#Família Sayyid
simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #24 - Deusa Inanna
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Qabil e sua família passaram a adorar o fogo por recomendação de Iblis.
Qabil and his family came to worship fire on Iblis' recommendation.
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A adoração criou uma deusa: Inanna.
Worship created a goddess: Inanna.
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Conhecida como Rainha do Céu. Ela era a Deusa do amor e fertilidade.
Known as the Queen of Heaven. She was the Goddess of love and fertility.
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Eles criaram a cerveja para adorá-la.
They created beer to love it.
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Layudha descobriu estar grávida mais uma vez.
Layudha found out she was pregnant once again.
Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims
Hair by @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @simcelebrity00, @aharris00britney
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @blackyssims4zoo, @bekahluann, @sychik,
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke, @natalia-auditore, @ilkup
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses by @akuiyumi, @talentedtrait, @rebouks
Lot by
11 notes · View notes
simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #26 - Caiu do Céu
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Qabil encontrou a gênio que de quem ele queria vingança. Ela foi surprendida pelo rapaz ter poderes.
"Você não é o humano?!"
Qabil found the genie that he wanted revenge on. She was surprised that the boy had powers.
"Aren't you the human?!"
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"Deixei de ser humano há um tempo."
"I stopped being human a while ago."
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E ele a mordeu.
And he bit her.
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Bebeu dela o suficiente para que desmaiasse, o sangue de um jinn o deixou ainda mais porte, esperava ter oportunidade de beber outros jinns no futuro. Por enquanto, teria que cumprir seu acordo com Iblis.
He drank enough from her that he passed out, the blood of a jinn made him even great, he hoped to have the opportunity to drink other jinns in the future. For now, he would have to fulfill his agreement with Iblis.
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Layudha nem sabe nada do que o marido aprontava, não sabia dos acordos, nem do que ele fazia lá fora, apenas escondia seu segredo de que era um monstro que bebia sangue de animais durante a noite.
Layudha doesn't even know anything about what her husband was up to, she didn't know about the agreements, or what he was doing outside, she just hid her secret that he was a monster that drank animal blood at night.
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Durante o dia, Qabil escondia sua verdadeira identidade para as filhas.
During the day, Qabil hid his true identity from his daughters.
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De repente a terra começou a tremer.
"Será Deus me punindo outro vez?" ele pensou.
Suddenly the earth began to shake.
"Is God punishing me again?" he thought.
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Do céu caiu uma pedra em chamas.
A flaming stone fell from the sky.
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Qabil mandou suas mulheres e crianças ficarem em casa enquanto ele investigasse. A pedra estava em chamas e ele achou aquilo fascinante.
Qabil ordered his women and children to stay at home while he investigated. The stone was on fire and he found it fascinating.
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Ele tocou a pedra.
He touched the stone.
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Mas sua mão ficou em chamas.
But his hand went up in flames.
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Com o tempo a pedra esfriou.
Over time the stone cooled.
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Qabil aproveitou para saber o que teria dentro dela, se fosse algo perigoso, estava preparado. E de lá conseguiu um cristal muito bonito.
Qabil took the opportunity to know what was inside her, if it was something dangerous, he was prepared. And from there he got a very beautiful crystal.
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Qabil entrou em casa e se questionou sobre aquela bola de fogo. Teria sido um bom ou mau sinal? O que significa isso? Foi obra de algum jinn? De Deus? Há outras cristuras habitando a terra? Ele não tinha as respostas ainda.
Qabil entered the house and wondered about that fireball. Was it a good sign or a bad sign? What does that mean? Was it the work of some jinn? God's? Are there other creatures inhabiting the earth? He didn't have the answers yet.
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As filhas de Qabil aprontam todas pela casa enquanto ele pratica pintura.
Qabil's daughters roam around the house while he practices painting.
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Uma das nenéns ama a gatinha da casa.
One of the toddlers loves the house cat.
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De repente Qabil se viu na frente de sua casa sujo de sangue em busca de um alvo.
Suddenly Qabil found himself in front of his bloodstained house in search of a target.
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A sua frente estava a sua maior obcessão.
In front of him was his biggest obsession.
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"Eu venci Habil." disse ele "Agora você será minha!"
"Nunca!" ela o desafiou com o mesmo olhar ardiloso que o encarou da última vez que se viram.
"I beat Habil." said he "Now you will be mine!"
"Never!" she challenged him with the same sly gaze that had fixed him the last time they saw each other.
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"Infelizmente você não me deu escolha." ele lança um feitiço sobre ela.
"Unfortunately you didn't give me a choice." he casts a spell on her.
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E a morde, acreditando que assim ficariam juntos para toda eternidade.
And bites her, believing that this way they would be together for eternity.
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Tudo se passou de um sonho, Qabil dormia tranquilamente com Azura.
It was all a dream, Qabil was sleeping peacefully with Azura.
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Quando acordou e assustou sua mulher.
"O que houve?" perguntou ela.
When he woke up and scared his wife.
"What happened?" she asked.
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"Um pesadelo, tive um pesadelo" era frequente que os sonos fossem perturbadores para Qabil, relembrava da morte do irmão, de sua punição e as vezes Iqlimyia aparecia como um tesouro inalcançavel.
