sunshin3babeart · 4 months
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I'm reworking it as books now, but back when Frost Paranormal Investigations was gonna be a comic, this was the first pass of issue 1's cover.
Its a little old now, but I didn't realize how close I was to finishing it when i stopped. 🤣🤣🤣 So I added some last touches yesterday lol!
Jacob (dude on grave) and Warden (wolf man) are the two main characters for book 1!
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ydeprontofibrosis · 2 years
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Casi no me daba cuenta pero me notaba algo cansada, algo más cansada que un tiempo atrás. No se cuanto tiempo exactamente pero si que estaba mucho más cansada.
Me refiero a que de momento empecé a notar que ya no realizaba actividades como caminar, subir escaleras, correr, etc con la misma destreza que solía anteriormente sin notar cansancio, solo lo hacía y ya.
No recuerdo cuando empecé a darme cuenta de que cada vez me costaba más de lo que yo creía normal.
Un día solo senti que no soportaba aquel dolor tan grande en mi pecho y sali directo al hospital, le comente al medico de cabecera lo que me venia sucediendo y fue aquí como todo empezó.
Tras pasar internada unas 2 semanas en el hospital y practicarme un sin fin de examenes, placas, rayos x y un momenton de cosas más los doctores me diagnosticaron fibrosis pulmonar a causa de covid 19. La verdad no se en que me momento lo tuve, pero todo apuntaba a que era la raíz de mi problema.
Me sentía tranquila a pesar del diagnostico. Decidí afrontarlo todo con una actitud briosa, pues sabía que contaba con mi familia en especial mis padres para lidiar con todo este asunto, pero al oír que no se curaba y que a demás no había un medicamento que me garantizara siquiera que haría lento el avance de mi FP me sentí muy frustrada, no voy a negarlo. Tenía claro que una actitud positiva también forma parte del remedio y que sin duda alguna ayuda incluso a la misma medicación pero no podía evitar tener pensamientos negativos, sentir ansiedad y sentirme aun más preocupada cuando el doctor agregó que eran altas las probabilidades de permanecer siendo Oxígenodependiente toda la vida. A pesar de mis emociones pensaba en mi mamá y en lo mal que se sentía al verme así y al saberme tan frustrada, entonces decidí ocultar mis sentimientos y seguir adelante con la actitud de triunfadora que hasta ahora he podido mantener y que se volvió verdadera, pues pasaron cosas que me delvolvieron la sonrisa y la fé.
Tuve la fortuna de conocer una chica fisioterapeuta que me ayudaría a realizar terapias de respiración para intentar ayudar a mis pulmones a sanar tanto como pueda y me hablo de una neumonologa que decía ser muy buena. A lo que mis padres decidieron llevarme tan pronto como pudieron.
Esta doctora se dio la tarea de realizarme estudios un poco más a fondo y aunque termino por corroborar que en efecto se trata de FP me explicó además que mi corazón también estaba siendo afectado ya que este y ambos pulmones estaban ahogados completamente en liquido y esta era la razón de mi poca oxigenación pues me explicaba que al estar tan afectados mis pulmones y no producir el oxígeno en la sangre que debería mi corazón debía latir aun más fuerte y era esto lo que provocaba mi taquicardia, o algo asi era, realmente no comprendo mucho ya que no soy experta en la materia pero más o menos entiendo de que se trata todo esto.
En si la FP consiste en la cicatrización del tejido pulmonar, al engrosarse y dañarse se dificulta respirar. Los síntomas comienzan a percibirse cuando la enfermedad ya está un tanto avanzada y buena parte del tejido sano ha sido sustituido por el cicatricial. Los síntomas de la FPI son fatiga, tos, dificultad para respirar, dolor muscular y articular y pérdida de peso sin razón aparente. Como les comentaba a esto sumemoles que traía mis pulmones y el corazón ahogados en liquido lo que volvió más Denso todo en cuanto a los síntomas.
Han pasado varios meses desde desde que me volví oxígenodependiente, estoy siguiendo un nuevo tratamiento el cual ha sido una locura, pero merece la pena.
He experimentado un sin fin de cambios hormonales debido a las píldoras que me han medicado, mi estilo de vida ha cambiado de manera abismal incluyendo mi alimentación obviamente.
Pero estoy bien con eso, resulte ser más que resiliente.
