#Faye Furillo
kissandships · 5 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x22: Eva’s Brawn
Anya’s Random Note: they would never have an undercover cop handle hostage negotiations. I mean, that’s why they have Henry!
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 months
Who is Jennifer “Genevieve” Nicole Padalecki an Incarnation of?
Hello, my name is Ellie. I am a psychic who mostly does pendulum divination work and get messages from various deities, faye and other benevolent beings. I always ask all guides to prove they are who they say they are and also ask to provide ways to show it is them speaking and not an imposter. In this post, I’m going to reveal who Jennifer “Genevieve” Padalecki is an incarnation of.
Jennifer “Genevieve” Nicole Padalecki (Née Cortese) was born on January 8, 1981 in San Francisco, California. Around the age of 13 she moved to Montana and eventually Sun Valley, Idaho. Although it’s a widely known fact she met her husband Jared Padalecki on the set of the television show “Supernatural” where she portrayed the demon Ruby, she also did some stage plays including “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, “Crimes of the Heart”, and “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. She also was in the 2007 movie “Salted Nuts” as Jen, the 2004 movie “Death Valley” as Amber, 2005 movie “Kids in America” as Ashley Harris, 2012 movie “Hated” as Veronica, as well as a couple other TV shows including “Wildfire” (2005-2008) as the main character Kris Furillo and recurring character Emily Walker on the show “Walker” (2021 and ongoing).
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So who is Jennifer “Genevieve” Padalecki an incarnation of? Gen is an incarnation of the Greek deity Aphrodite aka Venus in the Roman pantheon. If you haven’t done so already, please read other posts of mine where I discuss things like how incarnations work, so this post makes better sense and other posts like this where I discuss who is an incarnation of who and such.
Aphrodite/Venus in Mythology
Aphrodite in Greek mythology is often portrayed as a beautiful woman that’s sometimes accompanied by Eros the god of lust and sexual desire. She is the Greek goddess associated with love, lust, beauty, passion, and procreation. She was said to be the patron goddess of prostitutes. It’s said that she was born in the sea outside of Cyprus; in some versions of mythology, she was born after Cronus castrated Uranus and testicles thrown into the sea where eventually foam came from the testicles and created Aphrodite who came out of the sea as a fully grown woman. Even the name Aphrodite is interpreted as meaning “foam arisen”. In various artforms, Aphrodite is often depicted nude. Aphrodite was given overall very little specific descriptions in writing, although Homer stated she could be recognized by her “shining eyes and desirable breasts” while other writers mentioned things like a crown of gold or flowers in her hair, adorns much expensive jewelry, and sometimes wearing perfumed and/or silk garments that are closely draped. Her hair is often depicted as being long and often left at least partially down. She is depicted in different places with a wide variety of appearances (ex. Brown hair in some places, blonde in others), due to how little the Greeks described her therefore leaving room for imagination in artist’s depiction of Aphrodite.
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Aphrodite married the blacksmith god Hephaestus who was said to be gruff, ugly and lame. She had many lovers including Poseidon, but her longest lasting affair was with the Greek god of war Ares. After Hephaestus discovered Ares in bed with Aphrodite he demanded the return of all wedding gifts to Zeus. Since Zeus refused to honor this calling this a marital dispute and making fun of Hephaestus, Poseidon instead suggested Ares should pay for the marriage gifts and offered to be the guarantor. Poseidon was smitten with Aphrodite when he first laid eyes on her while naked. Although Ares defaulted on the debt, Hephaestus didn’t want a divorce so he never brought up the affair again.
Although there are many stories in Greek mythology surrounding Aphrodite, the other myth I wanted to bring up here is the Judgment of Paris and the Trojan War. To start all of this, all Greek deities except Eris (goddess of discord) were invited to witness the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, who were the parents of Achilles. She chose to arrive with a golden apple that had the word kallistei “for the fairest” inscribed on it and threw it amongst the goddesses. Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena all claimed to be the fairest. Zeus elected to chose the Trojan prince Paris to be the judge of who the fairest one is. At the time, Paris was raised as a shepherd not knowing he is in fact one of the princes of Troy. This is because a few days after Paris’ birth, his mother had a dream of Paris running through the city with a blazing torch and setting it on fire. Because an oracle said this would all come true, Priam ordered for Paris to be taken to Mount Ida and left to die. Some shepherds found him and raised Paris as their son.