"A nightmare, I had a nightmare" sleep was often disturbing for Qabil, he remembered his brother's death, his punishment and sometimes Iqlimyia appeared as an unreachable treasure.
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"Ei, não se preocupe, foi só um sonho."
"As vezes Deus fala conosco nos sonhos"
"Hunf" Qabil resmungou "Ele nos abandonou a muito tempo, lembre-se de que agora somos queridos de Inanna"
"Hey, don't worry, it was just a dream."
"Sometimes God speaks to us in dreams"
"Hunf" Qabil grumbled "He abandoned us a long time ago, remember we are now dear to Inanna"
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Azura volta a se deitar ao seu lado, tudo ficou diferente desde que deixaram seus pais. Ela sabia que tinha que cuidar do lar, mas Qabil vinha se tornando um homem diferente a cada dia que passava.
Azura lies down beside her again, everything has been different since they left her parents. She knew she had to take care of the home, but Qabil was becoming a different man with each passing day.
Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae,
Skin: Myrica, Agave by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims, @simandy, @ellesmea, @maliamods
Scars: @helgatisha, @AlisterAzimuth
Hair by @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @simcelebrity00, @aharris00britney, @zurkdesign, @wistfulpoltergeist, @joliebean, @simandy, @simstrouble, @cazmari-mods
Face Hair by @nords-sims
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @blackyssims4zoo, @bekahluann, @sychik, @_Simalicious_, @dear-solar, @faded-springs, @someone-elsa, @Paogae, @natalia-auditore, @simmiev2, @sifix
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke, @natalia-auditore, @ilkup, @gilded-ghosts, @S-Club, @weepingsimmer, @stephanine-sims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses by @akuiyumi
Mods by @mizoreyukii
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #25 - Filhas
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Durante a noite, um gênio entrou na casa da família de Qabil e resolveu botar fogo no quarto da bebê.
During the night, a genie entered the house of Qabil's family and decided to set fire to the baby's room.
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O gênio é meio desastrado e botou fogo em si mesmo.
The genius is kind of clumsy and set himself on fire.
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Para a sorte de todos, o fogo foi apagado e a bebê resgatada por Iblis.
Luckily for everyone, the fire was put out and the toddler rescued by Iblis.
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"Por que você ajudou aqueles humanos, Iblis?" o gênio questionou.
"Desculpa, mas isso é um acordo entre os humanos e eu. Melhor cair fora ou vou ter que tomar medidas drásticas."
"Why did you help those humans, Iblis?" the genie questioned.
"Sorry, but this is an agreement between the humans and me. Better get out or I'll have to take drastic measures."
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Ela se recusou a se retirar e Iblis teve que usar seus poderes para lhe dar uma lição. Ele não gostava de outros gênios perturbando os seus humanos.
She refused to withdraw and Iblis had to use her powers to teach her a lesson. He didn't like other jinn upsetting his humans.
Enquanto isso na família príncipal...
Meanwhile in the main family…
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Sem os seus dois filhos, Habil que foi morto por Qabil, e este que fugiu para longe. Adam vê em Sheeth um recomeço. Como se Deus tivesse lhe dado aquele lindo presente para poder recomeçar e desta vez não falharia.
Without his two sons, Habil who was killed by Qabil, and Qabil who fled far away. Adam sees in Sheeth a fresh start. As if God had given him that beautiful gift so he could start over and this time he wouldn't fail.
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O último filho de Iqlimiya nasceu, Taimoon nunca conhecerá o pai pessoalmente, mas a mãe fazia questão de contar histórias para eternizá-lo, pois Habil tinha sido um bom homem.
The last child of Iqlimiya was born, Taimoon will never know his father personally, but his mother insisted on telling stories to immortalize him, as Habil had been a good man.
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Infelizmente em uma noite esqueceram o forno a lenha acesso, o que acabou queimando Sana, mas graças a Deus conseguiram salvá-la.
Unfortunately, one night they forgot the wood oven, which ended up burning Sana, but thank God they managed to save her.
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Uma foto conceitual.
A good picture.
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Um dia estava tão quente, que Adam cuidou dos animais bem a vontade.
One day it was so hot that Adam took care of the animals quite freely.
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Iqlimiya relaxa um pouco nas fontes termais, ela está sobrecarregada de ter que cuidar de quatro bebês.
Iqlimiya relaxes a bit in the hot springs, she is overwhelmed with having to take care of four babies.
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Apesar de ter passado alguns meses após a perda dos filhos, Hawa ainda sentia saudades de sua família completa.
Even though it was a few months after the loss of her children, Hawa still missed her whole family.
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Iqlimiya deu a si mesma a função de transformar Sheeth no próximo sucessor da família, a maior parte do seu dia era dedicada ao seu filho.
Iqlimiya took it upon herself to make Sheeth the next successor to the family, most of her day devoted to her son.
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Coitado do Adam, atacado pelas abelhas :c
Poor Adam, attacked by bees :c
Voltando a Qabil...
Back to Qabil...
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Layudha está grávida e prepara a roupinha do novo bebê. Uma de suas filhinhas a assiste vidrada, achando divertido como sua mãe mexe as mãos.
