#Finn the human glow stick
f1inl3ey · 2 years
Robin has a habit of picking finney up whenever they hug and every time robin picks finney up finneys back cracks in more places than one and it freaks robin out
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azuremliam · 5 months
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Jam packed little facts about Liam (their times as a human that is)! My hand writing can be pretty hard to read- so I'll have text format underneath the readmore :)
(Going from top left to right)
Human Liam Trivia
5'2" "Hehehe!" [10 Year Old Trouble Maker] "Ah, great. Gotta deal with another growing in."
Liam's teeth regrow whenever they're knocked out. Abegail had to explain to Finn, that no, he doesn't have the same ability, humans don't usually work that way. It's just a weird Liam thing #1.
Both Finn and Jake have a necklace made of the fangs that have gotten knocked out. Liam likes gnawing on things when a new tooth is growing in.
"Careful now." "Chirp." [20 Years Old (Jake Hatches)] "Congrats Lil Bro!" "Hehe!" [25 Years Old (Jake Pupates)] "This is an actual human baby!?" "Pffbt" "Yes- now be careful with him." [30 Years Old (Vera and Gemma find Baby Finn)] [35 Years Old (Start of Journey & Meets Scarab)] *Infodumping about the Hive Cities "Ah, I see. That sounds efficent." "It is!" [36 - 37 Years] "I missed you too Scarab." *Trills [38 - 39 Years] "Make sure not to give our moms too much trouble." "K…" "Mkay…"
Liam used to dye their hair with plants that used to grow near their old hive. The dye sticks in the roots for ages and makes the hair smell like a plant. Most humans living outside bunkers or the Islands tend to dye their hair for camouflage.
Liam just did it because they wanted to look like their moms colors. Liam doesn't dye their hair anymore during their journey because their new Hive doesn't have any of the plants near it. They also just got tired of dyeing it.
Liam really loves the taste of Aphids. (They weren't affected by the mutations like the other insects, they're the equivalent of cows in Bug World AU) Finn isn't a big fan of them, but they're a common food source.
The Ant Farm Liam gets them from had to deal with little Liam snacking on them without permission. They behave themselves now.
"Is something wrong?"
Throughout their entier life, Liams eyes glow in the dark and they can see in the dark too. The intensity of the glow only increases as they get older.
It surprises Scarab when he finally notices the glow. Yet another weird Liam thing #2 that Finn wishes he could do too.
"Want some?" "…" Munch Munch Crunch Munch Crunch Crunch "Taste Good?" "It's good."
Liam shares their snacks a lot. They also like having Scarab try out their world's foods. He insists that he doesn't need any, but indulges when they ask.
It's also partially because Liam really likes seeing his face.
"Big Bro, Li could probably bit through your exoskeleton." "What?" "They accidently bit Gramps during training and made him bleed. He was really proud of them fighting back like that." "Li! Li!! Come bite Scarab for me!" "Huh!? What, why!?" "Well? Go on." "I can't believe you two made a bet…" 'Why do my teeth have to be on the line?' "Fine." "Bite! Bite! Bite!" "Alright then." Chomp "Hmm." "See, couldn't bite through." "Aw dang." "Now you can't stay up late for a month, got it?" "Kaaay." "No, only a week." 'Interesting.' "Woohoo!" "Huh? Why?" "You managed to scratch the surface."
Liam's teeth can pierce through some insect's carapaces in their world. They don't like doing it though. If surprised or scared enough, they'll do it out of reaction. That, or they'll hiss and occasionally growl without meaning to. Both Finn and Jake copy how Liam hisses and growls.
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All I wanna do is write about gnc characters and androids.
So, here’s something for Do Androids Dream of Cyborg Angels, a continuation of this story.
Also, I need something to do to kill time while I’m baking a Halloweenie cake.
As always, AJ0440 is Crowley before they gave themself the name, and Aziraphale goes by Ezra because reasons (but his name is Aziraphale).
On with the fic!
AJ0440 sat happily at the kitchen table, looking at the bottles of nail polish set before them. The fake nails they had put on earlier are still secured to the tips of their clear finger tips, standing out against the hard plastic.
Ezra finally sat down in front of them, after having prepared himself a mug of hot cocoa. “Now, do you know what to do?” Ezra asked, pushing the red and black bottles closer to the android.
“I am programmed to meet the needs of owners of different genders, and that includes the ability to apply make up and nail polish if they so ask. Though I think that task was aimed more at mistresses than masters.” AJ0440 stated, and Ezra winced at the use of mistresses and masters, ah, yeah, he didn’t like the whole ‘ownership’ thing.
Not that AJ0440 could blame him. 
“Right, well, let’s see what you have in mind with your color choices. And the silver one?” The human picked up the bottle with sparkling silver polish inside.
“That will go on last, for a design.” AJ0440 replied as they opened the black bottle first. They looked at their left hand and carefully started to apply the polish to the thumb nail, then the middle, and then the pinkie.
Ezra quietly watched as AJ0440 took great care to paint each nail on their hand, then moved to the right, doing the index and ring in black. “Doing a pattern, yes?” Ezra asked.
“Yep, that’s the plan. Gonna do the same for yours when I’m done with mine.” AJ0440 said, sticking out the tip of their tongue as they did, noticing that Ezra’s attention was on their mouth, before he made a small grunt, taking a long drink from his mug.
The android cocked an eyebrow at the action, what was that about? “Soooo... I saw you repairin’ a book earlier, before we headed out,” they started to create a conversation, “wanna tell me about it?”
“Huh?” Ezra blinked, then perked up. “Ah, yes! I was repairing a copy of an American story that’s quite famous! One that’s been famous for centuries, though also controversial.” He said with a stage whisper, and AJ0440 grinned.
“Oh? Do tell.”
As Ezra explained the story of Huckleberry Finn to AJ0440 as they painted their nails, cooling the tips of their fingers to allow for the polish to dry faster, they started work on Ezra’s fingers. 
AJ0440 felt nervous as they held the cyborg’s warm, soft hand, being so very, very careful as they applied golden nail polish to his fingers. Why would they be nervous, they were programmed to do this simple task with no problem, were they worried that Ezra might not like the job they were doing? 
They didn’t know, and it was bugging them.
They applied blue next and moved to do the other hand, when Ezra said something that made AJ0440 react in a way they had never done before.
“Oh, AJ, you did such an amazing job! Not even my manicurist could do such a perfect coating like this, and she’s a professional!” Ezra said, truthfully delighted. “Thank you, dear.”
AJ0440 paused, eyes wide.
Did... did Ezra just call them AJ? Like... like a name? Instead of a serial number? 
And did he just praise and compliment them, with nothing but honesty?
“Oh my! I didn’t know you could glow!”
AJ04- AJ blinked, eyes making a clicking sound as they looked at their fingertips, glowing pink. They glanced at their shoulders, where more of the see-thru parts were, a faint, pink light shone under their shirt.
“I... I didn’t know I could do that.” They said, completely stunned. “I-I knew that I had internal lights in case of a blackout and I needed to be a light source, but there is no blackout, nor any-any need for...”
Was this their way of blushing?
The lights grew brighter and they heard their fans going, things clicking inside of their chest, like a sped up heartbeat.
“Well, whatever it is, I think it’s quite lovely. A fetching shade of pink, very fitting for you.”
That only made the glowing worse. “T-thanks, angel...” AJ said, trying to return to painting the human’s fingernails. 
I’d like the image that when AJ is really glowing, there is a faint pink glow around his eyes as well. 
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 6 months
The Consort's Will - Chapter 16 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Flames lick the wall of rock along the dingy hallway, leaving behind charred traces of their touch.
Flickers of gold and red intertwine and they dance with a fervor that shows their hopefulness for freedom.
It's an ache that restlessly prowls inside me, too.
For months we were running.
Hiding. Searching.
Now that we're 'guests' in the Secondary fortress, I feel more trapped than ever.
Brayden changes our course, steering us away from the medical unit.
"Aren't we checking on Kelly?" I ask, trepidation in my throat.
"He's stable, human. We have an urgent matter to tend to first."
An urgent matter?
The image of Brayden and the handsome man on screen drops into my brain like a persistent fly on a pile of shit.
Will that man be there?
Does he have to do with this urgent matter?
Between Kelly's waning health and the heavy choice of providing my blood for the war still lingering in the back of my mind, my emotional state is hanging on by a thread.
I'm running on fumes as it is.
I can't handle much more.
Quiet chatter seeps into the silence of the winding hallway.
Brayden's long strides come to an abrupt halt when we reach a wide, open doorway.
It's an area I've never been to before but I recognize it from the video screens in the war room.
Rows and rows of wooden tables cover an expansive floor.
Secondaries are peppered throughout the dining hall, and plates of food and drink surround them.
An old-fashioned chandelier hangs suspended overhead.
Every candle is lit, creating a soft glow across the entire room.
I lean back into my heels and eye the view with silent admiration.
There are so many parts of this fortress that both frighten and suffocate me.
It's a world hidden in darkness.
Yet this room is a rare place where beauty manages to bloom from the depths of the shadows.
Brayden's gaze sweeps across the floor and settles on one of the more populated tables in the far corner.
"Let's go."
I follow a step behind him.
The gentle conversation floating around the room becomes strained into silence.
Normally I'd chalk it up to Brayden's presence.
He's gorgeous, enough said.
But right now, as I move past the rows of tables occupied by Secondaries, the attention isn't on him.
It's on me.
Even with my focus trained on the uneven floor, I can actually feel their eyes on me.
One mutters 'the human' under his breath.
It's whispered and I can't tell which emotion is threaded into it.
Awe? Or disgust?
Do they view me as an unwanted visitor?
Or as their new possible ally to the war?
Heat rises into my cheeks.
The sudden rush of blood makes my temples feel fuzzy and my facial muscles ache with the effort of maintaining composure.
Brayden stops at the end of the table.
He doesn't bother cutting into the conversation.
He doesn't have to. It's already silent.
"We need to have a word."
I lift my eyes, searching for the person who's involved in this 'urgent matter.'
Leo's familiar face sticks out like a sore thumb.
A jolt of energy surges through me and I move around the table, no longer concerned with being this evening's Secondary attraction.
Leo turns around to greet me, allowing me into his arms.
The warmth of his touch surrounds me.
It's comforting and reminiscent of home.
I selfishly bask in the moment and close my eyes.
I breathe in his scent.
'For a moment, I'm in the back of his classroom, sitting in the middle with Fiona and Kelly.
Fiona and I both ogle our sexy professor and she elbows me.
Without looking, I know Kelly is rolling his eyes.'
Leo squeezes me a bit tighter, effectively pulling me back to reality.
His thumb gently caresses the small of my back, and I know it's time to pull away.
"It's so good to see you."
I reach over to his side and then stop myself.
"Are you still in a lot of pain?"
Leo shrugs, but the action produces a wince that tells me otherwise.
His facial hair is gone and the color has returned to his cheeks.
His cheekbones are still far too pronounced but it looks like he's managed to put on a much needed pound or two during recovery.
"It's not so bad," he says with a gentle smile.
"I can deal with a little pain if it means being out of the medical room."
"Riveting small talk but it can wait," Brayden says.
"Let's go."
He manages to keep an even tone despite the edge of warning that's layered into his words.
The Secondaries at the table turn at his interruption.
Most of them are able to keep their facial expressions intact but a few can't hide their fear.
Or distaste.
Leo sighs and slowly pushes himself up from the table.
"It's good to see you too, Brayden."
He waves a congenial farewell to his tablemates and I move to his good side to offer my support.
Leo slides his arm around my shoulders and leans in to my touch.
I tell myself it's only because he needs my help.
Brayden glances between the two of us.
He doesn't say anything but I can venture to guess the thoughts behind that perfectly sculpted mask.
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Lost in the Commonwealth
Chapter 7: Hancock
They woke up the next morning with their arms wrapped around Dogmeat on an unfamiliar bed. They rubbed the sleep out of their eyes, recognizing the room they were in as the hotel room they’d zonked out in.
“Come on buddy, there’s a ghoul out there that owes us breakfast,” they said, and with a biiiiig stretch, Dogmeat was up and moving. He followed just at their heels.
Waiting for them at the end of the hall was MacCready, reading a copy of the Publick.
“Morning,” he said, snapping the paper shut and shoving it in his bag. “Hancock sent me to wait on you, wanted me to show you to The Third Rail.”
“Well, lead away,” they said, waving a hand. He rolled his eyes but led them out of the Hotel Rexford. “Thanks for helping me out yesterday.”
“Yeah, no worries. I’m just deciding how much you owe me now,” he said.
“What kind of person puts money on the knowledge you saved someone else’s life? They teased.
“A hired gun,” he replied, smirking at them.
