#Faera Headcanons
caepirii · 2 months
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¡! ❞ FAERA — southeast asian ; enby aroace ⌇ riddle's spouse . yanping's songbird . caelus's stardust . xisheng's sweetheart 𔓘ֶָ֢
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— blog content mostly sfw , with occasion of suggestive and other topics that may hold triggers to some people , everything will be tagged accordingly - if there's a change of content I forgot to tag , please do not hesitate to inform me.
— do not involve me with drama , discourse , politics , religion , hate , and other topics I don't involve myself into.
— reader insert written as gender neutral , this is for the sake of inclusivity , so everyone can enjoy my writing without feeling discomfort of their preferred genders.
— not all character will be written , reason given because there's a chance that I still not confident enough to write certain character in certain scenarios.
— request unfulfilled , your request is ideas that you wish to share with me - I have no obligation to write it or finish them if I found no interest.
— request must be specific , your request must include a short summary or prompt that I could work around with , not providing such would result not to be written.
— SEEKERS CURIOSITY ⌇ questions and answers ; ⚝ ⚝ ⚝ ⚝
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people qualified under this category should oblige to not interact with my blog any further - if they're caught ignoring the warning. I have the right to block you for the sake of my comfort and the safe space of my blog, thank you for your understanding.
,, basic DNI criteria , pr0/c0mshipper , zionist , radqueers , terfs , rcta/ecta/transracial , shota/lolicon , blank blogs
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— media interest
,, twisted wonderland , reverse:1999 , saint spells love guide , arknights , zenless zone zero , ...
!! NOTES !!
,, I'm still pretty new with arknights, thus some characters I'm still unfamiliar with, please be patient with me when going forward through the fandom.
,, I don't play any hoyoverse games anymore for reason I'm exhausted playing them along following boycott reasons, the only way for me to know characters through its sources and other players. do forgive me is there a change character might be ooc. I don't support hoyoverse, fuck them.
— character limit
,, 3 characters ⌇ scenarios/headcanon
,, 1 character ⌇ drabble/oneshot
— would write
,, fluff , angst , hurt/comfort , suggestive , romantic pairing , queerplatonic pairing , platonic pairing , etc
— wouldn't write
,, sexual intercourse , infidelity , yandere , step/incest , agegaps , minorxadult , characterxcharacter/oc , character!reader , etc
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💀What is your opinion on death and mortality in general?🥀Do you create bonds with mortals or avoid getting attached?
💀What is your opinion on death and mortality in general?
Puck:  In general fae don’t typically fear death because their energy is simply recycled back into the ‘Source’ and they are reborn, of a sorts.  Puck knows from experience that there are things far, far worse in this world worse than death, and if he fears ‘mortality’ in any way it is fear of being too weak again to keep from being controlled or manipulated.
Faera:  I haven’t explored those thoughts with her too much and as per the norm with this asshole, her actions contradict her thoughts/feelings.  She constantly picks fights she can’t win, puts herself in the direct line of danger, etc because she gets off on the adrenaline rush, but while she can say she doesn’t fear death in general you aren’t reborn as the same person/fae/creature after death, and she is scared to lose who she is.
🥀Do you create bonds with mortals or avoid getting attached?
Puck:  Tentatively and rarely nowadays.  Way back at the beginning he would surround himself with people to make up for his shit lonely childhood, but it didn’t take long for him to figure out that watching all your friends die off is a far lonelier feeling.  Now, he will make connections and such with mortals because he truly loves people and being around them, but emotionally he tends to keep them at an arm’s length.
Faera:  Absolutely adores mortals!!!  They make the perfect fertilizer for her trees!!!  8D  But yeah no, she hates mortals with a fiery burning passion.  She will toy with them for her own entertainment, but they typically bore her in the end and 9 times out of 10 they don’t survive the encounter.
