atopvisenyashill · 5 months
Because I like giving Jaehaerys a headache: Baelon goes to avenge his brother Aemon against the Myrish pirates. He ends up dying as well. Who is now heir?
Well in canon, Baelon runs off to kill the pirates, then comes back and is suddenly named heir. So if he runs off, and just doesn't come back, that puts Jaehaerys is a trickier position because he had never actually named Baelon as heir, plus Viserys isn't yet married while Rhaenys is married with a powerful husband and a dragon (I don't think Viserys nor Daemon had even claimed their dragons just yet).
So...I do think he'd use this opportunity to say "well I have two grandchildren who could be my heirs and given the rapid deaths of both their parents, I think the lords should help me decide between them" as a way of sort of kicking away any responsibility for the aftermath. However...so fucking tricky. Viserys hasn't already become entrenched as heir yet which is a lot of why he has so many votes in the GC 101. He also doesn't have his Targaryen bride yet nor even a lone daughter to point to - his heir would still be Daemon and Daemon isn't all that old yet. Now, Rhaenys doesn't have a son either but she's at least had a single child, is married, and again, has a dragon.
I think he'd go for a GC earlier because just straight up bypassing Rhaenys for Viserys is very weird in this situation; you can almost see the sense in passing up a granddaughter for another son because Jaehaerys is still alive (ie it's not inherently in his eyes, a daughter before an uncle thing - he's just passing up one son for the other). But this is just very clearly passing up Aemon's line for Baelon's and I do think there'd be some pushback here. And I also think he'd have to play politic a lot more here as well - yeah, he can definitely still rely on misogyny (that's what the greens did after all lmao) to back his claim up, but without having named Baelon as heir, he looks like a little bit of an asshole here. And unfortunately for him, while he's politcking, Alysanne is not only politicking to get Rhaenys the throne, she's also probably really fucking pissed off that he's doing this after their two oldest sons have just died. This is absolutely going to be a crazy Second Quarrel where the King and Queen are a) not living together b) on completely opposite sides and c) getting ready to duke it out via their Rhaenys/Viserys proxies. So for sure, Jaehaerys is having Viserys claim and probably Daemon claim a dragon immediately, marrying Viserys to Aemma immediately, and um. Probably things go badly for poor Aemma here.
Whatever way it goes, I think it's a really close vote. These men are not just going to vote in a woman without a lot of promises made to them. The main people Corlys and Rhaenys need to win over are the Lannisters, Tyrells, and Tullys. We don't know how the Tyrells voted but we do know the Tyrells and Hightowers clash a bit so it's possible they can sway their votes. I think Grover Tully is a nonstarter but Elmo might be able to sway some votes, along with the Blackwoods who are already voting for them. Who knows what's happening with the Lannisters - they side with Viserys, then the Greens, but that doesn't mean Tymond can't be swayed. Plus, with Alysanne actively campaigning for Rhaenys (she had died before the GC 101 remember), that might sway things in their favor.
It's really tricky to say! I think what way it goes just kinda depends on your read of the characters and Westeros as a whole - I think canon shows us that they'd still rather a man above all else in several instances, especially when the person sitting on that seat would prefer a man. Jeyne, for example, had the backing of the Royces against her male cousins. And Rhaenys has to wait until 94 AC for Laenor, but Aemon/Baelon die in 92, so the GC is probably held in 93 while she's pregnant again, so she's arguing on behalf of a theoretical child, while Viserys and Daemon are here and alive, and a living breathing man is always worth more than a girl's theoretical baby (regardless of whether Viserys has his own heir or not smFh). On the other hand, god wouldn't it just be fun if Jaehaerys' plans were all completely ruined because Baelon runs off and gets himself and maybe Vhagar killed as well because he's upset and Alysanne manages to out politic him and get Rhaenys crowned while she hasn't even had a son yet? That's my dream, their marriage would be completely FINISHED but it would be so fucking funny.
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slymreddwyne · 2 months
Wait whats the supposed timeline on Saera's first pregnancy if the father is supposedly Jaehaerys. Was she already pregnant with "Hugh Hammer" when she left for Lys?
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eelissafarman · 6 months
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vxsxnyx · 6 years
thank you for the tag @naomimakesart!! i had so much fun answering these lovely questions!!
