atlatszo · 10 months
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falskihundr · 1 year
[ bloody ] !
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This was . . . a shock. Not that Octavio had managed to get himself into some situation that resulted in personal injury. No, that was a daily--if not hourly--occurrence.
But that he had sought Bloodhound, of all people, out for aid? That was unexpected. Neither of them were particularly close, and Bloodhound's feelings were . . . complicated. They did not blame the son for the sins of the father, but- well, it was impossible to ignore Octavio's involvement with the Syndicate.
"Ah, Octane," they stammered, after a moment of staring from their doorway. "Here, félagi, let me assist you."
Quickly, the hunter pulled a roll of gauze from one of the satchels draped across their chest, moving closer to staunch however much of the bleeding that they could. "Are you in trouble? Is there anything I can do?"
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hatari-translations · 7 months
Bashar Murad - Vestrið villt (Wild Wild West) - translation and notes
Bashar Murad's Söngvakeppnin entry, "Wild Wild West", was performed in the second semifinal last Saturday with Matthías's Icelandic lyrics. They are a translation of the official English lyrics, but there are some interesting differences that would be fun to ramble about a little, so here's a backtranslation of the Icelandic lyrics into English and some notes!
Compare to the official English lyrics here.
Official Icelandic lyrics
Er enn á ferðinni á sömu bylgjunni Veit ei hvert skal haldið í leit að hamingjunni
Er grjót sem veltur fram get aldrei staðið kyrr Þegar þú verður bitur og vilt gera betur þarf að breyta til
Hendi mér upp á veginn svo syng ég þína skál Tómar hendur, tómir vasar en í hjarta mínu brennur bál
Ótaminn villingur allt frá því ‘93 og mig skortir allt fé – ég sver það breytist nú
(Því ég) ætla að fara í vestrið villt, þar sem illt og spillt Er besta fólkið Og þó ég geri mjög gott mót Fari fót fyrir fót Er ég aldrei hólpinn
Ég ætla að fara í vestrið villt, Þar sem mild og tryllt Eru kaup og skipti Ég segi já, ekkert mál, að veði legg mína sál Svo er bara að taka sénsinn
Ég er enn á ferðinni ekki kominn langt á veg Ég glamra á gítarinn, með leðurstígvélin, og slóð í sandinn dreg Klæddur fyrir hlutverkið, vona að þið hrífist með Tók mig þrjátíu ár að átta mig á – að vera bara ég
Ætla að fara í vestrið villt, þar sem illt og spillt Er besta fólkið Og þó ég geri mjög gott mót Fari fót fyrir fót Er ég aldrei hólpinn
Ætla að fara í vestrið villt, Þar sem mild og tryllt Eru kaup og skipti Ég segi já, ekkert mál, að veði legg mína sál Svo er bara að taka sénsinn
Ég er bara að taka sénsinn
Velkomin í vestrið villt… Velkomin í vestrið villt, Velkomin í vestrið villt, Þú færð einn séns til að hamra járnið Þarna er það – tækifærið
(Því ég) Ætla að fara í vestrið villt, þar sem illt og spillt Er besta fólkið Og þó ég geri mjög gott mót Fari fót fyrir fót Er ég aldrei hólpinn
Ætla að fara í vestrið villt, Þar sem mild og tryllt Eru kaup og skipti Ég segi já, ekkert mál, að veði legg mína sál Svo er bara að taka sénsinn Ég er bara að taka sénsinn
Velkomin í vestrið villt.
English backtranslation
I'm still on the road, on the same wavelength I don't know where I'm headed in search of happiness
I'm like a rolling stone, can't stay in one place When you get bitter and want to do better you have to make a change
Getting up on the road, then I'll sing a toast to you Empty hands, empty pockets but in my heart there's a burning flame
I'm an untamed wild thing ever since '93 and I've got no money - I swear that's changing now
('Cause I'm) Going to the west that's wild, where the best people are wicked and corrupt And even if I'm very successful Take one step at a time I'm never safe
I'm going to the west that's wild where trade and barter is mild and unhinged I say yes, no problem, put my soul on the line and then it's just taking that chance
I'm still on the road not very far along I strum my guitar with my leather boots, dragging a trail through the sand Dressed for the role, hope you're swept up with me Took me thirty years to figure out - just being me
I'm going to the west that's wild, where the best people are wicked and corrupt And even if I'm very successful Take one step at a time I'm never safe
I'm going to the west that's wild where trade and barter is mild and unhinged I say yes, no problem, put my soul on the line and then it's just taking that chance
I'm just taking that chance
Welcome to the west that's wild... Welcome to the west that's wild Welcome to the west that's wild You get one chance to strike while the iron is hot There it is - opportunity
('Cause I'm) Going to the west that's wild, where the best people are wicked and corrupt And even if I'm very successful Take one step at a time I'm never safe
I'm going to the west that's wild where trade and barter is mild and unhinged I say yes, no problem, put my soul on the line and then it's just taking that chance
Welcome to the west that's wild.
