livesunique · 4 months
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Residenzschloss Heidecksburg, Rudolstadt, Thuringia, Germany
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theodoreangelos · 1 year
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Ceremonial Hall of the main seat of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, Vienna I – Innere Stadt, with the ceiling fresco by Gregorio Guglielmi. Festsaal des Hauptgebäudes der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, Wien I – Innere Stadt, mit dem Deckengemälde von Gregorio Guglielmi.
The centre of the fresco is the apotheosis of the imperial couple: the clipeus with the bust portraits of Francis I Stephen and Maria Theresa is carried by Chronos, the god of time, in the sunlit sky. Above the portraits, a genius holds the laurel wreath of glory, while the eagle breaks Chronos’ scythe, expressing the eternity of imperial glory. Das Zentrum des Freskos bildet die Apotheose des Kaiserpaares: Der Clipeus mit den Brustbildern von Franz I. Stephan und Maria Theresia wird von Chronos, dem Gott der Zeit, im sonnendurchfluteten Himmel getragen. Über den Porträts hält ein Genius den Lorbeerkranz des Ruhmes, während der Adler die Sense des Chronos zerbricht, womit die Ewigkeit des kaiserlichen Ruhmes ausgedrückt wird.
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gutachter · 2 years
Inklusives Generationenwohnprojekt: die Spiegelfabrik in Fürth
Fürth: „…In einem riesigen Wohnkomplex in der Fürther Oststadt ist ein Mehrgenerationen-Projekt entstanden, das mit dem Deutschen Bauherrnpreis ausgezeichnet worden ist. Die Spiegelfabrik soll alle verbinden: Jung und alt, arm und reich, heimisch und fremd. Auf dem knapp 3.400 Quadratmeter großen ehemaligen Fabrikareal ist den Bauherren und Architekten ein Stadtquartier gelungen, in dem die…
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ok for real, everyone shut up and watch this
omg thank you to @perfectisaskinnedknee for finding the video for me 😘
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montecruzfoto · 2 months
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02.08.2024 - Marcelo D2 live at Festsaal Kreuzberg - Berlin
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dartmoor26player · 1 year
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blueberry-beanie · 1 year
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Half Moon Run at Festsaal Kreuzberg, Berlin | 30th Sept. 2023 | photos by me
A little tale of a great concert with Half Moon Run and Flyte, and of spending a day in Berlin with Andrey the next day. I've divided the text into sections for you to skip to the best part.
Ich will nicht nach Berlin
Berlin has a special place reserved for me in its heart. However, it's not a place of love or appreciation, but a place of chaos and unforseen little catastrophes. This is why I barely wanted to get out of bed on Saturday morning to catch my train. For god's sake, I thought, as I stood sandwiched between other travellers in the second overcrowded train of the day, this city already hates me before I even get there. Of course, that had more to do with the prolonged weekend for German Day of Unity than with Berlin, but still.
Other than that everything went smoothly. The weather was really nice. I was even on time and had a good meal at the Vapiano in the main station. The hostel was fine, although I lost my way a little bit when trying to find it. I put on a new necklace I had bought while waiting for a connecting train and made my way to the Festsaal Kreuzberg. Of course I could not find the location right away as Google Maps lead me into some weird inner yard with loads of graffiti. There were several venues and some outdoor club as well and it was all situated near the river.
Wagenburgen and queues
Since there was no queue I decided to take a stroll along the Mauerweg near the river. Many people had the same idea as me because it was a beautiful Saturday evening. There is some sort of hippie camp in this park called the Wagenburg and people were making music there and dancing. When I returned, there was still no queue. However N had a little heart attack for me, because a certain satirist decided to appear after five months of silence to promote a demonstration against right wing politics. While I was still happily grinning like an idiot, I noticed a photographer and three guys across the street near the venue. I think it must have been the band taking some photos but I did not try to approach them.
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People only started arriving half an hour before doors. And right away a young woman called Marianne joined me. She is a big fan of Half Moon Run and had never been to their concert because the band had never visited her home country Mexico. So now she was excited to finally see her heroes as well as their opening act Flyte. She was soon joined by Laurits, who was equally nice. He is actually a big fan of Flyte, so the evening was just a perfect opportunity for them.
