ as their ages are not stated in the show but it feels as though they are aged up in the depiction. 
Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock Holmes Greg Lestrade Jim Moriarty
Star Trek: Discovery
Christopher Pike Gabriel Lorca (willing to write for an alternate ‘Prime’ version of Lorca) Sarek Spock **I’m in the process of watching Disco and am currently on Season 3. I will be watching Strange New Worlds when I can. **please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
Star Trek: Enterprise 
Captain Archer Trip Tucker Malcolm Reed 
Star Trek: Voyager 
Chakotay Tom Paris
Stargate Sg-1
Jack O’Niell Daniel Jackson Jonas Quinn Cameron Mitchell 
Stargate Atlantis
John Sheppard Carson Becket Ronon Dex
Supernatural  *Have only watched seasons 1-9
Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Castiel Gabriel Gadreel Balthazar Crowley Lucifer Caine
Teen Wolf 
Derek Hale Peter Hale
Vampire Diaries & The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson Klaus Mikaelson Damon Salvatore Kol Mikaelson Lorenzo “Enzo” St John Finn Mikaelson
**Never watched The Originals’, so I only know the Mikaelsons from TVD.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - Franchises/Movies - - - - - 
Original Avengers:
Tony Stark  Steve Rogers Thor Bruce Banner Clint Barton Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson Helmut Zemo Loki Heimdall Vision Scott Lang Peter Parker (Garfield and/or Hollands; aged up) Dr. Stephen Strange T’Challa Agent Ross Shang-Chi Peter Quill
*** Feel free to ask about other MCU characters; I will write for most (depending on if I like the request as well) ***
Original Timeline Movies:  Logan/Wolverine Scott Summers Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” Viktor Creed “Sabertooth”
First Class Timeline: Charles Xavier Eric Lehnsherr Hank McCoy Alex Summers Azazel Peter Maximoff “Quicksilver” Warren Worthington III “Angel”
**Many of the younger characters ages are not obvious in the First Class movies, so everyone will be written/suggested as 20+
The Eternals
Druig Ikaris Kingo
Venom (1 & 2)
Eddie Brock
Deadpool (1 & 2)
Wade/Deadpool  Ajax/Francis Cable Domino
- - -
Star Wars Universe
Episodes I-III
Anakin Skywalker Obi Wan Kenobi
Episodes IV-VI
Luke Skywalker Han Solo
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Han Solo Lando Calrissian Dryden Vos
Episodes VII-IX
Finn Poe Dameron Ben Solo/Kylo
- - -
The Hobbit/Lotr
Thranduil Thorin Kili Fili Bard Legolas Aragorn Eomer Faramir Elrond
- - -
Fantastic Beasts:  ((JK Rowling is a bigot and anything I write regarding the wizarding world is of my own imagination and a continuation of a world I want untainted by her bigotry)) 
Newt Scamander, Percival Graves *So far I have only seen the first movie
**I will possibly write for characters from Harry Potter or Marauders, such as the Weasley twins, Malfoy, Cedric, Remus, Sirius, etc. But if I do, it will be after they leave Hogwarts and are 18+.
- - -
Star Trek AOS
Cpt. Jim Kirk Dr. Leonard McCoy Spock Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Pavel Chekov Hikaru Sulu Khan *please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
- - -
The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis Maybe: Sodapop Curtis Dallas Winston ^^Aged Up
- - -
Pirates of the Caribbean (1-4)
Captain Jack Sparrow Will Turner James Norrington Elizabeth Swann/Turner
- - - 
Magnificent Seven (2016) 
Joshua Faraday Billy Rocks Goodnight Robicheaux Vasquez Red Harvest
- - -
Maleficent I & II
Conall, Borra, Diaval, Maleficent
- - -
The Man from U.N.C.L.E 
Napoleon Solo Illya Kuryakin
- - -
Kingsman: The Secret Service and The Golden Circle
Eggsy Unwin Hamish Mycroft “Merlin” Jack Daniels “Whiskey”
- - -
Jane Austen/Period Movies: 
Pride and Prejudice (1995 & 2005) Characters: Mr. Darcy and Mr Bingley (other characters if requested)
Mansfield Park (1999 & 2007) Character: Edmund Bertram
Sense and Sensibility (1995/2008) Character: Edward Ferrars 
Emma (2009 & 2020) Character: Mr. Knightley
Persuasion (2007) Character: Captain Wentworth
- - - - -
Outside Characters: 
Actors who have multiple characters outside of the listed fandoms that I am willing to write for!