Layudha is pregnant and is preparing the new baby's outfit. One of her little girls watches her glazed over, finding it amusing how her mother moves her hands.
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Layudha passa um bom tempo com suas meninas. Elas conversam sobre o futuro irmãozinho, será que ela daria finalmente a Qabil um filho homem? Azura já lhe deu um, mas ela também gostaria de ter um menino.
Layudha spends a lot of time with her girls. They talk about the future little brother, will she finally give Qabil a son? Azura already gave her one, but she would also like to have a boy.
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Iblis também marca presença na vida das meninas após salvar a primogênita do incêndio da outra jinn. Elas o chamam de "titio Iblis".
Iblis is also present in the girls' lives after saving the firstborn from the other jinn's fire. They call him "uncle Iblis".
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"Encontrei informações sobre aquela jinn que atacou Dania." disse Ibles a Qabil quando conversaram em uma noite.
"Ótimo! Eu desejo me vingar dela por atacar minha família!"
"Não se preocupe, ela deve estar fraca após aquela luta que tivessemos, será fácil."
"I found information about that jinn that attacked Dania." said Ibles to Qabil when they talked one night.
"Great! I want revenge on her for attacking my family!"
"Don't worry, she must be weak after that fight we had, it will be easy."
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"Mas em troca das informações eu gostaria de pedir uma coisa."
"Está me cobrando algo, Iblis?"
"Eu fiz muito por você, te dei uma aparência agradável, salvei sua filha da morte, é o mínimo que se pode fazer."
"But in exchange for the information I'd like to ask you something."
"Are you charging me something, Iblis?"
"I've done a lot for you, given you a nice appearance, saved your daughter from death, it's the least you can do."
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Qabil não gostou disso, sabia que Iblis um dia iria lhe cobrar, mas não esperava que tão cedo. Ele tem estado ocupado a maior parte do tempo, durante a noite se embrenhava na mata para lutar contra animais e lhe roubar o sangue, ele não podia sempre sugar os sangues de suas esposas, ainda mais agora que estavam grávidas.
"Tudo bem, me diga o que quer."
Qabil didn't like that, he knew Iblis would one day charge him, but he didn't expect that so soon. He'd been busy most of the time, at night going into the woods to fight animals and steal their blood, he couldn't always suck the blood of his wives, even more so now that they were pregnant.
"Ok, tell me what you want."
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"Que tal para selar nossa amizade você me dê uma de suas filhas em casamento?"
"Uma das minhas filhas com você? Mas você é um jinn..."
"E agora você é algum tipo de criatura amaldiçoada e é casado com duas mulheres que estão grávidas. Pode não parecer, mas também gostaria de uma família e tenho certeza que suas filhas serão uma beldade quando crescerem."
Como na primeira vez em que se conheceram, Qabil concordou o trato, ele teve muitas filhas e apenas um filho, talvez Iblis possa dar a uma delas uma boa vida com conforto.
"How about to seal our friendship you give me one of your daughters in marriage?"
"One of my daughters with you? But you're a jinn…"
"And now you're some sort of cursed creature and you're married to two women who are pregnant. It might not look like it, but you'd also like a family and I'm sure your daughters will be a beauty when they grow up."
As the first time they met, Qabil agreed to the deal, he had many daughters and only one son, perhaps Iblis can give one of them a comfort life.
Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae,
Skin: Myrica, Agave by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims, @simandy, @ellesmea
Scars: @helgatisha, @AlisterAzimuth
Hair by @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @simcelebrity00, @aharris00britney, @zurkdesign, @wistfulpoltergeist, @joliebean, @simandy, @simstrouble, @cazmari-mods,
Face Hair by @nords-sims
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @blackyssims4zoo, @bekahluann, @sychik, @_Simalicious_, @dear-solar, @faded-springs, @someone-elsa, @Paogae, @natalia-auditore, @simmiev2, @sifix
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke, @natalia-auditore, @ilkup, @gilded-ghosts, @S-Club, @weepingsimmer
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses by @talentedtrait, @jjposests4, @cmescapade, @akuiyumi, @rebouks
Mods by @ozzy-and-mariam, @mizoreyukii
Lot: Ancient Egyptian Home 015, Ancient Egyptian Palace (Gallery)
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #18 - O Sacrifício
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Qabil e Habil preparam seus sacrificios.
Qabil and Habil prepare their sacrifices.
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De repente surge uma luz no céu e aparece um anjo mensageiro. Os rapazes ficaram surpresos com a presença do anjo ali.
Suddenly a light appears in the sky and a messenger angel appears. The boys were surprised by the angel's presence there.
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"Deus aprecia seus sacríficios." disse o anjo "Habil é o verdadeiro crente e merecedor de ser o sucessor de Adam. Ele escolheu as frutas mais frescas, a carne mais saborosa e a lã mais bonita. Qabil por outro lado, esolheu apenas os restos, frutas próximas a se estragar, as sobras da carne e a lã que não servia."
"God appreciates your sacrifices." said the angel "Habil is the true believer and worthy of being Adam's successor. He chose the freshest fruits, the tastiest meat and the most beautiful wool. Qabil on the other hand, chose only the leftovers, fruits close to spoiling , the leftovers of the meat and the wool that did not serve."
