#riya fanfic
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cheesecakeislazy · 2 months
Out of pure curiosity- As a Jakeden shipper, do y’all prefer full on rewrites? Or same story but it takes place in the future? When it comes to fanfics? This can honestly be about any ship that isn’t canon tbh lol
I’m just curious for future reference if I ever choose to write a fic for my OTP..
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picochu007 · 11 days
Money and Fame
Funny haha picture to catch your eye:
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Disventure Camp S2 rewritten by a mentally ill gay man whose favorite character is Jake, but, like, this time the finale begins.
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flowercrown-bard · 1 year
from now on whenever i struggle to figure out what happens next in my writing I'll add [enter pirates of plot convenience] as a place holder
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monochromeruby · 7 days
Disventure Camp Rewrite
Here’s the link! https://archiveofourown.org/works/58967014/chapters/150317302
I posted only episode 2 as of now (as a transcript like I said) I know, boring, but once things actually start changing, I’ll let everyone know. This will be my last update on Tumblr about the re-write until I get to a more exciting period in writing. Any other updates will be on the Twitter account. Keep this in your tabs until then! Enjoy *^^*
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polyamships · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Untold Atlas Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Riya Cross/Eli Ryder/Lilith Wren Characters: Riya Cross, Eli Ryder, Lilith Wren Additional Tags: Fluff, Forehead Kisses, Hurt/Comfort, Brief Mentions of Blood, Canon Compliant, Polyamory, Multiamory March, Queerplatonic Eli Ryder/Lilith Wren, not mentioned but you should know Series: Part 4 of Misc Multiamory March Summary:
A mission goes wrong, and Ryder knew better than to play hero and try to face the dangers alone, but he should have considered Riya and Wren would follow him when he did it regardless.
Thankfully, though, they all have each other to patch up any wounds.
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robin-the-enby · 1 year
Hiya! I would like to request Abe Sapien x my oc it would be the continuation of the first fic and it would include her going on her first mission and how the others react to Abe and my oc getting closer. Hope you have a good day/night ^^
Someone like me p.2
Pairing: Abe Sapien x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of killing and hypothetical bloodthirst :)
A/N: To all the lovely readers besides riya: I do not write for other people's OCs! This is an exception, since I've already written part one in the past :) With that out of the way, I am happy to come back to this, Abe was the first fictional character I ever published a fanfiction about (Confusing feelings on my masterlist, feel free to check it out ;D), so I have a special place in my heart for this man <3). Also, I would like to point out that you have no idea how much research went into this fanfic XD (but some things are completely made up, so don't come at me when some things can't be fact-checked).
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Time passed...as it does. Life at the BPRD was nothing like your calm, quiet and mostly uneventful life in the outside world. The facility was buzzing with life most hours of the day, every day of the week. Luckilly, you weren't completely shut off from the world, like some of your more unfortunate colleagues. You could go outside, thanks to your human appearance. It did take some paperwork and time before your trip got approved, but it was certainly better than being stuck inside. You also had access to the internet and your old social circle, because, well, it would be very strange if you suddenly disappeared.
But you quit your old job and told everyone you're moving somewhere far away, which wasn't a complete lie...And now only few people kept in contact with you. And when they did, you either texted or called. But it was still nice.
And it's not like you minded much. You had a whole new set of friends and a world of possibilities open in front of you. Training with Liz and having some girl time every now and then, because both you and her really needed it from time to time, movie nights with Hellboy- or Red, usually everyone called him red, which Liz almost always joined, and sometimes Abe as well.
Speaking of Abe...
After the accidental confession in the BPRD's exercise pool, the two of you were like two peas in a pod. With your passion for learning about all the different creatures that secretely roam this Earth and your aquatic abilities, you were a perfect partner not only during research, but also on missions that required agents to go underwater. So it's no surprise that the two of you spent a lot of time together while working.
But you never had to worry about being sick of each other. Your personalities mended so beautifully together that you rarely needed to be apart. When you weren't working, you both usually did your own thing, just...together. Of course, you loved to talk and learn about one another, but it was nice to be able to just be...close to someone, with no words needed. Not to mention Abe was a very adaptable person, sometimes you worried he has people pleasing tendencies, but when you needed time alone, he always understood and never pushed past your boundaries. That being said, it's only natural for partner's to argue sometimes. And while that was true and there were instances where you disagreed on one thing or another, you both were smart enough to give each other some time to cool down, when things really escalated, and then talk it through. With Abe's telepathic abbilities, communicating feelings that were hard to put into words was also fairly easy.
