#Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files
g4zdtechtv · 2 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - I Think Blair Is Funny | 4/4/12
The secret to a Jedi's success.
(4GTV - 24/7. LIVE. NOW.)
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eclectic-collections · 3 months
niche special interest; paranormal reality tv
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and documentaries
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honorable mention since it isn't always inherently paranormal
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recs welcome! might make a part 2...
also philo is a goldmine for these
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britt-kageryuu · 4 hours
A part of me wants to toss all the Donatellos (and maybe the Leonardos) into the same room with a TV that's playing shows like Eureka, Wearhouse 13, Fact or Faked: Paranormal File.
The reason for this is, I want to know what kind of arguments would break out between them on how accurate, or plausible certain parts are. And for the supernatural parts, I want to know which ones are would think something is cool or real, and who would be shouting about how fake things look.
Then the arguments about the fact Mystics/Magic exist in some universes, and how likely some of the shows stuff could be real in their universe. 12 Donnie tries very hard to not bring up how big foot exists in his universe, but mentions the version of Nessie they met.
The other toss their own stories about, slowly scaring the MM Donnie (and Leo) who thinks it might happen to them.
Maybe toss in other shows just to add more chaos? Like those old fake 'haunted locations' shows where they literally used the same location twice under different names, and had groups doing challenges in the name of 'calming the spirits'.
On a different note.
I was gonna go on a tangent about how MM/TOTTMNT Donnie would probably become a Youtuber/TikToker who posts videos about him and his family getting used to their new life, events, how people are treating mutants, and then slowly turns into complaining about whichever future villains are annoying him at that time.
But then I remembered that he's basically already doing that at the end of the movie, with his little clip of finding other like minded Anime/Tech/maybe K-Pop fans.
And so now my mind is just going over ideas to more flesh out what he might do as a content creator.
It would never happen, but the idea of MM Donnie and Rise Donnie doing a collab and slowly dragging the others in would be pretty funny.
I think I saw the start of a fanfic that was like that, but it never updated so it hasn't gone anywhere yet.
You're welcome to make your own opinions and add on if you want! 🐢
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myhauntedsalem · 2 months
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McPike Mansion
Tucked away in the southwest corner of Illinois, not far from St. Louis, lies the town of Alton. Considered one of the ‘most haunted small towns in America’ Alton has no shortage of ghost stories and haunted places. One of the best known is the McPike Mansion.
The Italianate-Victorian style building looms over citizens of Alton from atop the highest point of the town, Mt. Lookout. Nestled among contorted oak trees, McPike Mansion ranks as one of the most haunted buildings in the state. The structure has been featured on two television shows, ‘Scariest Places on Earth’ and ‘Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.’
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The three-story red brick building was erected in 1869 for Henry McPike and his family. McPike was a local businessman and horticulturist. He served as mayor of Alton for three years and developed the nationally known McPike grape. With its 16 rooms and vaulted wine cellar, the McPike Mansion was one of the largest and most extravagant private dwellings in Alton at this time.
The mansion’s next owner was Paul Laichinger. During his time in the home, Mr. Laichinger rented out rooms to boarders. Soon, these tenants began to experience strange events that could not be explained. Some of these occurrences involve the sounds of children playing and laughing together when there were no children on the grounds.
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After Laichinger’s death in 1945, the property sat vacant. Weather and trespassers helped to turn the dwelling from elegant to menacing. The rusting iron fence, broken windows, dilapidated structure and graveyard made passersby intrigued and fearful. Reports of faces looming in the windows began to surface.
In 1994, the McPike Mansion was purchased by Sharyn and George Luedke. Their hope is to restore the building to its former glory and allow it to serve as a bed and breakfast or a historical attraction. Within six weeks, Mrs. Luedke had her first experience. She was gardening in the front yard when she looked up to see a strange man staring at her from the window. He soon disappeared, but not before she was able to take note of his attire. Later, while researching the history of the mansion, Mrs. Luedke was startled as she came across a photo of previous owner Paul Laichinger wearing the same outfit as the man in the window.
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Since then, McPike Mansion has hosted numerous psychics and mediums. Many have felt the presence of the McPike family and other residents of the estate. Sharyn Luedke herself believes the ghost of not only Paul Laichnger, but also of servant girl Sarah Wells roam the halls. Her lilac perfume can still be smelled in the attic.
