#FicUp [Regimen ao3]
baconcolacan · 1 year
Abe seems like an absolute sweetheart and an awesome friend to Hilarson.
Oh I think you mean Harvey, hahahaha. Abe is the first name I gave Hilarson :]c
To others reading: Anon is talking about Regiminis, its in the War Time Darlin series folder, its basically side stories and such taking place in the universe Regimen is happening in.
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baconcolacan · 2 years
Hey could I get a link to Regimen, I would love to give it a read
Oh god, be warned this fic is incomplete and on a hiatus limbo because of me being swamped with irl problems. Though it has 200k+ words so take that as you will. Also eh, it is a TomTord fic, which is not at all obvious in the story, but well,,,,,you’ll see.  https://archiveofourown.org/series/784896 This is the series link bc the one-shot was the starter 'prompt' of the series. You can read it without the shot but it gives a little bit of context to the story. Please PLEASE Mind The Tags as well, this fic is a DEAD DOVE fic, written by yours truly when I was unmedicated and severely mentally ill. Reminder as well for the main pairing in this fic, due to its nature this is NOT a love story, at least, not a good or healthy one, its in the tags. This is not a love story. If you want one with a similar setting and actually IS going to develop into a love story, read MLTS by Flower1815. They are my better, and have actually finished their fic, at least that act of it. You can also find them here on tumblr. I guess slight update for anybody that still cares: If I ever finish the third act, just be aware that the tone and writing might sound different, because ya boy is medicated now and slightly more mentally well :>
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baconcolacan · 2 years
Update or smth:
Yo, so, I wassss gonna post more art to this blog but uh, I recently busted my shoulder. And well. That’s sad, I was really gearing up to make more content.
So, I think I’m gonna time out of this blog for a while, and I suppose this is just the universe telling me to sit my ass down and write for my fic which I abruptly put on hiatus (imsosorryyesitsRegimen). So yeah, I’ll be radio silent here for a bit other than if people just wanna ask about stuff, but yeah, no content.
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baconcolacan · 2 years
Quick fic progress update:
Anyone (unfortunately) following me for Regimen, hey I’m sorry that it’s taking a while to update Act 3. Regimen was made during a very dark time for my mental health, which is why it was easy for me to dip into darker themes as it was essentially a trauma vent. Ever since I got professional help though, I find it difficult to write like I used to bc drawing from personal experience kind of, idk triggers(?) episodes my doctors and I have tried to manage.
Essentially, I just want to say that this might affect my writing and Act 3 may not have the same feel as Act 1-2, though it might get worse theme wise, I’m pretty sure I’ve already put Tom through the ringer. Tags may change and such, just want to give a heads up ;]
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