thecylongirl · 11 months
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Happy Birthday, Kotor <3
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (July 15th, 2003)
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lonewolfel · 2 years
Fictober 2022 Day 23
Prompt: 30 - "I know what this looks like."
Fandom: KOTOR
Rating: Teen (violence)
Relationships: N/A
Characters: Revan, Original republic soldiers
Revan took a deep breath. The air was cold and dry. She could feel the sting of it on her face and her throat. She tightened her grip on the blaster in her gloved hand. She pulled her fabric mask over her mouth with her other hand. Her hood was pulled over her head far enough to obscure her face.
Snow swirled around her. At this time of night, she was the only one around besides a couple of unlucky soldiers.
Finally, Revan reached the meeting spot. Instead of her informant, she was met with a dead body. She had to hold back her sigh.
"Freeze, drop your weapon." A soldier ordered. Revan did as he ordered. She dropped her blaster. She brought her hands up in the air. She turned around and looked at the soldier.
"I know what this looks like." Revan responded calmly. "But it isn't. I just got here."
"Freeze, you are under arrest." The soldier said. Two more soldiers arrived on the scene. IT would have been so easy to pull out her lightsaber and fight them off or use the Force to get away, but she couldn't allow this to get back to the Jedi Order or the Republic.
Two of the soldiers walked forward. A plan began to form in her mind. She remained still. A smirk pulled on her lips. One of the soldiers grabbed her arm.
Quickly she dropped to her knees and swept their legs out from underneath them. She then quickly returned to her feet and punched the other soldier in the head knocking them out. The soldier on the ground groan. She gave them a quick kick to the head.
The first soldier recovered from their shock and began to shoot at her. Using the Force Revan managed to dodge the wild blasts. All the while she walked forward. Once she reached them she punched them in the nose.
There was a loud crunch and blood began to flow freely from their nose. She then gripped their neck. She kept the pressure light enough that they will suffocate or pass out but hard enough to act as a warning and a deterrent.
"You will listen to me," Revan said calmly with a voice that promised pain if she was deified. The one that she had used as a Sith Lord. "You and your men got into a bar fight. You were drinking on the job and you won't do a report out of fear of getting in trouble."
"I...I..." The soldier stuttered. Revan then squeezed their neck hard enough to cut them off. They began to claw at her hand but the gloves prevented them from getting a good enough momentum to possibly ease her hand. She then lifted them up in the air.
"If this gets back to the Republic, I will know. And if that happens there is nowhere you or your men can hide that I won't find you. Then I will make the tortures that Revan's Empire did seem like nothing more than child's play." Revan promised. The soldier opened their mouth to speak but nothing. She squeezed slightly enough that their eyes began to bulge. They made frantic nods.
Revan released them. They fell onto the snow-covered ground coughing and wheezing. They didn't make any move to get up. She grabbed her blaster and put it in her holster. She then disappeared into the shadows.
She looked down at her blood-soaked glove in disgust. She put that hand down and placed the other one on her stomach. A small laugh escaped from her lips.
Revan hadn't gotten what she wanted. It was fine. Just a delay. She'll come up with another plan. She always does.
After all, Revan was a master strategist that ended two major wars. This was nothing but child's play. A game that she will win.
Revan won't fail again.
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baba-fett · 3 months
I don’t care what’s canon, playing as FemRevan is superior
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serenofroses · 7 months
Hmm, so many to pick from. -taps finger to chin- Let's go with Darth Marr for the 'How hot is this character' ask. :)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD HAVE MERCY
I loved Darth Marr from the first time I saw them in Sith Warrior ending. Mysterious with a deep voice. I live for that. Plus Marr was one of my favourite characters. ❤️
And I also loved masked characters to the point I went to create my own version of masked characters for my legacy as opposite of what they are in canon. (was influenced by my femRevan tbh.
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laugh-of-the-medusa · 11 months
So, I‘ve been thinking about how Miranda Lawson was “made,” and that “leak” about Shepard being in the new ME game…
And you know what would be an interesting playable character?
A protagonist who’s made from Shepard’s DNA. Not a clone per se (or at all). Just made partially from their DNA. Distilling all the traits that supposedly made Shepard great and trying to make this new Person something greater (or more dangerous).
(Actually, maybe this isn’t a game idea. Maybe this is a story idea lmao.)
On that note, idk what would be more compelling background:
You’re the “golden child.” You know exactly the truth of your creation, and have all that pressure of reaching the same sort of greatness Shepard did. You’re forced to undergo Shepard’s training, to relive key experiences because they don’t just want you to be as great as Shepard, but they want you to be Shepard.
You were made in secret, raised, and used as some sort of weapon. Being repeatedly told that you descended from someone great, and that’s why you’re the “perfect weapon.”
Never knowing the truth of who or what you are. But you’ve always felt a sort of disconnect from the rest of your peers. Like you’re being forced to cram yourself into a space that isn’t meant to contain you. This has led you to lead a very devil-may-care life, you’re a “drifter,” and you’re everywhere you want be and nowhere you need to be.
Imagine the complicated relationships you end up forming? Regardless of backstory, there are a lot of characters/races in ME that are long lived. There’d be a lot of question as to how these characters (especially the Shadow Broker) could lead the character to end up the way wherever they were at the start of their story.
(Golden Child) Misguided belief that it the way you were raised was for your best? Fed false information about how you were treated? You had everything you could ever ask for and more. All they’re asking for are results. (Results that you can’t give because the person they want is dead. And even if they weren’t. Shepard was one-of-a-kind.)