Other experiences include light orbs that appear in photos, sensations of being touched, pacing footsteps and vanishing objects. Some of these have been caught on film. The most active room in the house is the wine cellar. Here a mysterious mist appears and seems to follow visitors as the move around the basement. A bulky metal door leading to the area scraped across the floor as it moves on its own.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Edition: Crazy X-Cops (and Watching the Tragic Ep. Later)
Inspired by @scullys-scalpel 's post (found here.)
Loose chronological order below~
@scullywolf's (Ao3, Masterlist)
""That’s correct, yes. And Agent Mulder… well, his working hypothesis for the case is, as you might guess, paranormal in nature, and–”
“Yes, Scully, I’ve met him.""
When Scully calls him up, Skinner debates the wisdom of-- oh, hang it all, put 'em on tv.
First Person Shooter
""They’re at LAX waiting for their flight home when his phone rings.
“Mulder! It’s Langly. How soon can you get to L.A.?”
“Uhh…” He looks around the bustling airport terminal, half-wondering if the guys are here somewhere and this is some sort of joke. “Why do you ask?""
Post X-Cops Mulder and Scully are still in the Cali area when he receives a call from The Lone Gunmen.
@seek-its-opposite​ (Ao3) nothing to hide (Ao3)
""Sergeant,” the man offers gently. “I think you have us all wrong.” He has all the ease of a hostage negotiator but none of the slickness. Despite how much he looks the part of a detective, he cuts an almost iconoclastic figure when he speaks.
“Your irresponsible theories nearly got my officer killed, Agent Mulder.” The sergeant gestures at the crack house, the door splintered on the floor. “To say nothing of how my department looks on camera for taking you seriously.”
“But you did take him seriously.” Agent Scully’s voice sharpens to a stiletto point. Her partner absorbs chaos; she refracts it.""
Post X-Cops Scully is infuriated the local cops blame Mulder for the night's failure, and reams them out in the honor of the man she loves.
@cecilysass/cecily_sass/Cecily Sasserbaum's
We’re Not Here To Get Involved in Personal Problems
""Scully,” Mulder interrupts himself suddenly. “Mangoes.”
She tracks the direction of his eyes, seeking the source of this nonsequitur. A half block ahead of where they are walking, a man and his teenage son work together to lift wooden flats of pale green mangoes from the back of a pick-up truck to a sales cart in their front yard.
Mulder turns to her, his eyes now taking on a manic, child-glimpses-ice-cream-truck gleam.""
Post X-Cops Mulder is in an unflappably good mood despite their empty gas tank; and Scully is-- reluctantly-- swept up in it. A leisurely walk, a mango barter, and a back-and-forth conversation ensues.
@agirlcallednarelle/TabithaJean's Good Morning, Sweet Dreams
""Mmmh,’ she mumbles, straightening up. ‘I’m awake, I’m awake.’
‘Looks like it,’ he smiles. ‘Didn’t you want to shower? Get those sheets all good and fake slept in?’
‘Yep,’ she murmurs, her eyes closed still. ‘I’m gonna do that. I’m getting up. Right now.’
‘You don’t have to, Scully,’ he tells her softly. ‘You don’t have to move.""
Post X-Cops Scully is too bushed to even shower.
@i-gaze-at-scully/ i_gaze_at_scully's Bad boys, bad boys
""Humor me, G-woman.” His voice is as sleepy as he is, with the same bite of electricity that’s keeping him awake. She sighs into the receiver and somehow hears the smug grin that spreads across his face as he resettles himself on his couch. That, she can actually hear: the rustle of fabric, the little crunch as the worn leather gives and the springs complain. She smiles in spite of herself, and decides, in fact, to humor him. 
“The very beginning?”
"Spare no detail,” he implores, and she remembers the panic of their briefing with Skinner after Chaney, years ago."" 
Post X-Cops Scully recaps their night over the phone to Mulder, who drops off (or at least snores) when she winds up to her list of grievances. (Her "unbelievable" floats around my head continually.)
