#FULL DISCLOSURE: under the cut it's almost 2k words
inkrabbit · 2 years
hi there, i hope you don’t mind my asking and feel free to disregard. i was just wondering if you have any tips on how to write the papas and/or ghouls? i’ve been wanting to write for some time now but am not entirely sure how to go about their characters. thank you, if you answer. no worries, if you don’t.
okay it is literally 4am rn. I only slept like 3hrs. originally I was gonna do a quick rundown of how I do it, but you know what fuck it. I'm gonna do the quick rundown and then below the cut, I'll go into my own more in-depth takes on them. spoilers: it's all literally just a vibe
so the quick version: there is no "right" or "wrong" way to write for Ghost. as someone once said: "there's like 5% of actual canon and 10% of what Tobias Forge has vaguely said during interviews. the other 85% is fanmade." everything you see? most likely people are looking at the stage performance, reading fics, following the nameless ghouls on social media, watched the Ghost chapters a few times, and then making up their own version. and it all works because nothing is really "set in stone" with any of these characters, aside from what we get from the videos they put out, the interviews and then how they act on stage. people have made complied posts for like... "get to know Ghost" which is just basic lore and basic info on both Papas and Ghouls. my personal favorite is this google slideshow and then "an unhelpful guide to ghost" on youtube by "just another sad zoomer".
so really, just say fuck it and go for it. you can look at everything I linked and you can also watch some of the concert videos online if you feel like you want more of a... "official" block to start from. you can also look at each Papa's albums to add a little bit to it.
now below the cut is the more in-depth version. it's literally gonna be just me rambling about my own takes so everyone, feel more than free to skip this. it's disgustingly long
starting off with the Papas because that's a lot easier.
not only did I look through everything I linked above, but I also looked through some fics. again, these are all basically hcs that people were like "aha sick, that'll work" and just ran with it, and then that idea was adopted by the reader and so on and so forth. really, without reading these fics, I wouldn't have known that Primo "has" a nature/plant obsession. and tbh I 100% fuck with it. so it's just little things like that that you can pick up and choose whether or not you wanna adopt that idea yourself. just like the band, all of these fics and artwork are for entertainment. there is absolutely no "wrong" way to do any of it.
for Primo's personality: to me, he's just an old, exhausted man that's done his time and is now riding out the rest of his years doing whatever the hell he wants. he cares greatly for his ghouls and the clergy, and while he's very warm and open, he can still be firm and hold that "authority" position. literally chapter 3 does not exist to me. like I know it's there but most of my fics don't acknowledge it
Secondo: to loosely quote Papaganda: "He's a miserable, old, wounded, bitter man." he's scary, he's firm, and he'll dropkick you if you've decided you don't want to show him respect. he's loud and explosive, especially when he's in a bad mood, but he's also more "free" and not as official. you might not want him to be your first choice at telling him all of your deepest, darkest secrets because he's very logical. he won't tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. but he's still your Papa and he'll always be there for you. a very fine, upstanding gentleman that might scream at you and his ghouls while using Italian-American slang, but he would never turn you away
Terzo: go have fun. he'll genuinely listen to you and anyone else, and he'll hold you close and cry with you if you ever need to vent. he's the most in-tune with emotions and he's the one that'll really make you feel heard. it doesn't matter if it's been a long day. it doesn't matter if he's drop dead tired or he's recently injured himself. he'll welcome you with open arms and absolutely no judgement and he'll help you work towards a solution to whatever is bothering you. if you want him there, he's with you every step of the way and if you want to do it alone, he'll give you your freedom and wish you well. sure, he's a little bit of a flirt, but we're all entitled to make others feel good, yeah?
Copia: he's awkward, shy, and his social skills aren't the best. he'd rather listen to your problems, but when he goes to answer... give him a bit. there's a hamster running desperately on a wheel inside his mind and that mf just flew off. but he looks at the other Papas and he sees how they acted. how successful they were and he tries to take bits and pieces of them and make them into his own because, hey. the fans and clergy loved them. they'll love him just as much if he has their elements, right? don't get me wrong, he still gives off the vibe of "mama's boy" but he's got a heart of gold and he's trying his best.