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verumking · 5 years
👶  !!!! omG
⚔️ *:・゚✧┆if they had a child meme. ❪ slow but accepting ! ❫
NAME: Vesper ValanaMEANING: First name meaning ‘ evening star ’, as he was born from the light ( Faera, the Warrior of Light ) within the night ( Yozora, meaning night sky ). Surname from his mother.GENDER: MaleAPPEARANCE: Half Miq’ote ( Keeper of the Moon ), half human. Short stature, like both of his parents, only reaching a mere 5′3″ in adulthood. Sharp eyes like his father, but with achromatic irises like his mother. Straight, choppy hair, feathering his angled jawline– like both parents, stark white in hue. His feline ears are much smaller than a pure blood Miq’ote, pale and only scarcely visible amid spiky locks. He also lacks a tail– however, bears the distinct canines of his mother’s race. PERSONALITY: Commonplace in his ancestry, but also in his father, Vesper possesses a reticent and brooding personality. Whilst diffident and aloof, Vesper is extremely patient, and proves himself compassionate towards those who are suffering.   WHAT DO THEY LIKE: Astronomy / stargazing, white magic, archery.WHAT DO THEY DISLIKE: War, betrayers, people pointing out his Miq’ote ears. WHO ARE THE GODPARENTS: Whilst Vesper has no named godparents, he bears the surname of his mother’s mentor, Cecily Valana, in her honour. ANYTHING SPECIAL ABOUT THEM: With his father’s astral energy in his veins, Vesper is able to draw his white magic directly from the cosmos, healing the injured with karma ( the power of the stars ). Because of this, Vesper has always felt particularly drawn to the skies. In his downtime, you can always find Vesper on high ground: whether it be the roof of a skyscraper, or at the summit of a mountain. WHAT ARE THEIR TALENTS: Vesper is an extremely talented marksman like his father, but his true strength lies in his white magic. Most of his sorcery, aside from the odd spell from his mother, is self-taught. You can often catch him reading books written by mages, or ritual casting. A HEADCANON: There was a time, particularly as a child, when he loathed his Miq’ote ears, even going as far as pinning them down to his hair. Over time however, he had learnt to embrace his heritage: much how his father warmed to his mother.THEIR FUTURE: With his mother turning from Warrior of Light to Warrior of Darkness, and with his father being the literal embodiment of death, Vesper’s future seemed bleak. However, it is with the darkness in his veins that he is able to push towards the light. He uses his strength for the greater good, vowing to follow his parents’ footsteps in restoring balance to the universe: one rescued soul at a time. 
❪ @whmfaera ❫
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hel-inherbones · 7 years
Name: Flora, Fauna and Gaia
Gender: Flora and Fauna are both girls, Gaia is agender
General appearance: Flora is a big tall girl with bright blonde hair. She looks like she sprouted out a ghibli film her hair is so yellow. She has bright green eyes and a serious face. She wears few clothes, but when she does she likes them to be bright and loud! Fauna is dappled all over with freckles. Her hair is the orange-red of a fox. She prefers to run around naked but she will wear animals pelts if she has to wear clothes. Gaia’s skin is as dark as the very earth they are named for. Their eyes are just as dark, though they are very intelligent. Gaia has a presence that their sisters don’t have. Eyes are always on Gaia where ever they go. 
Personality: Flora, for as much as she loves bright clothes is a very quiet girl. She is thoughtful and inquisitive, but she would rather listen than speak. Fauna is curious and bright and loves animals. She loves to talk and talks to anything that will listen. She has ideas and thoughts that seem to pour out of her like water. Gaia is quiet. Not in the way that Flora is though. Gaia is the leader of the three siblings and they are quiet and thoughtful, but never afraid to speak out and make their opinion known. Gaia is also very observant and often asks deep and thoughtful questions.
Special Talents: Flora has the touch with plants. She can make them grow or wilt at will. Fauna can speak to animals. Gaia can speak to the stars.
Who they like better: Flora and Fauna prefer Faera. Gaia prefers Kok.
Who they take after more: Flora and Fauna favor Faera more in personality. Gaia is neither really.
Personal headcanon: These three siblings always know where the others are if they are touching living things.
@never-so-bad @dont-call-me-a-faerie
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🎃Pumpkin: What is your favorite season? 👻Trick or Treat: What was your favorite Halloween costume? 🎃Mummy: What is your biggest fear? For all. *looks at last one* and you too pls >D
Pumpkin: What is your favorite season?
Puck: SpringFaera: SummerVerby-mun: Spring
Trick or Treat: What was your favorite Halloween costume?
