#Fiore Ronchegnac
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Princess Liliosa, Prince Merielle, and Prince Fiore in 1075
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I think we (the people) need to know more abt lili Meri and fiore . do they get along well? what silly, goofy shenanigans do they get up to?
Its very very complicated
As a whole group they rarely hang out together, in part its because of the age gap and how different they are from one another, but they do love each other and stuff. The most shenanigans they do together is Fiore gets in trouble, Lili begs Meri to help, Meri gets them out of the trouble
Lili & Meri
Lili and Meri are pretty close, they just have vastly different hobbies. Meri likes more intellectual and indoors based things where as Lili loves physical activities the most. Lili adores Meri though and tries to participate in their likes so that they can spend time together. Meri doesnt hate Lili but is a little jealous. They wish they were the older one and stuff, they really wanted to inheirt Glimmerier one day, but they are cool.
Lili & Fiore
Chaotic siblings. They both have such similar hobbies, big issue is that they are so apart in age. They both love sparing and fashion. Lili protects Fiore from getting into too much trouble and Fiore looks up to her greatly.
Meri & Fiore
These two dont get along at all. Their interests are far too different, and their age gap is large. Dont get me wrong if anyone is going to successfully get Fiore out of trouble its Meri but they will bitch and moan about it for hours first. Fiore is annoying to them though always messing with their stuff and ya know just little sibling stuff.
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anything abt the glimmerierian royal family. anything at all. i wanna know more about them
Im guessing you mean the modern day family. The family today consists of The Queen Asteria, her husband King (consort) Virac, and their three children Princess Liliosa, Prince Merielle (in Glimmerier they have the title of Princess but Prince is their title in Elvenwick), and Prince Fiore.
The queen also has a twin sister Wisteria with whom shes estranged.
The extended family includes the Queen’s cousin Princess Zahara and her family as well as the Queen’s 2nd? cousin Prince Pollux and his family.
The main family are very close which is on par for Glimmerierian royal families. Outside of their royal duties the Queen is a hobbyist baker, the King builds miniature cityscapes, the Princess of the Roses and Prince Fiore both like hunting, and Princess Merielle is quite the little bookworm.
I was working on pets for them but Lili has 2 pet dogs Magnolia (named after her favorite who also happened to have corgis) a corgi, and Winston a Basque poodle mix. Meri has Monsieur a Turkish Angora, Dolphin a galah bird, and Diamantina a diamond dove. Fiore I know at least has one dog Lumi but I havent decided on any others.
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🌹 The flower trio 🌹Liliosa Merielle and Fiore in 1073
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The Ronchegnac family in the year of 1058. First post of 2023!
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What are the favourite flowers of Glimmerier siblings??
Also gimme some Otehime funfacts,would love to know more about her
Liliosa- hibiscuses, shes love hibiscus tea
Merielle- Meri would like flowers that are useful rather than pretty (flowers that go along with fruits or make foods like lavender). They’d think Allium roseum and Pear flowers are so beautiful
Fiore- hed like weird looking flowers like Pasiflora and Cypripedium Orchid
A little on Ote
-Her father would be the Prime Minister and best friend of the emperor, her mother would have been a lady in waiting to the previous two empresses.
-Her fiancée would be her long term best friend Ota Kiyoshi, the older brother of the Princess Helena’s future husband, and the future Prime minister
-as empress shed be very invested in opera and dramatical arts in fact shed spend most of her time in various opera houses even funding a few
-would hate her step daughters a lot which would ruin their relationship with their father
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What's Fiore, Lili, and Meri's fave colors? And fave people?