Translation notes
The first thing to remark upon here is the title and lyric vestrið villt. The actual common Icelandic term for the Wild West, which is also the normal, obvious way to translate it, is "Villta vestrið", which literally just means "the wild west".
So why is the song called "Vestrið villt" and not "Villta vestrið", exactly? Most obviously, "Villta vestrið" is four syllables where "wild, wild west" is three, and Matthías wanted the equivalent of "Welcome to the wild, wild west" to scan properly and sound good. Icelandic word order is often somewhat flexible, especially in poetry, and it'd be fairly normal to turn the phrase around to "Vestrið villta". But to make it three syllables he also leaves the definite ending off the adjective. That's a very unusual, poetic thing to do, though not by any means unknown - poems and lyrics do the same thing occasionally, but it has a definite unusual, antiquated sound to it. You would never refer to the Wild West like that in normal language.
Now, the primary motivation for translating it this way is almost certainly just the syllable count. It's a construction that is as a translation of "wild west" while preserving the rhythm of the song. But the overall effect that it gives, at least to me, is kind of interesting - it sort of decouples the lyric from the actual American Wild West, which ultimately has a different name, and instead puts those two words together in a way where you might be more likely to consider them separately. It's the west, and it's wild. And that actually feels kind of appropriate to the song! Bashar may be wearing a cowboy hat, but he isn't literally going to the Wild West - the story in the music video, after all, shows him going to Iceland. To capture this part of the feel of it, I rendered the lyric as "the west that's wild" - which coincidentally also scans appropriately in English - although that doesn't capture the unusual poetic nature of the phrasing.
There are little lines in the Icelandic translation that are sort of a bit more colorful than the English equivalent, which is fun. "I gotta hit the highway, yeah, here I go again" is rendered as "Hendi mér upp á veginn, svo syng ég þína skál", which I backtranslated as "Getting up on the road, then I'll sing a toast to you," with the toast being original to the Icelandic translation. (It also technically uses an expression that literally means throwing himself up onto the road, which has a bit more force to it than "I gotta".) "Got a can-do attitude and nothing to lose" becomes Bashar wagering his soul, which sounds a bit more dramatic.
The English version says that in the wild, wild west the only rest is for the wicked, a negation of the Biblical idiom "No rest for the wicked": in other words, in the wild, wild west, everyone is punished but the wicked. We don't really have an equivalent idiom in Icelandic, and Matthías went a different route that's fun in a different way, going for the internal rhyme of illt and spillt with the villt in vestrið villt. That rhythmic rhyme has a good and crunchy sound that I like a lot. The meaning winds up being a little different but having a similar air: in the west the the wicked and corrupt are the 'best people'. Similarly, later the English version speaks of the wild, wild west being the best place for business, but Matthías goes for the crunchy internal rhyme with villt again, this time with mild and tryllt. They're sort of antonyms and I'm not quite sure how to interpret trade and barter being both mild and unhinged, but the rhyme still sounds neat. Bashar has studded chaps and is playing spaghetti guitar, but Matthías's translation ditches the studded chaps (I would have no idea how to translate that either) and calling it a spaghetti guitar specifically in favor of the new appropriately Western imagery of dragging a trail through the sand.
Where in English, even if you do your best and you pass the test doesn't mean you'll make it, in Icelandic even if I'm very successful and take one step at a time I'm never safe, which makes the whole thing sound a bit more dangerous - emphasizing having to be careful and yet not being safe, rather than the difficulty of making it.
The English "Why the hell wouldn't I risk it?" becomes "Svo er bara að taka sénsinn", or "Then it's just taking that chance." Séns is slang, though older slang, and actually derives from the same root as chance, though I think it came here via the Nordic languages rather than English. Slightly different meaning but same general point about choosing to take that risk, different lines that I think are both fairly punchy in different ways.