@minuete-blog/Minuete's Out-Of-Scope Assignment - Chapter 8
""The two sat in their usual seats across from a scowling Skinner as they recount the COPS filming the elusive X-File and the somewhat successful bodyguard-turned-sting-operation.   He flipped through the report and underlined a few things for himself."" 
Post X-Cops Mulder wants to investigate another file but is squashed flat by Scully's "no." Instead, She invites him over for another work-night-turned-movie-night.
Girlie_girl7’s Bill Scully meets the X Cops
""Just then someone on the screen says they have a disturbance down the street. Mulder and Scully climb into their car. Scully stops the camera crew from going with them. "No, you go with someone else."
"About time Dana, you take charge.""
Post X-Cops Bill Scully, Jr., is shocked with his nightly COPS viewing; but gets swept up in the melodrama, cheering his sister on.
Sheryl Martin’s Feedback
"Scully... stop it."
"You're going to hurt yourself."
"Don't hurt the desk, then - put something under your head."
"I didn't mean the case file. Besides, we did okay.""
Post X-Cops Scully is AGHAST that her family saw the episode.
ColebaltBlue/colebaltblue's Nothing to Hide
""Agent, you seriously believe we're looking for some kind of-"
"We'll, I'll show ya."
"Oh Mulder, you didn't."
"Didn't what?"
"Show that drawing on national television." Scully watched as Mulder unfoled the picture of wolf-man on screen. "Oh, yes, you did."
"Scully?" Mulder sounded amused, but with just a hint of hurt under it all. She bumped his shoulder with hers by way of apology. He bumped back and all was forgiven.
Post X-Cops Mulder and Scully watch the episode; and she grapples with the heartwarming (but oft frustrating) realization that Mulder cares only for her good opinion.
Erin Blair/Erin M. Blair's Halloween Evening
""Mulder nodded. "Twenty people wanted candy from the 'cool FBI agents' - that's what one of the kids said to me." He saw her give him one of her patented looks. "I don't know where he recognized us from. For all we know, he probably watched the 'Cops' episode with fifty repeated viewings.""
Post X-Cops Mulder and Scully were kept hoppin' on Halloween.
IngridGradient's Filmed on Location
""Mulder can’t help but feel smug about the fact that Scully has been reasonably attentive for the whole thing, barring a few scoffs and mutterings about how they shouldn't have let themselves be filmed. She even appeared amused a few times, basking in the (relative) innocence of their (relative) youth. And she ate the popcorn.
“Well. That was…something,” she says. “I’m still not clear on the M.O. of the creature you were proposing — precisely how it would pass the…the ‘fear’ along its chain of victims. You know what I mean, Mulder? The mechanism, the vector for transmission.”
“Always with the ‘how’ and never with the ‘wow’,” Mulder says."" 
Post Revival Mulder finds the episode and convinces Scully to watch it. Their moods sink the longer it goes on; but they're jolted out of the doldrums by their shock at a "lost scene." (As someone not into smut reading, I just skip that section~.)
AUs and Extras
@wtfmulder/@momdadimpoppunk (Ao3) TXF Fic Snippets
""Mulder pops in through the connecting door while she’s undressing, and she shakes her head before he gets any words out. “Absolutely not,” she says sternly.
“What do you think I’m here for?” He laughs, leaning up against the doorframe.""
In a collection of fic snippets, post X-Cops Scully sinks to the floor of her motel room, batting off Mulder's intentions.
stellar_dust's (Ao3) Cause and Effect (Ao3)
""He laughed. "Come on, Scully, it's a classic. How often do we get to see ourselves together, huh?"
She groaned. "Who says I want to, Mulder? That's what cameras are for. *Personal* cameras."
"... You know, Scully, you're really short," Mulder mused, like he hadn't made a point of noticing that fact at least a thousand times since they'd met.""
In a fic that spans S7's events post The Goldberg Variation, Mulder contemplates magic and trickery and chicanery.
FootlessData507′s Do You Want to Believe? - Chapter 12
""You look around to figure out what’s happened. You can’t move very far, obviously, because of that oxygen mask you are currently dependent on, but it soon becomes clear to you that something is going on in the economy section. You can hear screaming in addition to that strange sucking noise, and a whole lotta beeping and wailing, like there’s an episode of Cops playing in there.
You were in an episode of Cops once. Remember that? How did that not get brought up more?""
