audoneout · 1 year
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Obsessed with the fact that Hozier wrapped up the thank yous on Unreal Unearth by thanking the person who babysat his bees. Shout out Quincy Fennelly for bee sitting, we would not have Unreal Unearth without Quincy Fennelly
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iirulancorrino · 2 years
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sacredbathos · 2 years
Each language that dies takes from us a few crucial parts of nature's tale, so much of which (even how and when the universe was created) still eludes us. In fact, each language that dies weakens our most vital challenge—to engage the world in all its complexity and to find meaning there. This is the definition of both art and religion. To lessen the complexity of the world is to lessen our moral struggle.
Beth Ann Fennelly, “Fruits We'll Never Taste, Languages We'll Never Hear: The Need for Needless Complexity”
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musicmags · 9 months
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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The Trouble with Harry (1955) Alfred Hitchcock
December 30th 2022
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leehallfae · 9 months
“to prepare to meet the faces she would meet, she stepped into her suit of grief. she pulled it up, over her legs, her hips. she threaded her arms into the sleeves of grief. she huffed it over her back. she snugged it around her shoulders. she buttoned herself tight. its weight was dear. dear, dear, dear. she would wear it forever now.”
— beth ann fennelly, “grief vacation,” heating & cooling: 52 micro-memoirs
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revmeg · 2 years
I. When She Takes My Body into Her Body ...From her bassinet she wakes with a squall, her mouth impossibly huge, her tongue aquiver with anger the baby book says she doesn't have, aquiver like the clapper of a bell. Her passion I wasn't prepared for, her need... No one ever mentioned she's out for blood. I wince as she tugs milk from ducts all the way to my armpits... Let me get it right so I remember: Once, I bared my chest and found an animal. Once, I was delicious... II. First Night Away from Claire ...I'm near-drunk from my first beer in months. We've got a babysitter, a hotel room, and on the horizon a meteor shower promised. We've planned slow sex, sky watch, long sleep. His hand feels good on my lower back... We're tired. We fall asleep. I wake predawn from pain. Those meteors we were too tired to watch-- it will be thirty years before they pass this way again. III. After Weaning, My Breasts Resume Their Lives as Glamour Girls ...Aren't you glad? he asks, glad, watching me unwrap bras tissue-thin and decorative from the tissue of my old life, watching, worshipfully, the breasts resettle as I fasten his red favorite-- Aren't you glad? He's walking toward them, addressing them, it seems-- but, Darling, they can't answer, poured back into their old mold, muffled beneath these lovely laces, relearning how it feels, seen and not heard. IV. It Was a Strange Country where I lived with my daughter while I fed her from my body. It was a small country, an island for two, and there were things we couldn't bring with us, like her father. He watched from the far shore, well meaning, useless. Sometimes I asked  for a glass of water, so he had something to give.... We didn't get many tourists, much news-- behind the closed curtains, rocking in the chair, the world was a rumor all summer. All autumn.... ...Soon, the milk stops simmering and the child forgets the mother's taste, so the motherland recedes on the horizon, a kindness--we return to it only at death.
from “Latching On, Falling Off” by Beth Ann Fennelly in The Long Devotion: Poets Writing Motherhood edited by Emily Pérez and Nancy Reddy, p. 47-51
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stargir1z · 2 years
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Fruits We'll Never Taste, Languages We'll Never Hear: The Need for Needless Complexity by Beth Ann Fennelly
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Setting — Shone a Rainbow Light On (Paradise of Bachelors)
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Photo by Will Warasila
Setting is a new collaborative project from three mainstays of psychedelic drone. Nathan Bowles of Pelt and Black Twig Pickers, Jaime Fennelly of Mind Over Mirrors and Joe Westerlund of Califone, Sylvan Esso and Jake Xerxes Fussell join force for four extended improvisations which fall closer to Fennelly’s ecstatic harmonium meditations than the more rustic, Americana-touching forms Bowles and Westerlund have primarily been associated with.
A drone can be a spiritual experience—and making one together can bring disparate musicians together. It requires open ears and unhurried patience, a willingness to notice small gradations in tone, an attention to one another. Thus the first cut, “We Center,” is, on its surface, the most static of the four, the least varied with the smallest amount of percussive energy. And yet, it also feels very necessary, a primordial soup out of which all the other cuts come. The long questioning tones (likely synthesizer, but who really knows?) lift out of the liquid drone like aquarian dinosaurs, blinking slowly before diving back down. The drums natter subliminally between lapping, washing tones. The piece bubbles with possibility, as the three players find a way of interacting that honors stillness.
“Zoetropics” toys more overtly with melody, weaving prickly percussive stringed instruments into an oncoming rush of forward motion. It’s the single, at least as far as albums like this have singles, and it moves and cavorts and glistens. It sounds a bit like Oren Ambarchi’s Shebang, as shimmering auras lift out of massed strummed and plucked sounds; the dots connect, the pixels form into rainbows. “A Sun Harp,” which follows, is equally, pizzicato, equally lovely, with the unearthly twang of zither, the trebly purity of high piano notes, the agitated patter of drums coalescing in airy, light-filled beauty.
It all comes to a head in “Fog Glossaries,” a moody landscape where tones loom up out of obscurity, surge, vibrate and dissipate, much like objects in thick mist. A bell rings out at widely spaced intervals, cutting through a haze of overtones, and the overall affect is elegiac and beautiful. You could say that not much happens in Shone a Rainbow Light On, that it moves slowly and doesn’t progress in any linear way, but that would be missing out on the blessed stillness and calm that lives in these tracks.
Jennifer Kelly
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But remember that reading provides nourishment for hungers we might not even be aware of. How often have I chosen a book at random and found in it an answer I didn't realize I was seeking.
Great with Child by Beth Ann Fennelly
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Mr. Feathers starring Parker Fennelly: None Too Bright, Not Too Much Comedy.
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Crabby Appleton - Go Back
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radiomaxmusic · 3 months
July 11, 2024: 6pm ET: Feature LP: Michael Fennelly - Lane Changer (1973)
Michael Fennelly (born April 4, 1949) is an American musician known for his work as a singer and songwriter in the 1960s and 1970s, notably in The Millennium and Crabby Appleton. Fennelly was born in New York, United States, the second of three children. He grew up in Pennsylvania and Westfield, New Jersey, where he attended high school. He began taking guitar lessons when he was nine years old.…
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therileyandkimmyshow · 8 months
Podcast Actor Parker Fennelly Golden Age of Radio Tribute
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thepermanentrainpress · 11 months
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Gallery: Urethane @ Rickshaw Theatre - Vancouver, BC Date: October 19, 2023 Photographed by: Josh Papalia
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leehallfae · 9 months
“at the deepest part of the deepest part, i rocked shut like a stone. i’d climbed as far inside me as i could. everything else had fallen away. midwife, husband, bedroom, world: quaint concepts. my eyes were clamshells. my ears were clapped shut by the palms of the dead. my throat was stoppered with bees. i was the fox caught in the trap, and i was the trap. chewing off a leg would have been easier than what i now required of myself. i understood i was alone in it. i understood i would come back from there with the baby, or i wouldn’t come back at all. i was beyond the ministrations of loved ones. i was beyond the grasp of men. even their prayers couldn’t penetrate me. the pain was such that i made peace with that. i did not fear death. fear was an emotion, and pain had scalded away all emotion. i chose. in order to come back with the baby, i had to tear it out at the root. understand, i did this without the aid of my hands.”
— beth ann fennelly, “what i think about when someone uses ‘pussy’ as a synonym for ‘weak,’” heating & cooling: 52 micro-memoirs
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