#Farmyard decorations
owliepowlie · 1 year
Let's Get This Barnyard Party Started: A Farm-Tastic Kids' Birthday Bash!
Hey there, party enthusiasts and farm-loving families! If you’ve got a little one who’s been dreaming of a farmyard adventure for their birthday, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get ready for a good ol’ barnyard bash. We’re talking about the kind of party that’ll make your kiddo’s eyes light up like the Fourth of July fireworks. So, grab your overalls and straw hats, because we’re diving…
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littlebrushprint · 1 year
Elevate the charm and warmth of your farm-themed nursery or bedroom with our delightful set of 6 farm prints. These farm nursery art pieces capture the essence of a barnyard paradise, featuring adorable baby farm animals in their natural surroundings. Perfect for farm nursery decor, these prints create a playful and inviting atmosphere. Each print showcases a different farm animal, including cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, horses, and ducks, in a whimsical and endearing style. These farmyard art set prints bring the spirit of the countryside into your little one's space, fostering a love for nature and sparking their imagination. Whether it's a farm nursery, farmyard bedroom, or barnyard-themed room, this set of farm nursery prints adds a touch of joy and nostalgia. Let the vibrant colors and charming farmyard characters create a delightful ambiance in your little one's space, making it a cozy and welcoming haven. Our farm printable set is the perfect addition to complete your farm-inspired nursery or bedroom, creating a captivating and enchanting farmyard sanctuary.
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allywthsr · 10 months
CHRISTMAS TREE | (l.norris)
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summary: you and Lando decorate the Christmas tree
wordcount: 1.2k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: none!
notes: I can’t wait for when we set up our Christmas tree🥹, what are your thoughts??
advent calendar
It was the beginning of December and it was time for a Christmas tree. Lando and you loved to put up a real tree instead of just fakes, so every year you went to a farm where you could buy one. In Monaco there wasn’t a farm, so you had to go to the supermarket to get one, but whenever you were in the UK, farm it is.
Currently, Lando was driving you two to the farm, the trunk was cleaned and enough space was made so it would fit inside of the car. With one hand on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel, Lando was maneuvering you through the small streets. Christmas songs were playing from the speakers that you connected to your phone and it was cold outside. The perfect atmosphere to buy a Christmas tree, if you‘d ask me. Both of you were wrapped in multiple clothing layers, to keep yourselves warm.
When you arrived, a lot of Christmas trees were standing on the farmyard and the place was crowded. At least you were living in a small town, where everyone knew Lando and he wasn’t Lando Norris the racing driver but Lando the neighbor, so you two had no problem with taking your time.
You two greeted Garry, the owner, and looked through the different varieties of trees. They were big and bushy, or tall and thin, a mix of both these things or just weird-looking ones. You spent at least thirty minutes looking for the one, sentences like” No it has a bald spot“ or ” It’s wonky, can’t you see that?“ or even ”he‘s just ugly“ were used more often, but when you saw one of the last ones Garry had to offer, you knew you found the perfect match for this year. He was tall, but bushy and had no bald spots, he was perfect. Garry kindly wrapped the tree for you and loaded him in the trunk of your car, the tree was bigger than you thought and the tip was in between Lando and you on the drive home, he still kept his hand on your thigh the whole time, he was a clingy boy.
At home, Lando brought the tree into the living room and put it in the stand that you bought recently because the old one was broken. Together you tried to get it as straight as possible, but whenever you thought he was straight and Lando tightened the stand, he somehow was bent more to the left or to the right side, it was a disaster. After an almost fight because you two were so angry with the tree for not cooperating, he finally was how you wanted him to stand. He wasn’t perfect, but you gave up perfect twenty minutes ago, the tree was bent a little more to the right, but you turned it around so it faced the wall, that way you couldn’t really see it. Lando and you celebrated with a big hug and some kisses, you really deserved that.
Lando got the box with the baubles from the basement while you were vacuuming the space around the tree and tried to clean up the pine needles that fell off the tree while setting it up. The box was filled with orange baubles and special ones as well, like candy canes or Santa’s. The orange-colored ones were Lando’s idea, he desperately wanted to represent McLaren on his tree and who were you to disappoint him and insist on different colored baubles. For the background entertainment, you opened Netflix and looked for a Christmas movie, and when you found one that was interesting, you started it and got to work.
The fairy lights were more difficult to place around the tree as you had in mind. Every year you thought this was the fun part, but you forgot how hard it was to wrap it around the tree evenly and the cable couldn’t be too short or otherwise, it wouldn’t be able to plug the plug in the socket. Lando tried to navigate you from the couch, but when he saw you struggling, he got up and did it himself. He was taller than you anyway and was able to reach the top better. When the task was done, you could move on to the baubles.
Carefully you placed the glitter baubles all around the tree on the fir branches, Lando was supposed to help, but he sat on the couch, too invested in the movie, so he only passed out the different ornaments from the box. The sheer ones found their way on the tree as well, finding the right spot for the bauble had always been a rather hard task, you couldn’t decide where you wanted them to be placed, so you changed them around a lot before you were completely happy with the end result.
When Lando got up to help you, he wasn’t that big of a help, he randomly placed baubles everywhere and didn’t really look. There were two normal orange ones directly next to each other and it didn’t bother him! So you scooched him over to the other side, while you fixed the mess and hung the ornaments more far away from the other.
Last but not least you placed the special ornaments on the tree. You had colorful candy canes, some Santas, a few reindeer, and weird ones like a cupcake that Lando had bought a few years ago. He had bet that you wouldn’t hang it on the tree, and let’s just say, he loses five pounds every year.
But you also had cool ones where someone painted a picture of you and Lando on an ornament and gifted it to you, you loved how it looked and could not not hang it on the tree. This year you left some spaces in between the baubles because you wanted to do some ornaments with Lando, it might sound lame, but you turned it into a date night and Lando couldn’t deny those. Every two weeks someone would choose something to do during date night, and last week, Lando decided to stream and look through memes for two hours straight. You loved memes, and you loved streaming, but for two hours? It got boring after thirty minutes, but you waited until Lando said it was over because whenever someone chooses a date night, it had to be done, so he could make some ornaments with you.
The tree was perfect, but there was one last thing to do, to put the star on top of the tree. So you chose the perfect one, it was white and had silver specks in it, and Lando wrapped his arms around you under your butt and lifted you up, so you could reach the tip and place the star on top of it.
You two made some steps away from the tree and looked at it while hugging the other.
”It‘s perfect, isn’t it?“
All you could do was nod against his shoulder and kiss it.