In a Pick-Your-Own-Adventure series of events, Scully is determined to have a beautiful flight... aliens interfere, of course; and Mulder gets right in the middle of it.
Do You Want to Believer? - Chapter 28
""Momma Mulder didn’t raise no chump! You put on your mask first, breathing in that sweet, sweet Element Eight.
            Get it?
            Anyway, eventually you get around to helping that kid. Once you’ve done so, you look around to figure out what’s happened....
            You were in an episode of Cops once. Remember that? How did that not get brought up more?""
In that same series of events, Mulder gets a shot at a Cops shoutout.
Defnotmeyo’s (WBM, Alt. WBM) FTF- AKA The Tentative Trio (Alt.)
""The last torn up picture, the one left on top, is her first ultrasound.  One of the ones Mulder wasn’t there for.  The first one.  The first time he felt her hold his hand, kinda quite ‘that way.’
He’s not immune, to Mulder, either.  In that heap of a trash pile is a torn up L.A. newspaper, asking why the FBI was in town, and was partnering with COPS.""
S11 Skinner-- having received CSM's "biological" revelation-- tears his place apart and reflects on Mulder, the man he thinks of as his son.
@onpaperfirst's (Ao3, LJ) Snakebitten
""She went into the bathroom and he heard quiet movement, a zipper, fabric, then the squeak of pipes and water running in the tub. He wished he could fall asleep, nap in front of the TV, so he wouldn’t be waiting there expectantly when she came out, like some creep who’d just been sitting there the whole time, listening to her in there, thinking about her naked, which, well, he sometimes did, but he wasn’t now. 
He watched most of an episode of COPS before deciding she’d been in there too long. You could drown in an inch of water. Not to mention the things they’d seen come up a drainpipe.""
AU-- S5 Mulder and Scully secretly push apart as she investigates her cancer and abduction and he is forced into the long-con of recruitment leading up to The Pine Bluff Variant-- though, as per their bond, they are ultimately pulled back together.
@ghostbustermelanieking/skuls's encephalon - Chapter 1
""She wrinkles her nose up at him from where she's collapsed in the desk chair. “I liked Los Angeles,” she says seriously. “I don't like ridiculous movies that over-exaggerate and misconceptualize our jobs. At least that COPS episode showed what we really do.”
Mulder taps his chin dramatically, pretending to be in deep thought. “I seem to remember a certain Jose Chung and his horribly inaccurate portrayal of a certain case,” he says coyly.
She makes a face at him. “At least the names were changed,” she retorts.""
AU-- Mulder and Scully work through his brain disease in S7, with Scully's science ultimately saving his life. X-Cops is mentioned briefly after the disaster of The Lazarus Bowl.
Thank you for reading~
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Welcome to Phantoms & Monsters 'Personal Reports' - cryptid & unexplained accounts directly from the archives of Phantoms & Monsters, and the Phantoms & Monster Fortean Research team. Narrated by Lon Strickler. Join us in the chat, discuss, and ask me questions about the accounts.
Featured in this edition:
The reports of winged humanoids, referred to by many witnesses as the 'O'Hare Mothman or Batman,' continue at the airport. Cargo workers, air traffic controllers, & other airport personnel are well aware of the phenomenon and opening discuss it amongst themselves. The O'Hare management and the airlines start to crack down on reports reaching the public by threatening suspension and termination.
In this episode, I will describe the reports and incidents in detail and answer all questions from the chat room. Because there is so much important information yet to be discussed, there will be at least another episode presented in the coming weeks.
Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - https://bit.ly/3osR2jL
Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters - https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/p...
Lon Strickler is a Fortean researcher, author, and publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog. He began the blog in 2005, which has steadily grown in popularity and is read daily by tens of thousands of paranormal enthusiasts, investigators, and those seeking the truth. His research and reports have been featured in hundreds of online media sources. Several of these published reports have been presented on various television segments, including The History Channel's 'Ancient Aliens,' Syfy's 'Paranormal Witness', 'Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files,' and Destination America's 'Monsters and Mysteries in America.'
