oldmacykerenew · 1 month
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Nezzetek micsoda TEST…🥹🤪♥️ eppen barnul… 😅 @ablakmacska ♥️
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r3mlato · 10 months
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regebben kulonosebben nem rajongtam a pho-ert, ha vietnami etterembe mentunk en inkabb mindig valami mast rendeltem, de nem olyan reg vettunk egy csomo zacskos pho-t, ami viszont bitang jo volt egy zacskos leveshez kepest (az arahoz meg plane), ugyhogy azt beszeltuk zsuzsoval, hogy akar csinalhatnak is, mert amugy o viszont mindig is szerette, nekem ugy latszik csak ernem kellett hozza.
szoval jo szokasom szerint megint elolvastam es megneztem egy rahedli receptet, gyorsan ra is jottem, hogy nem tradicionalisat csinalok eloszor, leven az tobb ora fozes es a szempontom most is az volt, hogy ha nem is olyan gyorsan mint a kedvenc ramenunket, de azert viszonylag elfogadhato idon belul legyen az asztalon egy tanyer leves. nyilvan ez aldozatokkal jar, de ha nem ragaszkodsz egy erdeti vietnami etteremben keszult, hosszu orakon at fozott pho broth-hoz, akkor ez a recept nekem eppen megteszi, egy oran belul megvan, gazdag, izletes, zamatos.
igazabol az alapleven kivul minden olyan mintha tradicionalisan keszitenenk, szoval ha akarod es van idod, marha veloscsontod, marha szugyed es nyakad akkor fozd egy par oran keresztul es helyettesitsd be a leveskockat.
mielott belekezdesz, szukseged lesz par dologra:
komuves ujjnyi gyomber, hosszaban szeletelve 3 zoldhagyma, 2 az alaplebe, 1 talalashoz 1 voroshagyma, felbevagva, hejastul
3 csillaganizs 3 szegfuszeg 1 fahej rud 1 tk koriander mag opcionalisan: 1 fekete kardamom mag (ezt miota lattam az indiai boltban, ki akartam probalni valamihez, ha van ra lehetoseged szagolj meg egyet, egyszeruen zsenialis az illata, fustos, foldes, bor szaga van, gyozkodtem zsuzsot, hogy valahogy csinaljon belole majd kenyeret) 1 tk edeskomeny mag 1 tk szemes fekete bors
2 liter viz
marha leveskocka (annyi amennyi a vizhez kell)
3 ek halszosz (itt a red boat fish sauce-ra eskusznek, de abbol 10 dodo egy uveggel, szoval en se azt vettem) ha szereted lehet tobb is.
rizsteszta babcsira marhahus talalashoz:thai bazsalikom koriander zold thai chili lime szeletek
hoisin szosz/sriracha vagy mindketto
ne ijedj meg ezeknek a nagy resze nem esszencialis ha epp nem talalsz, a vietnami szomszed nem fog megkergetni ha kihagysz ezt-azt.
fuszerek: ami nelkul nincs pho az a koriander mag, csillaganizs, szegfuszeg, fahej. ezek nelkul nem lesz olyan mint egy igazi pho. en meg tettem bele fekete borsot, edeskomeny magot es fekete kardamom magot is, de ezek teljesen opcionalisak ha epp nincsenek keznel. tegyel mindent egy serpenyobe es piritsd meg oket amig illatozni kezdenek. par perc az egesz.
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hagyma, gyomber es zoldhagyma. egy ontottvas serpenyoben vagy simaban, de akar kozvetlenul a gazrozsan alaposan piritsd meg a hagymat es a gyombert. legyen szenes. a hagymat csak felbe vagom a hejat rajtahagyom, mert nagyon szep szine lesz tole a levesnek. a gyombert csak csikokra vagom, nem kell meghamozni. a zoldhagymat csak felvagom, ezt nem kel megpiritani.