There's one bit where I think the translation may be outright losing a bit of nuance. In English "I dressed up and I put it on, hoping I'd fit the scene / Took thirty damn years to figure out, I just gotta be me" sounds to me like he's describing having originally tried to dress up for a role and tried to fit in before he discovered he just had to be himself, but in the translation, "Klæddur fyrir hlutverkið, vona að þið hrífist með" is in the present tense, as if he's describing now being dressed up for a role and currently hoping to sweep this audience with him, more as if this current role is the 'being himself' he's figured out. But that's only if I'm understanding the nuance in the original English correctly, of course - I would imagine Matthías worked with Bashar directly on the translation and he approved of the phrasing.
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nimblermortal · 4 months
Ingirún, Hard's daughter, had these runes carved for herself. She wants to travel east and abroad to Jerusalem. Fót carved these runes. Not only is this woman making a clear declaration of her intentions ('want' is synonymous with 'will' in these inscriptions), but her decision to erect a runestone before heading out was also a kind of testament to the hazards of the journey: she might not come back, and may not have intended to. It seems likely that Ingirún had connections on the eastern route, people who might have been able to smooth her passage. Let's hope she got there safely.
Children of Ash and Elm by Neil Price
I love... people. Can you imagine this woman setting out in her conviction to reach Jerusalem, who could not possibly know (but perhaps hope?) that people a thousand years in the future would pray for her success?
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eltiron2 · 1 year
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Hát Bástya elvtárs már szart sem ér?
(context: Fót fideszes polgija 6 guriga jutalmat adott magának)
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dugulaselharitas-kz · 20 days
Duguláselhárítás precízen és hatékonyan, versenyképes árakon, számlával és garanciával!
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yesidotoo · 6 months
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day #3 fót train station
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thecgbros · 9 months
CGI & VFX Breakdowns: "Shadow and Bone" - by Ghost VFX | TheCGBros
Check out this revealing VFX Breakdown "Shadow and Bone" from the talented team at Ghost VFX! Ghost VFX played a crucial role in the production of the Netflix series "Shadow and Bone," contributing to both the color finishing and visual effects aspects. The principal photography occurred at the Mafilm Studio complex in Fót, Hungary, with Harris overseeing the color finishing at Picture Shop's facility in Burbank. Working closely with VFX Supervisor Ted Rae, Harris ensured the seamless integration of over 1700 visual effects shots, including the creation of the Shadow Fold. Described as a dark, penetrable membrane emitting a thick smoke-like particulate, the Shadow Fold serves as a key visual and story element in the series. Ghost VFX also excelled in crafting a train explosion, simulating realistic deformations of metal and wood pieces, as well as adding smoke, fire, and dust effects. The team's attention to detail and creative freedom, particularly in the explosion sequence, earned praise for their exceptional work on "Shadow and Bone."
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bladee83 · 9 months
duguláselhárítás mogyoród
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kameradug · 10 months
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atlatszo · 1 year
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human-antithesis · 1 year
Þeir heilags dóms hirðar
Þeir heilags dóms hirðar, Þorvaldr Konráðsson inn víðfǫrli ok Stefnir Þorgilsson, lærðir dróttins hirðmenn sǫgðu hjálma buru mjǫk af þeirri fornu ok miskunnríku trú. Lagar mána askr tók trú, fengu allir skírn ok reistu svá patres dei píslar mark. En sem þeir ferðask snævi þakin lǫnd villutrúar mæta þau herskáru andstefni. Hildi var heygð er dróttins liði var meinat at vera. Bestlu rúðs forsar hoggnir ok ins hvíta krists menn af landi hraktir. Eru þetta endalok tímans í synd ok valdleysi gegn Loka? Hú-mit dregr fram drýsla með hvapta hvítgeira, beitta sem vígleiptr, kalda hvítvǫllu rauða sem glóandi álfrǫðul ok tanna hvarf jafn ógeðfellt sem galdra smiðja elds heima. En at Gautavík í Berufirði hvar hið gamla bú brann til Gauts vina, þar Kristni stýrir ok Klerkageymir eru sendir af Rauma Grundu lands stýranda. Skulu þeir gefa ormsins búk nýja trú ok siði. Á helgum degi