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aestherians · 2 years
I think it's a bit silly to try and connect your current identity to the things you played around with as a kid. But. There really were a shitton of signs I'd end up having some sort of alien- or space-related identity. Every fastelavn for 3 years I'd dress up as an alien - fastelavn is not about spooky costumes, like halloween, it's about carnival costumes, yet I chose a creepy grey alien. In 4th grade recess I pretended to be an alien fire horse who came from the Sun (my friend was an ice cat from Mercury). In 5th grade English class I held a presentation about alien abductions. In 6th grade Danish class I wrote a huge project about the science behind the Avatar movie (and in high school I repeated the success with an in-depth explanation of how the Hallulujah Mountains could potentially exist). I read my copy of "Mysteries of the Unknown: The UFO Phenomenon" so many times it started to fall apart. I read every UFOlogy book my school library and city library had to offer. I memorized so many constellations (I've forgotten a lot but I can still point out about a dozen constellations without breaking a sweat). As soon as I'd learned how to pirate, I binged Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files until I knew every alien/UFO episode by heart (I can still rewatch most of the Jonathan Reed episode in my head). I had an entire plan for what to do if aliens came to Earth and I happened to make first contact, and I replayed the scenario over and over in my head.
But I guess I could say the same things about the horse obsession I had growing up. Or the Ancient Egypt obsession. Or the werewolf obsession. Or the vættr obsession.
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sephie-books · 1 year
OK! i finally finished the book and i just want to scream in frustration over wasted time
i would not recommend this book at all, the only important part is the last part of the book which sets up for endgame with the next book, which will feature Kyla
i don't know where the hell the author's editor was or who was there to (not) coach her on story building because wtf
literally the first half of the book is Evie whining and pouting and cutting herself off from everyone and it's a real fucking boring terrible read
the author can't figure out how to write the werewolves or the Alpha, Nathaniel and it shows
you can tell the author had the goal of Evie and Nathaniel being together, but it was like she was fighting for her life to get them to work, because for most of the book it fucking sucked
they had little chemistry, and what little it did have was entirely from Nathaniel because he was in love at first sight with her and would rip his own heart out if she asked
but there was no similar feeling from Evie since she was running from her life, her problems, her family, herself, EVERYTHING, and was what just felt like "in like" or "in crush" with him.
she was really really immature throughout the whole series and her own series and who fuck wants to read about someone who EXPECTS everyone to baby her and feels hurt when they don't and also feels hurt because they treat her like the immature girlie she is
Nathaniel is way older than her and she's wayyyy younger. like they're both, if not immortal, really long lived paranormals, but you can definitely tell the age perspective
her two books could almost be filed under "New Adult" because it's like reading about someone who just graduated college figure out life while getting hot sex from her werewolf boyfriend.
like we all want to get hot sex from werewolves (lbr), but I'd like to read a book with less angst over the character's own immaturity. If I wanted to read YA/New Adult, i'd do that. I don't like to be tricked into reading YA/New Adult, when the book is marketed as Adult Romance. There's different expectations at work and I'm really mad. Thank god there was no love triangles in this book.
you know, Evie felt like she was always in her sister's shadow because Danica was so much cooler as a half demon mercenary witch, and you know what? with how her two books were written, she's right. Danica's books were way cooler and better written.
you know who else was better written? Evie's BFF Kyla the werewolf, who had more personality and character than Evie "I'm beautiful and powerful and I treat everyone like shit because they reacted appropriately to the fact that I'm immature"
And despite how terrible this book was, I'm actually looking forward to Kyla's books, because she was consistently written well
I honestly think the author just has a really hard time writing "soft" or "sweet" characters and it just comes out fake
because her badass characters are awesome, which is why i was soooooooooooooo confused as to why this sucked
like what the fuck happened here
i'd give this book 4/10 (maybe 3)
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writer-at-the-table · 2 months
The plan to have Scully debunk Mulder's work on the x files at the very beginning doesn't really make any sense.
The syndicate knows, for a fact, that the aliens and abductions etc are real, and thus are, ipso facto, scientifically possible.
They sent in a real scientist/doctor who wasn't knowingly and actively pursuing the Syndicate's agenda in the hope that she would scientifically disprove things *they knew were actually both possible and true.*
It was kind of a silly plan, though they couldn't have predicted just how badly for them it would end up going.
Unless they genuinely thought the unrelated, paranormal x file cases were all fakes, and debunking enough of those would get the job done?