Finally, you felt content with the way your life was going. And honestly? Everybody was on board. They were all supportive in their own special ways. Liz was glad that Abe found someone who understood him and wasn't put off by his appearance or his abbilities. Knowing him basically her whole life, it warmed her heart that Abe was happy. Red was proud of Abe. Seeing him always as the more introverted and nerdy friend, he thought Abe would be alone for a much longer time, if not forever. Not that he wouldn't wish a happy romance for the guy, hell, he sure knew about Abe's desire to love and be loved, but the in their line of work, meeting new people is hard and doesn't happen often, and meeting people who stay long enough for romance, or any deeper relationship to bloom is even harder. And he knew that. That was why Red was seriously proud of Abe for shooting his shot. Although when his blue friend revealed to him how exactly the confession went down, Red laughed so hard he couldn't quite catch his breath for a while.
The other agents and staff of the BPRD were happy as well. With the special agents happilly taken, the bureau was just a tad calmer. There was still drama, but nothing serious, like when Hellboy used to escape just to see Liz in the mental hospital, who didn't even want to talk to him at that time. Even Manning seemed calmer, to everyone's relief.
As much as you enjoyed your time at the BPRD, it wasn't always easy. You could still remember the first mission you went on. From your first day at the bureau, you worked hard on yourself to be a good agent. You wanted to go out there and face whatever the world had in store for you. And a few months of intense training and working mostly as a researcher, the day finally came.
Manning had called you, Abe, Liz and Hellboy into the library, for Abe's comfort. And because it was spaceous enough that it easily provided privacy. There, you could go over the details of the mission ahead of you, construct a plan and immediately grab some books to help you learn what you were dealing with at once.
So here you were, sitting around a larger table, listening to Manning tell you about a mysterious creature who, according to secret sources, are responsible for the unsolved disappearings and drownings of multiple people at Wilson lake, Kansas. Based on the evidence and statements from witnesses, every person disappeared at night while going swimming. First outside of swimming zones, but then also right from the designated swimming beaches. First, the victims would swim out into the deep water, where they couldn't feel or see under they're feet. Once they got comfortable, they got pulled under, not to be seen until the next morning. The time the victims spent in water was always different. For some it was ten minutes, for others thirty minutes and for a few even an hour or so.
From what Manning implied, there were some sort of agents scouting the area even before this mission has been ordered, since some of the sources saw a snake like creature, covered in scales, with the head of a cat, or somthng similar. It seems to be able to breathe underwater and above water, and it seems to not have any hind legs.
"First, we need to at least have an idea hat we're dealing with." said Manning with a huff and everyone present turned to look at you and Abe. You tried with all your might, but couldn't remember any creature that would meet the description in a closer way than vaguely. With a slight shake of your head you pushed away from the table and disappeared into the rows of bookshelves in search of amphibian cryptids, monsters, demons and the like. After a few moments, Abe joined you in your search, not knowing sure what it could be either. Luckilly, the two of you knew the library like the back of your hand, so it didn't take long before you came back with what you were searching for.
Each holding a few books, you gave everyone a book or two and you started flipping through them. It couldn't be merfolk, because only a few species live alone and not in groups...it could be a mutant, but most things can be mutants when you think about it...You wondered as you flipped through the pages, sometimes stopping to read the description, most times skipping entire chapters. This went on for roughly half an hour, before Liz suddenly spoke up "And what if it's a Tatzelwurm?"
You all looked towards your raven-haired friend. "The what now?" Red grumbled. "Tatzelwurm, a creature commonly found in Alpine lakes. It's venomous and agressive towards humans. How could it end up in Kansas?" Abe tilted his head to the side. "Look, I'm not saying I'm right, I was just trying to point out that it matches the description almost perfectly." Liz shrugged with a huff and you nodded along her words.
"Well, it seems to be the best we've got so far." Manning said, clasping his hands together. "Are there any weaknesses mentioned in that book? Or something we might use?" you asked. Liz picked up the book and flipped through a few pages, before quickly scanning over the text of one. After a moment, she sighed "No, not really. It just warns to be careful, because a single bite can kill an adult human and supposedly it's able to let out poisonous fumes and has acidic blood." "Well, that's helpful." Hellboy grumbles, not mad at Liz, more annoyed that this case was going to be a tough one.