Mikjáls erki engils tók Síðu-Hallr við skírn. Armdrósar eisu élrunnr kynnti nokkrum arinkjólum sem eggmóts ljós ǫllum um land allt ina nýju trú, en er neyddr til hólmgǫngu við Þorkel frá Stafafelli. Aðeins Krists marks makt gat geira lundr vegit heiðingjann en á þó meira bǫl í vændum. Fórn mikla gjǫrði Galdra-Héðinn sem ok lagði Unfress ǫ́rr sem hann reið yfir Mýrdalssanda. Á Viðblinda galtar svalteigarrafi birtask kvíðvænlegir undirheimar. Yfirborð þundar beðja opnask ok gleypir heilann Niðar Vargs Lunds þrumseila Várar hval en leyfir dróttins vin til lífs. Þá lostar kuldans hungraða hjǫr eptir Þorvaldi inum veila. Hregg-Mímir liggr á orms váða eiðu frammi fyrir ýta dróttins ástvinar axlar fót. Ryðfjónar gekk reynir randa suðr á landi beðs í boenar smiðju Baldrs sig-tólum halda; siðreynir lét síðan snjallr morðhamar gjalla hauðrs í hattar steðja hjaldrs Vetrliða skaldi. En hafskíðsstafr gefr sína bǫrðu braut til Ránar at Búlandsnesi. Steinunn Refsdóttir, móðir Hofgarða-Refs Gestssonar lét sitt svarðar land fljúga af brand-askers Fálkni. Braut fyr bjǫllu gæti bǫnd rǫ́ku Val Strandar mǫgfellandi mellu mǫ́stalls vísund allan; hlífðit Kristr, þás kneyfði knǫrr, málmfeta varrar; lítt hykk at goð gætti Gylfa hreins at einu. Þórr brá Þvinnils dýri Þangbrands ór stað lǫngu, hristi búss ok beysti barðs ok laust við jǫrðu; munat skíð um sæ síðan sundfært Atals grundar, hregg því at hart tók leggja.
[ENGLISH - The missionaries]
The missionaries Þorvaldr Konráðsson inn víðfǫrli and Stefnir Þórgilsson, learned monks told the foster family much about the old and mercyful religion. After we started to believe, they baptized all and erected a cross. But as they traveled around snow white lands of profane believers they spotted armed resistance. A fight arose when the missionaries were refused to stay. Men were killed and the white Christ's supporters driven off land. Is this the end of time in sin and powerlessness against Loki? A dark horizon brings forth demons with blinking teeth, sharp as singing swords, eyes as red as the glowing sun and wide jaws as abhorrent as the abyssal mouth of hell. But to Gautavík in Berufjǫrðr where the old farm burned to the ground, Þangbrandr and Guðleifr Arason are sent by the Norwegian king. They shall give the dragon's body a new faith and order. On the holy feastday of archangel Michael Siðu-Hallr is baptized. Þangbrandr brings the new faith to several farmers and chieftains around the land, but is forced to a duel by Þorkell from Stafafell. With only the power of his cross he is able to kill the heathen but faces further problems. A great sacrifice is made by Galdra-Héðinn who bewitches Þangbrandr while he rides through Mýrdalssandi. On a cold day the feared underworld appears. The surface of the wet ground opens and swallows Þangbrandr's horse but leaves him out alive. Then the cold blade's hunger lusts for Þorvaldr inn veili. Slaughtered he lies on the ground before the preacher's hands. The tester of shields took his victory-tools south to smite the Balder of weapons in his smithy of prayers; brave battler for faith brought down with a clang his axe of awful death on the anvil of Vetrliði's head. But Þangbrandr gives his wood to Rán at Bulandsnes. Steinunn Refsdóttir, mother of Hofgarða-Refr Gestsson, let her venomous tongues fly towards the crushed ship's owner. The shaping gods drove ashore the ship of the keeper of bells the slayer of the son of the giantess smashed Bison on the Seagull's rest; no help came from Christ when the sea's horse was crashed; I don't think God was guarding Gylfi's reindeer at all. Þorr drove Þangbrandr's beast of Þvinnil far from it's place, he shook and shattered the ship and slammed it ashore; never will that oak of Atal's field be up to seafaring again, the storm, sent by him, smashed it so hard into bits.
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dugulaselharitas-kz · 2 months
Gyors és megbízható duguláselhárítás korrekt árakon, számlával és garanciával! Hívjon bizalommal!
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yesidotoo · 6 months
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day #3 fót train station
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retyerutya · 1 year
Ha Tuzson, akkor egy régi szép akciója: "nagyon úgy tűnik, hogy Tuzson akkor veti latba Fót érdekében kapcsolatait, erőforrásait („a segítség akarása és kivitelezése”), ha Simon megkapja a kívánt pozíciót. Lényegében a polgármestert Simon kinevezésével revolverezi Tuzson – az egyik fideszes a másikat egy harmadikkal." Simon Tuzson embere volt.
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bladee83 · 9 months
dguláselhárítás fót
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