#Fire Emblem 3H
platinumamiii · 2 months
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~ Happy 5th anniversary 💛❤️💙 ~
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seratlantisite · 4 months
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i'm glad he admits this because like half of Dedue's supports were just the Faerghus kids losing their fucking minds over how good his cooking was and he kept insisting he wasn't doing anything special
"Holy shit this is amazing what did you even put in this??" *pained sigh* "Salt. I put Salt."
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gzeidraws · 10 months
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For Marianne's birthday! 🥳 Commission that was previously done for sixtybuzzer
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smoochie150 · 2 months
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From this meme floating around twitter at the moment
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sunsetbridge555 · 2 months
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i drew these in ms paint
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geckosliktheireyes · 8 months
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fire emblem is so cool I wish friendships were real
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gentsma-art · 4 months
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Happy Late Birthday Doodle!
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kafkaoftherubble · 2 months
Fire Emblem Three Houses 5th Anniversary Asks!
The premise is simple.
If you were a character in FE3H...
⏫: What weapon/skill do you think you'll be proficient in? (Max 3)
⭐: What weapon/skill do you think you have hidden talent in? (Max 3)
⏬: What weapon/skill do you think you will suck at? (Max 3)
⤴: Who are the characters do you think you can achieve A+ or S-level support ending? (No limit!)
💬: Byleth has to attain certain proficiencies to poach students to their house. But what more could they have also done if they want to convince you to join them?
📜: What will your backstory in FE3H probably be? (as briefly as necessary!)
⚔: What will your Crest Weapons/Divine Weapons/Personal Weapons theoretically be? If you like, elaborate on the effects or powers they possess! (Does not need to be FE-mechanism compliant)
📚: Everyone in Three Houses can develop magic even if their proficiency differs. What nature will your magic be? Both faith and reason magic are accepted!
🗺: What will your paralogue be about? If you're sharing it with someone else, who will that be?
☕: What tea should Byleth get for your teatime?
❗: Which chores will you be the most proficient in?
🔅: Where will Byleth most likely find you in the entire monastery?
🗨: Byleth often finds misplaced items and return them to their owner, right? What will your "lost item" be?
🎁: From this list, which gift will increase your support point the most? (Add your own special gift if you have something better!)
✉: What "anonymous" question will you drop in the monastery's secret ask box for Byleth to answer?
🖋: if unpaired, what will your ending in FE3H be?
Reblog and add more questions to this Ask Game if you have some kickass ones, too!
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yanderefairyangel · 8 months
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Congratulations to the CYL winner
I am so glad F!Robin finally won
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penguuthegentoo · 7 months
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Tbt when i got to the timeskip in fe3h and all I could think about was my boy Dimitri
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platinumamiii · 6 months
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~ Spring Seteth 🐰 ~
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gh0stmillk · 1 year
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Happy birthday 💙🖤
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gzeidraws · 1 year
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Byleth, Rhea, and their child 😊 Comm for Anonymous!
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crows-of-buckets · 8 months
Edelgard was 18.
Edelgard was 18 and held the entirety of her future in her hands. She was 18 and alone, 18 and scared, 18 and angry.
Edelgard was 18 sitting at a desk. Her desk. The walls of her room at the officers academy felt just as much protection as they did a cage at that moment. The wooden floors creaked under the weight of her chair.
Tomorrow things would change. Her and Hubert would walk alone, and together they would face down former friends turned foes as they carved their bloody path.
They would face the professor.
Edelgard leaned back, tears blurring her vision. She was doing her homework. Why was she doing her homework? Tomorrow in the holy tomb she would plunge Fodlan into a war the likes of which no one had seen in centuries. Homework was the least of her concerns.
She would have to face the professor.
Byleth, the stone faced mercenary who threw herself in front of Edelgard with no hesitation. Byleth, who spent hours carefully guiding her students to their fullest potential. Byleth, who sometimes got pale in battle after a particularly rough fight. Not because she feared her own safety, but because she feared that any of her students had received more than a scratch. Byleth, who patiently let Edelgard explain her nightmares. Byleth, who watched her be crowned Emperor of Adrestia.
The first person in a long time that Edelgard truly cared about.
She had tried so hard to avoid harboring any affection for her professor - for any of the residents at garreg mach. And yet the ashen demon had carved a place into her heart, dragging her students to reside there alongside her. Edelgard felt her throat tighten at the thought of raising her blade at Dorothea- at Ferdinand, at Caspar, at Linhardt, at Bernadetta, at Petra. Over the past few months their antics had grown on her, and now guilt lumped in her throat. She would turn her blades onto them, her kind and slightly stupid classmates. They would follow Byleth, and Byleth would follow the Church.
It made her feel sick.
Long past the point of caring about her homework, Edelgard walked over to her dresser. Flowers- mostly from the professor- were starting to shrivel in their vases. How poetic, she thought that they too shall die the last night I am an ally to those I hold dear. She plucked a flower from the vase- a single rose- and sat on the bed.
There was no point in trying to sleep. Anticipation and anxiety coursed through her. Tomorrow she would have to be a different woman. No longer Edelgard, the imperial princess of Adrestia. No longer Edelgard, the flame emperor, or Edelgard, house leader of the black eagles.
Tomorrow, she would be Edelgard, Emperor of Adrestia, the woman who tore the land from it's fragile peace for the sake of her own ideals.
She pulled her legs up, laying her head on her knees.
There would be no sleep tonight. For Edelgard was 18, and she had a world to change.
Whether it be by herself, or with allies at her back, the Emperor of Adrestia had work to do.
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sunsetbridge555 · 2 months
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i drew some pokemon fredblem 3 houses ........... hell yes
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onyxedskies · 1 year
annette is so often overlooked because she's bubbly. she's energetic and happy and whimsical in a way the others aren't, and so her pain is overlooked.
but look at how distraught she gets whenever she does something wrong, or she forgets something. in her supports with byleth, she's so disappointed in herself for missing training. in her supports with dedue, she's distressed when dedue has to help her clean up and make dinner. she hates letting people down, she hates failing, she always strives to be better, and that is how her trauma manifests.
her father left her, and so she assumed it was because she wasn't good enough. so she worked, and worked, and worked, and he still didn't want anything to do with her - and she twisted it to think that it was because she didn't work hard enough. so she continues to throw herself into her work, throw herself into her studies, until maybe, just maybe, she'll be good enough.
but it's quiet. it doesn't manifest in hurting other people, or insulting them, or otherwise being an outward jerk. it manifests in her helping everyone wherever she can, because maybe then she'll be nice enough. it manifests in her studying late into the night, because maybe then she'll be smart enough. it manifests in her training every moment she can squeeze in, because maybe then she'll be strong enough. just look at the juxtaposition between her heroes relic and her class - she covers all bases, unique bases, pushes herself harder and stronger, because that way she doesn't have room for the thoughts, and she's growing alongside that. and maybe then, after all that is said and done, after she's mastered all the things that could possibly make someone love and appreciate her, she'll eventually be enough.
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