"Abe, is there a possibility it could be something else?" Manning asked. The amphibian thought for a few seconds about the answer "Well, that depends...Are there any creatures with a similar way of living? Yes, many. Are there any that would match the description given to us that closely? No. Or at least, I can't think of any." he shrugged at last. Manning clapped his hands together and stood up "Alright. We'll assume it's a Tatzelwurm for now. I will have a plan created tonight. Pack your things. Tomorrow at seven o'clock sharp" he looked at Hellboy with that instruction "we'll meet here and you will be given the details of the mission. Then, you'll be leaving for Kansas." he turned on his heel and walked out of the library, dismissing you all in the process.
The next morning, you all met in the library exactly as Manning said. Even Red came on time, although you suspected Liz was to thank for that. Along with Manning came two other agents, the ones who made an elaborate plan for you through the night. It was actually pretty simple, you and Abe would search the water and after you manage to find the creature- there is no "if" as you were told by Manning, you will try to lure it out of the water, where Hellboy and Liz will be waiting to dispose of the creature properly. You and Abe will also be equipped with weapons meant for close combat, which you are strictly advised against, but for safety measures, you'll still have them.
After that, you loaded the super secret garbage truck look-alike and then it was a roughly seven hour journey, spent mostly in silence, as everyone prepared themselves for the mission. You pondered taking a nap, but even if you wanted to sleep, you couldn't. It would be a lie to say you weren't nervous. But you had trained for so long to get to this point. You had done so much in life just to be able to do this. You couldn't, and wouldn't, give up now. But the thought of facing a monster that could kill you with a single bite was terrifying, especially when not that long ago, you were a simple civilian.
As if he could sense your nervousness, Abe softly reached for your hand, encompassing it in his own. As soon as your hands made contact, you knew he could read you like an open book, so you just relaxed and let him feel what you were feeling, hear what you were thinking. In return, Abe reassured you that you had nothing to worry about, that he would do his best not only to accomplish the mission, but to protect you as well. His soothing energy calmed you down significantly and you actually managed to catch some shut eye for the rest of the journey.
After arriving to Wilson lake, you and the rest of the agents set up camp near the lake, away from prying eyes. Since the lake was enormous, and the Tatzelwurm could be literally anywhere, a few technicians came along with underwater drones, which would be placed into the water in several places at the lake, scouting for the creature. After that, you and your friends will be transported as quickly as possible to the place the creature was captured at, where the plan you already were familiar with would be set into motion.
And so you waited. And while waiting, you got you gear set up, Hellboy had his guns loaded and checked, Liz had her gun loaded and checked, as well as her knife and her fire proof jumpsuit. Abe was finally able to get rid of his breathing apparatus and you simply had to put on a tight swimming top, since your legs would turn into a fin.
Abe and you immediately got in the water to warm up for the chase. After such long time of training, you had a better grip on your transformation, so now you were able to get through it more quickly and with less discomfort. Of course, you made sure not to venture too deep into the water, in case the Tatzelwurm was nearby.
After several hours, when the sun was already setting, one of the cameras in a more rocky area of the lake captured something big. A big creature. The technician controlling the drone made sure not to disturb it, and it seemed to have worked, but sadly, the drone caught just a slight glimpse of it, so nobody could be sure if it was realy the creature, or perhaps just a big catfish. But the drones nearby were informed to be on high alert, while the rest were instructed to slowly move towards the one who captured it first. That way, it was nearly impossible to miss it.
While this was all happening, your friends got notified of this progress and you promptly loaded a jeep and were driven to the place where the Tatzelwurm was supposed to be right now. On the way there, your driver got confirmation that another drone got a clear visual of the creature and it's heading towards onbe of the beaches slowly. Putting their foot down on the gas, the driver quickly told you about everything and you and Abe mentally prepared yourself. You needed to be fast, because there were lives in immediate danger.
After finding a good clearing, both you and your blue partner wasted no time and jumped in the water, taking off in the direction you were instructed, while Hellboy and Liz were driven to the location you were supposed to lure the creature to. The bottom of the lake was half muddy, half rocky. It almost seemed like a ghost town, with no creature in immediate sight. They were all probably hidden, but that didn't help the already spooky feeling that was creepin into your heart while looking around for the Tatzelwurm.