Puck: He typically goes around as big black horse phooka and visits his old stomping grounds, so would say it’s his preferred/fave.Faera: SuccubusVerby-mun: My pirate garb for RenFaire
Mummy: What is your biggest fear?
Puck: Letting himself get close to someone and being abandoned.Faera: Being controlledVerby-mun: Being forgotten or unwanted/unimportant/unnecessary
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((LMFAO!!! JOKE IS ON YOU/Y’ALL.  Since when have any of the three of us minded talking about ourselves?!  And just to pay for your sins I’m not putting it under a cut :P ))
🎃Pumpkin: What is your favorite season? ANSWERED
👻Ghost: Do you get scared easily?
PUCK: Nervous sometimes, only a couple things actually scare him FAERA: Insanely rarely and only specific things VERBY-MUN: 6yrs of Corrections, I throw punches if you jump out at me.  I don’t have flight I have fight lol.
🎃Candy Corn: What is your favorite kind of candy?
PUCK: Butterscotch or suckers/lollipops FAERA: Dulces Vero Mango VERBY-MUN: Twizzlers or Cherry Sours
👻Vampire: What is your favorite supernatural creature?
PUCK: Phooka!  >:3 FAERA: Centaurs (she has the most fun with them....) VERBY-MUN: Werewolf
🎃Witch: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
PUCK: Impervious to iron/metals FAERA:  Ditto lol VERBY-MUN: Flight
👻Trick or Treat: What was your favorite Halloween costume? ANSWERED
🎃Black Cat: Are you superstitious?
PUCK and FAERA: Superstitions are mostly just rules and words of wisdom for fae sooooo yes??? VERBY-MUN: Some, but not strictly so.  I think some things are good/bad luck, and if given the option I won’t walk under a ladder, but I think for the most part maybe not?
👻Ouija Board: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
PUCK: There are times he would prefer Robin, it’s less obvious when out and about. FAERA: Ophryl VERBY-MUN: I love my name (Rochelle) so I’m good!
🎃Graveyard: Do you know any good scary stories?
PUCK: Yes and most of them are about him :D FAERA: Yes and most of them are about Puck VERBY-MUN: I have a lot of stories from my Corrections days....
👻Skeleton: Have you ever broken a bone?
PUCK: Manymanymany as a child (was heavily abused as a child), some as an adult but his powers heal them near immediately. FAERA: A whole fuck ton but they heal quickly. VERBY-MUN: Broken an arm
👻Horror Flick: Do you like scary movies? If so, which one is your favorite?
PUCK: Not particularly but it doesn’t bother him to watch them. He thinks it’s cute if whoever he’s watching it with gets scared though lol! FAERA: She usually finds them pretty boring or just downright hilarious... she’s scarier than half the shit in the movies. VERBY-MUN: I hate them tbh.  They put me on edge and ready to fight and besides I’ve heard and seen some of the worst that humans are capable of first hand... I don’t need to see it in HD on a big screen.  I do like a lot of creature/monster movies though, with Cloverfield being my fave.
🎃Haunted House: Would you prefer to live in the city or the country?
PUCK: He likes where he is now, on the outskirts but still out in the woods. FAERA: Country, fuck people! VERBY-MUN: Country, but on the outskirts as well.
👻Zombie: Do you think that you could survive a zombie apocalypse?
PUCK: Most definitely. FAERA: Yes. Would happily start one if she could. VERBY-MUN: Absolutely, Verby can be pretty brutal when necessary and I have a lot of useful knowledge.
🎃Mummy: What is your biggest fear?  ANSWERED
👻Bat: Do you have any pets?
PUCK: *grumbles* Less pet, more ‘fluffy hooved room mate’ (Yew, a ‘chimera’) FAERA: Please don’t put her in charge of another’s life Q_Q VERBY-MUN: Dog, cat, multitude of fish.  Up until recently had a snek, but he has since been happily rehomed to a little girl who adores him.
🎃Cauldron: What kind of potion would you make if you had the opportunity?
PUCK:  Erase memories (mostly his own) FAERA:  Increase sexual attraction/make irresistible VERBY-MUN: Motivation
👻Full Moon: Do you prefer nighttime or daytime?