The venue itself is actually quite beautiful. It was bigger than I anticipated with an entrance hall that also hosted the merch stand and the cloakroom. The concert hall had a balcony and a podium with red sofas. The three of us secured great spots at the middle-right of the stage. The stage itself was not separated by a barrier so we would have the best possible view.
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When I decided to avoid the overcrowded merch stand at the end of the concert, Berlin intervened again and decided that today is not the day for card payments. So I had to return to pay for the album with cash a few minutes later. That was another girl's luck because I gave her the missing money for a t-shirt and and thanked me around forty-two times and immediately paid it back via Paypal. Then it was time to sit on the floor for a while longer and wait until the concert would begin.
Flyte and Half Moon Run
Around eight o'clock Flyte came on to play an acoustic setlist for us. The duo from London consists of the songwriters Will Taylor and Nick Hill. Both of them seemed lovely and have wonderful voices. The songs were calm and dreamy, some a bit sad, others hopeful. They were accompanied by some little stories and funny jokes and overall the audience seemed to love them. I soon realised that the lighting engineer was enjoying themselves with many colourful and moving lights, so I decided to take quite a few photos of the band. I tried out three different prisms to achieve a wide range of effects and overall had a wonderful time.
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Then the "living room concert" was over and roadies came onstage to arrange everything for Half Moon Run. We were on Conner's side with the keyboard right in front of us. Dylan's drum kit and keyboard were situated in the middle to the back of the stage and Devon would play on the left side with his drum already set up next to the mic stand.
The band started with You Can Let Go from their current album Salt. It was a perfect opening and I enjoyed it right away. It was followed by one of my favourites, Hotel in Memphis. I was very happy to hear another favourite, Narrow Margins, as well. I realised quickly that everything sounded amazing and that the band hadn't lost any of their power or stage presence, despite of now being a trio. The last time I saw them in Manchester in 2019, they still had Isaac Symmonds as their fourth member, who has since gone solo.
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What has not improved, however, is their lighting. It is a rare case when the support act has better lighting than the main band. It was cool and it did fit the songs but it was really dark, unpredictable and a nightmare for taking photos. The other thing I didn't enjoy was the overpowering bass for the likes of Salt and Alco. I think it did not fit the songs and made them less fun to listen to.
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On the other hand, the performance of Devil May Care was just lovely. Just as in Manchester, the band gathered around one microphone at the front and sang together. The last song before the encore was She Wants to Know and the crowd went absolutely crazy for this one. Overall, the older songs sounded a bit more rounded and thought-through in my opinion and it was wonderful to hear them live again. The encore started with Favourite Boy and I really got nostalgic because that was the first song I heard live when they played in London at Rough Trade East. I instantly fell in love with it back then and listened to it a lot during my time in London.
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Their last two songs were Fire Escape and then of course Full Circle, the ultimate banger. However, we cheered so much that they had to come back one more time to play a final song for us, Need It, another one from their first album. And that was it - the final bow and the lights came up again. Marianne, absolutely overjoyed for the entire concert, caught one of Conner's picks. The setlist went to another girl, but that was alright too.
Happy endings at the merch stand
We went to the merch table because the woman working there had told me earlier that the band may come out. But first there were the two lovely guys from Flyte. Laurits had the time of his life with his heroes, they gave him a hug and took the cutest photo together with their heads resting on his shoulder. They looked like old friends! Overall such an extremely lovely band. If they had any of their albums there I would have bought one. But instead I only told them that I enjoyed their show and that their lights were beautiful. Apparently the lighting designer had been allowed full artistic freedom. I told them that I had a lot of nice photos and they encouraged me to share them later. (They actually did see and share the photos today, which is really lovely!) Then, when almost everyone had already gone, suddenly Devon and Dylan appeared out of nowhere. I actually wouldn't have noticed them right next to me behind a wooden counter if Marianne hadn't exclaimed that they were there. "Wow, where did you come from so fast?" I asked them in surprise. Devon was actually being cheeky and replied "Oh why, we're actually quite late." They first attended to Marianne who was absolutely overjoyed to talk to them. Then it was already my turn and I asked them to sign a CD for me and Devon inquired about my name. So now I have two personally signed Half Moon Run CDs already, yay! I told them it was great to see them again because the last time was in London and Manchester four years ago and Devon agreed that this felt like an eternity. Both of them were kind enough to pose for a photo and I thanked them again and stepped back to allow others to talk to them. Marianne actually ended up going back again to take a photo and the night was already more than perfect.