”Thank you for doing this with me.“
”Always and everything, baby.“
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aheathen-conceivably · 10 months
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🎶 All God's people find their place, and I love you like a mountain 🎶
Sometime before noon Antoine finally rose from bed. He had donned a plain vest and then rolled up his sleeves, both for the heat and knowing that his arsenal of robes and patterned ties wouldn’t get him far on the streets of New Mexico. His fingers exaggerated each movement, heavy with the weight of his need to succeed for his family’s sake as well as his own.
As he put his hat atop his head, he knew that he couldn’t drag out the inevitable any longer. He had never felt comfortable asking for help, much less begging for a job. A skilled pianist, a business owner, a decorated war veteran; what was any of it here? He was an unskilled laborer in a foreign land, saddled with debt and nerves.
He took a shaky breath and crossed his arms, a French prayer coming to the front of his mind. Rather than fight it he kept his eyes closed and silently went through the words before signing the cross and walking out the door.
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When he walked onto the porch both Giorgio and Zelda were already standing in the middle of the yard, deep in conversation as Zelda pointed to the shed and the crops. He waved at them and asked where Josephine was; with a weary shrug Giorgio called back that she was still asleep. 
Zelda gave him a knowing smile and whispered good luck, her words almost silent but clear to Antoine even across the farmyard.
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He set off on foot toward town, following the directions that Giorgio had given him to the places that he heard were looking for workers. He had offered him a ride the day before, but Antoine knew that in their situation gas was a luxury not to be wasted. Besides, there was something about all of these cars and roads that he didn’t trust. 
Zelda joked that it was the city boy in him, afraid of the open road. It was her new favorite nickname and one that he was growing increasingly delighted with as her Henford roots continued to show. Even her clipped English accent, softened by her years in New Orleans and his own Creole voice, had seemingly strengthened in the days since they’d arrived. 
But perhaps she was right, the city boy wasn’t prepared for the speed at which the cars flew by his shoulder. Yet as the loud engine passed him and disappeared down the road beyond, he was left in the peaceful desert air. It felt older and stiller than anything he'd ever known, so much so that it erased the worries from his mind until he forgot the task at hand and actually began to enjoy his walk.
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Yet as the days went by the comfort he drew from the surrounding desert began to dwindle. One after another, shop owners and farmers turned him away. The kinder ones gave him a new address, another place to look. They passed the buck along, scared for their own security and unwilling to take on another mouth to feed as the newspaper headlines grew more grim and the line of unemployed longer by the day.
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But many simply muttered under their breath and turned away. For others, he was lucky if their insults were so subtle. Hunger and fear had left the worst of them volatile and inhospitable, desperate for a scapegoat for their frustrations in whatever form it arrived.
Get off my land, grifter. Find another place to beg, Okie. We’ve got nothing for you, you damn migrant. He was no stranger to slurs, but these were new, and they held a whole different capacity for insult, new weight and freshly perceived inadequacies for him to digest each time they were hurdled in his direction.
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So day after day, week after week, he went home to Zelda as his failures mounted and hopes dwindled down to nothing. Still, their creaky iron bed grew more comfortable and the peeling wallpaper an ever soothing sight. He laid there in her welcome embrace until the word went still and the panic quieted.
Each night it became easier to recount every moment of his day, coupled as it was with his growing fear and worry. When he couldn't, he listened to Zelda speak of the new things Violette had learned, or the progress that she and Gio had made on the soil. In the quiet of the desert air one of their voices filled the void that the world had created for them, until their eyes began to grow heavy and there was nothing left to worry about until the sun rose again on a new day.
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athis333 · 3 months
At the 1937 International Exposition in Paris, two colossal pavilions faced each other down. One was Hitler’s Germany, crowned with a Nazi eagle. The other was Stalin’s Soviet Union, crowned with a statue of a worker and a peasant holding hands. It was a symbolic clash at a moment when right and left were fighting to the death in Spain. But somewhere inside the Soviet pavilion, among all the socialist realism, were drawings of fabulous beasts and flowers filled with a raw folkloric magic. They subverted the age of the dictators with nothing less than a triumph of the human imagination over terror and mass death.
These sublime creations were the work of a Ukrainian artist, Maria Prymachenko, who has once again become a symbol of survival in the midst of a dictator’s war. Prymachenko, who died in 1997, is the best-loved artist of the besieged country, a national symbol whose work has appeared on its postage stamps, and her likeness on its money. Ukrainian astronomer Klim Churyumov even named a planet after her.
When the Museum of Local History in Ivankiv caught fire under Russian bombardment, a Ukrainian man risked his life to rescue 25 works by her. But Prymachenko’s entire life’s work is now under much greater threat. As Kyiv endures heavy attacks, 650 paintings and drawings by the artist held in the National Folk Decorative Art Museum are at risk, along with everything and everyone in the capital.
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‘A murderous intruder in Eden’ … another of Prymachenko’s grotesque creatures. Photograph: Prymachenko Foundation
It’s said that, when some of Prymachenko’s paintings were shown in Paris in 1937, her brilliance was hailed by Picasso, who said: “I bow down before the artistic miracle of this brilliant Ukrainian.” It would make artistic sense. For this young peasant, who never had a lesson in her life, was unleashing monsters and collating fables that chimed with the work of Picasso, and his friends the surrealists. While the dictatorships duked it out architecturally at that International Exhibition, Picasso unveiled Guernica at the Spanish pavilion, using the imagery of the bullfight to capture war’s horrors. Prymachenko, too, dredged up primal myths to tackle the terrifying experiences of Ukrainians.
Her pictures from the 1930s are savage slices of farmyard vitality. In one of them, a beautiful peacock-like bird with yellow body and blue wings perches on the back of a brown, crawling creature and regurgitates food into its mouth. Why is the glorious bird feeding this flightless monster? Is it an act of mercy – or a product of grotesque delusion? In another drawing, an equally colourful bird appears to have its own young in its mouth. Carrying it tenderly, you might think, but only if you know nothing of the history of Ukraine.
At first sight, Prymachenko might seem just colourful, decorative and “naive”, a folkloric artist with a strong sense of pattern. Certainly, her later post-1945 works are brighter, more formal and relaxing. But there is a much darker undertow to her earlier creations. For Prymachenko became an artist in the decade when Stalin set out to destroy Ukraine’s peasants. Rural people starved to death in their millions in the famine he consciously inflicted on Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933.
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Had she been an ‘intellectual’, she could have ended up in a gulag or worse …Prymachenko.
