#Faye/Henry per episode
kissandships · 5 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x22: Eva’s Brawn
Anya’s Random Note: they would never have an undercover cop handle hostage negotiations. I mean, that’s why they have Henry!
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Abramazing Spider-Man #2 Thoughts
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More crap.
Let’s deal out some of the minor positives I have.
The art continues to be nice.
Having a Spider-Man get into heroing via the influence of their love interest is something different for whatever that is worth.
Ben burning the suit only to then immediately regret it was a funny subersion of expectations. It made me chuckle.
The only thing I noted as derivative of older Spider-Man stories was the cliché burning of the costume in the backyard.
The recap page did a good job of catching up new readers. Yes. I’m praising the recap page. Let that sink in.
Okey dokey that’s enough now.
Whilst last issue initially made me vaguely interested before chatter surrounding me converted me into hating it, this issue was more bland and going by through the motions.
The thing is last issue so utterly tainted my (and everyone else’s) experience that I am struggling to look past the fact that this is obviously amateurish and actively deceptive of the readers.
That’s perhaps made me resentful to most of the things in the story, I know I’m probably not being fair and balanced in my approach to it.
But all I can say here is how I felt about the book and how I felt about it was supremely unimpressed.
I want to address some tiny points before diving deeper. So Peter is a super scientist but somehow he couldn’t find or design a camera that would work better for him as a one handed man?
Benny clearly never used the webshooters before and yet he’s swinging around with a degree of experience that doesn’t make sense when it’s literally his first try. Hell he’s even carrying someone while he’s at it.
I also don’t get the passage of time or the physics of the web swinging scene. So they are standing on the ground, he shoots a webline, smash cut to a splash page of them swinging, with the dialogue clearly conveying the latter clearly follows the former. Comic books are sequential storytelling. One scene or sequence should lead into another, in particular when conveying movement. Ron Frenz was a master at this, rarely if ever, were you questioning how characters moved from Position A to Position B. I don’t know if this was Pichelli’s fault or if it was Henry Abrams just wanting a cool shot but it sucks.
The recap page claims that Ben accidentally hit the bully from last issue harder than he meant to, and maybe I’m just forgetting something, but I did not get that impression. So good job telling me stuff about last issue that the story itself failed to convey.
Finally Faye Ito/Ito Faye/Asian Michelle Jones/Benny’s Manic Pixie Dream Girl stereotype collides face first mid swing into a billboard. But she’s fine. She’s not even scratched or banged up? What? Would that have made her less pretty or something? Also I guess that scene was a callback to Spider-Man 2002, but I’m not griping about that.
Let’s move on to the more significant problems with the comic book.
I’m not the first person to point this out, but I think it bears repeating, this comic book feels like a movie, and I mean that in a bad way.
The panelling feels like a fill storyboard more than a comic book, it’s not making great use of the things you can do with the medium or the space provided. You want a great example of the opposite check out the art in Absolute Carnage: Seperation Anxiety #1.
Tied in with this criticism is the idea that the Abrams (well Abrams the younger) have developed this story like a film.
I am going to slightly disagree here. I think it’s more as though they’ve designed this as a prestige TV mini-series with a Hollywood film budget. I say this because the way this issue starts and finishes feels like a Netflix episode more than the second half hour of a movie.
Part and parcel of that was the obnoxiously incremental advancement of the Cadaverous and Peter subplots. Cadaverous spewed random cryptic nonsense that existed more to remind us he existed than actually accomplish anything.
Peter’s job overseas...again, why is he not just a scientist if he’s retired altogether? He’s not even a science photographer, he’s basically a grizzled Jimmy Olsen or something. Peter became a shutterbug because it was convenient, he didn’t really want to do that long term as a career, his ambitions lay in science, a job that if anything would be far more accommodating for his disability than going to dangerous parts of the Middle East to awkwardly snap photos. It’s not even like being a scientist would preclude him from getting away from NYC or his son if that’s the idea. He could be travelling for conventions and conferences. I also don’t get why we needed as many scenes of Peter overseas as we got nor why it bothered to linger on the tragedies experienced by the people there. It wasn’t like it was a lot but it’s panel time that could be put to better use. At best it felt like a pretentious attempt at being deep, at worst it might be set up that plays into the story later. The thing is the Middle East doesn’t really make for great Spider-Man stories, nor indeed most international conflicts.
Getting into the meat of this issue...Faye...fuckign Faye.
She’s a cliché.
In fact lots of stuff in this story is cliché, it’s just that unlike last issue they aren’t cliches specifically drawing from older Spider-Man stories, they’re more general clichés.
The thing that really annoyed me with Faye and Benny’s interactions was that she was obviously being played up as a kind of remixed Black Cat/Catwoman due to her costume. Like she’s supposed to be a bad influence on him or something, exemplified by the fact that she shoots down and subverts Peter’s famous motto about responsibility. It didn’t even make sense. Having responsibility gives you power...what?????????????????????????
Benny himself continues to be bland and boring as a protagonist to follow. Like so much of this story thus far he feels like a typical film or TV protagonist having issues with their Dad and in that regard is just going through the motions. I dunno if I’d call him passive per se, but he’s not too far removed from being passive that’s for sure; but not as passive as Aunt May.
I mean blaming his Dad for abandoning being Spider-Man and his mother’s death. I practically predicted the dialogue from the moment that scene started up and whilst okay it’s never been done in Spider-Man before strictly speaking it’s so generic to countless other forms of media, including other superhero comic books, it’s just banal.