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Nighttime fries
Marianne and Laurits decided to walk me to the nearest station at Treptower park. We talked about concerts and bribing band members with chocolate. Marianne made me laugh a lot when she complimented my "dancing" which is really just me vibing to my favourite songs. I can't dance at all. Because their friend didn't pick up the phone to arrange a meet up they asked me if I wanted to grab food with them. Actually I was very hungry and had nothing at the hostel, so I thanked them and agreed. We went back to Jannowitzbrücke and found a Döner that was still open. After some fries and cold drinks we parted with hugs and I walked back to the hostel to shower and fall into bed.
I have a special place in Berlin's heart - part two
Berlin truly loves me. After around four hours asleep I was wide awake at six in the morning although I only had to leave at ten to meet Andrey. Andrey is a friend of N - he is originally from Moscow but he came to Berlin to live and work in his dream city. He's been here only for a bit more than two months and already feels like a local, walking around in Treptower Park and picking up all cats in a five kilometer radius daily. So I thought, to avoid getting more of the wrath of Berlin, I should team up with someone who loves this city as much as it loves him.
As it turned out, that was a brilliant idea because even with Andrey by my side, we were not in luck that day. It already started with me somehow going to the wrong station, getting lost while explaining to a foreign tourist couple how they shouldn't get lost, and then discovering that my coat had some stains while trying to navigate to his house. Even at his house when I rang the doorbell I somehow managed to run up the wrong staircase, resulting in him being very confused where I disappeared to.
Andrey is a lovely and very outgoing person who is excellent at leading conversations and navigating through the city. An overall well-mannered and lovely guy who makes you feel very safe and relaxed. I am not sure whether he got that part or whether my jokes about how easy it would be to abduct me because I have no sense of orientation unsettled him. In any case we could not have breakfast at the coffee shop he wanted, so we walked to an alternative.
I must confess I have never had breakfast with someone at any bakery or anything. Closest would be some sort of brunch I had in Vienna last year, but that was more like lunch already. Here we had a bagel for me and some eggs for him as well as chai latte and orange juice. The breakfast was tasty, but two wasps agreed that Andrey was much tastier than the breakfast altogether. The poor guy had to battle with them until one fell into my orange juice and flew off after a rescue with the straw.
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We talked about a wide variety of topics the whole day as he is a very chatty person who always comes up with something new to inquire about. After the breakfast we took a train to the Museumsinsel where the Pergamon is situated alongside other museums. If Berlin hates me, the Pergamon hates me just a little bit more because this has been at least the fourth attempt to visit it - and it did not turn out again. In fact we could not visit any of the museums because the entry was (almost) free that day. That means that everything was completely booked out.
Berlin zoo and miso soup
I suggested to go to the zoo instead and Andrey agreed. I hadn't been to a zoo since childhood and Andrey had not seen all of it during his last visit. On top of that the weather was absolutely perfect. We took a bus to the zoo and could skip the queue because I had already bought the tickets online. The zoo was well-attended, but not overcrowded at most places. We saw many cool animals, including monkeys, owls and an elephant up close. The elephant was eating acorns and it was amazing to see such a huge animal up close. Meanwhile Andrey insisted that it would be better to have the lions closer and that petting the jaguar would in fact not be dangerous for him. I shocked him a bit with dark humour about bitten off hands or broken bones but I think he was still alright because it was compensated by some compliments about his beard.
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We didn't get to see a lot of the pandas and no snakes at all because they were in the aquarium for no reason, but instead we walked for quite a bit to get to some Japanese restaurant that served miso soup. We had to eat in a hurry and our plan of calling N while waiting for food did not work out. We instead called her on the way back to his apartment, where we had left my backpack. It was too short and too chaotic but better than no call at all. Thankfully we made it to the main station in time. Here we were greeted by another special kind of luck only I bring to this city: There were huge queues outside the grocery stores and we had to buy insanely pricey drinks at subway. We parted with a hug and I felt a bit sad and empty to be alone so suddenly after a whole day with such engaging company.
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Maybe the drunk guy at the platform thought the same, so he immediately began to follow me around and harrass me literally two minutes after Andrey had gone. This city really loves me... Thankfully I got into another train compartment than him and had a calm journey. There were no significant delays or anything on my way back - on the contrary: My acquaintance and evening show co-mod from the radio was in the same train back home and we travelled the last part together.
