The events leading up to and after the timeskip in three houses are so brutal... first Ferdie tries to reason with his dad and gets his head chopped off, then Marianne gets kidnapped and brainwashed by Thales, Dimitri gets accused of treason and has to flee to Almyra and prevent a civil war there, Sylvain and Dorothea get ambushed in the desert, and then Dimitri gets lured by Hubert back to Enbarr where Edelgard flaunts Marianne in front of Dimitri before setting him on fire and massacring your army. Flash forward fifteen years and you find out only Mercedes, Dedue, and Cyril are left because they were on babysitting duty (and Leonie but only in the midquel DLC). Even worse you find out that Petra, Constance, Ingrid, and Annette all survived, but Petra and Constance went missing looking for survivors, Ingrid became Queen of Almyra and died of an illness, and Annette... I don't wanna talk about what Cornelia did to Annette. Claude dying and getting revived and subsequently possessed by Seteth was kinda weird though
where is my girl Ashe. is she safe. is she alright
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The events leading up to and after the timeskip in FE4 are brutal... first Prince Kurth gets stabbed right in front of Deirdre, then it turns out Arvis is the Flame Emperor, then he attacks the Belhalla Academy while everyone's still there, King Azmur transforms into a dragon (because apparently he could do that) and Deirdre gets blasted into a pit by Manfroy, and then she wakes up five years later to find Sigurd's gone feral because he got really depressed and then Hilda staged a coup to take over Chalphy and Arden sacrificed himself so Sigurd could escape his execution. But it was touching that everyone risked their lives to visit the ruins of the academy on the day they'd promised to. Also why do people say there's a second generation in this game? Only Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses have a second generation.
huh. Véjà du.
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I'm really excited about the huge art style shift for the FE4 remake, I know people think it's kind of weird they went with a chibi style like they did for the Link's Awakening remake, but I think it's a really refreshing change for the series.
i am going to S support chibi Cynthia
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Cis person here. Can confirm that I did not know New Mystery was translated and can also confirm I think Sigurd and Deirdre's sex lives are very, very spicy for my standards
thank you for your sacrifice anon
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Genealogy is great, and I love Sigurd and Deirdre, but I really didn't need to know all those details about their sex life, especially not as often as they did it
especially considering what their idea of "freaky" is. so boring. cishet couples, am i right
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Hilda!Genoalogy is what 3H!Hilda should have been.
I love that the naming scheme implies that Hilda from 3H should've been replaced by Genoalogy from Hilda
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When I first recruited Arvis I didnt expect him to be such a shitty unit
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Arvis did nothing wrong
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