You kept close to Abe as you made your way through the dark water. He kept updating you from time to time from where he could sense the creature and if you're getting close. So far, everything was going well. After you made it about a kilometer into the water, where it was more than 8 meters deep, you finally spotted a sillhouette moving almost hypnotically in the water. You both swam faster and each on different side, hoping to be able to get in front of the creature and redirect it away from the beach.
As you got closer, you could clearly see that Manning's informators were right, as well as Liz. It was a Tatzelwurm. It was around two meters long, its scales a rich black colour that reflected the sunrays in small shimmers. Its head was that of a feline, except it had no fur. Its eyes were wide, yellow and wild, hungry for flesh of anything that would cross its path. Its front legs were pretty short, compared to the rest of its body, but they were adorned with long, sharp claws. After a few minutes, you managed get ahead of the creature and you started closing in on it. When you were roughly at the edge of its visual range, you quickly crossed in front of it and darted behind immediately, trying to throw it off guard. At which you succeeded, because the Tatzelwurm stopped dead in its tracks and looked around confusedly, before turning around to finally see what dared cross it.
You simply floated there, not moving for a few seconds, before you flicked your tail swiftly, as if to beckon it, challenge it. The creature's pupils slanted, turning into small slits as it opened its maw, displaying rows of sharp teeth, ready to tear meat from bone. Abe swam slightly closer towards it, seemingly not afraid of the killer cryptid in front of him, although you doubt that if you could see into his thoughts right now, you would see a myriad of emotions going through that brilliant mind of his.
This seemed to rile up he creature even more as it hunched its back threateningly and swam closer to you. You darted a few meters in one direction away from it, but as it turned to look at you, Abe moved exactly in the opposite direction. This was the final straw. The creature, frustrated and angry, let out what would've been a roar on the surface, but here it was just a stream of bubbles coming out of its maw, although that did nothing to make it less imposing. You and Abe started swimming away in the direction where Liz and Red should already be by now, the Tatzelwurm following quickly behind you.
It was a if death itself was chasing after you, the sloshing of water completely ignored by you as the only thing that you could hear was your blood pumping through your ears. The amount of adrenaline coursing through you made your skin prickle and you had to concentrate on keeping the motions of your tail as quick, but also as smooth as possible. From time to time you managed to spare a glance at Abe, who seemed just slightly faster than you, and could afford to look out for you and behind you, to see if the creature was sill following you.
And quite surprisingly, it was. Instead of getting tired of not being able to catch you, your speed, that was putting you just slightly ahead of it, was frustrating it to no end. If you saw any signs of exhaustion or that the Tatzelwurm wasn't interested in chasing you anymore, you'd have to stop and tease it again. However, if you stopped now, it would be certain death.
Slowly, you were reaching the shore. It was just a few hundred meters ahead of you. You could feel the cold water rushing against your sking as you pushed forward, caressing you as if to encourage you to keep going. You could also feel the Tatzelwurm right behind you and you imagine that if there was a way for it to snarl at you, it would, its desire to dig its sharp teeth into your tail so strong you could almost feel it.
Suddenly, you are met with the edge of the lake, the water slightly more shallow. Abe shoots up from the water and before you can stop and ponder how you are going to get out yourself, his hand is reaching for yours. You grasp onto it as if it was the last thing to keep you alive, which in this scenario might as well be true.
Abe pulled you out of the water and away from the shore, behind Hellboy and Liz, who were now dealing with the Tatzelwurm, and continued, until you were safe behind the agents who served as backup for your two friends. You were slightly dazed from the quick change of environment and from the physical strain your body and mind just went through. But feeling Abe's hands on you brought you an unexplainable feeling of safety, though later you started o suspect that was just Abe trying to keep you calm. Nonetheless, under the wave of tranquility and love you were surrounded by thanks to your wonderful partner, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and rest.
You didn't come to until you were in the car again, Abe's arms secured tightly around you with you snuggling into his chest. You closed your eyes as soon as you opened them, relishing in the weight of Abe's head on top of yours, occassionally pressing soft kisses into your hair. Back at the BPRD you learned that the mission was a succsess, the Tatzelwurm having been killed by Red and Liz and even Manning told you that for a first mission, you did a great job.