Initially, food supplies failed because of the sudden, ruthless attempt to “collectivise” agriculture. Peasants were no longer allowed to farm for themselves but were made to join collectives in a draconian policy that was meant to provide food for a new urban proletariat. Ukraine was, and is, a great grain-growing country but the shock of collectivisation threw agriculture into chaos. The Holodomor, as this terror-famine is now called, is widely seen as genocide: Stalin knew what was happening and yet doubled down, denying relief, having peasants arrested or worse if they begged in cities or sought state aid. In a chilling presage of Putin’s own logic and arguments, this cruelty was driven by the ludicrous notion that the hungry were in fact Ukrainian nationalists trying to undermine Soviet rule.
“It seems reasonable,” writes historian Timothy Snyder in his indispensable book Bloodlands, “to propose a figure of approximately 3.3 million deaths by starvation and hunger-related disease in Soviet Ukraine in 1932-1933”. These were not pretty deaths and they took place all around Prymachenko in her village of Bolotnya. Some people were driven to cannibalism before they died. The corpses of the starved in turn became food.
Born in 1908, Prymachenko was in her early 20s when she witnessed this vision of hell on Earth – and survived it to become an artist. But the fear did not end when the famine did. Just as her work was sent to Paris in 1937, Stalin’s Great Terror was raging. It is often pictured as a butchery of urban intellectuals and politicians – but it came to the Ukrainian countryside, too.
So it would take a very complacent eye not to see the disturbing side of Prymachenko’s early art. The bird in its parent’s mouth, the peacock feeding a brute. Maybe there is also survivor guilt, and a feeling of alienation from a destroyed habitat, in such images of strange misbegotten creatures lost in a nature they can’t work and don’t comprehend. One of her fantastic beasts appears blind, its toothy mouth open in a sad lamentation, as it stumbles through a garden on four numbed clodhopping feet. A serpent and a many-headed hydra also appear among the flowers, like deceptively beautiful, yet murderous intruders in Eden. In another of these mid-1930s works, a glorious bird rears back in fear as a smaller one perches on its breast, beak open.
There’s nothing decorative or reassuring about the images that got this brave artist noticed. Far from innocently reviving traditional folk art, her lonely or murderous monsters exist in a nature poisoned by violence. Yet she got away with it – and was even officially promoted right in the middle of Stalin’s Terror, when millions were being killed on the merest suspicion of independent thought. Perhaps this was because even paranoid Stalinists didn’t think a peasant woman posed a threat.
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Her spirit survives … a rally for peace in San Francisco, recreating a work by Prymachenko called A Dove Has Spread Her Wings and Asks for Peace. Photograph: John G Mabanglo/EPA
Prymachenko remembered that, as a child, she was one day tending animals when she “began to draw real and imaginary flowers with a stick on the sand”. It’s an image that recurs in folk art – this was also how the great medieval painter Giotto started. But it was Prymachenko’s embroidery, a skill passed on by her mother, that first got her noticed and invited to participate in an art workshop in Kyiv. Such origins would inevitably have meant being patronisingly classed by the Soviet system as a peasant artist. An “intellectual” who produced such work could have ended up in the gulag or worse.
Yet, to see the sheer miracle of her achievement, you must also set Prymachenko in her time as well as her place. The Soviet Union in the 1930s was relentlessly crushing imagination as Stalin imposed absolute conformity. The Ukrainian writer Mikhail Bulgakov couldn’t get his surreal fantasies published, even though, in a tyrannical whim, Stalin read them himself and spared the writer’s life. But the apparent rustic naivety of Prymackenko’s work let her create mysterious, insidiously macabre art that had more in common with surrealism than socialist realism.
Then, incredibly, life in Ukraine got worse. Prymachenko had found images to answer famine but she fell silent in the second world war, when Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union made Ukraine one of the first places Jews were murdered en masse. In September 1941, 33,771 Kyiv Jews were shot and their bodies tossed into a ravine outside their city. Prymachenko was working on a collective farm and had no colours to paint.
In the 1960s, she was the subject of a liberating revival, her folk designs helping to seed a new Ukrainian consciousness. There’s an almost hippy quality to her 60s art. You can see how it appealed to a younger audience, keen to reconnect with their Ukrainian identity.
The country has other artists to be proud of, not least Kazimir Malevich, a titan of the avant garde famous for Black Square, the first time a painting wasn’t a painting of something. Yet you can see why Prymachenko is so loved. Her art, with its rustic roots, expresses the hope and pride of a nation. But the past she evokes is no innocent age of happy rural harmony. What she would make of Putin’s terror one can only guess and fear.
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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Moments, Chapter 25 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: It’s the day before the wedding of Bucky and Lacey. The Avengers, plus other invited guests, descend on Clint’s farm.
Length: 4.1 K
Characters: Bucky, Lacey, Tommy, the Avengers and related family members, the Wakandans.
Warnings: None. It’s all fluff.
Author notes: Enjoy the preparations.
<<Chapter 24
🎪 🚜 🔥
Several months later
The RV was huge, bigger than anything Bucky could have imagined. It and a dozen others just like it were scattered about Clint Barton's farmyard to accommodate the wedding visitors. Nick Fury went all out on their behalf when he learned of the wedding location, arranging for the RVs and the glamping tents for those who were more adventurous. He even arranged for generators to power the units, all of them with much appreciated air conditioning, and a water supply. Bucky shared this unit with Sam, Sarah and the boys. Sarah was in one of the bedrooms while he took the other. Sam and the boys had bunk beds in the centre of trailer. Lacey and her family were put up in the Barton's house, although the boys, including Tommy, all asked if they could camp out in one of the glamping tents. When AJ and Cass found out they asked if they could stay in the tents with the others. They all had a blast, forming close friendships that lasted for years.
In the weeks leading up to the wedding day several of the Avengers had showed up when they had some free days to help clear out the barn and make it acceptable as a reception venue. There were all sorts of farm treasures found during the cleanup that even Clint didn't know about and they used them as decoration in the farmyard, after restoring them. The old truck that Bucky hid in became a source of tinkering for several people and when they got it cleaned up then running Clint couldn't believe it. For many of those on the team the cleanup and the truck tinkering became a bonding moment that allowed them to grow closer in a non-mission environment. By the day of the stag they were all a close knit bunch. So much so that when they hauled Bucky out of the RV and blindfolded him he let it happen without a struggle. They put him in the bed of the old truck and took a tortuously long route over uneven farmland before stopping and letting him remove the blindfold. He laughed out loud at seeing that they were still on Clint's land but were well away from the house in front of a huge pile of deadwood. Clint splashed some gasoline on it then lit a match and dropped it on the pile, setting it ablaze. From a cooler came beer, several bottles of scotch and cigars for everyone. Sitting on stumps around the fire they shot the breeze, telling stories of old missions, old girlfriends, and sports. As everyone got slowly drunk, except for him and Thor, Bucky laughed.