Nihil: HAHA. mans is just here trying to vibe. he's done his time, he kinda regrets his past, but he had a blast. he's firm and a little cold to your face, but don't let that front fool you. if you genuinely have a problem and you go to him, he'll absolutely melt and take you into his arms. I've used this term a couple times with other characters, but I feel like he is the true embodiment of "everyone forgot me." he's proud of the project. he's proud of Sister Imperator and all she's done and continues to do. and he's secretly proud of how far his sons have come. but it hurts that no one remembers him and he keeps coming back for the rituals because it gives him a chance to be remembered.
as for the ghouls, my grasp on them is purely a fucking vibe. I take inspiration from people I've met in my life, take a hint of the people behind the mask and cram it together. I will admit, I only take a hint of their original personality for Aether, Rain, Swiss and Sodo. that's it. and for Rain, it's not that much. like maybe 1%. the rest comes from inspiration, concert content and then (again) just the vibe they give off. and it's why my content for Sodo is (imo) more out there than other fic writers. because my take on him is completely different, which is why I was so surprised when I saw a lot of people enjoy how I wrote him. and really, I'm going giving an in-depth look for the ghouls in this ask primarily because I don't have the ghoulettes as fleshed out as I do them.
Aether: he's the more "dad" of the group. he's always here for you and because of his element, you can't lie to him about how you're feeling. he won't push you, but he will give you that gentle nudge and remind you that he's here for you. he can become overwhelmed because of his powers, but he always apologizes for ever snapping at anyone. he just wants to have a good time and he wants to make sure that everyone else is having a good time, too. his happiness comes from the happiness of both the fans and the clergy.
Mountain: just here to vibe honestly. he's very laid-back and doesn't talk much. he'd rather observe than strike up conversation, but he also won't turn you down if you wanna chat. you can either find him lazing around or doing little things to occupy his time when he's not in practice. normally, like the others, he enjoys playing music, but he has a wide variety and will literally listen to anything.
Rain: he's trying his best. originally the shy little water ghoul, he's slowly opening up thanks to hanging around the other ghouls a lot. it's like watching a flower slowly bloom, and every praise and compliment he gets only furthers his bloom. he's still a little shy when you talk to him, especially if it's one-on-one, but he's gonna give it his all. he sees how open and playful the others are. he wants to be the same way and dammit, he's working towards it.
Sodo: there's a few ways I do Sodo. what I normally default to is the more playful, little sarcastic, tough front who says it like it is. he's got a possession problem when it comes to romance, and he'll normally show a more softer side. this soft side is pretty much a complete 180 from his stage performance and goes more off of the man behind the mask. this version is more soft spoken with a hint of awkward, but he's so genuine and his smiles are just as warm as the pits of hell. he knows how to have a good time, he wants you to have a good time with him, but he also occasionally likes to just be on his own and do his own thing.
Swiss: he's here to vibe too, but he's making sure you're vibing with him. honestly, Swiss takes a lot of inspiration from my mom's friend, Richard, who is so easy-going and chill, but also mixes in that playful and energetic vibe. it's hard to say I use the "man behind the mask" for him because, really, what you see on stage is just how he is. if someone asked me what I thought joy incarnate looked like, I would say Swiss from Ghost.
now, as for the other ghouls and all that jazz... look, I don't know. it's still a fucking vibe. you wanna hear a secret? I think from like 2010 to.... 2016??? the ghouls were literally the same musicians (except for the bassists, drummers and even Swiss). I won't put their names, that's up to you if you wanna look it up and ruin that "nameless" image. but even with this idea, I still have it that each Papa summoned their own ghouls, and those ghouls take after their energy. however, I also have it that Copia wasn't exactly the best when it came to summoning, so he uses some of Terzo's ghouls. I say some because... I think Aether and Sodo were around with Terzo, where Sodo (originally Dewdrop) was still playing bass and considered a "water" element. don't quote me on any of this either. it's shit I've seen on tumblr and was like "oh okay. I'll make a little mental note of that" and went on my merry way. still, I have a "general" pool of each Papa's ghouls and how they typically respond.