PUCK: Daytime FAERA: Daytime VERBY-MUN: Oof. Um. Both? I really cannot choose!
🎃Corn Maze: What is your favorite autumn activity?
PUCK: Making cider FAERA: Playing in leaf piles (kinda morbid sounding for a dryad, no?) VERBY-MUN: Using my fireplace
👻Broomstick: What exciting places have you traveled to?
PUCK: Too many to choose but enjoys Greece/Italy/France areas FAERA: Less well traveled than Puck but really liked the Amazon Rainforest. VERBY-MUN: I have visited over half of the continental USA, and I think a few of my faves are New York, Washington DC, Hershey Pennsylvania, quartz mines in Arkansas. My fave place in the whole of everywhere I’ve visited though is Garner State Park here in Texas... I cry every time I leave ;___;
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Rhododendron: Hydrangea Hibiscus Oxlip - Faera
Rhododendron: What's the scariest dream you've ever had?
Her betrayals and trespasses are found out and she’s abandoned and left alone (can’t go too much into this, future plot)
Hydrangea: Starbucks order?                
Unicorn Frappuccino .  Omg I got to try one and it was fucking disgusting, but she would like the colors, plus the sweet with the sour/tartness.
Hibiscus: Did you ever play an instrument? If so what?
She’s really not all that artistically inclined, but she’s not terrible at drums.  Really, I mean it’s hitting things after all!
Oxlip:  Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?
I suppose the trick would be getting her to actually agree to be in a relationship first????  But, she has her ‘Toys’ she plays with all over the world, so maybe if they can manage to keep her interest...
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17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos? (feels like an odd but fun question! ;) )
Puck: Hasn’t really done so, and just got his phone (which he’s still a bit scared of but he’s getting better).  He will eventually, and most of them will be of Pandy without a doubt (most of them are of when she’s not paying attention and has no idea), but probably a fair amount of selfies and nature. Not as many dick pics as you might think), and would send most of the pics he takes to Pandy.Faera: Regularly steals Puck’s phone to take selfies and pics of her and Kok.  Probably does the same with Kok’s phone (doesn’t have one of her own).  Not sure if Eros has a phone (I think so?) and if he does, she would most likely send most of the pics to him. Cause lol.
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for both: 28, 35, 38, 42, 49, 50
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared? 
Puck: Being powerless and being abandoned. He spent his childhood being systematically tortured and abused for lack of better words and couldn’t do shit about it.  Another point in his life he was basically tricked into servitude for an atrociously horrendous man, and as it was due mostly to his (then) trusting nature and went against fae law, everyone abandoned him and left him to be subjected to some mentally scarring shit.  The times he has been made powerless/human he has had a complete mental meltdown as what is basically PTSD hits him; panic, sobbing, rocking back and forth and basically hiding from the world.  It absolutely terrifies him.Faera: Being betrayed/duped, dying slowly and withering away (would prefer to die in the glory of battle if it happens). Demons scare her too.  She usually will react initially with snark and aggression, but can eventually start to panic like a cornered animal.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? 
Puck:Guilty pleasure: taking on a female form, dressing up and going out. Unguilty pleasure: taking on a female form, dressing up and going out. Faera: She has no guilty pleasure, she doesn’t give two shits what anyone thinks.  Her two ‘unguilty’ pleasures are sexual conquests and fighting/killing, especially humans.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had? 
Puck: Admires: Intelligence, confidence, tenacity. Wishes: Be a bit braver, ability to fucking cook or even boil water without burning the house downFaera: Admires: Power, strength, confidence, skilled fighter. Wishes: Wants to be more skilled with glamour, is a bit jealous of Puck’s skill sets.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Puck: His goals have changed drastically since Pandora.  Before it was ‘stay off the radar, avoid the King as much as possible, have fun and live a lazy and hedonistic life’. Now? Become more dependable, a trustworthy, attentive partner, provide a safe and stable home.  She is also what he would sacrifice absolutely anything and everything for, without hesitation.  Secret ambition: Kill Oberon, for all that he blames him for in the past, the tormenting he inflicts on him presently, and the threat he poses for his and Pandy’s future.Faera: Stay alive, enjoy all the pleasures the world has to offer (or that she can take), have fun and become more powerful.  Puck and Kok she would sacrifice pretty much anything for, the rest of the world can burn for all she cares. Ambitions: Potentially sabotage Puck and Pandora’s relationship (for reasons not mentionable at the moment), and/or help get rid of Oberon as well.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them? 