“Fare enough,” they said with a small smile.
“That said,” he held up the paper, and they saw the headline “Vault Dweller Out of Time” printed at the top of the page. “I understand some of what you’re going through. Not the frozen in time parts.” He said, looking up. They saw something in his eyes. A similar heartbreak deep down. They reached over and took his hand, squeezing it.
“I’m sorry,” they said. He gently yanked his hand away from them.
“Old news, I’ve had time to come to terms with it. If I may suggest,” he stopped outside a neon sign for the Third Rail, and a couple benches, all set under a balcony. “This is as good a place as any to lie low and come to terms with it. Rexford is used to residents crying because of shitty situations. And it’s not Diamond city, people here usually know to mind their own business.” Bentley gave a half-hearted chuckle nodded.
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” they said. A crowd had begun to gather around them, and MacCready looked up and his eyes popped.
“Well, he’s not down there just yet, stand back for a sec,” he gently grabbed their shoulder and moved them to the back of the crowd, up against the opposing wall. They watched Hancock stroll out onto the balcony.
“Alright, everyone here?” he asked looking around, his eyes landing on Bentley for a moment. “Well damn, everyone and then some.” a chuckle rippled through the crowd, and a couple people turned to look. A ghoul with her hair in a bun made eye contact with MacCready and glared before smiling kindly at Bentley.
“Well, everyone, that back there next to Bobby-Boy is Bentley. I’m sure that article’s gone ‘round at this point,” he said, and another ghoul raised his hand, waving around the newspaper. Bentley closed their eyes and wished that they were anywhere else. “Now, while they’re staying here with us and paying good caps, you’re going to treat them real gentle, got it? Y’all know what happened to Finn when he tried to fuck with them last night. And Bobby!” MacCrady took a deep breath and sighed.
“You know I don’t like that nickname,” he called up.
“Yeah well, get this, any caps you wanna squeeze outta them, take it up with me an’ Fahrenheit. We’ll get you set up with your caps,” He said. Snickers filled the crowd as MacCready made a face. Bentley stuck their tongue out at him, and he did a double take at them. “That said. Remember, we all gotta stick together. This world’s out here trying to tear us freaks apart. We’re stronger together than we are apart. So that means welcoming all sorts of freaks. It’s ghouls, it’s bots that don’t got a place to go, it’s humans with baggage, it’s people dragged straight outta their time and into ours. We join up, and we’re a force to be reckoned with!”
The crowd cheered.
“Of the people!” Hancock yelled.
“For the people!” the crowd roared back. Hancock nodded and sauntered back inside.
“We could have used people like him before the war,” Bentley muttered. MacCready smiled and led them to another door, but not before they noticed the glowing sign in the corner announcing the Memory Den.
Where the Silver Shroud signal was coming from.
MacCrady pushed them inside a building they recognized. The old State House. They pulled up to a stop as Hancock came down the stairs, finally recognizing the clothes he was wearing.
“You are not actually wearing John Hancock’s clothes,” they said, staring at him. He tucked a thumb under the American flag sash across his chest and did a little twirl.
“Good touch, right?” he joked. Bentley laughed heartily. Their older brother would roll over in his grave knowing someone was actually wearing them. Their laugh seemed to catch both men off guard, and they stared at them with something akin to wonder.
“All that, and still able to laugh,” Hancock said with a smile. “What are you on, cause I want some. Is it jet?” Bentley snorted and shook their head.
“Nope, I never… no that’s not true,” they trailed off, and Hancock leaned forward, interested.
“I took mentants and daddy-o when I was studying back in the day. When I was a kid,” they admitted. That earned them a full toothy grin from the ghoul
“Oh, I’m in love!” he said, reaching out and taking their hands in his. “A gift from the wasteland to be sure. Let’s get you fed. Bobby Boy, how much?” MacCready sighed.
“I’ll get back to you once I’ve properly done inventory. I was too drunk last night to count my bullets,” he said, walking out the door.
“How’s that for a goodbye?” Hancock snorted. “Well, thanks to MacCready we were able to get some good bhramin meat and one of our boys stole a shipment of gourds. Come on, I’ll treat you to the breakfast of royals!”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
lol I know this is super late but would you do a New Years fix with loops jumping on cap and kissing/making out with him? And happy new year have a great 2021
Happy New Year, everyone!! I elaborated a bit on this prompt, so I hope you enjoy it! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Five minutes left.
Loud laughter filled the room from the ‘Cards Against Humanity’ group, battling for supremacy with the shrieks of sugar-high children running around. The whole Dumais house buzzed with excitement while its monarchs sat quietly by the window and watched the falling snow. “I should start taking pictures soon,” Celeste mused. Pascal hugged her tighter around the waist and kissed her shoulder.
“Un moment, mon amour,” he mumbled.
With a heavy sigh, she detangled herself and gave him a proper kiss as she stood. “You have glitter on your lips, darling.”
“Quoi?” He swiped a hand over his mouth. “Your sweater is laying its claim. Ah, well, I’ve always looked gorgeous in pink.”
“You look gorgeous in everything,” she said, smiling. “Alright, here we go. Wait for me?” Pascal just winked in response, like the imp he was.
“Lily! Lily, it’s picture time!” Pots dragged his wife over by her waist as he held Harry in one arm, grinning from ear to ear.
“You are way too excited about this,” Lily laughed, shaking her head.
“It’s tradition. Don’t you want our child to have pictures when he grows up?”
“He’ll have plenty of those, if your Instagram is anything to go by,” Celeste teased, raising her phone. “Say cheese!” They both beamed at the camera as Harry giggled in their arms. “Parfait.”
Lily pulled him down for a kiss, the corners of her eyes crinkling with happiness.
Four minutes
Noelle and Talker were the closest and the easiest—one look at Celeste and Thomas dipped his girlfriend for a smacking kiss to her forehead, which made her laugh so hard she snorted. “We have to wait for the countdown!” he insisted when she tried to angle for a kiss on the lips. “Otherwise it’s bad luck.”
“Hockey players,” Noelle sighed, giving Celeste an exasperated look. “I can’t believe my own boyfriend doesn’t want to kiss me.”
“Have you seen Logan?” she asked as Talker pouted. “This is the first time I can take a proper New Year’s couple photo for him.”
Three minutes
Finding Logan was surprisingly easy; all she had to do was look for Leo’s head among the crowd and there he was, one arm around his waist while Finn tried sticking spoons to his nose. “Bonjour,” Leo said as she came over. “Are you here for the show?”
“I’m here for a picture,” she said as Finn fumbled the spoon. “Practice makes perfect, Harzy.”
Leo held his other arm out for Finn to cuddle against his side. “Viens ici, Peanut, we’re doing this the right way.” Logan smiled and tugged him down a few inches so he and Finn could each press a kiss to his cheeks. Celeste snapped the picture—perfect. The multicolored lights Adele had put up cast a soft glow over the three of them.
“Merci, boys. How much time do we have left?”
Two minutes
Kasey and Nat were only too happy to cross their eyes and stick their tongues out for the camera, and Celeste was laughing so hard she nearly couldn’t keep her phone steady. June and Heather were by far the cutest, sharing a chaste kiss underneath the disco ball that cast glittery silver in their hair.
Regulus was hiding in the corner, but she dragged him into the singles photo with Olli, Kuny, and Nado all the same to the cheers of anyone who saw. “You’re part of the team family,” she said when he tried to protest. “Now stand there and smile!”
One minute
“Where’s your fiancé, mon fils?” she asked as Sirius ruffled Regulus’ hair.
He frowned and glanced around. “Good question. I think he went looking for you a couple minutes ago. How did the pictures turn out?”
“Adorable, as always. Are you going to take Pascal and I’s again, or should I ask Logan?”
“You’re going to trust Logan with your phone?”
“Good point.” Behind him, there was a flash of tawny hair in the crowd; she made eye contact with Remus and he held his finger to his lips in a ‘shhh’ motion.
Thirty seconds
“Well, I guess I can take an individual one of you and then get another one later.” She shrugged, looking back to Sirius with her best poker face. “Smile!”
Half a second before she snapped the picture, Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius’ waist and dipped him, kissing the startled yelp right out of his mouth. “Gotcha,” he whispered, smiling as Sirius melted into it.
Celeste turned back to the window, but Pascal wasn’t there.
The others had started chanting the countdown.
She couldn’t see him anywhere in the crowd.
It wasn’t the end of the world if they were slightly late, but she always loved starting the year next to her husband.
Was he trying to surprise her?
Logan looked over and grinned.
She could smell familiar cologne behind her.
Two strong arms lifted her into a bridal hold.
Pascal’s eyes twinkled in the lights.
Celeste leaned down for a kiss just as the cheer went up, surrounded by her friends and family. Pascal’s chest rumbled against her arm as she laced her fingers in his soft curls, basking in his warmth. This year would be good; she could feel it already.
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doctors-star · 3 years
u want prompts? i am going to make shit up. how about trying to outrun a horse or piggy back rides for cowboys
“Well,” Finn says cheerfully, patting Johnny’s chest with the flat of his hand as though to reward him for good behaviour. “This may just be our dumbest idea yet.”
“Then we ain’t doin’ half bad,” Johnny objects, shifting Finn’s weight on his back as he carefully picks his way through the grasslands. In the half-dark of the moon and stars, the prairie is as a great aquamarine ocean of shifting blue-green grass that brushes against Finn’s dangling ankles as Johnny walks, and it has the curious edge of unfamiliarity and unreality in the night. Finn ain’t that heavy, and he knows the lands around Danser well enough not to be worried about getting lost, but it’s more than just the occasion that has him pressing hard for home - there’s a distinct undefined weird at play tonight, and he’s keen for familiar sights and sounds to ground him. Bitchin’ at Finn goes some way towards that. “If me carryin’ you through the night is our worst, we got a good ways to fall.”
“Oh, sure, and we’re gonna,” Finn says, still irrepressibly bright. “But we are tryin’ to outrun a horse, so. Although, I guess you’re outrunning the horse - I’m competing with the rider.”
Johnny considers, not for the first time, the merits of dropping Finn, and finds them barely insufficiently compelling. “You’re being the horse next time,” he grunts.
“Never fear,” Finn says smugly and ruffles Johnny’s hair now that he’s too pinned down to wriggle angrily away - Johnny does toss his head crossly, but this just makes him stumble. “Next time we have to run for it on foot in the night on account of how everything’s gone wildly tits up and Ainsel’s accidentally made off with our horses, you can stick your foot in a gopher hole and I’ll carry ya home.”
“Too kind,” Johnny grumbles absently, pausing to make use of a small rise and reacquaint himself with his surroundings. The desert falls off to the south, the trees forming a sharp dark line to the north and east, and somewhere between ‘em, Danser. And, god willing, Ainsel and Tommy with the horses, Will with his bag of bandages, and Noel with some helpful words of severe disapproval. No matter what Johnny had said about having yet further to fall - this displayed a level of ineptitude Noel was not, exactly, going to love.
“We’ll have more cover in the trees,” Finn points out rather more seriously.
Johnny makes a face. “Too dark - ain’t no sense in us both busting our ankles and falling in the creek in the dark.”
Finn pauses, like he’s weighing the truth of that against how funny he reckons it’d be, but concedes the point. “Desert’s a bit exposed, though,” he says, sounding resigned.
“Yeah,” Johnny says slowly, and not without confusion, as he continues down the rise and on through the grass. He shifts Finn on his back again - all right, maybe Finn is kinda heavy, or at least, his weight is wearing on Johnny - and there’s a rustle in the grass on the tree-side of them. Johnny doesn’t figure it’s much they gotta worry about: coney maybe, or gopher come out to ogle the humans outta their natural habitat - but Finn flinches away from it like he reckons the gophers have all gone rabid, or something. “I figured we’d keep going in the prairie grass ‘til we hit town.”
Finn fidgets awkwardly and nearly sends them both arse over elbow until Johnny works a hand free and smacks him quickly on the thigh. “I just-” he begins awkwardly, giving off the impression that it is only a great deal of effort that is keeping him from fidgeting. “I don’t much wanna be on prairie lands after dark, y’know.”
Johnny does not know. “I don’t wanna be out here either,” he says, bewildered. “That’s why we’re heading on home.”
“Oh, sure,” Finn says, like he’d kinda forgotten that they were desperadoes on the run, “but - I don’t wanna be here, specifically. Desert’d be fine.”
“‘Cept how we’d be shot for morons without any cover,” Johnny points out, not very gently. He twists his head awkwardly and manages a good squint at Finn’s cheekbone and a crick in his neck. “What’s eatin’ you, huh? You ain’t never gone off the prairie before.”
“Hayfever?” Finn tries.
“So help me God, Finn, I’ll drop you.”