Dear Berlin, I had such a wonderful weekend in your city - I just wish you would show me more love. Maybe we should do couple therapy together? I would surely love to come back to see another concert and maybe say hi to Andrey once again. See you soon!
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benkaden · 2 years
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Heinrich-Zille -Oberschule RADEBURG.
8106 Radeburg 90 Jahre Schule Radeburg Turnhalle Spielplatz Außenansicht Festsaal.
Meißen: Brück & Sohn, 8250 Meißen (J 04/85 IV-14-483 30 510 F 534).
Fotos: Werner Mohn, Radebeul (1); Erich Braun, Dresden (4)
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anniekoh · 2 years
elsewhere on the internet: cancel culture, tech ideologies and more, per adrian daub
Literary scholar Adrian Daub wrote a thorough debunking of Stanford’s latest “cancel culture” kerfuffle on “banning” the word American.
Also have really been enjoying Daub’s 2020 book What Tech Calls Thinking: An Inquiry Into the Intellectual Bedrock of Silicon Valley.*
From the intro: “This is a book about the history of ideas in a place that likes to pretend its idea don’t have any history.”
From page 74: “The genius aesthetic that rules the tech industry relies again and again on this purely gestural kind of courage, on hyping everyday things into grand acts of nonconformism and even resistance.”
From page 86: “Silicon Valley has a habit of pretending to have a debate when in fact desiring no such thing. One version of this is reflected in the infamous ‘Google memo’ that James Damore uploaded.
There’s a delightful close reading of Ayn Rand’s “funhouse version of capitalist society“ (p 61) / “an economic system dreamed up by Borges” in which the “all-powerful architectural critic (yes you read that right) Ellsworth Toohey who is a Marxist and also in league with monopoly capitalists and also beloved by the populace, schemes to take over Gail Wynand’s newspaper on the strength of (and I’m not making this up) his writing a column in it.”
* Though there is a now anachronistic, overly kind to Musk aside on the “billionaire’s sense of responsibility to others and planet.”
Other helpful posts on Daub’s Substack (note that the German version is first, the English translation comes second)
Ein paar Überlegungen zu Cancel Culture Transfer (on their new book)
there is a mini-genre of Starbucks-related anecdotes that in fact almost seem like cancel anecdotes, but almost never appear in the context of cancel culture discussions (in Germany, as far as I could see, they do not appear at all ). These are incidents in which police officers in restaurants in the United States are (or claim to have been) the target of abuse or disrespect from staff — it’s not clear which, often testimony stands against testimony in such cases. Even though of course these incidents are clearly concerned with freedom of expression (of which we are told that we have to tolerate it, “even if” it is repugnant, objectionable or whatever), even though the case is amplified by an outraged response from the public (particularly online), even though the employer usually panics and just goes ahead and fires the employee(s) in question: in spite of all of this, these aren’t usually treated as episodes of “cancellation.”
Macht es was aus, dass es ein Sandwich war?
Does it matter that it was a freaking sandwich? "You've  definitely heard of silly stories like this," playwright, novelist and  PEN President Ayad Akhtar told his audience at the Festsaal Kreuzber on  December 2. "Students at Oberlin College protested that sushi was being  served in their university cafeteria." It was a bánh mì, not sushi. And  the story is almost ten years old. And it wasn't about cultural  appropriation. And the story turns out to be incorrect.
Maybe  none of that is super important. But with exactly two examples, at  least in the (according to the newspaper “slightly abridged”) speech  text that was published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the fact  that one of the two is wrong feels sort of relevant. In my book Cancel Culture Transfer I  try to show that the sloppiness of these anecdotes represents something  of a hermeneutic alliance between the author and a certain  reader/listener. I'm sure you've heard of this made-up story, Akhtar  told his audience. I'll tell it to you again, of course without googling  it first. Speaker and listeners gather around a fiction as though  around a warming campfire – that can of course be the role of the  writer, but perhaps not when he sets out to provide facts.