Puck: His ‘Bag of Plenty’.  Not overly sentimental, he has little knicknacks for memories, but he tends to try to forget and let go of most of his past. He’s able to summon most anything so not really.Faera: Her Home Tree, for obvious reasons (she’ll die without it). Not sentimental at all, but then she keeps her possessions minimal and hasn’t ever really been given anything.  ... She wears no clothes, so kinda hard to carry around anything.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials? 
Puck: Gonna cheat here, he has his Bag of Plenty and it can carry literally most anything and everything so he really wouldn’t have to choose :P. Essentials? Pandy, Yew (shush don’t tell), and his Toychest. That’s really all he needs in the world.Faera: She really doesn’t have anything, but she would take the shirt she stole from Kok after their first...meeting *cofcof*, along with him :l. Her essentials are Kok and her Home Tree (but she usually leaves that in Puck’s care).
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╰(*´︶`*)╯{for puck} („ᵕᴗᵕ„): {for both} ง ( ⌓̈ )ง: {both}
╰(*´︶`*)╯:Do they appreciate hugs? Would they prefer to give hugs or receive hugs? What kind of hugs do they like to receive and/or give?
Puck:*considers* Actually, I think hugs are reserved for people he knows relatively well.  He would most likely never turn down any sort of physical affection, but I don’t think he’s as comfortable with it when it comes to random people.  If it is a loved one, he would happily hang all over and love to be hung all over.
(„ᵕᴗᵕ„): Does their face turn red when embarrassed? If so, how else do they react when embarrassed? (I.E. Shifting of weight upon foot, etc.) 
Both of them, their ears will turn pink/red first and the longer it continues the more the blushing spreads.  Puck’s ears will twitch usually, he fidgets a lot, will barely keep eye contact.  Faera gets agitated and annoyed, usually becoming snappy and combative. Will chew on the inside of her cheeks, mumble, hides her face a lot.
ง ( ⌓̈ )ง: Are they physically strong when it comes to fights?
Puck: Extremely so, especially when he doesn’t have restrictions on his powers (he’s currently exiled from Underhill and Oberon has at least some of his magick blocked off).  Outside of Oberon and Titania, he’s up there with one of the more powerful fae in the Courts (kinda comes with the territory of being Oberon’s bastard son).
Faera: Compared to most fae, she’s not one of the more powerful, no.  She has pretty impressive physical strength, but she is almost useless when it comes to most magick/glamour with the exception of her control over plants; that’s where her true power and strength lie.
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(ó﹏ò。): Are there any foods that make their stomach upset? for both
Puck: Spicy. Spicy food will fuck his shit up, hates it with a passion.  That aside he can stomach most anything (prefers hearty or sweet things).
Faera: She can eat pretty much anything (actually likes spicy food)... stomach of steel!
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♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎
How are they like when they dance? Are they stiff? Fluid? A good dancer? Do they prefer to dance with a lot of others, with one other person, or alone? 
Puck: Extremely good dancer and loves to do it; it’s not uncommon to catch him dancing around his home to some random tune he’s humming.  He likes clubs and dancing with the writhing bodies of a dance floor, but prefers one on one.  Loves dances like the tango and salsa the best, dances with passion and energy.
Faera: Very much so too.  Regrettably she knows some of the proper dances (waltz, medieval group dances, more classical) because Puck made her (he needed a dance partner to practice with).  Her typical style is more go-go raver: jumping, energetic, thumping, booty bumping, glow paint, skimpy tight clothes with fur and fishnets.  Loves getting lost in a packed dance floor and finding someone(s) to rub up against.
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10, 12, 27, 28
[Multimuse meme]
10. Which muse is the most fun to write for?-Honestly? Faera.  She’s loud and crass and pretty much a bitch to everyone but Kok, but has more depth than she likes to let on and many facets to her personality.  She has a lot going on in her head and it’s been fun letting bits leak out.