(Perfect Weapon) Again, false information. Maybe the world believed you died for one reason or the other. Your existence was kept very hush hush.
(Drifter) Or, maybe, nobody even knew there was an attempt to make “another Shepard.” Maybe it was done in secret. Maybe the person who did it decided this wasn’t gonna be fucking fair to you and stole you away. Hid the truth of your existence from you so you can be someone without Shepard’s shadow looming over you. They give you specific implants that allow you to fool sensors enough so nobody gets flagged that someone with Shepard’s DNA.
(Last note for now(?): Partway through typing, I started favoring the third option more. Especially in the sense of storytelling.
Mostly because I jumped into playing KOTOR completely blind even though it was, like, 2016/17. And I managed to do everything mostly without a guide to spoil me. And the reveal that your character is actually Revan had me going feral. I didn’t expect that (especially because it makes the Bastila romance slap. Was one of my earliest experiences nodding just because I wanted to romance Bastila as femRevan lol.)
Point is. Imagine doing all these missions. Going through the game thinking the callbacks to Shepard are just normal in game shtick, bids for nostalgia, whatever. And then it gets revealed that you were made partially from Shepard’s DNA.)
Dude idk. I’m gonna shut up. It’s past 2:30AM and I’m just typing this out cause I can’t get it out of my head lmao
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arkannis · 2 years
I physically must know your opinion on Bastila. Also Malak. They are EVERYTHING to me and I need to know what you think of them
I feel like I need a 2nd playthrough of KOTOR to fully understand both of these characters, but I remember being really fond of Bastila during my time and always kept her in my party wherever I went!! And when she fell to the dark side , the convo that comes after you defeat her in battle just breaks my heart . like wtf i am not going to kill you !!! there is hope for you!!! ..
i wish she was romanceable as femrevan because the extra (?) convo you have with her during the postfight is so whshwbwhhhejfkf
tl;dr i am a sucker for jedi women who are extremely strong in the force.
As for Malak, I'm not so sure but the fact that him and Revan were friends before all this shit happened literally has my gears turning . i dont know in WHAT way but THEY ARE TURNING
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revan-posting · 2 years
Ok, I just imagined Joseph Quinn as Carth Onassi... And how would be the tension between femRevan... And maybe Reader being femRevan...
God help me 🥵
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avorous · 4 years
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You drew an arrow and pulled it, burned like a bullet It was love, it was heat, it was true We were called into battle and all of it shattered But I'm aiming high not to lose you I know, it's not easy or that simplified, no But you and I are on each others side So take my hand and we will march to the front lines
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roboemma · 5 years
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Redeemed Jedi Revan (Star Forge robes).
Costume by me. Photos by @thereallucasmccoy
Anyways, here’s my little love letter to KOTOR, and the underappreciated lightside fashion of Revan.
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ice-6caydesqueen · 2 years
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:3 etain and dar are the bottom left @leias-left-hair-bun-again this was just a silly quick drawing of some of my favourite couples
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lonewolfel · 3 years
WIP fan fic
Vaylin: Where am I?
Revan: Kashyyyk.
Vaylin: Why am I here?
Revan: I brought you here.
Vaylin: Why?
Revan: To heal.
Vaylin: I don’t need healing.
Revan: Then freedom.
Vaylin: I am free.
Revan: No, your freedom is just an illusion. You thought that breaking Tenebrae’s hold on you on Nathema was enough, but it wasn’t.
Vaylin: What are you talking about?
Revan: Tenebrae turned you into caged beast to let lose upon his enemies. You claim you are free yet you still attacked those that he wanted you to. You believe you show your freedom by attacking the Outlander, but that is nothing more than a child throwing a tantrum to being like him.
Vaylin: You Know nothing!
Revan: We are more alike than you think. Powerful force wielders and women that were contained and controlled by those who feared our power. Turned into weapons for Tenebrae to wield. Left forgotten and outcast from those who we once cared about. I broke free and I can help you do the same.
Vaylin: We are nothing alike. You have a husband and a family. A cult that worships the very ground you walk on. I am the Empress.
Revan: Of what, a broken throne, of a broken empire? You're right I do have a family, but they aren't here. They wouldn't understand not as I do.
Vaylin: What? That there is good in me! That my actions don't mean I'm beyond hope!
Revan: You have done awful things there is no denying it, but for me to condemn you would be hypocritical. I've done so many awful things. I can help you be free completely of Tenebrae's influence. I won't force this upon you as it once was on me, but know that if you leave Kashyyyk there is no where safe for you. And if you hurt the Wookies, I will show you why I was once a feared Sith Lord.
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jubberry · 4 years
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me booting up kotor to play my darkside female revan
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serenofroses · 1 year
(sweats nervously bc I saw Bastila/Yuthura ship fanart today and then at same time my mind thought about femRevan/Yuthura pairing)
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skullinacowboyhat · 7 years
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Afternoon doodle of Shyon
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yellowhalcyon · 7 years
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relationship aesthetics // revastila
‘If there’s truly nothing between us, Bastila, then back on that ship you would have let me die.’ ‘To let you die then would have been against the Jedi Code. I will not break the Jedi Code.’
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dairine-bonnet · 3 years
Revan fighting with any Sith/dark jedi: There's just time for you to die! Revan fighting with Malak on the Star Forge:  There's just no time to die... for both of us...
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