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tegyel fel foni 2 liter vizet. en levagtam a marharol a zsirt es bedobtam a vizbe, foztem addig amig a zoldsegek es a fuszerek el nem keszultek.
aztan ment bele minden, fuszerek, hagyma, zoldhagyma, gyomber, 3 evokanal halszosz, a leveskockak, 1 evokanal cukor, 1 teaskanal so. vannak akik sot nem tesznek bele hanem addig adagoljak a halszoszt amig eleg sos nem lesz, ennyire burzsujok azert nem vagyunk, azert a halszosz nem olcso :) az autentikus megoldas a cukorra a rock sugar, de ilyet meg nem is lattam, szoval maradt ami van otthon. fozd egy 20-30 percet, kostold meg es adj hozza meg halszoszt vagy cukrot/sot ha akarsz. erdetileg en 4 szegfuszeget tettem bele, de eppenhogy csak egy kicsit, tul szegfuszeges lett, ezert irtam a hozzavalokhoz csak harmat. de alapvetoen ha neked jobban izlik mashogy csak adj hozza tobbet/kevesebbet barmibol. ha gondolod a vegen potold a vizet ami elfott.
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altalaban a ramenhez 350 ml-vel szamolunk egy adagra, de az joval laktatobb, itt szamolhattok 4-500 ml-vel adagonkent. szurd le es maris kesz a pho alapleved. tedd vissza a tuzre es forrald fel.
gyakorlatilag ha teszel bele fott rizstesztat ez mar egy pho-nek minosul, de ha van ra lehetoseged es kapsz hozza mindent erdemes azert ennel magasabb szintre emelni a levest.
mikor mar majdnem kesz az alaple melegits vizet, ha forr dobj bele annyi babcsirat amit epp megennetek, blansirozd egy percig, majd szedd ki. mehet ugyanabba a vizbe a rizsteszta (vannak olyanok amiket csak aztatni kell, vagy aztatni kell fozes elott, nezd meg a csomagolast neked eppen milyen van) ha megfott mehet egybol a tanyerba a csirakkal egyutt.
en a marhahust vekonyra felszeltem es nyersen tettem a tanyerba majd a tuzforro leves ahogy raszedtem pont megfozte annyira hogy tokeletes legyen, de ha te jobban szereted jobban atfove csak dobd bele az alaplebe es fozd par percig.
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aztan mehetnek a feltetek ha szeretned es kapsz, thai bazsalikom (a sima nem jo, a thainak anizsosabb ize van), koriander zold, thai chili ha szereted csiposen, finomra vagott zoldhagyma es egy gerezd lime rafacsarva a levesre.
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sokan ugy eszik, hogy tesznek kis tanyerba hoisin szoszt es/vagy srirachat es a levesbol kihalaszott marhadarabokat abba tunkoljak mielott megennek. ez mar tenyleg csak izles kerdese, nekem is feluton jutott eszembe mert annyira belefeledkeztunk az evesbe.
de ha valakinek meg ez is tul sok ido lenne elkesziteni egy levest, vettem egy ilyet az azsiai boltban amirol azt hittem, hogy olyan mint a leveskocka:
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de mint kiderult vannak benne fuszer tasakok is, szoval gyakorlatilag benne van minden ami ahhoz kell, hogy csinalj egy pho alaplevet, par heten belul kiprobaljuk azt is aztan ha erdekel valakit beszamolok rola.
jo etvagyat!
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theroundbartable · 2 years
Kaz doesn't talk about himself. But sometimes he says things that give the crows glimpses into his life.
They don't realise it often, like when Kaz suddenly knew farm language with Colm Fahej. But sometimes, it's obvious.
They are on a job, a smaller, trivial one. They are still gathering information, Inej, Jesper, Wylan and Kaz, when they overhear their target talking. The man has a rasp in his voice, not unlike Kaz's own and Jesper can't help make a joke of it.
"Hey, Inej. You think Kaz and him are related?"
Inej smiles from the corner where she vanished, at least, Jesper assumes she does. At the very least he knows that she knows what he's referring to.
"Shh, quiet.", Kaz silences him.
"Aw, come on, Kaz. He looks JUST like you."
"If I were ugly, perhaps." Kaz mutters and gestures him quiet again.
"Seriously though. What's with his voice?", Jesper finally says, because it's something he can't ask about Kaz. But he sure as hell can ask about a stranger's ticks and problems, which Kaz would know how to exploit.