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"O quê?! Isso não é verdade!" Qabil contestou.
"Não sou eu quem decide, sou apenas um mensageiro e repassei as palavras do Senhor. Adeus." e o anjo partiu.
"What?! That's not true!" Qabil replied.
"It's not me who decides, I'm just a messenger and I passed on the Lord's words. Farewell." and the angel departed.
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"Isso é tão injusto! Por que você é sempre o escolhido, Habil? Você não passa de um pamonha! Não tem capacidade de ser o protetor da nossa família."
"This is so unfair! Why are you always the chosen one, Habil? You're nothing but a dummy! You don't have the capacity to be our family's protector."
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"Irmão, a culpa não é minha. Foi a decisão de Deus, tente se acalmar..."
"Brother, it's not my fault. It was God's decision, try to calm down…"
⊱⋆⊰ AVISO: O capítulo contém cenas de violência. Para vê-las clique no link abaixo. ⊱⋆⊰
⊱⋆⊰WARNING: The chapter contains scenes of violence. To see them click on the link below.⊱⋆⊰
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Qabil se cansou e parou. Habil não respondia mais e já havia posto sua raiva para fora.
Qabil got tired and stopped. Habil didn't respond anymore and had already let his anger out.
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Sem a raiva, Qabil se sentiu culpado por ter feito o que fez. Tentou chamar pelo irmão, mas ele não respondeu. Era uma visão estranha, ver o seu irmão deitado no chão, ele não parecia dormir, o que lhe causou arrepios na espinha.
Without the anger, Qabil felt guilty for what he had done. He tried to call out to her brother, but he didn't answer. It was a strange sight, seeing her brother lying on the floor, he didn't seem to sleep, which sent shivers down her spine.
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"O que eu fiz?" falou vendo suas mãos cheias de sangue.
"What did I do?" he said, seeing his hands full of blood.
⊱⋆⊰ AVISO: O capítulo contém cenas de violência. Para vê-las clique no link abaixo. ⊱⋆⊰
⊱⋆⊰WARNING: The chapter contains scenes of violence. To see them click on the link below.⊱⋆⊰
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Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims
Hair by @wistfulpoltergeist, @birksche, @joliebean, @simandy, @simstrouble
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Scars by @AlisterAzimuth 
Clothes by @dear-solar, @someone-elsa, @Paogae, @blackyssims4zoo, @natalia-auditore, @luumia, @simmiev2
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke, @natalia-auditore
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses: @unicornsims4, @natalia-auditore, @honeyssims4, @akuiyumi
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #14 - Grávidas!
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⊱⋆⊰ AVISO: O capítulo contém cenas de incesto. Para vê-las clique no link abaixo. ⊱⋆⊰
⊱⋆⊰WARNING: The chapter contains incest scenes. To see them click on the link below.⊱⋆⊰
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Momento fofura! Hawa abraça uma galinha!
Cute moment! Hawa hugs a chicken!
⊱⋆⊰ AVISO: O capítulo contém cenas de incesto. Para vê-las clique no link abaixo. ⊱⋆⊰
⊱⋆⊰WARNING: The chapter contains incest scenes. To see them click on the link below.⊱⋆⊰
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Enquanto isso, as esposas de Qabil utilizam a lã dos animais criados pelo marido para criar algo totalmente novo.
Meanwhile, Qabils wives use the wool of animals raised by their husband to create something entirely new.
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Layudha leva o que prepararam para Qabil, foram as primeiras a produzirem roupa.
"Então querido o que você achou?" ela perguntou enquanto ele se olhava no espelho que foi produzido por ele mesmo. Digamos que Qabil e suas mulheres foram os primeiros inventores.
Layudha takes what they prepared for Qabil, they were the first to produce clothes.
"So honey what did you think?" she asked as he looked at himself in the self-made mirror. Let's say that Qabil and his wives were the first inventors.
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Ela temia que o marido não tivesse aprovado, talvez a roupa fosse desconfortável, ele passou um bom tempo no espelho antes de dar a sua palavra.
"Não é ruim, acho mais confortável que as peles."
Isso fez Layudha suspirar alivíada.
She feared that her husband had not approved, perhaps the outfit was uncomfortable, he spent a long time in the mirror before giving his word.
"Not bad, I find it more comfortable than furs."
This made Layudha sigh in relief.
⊱⋆⊰ AVISO: O capítulo contém cenas de incesto. Para vê-las clique no link abaixo. ⊱⋆⊰
⊱⋆⊰WARNING: The chapter contains incest scenes. To see them click on the link below.⊱⋆⊰
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Qabil desfila com sua roupa nova.
Qabil parading in his new outfit.
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Layudha e Azura também produzem roupas para si.
Layudha and Azura also craft clothes for themselves.