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gh0stlain · 9 months
It's been awhile since I've been so active so I thought I'd reintroduce myself a bit ^^
I'm Lain ghostlain (smhlain in some places), 19. I'm aromantic allosexual and use he/him pronouns though I'm alright with they/them too. I'm half Latino so I know a bit of Spanish (not a lot but I'm learning so it's ok to talk to me in it ^^) Art is my hobby and college major currently.
My favorite movie is Cars (2006), favorite cartoon is Over the Garden Wall, not sure of my favorite live action show but Gotham is definitely up there.
I grew up watching a lot of Ghost Adventures, Destination Truth and Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files, which may explain a lot about me now.
I like space/astronomy, aeronautics and investigation of aviation disasters, architectural engineering, interior design, paranormal investigating, marvel/dc, cartoons (avatar, adventure time, etc.) and tattoos!
Art tag for non-fanart is #lain's art!
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tolum · 11 months
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rcdiostcrs · 11 months
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yako has a television show! the best way i can think to describe it is if “ghost adventures,” “destination truth,” & “buzzfeed unsolved: supernatural” had a baby. it’s a cryptozoology & ghost-hunting mashup show, with occasional guest stars of other supernatural enthusiasts or his fellow mystery gang’s kids. the show is called “spittin’ cryptic.*”
he also has a second show that he shares with several other hosts that’s basically “fact or faked: paranormal files.” people send in videos or pictures that they think showcase something supernatural (or alien, the hosts don’t judge), the gang picks the ones they want to test out, & then they split up to see if they can recreate the evidence. this show is called “prof. facts.**”
*it’s a pun on “spitting image.”
**short for professors of facts, since the show is about fact checking.
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ericmorseblog · 2 years
It’s Writers in Horror Recognition Month
Our next profile for Writers in Horror Recognition Month is Joe Augustyn 
Joe Augustyn is an American screenwriter, film producer, and author.
Following graduation from AFI he worked as an associate of Steve Golin and Joni Sighvatsson, who later went on to found Propaganda Films. After producing two features he retired from producing to focus exclusively on screenwriting, completing assignments for such companies as Tristar, Propaganda and countless indie producers. Augustyn's first feature, Night of the Demons, based on his original screenplay Halloween Party, was remade in 2008 by 7 Arts Productions, starring Shannon Elizabeth and Edward Furlong. Augustyn was not involved creatively in the remake and has pointed that out in interviews.
His second feature film as writer-producer was Night Angel. Based on Augustyn's original spec screenplay titled Lilith, it was the first feature film based on the ancient legend of the arch-succubus Lilith. With his health compromised by the stress of this production, Augustyn subsequently retired from producing to focus on writing.
His next produced screenplay was Night of the Demons 2 based on a story co-written with playwright James Penzi.
In 2001 Augustyn returned to Philadelphia to care for his elderly parents and after completing a few screenplay writing assignments and specs he began writing novels and short stories.
Augustyn's first novel The Nine Lives of Felicia Miller was published by Wildcat Press in 2012.
Besides writing fiction, Augustyn is an advocate for serious paranormal research, believing that scientific investigation into the metaphysical will reap benefits for humanity by confirming a spiritual aspect to the universe which in turn will foster greater respect among people and nations. He holds a Vedic view of reality, which holds that spirit precedes corporality, in the same way that energy generates matter, as well as a quantum connection of everything that exists on a spiritual level.
In 2014 he published Dead Rain: A Tale of the Zombie Apocalypse and Ghostwriter: The Polaroid Ghost & Other True Tales of the Paranormal, a non-fiction book of personal paranormal experiences including eyewitness accounts of events that took place in "the Wright House" (so named after the spirit that allegedly identified itself by name, writing on Polaroid film in ectoplasmic scrawl.) Augustyn was present at a Halloween party at which several guests who brought their own Polaroid cameras snapped remarkable photos. The case has been featured on several TV and cable shows including Sightings, My Ghost Story, Unexplained Mysteries, and Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files. It has been investigated by parapsychologist Kerry Gaynor of UCLA and photo experts from Polaroid Corporation and Brooks Institute, all of whom were baffled. Investigators from Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files attempted to debunk the ghostly Polaroids using carefully controlled experiments but instead got inexplicable results. Combined with voice stress analysis of the occupants of the house that indicated they were telling the truth, they declared the case authentic. On several occasions visitors brought their own Polaroid cameras loaded with their own film and also got ghostly results.
