Moscow Marjorie Trailer Queen is a filthy, no good, showboating whore from Hell sent to Congress by Neo-Nazi oligarchs to do their bidding and create chaos.
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rejectingrepublicans · 4 months
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nando161mando · 4 months
I slowly believe the US is just an extension of the WWE
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cmesinic · 1 year
This is how totally fucked up evil Marjorie Trailer Queen is!
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Ok ok ok yelling about the new End of Dragons under the cut
We start off with a good air ship exploding love that that joke is still going
So it looks like we’re gonna be a part of a diplomatic mission. It’s nice to see Kas explicitly acting as an agent of the Queen, I always wished they’d use that for her character more
Shit that jade throne is baller
Love the different jade mech designs. They both look similar to other mechs we’ve seen and yet still very alien.
The final mastery tract is jade bots. The glider boost looks cool and one with a revive ability??? Sounds very useful for my elementalist lol I’m not used to being squishy
Floaty platform zip lines! Hell yeah!
Oh my god so pretty I love all the shots of that one cathedral looking building I can’t wait to explore it and a fucking hologram whale??!
The mysterious asura from the first trailer? It is the mysterious asura from the first trailer! Ok I originally thought she might be the commander stand in the way they had a human for Elona and a norn for Icebrood Saga (I know they have names but I can’t remember them, they show up at Dragon Bash) but nope it looks like she’s gonna be a full on character, please Anet I’ve been dying for asura content give it to meeeee
Mai Trin again I’m pretty sure. Again I’m not super familiar with her cause I don’t do Fractals but she’s definitely got an agenda going on.
Elite specs and siege turtles looking good as always
Damn this music slaps
Oh big fish
Ok loving the emphasis on mysteries and discovering the truth. I know one of the NPCs is a detective and I would loooove to see Marjory return to her detective roots, I missed out on all of that since I missed Living World Season 1 and I am a huge fan of detective fiction
Also Marjory has gone back to using her axe and Belinda’s sword is no where to be found I really can’t wait to find out what that’s about
Uuuuuh ok I honestly have no clue what that big swirly thing is. Honestly big “Hunger from the Adventure Zone” vibes. Like it could be the last Elder Dragon’s influence/magic/whatever but honestly my gut says no. It doesn’t look right. I dunno though but I do know I wanna poke it!
Release date is February 28! I had a feeling it was gonna be the end of February. That’s gonna be a bit crazy since there’s a couple other video games that are gonna drop around then that I know my bf is super excited for so that’s gonna be a bit wild
Oh my god that was such an excellent trailer oh my god I’m so excited I can’t waiiiiiiiit!!!
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Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body!
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rejectingrepublicans · 4 months
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Marge took a cheap shot at Jasmine’s eye lashes and then insulted AOC before getting destroyed by Jasmine’s response.
Marjorie Fucked Around and Found Out!
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