#FFF; display: block; margin-bott
tastebotanical · 6 years
Spinach Tart
Spinach Tart with Peas, Feta and Pine Nuts
This Spinach Tart is an easy, vegetarian lunch or supper dish. The filling consists of fresh spinach combined with peas which add a note of sweetness plus nuggets of salty feta cheese. The tart is topped with toasted pine nuts which add a crunchy texture as well as their delicious, nutty flavour.
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Pretty much all of my recipes use some kind of herb or spice. I love the way that they transform simple ingredients. If you choose flavourings that really work with your ingredients, adding herbs and spices is a way to make your recipes extra-special with very little additional effort.
In this Spinach Tart recipe, I have used nutmeg as the main flavouring as I think it goes particularly well with spinach. If you have only used ready-powdered nutmeg, I really recommend that you buy a jar of whole nutmegs, which can be found in every supermarket. When you have done this, use an ordinary kitchen grater to grate a little piece off one of the nutmegs. Hold the shavings in your hand and inhale. That is the real scent of nutmeg! You can shave a little nutmeg into your dishes whenever you need it and it will have that wonderful, spicy aroma and taste.
Although nutmeg is often associated with sweet dishes and desserts, such as Bread and Butter Pudding or Baked Custard, I think it works very well in savoury dishes. I think it is particularly good in savoury dishes with a hint of sweetness such as Caramelised Onion Tart which uses slow-cooked onions.
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Other savoury tarts and quiches
Savoury tarts and quiches are a fantastic, cook-ahead simple supper or lunch. They are easy to make and are great either hot or at room temperature. They can also be easily divided into portions if you are feeding a large number of people. Easily transportable, they also make a good addition to lunch-boxes or basis for a picnic. Some of my favourites are listed below.
Asparagus Quiche is a simple quiche-style savoury tart that highlights the taste of fresh asparagus. I also have a very simple Asparagus and Herb Cheese Tart which uses ready-made puff pastry.
Two kinds of onion tart – Caramelised Onion Tart which is based on sweet, slow-cooked onions and another version, Onion Tart with Wild Garlic, which has the addition of fresh herbs. I also have an easy Shallot Tart with Thyme and Anchovy which uses ready-made puff pastry.
I also have two very different carrot-based tarts. Carrot and Coriander Tart combines these two classic flavours in a simple quiche-style savoury tart. Carrot Tart uses ready-made puff pastry and combines large pieces of carrot with orange and soft cheese.
Beetroot Tart is deliciously sweet and earthy. Tomato Tart, which is made from fresh tomatoes, is similarly sweet but is a lighter recipe.
Butternut Squash Tart with Chilli and Sage also has a sweetness to it but this is off-set by the addition of a little hot chilli.
Feta Quiche with Roasted Peppers is a fantastic comination of rich, smoky roasted peppers with salty feta cheese.
If you love garlic, you will like my Garlic Tart which is a celebration of one of my favourite flavours!
I also have a couple of fish-based recipes. My Crab and Prawn Tart has Asian-inspired flavours of coriander, lime and chilli. My Smoked Salmon Tart with Prawns is easy to make and is perfect for a celebratory meal or party.
In addition to larger quiches and tarts, I also have a recipe for individual Herb Tartlets which are great as canapes or snacks.
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Recipe for Spinach Tart with Peas, Feta and Pinenuts
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Spinach Tart
Author: Tastebotanical
Prep Time: 20
Cook Time: 35
Total Time: 55 minutes
Yield: 1 tart 1x
Category: Savoury tart
Method: Baking
Cuisine: English
This Spinach Tart combines fresh, green spinach with the sweetness of peas, salty feta and crunchy pine nuts.  It is perfect for a vegetarian light lunch or supper.
Scale 1x2x3x
For the pastry:
275 g plain flour
125 g fat (I use a mix of half butter and half Trex as I think this makes the lightest pastry)
A little water
For the filling:
1 onion
300 g fresh spinach
100 g frozen peas (defrosted)
125 g ricotta
100 ml double cream
2 eggs (beaten)
Grated nutmeg to taste
Salt and Pepper
50 g feta cheese
1 tablespoon pine nuts
Set your oven to 180 C, 350 F or Gas Mark 4.
Make the pastry. Put the flour in a bowl.  Add the fat and combine –  either by “rubbing in” by hand or processing – until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.  Season with salt and pepper.  Add a little cold water (2-3 tbsp) and shape the mixture into a dough. 
