#Five Hargrevees
fiercene0n · 2 years
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s4 & s1 5⃣
mission mode
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rs1houghts · 1 month
Regarding the final season of The Umbrella Academy, I had the next idea.
Since they made it all so Subway-themed, I like this idea where they learn that Ben is slowly dying and they wanna save him, During this search all of them get trapped into different parts of the subway and start to travel to different points, Thay are all desperate to get back and try to save Ben and basically it's like maybe two or three episodes of the siblings living the different Timelines.
Maybe some of them get stuck for a while in some apocalypse, This could lead them to think about how five passed the 40 years in the first season, So then later, They start to get together little by little, like, Luther crosses with Klaus, And then with Viktor, And they get all Together on a same station but they still need to get out, So they all work together, And maybe during this teamwork someone has a talk with five, about all that he's done for them and how he managed the apocalypse and he finally gets his hug and the appreciation he deserves, Proly The talk starts with Diego or Klaus, anyways, After they get out of the Subway they need to get to Ben And Jen.
I forgot to write this but during the years ln the subway thay start to learn from different versións of themselves that the cause of The Ben problem is that the different timelines are colapsing and Umbrella!Ben and Sparrow!Ben are collapsing onto each other, Thats why he's dying, Cause the universe is kinda trying to reap them apart so the two Ben's can "exist" together, And What triggered the collapse is a connecting individual, Jennifer, The two Ben drift from each other the moment that the Jenifer Incident happends, I also rewrite the Jen Incident but thats for another time, But basiclly, They now need to get to ben and save him. Im still writing the ben salvation but i have an idea.
I don't know, Is it too crazy
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jayme-hagrevees · 2 years
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natewrightt · 4 years
Hey can you do a five x reader married headcanons please, you don’t have to tho, love your writing btw :)
-being married to Five Hargreeves...
-what is that like?
-you basically have a different version of him when he’s around you
-the soft, sweet and caring man that put a ring on your finger
-something he would never let his siblings see
-the only time he’d ever really be firm with you is if you wanted to come with him on a mission
-protective husband mode: ON
- 🤬😡😡😠😠🤬
-I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch
-Oh, and did we mention getting jealous of a mannequin?
- so you end up beating her with a hammer
- anyways 😗✌️
-let me just say for the record that Five being jealous is attractive as fuck
-and it’s weird, he only gets jealous when you hang out with his siblings too much
-like one time
-you were painting Klaus’ nails and gossiping about the world ending
-you know, 𝒞𝒶𝓈𝓊𝒶𝓁
-anyways, Five comes into the room and just drags you out
- “my turn”
-also, congratulations because you’re now the Handlers biggest enemy
-which is fine because you hate her too
-every time she caresses his cheek...
- 😤👊
-what’s the point here?
-go marry Five. Just do it
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feralnumberfive · 4 years
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Me @ me when I keep finding spelling mistakes in my automatic tags
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jaytodd1129 · 4 years
why has it become a popular thing in the fandom that diego is the macho sibling of the group, drowning in toxic masculinity? sure, he definitely has an inferiority complex and some serious anger issues to address, but let’s also remember Diego:
Cherishes and values his mom, even when people around him seems to only see her as a robot and therefore less-than everyone else, he treats her with kindness and respect at all times
When nobody could give less of a fuck about Klaus, he actually chased him into that veteran’s bar and insisted he talk to him about his Feelings
He’s also the one to go talk to Luther about his feelings in season 2 when the latter was having his existential crisis
Didn’t even bat an eyelash when Klaus revealed the special someone he had lost was a guy (”what was her name?” “his name was Dave”), just followed that up with saying that “Dave must’ve been someone pretty special to put up with your weird crap”
When the woman with the kid in the bowling alley confused Diego and Klaus for husbands, instead of getting all frazzled and “NO HOMO”-ing himself out of the situation, he proceeded to have a hypothetical argument with Klaus on whether he would ever go out with him if he ever were to go out with a man
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aaaaaaaahhhhh 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I want hugs 😭 Also right back at you love
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
I'm like, ridiculously invested in the Lumberjack lesbian mom au, so I have a question and an idea that bounces off the question. Does she know they have powers? And then what if they were in the city and she (or some other probably child civilian) gets trapped in like... A burning building or something, and Five gets her out but people see him and Reginald actually does show up, following the rumors of potential Umbrella Academy kids so Ellie gets to make good on her threat😂
She does! But not at first, they keep that under wraps because they assume that if she figures out they’re The Umbrella Academy then she’ll send them back oof and they have Vanya’s inclusion to throw off the scent as well because there’s six umbrella academy kids and seven of them
but i mean Ellie wasn’t exactly born yesterday one of these little sucker’s name is Five and sometimes they call each other by numbers or - on rare occasions - their hero names (usually only when they’re sniping at one another but Luther occasionally does it out of habit)
and these kids have weird trauma that pops up oddly. Like the fact that when Ellie is first getting everyone dinner she expects them to be,, you know,,, kids. Descend upon the food like a pack of ravenous wolves. They’re seven thirteen-year-olds they might as well be feral little gremlins regarding food they’re still growing. But nope they all very quietly pile around Ellie’s shitty table where they had to drag in like four chairs from various spots around the house into a mishmash pile and quietly wait as Ellie piles food on her own plate and she’s like “??? what are y’all waiting for???” and ben just blinks and looks at her oddly and is like “uhhh you haven’t given us permission to eat?” and ellie is just like “shit chow down kids y’all don’t need permission” but they’re all still hesitant and luther is like “how,, how much are we permitted” and ellie is just “????? i mean make sure your siblings get some but if there’s any left and you’re still hungry you can always go back for seconds”
just klaus being wide eyed and all “What’s seconds?? wait you’re telling me that after we’re done we can go back and get MORE food? just like that?” and ellie’s heart is breaking and also she’s mentally looking at her budget again about feeding seven ravenous children and figuring she’ll teach the kids to fish and what in the forest is edible 
(she’ll figure out soon enough the kids already know, they’ve been living in the forest for a while before they came upon her and she adopted them, so ellie won’t have to worry too hard about feeding them when they come home with buckets full of blackberries and mud on their clothes)
but the point is that she’s pretty sure your average 13 yr old can’t help with the lumber with the amount of ease that Luther shows. She’s also pretty sure that the way the kids keep squirreling Vanya off into the woods is pretty suspect and so are the patches of woods where the trees are blown down like a localized tornado. Plus it’s hard not to notice that sometimes Five will go off in one direction and show up in another place entirely.