Kaz rolls his eyes. "It's from the Queen lady's plague. Must have reached the late stage, when the firepox get's stuck in the lungs. It's nasty business all that scar tissue. Blocks the vocal chords. Now move, we gotta go!"
Jesper pauses. Wylan pauses. Only Inej and Kaz move on from their positions. Jesper and Wylan exchange a glance. Then they follow suit.
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barbiikusz · 5 years
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tekintsunk el attol, hogy hofeher a labam, de Fahej annyira regen latott, hogy szetpuszilgatta az egesz fejemet delutan. ugy nez ki, mintha sugdoloznank
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thesteelqueen · 7 years
Past that came to haunt (Fahej x McCree)
(Day second for @overwriters, continuation of the story. These time a word prompt, Memory. Once again, Fahéj x McCree)
From her place she could hear the muffled sound in the background, the exchange of words being sharp and quick, and though she was a bit curious and worried at the same time. A bit curiously she raised her pillow, seeing only the shoulder of person that stood in the doorway. The words were muffled and the talk ended quickly, with Jesse turning back to the bed, walking towards the bed to collect the clothes.
“Jesse? Is everything all right?” though Fahéj knew that it was pretty hard to read McCree but she knew that his attitude from the minute before just disappeared. She even lifted herself to look at him better, watching him getting dressed up in rather quick manner.
“Yeah cinnamon. Just get yourself up and make sure that you won’t be late for whatever important businesses you do in there” he ruffled her hair, lifting her clothes to place them all next to her. “See you in the evening” he moved closer to place a kiss on her forehead and walked out of the room, the door shutting right behind him.
The woman couldn’t wrap her head about this event, getting herself ready to work despite the pain in her head and still the effect of hangover feeling. What was something that put Jesse out of his usual cocky attitude? Probably nothing good, but right now it was too late to find him and ask, probably not like he would share it anyway.
“Fahéj!” someone behind her shouted and the woman flinched, her face turning into the hurtful manner.
“Please, Genji, a bit quieter” she sighed, raising her hands in the air in the defensive manner when the cyborg approached her.
“Have you seen McCree today?” he asked her, now in a more quiet manner, but she could sense the he was also stressed. That started to make her more worried and she turned quickly towards Genji, her face showing a concern.
“He already left, I am afraid. Had something happen?” she asked him, walking by his side as he headed towards the administration part of the building.
“They came with the news today, that some of the former Deadlock gang members are plotting for something very nasty. And…that they had an aid from someone who was in Blackwatch” Genji’s fist clenched like he would like to punch the person that brought these news as well as the one that who would be responsible for anything connected.
“And now they got exactly what they wanted to fuel themselves. A Jesse McCree”.
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herami · 7 years
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Here comes Fahej, an Overwatch OC for @fahej-rp
(Thanks to @zarwal for keeping me company during stream! And to all those lost souls who came by but remained silent - I know you were there ;> )
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writeangstime · 7 years
We don’t have to worry right now
This is the story that @marilin-mamarin asked for her OC Mikaela (that rp blog is @vcnus-flvtrxp) and mine OC Fahej ( @fahej-rp). Come to say “Hi” if you have an rp blog.
Also this is the last story from the giveaway (unless the one person that asked will fill the request from me), so there will be only one more story for art-writing thread. My askbox is still open for all the stuff and match-ups if you guys want. Remeber, if you like the story, you could always ask for comission.
Mikaela x Fahej
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 501
Warnings: None
Triggers: None
Notes:  It’s good to have your other half in every kind of situation. At least that is what those two believe.
The loud splash of the water covered the ground around the two of them, with Fahéj and Mikaela quickly raising to the surface, trying to get the blissful air into their lungs as fast as possible. Both of the would do anything again to avoid the people that were chasing them, but the coldness of water wasn’t particularly the best experience.
“Are you all right?” Mikaela asked in a worried tone, watching her partner slowly getting out of the water. Though Fahéj’s armor was much lighter than the one used by the other companies, it was still enough to make troubles while walking out of the water.