Finn clings a little tighter, ankle flinching away from the floor. “Awright, jeez. It’s just-” he sighs massively, breath gusting down Johnny’s neck like the touch of a ghost and making him shiver. “I don’t wanna come across the Coyote.”
Johnny shifts Finn’s weight again and ignores the twinge in his back, pressing on along his straight line across the grasses to the faint lights of the town. “Coyotes aren’t that dangerous. Will says-”
“Not coyotes,” Finn corrects, “the Coyote. He, uh, might not want me hanging around long after dark. Not my patch,” he says, as if that’s cleared everything up.
Johnny raises an eyebrow. “You’ve got a feud with a coyote that’s landed you a curfew?”
“No-o,” Finn says carefully. “It’s not that bad. But. We might be better off in the desert.”
“Did you hear me about the gettin’ shot thing?” Johnny snaps, a bit louder than he had meant to. And then he stumbles forward a few more steps, emerging into a bizarre clearing of grass which he definitely had not seen from the little hill, or even one step before landing in it - this perfect circle of mown-short grass. Sitting in the middle of it is a coyote.
It tilts its head on one side.
Finn offers a sharp, nervous grin. “Technically,” he says to the coyote, “I am not on the prairie. So.”
The coyote does not so much as blink.
Johnny reckons he might be in over his head more than a little. “Desert, you said,” he declares firmly and begins trekking south.
Finn does not relax. There is a rustling noise behind them - quite a lot like the sound of a coyote following them through the grass. Johnny attempts to pick up the pace.
“I am sorry about this,” Finn says conversationally. “But can you go any faster.”
“Nope,” Johnny puffs. “You’re fuckin’ heavy.” He manages a slight increase in speed, which the coyote matches easily, and nearly trips over his own feet for it. This had not been so difficult when they’d started out - Finn seems to be getting heavier by the second, like every inch of him is slowly turning to lead.
It reminds him of a warm day when he wasn’t quite grown, but wasn’t a boy either - there had been an accident, and his Uncle Jack had died, and he was tall enough to be one of the men carrying the coffin. If, and only if, he could contain his excitement at being considered one of the men, said his mother, for long enough to behave decently, jeez. So he’d wrangled himself into solemn calm and taken up his place behind his father, and lifted when told to - and he remembers thinking, dang, why’d we need six men? Uncle Jack isn’t heavy at all. Until they’d started walking, and then Johnny had been glad of the others - but still, not too bad. But they’d kept walking. And kept walking. And by the time they’d reached the church his arms were shaking and his breath came fast and he couldn’t put Uncle Jack down fast enough, the corpse’s limbs all slowly petrifying and dragging them all down, inexorably, inevitably, into the dust.
Finn is heavy as a dead body on his back.
It is suddenly less difficult to push those last yards and hurl them both over the boundary, into the dirt. Finn is thrown from his back and rolls neatly; instinctively he tries to stand, and crumples into a small ball of hissed curses as his ankle makes itself known. Johnny himself manages to control his stumble to his knees and scramble backwards away from the grassland. He watches a black nose press through the leaves, white-glowing eyes the only thing visible in the shadows; after a considering sniff, all melt away. There is no sound, but he no longer feels eyes on him - and then there is a barking call far to the north, and the pound of hoofbeats drumming through the earth under his palms heading for the disruption, and then nothing.
He turns, very politely and calmly, to Finn. “What the fuck was that?”
Finn waves a hand dismissively. “You don’t want to know. But he’ll probably hold ‘em off for a while, as long as it’s fun to do it - we should keep goin’, though.”
“No no no-” Johnny says firmly, holding up one hand. “This - weird shit has gone on long enough. What in the god damn hell just happened to us?”
Finn narrows his eyes and tilts his head to squint thoughtfully at Johnny. In the darkness, sprawled out at the foot of the desert with limbs in every direction and propped up on his elbows, he nonetheless looks strangely alert - as though he might at any moment leap onto his twisted ankle and outdance the devil to keep them both safe. For all that the desert leaves them exposed, Johnny feels safer here than he did in amongst the prairie grasses, the same way a man feels safe from wolves behind a stock fence, for all that wolves can jump. This space has been demarcated, somehow, and called Finn’s, and Johnny don’t reckon anything else is going to come in and mess with that.
“Alright,” Finn says eventually, still with that considering tilt. “This town ain’t what you think it is. There are more things in heaven and earth, Johnny McPherson, than you ever dreamed of. There’s magic in these hills, in them stars above, in you - like as not - and definitely in me. Ainsel pretty much isn’t anything else. Sold his soul to them devilish fae.” Finn spreads his palms to the night and Johnny feels it pressing close like a crowd of people, wrapping him in the tangible darkness of a shroud, the cloying earth of the grave. “But this night - in this place - is mine. And nothing out here can hold me,” he says, eyes fixed on Johnny and black-dark in the moonlight, “not on my lands. No-one can touch me; nothing can stop me in any way that matters. Why should I fear the grave, Jonathan Elmer McPherson, when I’ve known it already? I felt its touch and it could not keep me. I am master of Danser Town, and I am chained to it like a dog. A dead-and-alive dog, black as shadow an’ the world beyond the end, and there ain’t none as can move you on without my say so. You, Jonathan Elmer McPherson,” Finn says, with a grin as cold as hard iron and as pointedly canine as a wolf - it sets Johnny’s teeth on edge, makes him shiver under his skin, makes the soles of his feet tingle with the urge to run like he’s being stabbed by a hundred tiny needles but he can’t move can’t run can’t look away from Finn’s terrible black eyes and shining silvered teeth - “you are my little lamb.” Finn raises an eyebrow in amusement. “And I will look after you.”
The desert is horribly silent for a moment. Johnny’s toes dig into the dirt. A breeze strokes through the hair at the back of his neck, and he shivers
“Well, you ain’t gotta pull my leg,” Johnny grouses, indignant more than cross. “I was only askin’.”
Finn snorts inelegantly and throws his head back to howl with laughter at the moon. Johnny feels around for a pebble and bounces it neatly off Finn’s drawn-up knee.
“An’ how come you know my middle name, anyhow?” he says, pushing up onto his feet to glower down at Finn as he snorts and tries to get his breath back under his control. “You been writin’ to my momma, or what?”
Finn unfurls, still wheezing slightly, and Johnny hauls him up onto his good foot. “Aw, never you change,” he tells Johnny fondly. “Anyhow, someone’s gotta know what gets written on your headstone. Gee up.”
“Oughtta leave you here,” Johnny grumbles, bracing for Finn’s weight. The man ain’t quite so heavy now - or not yet - Johnny reckons maybe he’d just needed a rest. They ought to make Danser, no trouble. “I thought I was a lamb, not a horse.”
“Nah,” Finn says with confidence. “I’m the lamb. You can be Saint John the Baptist.”
“I ain’t got the patience.”
“You out-walked a horse with marvellous patience,” Finn points out cheerfully. “And, as Saint John, you get to dunk me in a river and claim it was for the good of my soul.”
“Oh.” Johnny tilts his head and shift’s Finn’s weight on his back as they set out once more for home. “Well, when you put it like that.”
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dearheartwitcher · 4 years
ocs masterpost
for ease of access! in-depth descriptions of all my favorite ocs, all in one post. you can find even more of my ocs (brief descriptions + reference images) over on my art fight page! (you have to be logged in to view!)
DnD Characters:
note: for some of these, i have to omit large portions of info as i am either actively playing them, or saving them for a future campaign, and i dont want anyone im playing with to see and accidentally spoil themselves
Fennryn Autumntide—
They were separated from their parents as a baby, and instead raised by an older dwarven woman named Rhiannon Autumntide (AKA Anna). They lived in the forest on the mountain together. She taught them how to fend for themself, and a basic respect for nature and other living things. Their relationship was very teacher/student, but as the years went by they saw each other as family. Fenn solidified this by taking Anna’s last name when they were of age. Eventually, Anna passed away, and Fenn was left in the woods alone.
Fearful of dying alone without ever having experienced life off of the mountain, Fenn sets out to find an adventure. And they find one, alongside a younger tiefling man named Finn. Finn is an experienced pirate, but he is vulnerable. Finn and Fenn trust each other explicitly, and after some time, they fall in love.
Fenn is tall, muscular, and an older elf. They’re around middle aged.
Alistair is a mystery. They are a bizarre-looking half-elf, with a wicked grin, and glowing cyan eyes that lack pupils. They are seemingly fairly young, despite their hair beginning to grow white at the roots.
Alistair is extremely curious, and values sating that curiosity above most things. They spend much of their time exploring and researching. They also have a complete lack of respect for personal boundaries, and love to study and inspect whoever they can get their hands on. (They’re good with a pair of pliers, if you’re willing to let them pull a tooth. They’d be happy to show you their collection.)
Alistair also thrives on positive attention, especially from people who don’t give it easily. Perhaps that’s why they insist on hanging off of Frey as much as they do. Frey Matthias Wolfe is a rich bastard. He’s a man of study as well, but he’s a real mean bitch. And Alistair loves him.
Alistair’s patron... Is a whole other story. One that will remain secret, for now.
Jesse was spawned from the thought “I should make a mean nerd for everyone to bully!” And the execution, imo, was flawless. A 24 year old human man. Jesse is a bard, and he hates it. He has been traveling on his own for a while, and finished his bard college education a couple years ago. He’s pretty studious, and he’s determined to learn everything related to magic that he can.
Despite being a jackass, and kind of a stick in the mud, he does have some semblance of a sense of humor. He also likes to use his intelligence and skill to feel superior to the people around him as often as possible. He is visibly extremely disturbed by corpses.
Jesse is very vague about his past and his reasons for traveling alone.
Ford is my newest character! He is a firbolg cowboy. Extremely tall (approaching 8’), with a powerful build. I can’t say much about him yet! He is seemingly very friendly and happy to lend a helping hand whenever he can. He has a sister, named Clementine, who owns a small grocery store.
(note: cressida city + the world its a part of belongs to my boyfriend @ghost-gore ! all the characters that mine know belong to him as well. warning for gore on his blog.)
Ellis is a demon who works in limbo under a man named Crow. Ellis is technically speaking, pretty old, but he looks just as much the young man he was when he died. He keeps his long hair back in a ponytail, and can’t seem to ever wear his suit properly.
Ellis’ powers allow him to see and alter people’s memories. Limbo, as it works out, is a mess of memories. He is always very busy keeping things in order. He’s no stranger to making mistakes, but he has a knack for fixing them to make up for it. When he has a moment to himself, he likes to slip into the dreams of humans. He thinks they’re interesting! (But he keeps accidentally bringing them nightmares...oops. Don’t worry, he can fix it!)
Ellis is in love with his boss, and has been for over a century. He has a hard time keeping it subtle, but fortunately(??) Crow is oblivious. But a century is a long time... And things have gotten intimate between them more than once.
He is also good friends with a much older demon, named Cordia. They like to meet up for drinks, and bond over funny cat pictures.
Rosier is an old, powerful demon. He was once a high-ranking officer in “Hell”’s military. He was charming, and an excellent strategist. (Having a powerful beast form also helps.)
However, something triggered him severely. In a frenzied panic, he shifted into his beast form and flew off.
As a beast, he has large red eyes, long antennae, sharp claws, and huge black wings. Years passed as he isolated himself, and legends spread of the Mothman. Rosier lost himself more and more, until he lost the ability to speak. He stopped seeing any people as the apocalypse happened all around him.
Later, living in the ruins outside of Cressida, he is found by a young hero named Ghost. Ghost is initially intimidated by Rosier, and treats him as an enemy. They fight a few times, before Ghost realizes that Rosier isn’t necessarily a foe— he’s just defending himself. Ghost then begins to treat Rosier almost as a pet.
After some time rehabilitating Rosier, Ghost brings him back to Orion HQ, where they work for Cordia. Cordia is one of very few demons old enough to recognize Rosier.
Eventually, Rosier is able to read, speak, and transform back into a more human shape. He still retains a few of his moth form’s traits, including fully red eyes, fur here and there, and limbs that fade to near-black at the tips.
Cyrus Darcy—
Cyrus is a rich bitch whore. He cares about three things ONLY: wine, sex, and himself. Money is power and he has more than enough of it. His parents passed away when he was a teenager, and they left him a fortune.
Cyrus always gets what he wants. If money can’t get it for him, he has another trick up his sleeve that can. Cyrus is a celestial, meaning a human born with supernatural powers. Cyrus has the power of suggestion, meaning that he can give anyone a short command that they are compelled to follow.
Cyrus has all the makings of a villain, but in actuality he is very neutral. He just wants to have a good time unbothered. He uses his powers mostly to get randos to leave him alone. (Randos like Arley and Kier, who are sent by Cordia to recruit Cyrus for Orion. It takes a while.)