Nihil's: they're unpredictable and a little hostile. they serve Papa Nihil and Sister Imperator and that's it. the water ghoul is actually a little more friendly with the fire ghoul being the biggest asshole. this one will stalk and go through extra steps to make sure he stays undetected. in contrast, the water ghoul will actually invite you to swim with him if he's feeling particularly lonely. he won't ever attack anyone. just like Nihil, he wants to feel like he's not forgotten.
Primo's: quiet and cold, his ghouls know their job and they do it perfectly. they're not hostile, but they also don't want you near Primo as they're pretty protective of him. one of the ghouls actually doubles as his bodyguard and will always be with him, unless told to give him his space. they exactly want you near them, but they won't lash out unless provoked.
Secondo's: similar to their Papa, Secondo's ghouls are all uniform and do their jobs. however, unlike Primo's ghouls and similar to Secondo's personality, they all have a tendency to slip up and become lost in life's simple pleasures. they also have a tendency to be aggressive and, in rare cases, hostile and violent. don't be too scared of them, but don't get too close, either.
Terzo's: they're more open and laid-back, with the biggest possibility of slipping up. they're actually the least hostile, being even more friendly than the ghouls that Copia has. not only will they serve Terzo and protect him, but they'll also happily help the clergy members and, if they're around and think they can take on the older ghouls, they'll protect siblings when attacked.
and that's about it. if you've made it this far, thanks for looking through at my ranting!
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Helping Hand
Han Jisung x Female reader
Word count: 2k
Synopsis: When Jisung gets hurt he figures out he needs a hand with more than he realized.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! Thank you all for your patience as I slowly get back into the rhythm of things. I hope you enjoyed today's posts! If you like this one give it a reblog, like, comment or jump in my asks! As always warnings and smut below the cut! (I feel like it's been forever since I've written that!)
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/ strong language, oral (m&f receiving), deep throating, cum eating, protected piv sex, I think that's it. I'm easing back into things guys sorry!
Jisung sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the cast that went around his hand and up to his elbow. He was a clutz and fell during practice. Somehow, he managed to not only fracture his wrist but his arm as well. He would be on restricted duty now until it was better and since it was his dominant side it also restricted him from other things, like tying his shoes, using chopsticks, fastening his belt, or say, jerking off.
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That was the one that was currently bothering Jisung. He was home alone and all he wanted to do was jack off and he couldn’t. It was beyond frustrating. He groaned out loudly and fell back on his bed staring up at the ceiling, his hard dick straining against his shorts. 
“Everything okay Jisungie?” He shot up and almost jumped out of his skin when he heard your voice. He didn’t know you were home, he thought you’d gone to dinner with the rest of the guys but you didn’t. You had decided to stay behind with Jisung since he was hurt. When you heard his loud groan you knew he needed something. You hadn’t intended to startle him like that. 
“Sorry Sungie, I just heard you and thought you might need help.” He took a deep breath and removed his hand from his chest. 
“Oh. Uh. No I’m okay.” He was tense and acting weird. 
“Are.... you sure? You don’t seem okay?” His ears were turning red. 
“No! I’m fine!” He tried to strategically place his arms in his lap to hide the fact he was sporting wood but the damn cast made it pretty much impossible. When you saw him fidgeting you looked down and that was when you realized what the problem was. 
“Oh.” Jisung pushed his fingers into his eyes completely embarrassed. 
“Yea uh... sorry it’s just... it will go away.” 
“Well it’s nothing to be ashamed of Jisung.” You took another step into his room. You weren’t sure what exactly came over you but Jisung was hot and hard. Your brain went on auto pilot. 
“Do you want me to help make it go away?” His head shot up and he looked at your face to see if you were fucking with him or if you really meant it. You were biting your bottom lip flushed. You absolutely meant it. 