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Adding on to what Corn said about behind the scenes for DSVCAS, here are some ideas for some characters I had in mind:
I feel like Riya's villain arc would also be scripted along with the romance with Conner (Conner doesn't know about the scripted romance to make it more 'natural'
Since she probably signed an NDA and was promised that her career would skyrocket after this, Riya agreed to this script. Though, after the season was over and she got the fame she desired for years, Riya still feels the regret and pain she caused not only Conner and Rosa Maria too (The producers and Kristal also told her to steal the totem from Rosa and frame her for stealing everyone's things)
Ashley and Hunter would definitely be forced to hate Fiore and basically be verbally or physically abusive to her (an 8 year old!!) Obviously, they hate it and even tried to change it, but the producers were too stubborn and even threatened them with no money if they didn't follow their orders
Also, the Aleriya plotline? Definitely faked as well (Riya is going THROUGH IT! Get her some tea)
(I don't know if I want the Spy Tom plotline to be faked as well, but it's cooler if it's real, and I like spies)
Ally was floating through filming kinda worried for a bit, let her guard down, thenthe producers threw her shitty and weird 'villain arc' where she suddenly goes evil for no good reason and leave Jake to die in the cave
(Someone would shock the bear awake during their argument)
*Filming an Ashley centered scene, where she's dunking on Fiore*
Ashley: I don't get it. Why would I have a two year grudge with a kid? Sure, she was a 'jerk', but she's still a child, and some of these scenes are quite dangerous for her.
Fiore: Yeah, also why did they dumb me down? I was written as a child genius in season 1, and now I'm a idiot who can't socialize? Make it make sense, people!
Kristal: Ugh, I'm sorry, but the script is out of my control. Now, can we PLEASE get through this scene, we still have 6 more to go through, so REDO! Get back in place!
I might make a fanfic at this rate
-🌙 anon
crescent moon anon may i please write some scenes based on this, this is literally genius. or if you want to write them yourself plspls come to my dms/asks as soon as you finish writing it because i need this like i need water . you are so big brained. megamind, if you will
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accirax · 2 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 16
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... is Derek really an incel? like, at the very least, shouldn't him being with Kristal prove that he isn't an incel? i have no qualms with Emily insulting Derek, but she should at least be accurate.
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ooh, Emily going full villain mode? we stan :D
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girl how would you possibly think this would work
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so Ally has resorted to playing a fully emotional game, huh? you either get eliminated a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the Jake.
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the music in this scene cracked me up. also, i think aleriya is (canonically) dead after this scene, if it hadn't already died beforehand. (i say canonically bc fans can do whatever they want)
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d-does he still...? also, obligatory "just because Connor loves Riya doesn't mean she has any obligation to love him back, villain or not."
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i really can't tell if this part of Ally's character arc is meant to be viewed as good or bad. like, the show is obviously telling us that Ally's overall trajectory is bad, and being needlessly cruel to other people for the sake of putting your own emotional wellbeing first could certainly be a part of that. but, there's also been a lot of commentary about how hard it is to be under the scrutiny of social media (likely from the crew's own experiences), so Ally learning to stand up for herself and what she needs could also be a form of wish fulfillment. hopefully it'll resolve as a multi-layered predicament in the end, but i'm just trying to figure out how Ally will respond to her edit in All Stars in either the finale or the Loser's Motel episode.
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...can't you just wait, like, two more episodes to directly state the point of your character arc, essentially then concluding it? then i could be sure that you'd win.
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lmao of course the nerd can't rock climb. he can carry 120 pounds on his back but he cannot ascend.
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Connor is really fucking strong goddamn?
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Ally really can't fight this, because this is the exact rationale that she was trying to use on Jake for their entire games.
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i want to see people draw buff Grett in the style of the buff Natsuki meme from DDLC. but, also, go Grett!!!
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the intense difficulty of a twelve piece jigsaw puzzle. Venus noted that it really sounded like Kristal was describing a slide puzzle, but I understand why that would've been really difficult to storyboard.
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Connor you can't be this stupid (/j)
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in-universe, i don't really understand how she beat Alec (he was really good at the block puzzle in s1 and it fits his vibes), but yay Grett! i knew she wasn't going home tonight anyway.
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what else could it have possibly been, Ally? regardless, we're definitely setting up the pieces for Grett's downfall soon.
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can you really count the TikTok challenge as a "Jake immunity win"? literally everyone except Gabby and Grett won immunity in that challenge.