Roll out your pastry and use it to line your quiche or flan dish.   Bake for 10  minutes in the oven to allow the pastry to “set”.  This will stop the filling making it soggy.  
Peel and chop the onion.  Heat the butter and oil in your frying pan.   It helps if the pan is good quality with a thick bottom as this will disseminate the heat evenly and prevent burning.  Add the onion to the pan, season with salt and pepper,  and cook at a very low heat for about 10 minutes until soft.
Place the spinach in a saucepan with a little water and cook gently, with the lid on, for about 5 minutes until the leaves are wilted.  Remove the spinach leaves from the pan and, as soon as they are cool enough, squeeze to remove excess moisture and then roughly chop them.
Put the softened onion, chopped spinach and defrosted peas into a large mixing bowl.  Mix in the ricotta, cream and eggs.   Season with salt and pepper and nutmeg.   
Spread the mixture in the pastry case.   
Crumble the feta cheese and sprinkle on top of the mixture.
Place your quiche or flan dish in the oven and cook for 25 minutes.  After it has been cooking for 15 minutes, sprinkle the pine nuts on top and return it to the oven.
Keywords: spinach, tart, quiche, feta, pine nuts, peas, vegetarian
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Instant Pot Beef and Broccoli
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Instant Pot Beef and Broccoli–tender pieces of beef are served alongside broccoli and a savory and slightly sweet Asian sauce for a homemade version of your favorite Chinese takeout dish. 
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Instant Pot Beef and Broccoli
One of my favorite things to order at a Chinese restaurant is beef and broccoli. The salty sweet sauce and the bright green broccoli steaming on a plate is so good. I’ve made an EASY version of beef and broccoli that you can make at home in your electric pressure cooker.
This recipe has “levels” to it. You can go with the super quick and easy route of not browning the meat. Or if you have a little more time you can add flavor by browning the meat, if you want to get the most flavor possible you can even marinate the meat for an hour. It’s up to you and how much effort you want to put into dinner today.
Beef: I have used beef stew meat when I’ve made this but I actually prefer buying a chuck roast and cutting it into strips. That way I know all the beef is from the same cut of beef and will cook evenly. I like cutting my chuck roast into strips when it is partially frozen. It’s easier to manipulate when it’s just a little frozen.
Broccoli: I used a bag of frozen broccoli when I made this recipe. The reason? It’s already cut up and ready to go. You can use fresh broccoli, if you prefer. The cooking directions will be a little different with fresh broccoli (it is outlined in the recipe below).
Soy sauce: I prefer to use a low sodium soy sauce or a Tamari when I make this instant pot beef and broccoli. Regular soy sauce seems too salty to me.
What to serve it with? When I made this instant pot beef and broccoli I decided to serve it with cooked ramen noodles (unseasoned) instead of rice. The kids really liked that. Really you could do either.
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What Pressure Cooker Did You Use?
For Instant Pot Beef and Broccoli I used my 6 quart Instant Pot Duo 60 7 in 1*. I also own the 6 quart Instant Pot IP-LUX60 V3 Programmable Electric Pressure Cooker.* They are both great pressure cookers! The first one I mentioned has a yogurt making function but other than that they are fairly similar. The price difference between the two is about $20.
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Instant Pot Beef and Broccoli
Tender pieces of beef are served alongside broccoli and a savory and slightly sweet Asian sauce for a homemade version of your favorite Chinese takeout dish. 
2 tsp canola or vegetable oil
1 1/2 lbs chuck roast, cut into thin strips or bite size pieces
3 garlic cloves, mined
1 cup beef broth
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 Tbsp sesame oil
1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce or tamari
2 Tbsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp water
1 lb bag frozen broccoli florets
Sesame seeds for garnish
For ultimate flavor brown the pieces of beef in your Instant Pot. You can do this by using the saute setting. Heat canola/vegetable oil in the pot. Brown one side of each of the beef strips for about one minute.. You may have to do this part in batches. Transfer the meat to a plate. Add the garlic into the pot and quickly saute the garlic for about one minute.
Add in the beef broth and scrape the bottom of the pot so that nothing is sticking. Add in the sugar, sesame oil and soy sauce. Whisk. Add in the beef. For ultimate flavor you can turn off your pot completely and let it sit there for one hour and let the meat marinate in the sauce. But if you’re in a hurry you can cook right away.
