#Ezrabine since 2014
kelbies-fandom-locker · 10 months
Anyone for an emotional edit
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jedimandalorian · 5 months
Dear Church of Ezrabine,
Today I will add a few more pebbles to the mountain of evidence for our beloved ship. I present to you: Rebel Adventures.
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This children’s book from 2017 is actually a reprint collection of three books originally published in 2014-2015: Meet the Rebels, Rebel Power, and Darth Vader, Rebel Hunter.
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The second book in the collection, Rebel Power, has a two-page spread called “Ezra’s Album,” a collection of his favorite photographs of his new family.
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First there is a picture of Ezra in his Imperial Stormtrooper Cadet uniform. He has captioned this picture with “I look pretty good in my uniform.” From this we might speculate upon the following:
1. Ezra is probably aware of the fact that he is a handsome lad. ✨
2. Ezra has probably heard the galaxy’s equivalent of the saying “Women love a man in uniform.” 😘
3. Ezra has probably worn stolen or salvaged second-hand clothing since he was a little boy, so even if he hates the Empire, he’s proud of the fact that he’s a Loth-rat that “cleans up nicely.” He probably thinks he looks cool. 😎
With those thoughts going through his mind, what two photos does he display next? I’ll give you a hint. Both pictures have something to do with the girl he has a crush on: Sabine Wren.
First is a photo of the mural that Sabine painted of him and Zeb when their bunk collapsed due to Chopper’s naughty little prank. Sabine painted this to commemorate this hilarious, embarrassing incident. Ezra captioned the photo of the painting as follows: “Check out this graffiti in my room. Sabine made it just for me.”
From this caption we know the following:
1. Ezra wants whoever sees his album to know that Sabine has been in his room. That’s probably a big deal to him because it hasn’t ever happened before.
2. Whether or not his assumption is true, Ezra thinks that Sabine made this art just for him. After all, he always did want to be her inspiration. Even if the painting was intended to gently make fun of him and Zeb, Ezra is touched that she has finally painted his likeness and is probably wondering if she will do it again.
The next photo is a close-up of the artist herself, Sabine, with a somewhat awkward but cute smile. Ezra doesn’t comment on Sabine’s picture because anything he would write would probably reveal too much about his hidden feelings for her. Note that Ezra made comments under all of the other photos of the Ghost Crew. Also notice that Sabine’s photo is positioned closest to his, perhaps because, even though we know he loves Kanan, Zeb, Hera, and Chopper, he loves Sabine the most. He can’t put that in writing where anyone might see it!
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Anyway, I thought this was a cute addition to all of the other “sacred” texts that I have studied.
Don’t stop shipping, Sabezraites.
I have spoken.
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Have some more Sabezra on tik tok cause these two are 😍😍😍😍
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