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for a moment, i really thought Connor was going to pull the Kim Possible "out there... in here..." thing.
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so true Jake
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this feels like a fanfic line
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you know Jake's having flashbacks to his last final 6 experience.
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well, while i certainly thought that it was Riya's time to go in terms of the cut, it does actually make more sense for Alec to go home here, no plot armor involved! (other than arguably the plot armor of not letting Alec win the challenge.) Alec is much more threatening in a final 3 situation because of his greater athleticism and intelligence as compared to Riya, and Grett is closer to Riya than Alec. it sucks to see one of my favorites go, but it's entirely logical.
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Riya out here projecting ("little toy")
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this was such a good moment. i especially love the storytelling without dialogue going on with Connor's reaction. anyways, if Riya wasn't going to win before, she's definitely not going to win now. you don't get hit with the "look at what a sorry state you're in" three episodes before the final and then snatch the W.
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maybe you shouldn't have fired and humiliated your employees live on TV, then.
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is this season going to end with Kristal resigning from the show? i thought that might happen to make way for Emily as the new host, but now that she's going more villainous, i don't think that'll be the cast anymore. maybe Derek and Trevor will take the show back over, as (I think) the more popular hosts in the fandom?
anyways. a solid episode! i think a good number of people saw the Connor idol play coming from a mile away, so it wasn't all that surprising that one of the major villains was going down. still, we had interesting strategy and some great character moments, especially for Connor. they're really making the best of his extended time in All Stars. and, hey, there are only two guys left, so maybe he'll make the finale! it doesn't really matter, though, because it's gonna be Jake. i'll keep riding the Jake winner train until he gets eliminated. not that i think that's going to happen ;)
see you next week!
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canonically47 · 4 months
I miss Seasons 1 and 2 of DC
omfg same (but season 2 not so much)
honestly what they’re doing with DCAS is laughable compared to season 1 (their best season) and i know it’s not over yet and plotpoints can still be solved, but goddamn i feel the least rewarded while watching this trainwreck of a season. aiden, tom and jake take up so much screentime that i’m sick of them and their stupid 6th grader ass plot, and so many characters are dumbed down or cast aside just for their love triangle. so many moments fell flat because they were focused on tomjake instead of on the right people - it feels more like a tomjake fanfic than a dc season, and i say that with the most hateful intentions. there’s no passion shown for other characters, they’re just dull stereotypes compared to previous seasons. connor and fiore were brought in just to give riya and alec more drama and then eliminated without any resolve. and again i know the season is ongoing but DAMN they are killing off my love for so many characters. and the season could’ve greatly benefited from keeping james, lake, miriam, fiore, ellie around more. oh my GOD i am so PISSED OFF with how they eliminated james. took out the only good thing about season 2 to make way for the worst thing about season 1.
i could go on but i’ll just say this: i should stop watching this show atm because it is SO BAD, SO ANNOYING, SO INFURIATING, that i genuinely think it’s harming me. good writing goes a long way and DCAS is shorter than i am
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hand-picked-star · 6 months
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First of all, Welcome to my blog. This blog is dedicated to IPKKND. I had been a avid fan of IPKKND since forever. For a long time, I couldn't indulge myself to my obsession of it. But right now I got some times to do what I always wanted to do. It's a navigation post,mostly for me, as I am getting lost in my own blog. And for you too,if you ever show interest in my blog.
My scattered thoughts
Namak ishq ka
Bharosha nehi hain mujhpe?
Saza toh milegi
Lay me down by your side
12 labours of Arnav Singh Raizada part 1, part 2 and narratives
Teri meri prem kahani
Yeh kya ho gaya
Kahi Ankahi baatein
This is so tough
I love you, damn it
I have no other way
Kabhi khushi kabhie gham
No pun intended
My khawali pulao
Right after kidnapping
During remarriage
After remarriage
Mr. & Mrs.Raizada gif-set
bachelor's party dance
You put a spell on me
Guilty as sin?