1. What are your top 3 favorite houses in Westeros? Houses Targaryen, Lannister, and i can’t choose between Redwyne (bc Ryam and Olenna? iconic) or Martell (defying the Targs?? i mean, against their soaring, flaming monsters?? hell yeah)
2. If you could live during one era in GRRM’s universe what era would it be? (Age of Heroes, Valyrian Empire, Conquest of Westeros, Dance of Dragons etc.) a tough call! but i’d very much choose the Conquest bc my queen Visenya would definitely be there! buuuut i’d also want to witness the apex of the dragonlords (like, imagine your fam had a dragon for each member, and your neighbors also had a couple of them, and when you were flying and saw your homie you’d just be like ‘hey man! Lys tonight?’ ‘tomorrow, bro, gonna fly to Pentos with my fam this afternoon!’)
3. What is your favorite episode/scene from the Game of Thrones TV Series? i need to admit that i was A BUNDLE OF SOBS when i was watching my babe Cersei blowing up the Sept of Baelor!! like, girl?? finally?? your lifetime goal of becoming a ruling queen?? heck yes go get the fucking throne, Cers!! as for a close second is… i’d probably get so much hate for this, but… the Red Wedding!! it’s shocking and beautifully executed. Tywin was a beast.
4. What ruler do you think brought about the most change in Westeros, be it good or bad? hmm… the Targs definitely? Visenya/Aegon/Rhaenys forged the Seven quarrelling Kingdoms into one solid realm, Maegor disarmed the Faith Militants, Jaehaerys/Alysanne left many legacies behind (ex: restoring alliance with the Faith + constructing many roads + ending the lords’ rights for the first night). but the award for a king with neither throne nor crown would always go to my beloved Warden of the West and Hand of the King, Lord Tywin of House Lannister, for keeping the realm intact throughout the reigns of three kings (all who were… incapable at ruling, though Tommen was a kid (in the book, the show made him worse but still a cinnamon roll)
5. If you could ask GRRM one question what would it be? not an ask, a demand: “GIVE US THE DAMN WINDS OF WINTER BEFORE WE PISS OURSELVES!”
6. If GRRM could write a short novel/series about one other family or historical time (besides the Targaryens) in his universe what would you want it to be about? (My choice would be Nymeria’s Journey!) ooooh i’m so so eager to read/watch the Empire of Valyria + the stories about Lann the Clever!!
7. What was your first introduction to ASOIAF/Game of Thrones? Did someone tell you about it, did you see it online or did you come across it at a store/shop? i saw the books everytime i visited any bookstore, but my first real introduction to it was from Ned (that ‘winter is coming’ meme thing) and Dany. i began watching the show and reading the books probably around late 2012 bc i saw too many Dany memes and i said ‘fuck it, i wanna know what’s hot abt this girl’
8. What’s one thing that bothers you about GRRM’s series? right now i don’t have any complains about his books (except for his slow writing of the Winds of Winter), but i really, really regret the fact that the show (1) butchered the Sand Snakes (2) omitting Young Griff out of the storyline (3) killing Kevan Lannister and BARRISTAN SELMY like that!! they’ve strayed too far from GRRM’s plot and it turns out quite awful for me. i understood that D&D had a lot of pressure and needed to make decisions of their own, but i’ve got soft spots for these two old cinnamon rolls and i wish GRRM would take care of the show’s plot more in this upcoming last season :(
9. What’s one thing you unabashedly love about GRRM’s series? that he abuses/tortures/humiliates/destroys/murders men and women alike in his books; that he is unashamed to write gruesome things happening to everyone; that he has no particular character to save from his own monsters. i find ASOIAF and GOT, in many perspectives, akin to our daily experiences (minus the murders tho)
10. What are your feelings about the prequel series in development at HBO right now for the Long Night? nah
:: my 10 questions ::
1. if you have to choose between Visenya/Rhaenyra/Daenerys Targaryen, which one would you pick as your best queen?
2. what is your opinion on Elia Martell?
3. do you think Arya/Sansa parallels Visenya/Rhaenys? do you think Jon would be their Aegon the Conqueror?
4. which part of the Game of Thrones show’s plot that you think should’ve been deleted? why?
5. if you could know any character’s complete background, life story, and death circumstances, who would it be?
6. what do you think would have changed if Rhaenyra married Aegon II?
7. have you ever thought of Cersei being betrothed/married to Ned and Catelyn to Robert (after Robert’s Rebellion)? do you think it would be wiser since the Tullys gave up more resources than the Lannisters?
8. if you could have your own House sigil and words, what would they be?
9. any scenes of character expansion (development/storyline/screentime for sure) in the show that you think is better than in the books?
10. should the Doom of Valyria never happen, do you think the Targaryens/any other dragonlords would try to dominate Westeros in the future?
i’m going to tag @rosenrot6 + @unicornbars7 + @the-lady-rae + @yocalio + @robertarryn + @phoenixtears + @shiro569 + @nonchalant-ocean + @femagorgon + @rhaenysbloodofoldvalyria + anyone who wants to join the fun!!
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