Since Paris couldn’t pick between the three goddesses, Hera bribed Paris with power of all of Asia and Europe, Athena wisdom, fame and glory in battle, and Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman in the world to be his wife (who was Helen of Sparta). Paris chose poorly, as Helen was already married to Menelaus. This led to Paris finding Helen while in Greece and fled back to Troy with Helen where they eloped. This resulted in the Trojan war that lasted 10 years. Paris was ultimately slain in battle by an archer named Philoctetes. The city of Troy did end up burning up, just not by Paris’ hand.
Aphrodite could be both kind and cruel in mythology. The mortal Psyche who eventually became the Goddess of the Soul was born a very beautiful woman whose beauty was rumored to rival that of Aphrodite’s. Visitors from neighboring countries would visit Greece and shower her with gifts and admirations. Aphrodite being a goddess who does not like being outshone or not properly worshipped, she chose to punish Psyche. She asked her son Eros to shoot her with an arrow so she falls in love with a hideous creature or monster. He instead shot himself when he was looking at her beauty while she was asleep in her bedroom. Eventually after the direction of an oracle led her to sitting on top of a mountain dressed in funerary clothing to meet her future husband (at the time described as a horrible serpent) is where she met Eros who guided her to an invisible palace. Psyche accidentally injured Eros when she took her candle to his face when he was initially refusing to show his face to her and burned him. Aphrodite attempted to punish Psyche by giving her impossible tasks to complete such as separating grains from each other, collecting black water from the River Styx, and obtaining the beauty of Proserpine in a golden box. However, various mythical creatures helped Psyche complete them all. After Eros heard of her struggles while he was healing, he begged Zeus to turn her into an immortal to be with her and agreed, so she became the Goddess of the Soul.
Offerings for Aphrodite/Venus include: pink, red, blue or white objects, honey, chocolate, vanilla, water, sugar, salt, tea, scents or flowers (ex. rose, frankincense, myrrh, vanilla, wildflowers), gems or jewelry (ex. rose quartz, copper, silver, gold, pearl, aquamarine, pearls), animal objects (ex. dolphins, doves, bees, swans) or other objects related to either war, beauty, beachy objects, or any devotional art.
Traits of Aphrodite in Genevieve Padalecki
Gen and her husband Jared have 3 children together, Tom, Shepherd “Shep”, and Odette. Derived from her website nowandgen.com and YouTube channel, Gen talked about her giving birth at home plans with her children. Tom ended up being born in a hospital, Gen used an acupuncturist who delayed her birth when Jared was not there initially, and she went with a water birth for Odette their “water baby”. She also discussed how she and her siblings were also all born at home. It’s not stated if her mom did any water births let alone if Gen was born via water birth. However, it’s an interesting thing to notate here in the context of Gen being an Aphrodite incarnation who was born in the sea. On her website nowandgen.com, she has discussed various things relating to women’s empowerment including advocating for women’s rights during childbirth and stated she planned for her children to be born at home, how to take better care of yourself after giving birth and other forms of self-love, that reading books is not weird, and home gardening. She also mentions having several chickens (14 in all!) as well as a few dogs and a colony of bees. This makes sense as an Aphrodite incarnation, given Aphrodite is a deity of love, beauty and procreation and bees being a sacred insect to Aphrodite.
I mentioned in a previous post that her husband Jared is an incarnation of Poseidon. I also mentioned in this post that Poseidon became smitten with Aphrodite when he first saw her while nude. An interesting fact to point out about how Jared and Gen first met in 2008 was when they were shooting a scene of Ruby in her underwear in a hotel room while working on “Supernatural”. They also have a sex scene on the Supernatural episode “I Know What You Did Last Summer”.
Gen and Jared made a TOWWN ad a couple years ago regarding being conservative with water and proceeded to “shower together”. Gen also posted 1 photo on her IG where she was nude under her white bed covers with a shirtless Jared not looking at the camera. Some other users here on Tumblr also informed me in the past she made multiple posts including things like a dildo. These things do all seem fitting of Gen to me as an Aphrodite incarnation, particularly seeing as how the TOWWN ad starts with a statement saying "A Valentine's day public service announcement". I also noticed browsing some of her IG posts quite a few of her posts are photos of her being surrounded by wildflowers or being in nature a lot, which also seems fitting as an Aphrodite thing to do, wanting to be surrounded by natural beauty.
