#FIRST of all thats better anyway because artists dont make ANY money from streaming services
rohirric-hunter · 2 years
My Pandora-related difficulties led me to the conclusion that I was going to have to abandon streaming entirely and invest in an mp3 player and... quick question........ why did we ever abandon them in the first place???????
I can get a decent to middling mp3 player for like $50, which is how much I was paying for a year of Pandora Premium, so it pays for itself in a year, I can make as many playlists as I like with no limit because the playlists themselves take up a negligible amount of space, it doesn’t depend on an internet connection to work, and it completely eliminates that issue where it keeps playing some horrid cover or crappy live version of a song you really like and you can’t thumbs-down the cover because then it won’t play the song that you like? You don’t have to depend on the whims of whats popular and can put whatever obscure music you like on your device? The only downside is that because it’s on a different device you can’t layer it over a game or whatever on your phone while wearing headphones, but given the way game ads screw with music playing on your phone anyway it’s barely a loss.
A physical mp3 player is superior to streaming services in pretty much every way, so how did we let it get to this point?
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