"You know that I can't get drunk?" he stated emphatically to the others.
"Not on regular alcohol," smiled Thor, as he pulled a small flask out of his pocket. "But this ... one drink will knock you out until your wedding day so you get a small taste only."
He pulled out the smallest shot glass that Bucky had ever seen and poured enough to fill it halfway. With a smirk Bucky took it and Thor raised his flask to him. The others raised their drinks as well.
"Here's to you, Buck, and your bride to be," he said. "May you have many children and many years to enjoy your life together.”
Bucky downed the shot glass as Thor took a long swig from his flask. Within seconds it hit him hard, and for the first time since 1943, Bucky felt drunk, very, very drunk. His whole body felt warm and he began to sweat. Then his vision went weird as everything swirled in front of his eyes.
"Fuck, what the hell is that?" he gasped.
"Asgardian mead," replied Thor, with a smile. "Feels good, doesn't it?"
"Yeah ... no," stammered Bucky. "I feel like I'm going to pass out."
"Maybe that was too much for you," mused Thor. "Sorry, you'll be okay. Try lying down and breathing deeply."
Bucky fell off the stump to the laughter of the others and lay on his back looking up at the night sky. He breathed deeply and slowly. The panic that he felt with his first reaction passed and he began to enjoy the experience. It was better than any other alcoholic effect he ever experienced prior to becoming a super soldier. Sam and Terry approached and stood over him, grinning enthusiastically.
"You okay?" asked Terry.
"I'm great," said Bucky. "Shit, this is good stuff." He raised his head and looked at Thor, giving him a thumbs up. "What's the hangover like on this?"
"For me, none," replied the big man. "For you ... hard to say. You'll find out when you wake up in the morning."
"Good enough," said Bucky, lowering his head back down to the ground. "I'll just stay here."
Sam and Terry laughed then both laid down on either side of Bucky, looking up at the night sky.
"This is actually nice," said Sam, exhaling some cigar smoke.
None of them said anything for a short while.
"Hey Sam," said Terry. "Is your sister seeing anyone?"
"No," replied Sam.
"You okay if I ask her out?" asked Terry. "I'm gainfully employed and I like kids."
Sam contemplated Terry's request and Bucky looked incredulously at his best friend. "You're considering it?" he said. "I just did some mild flirting and you jumped all over me."
"Yeah, but you were messed up and you were still in love with Lacey," replied Sam. "Terry has his shit together."
Bucky looked at Terry, seeing a big grin on his face. "You live in Philadelphia, and she lives near New Orleans."
"Saints are looking for a receivers coach," stated Sam.
"I know," replied Terry. "I have an interview next week. Thought I could drive to Delacroix after and visit you for a bit. I'll bring Tommy, since he's staying with me while Bucky and Lacey are on their honeymoon."
"You're always welcome," said Sam.
Bucky smiled. It wouldn't be the worst thing. Terry was a good man, even though he messed up when he was younger. The three of them laid there looking up at the night sky until the fire died down. Then Clint appeared looking over all three of them.
"You staying here for the night or you want help to get back to your trailer?" he asked.
Bucky put his hand up and Clint helped him stand as the other two managed to rise on their own.  He still felt woozy but not as bad as he did right after drinking the mead. He and several others sat on the truck bed as Clint got behind the wheel. It was a more direct route back to the trailers than the ride that brought him out. Once he and Sam were inside their trailer, he poured himself a big glass of water, knowing that would help with a hangover. After quietly saying good night so he wouldn't wake up Sarah he pulled his clothes off and laid on top of the bed in his briefs, falling asleep within minutes.
A horrible noise woke Bucky up the next morning and he looked at the door, as that seemed to be where it was coming from. Getting up to open it he almost stumbled over Sam, curled up in a blanket, asleep on the floor of his bedroom right in front of the door. Nudging Sam with his foot Bucky succeeded in rousing him.
"Didn't you hear the noise?" he asked.
"No," said Sam, grumpily. "There is no noise. Sarah woke me and said I was snoring, so I came in here. Figured you were so wasted you wouldn't be bothered."
"The noise was you," said Bucky then he made a face. "My mouth feels awful. I can't even describe what it feels like."
"Must be the mead," muttered Sam. "What time is it?"
Bucky reached for his watch and coughed as he read the time. "7:30," he answered. "I'm getting up."
He pulled on his jeans and a T-shirt then grabbed his socks and sneakers. Stepping over Sam he went out to the kitchen where Sarah was already up, having just made coffee. She smiled when she saw him and poured him a cup, pushing it over the counter towards him.
"Sam's snoring woke you up?" she asked. "It gets bad when he's had too much."
"I know that now," replied Bucky, after drinking his first sip of coffee. "This tastes terrible."
"Hangover?" she asked. "I thought you couldn't get drunk."
"I had some Asgardian mead," he answered. "Apparently I can get drunk on that. Won't be doing that for a long time."
She chuckled. "Do you feel up to some breakfast?" she asked. "Laura texted me that she's got breakfast started at the house."
"Maybe after I brush my teeth and try a couple of pain killers," said Bucky. "I think I got off lucky."
They both sat there for several minutes not saying anything then Sarah cleared her throat. "Is Terry seeing anyone?" she asked.
Bucky resisted rolling his eyes. "No, he's not," he replied. "He asked Sam about you last night. You like him?"
"He's a nice man," she replied. "He tossed the football around with the boys and was very patient with them. I guess that's the coach in him."
"I guess," agreed Bucky, and took another drink of his coffee. "He's interviewing for a position with the Saints next week. Said he might drive to Delacroix and visit a bit."
Sarah's face brightened despite her attempt to play it cool. "He's welcome to stay a while," she replied.
Bucky grinned and playfully pushed Sarah in the arm. She grinned back and he drained his coffee then went to wash up, brush his teeth and take a couple of painkillers, not that they ever helped before. When he came out she had changed into a nicer top. He opened the trailer door and gestured for her to leave first. They walked to the house where Laura and Lacey had breakfast underway. He kissed Lacey good morning, squeezing then caressing her butt while he did it. This being apart for a few days had made him hornier than hell and he took every opportunity he could to touch her.
"Anything I can help with?" he asked, after she playfully slapped him on his butt.
"Put the paper plates, cups, and cutlery out on the table," ordered Laura. "Sarah, if you could get some coffee and juice going that would be great.