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis, Teeth Set by @wistfulpoltergeist, Simshini
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims, @maliamods, @tamo-sim, @verbatimsims, @simsloverorthaylor, erplederp(+18), @pralinesims
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist, @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @qicc, @aharris00britney, @simandy
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Scars by @AlisterAzimuth 
Clothes by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @blackyssims4zoo
Accessories by @stephanine-sims, @ilkup
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore
Lot by me
Poses: Beneficial Friends by @eclypt0sims, Take Bath with Me by @akuiyumi
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #17 - O Desejo de Qabil
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Qabil caminhou para a floresta maldizendo o irmão.
"Ain eu sou tão perfeito! O preferido do papai! Olhe meus filhos como são lindos! E essa linda amendôa que acabei de colher." Imitava o irmão em uma voz aguda.
Qabil walked into the forest cursing his brother.
"Ain, I'm so perfect! Daddy's favorite! Look at my kids how beautiful they are! And this beautiful almond I just picked." He imitated his brother in a high-pitched voice.
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Qabil parou e corou ao avistar uma figura bela e que sempre o perturbava durante a noite em seus sonhos.
Qabil stopped and blushed at the sight of a beautiful figure that always troubled him at night in his dreams.
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Iqmiliya fazia movimentos com o corpo e com a boca que produziam sons agrádaveis, como um lindo passarinho feliz, ela era de uma beleza superior a qualquer animal de plumas coloridas.
Iqmiliya made movements with her body and mouth that produced pleasant sounds, like a beautiful happy bird, she was of a beauty superior to any animal with colored feathers.
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"Hoje deve ser meu dia de sorte. Só pode ser um sinal de Deus." Qabil sorrir ao se encontrar sozinho com a mulher que o encantava e quem ele queria ter se casado.
"Today must be my lucky day. It can only be a sign from God." Qabil smiled as he found himself alone with the woman who enchanted him and whom he wished he had married.
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Qabil interrompeu a dança de Iqlimyia, o que a deixou envergonhada.
"Irmão Qabil, o que faz aqui?" ela tentou disfarçar o que fazia.
"Estava apreciando o dia quando ouvir um passáro a cantar, nunca tinha ouvido uma voz tão bela até perceber que era você e me senti abençoado por ter presenciado sua beleza e doçura."
Qabil interrupted Iqlimyia's dance, which embarrassed her.
"Brother Qabil, what are you doing here?" she tried to disguise what she was doing.
"I was enjoying the day when I heard a bird singing, I had never heard such a beautiful voice until I realized it was you and I felt blessed to have witnessed your beauty and sweetness."
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Iqlimyia não se sentia a vontade com os galanteios de Qabil e disse que precisava ir cuidar de seus filhos, mas ele a impediu de partir.
Iqlimyia was uncomfortable with Qabil's wooing and said she had to go and take care of her children, but he stopped her from leaving.
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"O que está fazendo, Qabil?" ela o enfrentou. "Preciso ir para casa, as crianças já devem ter acordado e Haniya não pode tomar conta de tudo sozinha."
"What are you doing, Qabil?" she faced him. "I need to go home, the kids must have woken up by now and Haniya can't take care of everything herself."
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"Por favor irmãzinha, não me dispense dessa maneira tão rude. Vamos aproveitar enquanto estamos sozinhos, deixe-me vê-la cantar e dançar mais uma vez. Deixe-me prová-la, eu a desejo desde que notei como você tem cresceu tão bela!"
"Please little sister, don't dismiss me in such a rude way. Let's enjoy it while we're alone, let me see you sing and dance one more time. Let me taste you, I've wanted you ever since I noticed how you've grown so lovely!"
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Ele tinha se aproximado tanto dela que podia sentir seu hálito, ela havia provado uma folha de hortelã. Ao vê-la se inclinar e achar que ela iria beijá-lo, sentiu-se decepcionado quando ela apenas o encarou.
"Sou uma mulher casada e você também. Não podemos ter nada, seria errado e também não estou interessada. Melhor ir para casa e ficar com suas mulheres."
He'd gotten so close to her that he could smell his breath, she'd tasted a mint leaf. Seeing her lean over and think she was going to kiss him, he felt disappointed when she just stared at him.
"I'm a married woman and so are you. We can't have anything, it would be wrong and I'm not interested either. Better go home and be with your women."
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"Pare com isso! Sei que vai gostar quando me provar." Qabil ignorou o "não" da sua irmã e avançou sobre ela.
"Stop it! I know you'll like it when you taste me." Qabil ignored his sister's "no" and advanced on her.
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Ela o empurrou e ele riu.
"Adoro quando você se faz de difícil!"
She pushed him away and he laughed.
"I love it when you play hard to get!"
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"Você é um idiota, Qabil! Melhor ir embora ou serei obrigada a contar ao papai o que você tentou fazer."
"You're an idiot, Qabil! Better go away or I'll have to tell Dad what you tried to do."
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"Ah sim, você não sabe. Papai falou hoje sobre escolher o herdeiro." ele voltou avançar sobre ela. "Teremos que fazer um sacrificio e quem der o melhor será o sucessor escolhido."
"Oh yeah, you don't know. Dad talked today about choosing the heir." he returned to advance on her. "We will have to make a sacrifice and whoever gives the best will be the chosen successor."
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"Eu sei que ganharei. Deus escolherá meu sacrificio." ele continuou "E assim que eu me tornar o líder da família, eu a farei minha mulher."