Actor and paranormal enthusiast Dan Aykroyd contributed a glowing introduction to GHOSTWRITER, calling it "an essential volume for any serious seeker in the understanding of the paranormal."
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The Paulding Light is a ghost light found in Paulding Michigan. The Paulding Light is believed to be the ghost of brakeman who worked on the railroad and died while trying to stop a train now his lantern can be seen glowing on the railroad. Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files did an investigation on the Paulding Light and were able to recreate it by driving a car with the brights on down US Highway 45.
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myhauntedsalem · 4 months
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McPike Mansion
Tucked away in the southwest corner of Illinois, not far from St. Louis, lies the town of Alton. Considered one of the ‘most haunted small towns in America’ Alton has no shortage of ghost stories and haunted places. One of the best known is the McPike Mansion.
The Italianate-Victorian style building looms over citizens of Alton from atop the highest point of the town, Mt. Lookout. Nestled among contorted oak trees, McPike Mansion ranks as one of the most haunted buildings in the state. The structure has been featured on two television shows, ‘Scariest Places on Earth’ and ‘Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.’
The three-story red brick building was erected in 1869 for Henry McPike and his family. McPike was a local businessman and horticulturist. He served as mayor of Alton for three years and developed the nationally known McPike grape. With its 16 rooms and vaulted wine cellar, the McPike Mansion was one of the largest and most extravagant private dwellings in Alton at this time.
The mansion’s next owner was Paul Laichinger. During his time in the home, Mr. Laichinger rented out rooms to boarders. Soon, these tenants began to experience strange events that could not be explained. Some of these occurrences involve the sounds of children playing and laughing together when there were no children on the grounds.
After Laichinger’s death in 1945, the property sat vacant. Weather and trespassers helped to turn the dwelling from elegant to menacing. The rusting iron fence, broken windows, dilapidated structure and graveyard made passersby intrigued and fearful. Reports of faces looming in the windows began to surface.
In 1994, the McPike Mansion was purchased by Sharyn and George Luedke. Their hope is to restore the building to its former glory and allow it to serve as a bed and breakfast or a historical attraction. Within six weeks, Mrs. Luedke had her first experience. She was gardening in the front yard when she looked up to see a strange man staring at her from the window. He soon disappeared, but not before she was able to take note of his attire. Later, while researching the history of the mansion, Mrs. Luedke was startled as she came across a photo of previous owner Paul Laichinger wearing the same outfit as the man in the window.
Since then, McPike Mansion has hosted numerous psychics and mediums. Many have felt the presence of the McPike family and other residents of the estate. Sharyn Luedke herself believes the ghost of not only Paul Laichnger, but also of servant girl Sarah Wells roam the halls. Her lilac perfume can still be smelled in the attic.
Other experiences include light orbs that appear in photos, sensations of being touched, pacing footsteps and vanishing objects. Some of these have been caught on film. The most active room in the house is the wine cellar. Here a mysterious mist appears and seems to follow visitors as the move around the basement. A bulky metal door leading to the area scraped across the floor as it moves on its own.
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velociraptoraddict · 4 years
So, I rediscovered this show that I used to watch back when it first aired, it's called Fact or Facked Paranormal Files (highly recommended, these people know what they're doing) and rewatching it I'm just sitting here thinking "if Dib could some how convince his Dad to sit down and watch this show with him, Membrane might actually humor him enough to concede that maybe Paranormal Investigator could be considered a real "job"" (even if he still wouldn't admit to it being anything near Science (tm))
Mostly because this show takes video "evidence" of the paranormal and applies "Real Science (tm)" and seriously investigates it. Trying to see if it could be, well, Fact or Faked (SPOILERS most are faked but they actually do run into quite a few situations that they can't explain which really gives you chills and it's SO cool!)
Anyway, I just think it's a really neat show that you should check out too, and in those AUs where Membrane isn't such a horrible father, I think this would be exactly the type of show Dib would force him to watch as a sort of "compromise" between their two interests
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