Evelyn (AKA Evie) was born in the Victorian Era, to a rich father. With money and good looks, she was often pursued by men wishing to court and marry her. She was disinterested in all of them. She preferred to spend her time reading and studying. Evelyn loved to learn, but she also loved a good romance or fantasy to sweep her off her feet.
Enter Cordia, who spent her Victorian days posing as a man. They had a passionate love affair, until Cordia made a sudden exit from Evelyn’s life.
Many years later, Evelyn awakens in the afterlife as an angel. When she and Cordia meet again, it is as equals and business partners.
She is now working as a librarian/an archivist. She also boxes, because she likes to feel strong.
Marcy is a thotty rave twink. They love music, they love neons, and they love to flirt. Marcy is very enthusiastic, and they are a little bit in love with basically everyone. They flirt constantly, and are not shy with physical affection. They like to do drugs and make out and they’re happy to do that with pretty much anyone who’s willing.
Marcy is also a celestial. Their powers allow them to control their personal gravity. They can jump really high, and come down hard, among other things! They mostly use it to help themself go fast. They used to be in roller derby! And they still love to skate.
(ps they have thighs for days and an ass that wont quit. thank u)
Bonnie Briary—
My newest oc! She belongs to a world where monsters are real, but hidden. Monsters aren’t super common, and they generally avoid integration with human society. (The setting is also a blend of modern + victorian fantasy. Think Lemony Snicket ambiguity.)
Bonnie is shy, sweet, and curious. She likes to study plants in particular. Her style of choice is cottagecore/fairycore blend. She has a garden that she loves very much.
Faust (belongs to tovomiel on ig), is a trash punk gargoyle monster, who for some reason has decided he likes Bonnie. He teases her relentlessly and loooooves to make her flustered. The catch is, he’s too shy to make a move beyond teasing and the occasional kiss. Bonnie, sweet as she is, is dying for him to stop leaving her hanging. Shenanigans ensue.
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sinfvls · 4 years
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          hey all you cool cats and kittens !  it’s carole desi from big cat rescue and i’m here to deliver a tubular trio to this glorious group. i’ve been on the hunt for a solid supernatural rp for idk how long and i’m so stoked to find a home in bloodshq  &  begin writing / plotting with every single one of you !  admittedly, their backgrounds are pretty underwhelming because they’re all new muses ( lord help me ) and i’m still getting a feel for them, and i have just a few wanted connections up for grabs listed at the end of each of their blurbs, so if you see any that strike your interest please feel free to slide into my ims ( but i’m also super open to anything, so feel free to hit me with your ideas too ! )  &  now without further ado, i give you  DAMON BELMONT ,  NICHOLAS SPENCER  &  VERONA ADLER. 
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damon belmont  has been seen walking the seattle streets. the werewolf has been in town for  one week, and are known to be  aloof  but also very  loyal.  the  thirty seven  year old is the  vice president of the mongrels motorcycle club.  if you tilt your head and look at them in a certain light they might resemble charlie hunnam. their pronouns are  he/him.  damon’s werewolf gene is  triggered.
statistics & connections
doesn’t know who his parents are / were.  he was found abandoned in the woods of hayfork, california as a wee babe by a pair of hikers.  tossed into the social system, he hopped from foster home to foster home, until finally sticking with a woman named delilah belmont, who eventually opted to adopt him.
she lived off the grid, in the backwoods, where she fended for herself by hunting for meat, growing her own produce, and even tended to livestock. damon thrived in this lifestyle, learning how to survive in the wilderness. he didn’t go to public school. instead, he was homeschooled by delilah, who taught him only what she valued to be of great importance. she wasn’t gonna raise no soft, yellowbelly who couldn’t fend for himself.
however, one day while out hunting, the two were attacked by a grizzly bear and it mauled delilah nearly to death before damon put a few rounds of bullets into it. there was no saving her, and she knew it. instead, she begged damon to end the pain. out of mercy, he killed her, and thus triggered the werewolf gene he didn’t even realize was in him. the confusion he had to deal with alone as a result was heartbreaking. he didn’t understand what he was, seeing himself as a monster whenever there was a full moon to unleash his inner beast. damon thought he was the only one of his kind, until he met a group of mysterious travelers.
the mongrels motorcycle club, what everyone assumed to be a band of criminals. damon first met them at a dive bar in town, where he’d been planning to drink himself into a stupor. they knew what he was immediately and offered him a home; a new family with them. while he had so many unanswered questions, the young werewolf also had nothing to lose, and so he joined the bloodmoon pack and never looked back. 
the acceptance and relief from knowing he wasn’t an abomination was overwhelming. never did he think that he would develop such a strong bond with another person, let alone an entire pack of werewolves. the bloodmoon pack has been travelling just about everywhere, stopping in areas to rest before carrying on again, living as vagabonds, and picking up “strays” / other packless werewolves along the way. he’s been with the pack for sixteen years.
( more tba yikes )
wanted connections
bloodmoon pack / mongrels mc members.  still need a president, sgt at arms, road captain, enforcer, chaplain, etc. info can be found on the wanted connections page on the main !
soulmate. listen, he’s been around the block and i think it’s safe to say he’d have found his mate by now asdjkhg. she could have already been with the pack when he joined, or joined after him at some point. completely open to plotting all the details. filled by cleo clarke
( more tba maybe sdjhfg )
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nicholas “nick” spencer  has lived in seattle for  twelve years, and are known to be  broody  but also very  altruistic.  the  twenty one  year old human  goes to school at seattle university.  if you tilt your head and look at them in a certain light they might resemble finn cole. their pronouns are  he/him.  nick is  unaware  of the supernatural.
statistics & connections
born in los angeles, california to a pair of admirably gifted parents, nicholas spencer lived a fairly privileged first eight years of his life. his mother, a soap opera actress, and his father, a talented chef, gave both nick and his older sister a life full of love and luxury. yes, everything was absolutely perfect in their world. until it wasn’t.
at barely eight years old, nick was violently thrown along with his sister into one of the most traumatic experiences any child could go through; they lost their parents to a fatal car accident. being forced to move to seattle with his sister to live with their aunt, he didn’t fully understand what it meant; he couldn’t properly process what was going on. the pain of his loss was expressed more out of anger, feeling as though their parents abandoned them. and thus, nick’s out of control behavior was born.
suicide mention tw.  he struggled in school. his emotions betrayed him. instead of relishing a happy childhood, nick found himself pushing everyone away, getting into fights, sneaking out late at night to run around the city with his friends and get into all sorts of trouble with them. he couldn’t count on his hands how many times the police picked him up and brought him to his aunt’s doorstep. it only got worse once one of his best friends was found dead, written off as a suicide, though it didn’t add up in nick’s eyes and seemed so much more sinister. the young man was nearly deemed to be a lost cause, until he discovered his passion for writing.
language arts or literature was the last thing anyone would ever think to group with nick spencer. he was quite eloquent, sure, but the one thing he always did was play basketball at one of the outdoor courts in seattle. anytime he needed to blow off steam, to contemplate life, or just to shoot hoops, you could always catch him at the court. but his english teacher noticed how well he could articulate his thoughts and feelings on paper, and submitted one of his pieces to a writing contest, which earned nick the win and three thousand dollars as a prize.
bewildered by a talent he hadn’t even realized was in him, nick embraced it. he started writing in a journal ( which he keeps safely tucked away beneath the mattress of his bed ), documenting every feeling and thought as a way to express his emotions in a more productive manner. this talent earned him a full ride scholarship to seattle university, where he’s now a literature major with plans of either becoming an author or perhaps an english teacher, to follow in the footsteps of his high school teacher who he came to idolize.
( more will be added later oop )
wanted connections
his three best friends ( see listed in wanted connections on the main ! )
someone he doesn’t see eye to eye with, maybe opposite in personality or morals. most likely someone he went to high school with or someone who also attends seattle university ( bonus points if they’re supernatural )
some bad folk he may have accidentally gotten mixed up with, either in the past or current ( or both sdfhkjg ). could literally be ANYTHING, maybe he saw something he shouldn’t have, maybe there’s some drug scandal he got mixed up in and now can’t get out of ??  
more tba eventually !
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verona adler  has been seen walking the seattle streets. the fae has been in town for  three years, and are known to be  restive  but also very  fervent.  the  twenty four  year old works as a  bar & grill waitress.  if you tilt your head and look at them in a certain light they might resemble dove cameron. their pronouns are  she/her. 
statistics & connections
oakdale, louisiana.  born and bred.  she was raised middle to two brothers, one older and one younger, but was the absolute apple of her mom and dad’s eye, being their only daughter. her family was reputable, as were the strawberry fields they owned. people from all over the state would pay a petty price to pick a few cartons full of the famously juicy adler strawberries.
at a very young age, verona had to learn how to better control her emotions, which is very difficult for a child to understand and do. she was known for glowing tantrums, and levitating when particularly elated over something. however, in due time, the young faerie learned to hide these paramount parts of herself from the world surrounding them, out of fear over the potential backlash of human ignorance.
she’s been very personable her entire life, much like a light in a dark room. excelling in school, she mastered both academics and the social aspect, she was on the school’s yearbook committee as well as the cheerleading squad, and played an active part in her community as best as she could, generally through volunteer work. a true southern belle, through and through.
however, verona was exhausted. she couldn’t stand pretending to be something she wasn’t; hiding her true colors from the world just because the world was deemed to be much too censorious when it came to being different. while she adored her family and friends, she wasn’t being true to herself which left her unhappy behind closed doors. so, at the age of twenty one, she found an ad in the paper for a roommate in seattle and the city was evidently huge in comparison to her small town. the thought of living somewhere that was hopefully more accepting was an absolute dream, so she packed her things and made the move.
she’s been living in seattle for three years now, working at the same bar & grill she started off with as a waitress and she loves it. she loves meeting people that come from all different walks of life, the mixture of humans and supernatural is perfect. though she’s still a little put out by hiding her true self, she enjoys being surrounded by a bigger populace of supernatural beings that she generally doesn’t have to hide around.
( more tba probably ... eventually )
wanted connections
exes / flings / one night stands.  her friends calling her a slut is just teasing and gets a laugh out of her, a stranger calling her a slut will put vee in a full on rage, but all in all .... girl gets around.  NOT because she’s a sex fiend, but because she loves the idea of being loved, and therefore looks for it in all the wrong places sdfahkfjg. 
best friend ( supernatural only pls ! ).  she needs someone she can fully open up to without worry of being judged, rant / vent to each other about all the shit in their lives, talk about things they wouldn’t normally be able to talk about in the public, etc. a good wholesome friendship.
someone she annoys / who annoys her / or both.  girl is basically a constant ray of sunshine & agonizingly curious / nosy, and that probably presses at least one person. she can’t stand some who’s a grump without a cause & has an insatiable need to pick people apart in order to find out wtf happened to them / the reason why they are the way that they are.
maybe her brother(s) ?  i mean, if anyone wanted to pick them up, they’re free to snag !!
more tba later !
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jajko493 · 5 years
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I decided to sketch out my Enderal Prophetess, since I’ve already drawn her twice. While ingame I can’t quite play with her clothes, I kinda see her in this outfit in my head. The background is literally just a scribble, so as to not leave space empty tho, mhhh. More about her in the full post, and spoilers up until the end of the game are aplenty. It’s a long one, I can’t seem to be able to be more concise!
Her name is Rak’hel. Her name, rather than being pronounced as Rachel (sir Firespark would most probably beg to differ), goes like this: rack-hell, with a very hard h. She’s half-Qyranian, obviously.
She’s a particularly tall woman, towering over many. She cut her hair shortly before leaving for Enderal, seeing it as troublesome to maintain while traveling. Three scars are present on her face, gained from a fight with a particularly meddlesome customer, not pleased with his soup. With but a bit of grace and her usual stern expression, she could be perceived as emotionless. Paired with her reluctancy to speak much and sparse shows of being emotional, it is no wonder. One who gets closer, though, gets to experience a range of both quiet and loud feelings dwelling inside.
When worried about you, she definitely would try to stick close to you, to the point of keeping some physical contact at all times, hoping to never have the chance to see something bad happen.
Were you to anger her, by showing extreme lack of respect by walking out mid quarrel, leaving her helpless and unable to finish the topic, she wouldn’t scream - but it’d be visible. With clear rage on her face, she could even slam her fist on the wall, the table (not a person, never!). Afterwards, her glass would be filled with mead and wine until the next day, to empty her head of worries and thoughts. Reason as well.
Goodness, at least she’s strong when it comes to alcohol.
‘That son of a Vatyr is going to regret this’, she spoke into her cup, gripping it as if planning to break it.