Bucky opened a package of paper plates and put them out on the table, along with the disposable cutlery, then put the coffee cups on the side table where Sarah started the coffee urn. He put out the sugar, creamer and milk. There was a package of serviettes that he opened as well, placing them next to the plates. While he thought of it he put salt and pepper, ketchup, and hot sauce on the table. Then he leaned back and watched Lacey as she, Laura, and Sarah bustled around getting food together for everyone. A few times their eyes met and he made sure she knew exactly what he was thinking.
Sharon Carter had it so wrong. Lacey was beautiful, always had been. She had raised a super soldier baby practically on her own for almost nine years and did a good job of it. Plus she kept Clint's farm going during the Blip. Bucky knew he was lucky to have her. Tonight was the rehearsal then tomorrow the wedding. After the wedding was the wedding night and he gave Lacey that look again as he thought of what they would be doing. The day after that would be the beginning of what took years to bring together. A noise from the highway drew him to the door and he stepped outside. In the distance he saw a limousine, flying a diplomatic flag, drive onto the property and he called back inside.
"The Wakandans are here," he called out.
Lacey joined him and they both walked to where the limousine pulled up. Ayo and Okoye got out first, both in jeans and T-shirts, followed by T'Challa and Shuri, also dressed casually.
"You made it," said Bucky, extending his hand to the King. "I was getting worried."
"We have your suits, White Wolf," said Shuri, giving Lacey a hug. "There was never any danger of them not arriving in time. After Sam told us how much you liked the suit you wore when you went undercover in France it was the least we could do for you."
"Well, thank you," he said. "You've arrived in time for breakfast although I imagine you want to know where you're sleeping tonight. There is a free two bedroom RV with bunk beds in the living room area or a glamping tent with two beds."
Shuri's eyes opened wide at the mention of the glamping tent. "Oh, I love glamping," she exclaimed. "Ayo, say you'll share a tent with me."
"Of course, my Princess," she smiled. "It will be like Glastonbury, won't it?"
"I guess that leaves me and Okoye the RV," said T'Challa, smiling. "Show us our accommodations and take your suits at the same time. We'll come for breakfast when we have settled in."
They handed Bucky several suit bags and he walked T'Challa and Okoye to their RV. Lacey escorted Shuri and Ayo to the glamping tent. As they walked Shuri looked closely at Lacey then at Ayo but said nothing. Ayo raised her hand and made some gestures behind Lacey's back. They arrived at the tent and Lacey opened the tent flap. A big smile broke out on the Princess's face as she looked at the setup.
"This is wonderful," she said, then looked at Ayo for a moment. "Oh dear, I've forgotten one of my bags. Could you go back to the limousine before the driver leaves?"
Ayo bowed her head and returned to the limousine. Shuri took Lacey by the hand.
"How far along are you?" she asked. "You are pregnant, are you not?"
"We haven't told anyone yet," said Lacey. "Five weeks. How could you tell?"
Shuri smiled mysteriously. "I can tell when a woman in love is carrying the child of her beloved," she stated. "How are you feeling? Any morning sickness? Fatigue?"
"No morning sickness which is good because I had a lot with Tommy," she said. "I am napping more but I've just told people it's because of the wedding preparations. Honestly, I feel great."
"Good," replied Shuri. "I am happy for you both. Does your son know?"
"We were going to tell him when we returned from the honeymoon," she said. "I'm almost 34 and we just didn't want to wait any longer to have a baby. Bucky missed out on so much with Tommy."
Shuri grasped Lacey's hands in her own. "I'm so excited," she said. "After all you have both been through to get to this point it's wonderful that you're both on board with having another child."
Ayo was approaching with Shuri's missing bag and Lacey took her leave. When she was out of earshot Ayo looked at Shuri. "Is she?" she asked.
"Five weeks," said Shuri. "I owe you money. I still don't know how you knew."
Ayo laughed. "There were no condoms in the safe house in Germany," she replied. "I didn't know if she was on birth control then but the whole house could hear them for the two nights they were together. I figured it was inevitable. Plus, my mother was a midwife, so I've been around a lot of pregnant women."
Both women laughed again and Shuri paid up the bet. No one would hear of it from them but they both thought it was joyous news. By the time the Wakandans arrived at the house the breakfast was well underway. A dark SUV pulled up to the yard and both Clint and Bucky stood up wondering why the feds were there. They didn't have to worry as the driver's door opened and FBI Agent Dan Jones stepped out with a smile.
"Looks like a party's going on here," he said, approaching Clint and Bucky with his hand outstretched.
"You look good," said Clint, shaking hands first. "Better than when you were in the hospital. You back on duty yet?"
"Two weeks ago," he said, shaking Bucky's hand next. "I heard you guys kicked ass and that the Avengers signed you up, Bucky."
"We did and I did," replied Bucky. "Come and see Lacey. She'll be glad you're here. Clint, where's he staying?"
"In the house," said Clint. "He's family for this wedding."
Jones pulled his bag out of the SUV and followed Bucky into the house where Lacey gave out a glad cry and hugged him. He had put his life on the line in Philadelphia for her and Tommy, and would always be welcomed by her. As Laura showed Jones his room there was a steady stream of hungry people helping themselves to the food. They scattered throughout the house, on the porch and on lawn chairs outside, eating and enjoying the company of everyone else. Clint walked through with a coffee pot topping up people's cups. He also informed everyone that breakfast the following morning would be catered outside of the house so that everyone would have time to get ready for the wedding.
"What if it rains?" asked Shuri.
"Not in the forecast," he replied. "But if it does then bring an umbrella. The only people allowed in the house tomorrow morning are my family, Lacey, and her family. Even Bucky's not allowed and he better not try to sneak in tonight using his super soldier abilities."
Bucky grinned happily. "Yes, Dad," he replied.
Torres looked at him. "What's with that?" he asked.
"He's made me stay in the trailer for the past few days," answered Bucky. "He's walking Lacey down the aisle and is taking his Dad role very seriously. I can't be angry as he's gone to a lot of trouble to give us a beautiful wedding."
"Where are you staying for the wedding night?" asked Torres. "I mean, this farm is packed with people."
"Clint's arranged that as well," replied Bucky. "Said it's his and Laura's wedding gift to us. I trust him."
Bucky looked casually around at everyone and made eye contact with Lacey. She jerked her head slightly and he got up, following her out to the barn. As soon as they got inside he picked her up and began kissing her passionately. Laughing, she kissed him back then put her hands flat on his chest to make him stop.
"What?" he asked. "I thought you brought me out here to have your way with me."
"Shuri knows," she said. "So does Laura. They both asked me straight up if I was pregnant."
"You told them?" he questioned. "What happened to keeping it quiet until 12 weeks?"