Secure the lid on the Instant Pot and press the manual or pressure cook button on high pressure. Make sure valve is set to “sealing.” Set the timer to 15 minutes. When the timer beeps indicating that 15 minutes is up, let the pot sit there for 10 minutes and then move the valve to “venting” to remove any pressure that remains.
Remove the lid. Stir to break up any meat that is sticking together. Turn your Instant Pot to the saute setting. In a small bowl stir together the cornstarch and water until smooth. Stir the mixture into the Instant Pot. Your sauce will start to thicken in a few minutes.
When sauce is thick, stir in the frozen broccoli. Let the broccoli warm through and get cooked for about 3 minutes.
Serve beef, broccoli and sauce with rice or noodles. Garnish with sesame seeds.
Beef: I have used beef stew meat when I’ve made this but I actually prefer buying a chuck roast and cutting it into strips. That way I know all the beef is from the same cut of beef and will cook evenly. I like cutting my chuck roast into strips when it is partially frozen. It’s easier to manipulate when it’s just a little frozen.
Broccoli: I used a bag of frozen broccoli when I made this recipe. The reason? It’s already cut up and ready to go. You can use fresh broccoli, if you prefer. You’ll need to lightly steam the broccoli before adding into your instant pot at the end of the cooking time. I do this by placing it in a bowl with a cup of water and microwaving for 3 minutes.
Soy sauce: I prefer to use a low sodium soy sauce or a Tamari when I make this instant pot beef and broccoli. Regular soy sauce seems too salty to me.
What to serve it with? When I made this instant pot beef and broccoli I decided to serve it with cooked ramen noodles (unseasoned) instead of rice. The kids really liked that. Really you could do either.
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Yusuf Yazıcı'ya paha biçilemez
Yusuf Yazıcı'ya paha biçilemez
MUnited tarafından izlenen Lyon ve Beşiktaş’ın radarına giren Yusuf Yazıcı konusunda Başkan son sözü söyledi: “50 yılda şampiyonluğa oynayacaksak hiçbir oyuncumuzu satmayacağız Hele ki Yusuf’a değer biçilemez Onun Trabzonspor’a vereceği fazla şey var”
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Son olarak Beşiktaş’ın Yusuf’u radarına alması Başkan Muharrem Usta’yı harekete geçirdi Oyuncuyla ilgili teknik direktör Ersun Yanal’ın da fikrini saha Bordo-Mavili kulübün patronu tavrını net bir şekilde belli etti Usta “50 yılda şampiyonluğa oynayacaksak hiçbir oyuncumuzu satmayacağız Hele ki Yusuf’a değer biçilemez O bizim gözbebeğimiz ve Trabzonspor’a uzun yıllar vereceği çok şey var” dedi
‘Daha iyi olacak’
Mevcut kadroyu bozmak yerine daha da güçlendirmeleri gerektiğine dikkat çeken Başkan “Yusuf çok yetenekli kaliteli bir oyuncu Ancak henüz yolun başında Ben inanıyorum ki Ersun hoca onu çok daha iyi seviyelere getirecek Dolayısıyla kalması önemli” ifadelerini kullandı
Tolgay ve Töre’ye karşılık istenmişti
Teknik direktör Ersun Yanal’ın transfer listesinde bulunan Tolgay Arslan ve Gökhan Töre’ye karşılık Beşiktaş Yönetimi Trabzonspor’dan Yusuf Yazıcı’yı istemişti Kartal bir miktar da nakit talep ederken Başkan Muharrem Usta’nın net açıklamaları sonrası bu takas detay aşamasına geçilmeden rafa kalktı Genç futbolcunun Bordo- Mavili kulüple 2022’ye kadar sözleşmesi bulunuyor
17 maçta 15 gole katkı
Yusuf Yazıcı Trabzonspor formasıyla ligde ve kupada 17 maça çıktı 1356 dakika sahada kalan genç yıldız bu karşılaşmalarda yekün 10 gol atarken 5 de asist yaptı Müthiş bir istatistik yakalayan Yusuf 3 gol-6 asistlik performansı sadece ligde sergiledi