When happy, her expression softens, revealing a delicate smile. One blemished with a scar on the left side of her rip, slightly pulling it upwards. Definitely expect jokes, and not just the proper kind! She isn’t squeamish when it comes to physical pleasures.
She doesn’t remember much of her childhood, with her mind repressing the memories due to events related to her house burning down, which she can’t quite forget, due to frequent nightmares making her relive the event in horrible ways. It’s not as if she’s eager to discuss and exactly remember what happened, anyway.
She toiled away her teenage years mostly in kitchens of inns and taverns, training herself to maybe, just maybe, open one of her own in the future - though that prospect became as distant as it possibly could, with Nehrim being swayed by chaos of war after the death of Lightborn. With her workplace burnt down by the time she was 25, alongside her long time friend, Sirius, she decided to look for a new one in Enderal.
There, she quickly picked up alchemy, seeing it as an extension of cooking. Do not let her do both at the same time. Separately, she creates dishes that taste just like home and high quality concoctions. Mix them, and you just might find ghost wrappings in your tomato soup. Or worse - tomato in your stamina poison. She’s willing to take any challenge, there are no impossible recipes - only more difficult ones.
‘There are no negative effects in cures, or beneficial factors in venoms. There are only well- and badly distilled elixirs.’
Though not well versed in contract, she trains her muscle with swords, preferring two-handed to one-handed. Not quite logically, she prefers light armor to the heavy variety.
Suddenly gaining the ability to use magic was initially shocking. Tragically inspired by the two Apothecari, Finn and Carbos, whom she briefly met at the start of her journey in Enderal, she decided to teach herself in the school of Restoration.
If all went well in her adventures, she’d wish to gather enough money from her adventures to open an inn with place for healers beside it. If not as well, then at least she could manage traveling by herself, with potions she made (especially with the ability to recite every combination for health potion and ambrosia) and magic. Any companions she had - she could save.
‘All to not be left alone.’
And yet, after befriending some in the Order and outside of it, finding a soulmate in a certain cynical, yet endearing mercenary, she once again felt alone. Working alongside everyone against the incoming Cleansing, which felt closer and closer with each step towards stopping it. She figured a last-ditch effort would be necessary to counteract it. Learning that not only was she one of the key elements in bringing it to reality struck her deeply. On top of that, she wasn’t even fully real or alive - despite how alive has she felt exploring the wilderness of the Dark Valley, or hiding during a sandstorm close to Duneville. If, as the Black Guardian said, her dear one turned out to not have survived as well, she wasn’t sure she’d bother saving Vyn.
‘Hopeless’, she muttered. ‘Absolutely hopeless.’
But he was alive, and, by the Gods! He was there with her. And what more reassurance could she need? She stood next to him in battles, he survived her fury after running away, he wanted a future with her. But...
From the choices she could take, only one of them could lead to them staying together - and it was the most painful one. 
Her decision, in the end, was to sacrifice herself to give this world a bit more time to figure out how to save itself. Shaping a new humanity into better kind was not something she deemed herself to be capable of. What she could do, however, is believe in the one she allowed to fly away on a Myrad before effectively dissolving into nonexistence.
...yeah, no. She wasn’t quite so willing to sacrifice herself. It wasn’t a suicide - it was a challenge, and the name of it was Dreamflower Elixir.
Having brewed it on her own, she wasn’t sure it was done well, and if it would work. She struck the Black Stones of the Beacon without believing she’d make it through. Could she cheat the Death itself?
Surprisingly, she opened her eyes again, after already accepting she was done for.
For all intents and purposes, she’d never again say she ‘woke up’ - and she was right about it. All the traveling and adventures she met on her path, whether alone or accompanied by her loved one, she took as just another chapter of a dream, granted to her as a reward for giving up her chance at fleeting, but real happiness.
Throughout endless conversations, she’d always go back to this very line of thought.
‘It is most probably a dream, but it’s not as if I mind, she declared in the same calm voice as always, despite the protests of her partner. Standing with her back against the railing of veranda with admittedly a dreamy view, in a gown that left little to imagine, she spouted what one could perceive as nothing but utter nonsense at times. ‘I welcome it, in fact. I am with you, and that matters to me. But it could have been different, you know. Maybe not as nice. But goodness... Just, the fact that it is so nice is what keeps me uncertain. Only Malphas would know the truth, I suppose.’
Indeed, she was dreaming. In a split of second, the Dreamflower created a soft cushion of illusion to shield her from reality. And it started showing cracks - it’s no good for it when the dreamer is too aware.
It all had to go deeper.
When she turned around after being met with no response to her monologue, she saw that she was alone. Furthermore, after blinking to make sure it wasn’t the peaceweed affecting her vision, she noticed she wasn’t even on the veranda anymore. Instead, she stood in a pure, white space, with a field of lightly glowing nightflowers at her feet. One more glance around, and she was met with The Veiled--- no, not her.
A veiled woman. But a different one, with a flower attached on the side of her head. By the gods, what kind of sick joke is her mind playing on her?
Then, she presented her an offer, almost too good to be true. Yet, Rak’hel somehow believed in it.
She was given a chance to start anew. Explore a different eventuality. Not leave the dream to experience the future, but try again, and possibly change it?
Utter foolishness. Absolutely unreal.
But, if magic was all about exploring different eventualities... Maybe this was one where that could actually happen?
Swayed by the prospect of seeing Enderal again, she agreed. With a snap of the woman’s finger, Rak’hel blinked and---
She was woken up from a nightmare by Sirius. She sat there dazed for a couple of seconds, before chuckling at her friend’s joke. If they had a penny for all the times he did it, they’d be traveling in their own starship, and she’d definitely have a barber cut her hair beforehand. It’s getting too long and troublesome.
Some people like to create fluffy AUs where everyone is happy, some like to instead torture their characters even more. Guess I’m the second one.
Kinda prompted into writing by this song.
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revengeworld · 5 years
The Circus III
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Werewolf! Kylo x Reader Modern/Monster AU
Words: +3.500
Warnings: a bit of Angst,
AN: Since I don´t like the “we don´t talk about the problem to create more drama” have a mostly drama free chapter haha <3
MY MASTERLIST - Can be found in my Bio if you´re interested in more of my work!
It was unusual warm and when she tried to turn around in her spot Y/N could only feel a soft wall. Hearing a sudden growl, her eyes snapped right open. When they landed on the long fangs her instinct was to run away immediately, but something held her back. A big paw was laying on her legs, which made it impossible to move away from this creature.
“Kylo, you're scaring her! Let her go!” Phasma was standing with the others near the entrance, her arms up to calm the wolf down, who was starting to growl loudly again at her request.
Finn, who was trying to get closer got hit by Kylos tail and fell back, before the black wolf curled it around Y/N, a cold wet snout pressing against her cheek with a whine.
Her body was completely stiff besides the shiver that run over her spine. What the hell was happening? Slowly turning her head, she looked into the eyes of the enormous wolf that had curled around her. Seeing this familiar warm brown eyes Y/N slowly lifted her shaking hand and Kylo let his head sink down onto her lap before she rested her hand on his snout. His tail instantly started to wag, almost throwing all the stuff she had put on the desk, down.
“Is this really … Kylo?” she asked the others that were still trying to calmly approach this situation. All of them slowly nodded.
Turning back to the wolf it suddenly licked her face, his long and soft tongue gracing over her torso, face and brought most of her hair to stand up straight into the air.
She noticed how gently this big creature was with her and Y/N just needed to admit that this was really her boyfriend, this was Kylo. She had seen it with her own eyes.
“Can somebody please explain to me what is going on?” she whimpered, her voice shaking.
“To put it as simple as possible ...” Phasma sighed.
“He is a Werewolf.” Finn shook his head.
“And tonight's full moon, so ...” Poe pointed up.
„But doesn’t that mean that he is dangerous?“ Y/N immediately felt a push against her chest and Kylo let out a hurt whine.
„As you can see, as long as he is with you he will behave.“ Poe sat down near the Platform and Kylo cautiously watched him.
Just now Y/N noticed that she wasn‘t even laying on the floor were she collapsed, but on the big mattress. It seemed like the wolf had brought her here.
In a daze she started to let her fingers run through the thick raven black fur, which made his tail wag again.
„Just to be clear on this, he wanted to tell you today. But before we even knew, the moon was up and … well you saw what happened.“ Phasma joined Poe and Finn followed afterwards.
The wolf’s tail quickly laid back around Y/N, which made clear to her that he somewhat tried to protect her. At least that was what she hoped.
„B...but his work here…. when they find out…“ she mumbled and the other three exchanged a look.
„Actually that is the reason why we are here. This is a special place for …“
„People like us.“ Finn finished Poe’s sentence.
“You guys too? But ….” she was so confused, not only did her boyfriend just turn into a freaking wolf, but now the only friends she knew here, were something different as well?
“I'm a vampire.” Finn opened his mouth to show her his long fangs that suddenly grew.
Looking over to Poe, he lifted his hand directly in front of his face and suddenly looked like a completely different man.
“Shapeshifter.” he explained before changing back in his normal self.
Now all of their eyes landed on Phasma who seemed a bit shyer than usual.
She opened her jacket and let it slowly slit down her shoulders were Y/N could see the beautiful shining and reflecting scales on her skin.
“I have these since my birth. I can communicate with snakes, but that's about it. Doesn't mean other people find me horrifying though...” the tall woman explained, with a sad smile and shrugged her shoulders.
“I don't find you horrifying...” Y/N mumbled, slowly leaning against Kylos big head on her lap.
“Of course you don’t! You're special, we knew that from the start.” Phasma smiled and wanted to reach out to Y/N but Kylo immediately started to growl and stood up, before he let himself down between his friends and Y/N, covering her with his whole body.
“Hey don't be so rude to your friends!” scolding Kylo he only huffed which almost sounded like a snicker before he pressed her down into the mattress with his snout.
With a sighed she gave up to fight against it and looked over to the others who had light smiles on their lips.
“He is just trying to protect you since you're his mate, we understand.” Poe leaned back and got hit by Kylos tails.
“Calm down big guy, she would know sooner or later.”
“M...mate?” she asked, while trying to push herself up but the dark wolf wouldn't lift his head again.
“We better let Kylo explain this to you, he will be back to normal when the sun comes up again. He only might be a bit tired and extremely hungry, but the kitchen here will give you guys a proper meal after this night.”
Now she could also understand why he was so hungry yesterday and ate most of their proviant on the drive. This transformation had taken a toll on him.
“Is this how big he always get´s? Anything i need to pay attention to?” she asked the others who looked at Kylo for a moment.
“No just at full moon. This is his original form. Just stay inside with him for now. He is only calm because you're here. Before, we always needed to lock him away in the basement. This is much better for him...”
Hearing their words, Y/N gently let her fingers run through Kylos fur, who slowly closed his eyes knowing that he was safe with her and that she would be safe with him.
“Let's talk more tomorrow. You two are probably tired.” Phasma whispered and Y/N only nodded since she couldn't move under Kylos weight anyway.
“You silly man you … well wolf ...” brushing over his snout he again let out a huff. She made herself comfortable under his big head since it didn't seem he wouldn't move anyway. At least it was warm and soft, now she could understand the big mattress, in this form he barely fit on it.
The next morning the first thing that woke her up was the whining and whimpering next to her, before she noticed that the weight on top of her slowly got lighter.
Pushing herself up so that she could sit, Y/N looked down at Kylo who held dearly onto her, just like yesterday he seemed to be in pain, his body covered in cold sweat.
Pressing the back of her hand against his forehead it seemed like he had a light fever. Conflicted she looked between Kylos face and his arms that were wrapped around her. They had told her to stay with him but also that he would need lots of food.
With a small sighed she slowly climbed out under him, which made him whimper for a moment, his hands searching the spot where she just was.
“Shh… i will be right back, i promise...” pressing a kiss on his scalp, Y/N quickly washed up before leaving the tent to make her way to the kitchen.
She shyly approached the woman who was working behind the table.
“G...Good Morning.”
“Oh! Good Morning sweetheart, you are one of the newcomers right? Werewolf and Human?” turning around to her supplies the woman with her hoarse voice prepared a big tablet.
“Uhm… y..yeah...” Y/N only nodded, while brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Ah … you just found out mhmm? I know that! You should have seen me when i found out my husband was a merman, no wonder he liked baths more than me.” she laughed and placed the tablet onto the table, a mountain of bacon, eggs and pancakes on it.
“So you're human too?” interested Y/N stepped a bit closer.
“I sure am! We are outnumbered here, but believe me everyone here is a thousand times better then these boring people in the city's. And if you need anything you can always come to me.” placing a big canister of water next to the tablet she smiled down at Y/N who grinned back.