"I can't lie to them," she answered. "They both said they could tell. I don't look pregnant, do I?" She placed her hands on her abdomen and turned sideways.
"You are glowing," he replied, kissing her again, then stroking her hair. "What do you want to do?"
"I think we should tell Tommy right away," she said. "He deserves to know more than anyone. Then maybe we should let everyone else know. Maybe during the speeches at the reception."
"Okay, we'll tell Tommy today and everyone else during the reception," said Bucky. "It's still early but you're healthy and feeling good."
"I'm also a lot older," she replied. "You're not upset that I got the implant out without telling you?"
He shook his head, smiling. "I told you in the safe house that I was making it right, no matter what. If you got pregnant that night I would have been as thrilled as I am now. Are you alright that I said yes to Fury when he showed me that farm near the compound?"
She nodded, smiling as well. "Once you showed me the photos I knew it was the right place," she said. "He preferred you lived within driving distance of the compound, I'm within driving distance to my publisher in New York City, 200 acres with a lake and a wooded area, a 150 year old stone farmhouse that's been renovated and modernized. We can handle any other renovations we want to do. It's perfect."
He kissed her tenderly, bending himself over her, then he straightened up and took a deep breath. "Once he asked me if I was interested in being training officer I couldn't say no to the farm," he said. He became thoughtful. "You know I almost killed him, back in 2014. He was a big threat to HYDRA's plans, and I tried taking him out in his vehicle in the middle of New York. That's when the first footage of me in action came out. He got away and I tracked him to Steve Roger's apartment, set up on the rooftop across from it and shot him through the window. Steve came after me, but he didn't recognize me as I had a mask on. I hurt Fury bad, but he was smart and used the opportunity to fake his death so that Pierce, the guy in charge of HYDRA at the time, thought he had succeeded. Just weeks later I was on the run, able to think for myself for the first time in so long. Then you found me, hurt, soaked, hungry, and you helped me. You didn't look at me as a killer but as a man."
She touched his face with her hand, and he grasped it, kissing the palm gently. "You were in pain," she replied. "Not just from the bullet wound but inside, in your soul. I could see it and feel it. You were so soft spoken and it's probably when I fell in love with you. It was obvious that you were a good man. I've never regretted it, Bucky. When I realized I was pregnant I considered not having the baby for about ten seconds, then the thought it might have your eyes hit me and I decided then to keep the baby. If I couldn't have you, I could at least have someone that looked like you."
"You did an amazing job raising Tommy," said Bucky. "I'm so proud of him and you. Thank you."
He picked her up in his arms and held her close, burying his face in her neck. That's how they still were when Tommy came looking for them several minutes later. Bucky put Lacey down and they sat together at one of the tables which had been brought in for the reception. He looked at his son, then at Lacey and took a breath.
"Your Mom and I wanted to tell you something," said Bucky. "We're going to have a baby. Your mom's about 5 weeks along. You're going to be a big brother."
Tommy looked at both of them, then a smile appeared on his face. "Really?" he asked. "You're sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure," said Lacey. "We were going to wait a bit before we said anything but a couple of people have already figured it out so we wanted to tell you first. We've also bought a farm in New York State. It's near the Avengers compound because your Dad's going to be training officer for them and will have to be there more often. It's also close to my publisher in the city. There's a great school nearby and you'll get to take a school bus every day. We can move in when we get back from our honeymoon."
Tommy jumped up and hugged each of them in turn. "That's awesome," he said. "All of it. Dad, can I train with you sometimes?"
"Absolutely," said Bucky. "Steve said right from when you were little you wanted to be an Avenger. They'll be lucky to have you and I'll make sure you're ready to be one when you're old enough."
Tommy hugged them both again and they stood up to go back to the farmhouse. There was a lot that had to be done today, including decorating the barn and setting up the tent for the caterers. It was good that there were many helping hands available to spread the workload. By the time the rehearsal was finished, and the caterers brought the pig roast in it became quite the party. When Bucky kissed Lacey goodnight on the steps of the house just before midnight and walked away in the darkness towards his RV, he knew the next day would be great.
Chapter 26>>
Series Masterlist
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w1tchcr4ftt · 11 months
So here’s my info dump of an idea that is my analog horror episode?
I only have one idea currently and it’s been here since October 1st so here we go
It starts of with an intro to some kids show called the Farmyard friends (working on it) and then cuts to a character with green overalls and a little Jack’o’lantern. He introduces himself as Jack and asks what the viewer likes to do to celebrate the spooky month- cut to silence and an expressionless face of Jack staring the camera down for abt 30 seconds- comes back and says that that’s neat and fun and whatnot and then says he wants to ask his friends that
First we go to a little scarecrow boy named buster. Buster says he likes to decorate the barn
Then to misty the cow, she says she likes to pick pumpkins
Then the screen just blacks, and you can hear something (insert cool audio effect)
Then the show just comes back at a crow, the music is now a tad bit slower and sadder. Jack asks the same question but receives no answer, he does this 3 times before a faint “hide and seek” is stated by the crow. All Jack says is okay before leaving
At this point Jack goes back to buster to help him decorate and 3 options are shown-
1. Some candy corns
2. Some bats
3. Some strangely realistic zombies
After buster says he finds the 3rd ones creepy, Jack picks them and says, deadpan, of course you would. After they are up Buster remarks how weird they are then it fades to black (some cool hidden msg in this black)
Then he goes to Misty to pick a pumpkin, again with 3 options
1. A big pumpkin
2. A tall pumpkin
3. A rotten pumpkin
Misty says how she should have thrown that one out and Jack responds saying he picks that one. After they finish carving them pumpkin guts cover Jack and he remarks how squishy they are- another black fade
We are finally at the Crow, the music is gone and all the plays is night ambience, Jack walks up to him and says it’s time to play hide and seek, and the crow looks mortified
All he can say is “I’m it?” before a lower, less in character, “no” is stated and the crow runs into a corn maze he was in front of
Cut to a cassette type video of running, you can almost see an axe in video persons hand
It cuts then you see a tall boy with black hair, he is begging the boy to stop and go away. All you here is a distorted Jack before the video cuts to titles
In the end credits it says
Rest in peace to the BradenHill Bunch
. Brady “Buster” Wilkins
. Michelle “Misty” Darwin
. Harvey Keller
. Mason Crowley (visual glitch)
. And Jackson Park
Cut to a black screen with a small message
“Pain is perpetual, He forced it onto us, we’re sorry”
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funnyartprintsnow · 7 months
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Dorking Rooster Print- Vintage Farmyard Decor (Print only no frame)
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zvetenze · 1 year
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Ambar (granary), Ethnopark museum
Kupinovo, Vojvodina
Within the Putnik farmyard is this granary, formed with a masonry base and wood construction above. The upper area is for storage of grains or corn. The vertical wooden members of the walls have carved symbols and decorative designs. (photo 1987)
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rickwardsinnerhands · 2 years
I think the funniest part about reading the stranger things fanfiction before I'd ever seen Steve's bedroom is that when the fic described his wallpaper as ugly plaid in my head I was picturing like a dense blue plaid that would've looked busy but not that bad. Then I actually saw the wallpaper and it was the ugliest shit I'd ever seen. It's beyond descriptions really, when we say ugly wallpaper what we mean is obvious proof that Steve's parents must hate him. That wallpaper is ugly enough it must count as assault. That is truly a wallpaper that could only exist in some trendy microcosm of home decor magazine show rooms. I get ugly old brown and orange sofas with rustic farmyard patterns, they have a certain charm. I will *never* understand why a wallpaper that disgusting exists. How are there terrible curtains that match?? Why is there that little picture of a car taunting us all, torturing is with its presence. I truly believe that bedroom is the best case for Steve's neglectful childhood HC because it is terrible and baffling in every way possible. Does he even have a bed?? I've never seen it, and I just imagine his room as this hideous and baffling little square of wallpaper, car picture, and desk that all equates to a space I cannot believe Steve lives in.
