#Feel free to psychoanalyze me.
o-mellowy · 8 months
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The Chariot - Peace Through Tyranny Zine @allsparkzines
In depth overview of the card n stuffs below:
The card depicts a figure (in this case Megatron) standing as the chariot, where (in replacement of Sphinxes in the original card) two figures stand on either side. One represents positives or the past (Optimus) and the other represents the negatives or the future (Starscream). They pull in opposite directions, but the Chariot must steer in the direction that he wants and avoid the temptations of the two Sphinxes. Note that the rope is not connected, and shows that he's able to manifest his future with his hands and mind, and not held taught by the pulling of both past/present. He stands tall and sure of himself with the abstract city scape behind him, as he sets forth on a new course.
The "card" in its upright position represents willpower, strength, determination, & assertion.
The "card" in its reversed position represents lack of control, aggression, & hesitation.
thank u biddytarot.com for helping with this ^
I added plenty of little details please psychoanalyze everything I would love to see someone notice them hehehe
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last year i had the personality of a villain when i was at school
this year i had the personality of the perfect side character
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what are your top 10 beatles songs?
in no particular order because i don't believe in rankings
hey jude i've just seen a face strawberry fields forever i want you (she's so heavy) golden slumbers something don't let me down i'l follow the sun let it be while my guitar gently weeps
second list of honorable mentions:
your mother should know hey bulldog happiness is a warm gun two of us long long long dig a pony i'm so tired for no one i'm a loser mother nature's son
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whitefangz · 11 days
Btw ive discovered i can actually swallow pills if sparta yells at me to swallow it instead of letting me spit it out. just a fun fact about me if you were wondering
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maxity666 · 6 months
I'm bored so heres a meme for 10 characters I kin (1 per character lmao)
characters and game/show is below the cut
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characters in order: Jett from Valorant Polly Geist from Monster Prom Enid from Wednesday Sabrina Spellman from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Daniela Dimitrescu from RE8 (of course I kin the character I simp for the most what do you take me for) Silver Wolf from Honkai Star Rail March 7th from Honkai Star Rail Harley Quinn from Harley Quinn Heather Chandler from Heathers (I will not elaborate.) Adora from She-ra
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blackbatcass · 3 months
wonder twins playlist. pretty please! :)
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moonstandardtime · 6 months
why do i keep making siffrin(s) taste their own blood. genuinely can not figure out why
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vampyretaemin · 9 months
only friends is an amazing show. literally not one moment of peace. they are all constantly ruining each others lives. this is just like speed (1994) where if they stop for even a moment every single one of their relationships will explode and i for one cannot wait to see it happen
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soraenun-archive · 1 year
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tagged by my beloved mal @lenteur ♡
make an astrology colour palette based on your chart using this thread
tagging some friends (sorry if any of u have done this already!) @fr9mis @winxys @yechan @jungwookjins @hvhyunjin @keppie​ 
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catboy-sinister · 1 year
So I've been doing some deep thinking for a bit. And by a bit, I mean literally over a year. But I think that this kind of thing deserves some deep introspection. Pondering, if you will. And I wanted to share this with my echo chamber of darling mutuals because I've never really talked about who I am on this blog. I plan to stick to that for the most part by the way.
Now for the focus of this post: Why do I like Mister Sinister so much?
Rather dramatic introduction for that, I know. But really, I've been doing some deep digging to understand why I'm drawn to this POS out of countless characters from countless forms of media.
Firstly, though: there are plenty of problematic elements to Sinister... in general. I could make a whole longpost airing out my greivances over the writing of the Weapon X era in general, but that's not what this post is about. I bring this up to state: I do not condone any of Sinister's actions, or his beliefs regarding eugenics. This should be a no-brainer, but there are plenty of nobrainers running around this website. I digress.
I think there are several elements that draw me to him. First off, the surface level characteristics. He's always been a bitch, no matter what incarnation, and I find that hilarious. To the flamboyant Gillen-Krakoa bitchiness, to the subtle/not-so-subtle bitchiness of even his Claremont days. His unapolagetic creepass is just a delight.
His design is also *chef's kiss*. Dr. Frank N. Furter went through a shredder. The cape? Love it. The diamond motif? Love it. The slutty thigh high boots? Love it. Victorian aesthetic? Love it. Victorian aesthetic while simultaneosly being a massive slut??? Incredible. Sign me up. His pasty bitchass has me kicking my feet, I'll admit it.