“Thank you...” looking at all the food and water she was worrying how she would be able to bring this all back to their tent.
“Rey! How was your meal?” the woman shouted to another younger woman which seemed to be the same age as Y/N.
Only nodding as an answer, the woman called Rey, yawned loudly.
“Would you be a sweetheart and help Y/N here, to bring their breakfast back to their tent?” the Kitchen Lady asked her.
Y/N had already grabbed the tablet on her own and wanted to apologize towards Rey for the inconvenience, until the other woman suddenly leaned down to her and took a few sniffs before she scoffed and grabbed the canister with water.
Grabbing the tablet tighter Y/N quietly wanted to lead the way but the other girl was already walking away. She didn't know why, but Rey made her weirdly uncomfortable.
With a sighed Y/N was now the one following until they entered the tent. Kylos condition seemed to be worse than before, then his breathing was heavy and he was clawing at the blanket she had put over him before leaving.
Quickly setting down the tablet she climbed up to him on the mattress.
“It's okay I'm here.” she tried to sooth him and brushed away the black locks that were sticking to his head, when he slowly opened his eyes.
First his lips curled up into a smile, still seeing her by his side was a huge relieve for him, until he could smell another scent that meant nothing good.
Immediately jumping in a kneeling position he had pulled his girlfriend against his chest with such strength that it almost hurt, his eyes glowing yellow while they were fixated on the brown haired woman, before he let out a loud warning growl.
“Don't worry, I won't harm your little ...pet.” Rey mumbled, the last word lingering on her lips with disgust.
“She is not my pet and you better leave… right now...” he fletched his teeth and Y/N saw how he showed his fangs towards Rey.
“You know, for a pureblood you´re pretty pathetic. Can't even endure one Full Moon night without being so weak.” crossing her arms in front of her chest she starred at both of them.
“At least I'm not stuffing my body with meds that hinder that. You reek of them, bitten. And now … get the fuck out!” Kylo barked and Rey only growled back before leaving.
As soon as he couldn't feel her presence anymore he slouched down onto Y/N, who held him tightly.
“Are … are you okay?” she asked worried and only felt him slightly nod.
“It's nothing, I will be better in a few hours.” taking a deep breath, Kylo like he always buried his face in her hair to calm himself with her scent and get the other smell from this woman out of his nose.
“That's not what i asked!” Y/N mumbled sternly and he chuckled lightly.
“Just say if you want to pamper me, Moonshine.” pressing a soft kiss against her cheek she shook her head with a smile.
“Just lay down and wait! I'll bring you water!” she quickly said and laid him back into the cushion, before crawling out their big bed. First bringing the tablet with food, she soon returned with a glass of water.
Taking one of the glasses he quickly gulped all of it down and Y/N already started to refill it.
“Thank you...” he whispered before gently brushing over her cheek.
“It's just water, Ky.” Y/N chuckled at his serious tone.
“That's not what I mean… I'm thanking you for not leaving me behind.” sitting back up he pressed his lips onto hers for a moment.
“Kylo …” she sighed when they separated again.
“I wouldn't just leave you … even though I'm disappointed you didn't tell me sooner.” cuddling up against his chest, he leaned his head against hers.
“I wanted to… I tried, believe me ...” it was just a whisper but she was able to hear the remorse in his voice.
“How about you eat first and then you can explain me everything. I want you to get better first...” stroking over his back, Kylo slowly nodded and his eyes lit up when he saw the mountain of food.
Gobbling most of it down in mere minutes, Y/N just watched him while she munched on one of the pancakes. She was reminded of his sharp teeth in his wolf form and a shiver was running down her spine and she quickly averted her eyes. Even though there was a part of her that was scared about all of this and her instinct told her to run, there was something that held her back, knowing that he would never do something bad to her and that she belonged by his side.
Of course he noticed that she was caught up in her thoughts, how could she not be after this night and he would spoil her rotten today to make her feel better and take his time to explain everything properly.
Reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear, she suddenly flinched away from him. For a moment she looked scared before she averted her eyes, Kylo slowly let his hand sink again.
“Are you scared of me now?” he asked, his voice just a whisper.
“I'm not scared of you! But you can't expect from just to be okay with this ...” suddenly her voice broke.
“Yesterday you came stumbling in here, almost screaming and twitching in pain and when you transformed your bones just made that … horrible sound. I … I thought you were dying! And I felt so helpless and then suddenly there is this gigantic wolf in front of me ...” pulling her legs closer, Y/N sunk her head on her knees with a shaky breath.
Feeling one of his arms around her torso the other one slipped under her legs before he pulled her into his lap to hold her close.
“Will you be always hurting when you transform?” Kylo could hear a quiet mumble while he gently brushed over her hair.
“No, only on full moon. I normally try to fight against it by instinct since I’m much more powerful on those nights and… I tried to fight it as long as i could so i would maybe tell you before it happened but I was too late.” burying his head in her hair, Kylo took a deep breath.
“Poe mentioned something about … that they needed to lock you in the basement before, but since I'm your ...mate. J...just what does this even mean? I'm so confused, Kylo.” Looking down at her hands, she watched Kylos who linked his fingers with her.
„You know, most werewolf’s have a special someone out there and when they see them they immediately know, that this is the person they belong to.“ he mumbled with a small smile since he noticed Y/Ns blushing cheeks.
„That day on the fair I already had smelled your scent in the crowd and when our eyes met while you were waiting in line, it felt like a lightning hit my heart and I knew that I needed to win you over… so I ...uhm…“
„Explicit targeted Hux in the Horror House?“ Y/N asked knowingly with a chuckle.
„Yeah… and when I could tell that you noticed the chemistry between us…“ suddenly Kylo broke off mid sentence and his head hung low.
Feeling Y/Ns small hand against his cheek he looked back up.
„I‘m sorry… fuck I‘m such an egoistic asshole…“ he suddenly mumbled and bit his lip that she could already see blood forming around his sharp teeth.
„Hey hey… everything is okay! You‘re not, otherwise I wouldn‘t be sitting here.“ brushing over his plum lips with her thumb, Y/N gently kissed him, tasting his blood on her lips.
„But I marked you, without your consent …“ he whispered regretful.
„M..marked me?“ looking down on her arms she expected to find a small scribble or something and Kylo shook his head for a moment.
„Not like this, Moonshine. The moment I kissed you on that Ferris Wheel I marked you as mine and every time we cuddle I mark you with my scent so others know not to harm or approach you.“ when she listened to him she could see in his face how embarrassed and guilty he felt and wanted nothing more to just sooth him.
“I knew that kiss was too good to be true ...” Y/N dramatically whispered while laying her hand on her heart, which made Kylo lightly shake his head with a smirk.
„So… we are basically werewolf married?“ was the next thing she asked and Kylo looked surprised at her grinning face.
„A..aren‘t you angry at all?“
„Of course I‘m angry!“ getting a hard punch against his chest he flinched.
„But I‘m so much more relieved, that you are okay now and that I won't lose you. Besides, now I can learn to handle this situation better. Just … let me have a bit of time to comprehend all of this.“
„Of course anything you want!“ he breathed before hugging her tightly, which made her chuckle.
“Good, because I want lots of pampering the next few days for my poor heart!” laying her arms around his neck, she pulled him back onto the mattress so they could cuddle a bit more this morning. Something they really needed after this stressful night.
“So … if I'm your mate, why did that girl call me your pet?” Y/N mumbled while playing with his hair.
“Uhm … right… there is something else I should inform you about ...” looking up at her, she already noticed the red tips of his ears.
“Werewolf´s can fall in something like a … well a rut...”
“So you will be having werewolf periods?” she giggled.
“I see you find all of this reaaaal funny now, huh?” with a grin he leaned over her to silence her giggles with his lips.
“And what has this to do with the pet thing?” he couldn't believe how innocent she still looked up at him.
For a moment he was too distracted to continue his sentence then Y/N had started to let her fingernails brush through his beard.
“If I continue… will your leg start twitching?” starting to giggle again, Kylo could only shake his head with a grin.
“No, it will not… well maybe in my wolf form.”
“Seems like we have a lot to test it out then…. So, the pet thing?” Changing back to the subject, Y/N gently caressed his cheek.
“Right… well when somebody doesn't have a mate, or rather doesn't want one and they fall into their rut, they hold themselves a pet who helps them with their rut… or for werewolf ladies, help them with their heat.”
“So … they just use each other for sex?”
“I guess so, I never considered it.” shrugging with his shoulders he let his head rest on her chest.
“What does that mean for us?”
“For us, it means to do the total opposite… Otherwise, we would end up with pups. Since it's a basic instinct thing to keep the heritage going werewolf males are highly potent at that time.”
“Pups?” she suddenly asked excitedly.
“Not that kind of Pups, Moonshine. Werewolf babies.”
“You call them pups?! Gosh that sounds so cute….” She could only mumble excited.
“Do you find everything cute now about me being a werewolf?”
“Well, I find you cute… and it is kind of a whole package deal.” pushing herself off the mattress, she pressed a quick kiss on his lips before crawling out of the comfortable bed.
“Hey hey… where are you going?” almost falling out of the bed, Kylo quickly held onto her wrist.
“Just bringing the tablet and plates back. I thought I let you rest a bit more.” ruffling through his hair, he already followed her out of the bed.
“No resting needed. Besides, you´re the only cure I need.” pulling her back by her hips, he slowly started to kiss along her neck, before she send him to the bathroom.
Tags: @kyloren-supreme-ben
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witchfall · 5 years
find the word tag
Many thanks to @muse-of-nightmares for the tag for this!! <3 Sorry I am getting to it like five years late lmao.
I was tagged to find beautiful, curious, gold, and rain. I’ll be pulling from my DBH fics and my Star Wars one shot I have yet to finish. OOF
tagging: @vaniccio @concertconfetti @popsicletheduck @caitlynmellark @thenervousmedic and anyone else who wants!! for the words bright, ugly, love and mirror!
As soon as Connor settles into the back seat of Hank's old Ford, a strange weight lifts from his thirium pump. He takes a long, unnecessary drag of the scent of old leather, dusty blankets and the sickly sweet tinge of alcohol from a bottle that once broke open on the carpets years ago. A human wouldn't notice it, he thinks, or they would comment. But then, he doesn’t want to think about the differences between himself and humanity.  
He wants to watch Emma curl herself into the backseat -- all human sighing and complaint, beautiful and alive.
Emma clicks her seat belt and contours herself to his shoulder, leaning so that her forehead lays against his neck. He wraps an arm around her, pulling her against him so tightly that he has to triple-check to ensure he isn’t crushing her. She doesn't complain.
"Comfy," she mutters, as if angry about it. He presses his nose into her wild red hair.
Lavender. Chipped plywood. The summer wind. Coming home. --from to melt the gilded seams
Xera’s killer instincts are muddied. But she is a killer. She forces herself to remember it as she digs out the remains of some old base on the other side of Odessen, her shovel slicing through cold dirt with the steadiness of a machine. She must drown out the singing of the world -- the warm evenness that brushes over her skin. Balance.
If she feels balance here, on the other side of the galaxy, if she feels any semblance of rightness on a path so opposed to the one she had earlier installed herself, then maybe all her other choices were--
She resolves to escape Finn’s watchful glares. To escape Rey’s curious glances. But here’s the thing: they won’t stop fragging looking. She buries the old desire to be seen under a glowing mass of incandescent rage. It isn’t difficult to summon. It’s always right there, waiting for her to seize it, but now it whispers with renewed vigor, like it’s taken on a life of its own after the Force barged into her consciousness. --from my very mega gay star wars fic, still in progress
He settles on a smile finally. He pulls her closer. “I mean it. I refuse to put you through such fear again. I...underestimated...the value of my life in the equation of what we are.”
Of what we are.
She is filled with golden light.
“Yeah. You did.” She swallows the bubble that forms in her throat.
“But do you understand what you mean to me?” he asks, voice serious. “I don't want to break up with you at all” -- a slight, teasing smile -- “but you need to avoid stomping right into a dangerous police situation on a whim, for example. For me, if no one else.”
He lays his chin on top of her head.
“Without you, I’m not sure I would like my new life so much,” he says. --from the silver lining still remains
The rain spits and slags. The mud sticks to her boots. She smells cauterizing flesh and bloody death on the sword she hoists on her shoulder. No elegant weapon for a more civilized age, but a weapon of a warrior unafraid of Death. Spiteful of Death, in all His forms, be it the will of the Force or some more capricious God. She doesn’t know anymore. The whispers of her Mother and her stories are long forgotten now.
This night is the night they became Knights, not Jedi but something else. What had happened had been the true will of the universe: strength won over weakness. Flame burned that which had been set as kindle. She felt no fear as she cut her old classmates down.