Charlie Hunnam:
Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) Raymond Smith (The Gentlemen) William “Ironhead” Miller (Triple Frontier) **Will also write for Ben Miller
Oscar Isaac: 
Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
30 Day Writing Challenge Masterlist (September 2021)
Below are the links to all of the Days of my 30 Day Writing Challenge from September 2021.
*Words/Phrases next to the Day# is what the 'theme' of that day was.
**All are Gender Neutral Reader Inserts
Day 1: Whump Evan Buckley x Reader Whump/Hurt/Comfort; Angst/Fluff
Day 2: Hand-Holding Newt Scamander x Reader Fluff
Day 3: Cloud/Stargazing Peter Hale x Reader Bit of Fluff, Bit of Angst/Comfort
Day 4: Nightmare Eliot Spencer x Reader Headcanons
Day 5: Soulmate AU Din Djarin x Reader Action, Angst, Fluff
Day 6: Picnic Goodnight Robicheaux x Reader Fluff/Cute
Day 7: "You said you wouldn't fall in love with me." "I lied." BJ Hunnicutt x Reader Fluff/Angst
Day 8: Fake Date/Partner Jack Daniels "Whiskey" x Reader Romance/Flirting/Jealousy/General *Part Two Coming soon
Day 9: Love Letter Steve Rogers x Reader Angst/Romance
Day 10: Flowers Mr. Darcy; Mr. Bingley; Edmund Bertram; Captain Frederick Wentworth x Reader Fluff Headcanons
Day 11: Stormy Night Poe Dameron x Reader Fluff/Comfort + Little Angst
Day 12: Childhood Sweethearts to Strangers to Lovers Leonard "Bones" McCoy x Reader Angst/Fluffish/Romance
Day 13: Secret Admirer Thorin Oakeshield x Reader Fluff/Romance
Day 14: Proposal John Sheppard x Reader Angst/Fluff
Day 15: Admission Chris Larabee x Reader; Vin Tanner x Reader; Ezra Standish x Reader; Buck Wilmington x Reader; Nathan Jackson x Reader; Josiah Sanchez x Reader; JD Dunne x Reader Headanons+Drabbles; fluff/romance/bit of angst.
Day 16: Bounty Din Djarin x Reader Action/Fluffish
Day 17: Huddles together to keep warm Eddie Brock x Reader Fluff/Cute
Day 18: "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to see if you were okay." Spike x Reader Angst/Bit of whump/Comfort/Fluffish
Day 19: 'Flashback' Elijah Mikaelson x Reader Little Angst/General *Part Two Coming Soon
Day 20: 'Rescue' Captain Jack Sparrow x Reader Action/Angst/Fluff
Day 21: 'Meet-Cute' Cpt. Jonathan Archer x Reader Fluff *Part Two Coming Soon
Day 22: 'Ghost/Haunted' Dean Winchester x Reader Action/Angst
Day 23: 'Jealousy' Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce x Reader Angst/Fluff
Day 24: 'Lovers to Enemies/or/Enemies to Lovers Warren Worthington III "Angel" x Reader Angst/Action/Comfort/Fluff
Day 25: 'First Kiss' Headcanons: Merlin x Reader; Arthur x Reader; Gwaine x Reader; Lancelot x Reader; Percival x Reader. Fluff/Romance
Day 26: 'Oh my God there's only one bed' Napoleon Solo x Reader Fluff
Day 27: "I think I'm in love with you" Joshua Faraday x Reader Bit of Angst/Fluff
Day 28: 'Forbidden Love' Thranduil x Reader Romance/Bit of angst/General
Day 29: 'Hair playing/Braiding Thor x Reader Bit of angst/fluff/comfort
Day 30: Cinderella Malcolm Bright x Reader Action/Angst/Romance
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