“You want to?” You walked the rest of the way into the room and shut the door.  
“Yes.” Jisung looked a little apprehensive still. 
“I’d love that, I mean... if you’re sure.” You walked over and stood between Jisung’s legs. You pushed his hair out of his face and he closed his eyes relishing your touch. 
“I’m sure Sungie.” Hearing you call him that made his cock throb. His good hand came up and rested on your hip, his thumb rubbing circles on the sliver of skin exposed to him. 
“I really like it when you call me that. I’ll be happy to return the favor if you’d like.” You chewed at your lip again and nodded eagerly. You started to sink down to your knees and about midway Jisung stopped you, cupping your face and kissing your lips. Your hands rested on either side of his legs as he held you in place and deepened the kiss. 
“Full disclosure...” Jisung whispered against your lips. 
“I’m kind of crazy about you.” You giggled and kissed his plump lips. 
“Me too.” Jisung kissed you one more time and you knelt the rest of the way down in front of him. You ran your hands from his knees up his thighs and felt him tense under your touch. 
“Nervous?” You asked. 
“Excited.” Jisung chuckled answering. He pushed stray hair away from your face with his good hand as he looked into your eyes. 
“You’re so pretty.” Your eyes got big and sparkled as you smiled. 
“You’re pretty too Sungie, so pretty.” You leaned up as you pulled him down and kissed him again before grabbing his shorts and boxers and pulling at both. Jisung got the hint and lifted his hips off the bed allowing you to strip him from the waist down, leaving him in only his tank top. You tossed both articles of clothing aside and when you turned and saw Jisung’s throbbing cock your mouth watered. You licked your palm and wrapped your fingers around his shaft. 
“It’s so BIG Ji!” He closed his eyes, biting his lip and started blushing at your compliment. 
“Heh, thank you.” You giggled. 
“I feel like I should be thanking you.” That made Jisung laugh with his whole body. 
“Just touching me is thank you enough I think.” You smirked. 
“Oh I’m definitely doing more than just touching Sungie.” Before he could think of a single word to say back to that, you leaned forward and took the tip of his cock into your warm wet mouth and started to suck and bob up and down. 
“Oh god!” Jisung gripped your hair with his good hand and helped set a rhythm. When the tip hit the back of your throat he hissed. 
“SSSssshit that’s good jagi, can you gag on it again?” You could do anything Jisung asked if he called you jagi when asking. You started to deep throat his dick and Jisung was impressed you could take so much. 
“Fuck you’re sucking me so well beautiful.” The squelching sound Jisung’s dick made as it entered your throat over and over was wet and loud. Your lips formed a seal and you hummed and Jisung thought he was gonna blow his load right then. 
“Ohhh like that do that!” You hummed as you bottomed out on his cock again. Up and down humming louder, louder, louder. Jisung’s grip on your hair tightened and you felt the sweet sting of pins and needles.  
“I’m g-gonna cum, you gonna swallow for me jagi?” Jagi. Fuck. You nodded as you continued to suck him off and hum on his cock. The sweet moan that left Jisung right before he flooded your mouth made you reach down and touch yourself over your pants. 
“Ohhh fuck yesyes god feels so good, you’re such a good girl. So pretty with a cock in your mouth, so so pretty.” You swallowed the last of Jisung’s cum and popped off him sitting back on your heels feeling a little shy once he had post nut clarity. 
“Wow that was... whew...” Jisung’s cheeks, ears and neck were all blushing from his orgasm. 
“You taste so good Sungie.” He looked down at you and smiled. 
“Bet not half as good as you taste jagiya. Come, climb up on the bed and lay down for me.” He took your hand and helped you off your knees and onto his bed. He watched the shape of your body as you crawled across and then laid back on his pillows. 
“Beautiful. It’s okay if I touch you?” You shook your head yes. 
“Please. Need you Ji.” He didn’t make you wait. He stripped off his tank top and then as he removed your pants while you worked your shirt and bra off. Once you were naked on his bed Jisung got a little light headed at the sight of you. 
