#Faccal my dear
Okie doke! So I have a serious and curious question for you that you don't have to answer
So, I ship many things in Call of Duty Ghosts, like, as far as I can tell there aren't two-three people in there that I won't be perfectly fine shipping. I love Keegan and Logan, and I even have played with the idea of Rorke x Elias, even Keegan x Ajax and many more possibilities! SO, I was just curious if you ship any other ships beside Keegan x Logan in Call of Duty Ghosts, or if there are any ships you've thought about shipping!
Sorry to bug you, I was just kinda of curious
Not a bother at all! I love talking! /J
I obviously ship Keegan/Logan, like you said. (They're my fave lol.)
I've written one fic for Keegan/Ajax, on my ao3 inside "Ghost Dribbles" if you're wondering. (Romance with a dash of angst.)
I've made a few jokes about Elias/Rorke, but I do legitimately ship them. Just have yet to write anything serious or focused on it. (I think they'd be a very good tragic romance. What's it called... starcrossed?)
I usually go the OC route for anyone else tbh. Though again, I have yet to post something focused purely on that. (I have a medieval world in the works. Trying to cram all the characters from all games in there and form a cohesive plot. My little baby frankenstein's monster.)
I have played around with the idea of crossovers, matter of fact I have a very long fic in the draft stages rn where it's a Modern Warfare+Ghosts crossover. (I'm taking it very seriously. Most of my fics are write -> post. Short draft window where I do spell checking and sentence revision. This fic has been "In the works" for a good few years lol, and because of that I have to update earlier chapters to match my current writing style. Speaking of: I need a title for it, I am fielding suggestions.)
My main deal is Modern Warfare and Ghosts. Thus, I have dicked around with the idea of any combo you can think of. Ghost/Keegan, Hesh/Soap, Sandman/Merrick, and... a lot of other combos. (Not Price/Logan tho, that's his [new] dad. /J)
I've been wanting to branch into the other COD games too. Ghost is just my favoritest. ;p
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