Me he centrado en mantener una actitud cada vez más positiva pero jamás dejando de lado la gravedad de todo este tema, bien dicen que la mente es capaz de enfermarte más que la misma enfermedad y no es lo que queremos así que todo es más fácil si nos mantenemos con fe, confianza y esperanza.
Obviamente confío en la doctora que me esta tratando y en la medicación que me ha medicado valga la redundancia.
Y aunque me advirtió que el proceso de recuperación puede ser rápido o simplemente lento, he mantenido la mente lo suficientemente tranquila para no caer en la frustración nuevamente ya que solo empeoraria todo.
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vandebharatdotnews · 3 days
FPI Investment: Foreign investors bought shares worth 14 thousand crores in one day, breaking the record of 3 years
FPI September 2024: Foreign investors had already changed their stance during the month of September. After the rate cut in the US, their purchases in the Indian market have increased further… The purchase of Indian shares by foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) has gained tremendous momentum this month. Amidst the record rally of the domestic market, FPIs have bought Indian shares fiercely so far…
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moneymovespress · 4 months
मई में FPI ने अबतक शेयरों से निकाले 22,000 करोड़ रुपये
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लोकसभा चुनाव के नतीजों को लेकर अनिश्चितता और चीन के बाजारों के बेहतर प्रदर्शन के कारण विदेशी पोर्टफोलियो निवेशकों (एफपीआई) ने इस महीने अबतक भारतीय शेयरों से 22,000 करोड़ रुपये की भारी निकासी की है।इससे पहले मॉरीशस के साथ भारत की कर संधि में बदलाव और अमेरिका में बॉन्ड प्रतिफल में निरंतर वृद्धि को लेकर चिंता के बीच एफपीआई ने अप्रैल में शेयरों से 8,700 करोड़ रुपये से अधिक की निकासी की थी।वहीं एफपीआई ने मार्च में शेयरों में 35,098 करोड़ रुपये और फरवरी में 1,539 करोड़ रुपये का शुद्ध निवेश किया था।आगे चलकर जैसे-जैसे चुनाव के मोर्चे पर चीजें स्पष्ट होंगी, एफपीआई की भारतीय बाजार में लिवाली बढ़ेगी।जियोजीत फाइनेंशियल सर्विसेज के मुख्य निवेश रणनीतिकार वीके विजयकुमार का कहना है कि एफपीआई की लिवाली का सिलसिला चुनावी नतीजों से पहले भी शुरू हो सकता है।डिपॉजिटरी के आंकड़ों के मुताबिक, विदेशी पोर्टफोलियो निवेशकों (एफपीआई) ने इस महीने (24 मई तक) शेयरों से शुद्ध रूप से 22,047 करोड़ रुपये निकाले हैं।उन्होंने कहा, ‘‘एफपीआई की भारी बिकवाली की वजह चीन के शेयर बाजार का बेहतर प्रदर्शन है।’’उन्होंने कहा कि इसके अलावा भारत में आम चुनाव की वजह से भी एफपीआई बिकवाली कर रहे है।।मॉर्निंगस्टार इंडिया के एसोसिएट निदेशक-प्रबंधक शोध हिमांशु श्रीवास्तव ने कहा, ‘‘आम चुनाव के नतीजों को लेकर अनिश्चितता के बीच विदेशी निवेशक इस समय भारतीय शेयर बाजारों में उतरने से कतरा रहे हैं। वे इसके लिए चुनावी नतीजों का इंतजार कर रहे हैं।’’समीक्षाधीन अवधि में एफपीआई ने ऋण या बॉन्ड बाजार में 2,009 करोड़ रुपये का निवेश किया है।इससे पहले एफपीआई ने मार्च में बॉन्ड बाजार 13,602 करोड़ रुपये, फरवरी में 22,419 करोड़ रुपये और जनवरी में 19,836 करोड़ रुपये का निवेश किया था।कुल मिलाकर इस साल एफपीआई शेयरों से 19,824 करोड़ रुपये की निकासी कर चुके हैं। इस दौरान उन्होंने बॉन्ड बाजार में 46,917 करोड़ रुपये डाले हैं। First Published - May 26, 2024 | 12:50 PM IST (बिजनेस स्टैंडर्ड के स्टाफ ने इस रिपोर्ट की हेडलाइन और फोटो ही बदली है, बाकी खबर एक साझा समाचार स्रोत से बिना किसी बदलाव के प्रकाशित हुई है।)संबंधित पोस्ट Source link Read the full article
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foxnangelseo · 7 months
FPI Investment in India Reaches a Nine-Month High in May
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India's financial markets witnessed a significant surge in foreign investor activity during the month of May. Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) made a remarkable inflow of ₹43,838 crores into Indian equities, marking the highest level in nine months. This surge in FPI investment can be attributed to the country's robust macroeconomic fundamentals and attractive valuations. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this increased FPI investment and the potential implications for India's economy.