On the show “Wildfire” where Gen played the main Kris Furillo that bonded with a horse named Wildfire, one interesting tidbit I came across while doing research for this post is the theme song is called “Morning Light” by Truman. Venus the Roman equivalent for Aphrodite is often called “the morning star”. It’s also interesting because Aphrodite favored the Trojan prince Paris who King Priam wanted left for dead after an oracle said his wife’s dream of Paris causing Troy to catch on fire. In the 2004 movie “Troy” and in mythology, it was said that Troy caught on fire after the Greeks created a giant wooden horse that the Trojans brought in as an offering to the Greek god of the sea Poseidon. It was after this that the Greeks were able to invade Troy who ultimately are who caused the city to burn down. It is worth noting that their son Shepherd was seemingly named after actor Mark Sheppard. Funny nudge in my opinion, given Aphrodite favored the Trojan prince Paris who grew up as a shepherd...
EDIT (added 11/22/2023 around 8:36pm EST): Also on a darker note, it was while Gen was pregnant with Shepherd is when her sister Sarah fell off a 4 story building and had severe head trauma from it but is apparently doing much better today and is "doing great and kicking us"; it seems her "psyche" stayed intact despite the head trauma. On a funnier note, in recent weeks on Twitter there's an account named archivesmilfs that created a top MILFs list where Danneel Ackles was named number 1 and Gen named number 5. Plenty of Twitter users commented on Gen's post saying things hinting at not knowing her or not agreeing with her being on this list. It's been said by some sources that the number 5 is a sacred number to Aphrodite, as it is said in numerology to represent the nupital number of love and union and also is involved in multiple aspects of creation (5 physical senses, 225 Earth days in a Venus year, being a multiple of 5 and 45)
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kissandships · 23 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x06: Praise Dilauded
Faye & Henry, Onscreen Together, 14
Anya’s Random Note: Catherine Elizabeth Furillo! I knew I remembered Elizabeth correctly
Anya’s Random Note, 2: alsoooo Henry looked very protective of Catherine Elizabeth when the Chief came up to her
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kissandships · 23 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x05: Doris In Wonderland
Faye & Henry, Onscreen Together, 13
Anya’s Random Note: Poor Perez
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kissandships · 27 days
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
4x02: Ba-Bing, Ba-Bing
Faye, Henry Onscreen Together, 10
Anya’s Random Note: The head cradle 🥰🥹
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kissandships · 2 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x22: A Hill of Beans
Anya’s Random Note: Henry’s snarkiness makes me laugh
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kissandships · 2 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x20: Spotlight On Rico
Anya’s Random Note: the angst. The glorious angst
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kissandships · 3 months
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“Whose food is this? Why aren’t they eating it??”
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x9: Hair of The Dog
Fay gets arrested, 3
Anya’s Random Note: I wonder if Henry’s comment about the swallow was a jab at the Chief
Anya’s Random Note, 2: hiya, Dutch
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x8: Réquiem For A Hairbag
Anya’s Random Note: “what’s it like being a Hebrew?” “… I don’t know, Howard. What’s it like being a human being?” “Well it’s not a cakewalk, Henry.”
Yes, Howard, he was really asking what it’s like to be human 🙄 (ngl, Howard’s response was hilarious)
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kissandships · 3 months
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My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, Taylor Swift
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x7: Little Boil Blue
Anya’s Random Note: hahahaha, I forgot Howard drank a urine sample 😂
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x6: Stan the Man
Anya’s Random Note: yay, we get to see more of Henry at work! (As apposed to “busy work” at the station)
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x5: Officer of The Year
Faye/Henry Onscreen Together, 8
Anya’s Random Note: usually, I thirst over Henry or gush over him and Fay in these little notes, but I have to point out Ray’s Officer of The Year Dinner. Howard was… Howard, but everything and everyone else (sans Henry and Frank), is engaging in stereotypes and micro-aggressions. Huevos rancheros, margaritas, people not knowing Ray’s Puerto Rican… I mean, this was in the 80s, people, but those same assumptions are still rampant today, and not only with the Hispanic population
Anya’s Random Note 2: watch Ray’s celebration. It really makes you think and analyze your own (unintentional) assumptions
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kissandships · 3 months
The fact that Henry is always there or nearby to comfort Fay when she is freaking out
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kissandships · 3 months
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Faye/Henry Per Episode
3x4: Rain of Terror
Anya’s Random Note: I liked Henry’s storyline these past two episodes
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