Sinister was also a major villain of my favorite media of X-men, the Animated Series. (And he was just as bitchy!) I have the Phalanx Episodes on repeat, I tell you. Funny enough, I thought he was annoying at first, but upon rewatching I had the oh...oh moment. (Mister Sinister turned me transgender pass it on)
He presents some interesting politics too. I don't think this is the post to dive into that, though. I've touched on it a bit before.
But apart from the fun stuff, I need to acknowledge the not fun stuff that drew me to him over time on a more emotional level. Now I'll actually talk about myself, as in Apollo, not just catboy-sinister (lmao).
All my life, I've struggled with emotion. As in, I feel emotion a lot less deeply than other people. Feeling something intensely only comes along once every few months. Most of my days are just spent kind of... numb? Checked out? It's hard to describe. But basically, I just really don't feel stuff.
Sinister was transformed by Apocalypse, which took his regrets, morality, grief, etc. Nowadays he expresses all sorts of emotion, but that wasn't the case before. Before, and especially in Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix (origin story), his entire emotional range was wiped or drastically reduced. And lowkey, I felt that? There are plenty of heroes/antiheroes/villains written as manly men who don't need emotion or morals... but that's not something I can project on. A bitchy Victorian themed scientist, though? That checks a box.
Sinister is also just kind of unsettling to a lot of characters in the world. Which honestly, I can relate to. I've literally been told I'm unsettling, lol, and stuff similar to that but a lot less nice. Even though I hadn't done anything.
During my youth, I never really fit in, never made genuine friends who I had a genuine connection with. My friends had always thought we had a connection, but I think differently. In fact, I think I can say that I've never made a genuine connection with someone before. Sounds sad when I say it, but I'm never really lonely. I just don't need that connection. I think Shithead Essex feels the same? He never seems to get lonely either, I'd say.
If I'm honest, it's kind of hard to feel human sometimes. I wonder what I'm missing out on a lot, which I'm sure Sinister never did, because he already experienced that. I feel detached a lot of the time. But I don't feel empty. I have hobbies and interests, likes and dislikes. I just don't feel things like other people do, or connect to them. Don't worry, the psych appointment is coming up in June (it was moved back).
The hardest thing to talk about is our similar grief. I won't talk about what I'm going through, because frankly I don't want to, but I can describe it. I'll be blunt. I know the feeling of watching someone immediately close to you slowly die as you can do nothing about it. So you detach yourself, preferring to feel nothing at all. There is nothing you can do about it, you feel helpless and alone. Essex was a doctor, I am not, but we both went through this similarly, diving into academic work and shutting ourselves off from the world. Of course, his 'academic work' was far more egregious than mine, but the baseline simularity is there.
There's really not a way to wrap this all in a neat bow. It's messy, but I'm a messy bitch, and so is Sinister. I think my final thoughts will be this: you don't NEED a deep, introspective reason to like something. It's nice to have it. It's healthy to do some good introspection from time to time, and critically think about why you like something. But sometimes you just like to look at the sky, or paint, or watch movies. A simple life is an equally fulfilling one, in my opinion. Or look deep in your soul to find WHY you like the sky and painting and movies.
It's up to you.
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sanktalucrezias · 7 months
Tagged by: @emiliosandozsequence
Tagging: @solivagantress, @heavenzscent, @jessechambers-ass, @pugoata, @klarojonsa ++ anyone else!
Camila Alvarez-Dunne from Daisy Jones & The Six
Alicent Hightower from House of The Dragon
Kara Danvers from Supergirl
Marianne Sheridan from Normal People
Oksana Astankova from Killing Eve
Shadowheart from Baldur's Gate 3
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It has been brought to my attention that I tend to fall for characters that are either a. Absolutely bat-shit crazy or b. Have exactly the same (or nearly the same) personality and experiences as me, and I do not know what to do with the information...
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fagpulp · 2 years
Tagged by: @somethingscarlet13
Rules: List (5) comfort characters and tag (5) people
David Bowman | 2001: A Space Odyssey
Herbert West | Reanimator
Seymour Krelborn and Audrey | Little Shop of Horrors
GLaDOS | Portal
Not Tagging Anyone But If You Wanna Join In Then Do.
Honorable Mention: Nadia Vulvokov | Russian Doll
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spotify wrapped ❤️‍🔥
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clematys · 2 years
i realized today in an unexpected pang of homesickness the feelings i associate with my family's homes. my dads house is dim, de-saturated, overcast, vast and empty, the hallways of a hospital. my moms house is over-saturated, cluttered, cramped, colors getting muddy from mixing with the lines, the bright autumn leaves rotting into one another.
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isitovernow-ootw · 2 months
does the universe want to explain to me why i've only had sex dreams about men even though i'm a lesbian? this is getting very strange at this point
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