beerlula-00 · 1 year
Just realized that if you wanted to write about a story that involves issues of qabil and qabyalad, you will have to use a fictional city in Somalia. Since people’s qabil can be identified through which part of Somalia they reside. You would not want look like you that you are attacking a certain qabil.
Damn, this thing is so deep in our culture and country.
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #24 - Deusa Inanna
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Qabil e sua família passaram a adorar o fogo por recomendação de Iblis.
Qabil and his family came to worship fire on Iblis' recommendation.
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A adoração criou uma deusa: Inanna.
Worship created a goddess: Inanna.
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Conhecida como Rainha do Céu. Ela era a Deusa do amor e fertilidade.
Known as the Queen of Heaven. She was the Goddess of love and fertility.
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Eles criaram a cerveja para adorá-la.
They created beer to love it.
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Layudha descobriu estar grávida mais uma vez.
Layudha found out she was pregnant once again.
Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae
Skin: Myrica by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims
Hair by @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @simcelebrity00, @aharris00britney
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @blackyssims4zoo, @bekahluann, @sychik,
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke, @natalia-auditore, @ilkup
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses by @akuiyumi, @talentedtrait, @rebouks
Lot by
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dreamieparadise · 4 days
Oh yeah since Jojo exposed the Momina 8 children fiasco I should add that when Hayato realizes that his children don't have a tribe (its through your dad) that actually makes him distraught!!! Momina comforts him by reminding him they have their own...tribe...I'm gonna throw up. I'm gonna choke her with her own intestines!!!
I blacked out in anger and snapped in the tags but also this is so long (tags) so I'll add here...really considered them having 9 kids because I think it'd be very funny for the two oldest to look at their dad like he's a monster. :) they did when the twins were born when they were 16 and 15 but would it not be even funnier if they visit from college and it's love "surprise! Hooyo is pregnant (again)!!" :) unfortunately I said Momina would be 41 when the twins are born BUT IMAGINE? Maybe for Mafia hs au 🙄
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ograecus · 10 months
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Qabil Irfan is the 2023 FIM MiniGP 160cc World Series Champion 🇲🇾❤️❤️❤️
Qabil absolutely dominated the weekend with getting pole position, and then proceeding to win Race 1, Race 2, and the Super Final!
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chirpos-pencil · 3 months
Habil and Qabil type story, but with Makoto and Despair!Komaru...
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reallyankit · 4 months
sitaaron se bhari hui raatein pasand hain
door se suni uski baatein pasand hain
tareef ke qabil hai uske baal phir bhi par
mujhe sab se zyada uski aankhein pasand hain
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maihonhassan · 5 months
Tell me about her eyes:
Sitaron se bhari hovi raatein pasand hai, duur se suni uski baatein pasand hai
Tareef ke qabil hai uske baal phir bhi par, Mujhe sab se ziada uski aankhein pasand hai.
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fluffy-appa · 3 months
Ibn Taymiyyah: It's said first 3 sins committed were;
• Arrogance of Iblis
• Greed of Adam
• Envy of Qabil (against his brother)
● [مجموع]”
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beerlula-00 · 1 year
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Janno (Paradise) by Bile M Hashi
Reading this book was eye opening in the regard of Qabil in Somali culture. It is a book about two brothers that share the same mother but different fathers thus making the brothers different Qabils. A war breaks out between the two tribes and the two boys find each other on the opposite side of the war while their mothers tears fall to deaf ears and her heart breaks into pieces.
Thoughts on this book
Qabil is something that is deeply woven into our culture. It is easy to just denounce it and avoid speaking of it for some of us that are trying to not engage in it. But doing that does not help much and it doesn’t take a lot to realize erasing the concept of qabil in Somalia is almost an impossible thing. These characters in the book shows you how one can have utterly complete believe of such a man-made concept that it clashes with the one that the Almighty s.w.t made it for us.
It really makes you question: Is the allegiance to a man-made system stronger than the bond of the umbilical cord destined by the Almighty?
Was the boost of ego worth the tears of thousands of mothers? Was the short-lived celebrations worth the stolen childhood and brotherhood?
This book also made me realize a profound thing, the role of WOMEN in this Qabil system.
Any child that is born in this Qabil system automatically becomes the qabil of the father. The mother’s qabil is never passed down to her children. And as a woman, just like in the book above, two children that shared your womb would belong to two different Qabils if they were of different fathers. As a mother, your son could become an enemy of your daughter’s children solely because of qabil. Is there anything beneficial for women in this system?
They use abtiris as a way to justify the reason of children belonging to the qabil of the father. But Allah s.w.t put abtiris in place to protect children. Not to rip brothers of the same mother apart. Any other nation in the world considers the two sides if a child is born of biracial marriage while that kid still has abtiris. It doesn’t justify the reason of throwing mother’s side under the rug in Qabil system. Plus our Lord told us to let kids have the last name of their fathers, he never said anything about this qabil system.