His belief that he is a freak is also questionable, specifically it brings into question the world building of this universe. Were this a world where only Spider-Man existed as a hero (more or less like the Raimi movies) then that’d be fine. Even in a world of mutants that’d also be fine, though you’d imagine mutant acceptance would’ve 10+ years removed from when Peter was active. But so far this version of the Marvel Universe feels very generalized in regards to the MCU.
It’s like the Spider-Man and MJ of this universe were generalized versions of the Raimi films iteration, jammed into a generalized version of the MCU where mutants do not exist and the 2012 Avengers are THE Avengers. But if that’s the world Benny grew up in, why would being born with powers make him jump to ‘freak’? He’s just a superhero, that’s cool in a world where there is no mutant stigma and where the Avengers are revered fallen heroes.*
My final criticism is in regards to the final sequence. It was just weird.
Benny and the civilian he was rescuing had dialogue that was far more casual than the situation demanded. Like dude, you’ve been blown up, buried alive and rescued by a bona fide superhero who’s not been seen in 10 years and now killer robots are surrounding you. Who is that chill in such a scenario? Who goes through all that and at the end basically says ‘lol classic Spidey lol’?????
The civilian also had odd dialogue where it was as though Henry was throwing shade at the premise of the book itself, about how lame an older, disabled Spider-Man with a beard and a kid would be.
But like Henry...YOU came up with that? If you think it’s lame why are you making 5 issues worth of it????????????????
My final point is that whilst the artwork is praiseworthy, it’s also far from Pichelli’s best work. It’s in fact noticeably lower quality than the work she was producing on the 2016 Miles Morales titles or even the debut of that character.
My recommendation?
Don’t read this. If you are truly curious wait for the trade to come out and then buy it as cheaply as possible?
As for me, I’m sticking this out to the end but I’m also going to be saving my money and reducing my order to just one copy and have cancelled my pre-order of the trade.
Ever since Spencer showed up I’ve made a concerted effort to support the spider titles I like and want to see more of (that’s code for the titles featuring MJ) and since last issue deceived me and this issue failed to impress, I don’t want more work like this from Marvel in the future.
*Also I’m going to be pissed if it turns out a chucklefuck like Cadaverous wound up taking out the Avengers somehow. Like really, this clown did them in?
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kissandships · 23 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x06: Praise Dilauded
Faye & Henry, Onscreen Together, 14
Anya’s Random Note: Catherine Elizabeth Furillo! I knew I remembered Elizabeth correctly
Anya’s Random Note, 2: alsoooo Henry looked very protective of Catherine Elizabeth when the Chief came up to her
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kissandships · 23 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x05: Doris In Wonderland
Faye & Henry, Onscreen Together, 13
Anya’s Random Note: Poor Perez
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kissandships · 27 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x02: Ba-Bing, Ba-Bing
Faye, Henry Onscreen Together, 10
Anya’s Random Note: The head cradle 🥰🥹
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kissandships · 27 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x1: Here’s Adventure, Here’s Romance
Anya’s Random Note: season four, baby!
Faye/Henry Onscreen Together, 9
Anya’s Random Note, 2: yay, it’s happening! And by “it” I mean Faye and Henry :)
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kissandships · 2 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x22: A Hill of Beans
Anya’s Random Note: Henry’s snarkiness makes me laugh
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kissandships · 2 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x20: Spotlight On Rico
Anya’s Random Note: the angst. The glorious angst
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x11: No Body’s Perfect
No Faye Appearance, 7
Anya’s Random Note: the dog out the window 😂😂🤣🤣😭😭
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x9: Hair of The Dog
Fay gets arrested, 3
Anya’s Random Note: I wonder if Henry’s comment about the swallow was a jab at the Chief
Anya’s Random Note, 2: hiya, Dutch
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x8: Réquiem For A Hairbag
Anya’s Random Note: “what’s it like being a Hebrew?” “… I don’t know, Howard. What’s it like being a human being?” “Well it’s not a cakewalk, Henry.”
Yes, Howard, he was really asking what it’s like to be human 🙄 (ngl, Howard’s response was hilarious)
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x7: Little Boil Blue
Anya’s Random Note: hahahaha, I forgot Howard drank a urine sample 😂
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x6: Stan the Man
Anya’s Random Note: yay, we get to see more of Henry at work! (As apposed to “busy work” at the station)
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x5: Officer of The Year
Faye/Henry Onscreen Together, 8
Anya’s Random Note: usually, I thirst over Henry or gush over him and Fay in these little notes, but I have to point out Ray’s Officer of The Year Dinner. Howard was… Howard, but everything and everyone else (sans Henry and Frank), is engaging in stereotypes and micro-aggressions. Huevos rancheros, margaritas, people not knowing Ray’s Puerto Rican… I mean, this was in the 80s, people, but those same assumptions are still rampant today, and not only with the Hispanic population
Anya’s Random Note 2: watch Ray’s celebration. It really makes you think and analyze your own (unintentional) assumptions
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x4: Rain of Terror
Anya’s Random Note: I liked Henry’s storyline these past two episodes
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kissandships · 6 months
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Faye & Henry: Per Episode
2x6: Cranky Streets
Unintentionally Matching, 2
Anya’s Random Note: Henry only appears for a minute in this episode. To quote Joe, he “must’ve been admiring [his] personalized license plate in the parking lot for this episode”
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