"I know I will win. God will choose my sacrifice." he continued "And as soon as I become the head of the family, I will make you my wife."
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"Nunca!" foi tudo o que ela disse antes de se afastar e ir embora.
"Never!" was all she said before pulling away and walking away.
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims
Hair by @wistfulpoltergeist, @birksche, @joliebean, @simandy, @simstrouble
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @dear-solar, @someone-elsa, @Paogae, @blackyssims4zoo, @natalia-auditore, @luumia, @simmiev2
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses: @cassandragrusel86, @akuiyumi
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #01 - Expulsos do Paraíso
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Adam e Hawa foram expulsos do paraíso por Iblis. Agora precisam aprender a sobreviver na Terra como mortais.
Adam and Hawa were banished from paradise by Iblis. Now they must learn to survive on Earth as mortals.
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Após alguns anos separados, eles finalmente se encontraram e resolveram se estabelecer em um lugar. A primeira noite foi difícil, mas prometeram um ao outro que iriam superar tudo juntos.
After a few years apart, they finally met and decided to settle down in one place. The first night was difficult, but they promised each other that they would get through it together.
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Adam gostou de pescar. Os peixes tornaram-se a refeição principal desta família.
Adam liked to fish. Fish became the main meal of this family.
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Os dois sabiam que haviam frutas venenosas na Terra e tomaram todo cuidado ao selecioná-las para alimentação.
The two knew that there were poisonous fruits on Earth and took great care in selecting them for food.
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Enquanto Adam gostava de pescar, Hawa cozinhava.
While Adam liked to fish, Hawa cooked.
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Os dois aprecisavam a refeição juntos!
The two enjoyed the meal together!
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Pescar nem sempre é divertido :/
Fishing is not always fun :/
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims
Body Preset by @miikocc
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @aroundthesims
Food by @icemunmun
Lot by @srslysims
Pose: Day at the museum by @beto-ae0, Puckish Poltergeist by @cmescapade
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #13 - Todos Adolescentes
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As trigêmeas também se tornaram adolescente.
The triplets girls also became teenagers.
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Árvore atualizada.
The tree family updated.
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Como todos os seus filhos estão crescidos, Adam resolveu conversar com seus meninos para tratar sobre o futuro da família.
As all of his children are grown, Adam decided to talk to his boys about the family's future.
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"Deus me mandou mensagens, que eu devo escolher entre meus dois filhos quem será o meu sucessor. O senhor também me mandou a missão de povoarmos a Terra, portanto foi permitido que vocês se casassem com suas irmãs." Adam observa os seus dois meninos com atenção, Habil parece apreensivo, enquanto Qabil exibiu um sorriso ao falar de casamento. "Decidi que Qabil se casará com Layudha e Azura, enquanto Habil se casará com Iqlimiya e Haniya."
"God has sent me messages, that I must choose between my two sons who will be my successor. The Lord also sent me the mission to populate the Earth, therefore it was allowed for you to marry your sisters." Adam watches his two boys closely, Habil looks apprehensive, while Qabil flashes a smile when talking about marrying. "I have decided that Qabil will marry Layudha and Azura, while Habil will marry Iqlimiya and Haniya."
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"Sim, meu pai. Prometo fazer o possível para me tornar um sucessor digno." disse Habil ao pai. Por outro lado, Qabil resmungou "Eu devia ser o sucessor!" ele exclamou "Sou o mais velho e eu deveria escolher quais das minhas irmãs irei me casar. O senhor me deu as mais feias."
"Yes, my father. I promise to do my best to become a worthy successor." said Habil to his father. On the other hand, Qabil muttered "I should be the successor!" he exclaimed "I am the eldest and I should choose which of my sisters to marry. You gave me the ugliest ones."
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"Qabil!" Adam repreendeu o filho "Foram ordens diretas de Deus, ele me guiou para que tomasse as decisões. Se você se provar ser o ideal sucessor, lhe darei a permissão para fazer o que quiser, mas por enquanto terá que acatar as minhas ordens."
"Qabil!" Adam scolded his son "They were direct orders from God, he guided me to make the decisions. If you prove yourself to be the ideal successor, I will give you permission to do whatever you want, but for now you will have to obey my orders."
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E os rapazes obedeceram ao pai, eles se casaram com as suas irmãs designadas e se responsabilizaram por provear a família. Qabil queria provar ao pai que era mais ideal para ser o sucessor do que Habil.
And the boys obeyed their father, they married their assigned sisters and took responsibility for providing for the family. Qabil wanted to prove to his father that he was more ideal to be the successor than Habil.
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As meninas também tinham suas responsabilidades, Iqmiliya aprendeu a cozinhar.
Girls also had their responsibilities, Iqmiliya learned to cook.
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis, Teeth Set by @wistfulpoltergeist, Simshini
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims, @maliamods, @tamo-sim, @verbatimsims, @simsloverorthaylor, erplederp(+18), @pralinesims
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist, @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @qicc, @aharris00britney, @simandy
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Scars by @AlisterAzimuth 
Clothes by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims
Accessories by @stephanine-sims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife
Lot by me
Poses: Children's party II by @beto-ae0, Emotions mix 01, Gentleman by @akuiyumi, Just some cozzy moments by @couquetts, Trio by @cassandragrusel86
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #02 - Gravidez
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Oh não! Hawa pegou fogo da fogueira :(
Oh no! Hawa got fire from the bonfire :(
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Hawa tem uma novidade para contar: está grávida!