And lastly, I think as a woman, as a mother and as a sister, why would you want to support a system that doesn’t recognize your side after 9 months of pregnancy? After the excruciating pain of labor? After losing your physical strength and rest into raising them? Sometimes even alone as a single mother? A system that can rip your children apart? That can make your brothers enemies? And finally one that has consistently contributed to the failure of our country? If you are or wish to be a mother, you should be consistently and persistently against Qabil system.
They say, “Power resides where people believe it resides.” We have to stop believing and reinforcing that this system is good somehow.
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simscatarina · 2 years
Sayyids #26 - Caiu do Céu
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Qabil encontrou a gênio que de quem ele queria vingança. Ela foi surprendida pelo rapaz ter poderes.
"Você não é o humano?!"
Qabil found the genie that he wanted revenge on. She was surprised that the boy had powers.
"Aren't you the human?!"
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"Deixei de ser humano há um tempo."
"I stopped being human a while ago."
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E ele a mordeu.
And he bit her.
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Bebeu dela o suficiente para que desmaiasse, o sangue de um jinn o deixou ainda mais porte, esperava ter oportunidade de beber outros jinns no futuro. Por enquanto, teria que cumprir seu acordo com Iblis.
He drank enough from her that he passed out, the blood of a jinn made him even great, he hoped to have the opportunity to drink other jinns in the future. For now, he would have to fulfill his agreement with Iblis.
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Layudha nem sabe nada do que o marido aprontava, não sabia dos acordos, nem do que ele fazia lá fora, apenas escondia seu segredo de que era um monstro que bebia sangue de animais durante a noite.
Layudha doesn't even know anything about what her husband was up to, she didn't know about the agreements, or what he was doing outside, she just hid her secret that he was a monster that drank animal blood at night.
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Durante o dia, Qabil escondia sua verdadeira identidade para as filhas.
During the day, Qabil hid his true identity from his daughters.
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De repente a terra começou a tremer.
"Será Deus me punindo outro vez?" ele pensou.
Suddenly the earth began to shake.
"Is God punishing me again?" he thought.
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Do céu caiu uma pedra em chamas.
A flaming stone fell from the sky.
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Qabil mandou suas mulheres e crianças ficarem em casa enquanto ele investigasse. A pedra estava em chamas e ele achou aquilo fascinante.
Qabil ordered his women and children to stay at home while he investigated. The stone was on fire and he found it fascinating.
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Ele tocou a pedra.
He touched the stone.
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Mas sua mão ficou em chamas.
But his hand went up in flames.
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Com o tempo a pedra esfriou.
Over time the stone cooled.
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Qabil aproveitou para saber o que teria dentro dela, se fosse algo perigoso, estava preparado. E de lá conseguiu um cristal muito bonito.
Qabil took the opportunity to know what was inside her, if it was something dangerous, he was prepared. And from there he got a very beautiful crystal.
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Qabil entrou em casa e se questionou sobre aquela bola de fogo. Teria sido um bom ou mau sinal? O que significa isso? Foi obra de algum jinn? De Deus? Há outras cristuras habitando a terra? Ele não tinha as respostas ainda.
Qabil entered the house and wondered about that fireball. Was it a good sign or a bad sign? What does that mean? Was it the work of some jinn? God's? Are there other creatures inhabiting the earth? He didn't have the answers yet.
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As filhas de Qabil aprontam todas pela casa enquanto ele pratica pintura.
Qabil's daughters roam around the house while he practices painting.
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Uma das nenéns ama a gatinha da casa.
One of the toddlers loves the house cat.
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De repente Qabil se viu na frente de sua casa sujo de sangue em busca de um alvo.
Suddenly Qabil found himself in front of his bloodstained house in search of a target.
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A sua frente estava a sua maior obcessão.
In front of him was his biggest obsession.
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"Eu venci Habil." disse ele "Agora você será minha!"
"Nunca!" ela o desafiou com o mesmo olhar ardiloso que o encarou da última vez que se viram.
"I beat Habil." said he "Now you will be mine!"
"Never!" she challenged him with the same sly gaze that had fixed him the last time they saw each other.
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"Infelizmente você não me deu escolha." ele lança um feitiço sobre ela.
"Unfortunately you didn't give me a choice." he casts a spell on her.
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E a morde, acreditando que assim ficariam juntos para toda eternidade.
And bites her, believing that this way they would be together for eternity.
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Tudo se passou de um sonho, Qabil dormia tranquilamente com Azura.
It was all a dream, Qabil was sleeping peacefully with Azura.