Macro Fundamentals and Stable Growth:
One of the key factors driving FPI investment in India is the country's strong macroeconomic fundamentals. India has been experiencing stable economic growth over the years, making it an attractive investment destination for foreign investors. The government's focus on structural reforms, such as the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), has improved the ease of doing business and enhanced investor confidence.
Reasonable Valuations:
Another factor that has played a crucial role in attracting FPI investment is the reasonable valuation of Indian equities. After a period of volatility and market corrections, Indian stocks have become more attractively priced. This has created an opportune time for foreign investors to enter or increase their exposure to the Indian market, as they can acquire quality assets at relatively lower prices.
Positive Policy Reforms:
The Indian government's continuous efforts to introduce investor-friendly policies have also contributed to the surge in FPI investment. Recent initiatives like the liberalization of FDI norms across various sectors, the simplification of investment procedures, and the push for digitalization have all created a favorable environment for foreign investors. These policy reforms have instilled confidence in FPIs, assuring them of a stable and predictable investment climate.
Strengthening Rupee:
The strengthening of the Indian rupee against major global currencies has provided an additional impetus for FPI investment. A robust currency not only enhances the attractiveness of Indian assets but also reduces the currency risk for foreign investors. This, coupled with India's high-interest rates, has made the country an appealing destination for FPIs seeking higher yields.
Sectoral Opportunities:
Several sectors in the Indian economy have shown promising growth potential, which has attracted FPI investment. Industries such as information technology, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy, and financial services have been the preferred choices for foreign investors. These sectors have demonstrated resilience during the pandemic and are expected to drive India's future economic growth.
Implications for the Indian Economy:
The surge in FPI investment has several positive implications for the Indian economy. Firstly, it provides much-needed liquidity to the financial markets, which can stimulate economic growth. The influx of foreign funds supports domestic businesses, boosts capital expenditure, and encourages job creation.
Furthermore, increased FPI investment can help bridge the current account deficit by attracting more foreign capital inflows. This improves the overall balance of payments and strengthens the country's external position.
Moreover, FPI investment plays a crucial role in enhancing market depth and liquidity. With higher foreign participation, Indian capital markets become more efficient, leading to better price discovery and reduced volatility. This, in turn, attracts more domestic investors and supports the development of a robust financial ecosystem.
The surge in FPI investment in Indian equities in May, reaching a nine-month high, underscores the confidence foreign investors have in India's economic prospects. The country's strong macroeconomic fundamentals, reasonable valuations, positive policy reforms, strengthening currency, and sectoral opportunities have all contributed to this surge. The increased FPI investment not only provides a boost to the Indian economy but also reinforces India's position as an attractive investment destination. It is imperative for the Indian government to sustain these positive trends by continuing to implement investor-friendly policies and promoting a conducive business environment.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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gatorsportsfan · 10 months
ESPN's FPI ranking plus other data after regular season end for Florida
ESPN updated its Football Power Index along with other related data for the college football landscape, including the Florida Gators, after the dust settled in Week 13. Some of the categories have expired now that the season is complete, leaving just a few rankings to review. The FPI was developed by ESPN in 2013 to measure each team’s overall strength and predict results throughout the season.…
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razorblogz · 1 year
Sebi defends 2019 FPI regulation change
The SC-appointed panel is looking into the regulatory mechanism of Sebi to protect investors’ interest in the wake of the Hindenburg report on the Adani group.  
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NEW DELHI: Capital market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has denied the insinuation made by the Supreme Court-appointed expert committee that identifying the real person or entity behind an overseas investor has become difficult due to a regulation change made in 2019.