“Yes, don’t worry about me.” Hungarian woman shot her a simple smile, reaching her hand to help Mikaela to get up. “But I think that we should go. I doubt we would make it to the transport point today, so maybe we should try make it to the safehouse. After all, we both do not have much strength left” Fahéj sighed, throwing some seaweed from her hair.
“Right. Lead the way, my commander.” Philippian laughed, taking an offer for help and getting up, looking around. They shouldn’t be that far and with their clothes soaking wet, it should be rather good for both of them.
The way was even shorter than both of them expected, though the sun almost disappeared from the sky by the time they have reached the hideout. If one wouldn’t know what they were looking for, it was really hard to find this place, but a small house was everything they needed right now, as long as it was the place where both of them could find some warmth and comfort.
It all seemed to go easier from that point – changing the clothes, taking a warm bath, preparing something warm to drink. Mikaela decided to make them some food, preparing not to stay longer in the kitchen, but still with something good to eat. At least that was the plan, because it was hard to do anything with two soft arms sneaking around her waist.
“Don’t you worry about what will happen if they will find us?” the smaller woman asked, though she hadn’t pushed her partner away, letting the chin to rest on her shoulder, considerably taking off the pan out of the kitchen. For the idea of the threat still somewhere there, looking for them, Fahéj seemed to be oddly calm.
“It is not the thing that we have to consider right now. We shouldn’t worry about it when we are here together.” Fahéj sighed,  pulling the other woman more closely to her body, enjoying the other’s warmth and scent.
“Ok, you have some point. But if you need to get clingy like that, maybe at least we could go to somewhere we could sit?” Philippian asked and the other woman chuckled in response, letting her go and taking her way to the living room, winking while she was walking through the door.
“As you wish, my commander”.
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crowsvalentine · 6 years
Jesper: Where’s Inej?
Kaz: We just stepped out of the shower, she’ll be down in a minute.
Jesper: Alright well… wait did you just say we?
Kaz: What?
Jesper: Did you just say ‘we stepped out of the shower’?
Kaz: … I said she.
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Monopoly is serious business.
Featuring: @theamazingfantasma - @cervclle - @puddlechild - @agentdelphine - @fahej-rp and @talonsdesigner
source: [ x ]
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//I said I’d figure something out for our lack of Christmass icons
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oldmacykerenew · 5 months
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“Egy kis kaja leeshetne, vagy mondjuk adhatnal…”😅😂
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r3mlato · 1 year
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mindig elfelejtek egy csomo kajat kiposztolni, de most eszembe jutott vacsi kozben. legutobb tavasszal volt ilyen kajas omlesztett poszt, azota az extrabbakat kitettem, de akkor itt van minden mas. klasszul belaktuk a konyhat, bar meg egy nagy szekreny hianyzik hogy ne egy salgo polcon taroljuk a szarazarut, remelhetoleg meg iden sikerul valamit szerezni.
tovabbra is nagyon szeretunk fozni, gyakran van ramen, mindig varialjuk valahogy, volt mar tonkatsuval is, csinaltunk grillezett sajtot salival, mert bitang olcso volt a brie a costcoban. mivel mire odaertem augusztusban a csirke csibeszbe mar elfogyott a rantott majas zsomle es talaltunk itt meglepoen jo minosegu csirkemajat, volt az is franciasalival. meg nyaralas elottrol volt egy csomo zsalyank, igy csinaltunk zsalyas pork chop-pot zsalyas-feherboros gombamartassal es feherrepa purevel. kiserletezunk uj pizzateszta receptekkel is, az egyik pl ontottvas serpenyoben keszult, de volt csodaszep tonhal steak is ugyanabban. meg regebben talaltunk a turiban egy konyvet (the kitchen garden cookbook) amiben evszak szerint vannak receptek, mindig az epp aktualis zoldsegekkel-gyumolcsokkel. csinaltunk is parat, talan a legjobban a roasted red pepper and chickpea soup sikerult, nagyon izgalmas izvilaga van, fokhagyma, gyomber, romai komeny, fahej, piros paprika, tahini, mez kakukkfu. biztos hogy meg sok receptet ki fogunk probalni belole. de volt ami nem sikerult mint peldaul a spicy garlic sausage vindaloo dried plum chutney-val, tanulsag, hogy erdemes gondolkodni es vegig olvasni egy receptet, mielott magaval ragadna. ma meg egy portobellos-brie sajtos burger volt, tormas mayo-val es banana pepperrel.
enni jo. talalni tovabbra sem tudok.