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Quando acordou e assustou sua mulher.
"O que houve?" perguntou ela.
When he woke up and scared his wife.
"What happened?" she asked.
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"Um pesadelo, tive um pesadelo" era frequente que os sonos fossem perturbadores para Qabil, relembrava da morte do irmão, de sua punição e as vezes Iqlimyia aparecia como um tesouro inalcançavel.
"A nightmare, I had a nightmare" sleep was often disturbing for Qabil, he remembered his brother's death, his punishment and sometimes Iqlimyia appeared as an unreachable treasure.
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"Ei, não se preocupe, foi só um sonho."
"As vezes Deus fala conosco nos sonhos"
"Hunf" Qabil resmungou "Ele nos abandonou a muito tempo, lembre-se de que agora somos queridos de Inanna"
"Hey, don't worry, it was just a dream."
"Sometimes God speaks to us in dreams"
"Hunf" Qabil grumbled "He abandoned us a long time ago, remember we are now dear to Inanna"
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Azura volta a se deitar ao seu lado, tudo ficou diferente desde que deixaram seus pais. Ela sabia que tinha que cuidar do lar, mas Qabil vinha se tornando um homem diferente a cada dia que passava.
Azura lies down beside her again, everything has been different since they left her parents. She knew she had to take care of the home, but Qabil was becoming a different man with each passing day.
Reshade: Money and Milk by @pictureamoebae,
Skin: Myrica, Agave by @nesurii
Eyes: Daydream by @cloudcat
Teeth by @wistfulpoltergeist, @pickypikachu
Skin Details by @Erplederp(+18), @nolan-sims, @pyxiidis, @simulationcowboy, @verbatimsims, @simandy, @ellesmea, @maliamods
Scars: @helgatisha, @AlisterAzimuth
Hair by @birksche, @an0nymousghost, @simcelebrity00, @aharris00britney, @zurkdesign, @wistfulpoltergeist, @joliebean, @simandy, @simstrouble, @cazmari-mods
Face Hair by @nords-sims
Eyelashes by @kijiko-sims
Eyebrow by @greenllamas
Body hair by @luumia
Clothes by @blackyssims4zoo, @bekahluann, @sychik, @_Simalicious_, @dear-solar, @faded-springs, @someone-elsa, @Paogae, @natalia-auditore, @simmiev2, @sifix
Accessories by @weepingsimmer, @sclub-privee, @trillyke, @natalia-auditore, @ilkup, @gilded-ghosts, @S-Club, @weepingsimmer, @stephanine-sims
Objects by @aroundthesims, @ameyasims, @historicalsimslife, @natalia-auditore, @blackyssims4zoo
Poses by @akuiyumi
Mods by @mizoreyukii
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butchniqabi · 2 years
over mountains
over rocks and rivers and ravines
through it all i shall carry
you who shares my
father's blood
and the water of my mother's womb
who could gaze into the
eyes of death and
still move forward
you who
with blood upon your hands
were still a righteous man
who had killed
but never murdered
who had slain beasts
but never kin
my brother
(are you still my brother?)
who smiled instead of
weeping when you graced the earth
whose blood i cannot
wash from beneath my nails
whose serenity when
facing my wrath
haunts me
whose body upon my
back weighs heavy
rotting and foul
for you are the first careless
your bones will not
become tools
your dark hair shall not
be woven into cloth
it will not adorn our home
nor decorate
our bodies
i must commit you to the earth
as i would a seed
for a crow has shown me
what must be done to the wasted dead
as it tears through the
earth to create a space
for its own slain kin
and i can only hope, brother
(are you my brother?)
that something shall come
from what i have sown
that something
graces this overturned earth
where you now lay
-Qabil Reflects Upon the Death of Habil by Amatullah Bourdon
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his-heart-hymns · 6 months
Teri deed jisko naseeb hain
Woh naseeb qabil-e-deed hain
Tujhe sochna meri chand raat
Tujhe dekhna meri eid hain.
Deed=sight. qabil-e-deed=worth watching
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hereisnxbiya · 5 months
Someone said : Har wo cheez mujhsy dur hogai Jisko shiddat sey chaha mainy.
Then Shafin khan said : Hoti agar wo chiz qabil tere liye, yaqeenan wo tere pass hoti.
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pieceofpoems · 6 months
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"Kehna to bohot kuch h tumse, magar tum sunne ke qabil nahi, Sunn bhi lo agar toh qambhakht samajhne ke qabil nahi"
—Sadiya Ajaz
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sufiiiiiiii · 9 months
kal 2 khwab dekhe dono hi na qabil e bayan aur ek dusre se bilkul mukhtalif.
pehla intehaai darawna aur dusra behadd khubsurat.
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