Sebi on Monday told the apex court by its review of regulations on FPI (foreign portfolio investors) ownership in 2018, it made it mandatory for overseas funds to disclose the beneficial owner of the fund upfront. It pointed out that the 2019 change in regulations was meant to remove redundancy and ambiguity in the law. The SC-appointed panel is looking into the regulatory mechanism of Sebi to protect investors’ interest in the wake of the Hindenburg report on the Adani group. The panel submitted its report on May 19, 2023, and thereafter, it was provided to Sebi for its views on the same.
The regulator in 2019 removed the opaque structure clause added to the FPI regulations in 2014. The clause reiterated that FPIs should not have opaque structure(s). The Sebi in its filing with the Supreme Court said once the 2018 regulations had made it mandatory for foreign investors to disclose upfront beneficial owners of the fund, there was no need for the opaque structure clause in the regulations.
It reiterated that changes made in FPI Regulations in 2018 and 2019 have tightened the disclosure requirement related to beneficial owners. Sebi has opposed the panel’s suggestion of a timeline for the completion of the investigation in cases of violation of securities market rules. “The nature, scope and complexity of cases in the securities market vary significantly, and reasonable time to complete investigation would depend on the facts of each specific case and availability of information.
Therefore, prescribing specific timelines to complete the investigation may compromise the quality of the investigation,” Sebi told the court. Meanwhile, the main petitioner in the case — Vishal Tiwari — also provided his views on the report. He stressed the findings of the report which says Sebi has been suspecting 13 overseas entities of having links to the promoters of the Adani Group, and that the shareholding in the listed Adani stocks in the hands of these 13 overseas entities need not qualify as public shareholding.
FPI rules
Sebi denies expert panel report insinuating rule change in 2019 made identifying beneficial owners of FPIs difficult
Sebi says it made it mandatory in 2018 for overseas investors to disclose beneficial owners upfront
The capital market regulator in 2019 had removed the opaque structure clause added to FPI regulations in 2014
Sebi opposes the expert panel recommendation that there should be a timeline for the completion of investigations
The Supreme Court-appointed committee had submitted its report on May 19, 2023
Regulator in 2019 removed opaque structure clause added to the FPI regulations in 2014
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attud-com · 1 year
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livemintvideos · 2 years
While remittances to South Asian countries grew at an estimated 3.5% to $163 billion in 2022, there are large disparities, with Nepal seeing about 4% rise, against India’s projected gain of 12%. India has been a recipient of increased remittances consistently with inward remittances (money coming into the country) being $89 billion in 2021 as against $68 billion in 2012. However, high inflation in the US and UK, coupled with an economic slowdown, may hit inward remittance flow in 2023. According to a World Bank report, India may have received over $100 billion remittances in 2022, or 2.9% of GDP.  Increased remittances are a boon and may help in stabilizing the rupee. Let us explains the trend and how tapping NRI resources can help the economy.
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far2008 · 2 years
Habib Rizieq Shihab Simpan Bukti Insiden KM 50: Bukti Kesadisan Genk yang Dipimpin Seorang Jenderal
Habib Rizieq Shihab Simpan Bukti Insiden KM 50: Bukti Kesadisan Genk yang Dipimpin Seorang Jenderal
Kasus penembakan laskar Front Pembela Islam (FPI) yang terjadi pada Senin 7 Desember 2020 dini hari hingga kini masih menjadi misteri. Persoalan tersebut bahkan masih membekas bagi Habib Rizieq Shihab yang menjadi imam besar ormas tersebut, sebelum akhirnya dibubarkan. Dalam peristiwa tersebut, tercatat ada enam pengawal Habib Rizieq yang tewas. Pun sejumlah kejanggalan sebelum peristiwa yang…
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banqueenfrancecom · 2 years
La Banque Nationale relve sa cible sur le FPI BTB aprs les rsultats du 3e trimestre
La Banque Nationale relve sa cible sur le FPI BTB aprs les rsultats du 3e trimestre
⚡La Banque Nationale relve sa cible sur le FPI BTB aprs les rsultats du 3e trimestre #Banque #Nationale #relve #cible #sur #FPI #BTB #aprs #les #rsultats #trimestre #banque #france La Banque Nationale relve sa cible sur le FPI BTB aprs les rsultats du 3e trimestre MT Newswires 2022 Toute l’actualit sur BTB REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST Donnes financires CADUSDEUR CA…
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amn-group · 2 years
‘Bullish’ foreign investors in the Indian market, 3 billion dollars invested in 10 trading sessions, money invested in these sectors.