But she does now. Miles and years away from this moment, outside her own body. --more gay star wars! i need to finish that someday
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 7 months
The Consort - Chapter 10 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
If it weren't for their shadows darkening the purity of the whitened walls, I would have never noticed them leaving.
My eyes try to adjust to the night as I slip off the couch and tiptoe across the carpet.
Brayden and Kelly hover near the door.
I clutch my arms across my chest with a shiver.
Their red eyes flash to me without warning.
I know it's in their nature to hear me, to smell me, before I say a word but this behavior still catches me off guard.
My gaze lingers on Brayden before falling on the face of my best friend.
Kelly's fangs are elongated, his eyes a brighter red than I've ever witnessed before.
They're practically glowing.
It's not like I wasn't aware of what happened to him but the weight of Kelly becoming immortal is finally sinking in.
Tears sting my eyes as I watch them both stare back at me.
My best friend is gone.
Gone is my protector, the one who stuck up for me against the bullies during high school.
Gone is my best friend who spent countless hours with me laughing and talking.
Gone is a community musician.
Gone is my hero.
Kelly brushes the bangs away from his face, a gesture he unknowingly used to do as a nervous habit.
The tears hiding within the confines of my eyes slip down my cheeks, making my view of them become blurry.
My chest burns with the desire to walk to Kelly and give him a hug goodbye.
But I can't. I know I can't.
I keep my feet planted where they are and give both a nod of acceptance.
This isn't what I want but there's no other option.
They can't stay and I can't leave with them... even if that's what my heart secretly is begging me to do.
They wouldn't take me if I asked to go with them and even if they did, leaving this society behind would be a gesture I could never take back.
Kelly opens the door and muted light spills into the apartment.
Brayden whispers something to him and Kelly gives a clipped nod before gracefully moving into the hallway.
My vampire remains at the doorway.
His torso is rigid and still and he cocks his head to the side after a few seconds, listening to something far too soft for the human ear to detect.
Then he looks at me.
His red eyes are far less potent than Kelly's.
He takes a few steps towards me, and I hastily wipe away the tears from my eyes.
"You cry, human?" Brayden asks when he reaches my side.
He gets closer to my face, his red eyes searching my features with such a calculated concern.
Having him this close to me stirs the same desire within me that I felt in the bathroom with him earlier tonight.
My stomach tightens with desire and a nervous sweat breaks out across the palms of my hands.
"It's hard to see him go," I explain after a few beats of silence.
"He was my best friend, you know? I'm going to miss him."
Brayden's quiet for a moment.
"That feeling will change, eventually. All emotions are fleeting, human. The sooner you learn that, the happier you will be."
He turns to leave and in a moment of panic, my arm shoots to grab him by the crook of the elbow.
There's no way I could make Brayden stick around if he didn't want to.
His strength is powerful enough to break our couch in half if he really wanted to.
But he remains in place, staring at me with widened eyes.
I swallow hard.
Is this the first time I've touched him of my own, free will?
Brayden has touched me a number of times but each one has been cold. Impersonal.
This time it's me touching him and it feels different.
I loosen my grip from his elbow and my fingers trail up his chiseled arm.
The blood in my veins pumps into overdrive.
I don't know what I'm doing but I can't seem to stop myself.
My hand slides behind Brayden's neck.
His lips part in wonderment when I stand on my tippy-toes and lean into him, kissing him without pause.
His supple lips brush against mine and everything around me vanishes.
All I can hear is the blood pounding against my ears.
All I can smell is his erotic scent.
And all I can taste is him, a seductive sweetness that I never knew existed.
It takes everything in me to pull away.
When I do, the truth and reality of what I've just done terrifies me.
Brayden's eyes snap open, the redness in them now brighter than they were before.
His nostrils flare and I back away with a hard swallow.
"I'm sorry," I whisper.
"Please. Keep him safe."
I don't wait to hear what he has to say in response because I have a feeling whatever it is will only ruin this magical moment for me.
Instead I turn away from my vampire with a hurried goodbye and scramble into the bathroom.
I lean against the back of the door and close my eyes, attempting to get my breathing under control.
What on earth was I thinking?
I just kissed a vampire, my vampire.
Something like that could get me banned from society.
It isn't until I hear the front door close that I can find the strength to calm down.
Brayden and Kelly are gone.
Even though I know Kelly is safe in this new form, I have to grapple with the harsh reality that my best friend is no longer here.
He is gone now, probably forever.
They both are.
The thoughts flooding my mind cause more tears to spring to my eyes, tears of confusion, tears of fear, tears of guilt and tears of longing, all for the immortal men I don't want to live without... but have to.
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nautiscarader · 5 years
H-Hotel Quickies 2 - The tale of two harems
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Second quickie, this time focusing on the, admittedly, absurd harems so prevalent in two certain fandoms. 
Adventure Time/Star vs. the Forces of Evil crossover, T/M (just heavy implications) , 2.2k
(Ao3) (twitter)
"It was the best of times, it was the..."
No, it still was the best of times, Marco Diaz thought, sipping his drink in the hotel's bar. Though he never overused alcohol, it only seemed fitting that after a wild night like this one, he had something stronger, perhaps just to make his brain juggle a bit, and remind him about the time he spent with his entourage.
- Uh, hi, do you have apple juice?
A sudden, curious-sounding voice brought his attention, as a newcomer came to the counter. He was about the same height as Marco, wore a blue shirt, and a few strands of blonde hair stuck out from under his oversized white hat that covered his head, making him look like a teddy bear. However, it was his unusually looking arm that piqued Marco's interest. It was pink, glittery, and looked vaguely mechanical. 
The elephant barman grabbed the glass and passed it to the newcomer with his trunk.
- Thanks, man. - he replied politely, taking half the drink in one go. - Rough night? - Marco asked, pulling his chair just a bit closer. - Uh, you could say that.
The young-sounding fellow met Marco's eyes only for a moment, concentrating on his drink far more intensely as he should. Marco smiled.
- Yeah, I felt a bit like that when I first stumbled upon this place. - You have?
In a sudden move, he turned his head to Marco, looking at him with great interest. Without much thinking, he followed Marco, shuffling his stool towards him.
- Finn. Finn the human - he offered him a handshake with his distinctively non-human arm. - Uh, hi, Finn the human. Marco Diaz... Also "The human".
That information had apparently great significance to Finn, whose eyes widened even further, and the faintest of girlish screams escaped his lips. One of the glasses shattered, but the bartender remained unmoved.
- Sorry. I'm still getting used to meeting other humans.   - Another dimension, I suppose? - Marco asked - Also, you can let go of my hand. - Oh, sorry.
Finn released Marco's right hand from his strong grip. Marco shook it a few times, wondering if any of the visible glitter would remain stuck to him.
- New arm. - Finn spoke with what he thought was a casual statement - My friend PB made it from candy and science. - And the previous one was made from sticks and stones, I presume? - Marco replied, still feeling just a bit of pain lingering in his fingers. - Heh, no. First was a grass one and the other made from metal. I miss the grass one...
He returned to his drink, unaware of Marco's gaze still lingering on him after that revelation.
- Well... I shouldn't be that surprised - Marco spoke - I used to have a monster arm. - Woah, really? - Yeah... it was a bit of nuisance... and I'm not sure if it will grow back...
He once again took a good, long look at his fingers that once was the enormous, magical sentient tentacle.
- The girls liked it though. - Maybe I could help. PB will able to get it back, Or Huntress Wizard. I don't think any others would know how to do radical stuff like that. - And thus, we have revealed "the others" - Marco smirked. Once again, Finn's face turned a darker shade of crimson, just like when Marco first talked to him. - Oh, right... So, you're with your friends? - A few. - Marco replied quickly, taking another sip to hide his excitement
They both sat in silence, staring into their glasses, until they both launched one at another, talking furiously one over the other.
- How many? - Five. - Dang, I have four. - As if that wasn't enough, Finn boy... All night though? - All night and a bit of this morning... - Nice... - Do you have wizard ladies too? - Are you kidding? Star's got a magic wand, Kelly magic hair, and H-Poo magic scissors. An I'm pretty sure Janna can do magic too... - Magic is the best, isn't it? Especially when one girl levitates over you and another...
Realising how they must look, the two men suddenly retracted from their slightly too-intimate confession hug, returning to their drinks. Though they haven't exchanged a single word for quite some time afterwards, they both knew exactly how the other must have felt, having to satisfy their parties of girlfriends.
- How do you keep going? - Marco asked, breaking the silence again - I mean, I see you're fit, but... - Heh, I'm a hero of Ooo!
Marco blinked.
- A hero of what? - Ooo. My home. - Oooh. - Not "Ooh", "Ooo" - Finn corrected him - Anyway, H-Dubs gave me this to chew.
And he pulled a bag filled with what looked like brown, phallic-shaped cookies, but upon closer inspection, turned out to be dried, sliced mushrooms, though that fact hasn't improved on their shape.
- I mean, they're not really tasty... - Finn mumbled, taking a bite - But, heh, they do work, if you know what I mean. - Oh, believe me, I do. - Marco rolled his eyes - Ever since Star found those energy drinks at Quest Buy, I have no more excuses... And there was a sale last week...
He took another sip.
- A hero's work is never done... - Marco said, stretching his arms in satisfaction. - I guess you guys use magical protection too? - What? - Protection - Marco's tone became more serious - You know, against...
Marco made a circular move around his belly, throwing a knowing look at his friend.
- Oh. - Finn replied - Yeah, I don't think we use any. - What?! - Marco almost spilled his drink, and his chair wobbled just a little bit - Dude, I mean...
He dug his hands into his pockets, and retrieved what at first looked to Finn like a a few candy wrappers, but he understood what objects the multicoloured plastic bags held.
- Ever since Star found that contraception spell in her grandma's book, we don't have to worry about it, but I can happily lend you some. - Uh, yeah, but... - Finn paused - I don't even know if I can... with any of them... You know.
And he repeated the same round moves over his flat stomach.
- I mean, PB is made of candy, Marcelline is a vampire, and Flame Princess is a flame elemental. The closest is Huntress Wizard, but I think she can whip out a potion or something. She is a wizard, after all. - Oh, I get it. I haven't even thought about compatibility issues, I just want to be on the safe side. I know I could have problems with Janna, Star and Jackie, Kelly... Maybe, and Hekapoo is a whole different matter... - Marco replied, counting - Still, if you need these, you know whom to call...
Another pregnant pause fell between the two.
- Hey, speaking of your friends, where have they gone to? - Uh, I think there's a beauty salon on the lower floor. - Marco thought for a moment - Uh, or maybe the upper floor, I don't think this place works like it should. - Oh my glob! - Finn exclaimed - My girlfriends are there too!
At once, Marco sat upright, once again turning to his new buddy.
- Wait, do you think that...
His question was answered at once when the saloon doors to the bar opened, and nine stunning ladies walked in, forming an impressive, multicoloured, diverse line-up. With their bodies and spirits reinvigorated after the time spent in the spa, they arrived not as two, but one group of glamorous gals that looked like they have known each other for years.
- Marco! - Star screamed, breaking the imposing formation and rushing to the counter to throw her arms around Marco's neck - You won't believe what happened in the sauna!
She was about to continue, but then she spotted Finn.
- Oh, hi, Marco's new friend. Anyway - she turned back to her boyfriend - We met soooo many cool ladies there, and guess what! - They also are here having some fun with their boyfriend? - Marco rolled his eyes again, enjoying watching as Star's expression changed from peppy to utterly surprised. - How did you know?
Silently, Marco pointed his hand towards Finn, who only waved his hand at Star.
- Hi.
Her eyes widened as Star latched onto Finn's pinkish arm, and she let out a low moan of excitement.
- Wooooah.... You are Finn! And that's your arm!   - Heh, yeah.
The bewilderment on Star's face changed to a sly grin when she leaned onto Finn, causing him to bend his body back just a little.
- Marcelline has told us about what you can do with that arm... and those fingers... but also the whole arm... - Heh, yeah... - Finn swallowed loudly, wondering *how* much has the girls talked with each other about their excesses. - Wait a minute, I got an idea, Marco! - Star exclaimed. - Let's see if our keys can cross-over! - Our what can what-what? - Finn raised his brow. - That's how this hotel works, man. - Marco explained nonchalantly - You just gotta roll with it.
He pulled a rustic, brass key from his pocket and reached his hand towards Finn. After a bit of fumbling in his trousers, Finn found the key to his room - a plain, green one that looked more like a plastic toy - and mimicked Marco's move. The other eight women flocked to the group, anxious to see what their men were doing, almost as if they anticipated what was about to happen.
