#FFI: bunker files
Just a little quick back and forth between Jaycee and I inspired by this:
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Chapter 19: The Man Flu 
Chapter by: DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday imagine: Flynn comes down with the flu and Lucy is tasked with taking care of him. With his fever spiking so high that she has to drag him into the showers to cool him down.
shout-out to @thealocksly​ for letting us use her adorable fanart! ^_^
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Chapter 17: Who Tells Your Story: Hamilton! Act 2
Chapter by: Burgundy_In_Chaucer, DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday imagine: After their accidental kiss Flynn and Lucy try to find any excuse to escape the common room and their friends watchful gaze to talk about… well, everything.
... you didn't think we'd write the sequel to the Bunker Gang Watches Hamilton, did you? ^^
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Flynn Friday Imagines presents: The Bunker Files
Chapter 13: In The Open
Chapter by DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday imagine: Flynn takes Lucy for a picnic in the grassy fields by their new safehouse. He packs food and a couple of books for their outing. Lucy insist that he bring the guitar that they had found stashed away in the barn.
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Shout-out to @thealocksly​ for letting us use her lovely fanart! ^_^
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Chapter 15: Shutterbug
Chapter by DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday imagine: It's back to the Civil War when Rittenhouse decides to jump. Jiya brings her camera along for the ride after an injured Wyatt is forced to stay in the Bunker.
Short and sweet chapter this time. ^^
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This was another imagine that got delayed, but we had wrapped it up (thankfully). We were all not in a good mental space to write at the time. So, it was great that we buckled down and finished it.
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Ongoing on Twitter! You bet your ass we rode the hype train!
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Chapter 18: The Gleaming
Chapter by: Burgundy_In_Chaucer, DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday imagine: Rufus & Jiya have decided to use their free time to watch a bunch of scary movies with the team. The problem? Lucy is terrified of horror movies, Rufus gets annoyed that the black guy always dies first & Jiya is way too excited.
HAPPY HALLOWE'EN from the Flynn Friday Imagines gang! 
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Chapter 14: Majka
Chapter by DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday imagine: Rittenhouse travels to 1970 in an attempt to kill Maria Thompkins before she meets Asher Flynn. Garcia and the team try to keep her safe, while also ensuring that history stays on course.
#MothersDay #FlynnFamily
This was our imagine for Mother's Day.
Shout out to @princessamerigocreations​ for letting us use the image! ❤
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Chapter 16: The Room Where It Happened - Hamilton! Act 1
Chapter by: Burgundy_In_Chaucer,  DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday imagine: Rufus hacks into Disney+ in order to watch the Hamilton musical in the Bunker with the rest of the team. Hilarity and singing ensues.
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Chapter 12: Uncertain Heart
Chapter by: Burgundy_In_Chaucer, DoctorLia, RedGold, UnUnpredictableMe (DraejonSoul)
#FlynnFriday Imagine: When the team returns to the 1950′s Flynn suddenly finds a new rival in the fight for Lucy’s heart and trust: the great entertainer, charmer, womanizer and gangster Frank Sinatra himself.
#Garcy #FrankSinatra
Shout out to @princessamerigocreations​ for the imagine idea and letting us use your manip! ^^
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#FlynnFriday imagine: Lucy starts a YouTube series based around history after RH is defeated. After two years one commenter continues to challenge & question her. She finally decides it time to meet this so called heckler. Imagine her surprise to find someone she knows. #Garcy
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Chapter 11:  The First Date
#FlynnFriday imagine: It's finally happening. The first date. Both Flynn and Lucy are nervous, yet excited. Jiya, Rufus, Wyatt, and Connor are treating it like a huge event and setting up the common room for a perfect date. Jiya takes pictures to document it.
#Garcy #FirstDate
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