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Sepakbola Lebih Agamis dari Jumatan?
Sepakbola Lebih Agamis dari Jumatan?
tebuireng.co – Sepakbola lebih agamis ketimbang jumatan? Adalah judul tulisan yang ditulis oleh Kiai Ahmad Musta’in Syafi’ie yang saat ini tinggal di Kabupaten Jombang dan mengajar di Mahad Aly Hasyim Asy’ari dan Madrasatul Qur’an. Siapapun mesti ingat peristiwa kolosal sekian tahun silam, aksi 212 yang digelar poro sedulur Muslim yang kebanyakan berjaket Front Pembela Islam (FPI) negeri ini.…
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my birthday couldn't have started better holy fuck
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wonky-joints · 1 year
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Hi! My name is Ashton and I'm multiply disabled.
Pronouns are He / They, with a preference for He.
The diagnoses I feel comfortable sharing for the purposes of this blog at the moment are
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adult Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome [Non-IgE Allergy]
Autism Spectrum Disorder, mild-moderate/low support needs
Specific Learning Disability in Mathematics [Dyscalculia]
I am also mentally ill to the point where it was included on my disability registration card in the country where I used to live, but I ask that you respect my privacy in choosing to not always be open about everything, especially when it comes to my mental health and personal life.
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samarthcapital · 10 months
How Can NRIs Invest in India With NRI Services?
Non-resident Indians (NRIs) hold a unique position in the Indian economy. They are not only a valuable source of foreign exchange, but also a potential force driving the country's growth story. Navigating investments in India can be a bit confusing for NRIs. Understanding where and how to invest amidst regulations, tax implications, and diverse options can feel tricky, which is why, NRIs willing to invest in India can rely on NRI services, which make investing easier as per the rules set by RBI and SEBI under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).
Where Can NRIs Invest in India?
NRI services encompass a range of financial solutions tailored specifically for non-resident Indians seeking to invest, manage their wealth, and connect with their homeland. It is vital to understand where NRIs can invest in India.
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NRIs can invest directly in Indian stocks through the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Mutual Funds
Investing in Mutual Funds offers various choices like Equity, Balanced, Bond, and Liquid Funds. Unlike direct equities, NRIs investing in Mutual Funds do not require PIS permissions from RBI. However, some restrictions may apply to NRIs from the US and Canada due to reporting regulations.
Government Securities
NRIs can invest in government securities on NRE and NRO basis, each with different tax implications based on the type of investment.
Fixed Deposits
Investment opportunities in fixed deposits are available for NRIs through Banks or Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), each with its tax implications based on the NRE (Non-Resident External) or NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) basis. NRIs can also invest in Foreign Currency Non-Resident (FCNR) fixed deposits.
Real Estate
NRIs can invest in real estate except for certain property types like agricultural land, farmland, or plantations.
National Pension Scheme (NPS)
NPS, a retirement savings plan, offers tax benefits. Contributions can be made from NRE or NRO accounts, but the pension must be received in India.
Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS)
PIS allows NRIs to trade in shares and debentures through a designated bank account. It helps regulate NRI holdings in Indian companies, preventing breaches of set limits.
How Experts Simplify NRI Services?
Experts like Samarth Capital simplify the investment process by providing guidance, ensuring NRIs make informed decisions aligned with their goals. Here’s how they make investing easy for NRIs.
Helping open NRE / NRO savings and PIS bank accounts.
Setting up brokerage and demat accounts for trade.
Monitoring your portfolio regularly.
Engaging tax consultants for compliance.
Understanding Taxes and Rules
For NRIs, it's crucial to understand tax implications in India and their country of residence. Compliance with the Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) and filing taxes in India if taxable income exceeds the exemption limit is important.
Wrapping Up
Investing in India as an NRI offers diverse opportunities. With guidance and a grasp of regulations, NRIs can navigate this landscape effectively and make the most of available avenues. Samarth Capital, not only facilitates NRI investments but also helps foreigners invest in India with FPI services. So, whether you're an NRI or a foreigner, investment in India isn't a far-fetched dream anymore.
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