Hawa have news: she's pregnant!
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Adam ficou muito feliz com a notícia! Não estariam mais sozinhos no mundo.
Adam was very happy! They weren't alone anymore at world.
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O buchinho! (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
The belly! (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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Foto do barrigão no terceiro trimestre!
Photo of the belly in the third trimester!
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O único casal do mundo está muito feliz (as pessoas caminhando ao fundo não existem, são frutos da sua imaginação).
The only couple in the world is very happy (the people walking in background don't exist, they are a figment of your imagination).
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims,
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Clothes by @aroundthesims
Lot by @srslysims
Pose: You lied to me by @akuiyumi, Baby shower by @beto-ae0
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #11 - Nova Casa
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Shaitan dá uma passadinha próximo a família Sayyid vendo como eles estão se saindo fora do paraíso.
Shaitan walked near at Sayyid family, he sees how they are after banished from paradise.
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Adam e Hawa não temem Shaitan. Eles estão felizes e vivendo bem mesmo longe do paraíso.
Adam and Hawa don't fear Shaitan. They are happy living far from paradise.
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Iqlimiya é tão fofa! (◦'w'◦)
Iqlimiya is so cute! (◦'w'◦)
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As crianças se dão super bem.
The kids get along really well.
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Cansados de pedras, Adam decide começar a construir algumas coisas de madeira.
Tired of stones, Adam decides to start building some wooden things.
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Reformei o lote mais uma vez.
I reformed the home again.
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Haniya brinca no balanço.
Haniya plays on the swing.
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis, Teeth Set by @wistfulpoltergeist, Simshini
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims, @maliamods, @tamo-sim, @verbatimsims, @simsloverorthaylor
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist, @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @qicc
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Clothes by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @belovedpoisoncreations
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife
Lot by me
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #09 - Meu primeiro lote
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Habil ajuda na plantação.
Habil helps in planting.
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Acho lindo esse mod da vassoura!
This broom mod is so cute!
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Qabil cuida da vaquinha.
Qabil takes care of the cow.
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Fofos! ◕ω◕
So cute! ◕ω◕
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Adam gosta muito de passar tempo com seus meninos.
Adam really enjoys spending time with his boys.
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As trigêmeas cresceram e todos são crianças agora!
The triples girls grown up and everybody is children now!
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Árvore atualizada.
New tree family.
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Derrubei o lote anterior e criei o meu próprio.
I created my own lot.
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis, Teeth Set by @wistfulpoltergeist, Simshini
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims, @maliamods, @tamo-sim, @verbatimsims, @simsloverorthaylor
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist, @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @qicc
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Clothes by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife
Lot by me
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #08 - Crianças
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As galinhas são muito fofas!
The chickens are so cute!
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Fiz uma pequena reforma na caverna.
I did a little renovation in the cave.
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Mais um pintinho nasceu!
Another chick was born!
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Os primeiros trigêmeos cresceram!
The first triples have grown up!
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Mais uma foto!
Another picture!
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Layudna ajuda a cuidar das plantas.
Layudna helps take care of the plants.
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Brincando com a pedra haha
She plays a rock haha
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims,
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist, @birksche,
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Clothes by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @blackyssims4zoo
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife
Lot by @srslysims
Infelizmente eu não salvei os nomes dos cabelos dos bebês :c me desculpem.Unfortunately I forgot the hair toddler cc name's :c I'm sorry.
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #07 - Borboletas
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Hawa brinca de pegar borboletas.
Hawa plays catching butterflies.
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Uma foto das trigêmeas hahahah
Tiple girls photo hahahah
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Adam também pega uns insetos.
Adam also catch bugs.
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Achei essa foto legal.
I think it's a cool picture.
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A agricultura está sendo desenvolvida.
Agriculture is being developed.
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E a vassoura serve para dar uma limpadinha na caverna.
And the broom is for cleaning the cave.
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Bebê com galo -`♡´-
Toodler and rooster -`♡´-
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims,
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Clothes by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife
Lot by @srslysims
Infelizmente eu não salvei os nomes dos cabelos dos bebês :c me desculpem.Unfortunately I forgot the hair toddler cc name's :c I'm sorry.
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #04 - Nova Gravidez
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As crianças vivem bem.
The kids living well.
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Hawa está grávida de novo!
Hawa is pregnant again!
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Achei essa foto bem bonita!
I think it's a beautiful picture!
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A criança na cumbuca!!! o(⚞∀⚟)o
The kid in the bowl!!! o(⚞∀⚟)o
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Adam é muito fofo!
Adam is so cute!
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Os papais estão ansiosos pela chegada do novo bebê ou dos novos bebês.
The parents are excited by the new baby, or new babies.
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Uma foto conceito.
A good picture.
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Adam caça uns sapinhos.
Adam hunts frogs.