I  take no pleasure in having to dissect Akhtar's text here. I'm generally  a big fan of his writing, Homeland Elegies was one of my favorite books  during the pandemic years. But maybe that's also important here: when  Akhtar is good, he's tremendous. But for topics like this, he is … not  tremendous. He doesn't have to be. That's part of the genre. In recent  weeks, many interviewers have asked me incredulously whether I really  think all the cancel culture Cassandras, many of them luminaries (Peter  Sloterdijk! Anne Applebaum! Josef Joffe! Frank Fukuyama!), are “that  stupid”. No, I do not think that. I'm friends with some of them — and  find much of their other work good, or at least interesting. But what I  do think is this: once they sound off about Twitter shitstorms, “woke  mobs” and so on, they're almost never doing their best work. Or their  best thinking. The same goes for Akhtar. He didn't google the case in  Oberlin because it didn't matter. Such gestures of casualness are not a  by-product, but rather the beating heart of this discourse, and they  seem to infect anyone who ventures into its shallows: look, this kind of  text says, I don't even have to bother.
My strategy in Cancel Culture Transfer  was simple: I did bother. You don't have to follow my analysis at every  point, but I hope you've learned something from reading the book even  when you don’t. And you don't get that with a text like Akhtar's  — at  least I don't think so. So in my next few posts, I'm going to do a few  close readings of Cancel Culture articles in the German press, how they  function, and why I think they're grounded in a hermeneutics of  sloppiness that tells readers: don't worry too much about the facts.
Two more from Daub
Here at the End of All Things : On losing oneself in the geography of fantasy worlds, from Middle Earth to Westeros (Longread, Aug 2017)
The technolibertarian crossover of Germany’s would be kaiser (NY Mag, 2022)
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itchyofficial · 2 years
08.10.2022 Berlin - Festsaal Kreuzberg
Auf Tour liegen große Gefühle ja oft dicht beianander. Unsere riesige Freude darüber endlich wieder auf Tour zu sein, wird heute von der Nachricht überschattet, dass einer unserer allerbesten Freunde letzte Nacht von uns gegangen ist.
Bobbes war über viele viele Jahre unser Backliner, Ratgeber, rettender Anker auf, neben und hinter der Bühne und gleichtzeitig vor allem immer: Der großartigste Mensch und Freund, den man sich vorstellen kann.
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Von dieser Meldung einfach mal so richtig komplett aus der Bahn geworfen, mogelt sich jeder von uns irgendwie durch den Tag, versucht sich abzulenken, trifft sich mit Freund*innen oder sitzt auch einfach nur weinend im Backstage.
Fakt ist aber: Wir spielen heute abend. Wir spielen für Bobbes. Und wir spielen laut.
Alles andere hätte er wirklich so richtig scheisse gefunden.
Nachdem die großartigen Lobsterbomb 40Minuten lang das Publikum angebrüllt haben, steigen wir also in einem emotionalen Ausnahmezustand auf die Bühne und vor uns stehen 1000 ausrastende Menschen, die uns massiv helfen mit der Situation umzugehen. Danke für euer Verständnis, eure unglaubliche Energie und einfach alles. Das war so ein intensiv krasser Abend, dass wir es kaum in Worte fassen können. Die Show vergessen wir defintiv nie wieder. Ihr seid die Besten!
Unser Freund Bobbes war heute Nacht mit uns im Festsaal Kreuzberg. Und für den Rest unseres Lebens in unseren Herzen.
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Ludwig Senfl (1490-1543) "Was wird es doch des Wunders noch"
From the programme "Senfl- a Swiss in Europe". Recorded October 2018 in the Festsaal of Schloss Dachau.
Ivo Haun - voice
Ensemble I FEDELI: Josué Meléndez Peláez - Artistic Director, cornetto Catherine Motuz - trombone Maximilien Brisson - trombone Katharina Andres - alto dulcian Nora Hansen - bass dulcian Maria Morozova-Meléndez - virginal
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felixkummer-fake · 1 year
Hab heute über den Tag verteilt mal gesammelt was man ja nun von Kraftklub nicht behaupten kann, dass das alle Tage passiert.
Ich bin nach allem noch verwirrter! Mein Beobachterauge hat auch erfahren, dass die Halle wo So Schön "performt" wurde die Stadthalle in Chemnitz sein soll und nicht wie vermutet der Festsaal Kreuzberg (Ort für Blond Release Konzert). Was ich auch beobachtet habe ist, dass in dem Songs für Liam Clip Felix Schnurri-Lücke riesig wirkt und ich jedes Mal wenn ich diesen Mann sehe laut lachen muss weil der Bart wie Fake aussieht.