12. What is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?-Faera: She will most likely try to fuck your muse or kill them, or simply use them for her own entertainment.  She is not nice, and will turn on you if it ever becomes more advantageous or entertaining for her.-Puck: He genuinely does like people and has a very strong sense of propriety and courtesy.  His seemingly flippant and relaxed personality can be misleading in this matter; mind your P’s and Q’s, remember your manners and don’t be rude, otherwise you may well be reminded of them.  Most importantly though do not for a second take him as a push over. Very rarely does he ignore slights against him and at the end of the day has the potential to be colder and more vicious than Faera; if he chooses to make a move against you he will tear you to pieces without batting an eye.
27. Is there a rule that someone keeps breaking for your muses?- Not that I can think of?  As far as their own personal ‘rules’, people tend to forget to follow the typical ‘rules’ when dealing with fae: don’t ask for favors, don’t apologize, don’t outright thank them, or you may very well end up owing more than you’d like.
28. Can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?-Easy peasey, Puck, even with his power restrictions, is leagues above Faera in power, strength, etc.
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Ready to Fight by Roby Fayer (ft. Tom Gefen)
You once said, I'll never walk away, I'll never sail away, I'll never go And I was there standing outside your door
Waiting for you to show me how to stay
I've been there before, Hoping and trying to make things right But now I don't know Honey, these arms that once held you are Ready to fight Ready to fight Home is everywhere your heart is
I can be that home if you please
Walk with me, and we'll be gone, dear! Home is everywhere your heart is I can be that home if you please Walk with me, and we'll be gone, dear! Honey, these arms that once held you are
Ready to FIGHT
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(Д゚≡゚Д゚) (-.-) for both ง ( ⌓̈ )ง for Puck
(Д゚≡゚Д゚): When they are surprised by somebody do they physically jump? Scream?
Puck: If he does it is only to seem silly, like a fool to throw someone off.  He actually has nerves of steel (he just chooses to run from most fights, lover not a fighter lol)Faera: She can actually be a bit jumpy unless she’s expecting it/on high alert, such as in the middle of a battle.  She will squeak, yelp, startle... and then turn around and bite you for doing it >____>
(-.-): How should one wake them up? Do they get out of bed easily?
BOTH:  Oh this is an easy one! Food and/or sex, touchies, kisses and cuddles!  Offering anything less and with Puck you will get a lot of grumbling to cursed with donkey ears depending on how much he likes you; with Faera you are highly likely to draw back a bloody stump where your hand used to be 0___0.
ง ( ⌓̈ )ง: Are they physically strong when it comes to fights?
Puck: Much of his unassuming image is completely on purpose.  He prefers not to fight unless absolutely necessary, for many reasons that may or may not come up in the future, but he is extremely skilled in a multitude of styles and disciplines, and considered one of the more powerful fae (’perk’ of being Oberon’s bastard child).  Powers and magick aside, he is able to physically put a great many into the ground with unsettling ease.
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Childhood memory?{{ Puck }}
Trying to survive when he ran away at 9. Most of it was a blur, 8 years spent being shunned from human society because he could not hide his fae appearance, but for the first year or so he thought he had a ‘guardian spirit’; he would wake up to find food left for him, maybe an article of clothing, flint to start fires, etc, until he was able to adjust and mostly take care of himself.Then entered Faera, and he thought maybe he liked her better when she had been playing the role of invisible guardian spirit.  The first thing she does is grab him up by the scruff of his neck, dunk him fully into the closest river complaining about how much he reeks. After chasing him down repeatedly day after day for a couple weeks he adjusted to her as well and her obvious dislike of him.
It wasn’t until she woke up one night to him in the middle of a nightmare, sobbing and crying in his sleep and wailing out for his mother.  When she tried to poke him awake to shut him up he panicked, and still in a half asleep daze curled up defensively screaming a stream of ‘sorries’. She had watched him his whole 9yrs in the village (Lord Oberon’s orders) and knew the treatment he’d received, so his reaction struck a very small chord. She ended up dragging him into her lap and hugged him to her chest until he fell asleep.  After that their relationship changed into one with a bit more fondness for each other.
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