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dorka · 2 years
Egeszsegtelen, de finom Repatorta van?
20 deka reszelt repa
2 tojas
60-70 gramm porcukor (yeah… az eredeti recept 100-at ir, ha jol emlekszem, de nalunk szuper edesek a repak, sztem nem kell annyi)
1 csipet so
(Opcionalis de nagyon jo bele) 1 teaskanal gyomber (por v frissen reszelt, en port szoktam)
1 teaskanal fahej
1 dl olaj
20 deka retesliszt (nem kotelezo, simabol is jo lesz)
1 teaskanal szodabikarbona
1 teaskanal sutopor
Lehet hozza tenni csokidarabokat, narancshejat.
1. Sutot elomelegitem 180 fokra
2. Papirral kibelelek egy 20 centis tortaformat vagy kuglof formaban is jo sutni
3. Cukor+tojas+fahej+gyomber+csipet sot jol osszekeverem. Nem kell robotgep sztem hozza, de nyilvan lehet.
4. Bele az olaj (probaltam kevesebbel, akkor nem lett annyira fluffy :(
5. Lisztet kimerem, hozzaadom a teaskanal szodabikarbonat es sutoport, es a keverekhez adom
6. Utoljara a 20dkg reszelt repat teszem bele
7. Legutoljara az opcionalis dolgokat: csokit vagy narancshejat (kokuszt, mazsolat, tort diot…)
8. Majdnem egy ora a sutoben, de 45 percnel megnezem.
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@fahej-rp liked for an AU!
Lúcio talked in the room with bindings in his hand and bandages. “Hello!” He welcomed the stranger brightly. His wings were folded carefully behind them and shinned as he walked past streams of light pouring through the curtains. The were skinny and bright, which means he probably could cover a lot of ground and a quick amount of time.
His primaries and secondaries were both a brown, but his secondaries were a bit darker. The coverts were colored a combination of green primarily, then yellows and purples. “The usual healer is out today so I’ll be tending to your wing.”
"You’ll be fixed up in no time.”
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barbiikusz · 6 years
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Fahejt ma nagyon fontos dologra probaltam megtanitani, de szerintem eleg termeszetesen jon neki ez a szelfizes dolog
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thesteelqueen · 7 years
“Thrilling discovery” (Fahéj x McCree)
(A third day, with an inktober theme poison. As always, the story for @overwriters)
“You led him into the trap” Genji hissed and Fahéj immediately clenched her hand on his arm, preventing him from jumping on the person in the manner to choke them right now. They were surrounded by others and starting a fight did never good impression. Especially if they would have to act later.
“Are you sure it is a trap though?” though Fahéj was worried, she had to admit to herself that Jesse was one of the best shooters and could get out of the situation that one would mark as an impossible. It seemed rare for Genji to worry like that.
“I just did what he wanted from me” Jake moved away, still not sure if cyborg wouldn’t attack him, but didn’t seem to be scarred. “I paid my debt and he could did with the information what he decided to. I told him about Blackwatch and Deadlock, giving him other few points from what I have learned. What trap it could be?” the man’s gaze wandered from Fahéj to Genji.
“Do you still have some information with you?” cyborg seemed to calm down, though it was hard to say what his expression was like, with his mask on.
“Sure, it is all written in here” the small pad was handled to Genji as Jake decided to move away, glancing over his shoulder if neither of them are following him. Fahéj just pushed herself closer to the cyborg, though she knew she couldn’t stay here for long – she had to go to the workshop soon.
The data, unknow names and the desorption were flying in front of her eyes, the things that didn’t tell her much, but then her body jolted when she stopped Genji’s hand from scrolling further.
“Wait, let me see that” she furrowed her brows, taking the pad and looking closer. The list of substances was rather shot, based on the observation rather than a firm facts, but after a brief moment, she inhaled the air sharply, cursing in Hungarian.
“They are not going to blow up anything, Genji. They are making a poison”.
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