Ich bete nun, dass die Herrschaften nun auch sich mal den Feiertag/Sonntag gönnen und nicht wie bei den letzten Malen immer dann wenn ich mein Ask versendet hab was neues posten :)
Das Ding ist auch. Mit dem Schnurri will ich Felix gar nicht küssen😭 dann müssen unsere Freunde wohl in Berlin bleiben I'm sorry. Bin auch echt gespannt was das werden soll shfkdkd
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gutachter · 2 years
Ein Gutachten zum Festsaal-Dach des Garmisch-Partenkirchner Kongresshauses bestätigt größere Schäden
Garmisch-Partenkirchen: „… „Nein, wir haben kein Bad Reichenhall“, sagt Markus Gehrle-Neff mit Blick auf den verheerenden Einsturz der dortigen Eishalle im Jahr 2006, bei der 50 Menschen verletzt wurden. „Es besteht kein Grund zur Panik.“ Die Schärfe will der stellvertretende Leiter des Garmisch-Partenkirchner Bauamts aus der Diskussion deutlich herausnehmen. Doch: Das Dach des Festsaals…
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Mike's dance moves - the series continues
X at 1:10:39
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montecruzfoto · 10 months
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25.11.2023 - 99 Posse live at Punk Italia Festival in Festsaal Kreuzberg - Berlin
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nordseehexe · 4 hours
Nestis und ihre Ahnherrinnen: Ran und die Wellenmädchen
Ran war die Frau des germanischen Meeresgottes oder Meeresriesen Ägir. In der Fritiofs-Saga taucht sie auch unter dem Namen "Rana" auf.
Sie verkörperte vermutlich eher sie etwas dunkleren, unheimlichen und gefährlichen Aspekte des Meeres, während ihr Mann Ägir eher die freundlliche Seite des Meeres repräsentierte. Passend dazu wird Ägir im eddischen Lied von "Ägirs Gelage" gezeigt als großzügiger und freigebiger Gastgeber, der die Götter reich bewirtet. In seinem Festsaal unter dem Meer trägt das Bier sich selbst auf, flüssiges Gold (Meerleuchten) dient als Beleuchtung.
Die Seelen der Ertrunkenen gehören Ran
Ran ist dunkler. Ihr gehören die im Meer ertrunkenen Menschen, die sie mit einem Schleppnetz vom Meeresgrund fischt. Während die im Kampf Gefallenen als Einherier nach Walhall gelangen und sich dort auf die Endzeitschlacht Ragnarök vorbereiten oder der Göttin Freya zufallen, die nach einem Pakt mit Odin die Hälte der Einherier erlangt, und während die unkriegerisch auf dem Festland gestorbenen Menschen ins unterirdische Reich der Hel fahren, ist dies also die dritte Art Totenreich beziehungsweise Totenschicksal in der germanischen Welt. Ran wäre demnach außer einer Meeres- auch wie Odin und Hel eine Totengottheit.
Auch ihr Name scheint schon auf dieses Bedrohliche, Gewaltsame hinzudeuten. Im Isländischen heißt "ran" soviel wie "Raub", die Göttin ist also eine Räuberin, vor allem eine Seelenräuberin.
Rans Fischnetz als Leihgabe für Loki
In der Sagenwelt kommt sie kaum vor. Lediglich im "Anderen Lied von Sigurd dem Fafnirstöter" heißt es, dass Loki, als er den Zwerg Andvari in seiner Fischgestalt fangen will, Hilfe bei der Meergöttin suchte:
"Er kam zu Ran und erhielt ihr Netz und warf das Netz vor den Hecht und er lief in das Netz."
(Die Edda. Göttersagen, Heldensagen und Spruchweisheiten der Germanen. Nach der Handschrift des Brynjolfur Sveinson in der Übertragung von Karl Simrock. Berlin, 1987. S. 186)
Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es interessant, dass Loki ausgerechnet nach seiner Flucht aus Ägirs Saal ein Fischnetz konstruierte, dieses dann, als die ihn verfolgenden Asen näher kamen, schnell ins Feuer warf, es aber doch nicht vollständig vernichten konnte. Heimdall, immerhin Rans Enkel, erkannte, was Loki da gebastelt hatte. Es war Heimdall, der Lokis Netz rekonstruierte und damit ermöglichte, dass der in einen Lachs verwandelte verräterische Gott gefangen wurde. Hier scheinen sich also zwei Geschichten wechselseitig zu spiegeln. Loki gilt ja allgemein als Erfinder des Fischernetzes. Aber er hat hier wohl nur etwas nachgebaut, das im Reich der Meergöttin längst bekannt war - zu seinem eigenen Nachteil.