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balloondekor23 · 1 month
How to Choose the Perfect Balloon Theme for Your Child's Birthday Party
Planning your child’s birthday party can be an exhilarating experience, especially when it comes to choosing decorations that capture their imagination and set the tone for the celebration. Balloons are a fantastic choice for birthday decoration, but with so many options available, how do you select the perfect theme? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose a balloon theme that will make your child’s birthday party truly unforgettable.
1. Reflect on Your Child’s Interests
Start by thinking about what your child loves the most. Their hobbies, favorite characters, and interests can inspire a balloon theme that’s both personal and exciting. Here are a few ideas based on popular interests:
Dinosaurs: Transform the party into a prehistoric adventure with dinosaur-shaped balloons and jungle-themed decorations.
Unicorns: Enchant the party with pastel-colored balloons and magical unicorn designs for a whimsical celebration.
Space: Launch into a galactic theme with balloons featuring planets, stars, and rockets.
2. Consider the Venue
The location of the party plays a crucial role in determining the best balloon theme. Different venues may require different types of decorations:
Outdoor Venues: For outdoor parties, choose vibrant, weather-resistant balloons. Balloon garlands or arches can withstand the elements and add a festive touch.
Indoor Venues: Indoor spaces offer more flexibility for intricate balloon designs, such as balloon bouquets or elaborate centerpieces that fit within the room’s dimensions.
3. Embrace Popular Trends
Incorporating current trends can add a modern flair to your party decorations. Here are some trending themes that can be enhanced with balloons:
Superheroes: Decorate with bold, colorful balloons featuring superhero designs to create a dynamic party atmosphere.
Under the Sea: Dive into a sea-themed party with balloons shaped like sea creatures and waves.
Farmyard Fun: For a rustic celebration, use balloon animals and farm-themed designs.
4. Choose a Color Scheme
A well-chosen color scheme can enhance the overall theme and set the mood of the party. Consider these color options:
Bright and Bold: Use vibrant primary colors for a lively and energetic theme.
Soft Pastels: Opt for pastel colors for a gentle, whimsical vibe.
Metallics: For a touch of elegance or glamour, incorporate metallic balloons in gold, silver, or rose gold.
5. Plan Within Your Budget
Your budget will influence the complexity and scale of your balloon decorations. Here are a few budget-friendly ideas:
Cost-Effective Options: Simple balloon bouquets or a few key balloon pieces can be both affordable and stylish.
Custom Packages: For a more elaborate setup, consider customized balloon packages that include arches, garlands, and other themed decorations.
6. Coordinate with Other Party Elements
Make sure your balloon theme complements other aspects of the party. Coordinate balloons with table settings, banners, and party favors to create a cohesive look. For example, if you’re having a jungle-themed party, match balloon colors and designs with animal-themed tableware and decorations.
7. Consult with Experts
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure, seeking advice from decoration experts can be very helpful. They can offer personalized recommendations based on your theme, space, and budget, ensuring that your decorations are both beautiful and practical.
8. Ensure Safety and Practicality
When choosing balloon decorations, safety should be a priority. Make sure balloons are securely anchored and avoid small parts that could pose a choking hazard. Also, consider the space where the balloons will be displayed to ensure they don’t obstruct pathways or interfere with other party elements.
Final Thoughts
Selecting the perfect birthday decoration ideas for your child can significantly enhance the celebration and create lasting memories. By reflecting on your child’s interests, considering the venue, embracing trends, and coordinating with other decorations, you can create a festive and memorable atmosphere. With thoughtful planning and the right theme, you’re sure to make your child’s birthday party an unforgettable experience!
Feel free to reach out to decoration professionals for more advice and inspiration, and let your creativity shine as you plan a spectacular balloon-filled celebration!
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lorancaketoppers · 1 month
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Farmyard cake decorations
Handmade to order using sugarpaste.
Various sets available
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littlebrushprint · 1 year
Add a touch of adorable charm to your nursery with our delightful digital pig nursery wall art. This baby pig print is a perfect addition to your farm-themed nursery decor, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. This farm nursery art captures the essence of baby farm animals, showcasing the cuteness of a pig in a whimsical and endearing style. Perfect for a farm nursery, barnyard bedroom, or farmyard nursery, this print brings the spirit of the countryside into your little one's space. Let the vibrant colors and the lovable character of the cute pig create a joyful ambiance, inspiring your child's imagination and fostering a love for farm animals. Our pig nursery art adds a touch of sweetness and nostalgia, completing your farmyard art set. Embrace the adorable charm of the baby pig and let its presence bring happiness and warmth to your nursery.
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
Bawk to the Future: The Evolution of the Chicken Halloween Costume with a Creepy Moon Silhouette
The Chicken Halloween Costume Moon Silhouette Creepy Horror design combines unexpected elements to create a uniquely unsettling and darkly humorous Halloween image. This unconventional concept takes the typically harmless and comical figure of a chicken and transforms it into something eerie and menacing, set against the backdrop of a full moon on a Halloween night.
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At the heart of this design is the silhouette of a chicken, but not in its usual farmyard context. Instead, the chicken is portrayed in a way that subverts expectations, turning it into a creature of the night. The outline of the bird is stark and bold, its features exaggerated to emphasize its unnatural and threatening presence.