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canlibahisyeni-blog · 7 years
Yusuf Yazıcı'ya paha biçilemez
Yusuf Yazıcı'ya paha biçilemez
MUnited tarafından izlenen Lyon ve Beşiktaş’ın radarına giren Yusuf Yazıcı konusunda Başkan son sözü söyledi: “50 yılda şampiyonluğa oynayacaksak hiçbir oyuncumuzu satmayacağız Hele ki Yusuf’a değer biçilemez Onun Trabzonspor’a vereceği fazla şey var”
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Son olarak Beşiktaş’ın Yusuf’u radarına alması Başkan Muharrem Usta’yı harekete geçirdi Oyuncuyla ilgili teknik direktör Ersun Yanal’ın da fikrini saha Bordo-Mavili kulübün patronu tavrını net bir şekilde belli etti Usta “50 yılda şampiyonluğa oynayacaksak hiçbir oyuncumuzu satmayacağız Hele ki Yusuf’a değer biçilemez O bizim gözbebeğimiz ve Trabzonspor’a uzun yıllar vereceği çok şey var” dedi
‘Daha iyi olacak’
Mevcut kadroyu bozmak yerine daha da güçlendirmeleri gerektiğine dikkat çeken Başkan “Yusuf çok yetenekli kaliteli bir oyuncu Ancak henüz yolun başında Ben inanıyorum ki Ersun hoca onu çok daha iyi seviyelere getirecek Dolayısıyla kalması önemli” ifadelerini kullandı
Tolgay ve Töre’ye karşılık istenmişti
Teknik direktör Ersun Yanal’ın transfer listesinde bulunan Tolgay Arslan ve Gökhan Töre’ye karşılık Beşiktaş Yönetimi Trabzonspor’dan Yusuf Yazıcı’yı istemişti Kartal bir miktar da nakit talep ederken Başkan Muharrem Usta’nın net açıklamaları sonrası bu takas detay aşamasına geçilmeden rafa kalktı Genç futbolcunun Bordo- Mavili kulüple 2022’ye kadar sözleşmesi bulunuyor
17 maçta 15 gole katkı
Yusuf Yazıcı Trabzonspor formasıyla ligde ve kupada 17 maça çıktı 1356 dakika sahada kalan genç yıldız bu karşılaşmalarda yekün 10 gol atarken 5 de asist yaptı Müthiş bir istatistik yakalayan Yusuf 3 gol-6 asistlik performansı sadece ligde sergiledi
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kralbahisciler-blog · 7 years
Yusuf Yazıcı'ya paha biçilemez
Yusuf Yazıcı'ya paha biçilemez
MUnited tarafından izlenen Lyon ve Beşiktaş’ın radarına giren Yusuf Yazıcı konusunda Başkan son sözü söyledi: “50 yılda şampiyonluğa oynayacaksak hiçbir oyuncumuzu satmayacağız Hele ki Yusuf’a değer biçilemez Onun Trabzonspor’a vereceği fazla şey var”
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Son olarak Beşiktaş’ın Yusuf’u radarına alması Başkan Muharrem Usta’yı harekete geçirdi Oyuncuyla ilgili teknik direktör Ersun Yanal’ın da fikrini saha Bordo-Mavili kulübün patronu tavrını net bir şekilde belli etti Usta “50 yılda şampiyonluğa oynayacaksak hiçbir oyuncumuzu satmayacağız Hele ki Yusuf’a değer biçilemez O bizim gözbebeğimiz ve Trabzonspor’a uzun yıllar vereceği çok şey var” dedi
‘Daha iyi olacak’
Mevcut kadroyu bozmak yerine daha da güçlendirmeleri gerektiğine dikkat çeken Başkan “Yusuf çok yetenekli kaliteli bir oyuncu Ancak henüz yolun başında Ben inanıyorum ki Ersun hoca onu çok daha iyi seviyelere getirecek Dolayısıyla kalması önemli” ifadelerini kullandı
Tolgay ve Töre’ye karşılık istenmişti
Teknik direktör Ersun Yanal’ın transfer listesinde bulunan Tolgay Arslan ve Gökhan Töre’ye karşılık Beşiktaş Yönetimi Trabzonspor’dan Yusuf Yazıcı’yı istemişti Kartal bir miktar da nakit talep ederken Başkan Muharrem Usta’nın net açıklamaları sonrası bu takas detay aşamasına geçilmeden rafa kalktı Genç futbolcunun Bordo- Mavili kulüple 2022’ye kadar sözleşmesi bulunuyor
17 maçta 15 gole katkı
Yusuf Yazıcı Trabzonspor formasıyla ligde ve kupada 17 maça çıktı 1356 dakika sahada kalan genç yıldız bu karşılaşmalarda yekün 10 gol atarken 5 de asist yaptı Müthiş bir istatistik yakalayan Yusuf 3 gol-6 asistlik performansı sadece ligde sergiledi
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