Zurück zu Ran. Außer in der erwähnten Geschichte tritt sie in den Liedern der Edda nicht weiter in Erscheinung. Wohl aber taucht ihr Name häufiger in der Skaldendichtung auf, in der Umschreibungen wie "der Ran in die Hände fallen" für Ertrinken oder "Die Straße der Ran" für das Meer verwandt werden.
Rans Töcher, die Wellenmädchen
Ran und Ägir hatten neun Töchter, die man die Wellenmädchen nannte. Die Namen werden je nach Verfasser und Dichtung unterschiedlich angegeben. Im Skaldskaparmal in der Prosa-Edda des Snorri Sturluson tauchen sie an zwei Stellen auf (wobei die Namenslisten nicht deckungsgleich sind, daher hier zehn Wellenmädchen):
Himingläva, Himingläfa - "die, durch die man den Himmel klar sehen kann"
Dufa oder Dusa - die Hohe oder die Taube
Blodughadda, Blödughadda oder auch nur kurz Hadda - die Bluthaarige (gedacht ist wohl an roten Schaum auf der Welle)
Hefring, Heffrig - die Steigende
Uðr, Udor, Udur oder Unn - die Schäumende
Hrönn, Raun - die Fließende
Bylgja, Bygleya, Bylzia - die Wogende
Dröfn, Dröbna - die Schaumbefleckte
Kolga - die Kühlende.
Bara - Wellenspitze, modern: Tsunami
In der Skaldendichtung gibt es auch andere Namen für Wellenmädchen: Angeyja - die Bedrängerin, Atla - die Furchtbare, Eistla - die rasch Dahinstürmende, Eyrgjafa - die Sandspenderin, Gjalp - die Brausende, Greip - die Umkrallende, Jarnsaxa - die schneidende Kälte, Imd - die Dunstige, Ulfrun - die Wölfische.
Ähnlich wie bei den Walküren, deren Namen je nach Autor variieren und einfach für verschiedene Aspekte des Kampfes stehen, sind auch die Namen der Wellenmädchen also nicht eindeutig in einem Kanon festgelegt. Die neun Wellenmädchen sind Naturgottheiten und verkörpern die Wellen in ihren jeweiligen Zuständen, manchmal auch einfach nur poetische Umschreibungen für bestimmte Formen von Wellen. Eine Kenning (mehrgliedrige poetische Umschreibung eines Begriffs) für "Wellen" lautet zum Beispiel "Kolgas Schwestern"
Die Geburt Heimdalls
Eine gynäkologische Besonderheit, die ich so noch in keiner anderen Mythologie gefunden habe, ist die Geburt des Gottes Heimdall. Odin zeugte ihn nämlich mit allen neun Wellenmädchen gemeinsam. Als die Zeit der Geburt herangekommen war, gebar die eine einen Kopf, die andere einen rechten Arm, die dritte ein linkes Bein und so weiter. Erst Odin setzte die Einzelteile zusammen und schuf so einen der wichtigsten Götter. Im Gylfaginning in der Prosa-Edda heißt es folgendermaßen:
"Heimdall heißt einer, er ist groß und hehr und von neun Mädchen, die Schwestern waren, geboren. [...]
Auch sagt er selbst in Heimdalls Gesang:
Ich bin neun Mütter Sohn und von neun Schwestern geboren."
(Die Edda. Germanische Göttersagen aus erster Hand. Nach der Übersetzung von Karl Simrock neu herausgegeben, bearbeitet und kommentiert von Walter Hansen. Wien, Heidelberg, 1981. Seite 38)
Im Hyndlalied wird die Geburt Heimdalls folgendermaßen beschrieben:
Geboren ward einer am Anfang der Tage,
Ein Wunder der Stärke, göttlichen Stamms.
Neune gebaren ihn, der Frieden verliehen hat,
der Riesentöchter am Erdenrand.