She's got you high
Hold me close
Color my world
Crazy in love
The rain
The sun & the moon
Me and you, we were made to break
Five love languages
Out of my head into your arm part 1 and part 2
Just him touching her everywhere
Ab na jaa
Part - 1
Part - 2
Part - 3
Arshi Comics
New year eve smackdown
Arnav and shyam
Video edit
let me down slowly x main dhoondne ko zamame mein
Munda kukkad kamaal da by siasvms
A x K Saaware by Pastellitesoulx
A x K celebrating 9 years by Riya's Vids
Tu hi haqeeqat by nisazeinn creations
An iconic saga of love & hate by poohbaniparvatix
Arshi x ye ladki hain dewaani by poohbaniparvatix
Afreen afreen by isspodcastkokyanaamdoon
Arnav x khushi: enna sona
Posts I adore(by others)
language of sex in IPKKND
Arnav's redemption
The consumation scene
Favourite Fanfics
Saadi by Expelliarmus
Something about you by Farah
Fanfic by me
Anniversary post (2024)
Whispers of the Heart ( Historical AU)
Chotte vs Chutki
Their happy ending
7 types of greek love
What's a Soulmate?
Arshi comic: New year smackdown
You belong with me
Do you love me enough?
Five centimeters
Saving khushi from evil fairy light
Take my hand
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timeless-secret-santa · 3 months
Hello Timeless creatives! Just a quick reminder that the prompts for Timeless Fest 2024 are open and you can check the details in this post.
Have fun creating!🤩
~ Timeless Santa
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allaboardthevespa · 8 months
Disventure Camp All-Stars Teaser #2
First of all, to anyone new who has come here from the fanfic of my AU on Archive of Our Own, welcome. I'm the local Ellabby expert.
(Seriously, EXTRA special thanks to CrawdadChester on AO3 for choosing to take my AU and write a fanfic of it. I never thought such a thing was gonnahappen but I'm so happy it did. Your fanfic is amazing and you should be proud of it! Can't wait for more)
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Fiore trying to make conversation with Alec is nice to see after everything that happened in season 1. You go Fiore, mend those fences!
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I've been wanting to see them again for the longest time and here they are!!!
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Lake is me whenever I see Ellabby getting moments. Also throughout the trailer Jaiden was extra wholesome and it's really nice that they're doing so well.
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Riya looks like she's finally found the fame she's dreamed of. I feel she's about to go through a Lightning McQueen "there's more to life than fame" arc. As long as I get to see her bantering with James, I'm gucci.
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It's also nice that Ashley is willing to make a new start with Ellie and Gabby after season 1. Gabby also looks on board with it, she's so wholesome!!!
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And this ending was just...lmao. Yul is still very much Yul
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picochu007 · 24 days
Broke and Back Mountain
Funny haha picture to catch your eye:
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Disventure Camp S2 rewritten by a mentally ill gay man whose favorite character is Jake, but, like, this time we're mergin'.
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firowisteria · 21 days
Hiko x Jake fanfic for the two people that want to see it (Semi-SFW I think?)
(one being me, the other person being @royaltystudios)
The sun was setting. Jake waited for Hiko to meet him in a place just several yards away from Camp Tipiskaw. Out of everything he could have done, like tying him to tree and looking for the prize money himself to blatantly killing him, Jake brought himself into asking Hiko about the finale he lost in.
Hiko arrived in his host attire. He looked into Jake's gaze and couldn't help but daydream about running away with him into the other side of day. His mind wandered aimlessly about, ignoring what Jake was capable of whenever he falls into hysteria. He didn't listen to the first few sentences Jake spat, not like he ever felt liked listening to reprimands anyways.
"Don't you know how hard I have worked for that? And Ally too! Have you ever considered how painful our journey was?" Hiko finally heard Jake scold.
"I was only doing what I was told. And don't you think that losing to me is at least better than losing to Riya?" Hiko responded nonchalantly. "And why are you defending Ally?"
"Riya is in the hospital for crying out loud! No one gives a shit about her anymore! And.. Ally.. and! Oh, screw you! I never wanted to be here in the first place!" Jake balled his fists towards the eye-patched ginger.
"Then why did you come here again?" Hiko asked the taller man in pink. "Do you have any ulterior moves I don't know about?"
Beating Hiko to a pulp and putting him out of his misery would have been the perfect idea if Jake wanted to serve jail time. Jake knew that he shouldn't do anything foolish.. like anything that the Jake-of-the-past would. But then Jake remembered about the time that Hiko saw him for the first time in a year in which he mistaken him for a personal stripper. He also took the multiple times where Hiko flirted with him and pieced it with the former clue. Jake had a plan. A desperate plan, but one that works.