And sure enough, when the two brought their keys together, the metal and the plastic melted in their hands, twirling around each other, forming a double helix, that after a short glow, solidified into one, bizarre looking key with two sets of teeth on opposite sides. The crowd of girls gasped, though the ones from Marco's party definitely sounded more excited than the girls that arrived with Finn, already foreseeing the nearby future.
- Analytical!  - Finn exclaimed, as he examined the intricate key in his hands. - What's going to happen now? - Well... - Star begun, a wicked smile forming on her face. - I guess now we only have one room, Finn. - Jackie continued - And from what we've heard, you've never properly met a human girl before.
Finn almost dropped the key to the ground when he heard a smoky hot voice of Jackie behind him, and his nose nearly bumped into her cleavage when she walked to his side. He tried turning around, but met Janna, who, like Star before, was already taking interest in his right, otherworldly arm.
- Yeah, I think we can work with that...  - she mumbled to herself, knocking on Finn's arm as if to check if it was hollow - That might be even better than what I wanted to do with Marco!
In desperation, Finn looked to Marco for help, but in turn, he also became a centre of attention for magical women that only knew about his prowess from tales. Marcelline and Huntress wizard couldn't help putting their arms around his neck and feeling the muscular body underneath his red hoodie. Meanwhile, behind them, a heated and inflamed discussion took place, between two equally fiery gals.
- I can make Finn's cum boil with these in seconds! - Flame Princess pushed her hands to her breasts, squeezing them in the process. - Oh, please - Hekapoo replied, laughing at her bosom, that objectively speaking, looked pale compared to hers - And can you multiply yourself? How long do you think Marco can last when there's three of me? - Girls! Girls!
Princess Bubblegum clapped her hands to silence the parties and gain their attention.
- I think this fortuitous meeting gives us great opportunity to solve the dilemma we've had in the spa! - Dilemma? - Marco raised his brow, looking somewhat worryingly at Finn. - What dilemma? - Well, duh! - Star took over putting her arms around their necks, bringing them closer - Which one of you is the better lover!
A realisation finally dawned on the boys, colours draining from their faces, as Star continued to cheer.
- I mean, we've spent sooooo much time discussing which one of you is longer, and thicker, better at oral, and how many times can each of you do it in a row... - to their horror, she kept counting. - I mean, we also talked about nails, hair, music and the pros and cons of replacing monarchy with democracy, but I'm not gonna lie, you were the main topic...   - But the only objective method is a series of direct observations! - Princess Bubblegum finished, smiling at the two perplexed guys.
If Marco and Finn had anything to say against that idea, then the enthusiastic murmur amongst the other girls, all looking excited at the prospect, exchanging overjoyed and down right hungry stares between one another has successfully silenced the two.  
- Come on, Marco, we gotta see how our rooms have merged! - Star shouted, as she lead the group of women from the bar.
Marco and Finn took one more look at each other, grabbed their glasses, and finished their drinks in one go.
- A hero's work is never done...
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sushigirlali · 6 years
Dinner Plans (Reylo MiniFic)
A/N: This drabble is dedicated to my dear friend @grlie-girl and stems from a conversation we had about our favorite colors the other day! (Mine are green and black!) It seems like I’ve been on a modern AU kick lately, but what can I say? Modern Rey and Ben are just so fun to play around with!
Master list –> sushigirlali’s Reylo fanfiction 
Dinner Plans
By: sushigirlali
Kira picked up her lover’s flaming sword, brandishing it at the loathsome golden beast threatening her—
“Rey, which one?” Ben asked, interrupting her silent musings.
Peering over The Last Knight, a trashy fantasy novel she’d been devouring for the past few hours, Rey focused on the identical black wool turtlenecks her boyfriend was holding up at the end of their rumpled bed. “Those are the same shirt, Ben.”
“No, they’re not!” He countered. “One is dark black and the other one is a slightly darker black.”
“You can’t be serious.” Rey rolled her eyes, absently adjusting the strap of her gray silk slip where it was cutting into her shoulder. “Just pick one. I’m trying to finish this chapter before we leave for dinner.”
Kira picked up her lover’s flaming sword, brandishing it at the loathsome golden beast threatening her family. Charging forward with a vicious snarl, she—
“Come on, Rey, please?” Ben begged. “I’m barely holding it together here; I could really use your help.”
The anxious tone of his voice brought her head up again. Recognizing the beginnings of panic in his dark eyes, Rey instantly gave him her full attention.
“Baby,” Rey started soothingly, tucking a bookmark into the spine of her novel, “we’ve talked about this.”
“We have, at length, and I appreciate you for dealing with all my hang-ups, especially my fear of meeting new people…” He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. “Rey, the thought of meeting your brother—someone so important to you—I just—I want to make a good first impression is all.”
“And my choosing between these two nearly indistinguishable sweaters will help you do that?” She probed softly.
Ben slanted her a sheepish grin in response, weighing the garments in his hands like a human-sized balance scale.
Shaking her head at his antics, Rey playfully crooked a finger, inviting him closer. “Come here, then. Let me see them in the light.”
Sitting up as Ben approached her, Rey inspected the dark articles of clothing more carefully under the glow of her bedside lamp. If there was a difference in color between them, she couldn’t see it, but she pretended to consider her options all the same. Ben had made great strides in managing his anxiety over the last six months, but it didn’t hurt to humor him every once in a while.
“This one.” Rey finally said, pointing to the jumper on the right. When in doubt, she always went right!
“See? That wasn’t so hard.” He teased, leaning down to press a quick kiss on her upturned cheek.
“I suppose not.” She smiled, watching with interest as he pulled the selected sweater over his white undershirt.
“How do I look?” Ben held his arms away from his sides.
“Do a little twirl?” Rey suggested impishly, grinning as he did just that. Her boyfriend could be serious as a judge sometimes, but he always managed to loosen up around her.
“Very handsome.” She complimented him. “You know I love you in black, Ben.”
“I know.” He smirked, folding the other shirt before placing it back in the tall walnut dresser across from the bed. “Why do you think I wear it so much?”
Blowing him a kiss as he entered the walk-in closet to retrieve his pants, Rey thumbed her book open again and picked up where she left off.
Charging forward with a vicious snarl, she grunted as the beast swept her aside with a flick of his wrist. Landing inelegantly on the cold ground, Kira—
“Hey, uh, what if he doesn’t like me?” Ben called nervously from the closet.
“Finn will like you, Ben. Finn likes everyone! You have nothing to worry about.” Rey assured him.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because I love you.” Rey said simply. “And you love me.”
“You got me there, sweetheart.” Ben chuckled, poking his head around the door. “Thanks, by the way, for talking me down. I know I’m being ridiculous.”
“Are you? I hadn’t noticed.” Rey joked, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Very funny.” He replied before ducking back into the closet. “You can go back to your book now; I promise not to interrupt you again unless absolutely necessary.”
“I’m sure.” Rey said bemusedly, focusing on her marked page once more.
Landing inelegantly on the cold ground, Kira tried to recover quickly, but the beast was faster. He extended a clawed hand, dragging her into his dastardly clutches. She panted harshly as she struggled to resist his hold, terrified by her inability to move, to fight.
Was this to be the end? With her lover kneeling motionless behind her? Enthralled by the—
“So, for pants, I have six options, and I—HEY!” Ben broke off as Rey threw a pillow at his head.
“Ben Solo, I swear to—”
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” He laughed mischievously, stepping into his favorite black slacks. “You know all my dress pants are the exact same style.”
“You’re so tall it’s a wonder you were able to find any that fit.” She ribbed.
Ben strode over to the bed and folded his arms in mock anger. “What was that, short stuff?”
“I’m only short next to you.” Rey shot back. “I’m actually pretty tall for a woman, thank you very—hey, that’s mine!”
Ben grabbed her book off her lap and held it over his head. “I’m sorry, what? I can’t hear you from up here.”
Rey stood up on the bed with a dangerous smile.
“Now, Rey, don’t get all—oof!” Ben grunted as Rey launched herself into his arms.
“Ha!” She exclaimed, snatching the fantasy novel back as he caught her weight.
“Yeah, yeah, very funny.” Ben shifted his hold and sat on the bed with Rey in his lap. “How’d you know I would catch you, huh?”
“Because you always do, Ben.” Rey nuzzled into his neck happily. “What time is it, anyway? We’re supposed to meet Finn and his new girlfriend at seven.”
“Nearly six?” Ben responded, looking over her shoulder to the clock on his bedside table. “We should get going soon, if we want to beat traffic.”
“We can make it.” Rey said confidently, and she wasn’t just talking about tonight. Pushing his unruly hair away from his pale face, she added gently, “Thank you for agreeing to this dinner. It means a lot to me.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” Ben murmured. “So, are you ready to introduce me to your family?”
“No, I’m ready to welcome you into it.” Rey kissed the bridge of his long nose. “As soon as I finish this chapter!”
Flipping open The Last Knight to the place where she had left off, Rey settled into Ben’s warm arms. He leaned against the headboard with a resigned sigh, holding her tightly as she finally completed chapter eight.
Was this to be the end? With her lover kneeling motionless behind her? Enthralled by the creature trying to choke the life out of her? No! She wouldn’t give up without a fight!
“Kylo!” Kira panted, begging him to snap out of whatever trance the beast had foisted upon his mind.
But her impassioned words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the red room began to fade into darkness. Struggling with all her might, Kira gasped for air as her enemy’s hands suddenly slipped from around her throat. Seizing the opportunity, she flung herself away, stunned to find Kylo cutting the beast down with a shining silver sword. Her sword.
Their foe emitted a horrible scream as it was split in two, sliding to the ground with a definitive thud. The beast was vanquished at last.
A/N: Any Archer fans on this ship? LOL I love that show so much, and I couldn’t resist giving Ben one of Archer’s signature lines! Hmm…there may be a Spy!Reylo fic in my future! Thanks for reading!
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saltylikecrait · 6 years
Sacrifice - Spooktober prompt
Here’s today’s sad attempt at a prompt. I started working on it during my break, but got called in by my boss mid-way through to do an exit survey. So I lost my train of thought.
Note: this prompt was written in a 15-ish minute time frame and is unedited.
So the day was going nothing like they planned.
Finn had thought it would be romantic to take Rey out for a picnic in this forest that they encountered on their latest planetside visit. The world was unexplored and didn’t even have a name, but it sure was beautiful with its exotic flora and fauna. Rey kept glancing at it with wide and excited eyes and Finn caught on to her longing to walk among the trees.
And it started as romantic. Finn had packed a lunch and led her by the hand through the woods where they found a nice sunny spot next to a giant mushroom. It had been nice for about an hour.
But then they heard strange chatter in the distance, like unintelligible yelling and chanting. As the sound grew nearer, they grew more nervous and decided to make a run.
Of course, they fell into a trap and before they knew it, they were tangled in a net and pinned closely to the ground.
Rey spat out a mouth full of dirt and dead leaves as she fumbled for her lightsaber. The problem with having it clipped to her belt was that she could not call it with the Force without taking her belt and trousers with her.
And then, out of the bushes, jumped a group of oddly clothes, masked beings.
They prodded at them with spears and Finn tried to swipe them away in warning.
Why were there children out here alone? And more importantly, why were they acting like they were hunting Finn and Rey? He might not have had a great upbringing, but even Rey would agree with him that free ranged children in groups wasn’t the wisest of parenting choices.
Maybe they were orphans.
In any case, the children had began to drag the net across the ground, taking them to Force-knew-where.
Rey was oddly quiet as she watched the children work together to drag them away.
The children sang an odd tune on their path. It was eerie to the pair’s ears. Harmonized, but otherworldly. He had never heard kids sing almost in perfect unison and on-key like this.
After a few minutes of being dragged, the children stopped at a clearing and brought Finn and Rey to the center of the clearing. A stone circle had been made, and around that, rocks marked four points with etched markings that Finn had never seen before.
The singing started again. Smoke began to rise from the stones, their etchings glowing red.
“Okay,” Rey whispered. “Not sticking around for this. Can you get my lightsaber?”
He fumbled for a bit as he tried to reach his arms through the tight netting to reach the clip on her belt. Not waiting to hand it over to her, Finn ignited the saber himself and dragged it through the ropes of the net. The suddenly light and sound of rope snapping startled the children and as Finn waited for Rey to crawl out and stand up, he waved the weapon as a warning to them, to keep them away.
“Yeah, just stay back,” he yelled.
One of the children got too close for comfort and lunged at them. Sinking its teeth into the leg of Rey’s trousers, she yelped and tried to shake him off.
The mask fell off the child, revealing a very pale face and eyes that were a radioactive green.
“I don’t think these are humans,” she gasped.
And without another word, the pair ran for it. The children gave chase.
“Chewie!” Finn yelled into his comm link. “Lower the ramp and get ready to fly off!”
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