The chicken's posture might be altered from its typical stance, perhaps elongated or contorted to appear more predatory. Its beak could be rendered sharper, more akin to a raptor's than a barnyard fowl. The comb and wattles might be styled to resemble demonic horns or tentacle-like appendages, further distorting the familiar chicken form into something otherworldly.
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Behind this transformed chicken looms a large, ominous full moon. The moon serves as both a light source, creating the stark silhouette, and as a classic symbol of Halloween and the supernatural. Its presence amplifies the unsettling atmosphere, casting an eerie glow over the scene and emphasizing the chicken's unnatural transformation.
The background likely features other Halloween elements to enhance the creepy ambiance. This could include bare tree branches reaching like gnarled fingers across the moon's face, a distant haunted house, or shadowy bat silhouettes flitting across the sky. A misty or cloudy sky might partially obscure parts of the moon, adding depth and mystery to the image.
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The color palette for this design would typically be limited and high-contrast to maintain the silhouette effect. Dominant colors might include deep blacks for the chicken and foreground elements, a pale, luminous yellow for the moon, and perhaps hints of orange or deep purple in the sky to evoke a Halloween sunset or twilight.
The overall effect of the Chicken Halloween Costume Moon Silhouette Creepy Horror design is one of unexpected terror. It plays on the contrast between the typically innocuous chicken and its transformation into a creature of Halloween nightmares. This juxtaposition creates a sense of unease and dark humor, perfect for those who appreciate Halloween's ability to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary and the harmless into the horrifying.
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This design could be applied to various Halloween products, from t-shirts and posters to decorative flags or party invitations. It appeals to those who enjoy unconventional and slightly twisted Halloween imagery, offering a fresh take on traditional spooky season motifs. The Chicken Halloween Costume Moon Silhouette Creepy Horror concept demonstrates how creative reimagining can turn even the most unexpected subjects into icons of Halloween horror.
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call4party · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Birthday Party Themes and Decorations
Birthdays are special occasions that mark the milestones of our lives. Whether it's a first birthday or a 50th, celebrating with a themed party can make the day even more memorable. From vibrant color schemes to intricate decorations, a well-thought-out theme can bring your party to life. Let's explore some of the most popular birthday party themes decorations and how you can decorate for each to create an unforgettable experience.
1. Tropical Luau Party
Theme: Embrace the island vibe with a tropical luau theme. Think lush greenery, bright flowers, and lots of sunshine.
Color Scheme: Bright yellows, greens, pinks, and blues.
Invitations: Send out invitations adorned with hibiscus flowers or tiki torches.
Decor: Use palm leaves, tiki torches, and inflatable flamingos. Hang colorful paper lanterns and flower garlands.
Table Setting: Pineapple centerpieces, coconut cups, and bamboo cutlery.
Extras: A DIY tiki bar serving tropical drinks and a limbo stick for fun games.
2. Under the Sea Adventure
Theme: Dive into an underwater adventure with a theme that showcases the wonders of the ocean.
Color Scheme: Shades of blue, aqua, and coral.
Invitations: Design invites with sea creatures like dolphins, whales, or mermaids.
Decor: Create an underwater effect with blue streamers and balloons. Use fishnets, seashells, and coral decorations.
Table Setting: Tablecloths in ocean colors, seashell centerpieces, and fish-shaped plates.
Extras: A bubble machine and an "under the sea" photo booth with ocean-themed props.
3. Superhero Extravaganza
Theme: Bring the action-packed world of superheroes to your birthday bash.
Color Scheme: Bold reds, blues, and yellows.
Invitations: Send out superhero comic-style invitations.
Decor: Hang comic book covers and superhero posters. Use cityscape backdrops and superhero cutouts.
Table Setting: Plates and cups with superhero logos, and action figure centerpieces.
Extras: Capes and masks for the guests, and a superhero training obstacle course.
4. Vintage Carnival
Theme: Step right up and experience the nostalgia of a vintage carnival.
Color Scheme: Red, white, and gold.
Invitations: Carnival ticket-style invitations.
Decor: Use striped tents, colorful banners, and fairy lights. Set up booths with games like ring toss and balloon darts.
Table Setting: Popcorn boxes, cotton candy sticks, and vintage candy jars.
Extras: A photo booth with fun carnival props and a popcorn machine for authentic treats.
5. Magical Fairy Tale
Theme: Enter a world of enchantment with a fairy tale theme that's perfect for dreamers.
Color Scheme: Pastel pinks, purples, and gold.
Invitations: Scroll invitations with a royal seal.
Decor: Castle backdrops, fairy lights, and enchanted forest elements like faux trees and flowers.
Table Setting: Glittery tablecloths, golden goblets, and fairy tale book centerpieces.
Extras: A throne chair for the birthday child and a make-your-own tiara or crown craft station.
6. Space Adventure
Theme: Blast off into a galaxy far, far away with a space-themed party.
Color Scheme: Black, silver, and deep blues.
Invitations: Rocket ship or astronaut-themed invitations.
Decor: Create a starry night sky with dark fabrics and fairy lights. Use planet cutouts, rocket models, and astronaut standees.
Table Setting: Space-themed plates and cups, galaxy centerpieces, and astronaut figurines.
Extras: A DIY rocket ship photo booth and space-themed games like "moon rock" scavenger hunts.
7. Farmyard Fun
Theme: Head to the countryside with a charming farmyard theme.
Color Scheme: Red, white, and green.
Invitations: Barnyard animal invites.
Decor: Hay bales, red gingham tablecloths, and animal cutouts. Use wooden crates and rustic signs.
Table Setting: Mason jars for drinks, farm animal plates, and sunflower centerpieces.
Extras: A petting zoo or pony rides for an authentic farm experience.
8. Hollywood Glamour
Theme: Roll out the red carpet and celebrate like a star with a Hollywood-themed party.
Color Scheme: Black, gold, and red.
Invitations: VIP ticket-style invitations.
Decor: Red carpet entrance, Hollywood star cutouts, and gold accents. Use film reels, director chairs, and clapboards.
Table Setting: Elegant tablecloths, gold-rimmed plates, and glittering centerpieces.
Extras: A photo booth with Hollywood props and an awards ceremony for fun categories.
Choosing the perfect theme and decorations for a birthday party themes decorations can elevate the celebration to new heights. Whether you're dreaming of a tropical paradise, a superhero headquarters, or a glamorous Hollywood event, the key is in the details. Incorporate these ideas, and you'll create an unforgettable experience that will leave guests talking about the party for years to come. Happy planning!
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megasimpleeleganceme · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Royal Copenhagen Plate Christmas Old Farmyard Geese Birds Vintage 1969.
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