Color- Pink pink everything pink pink pink
Person- Surprisingly Lili would be an attentive student of history. If you mean her favorite person in her family its probably her father 100% but if you mean someone inspirational for her its 10000000000% Queen Magalie. Lili has even named her dog after her and has a replica of her armor. When you fa girl for your ancestor
Color- Purple like a nice blue way purple
Person- their mother in all senses of it. Meri and Asteria would be very close. Meri would look up to Asteria a lot and work hard to please her. Asteria doesnt want them to do that but ya know
Color- pink pink pink
Person- hmmmm this one is hard. His boyfriend, one of them he has a lot I dont remember his name. Whoever is his boy toy of the week is who the answer to this is.
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Prince Fiore and Prince Francois (@irrelevant-subjects) in about 1079
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🎢 🖌️ 🍪 💘 for Asteria, Virac, Liliosa, Merielle, and Fiore
🎢 Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
🖌️ Do they have any hobbies?
🍪 How well can they bake?
💘 What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
🥖 Asteria 🥖
🎢 Asteria have gone to a fair on her first date with Virac, it would have both of their first time as he didnt have the money to go, and as a princess it was seen as improper for her to go. There wouldnt be many rides to go on (if any) or anything but theyd engage in all of the fair games and stuff. I can see Virac winning her one of those stuffed bears in the strongman game.
🖌️Shed be much more homelier than her predecessors. Her favorite thing is baking, she’d bake when stressed or worried or anything. Shed like how warm and cozy it feels
🍪 Very well, shed be known as the Bread Queen. She’d make bread for her family at least once a week if she has time, and the family really enjoys it.
💘 Shed find Virac able to bring the best out in people. Shed like herself more when shes with him. He has such an infectious laugh and smile.
🏫 Virac 🏫
🎢 (see asteria’s answer)
🖌️ He would build miniature architecture, he built miniatures of the castle he lives and houses from towns they visited. He’d probably be one of those dads with an extensive miniature collection in his secret room. If dnd existed hed def play
🍪 You would think he could cook because his mom and him used to cook for the royal family, but all he really did was pick up supplies, and maybe on ocassion put something in with clear instructions. Otherwise he could burn water with ease lmao
💘 Hed see a side of Asteria that most people dont, the caring and loving side, the person who want to advocate for others, his little genius. It’s impossible to say one thing when he adores everything about her.
⚒ Liliosa ⚒
🎢 Lili and Meri would go to the fair are children and theyd both just like the treats they can eat. They’d get food from every stall together
🖌️ Lili would enjoy anything physically active, like archery or axe throwing. She spends much of her free time trying to get stronger. She’d also be a game enthusiast like her dad and in fact would somewhat absorb her parents hobbies
🍪 only a very little bit honestly she’d pick up everything she knows from her mom
💘 Lili is aroace pretty anti romance and sex too!
📜 Merielle 📜
🎢 (see Lili’s answer)
🖌️ Meri is a HUGE bookworm and often reads most of the time. They also would be a hobbyist gardener. They’d have all different types of weird plants
🍪 Not at all, they think baking is cool but never took it up, maybe one day.
💘 Being on the same page is a big thing. They liked Mai because they both were doing philosophy and she was such a fascinating person to talk to. They dont love Eirwen but they do enjoy his company and are great friends with him because he also is a great conversationalist.
💂 Fiore 💂
🎢 Fiore went a few times hen he was little but he cant remember anything exciting about going, was mostly dragged by parents and older siblings. Not his thing, hot sun with kids screaming noe
🖌️ Hed enjoy hunting somewhat when he was younger. Now his interests are mainly the opulent things like wine tasting, fashion etc. Hobby wise Hed decently like traveling
🍪 Nope and has no interest in it
💘 Hmmmmm, like minded people for sure. Hed enjoy the company of people who have similar interests
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Prince Fiore with his dog Lumi in 1066
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Prince Francois Ronchegnac, Prince Fiore’s husband (owned by @irrelevant-subjects)
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The Main Noble Houses of Pridaxus
This is a family tree comprising of all of the immediate members of the noble house in each of the isles 
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Dark pink means married or the equivalent
Purple means offspring 
Light pink means former spouses
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