Gialp gebar ihn, Greip gebar ihn,
Ihn gebar Eistla und Angeyja,
Ulfrun gebar ihn und Eyrgiafa,
Imdr und Atla, und Jarnsaxa.
Dem Sohn mehrte die Erde die Macht,
Windkalte See und Sonnenstrahlen.
(Die Edda. Göttersagen, Heldensagen und Spruchweisheiten der Germanen. Übersetzung von Karl Simrock. A. a. O., S. 134)
Meerfrauen und Riesinnen
Ob die an Heimdalls Geburt beteiligte Jarnsaxa identisch ist mit der Riesin Jarnsaxa, die Thors zweite Frau (neben Sif) und die Mutter von dessen Söhnen Modi und Magni war, ist nicht belegt. Möglicherweise war sie auch nur eine Namensvetterin. Jarnsaxa jedenfalls gilt als "Riesinnenname". Thors Jarnsaxa war eine Riesin, und auch Ägir wird ja oft als Meeresriese bezeichnet. So sind die Wellenmädchen außer dem nasen Elemant auch dem Riesenvolk verwandt. Auch ihr Sohn Heimdall gilt als besonders groß und kräftig.
Großmütter der Menschen
Bedenkt man, dass Heimdall, wie im Lied von Rigr bericht wird, als Stammvater der Menschen gilt, so folgt daraus, dass die Wellenmädchen Großmütter des Menschengeschlechts sind, Ran wäre damit die Urgroßmutter. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist die eigentümliche Verkleinerungsform "Mädchen" im Namen dieser Wasserfrauen ausgesprochen befremdlich. Diese Frauen waren ganz sicher keine Mädchen mehr, sie waren Mütter eines erwachsenen Sohnes, der bereits in der Frühzeit der Menschheitsgeschichte Söhne zeugte. Trotzdem bleiben sie die ewig jungen Mädchen der nördlichen Meere.
Zauberfrauen mit Hut und Schleier
Ganz sicher waren sie aber nicht derart zahme, romantisch-biedermeierliche Figürchen, wie sie ein "Damen-Conversationslexikon" aus dem Jahre 1838 beschreibt:
"Wellenmädchen (Mythologie), die n[e]un Töchter der Meeresgöttin Ran in der skandinavischen Mythe. Sie haben bleiche Hüte und weiße Schleier, und tauchen lieblich und hilfreich aus den Wogen der See, retten Ertrinkende, und leiten sie mit sanfter Hand zum Ufer, die Unrettbaren aber legen sie in ihrer Mutter Schoos. Ihre Namen sind: Himingläffa Dufa, Blödughadda, Heffring, Udar, Raun, Bylgia, Droina und Kölga."
(Damen Conversations Lexikon, Band 10. [o.O.] 1838, S. 415. Text auf Zeno.org)
Nestis' Schwester als Erbin der Wellenmädchen
Bei mir ist vor allem ein Wellenmädchen prägend gewesen: Kolga lautet der Name einer jüngeren Schwester von Nestis. Sie ist die Viert-Älteste, also die Mittlere der sieben Töchter des Nordseekönigs, hat ein Faible für schicke Frisuren und schwärmt für Katzenhai Cat Sharkey, den Sänger der Rockband "Ølpæst".
Auch in meiner Walküren-Serie "Falkenblut" tauchte ein Wellenmädchen namens Kolga auf. Zwischen der Walküre Valkrys und dem Wellenmädchen Kolga gibt es immer wieder Reibereien, schließlich waren sie eigentlich im Kampf um die Seelen "Konkurrentinnen". Darum beschimpft Valkrys Kolga auch manchmal als "Seelenräuberin".
Außerdem hat die Ägirstochter Himingläfa in meinem Werk Spuren hinterlassen: Deren Namen trägt die Segelyacht, die im Roman "Ulf", in meinem "Journal einer Reise, die nicht nach Gotland führte" und in meiner ersten Darthula-Geschichte eine Rolle spielt. Und dass sich hinter der mitleidlosen Meergöttin Reene in meinen Movenna-Büchern die germanische Ran verbirgt, wundert nun auch niemanden mehr, oder?
© Petra Hartmann
Weitere Nestis-Ahnherrinnen:
Andersens kleine Meerjungfrau
Die Göttin Nestis
Die Göttin Thetis
Glaukos Pontios
Die Loreley
Die schöne Lau
Die Göttin Tethys
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