“Sorry if I’m staring it's just... this is like a dream come true for me. I never thought I’d have you in my bed, let alone wet and ready for me. Can I taste?”  
“Mhmm.” Jisung’s head dipped between your legs and he drug his tongue through your folds. 
“Ffffuck!” Jisung hummed in delight. 
“I knew you’d taste amazing.” He started to drink you in. Running his tongue from your hole to your clit and back again, gathering as much of your arousal as possible before latching onto your clit and sucking gently. 
“JiJiJiJi!! Fuck that, right there yes!” He decided to give you a taste of your own medicine and hummed against your pussy as he continued to devour you. Your legs started to shake and you were trying to clamp them around his head but he was holding them open while he ravaged your cunt. He licked another stripe and his face came away an inch. 
“So fucking good damn baby. Cum for me beautiful.” He started going down on you again, his efforts doubled and you went speeding towards your climax. 
“Ji... Ji... I’m gonna cum! Gonna cum! Fuck Sungie!” You shook, your orgasm intense and prolonged as Jisung slowly, gently, worked you through it. Once you relaxed into the bed, Jisung propped himself up over you on his one good arm and kissed you softly. 
“Can I fuck you?” He whispered his question against your lips. You smiled and nodded, taking a deep content breath. 
“God please! Please fuck me Jisung.” He quickly grabbed a condom from his nightstand, ripped it open, and rolled it down his cock. You sat up and pushed at his firm chest making him sit back against his head board. 
“Mind if I’m on top?” Jisung motioned towards his lap. 
“Go right ahead.” You both laughed and you thought you had never had so much fun having sex. You climbed on his lap and Jisung’s laugh turned to a chuckle and when you lined his cock up with your glistening hole he wasn’t laughing at all anymore. No he was chewing on his lip praying he didn’t blow too fast. The moan he let out when you sank down on him was sinful. 
“Fuuuuuck jagiya... just a second. Don’t move yet or this is gonna be over before it’s started.” You bit your lip and nodded, waiting for a signal that it was okay to move. After just a minute Jisung gripped your hip gently and nodded. 
“Okay we’re out of the danger zone.” You were giggling again. You loved that he could always make you laugh. You leaned down and kissed him as you started to move your hips slowly. 
“Mmmm feels good Ji, so big, fills me up so well.” He bit your lip gently. 
“Can you take it?” He smirked at you. Oh okay, you thought to yourself. You pecked his lips once more and then braced yourself palms down on his pecs. The look you gave him said he was absolutely fucked in every sense of the word and then you put it down on him. You rolled your hips and bounced up and down on his cock. 
“FUCK!” The smirk was effectively wiped from Jisung’s face now his teeth were sank into his own lip. You took him whole and started grinding. 
“If you keep going like this I’m gonna cum baby.” You smiled and kept up your brutal pace, your own orgasm approaching quickly with the added stimulation to your clit rubbing against the firm muscle above his pelvis. 
“Cum for me Jisung.” You rolled your hips again and your walls started to flutter around Jisung’s cock as you came hard. 
“Fffuck! Mmmm Jisung!” He gripped your hip with his good hand and started fucking into you from below. 
“FUCKFUCKFUCK! YESYES OH MY FUCKING GOD!” The best orgasm of your life is how you would describe your climax. 
“I’m gonna cum jagi fuck! I’m gonna...” He let out another loud moan when he filled the condom inside you and Jisung’s moans were the prettiest sounds you had ever heard. He sat up wrapping his arms around you, his cast making it difficult, and buried his face in your chest, breathing you in as he came down. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and toyed with the long hair covering his nape, longer than usual for him. Your head resting on top of his. 
“You good?” You asked as he sat there trembling a little. 
“So good. Fuck. You?” You smiled when he pulled away and looked up at you. 
“Good. You know if I’d have known breaking my arm would get you to fuck me I’d have broken it ages ago.” You laughed and smacked his shoulder and he acted as though you broke his other arm before tackling you onto the bed and assaulting you with kisses. 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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