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims,
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Clothes by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife
Pose: Beautiful pregnancy by @beto-ae0
Lot by @srslysims
Infelizmente eu não salvei os nomes dos cabelos dos bebês :c me desculpem.Unfortunately I forgot the hair toddler cc name's :c I'm sorry.
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #06 - Família
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Hawa e Adam se tornaram adultos.
Hawa and Adam became adults.
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O galo gosta muito de entrar na caverna e observar as crianças.
The rooster is very fond of going into the cave and watching the children.
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Eu sei, eu sei. Não existe fotos nessa época, mas decidi mostrar como está a família linda de Adam e Hawa com seus trigêmeos.
I know, I know. Didn't exist photos this time, but I decided to show the Adam's and Hawa's beautiful family with their triples.
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Fiz a árvore genealógica da família.
I did the family tree.
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Nosso primeiro pintinho!
Our first chick!
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Muito fofo!
So cute!
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Adam ficou responsável por cuidar da alimentação da família, ele cuida da plantação, dos animais, caça e pesca. Enquanto Hawa foca em cuidar das crianças.
Adam was responsible for taking care of the family's food, he takes care of the plantation, animals, hunting and fishing. While Hawa focuses on taking care of the kids.
Reshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth: Teeth Begone by @pyxiidis
Skin Details by @pyxiidis, @verbatimsims,
Hair by @simstrouble, @wistfulpoltergeist
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Facial hair by @nords-sims
Body hair by @luumia
Body Preset by @miikocc
Clothes by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife
Pose: Ours Grand Dad by @couquetts
Lot by @srslysims
Infelizmente eu não salvei os nomes dos cabelos dos bebês :c me desculpem.Unfortunately I forgot the hair toddler cc name's :c I'm sorry.
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #20 - A Maldição de Qabil
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Qabil abraçou sua covardia e correu sem rumo para longe estava seu irmão. Ele não sabia que era capaz de tirar a vida de alguém e não sabia o que fazer a partir de agora.
Qabil embraced his cowardice and ran aimlessly away from his brother. He didn't know he was capable of taking someone's life and he didn't know what to do from now on.
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"Será que estou longe o bastante?" Qabil ofegava. Sabia que logo sua família descobriria, sua ideia era fugir para bem longe, deixaria suas esposas e casa para trás. Começaria tudo do zero.
"Am I far enough away?" Qabil was panting. He knew that soon his family would find out, his idea was to run far away, leave their wives and home behind. He would start from scratch.
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Perdido em seus pensamentos, ele tropeça e caí no chão próximo a um rio.
Lost in his thoughts, he stumbled and fell to the ground next to a river.
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"O que eu fiz?" ele se perguntou ao observar seu reflexo ensanguetado. "Por que fiz isso? O que vai acontecer comigo?"
"What did I do?" he wondered as he watched his bloodied reflection. "Why did I do this? What will happen to me?"
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Qabil começou a chorar, apesar de odiar Habil, saber que ele jamais voltaria o deixou triste.
Qabil began to cry, despite hating Habil, knowing he would never come back made him sad.
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"Qabil" disse uma voz vinda do céu. Um raio de luz iluminou o lago.
"Qabil" said a voice from heaven. A ray of light illuminated the lake.
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Qabil não conseguiu responder a luz, apenas chorava.
"Você matou o seu irmão, Qabil." disse a voz.
"Não... não pode ser..."
Qabil couldn't answer the light, he just cried.
"You killed your brother, Qabil." said the voice.
"No… it can't be…"
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"Sim, a sua inveja fez com que cometesse um pecado terrível. Seu irmão era um homem de bom coração e você tomou sua vida..."
"Por que Deus mesmo após a sua morte continua a elogiá-lo? Eu agora sou o líder da família!"
"Não é não, Qabil."
"Yes, your envy caused you to commit a terrible sin. Your brother was a kind-hearted man and you took his life…"
"Why does God even after his death continue to praise him? I am now the leader of the family!"
"No it's not, Qabil."
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"Como não? Habil está morto."
"E agora maldito és tu desde a terra, que abriu a sua boca para receber da tua mão o sangue do teu irmão. Quando lavrares a terra, não te dará mais a sua força; fugitivo e vagabundo serás na terra."
"O que quer dizer...?"
"How not? Habil is dead."
"And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it will no longer give you its strength; you will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth."
"What you mean…?"
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Novas luzes começaram a surgir ao seu redor, Qabil não entendia o que acontecia.
"Deus? O que é isso?"
"Você será um fugitivo errante pelo mundo"
New lights began to appear around him, Qabil didn't understand what was happening.
"God? What is this?"
"You will be a fugitive wandering the world"
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"Eu ponho um sinal em você, Qabil. Com a morte de seu irmão, experimentará as dores da Terra sem sentir o descanso dela."
"Não!" Qabil gritava sem entender o que lhe ocorria.
"I put a mark on you, Qabil. With the death of your brother, you will experience the pains of Earth without feeling her rest."
"No!" Qabil was screaming, not understanding what was happening to him.
Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims
Hair by @birksche
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @blackyssims4zoo
Accessories by @natalia-auditore
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses: @herecirmsims, @simmerianne93, @akuiyumi.
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