Jake begins to perform a distraction plan. He takes Hiko by the hips. "Are you okay with this?" He made a mental note-to-self to never mention about this plan when he comes back to visit Ally.
Hiko looks at Jake's eyes and becomes as red as his hair. "Are we?"
Jake responds, "As long as no one knows about this." He pulls Hiko in for a kiss. Hiko reciprocates as they proceed to keep on doing this for half a minute. Hiko's hands wandered around Jake's torso under his jacket and shirt, but stayed cautious enough so he didn't reach in places he wouldn't reach without overstepping boundaries. The moment to Hiko was glorious nevertheless.
Jake didn't know if he wanted this moment to stop. He, much to his chagrin, came to find out that Hiko was a fantastic kisser. Hiko started to kiss the side of Jake's neck. Jake didn't think his plan through, but he knew that he wanted to let Hiko do as much as he could to the extent, as long as it led him to forget about his intentions.
Hiko finally pulled away from Jake. He was flustered about the moments that happened. "Yyyeahh... We should never speak about this.. Well.. That was fun. See you around, Jake!" Hiko waved and went his way.
Jake paused to recollect what just happened those ten minutes prior. "Well.. That was a close one."
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elvishdemigod · 2 months
DCAS is honestly starting to bore me.
Season 3 in general is meh. And you can tell the quality story-wise lowered when they started releasing episodes weekly instead of every 2 weeks.
And there will be spoilers ahead.
First off, getting it out of the way, but the TikTok dance challenge I didn't have much of an issue with. UNTIL I realized if Fiore had won the return chance, she'd be doing the WAP dance. SHE'S 9 YEARS OLD SHE'S BARELY JUST STARTED PUBERTY, SHE'S EXTREMLY YOUNG!!! There's a line between "Child who cusses a lot" and "Child doing a challenge with the Wet Ass Pussy dance."
Then Tom and Jake. They should've just finally fully parted ways and realize they're not compatible. Like I've said, they have more chemistry as exes than as lovers. Tom already proved his word is worth shit, and his promise before leaving didn't feel concrete enough. He could just ghost Jake again. He doesn't know, we don't know.
The drama with Krystal, Derek, and Trevor. I get there have been Trevek shippers since the beginning. But sometimes what makes a ship fun is the "What could've been" and not the "what is." Derek and Krystal seem happy together, and both take joy in the harsh challenges, they feel like they could actually be something.
Meanwhile Trevor literally acts like a pouty toddler. The plot of "Fired employee wanting to get the show shut down" could've worked, if it weren't for the guy acting like his playground crush just rejected his marriage goldfish cracker. It's not even that, Derek actually tries to communicate with Trevor, but Trevor just blows him off! Again, like a toddler, but when they plug their ears and go "LALALA I'M NOT LISTENING" Trevor's the one who didn't say shit until it was too late, that's his fault. And because of it, he's trying to get the show the guy he likes cancelled as if it wouldn't piss Derek off? Can we get a Yandere Trevor AU fanfic, because that feels fitting right about now.
The plot of Emily getting Trevor to work with her to get the show shut down would work if it didn't get 2 minutes of screen time each episode, if it were handled more like the Jensen situation in the first season, and if Trevor wasn't such a baby. Emily though is smart to be using the guy with the brain and emotional power of a child, I'll give her that.
And then there's the current final 4.
Connor and Riya are both rich. They don't really need the money. Not to mention that Riya is getting extremely annoying.
Unless Jake is in a similar situation as me, being an adult who never learned how to drive and can't really get a job, he doesn't really need the money. He's chillin with Miriam, who was a winner of the first season. Maybe he needs the money to help take care of Mirium? But storywise, it doesn't really make sense to let the character living with a previous winner win this time.
Ally is such an unlikeable character now. Though she is the one gonna need the money the most because she's gonna need to flee the country and get a new identity-
Before them, Grett was the most worthy of winning.
The beef with Ally and Jake is like watching two siblings who genuinely hate each other but don't do much outside of slap fights and insults. (Ally leaving Jake for dead by bear because of that?) It's pointless, boring, and this time around most of it is Ally's doing. It was annoying when Jake did it, yet it's supposed to be great when Ally does it?
I'm predicting either Jake is going to win, or Connor but he's going to split the money with someone or a few other contestants. In which in the Connor case, Jake's still gonna get money.
I love the show, but it's really starting to bore me this season.
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