#Finalmente l'alba Imagine
stevesxyellowxsweater · 7 months
“Don’t say that.” + “Why are you doing this?”
For Sean and Reader, pretty please 🎥🎞️
Here we go my lover, I hope you enjoy it! You asked for this, I don't think I'm sorry. cw: mentions of possible cheating, heartbreak, crying, gn!reader
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You and Sean had gotten together just before his career skyrocketed, every premier you were arm on his arm love in your eyes as you stood together. 
You'd been seen as the It couple, the normal person and the film star. It didn't bother you that he was famous, of course you missed him when he was away filming but you'd make up for it when he came home when the pair of you would fall into each other's arms.
This time had been particularly hard on you, while he'd been away there had been pictures published in the tabloids showing Sean with someone else. You'd been assuming that a proposal was coming soon, seeing as how long you'd been together but those pictures filled you with fear and dread.
Arriving back from work, you saw his bag in the hallway. Smiling widely, you took off your jacket and rushed inside looking for him. As you entered the living room you saw him walking down the stairs, more bags in his hands. “Sean, what's going on?” You asked as your heart began to beat faster.
“We're over.” His words hit you like a ton of bricks to the chest. “What do you mean?” You asked in hardly a whisper. “I don't love you anymore.” You felt your heart breaking into pieces. “Don't say that.” You said as you looked at him. “Don't lie to me.” Sean placed down his bags as he looked at you.
“It's been coming for a while, I met someone else. I don't love you anymore.” Tears ran down your face as you looked at him stood there wearing Jeans, a button down shirt that you'd brought him and a brown jacket. He looked so good and this made it worse.
“Why are you doing this?” You croaked out in a small whisper as Sean walked over to you. “Because it's not right to string you along.” He reached up to touch your cheek, he always hated when you cried.
 “Don't touch me!” You smacked his hand away. “You don't have the right to touch me anymore!” You yelled through your tears. “It's that person you were seen with in the papers, wasn't it? You said I had nothing to worry about, you said it was just publicity! You lied!” Shoving him away from you, Sean stumbled back and looked at you.
“I'm sorry.” He whispered as he placed down your house key and picked up his bags. “I'll come for the rest of my stuff when I'm settled.” Watching him walk away, you crumbled down to the ground, sobbing on the floor.
Sean stepped out of the apartment and closed the door, he could hear you sobbing and it broke his heart. He would give anything to take the last five minutes back. Leaning against the door he took a shaky breath, Josephine was wrong just because you were from different worlds didn't mean you wouldn't work. 
But it was too late now, he'd already broken your heart.
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decodedlvr · 8 months
it’s giving “do as you’re told”
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joe-moi · 6 months
You think Finalmente l'alba is as bad as people say? I can't imagine Willem Defoe accepting a role in a crappy film
oh 100% I think it’s bad. Every clip I’ve seen it looks bad.
Also, I take back what I say about him looking like a good kisser… I saw the video finally finally and uhh yea idk
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
Joe in the Finalement L'Alba is making me imagine writing letters upon letters to him when he's away at war. Also, imagine Soldier!Steve keeping a picture of you in his pocket. Bonus: he keeps a picture of the Party in his barracks (because he doesn't want to think of them out in a warzone. It's like an anchor to him). Double bonus: he meets Robin who's masquerading as a boy so she could fight. - 🌹
How do you think of these amazing ideas?! I love them! This is so good.
Also Joe in Finalmente L’alba is literally serving up so many looks. We’ve gotten him in an army uniform, a tux and shirtless with long hair as a prince?! Lord have mercy.
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joe-moi · 11 months
I was disappointed in those Finalmente L'alba reviews too :// but i'm a big JK and Rachel Sennott fan so I'm just glad i get to be blessed with both of them on my screen! I hope once it releases we get more set pictures of them, I'm living off of that one selfie of the two of them lmao
My expectations aren't too high for Marmalade, but I really like that it's supposed to be Bonnie and Clyde-esque. Closest I think we'll get to Joe doing a rom-com.
Love Fargo! I'm so excited to see him in that. It's got me excited knowing Fargo's usually always Emmy nominated, maybe we'll get to see him at an award show again 👀 I've seen that the actress who plays Devi's older cousin in Never Have I Ever is also in the season. Hope they at least say a sentence to each other, it would make my year!
Cold Storage hooked me once I realized it came from the same writer who adapted Jurassic Park and Spiderman, it'll probably be a hit (praying it will be anyway). I loved Georgina Campbell in Barbarian! I can definitely see her and Joe having good on screen chemistry!
I think Rachel is not in the movie a ton, so I wonder what character she plays? Also I’m excited for Joe and Willem to interact. We didn’t get much from that teaser clip. Also isn’t he really into coke in this? That’ll be interesting to see.
the Jurassic park connection to Cold storage is what got me excited! Also I think it’s got some season 3 similarities which I kinda like. It’ll be interesting, the filming in Rome throws me off.
god I hope we get award season JK pictures! Couldn’t you imagine he gets nominated?
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joe-moi · 1 year
For Fargo, Joe seems to be in all ten episodes and people think that he's dying, but I'm suprised he's actually not just a five-minute character. So he's the cash-cow comedic relief for more than just an episode, good.
For Finalmente L'Alba, yes the movie didn't have good reviews, but that's because people either didn't understand the film, or they thought it was too much like Babylon. I heard good things about Joe's character, but I don't think he's a lead.
For Marmalade, I heard it got screened at Cannes, and it was supposed to be released ages ago, but the strike happened, so I think it'll be released next year, not sure when. Camila is um...well...nominated for an Emmy. Good for her.
And for Cold Storage, I'm actually really excited for this one. I read and loved the book, and Joe has a blond wig for this role, so there's really nothing bad I can say.
Marmalade is such a mystery to me, I’m ever excited to see it. I hope he doesn’t die in Fargo, don’t listen to people when they say the cops always die! Thats not necessarily true. But he’s a doofus by the looks of it, so that puts his likeliness of dying higher.
I never pictured Teacake with a blonde hair, idk why. I just imagined all the people I knew growing up who were like him. But also how did they manage to make Rome look like Kansas? I’m very curious about that.
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