they think they’re being so sneaky about it
it’s probably five that gives it up in the end
they’re all gathered in front of the tv watching a movie with songs and dancing. Let’s say footloose because why not. Allison adores movies and dancing and all of that and will often make her siblings dance with her along with the characters and so they all have the furniture shoved back against the walls as they goof around. Ellie is sitting on the couch and Klaus is trying to teach her how to knit to no avail (he’s just much better at it than she is, she just doesn’t have the patience for this kind of thing - but then again she’d thought the same of Klaus but he seems to enjoy having something to keep his hands busy when he’s sitting with Clyde sprawled across his lap)
someone moves wrong and stumbles into someone else and they trip and hands go flailing and Five flinches but he’s had training at avoiding projectiles pounded into his head (and his flesh, bruises upon bruises and blood dripping down his lip) and so he does what comes naturally to him - he jumps before Diego can crash into him. Not far, just a few feet to the left as Diego crashes to the floor, but they all freeze because Five jumped
in front of Ellie
and Ellie is scowling at her knitting which she’s pretty sure she dropped a few stitches fucking somewhere and she isn’t sure where but she barely looks up she’s just like “No powers in the house” and jabs at something with a needle that might be picking up a stitch but might also be losing another one?
“What?” Allison blurts out, echoes by the others
Ellie looks up, “I mean, I don’t mind you kids using them out in the woods or anything but shit’s breakable in the house and we’re on a budget. We can negotiate when you’re older if you like.”
“you KNOW?” Diego asks, wide eyed and somewhat alarmed
“Diego.” Ellie says patiently, giving up and passing her knitting to an alarmed looking Klaus because really he’s good and if anyone can save whatever the fuck she managed to do it would be him, “Seven kids popped up outside my house. Six of which have the exact same names as the kids from the umbrella academy or whatever. Klaus literally had a nightmare the other night where he screamed about ghosts. And don’t think I didn’t see you throw that pinecone at your sister last week. Y’all aren’t exactly subtle.”
as though it didn’t take ellie fucking forever to put two and two together tbh like she figured out about the powers way before she figured out about the umbrella academy thing. She went to town and saw a gossip magazine with a picture of them all wondering why they hadn’t been seen in public (as if reginald is going to admit to them running away) and ellie was like ‘holy shiT’ at the time
“You didn’t say anything.” Vanya says, shakily
Ellie just shrugs again, “Well I figured y’all would come clean when you felt comfortable enough to. I’m glad you’re trusting me with this.”
“You aren’t going to send us back?” Five asks what they’re all thinking, and he’s shaking like a leaf, blue sparking across his hands like he wants to jump away and is only held back by sheer willpower
“Fuck no,” Ellie snorts, then frowns, “I mean uh, heck no. Don’t swear, kids. But like, your dad was clearly a piece of shit and I wouldn’t spit on him if he was on fire, let alone give him even a plant to take care of never mind seven kids.”
There’s a pause as they all digest that
“No powers in the house?” Ben confirms, because they’re all familiar with rules
“Like I said, breakable shit.” Ellie nods, “I trust y’all are being safe using them out in woods at least. Figuring out control is important, but I trust you guys to know what you’re doing. They’re your powers, after all. But - if you ever need me don’t hesitate to ask. I might be just an ordinary person, but I’ve got a trick or two up my sleeve.”
“You aren’t ordinary.” Vanya protests immediately, steel in her tone and by the way that all the others spines stiffen Ellie can figure she’s stepped on another landmine. There have been a couple, and Ellie keeps the ones she’s discovered written in a notebook in her room so she doesn’t forget (don’t jokingly put luther in charge, don’t turn off Klaus’s bedside lamp because he’s scared of the dark, don’t use the word rumor in any conversation ever, don’t mention the kids mother, telegraph her movements to five before touching him, and so on and so forth and now she can add ‘don’t use the word ordinary’ to the list as well), “You’re the most extraordinary person I’ve ever met.”
There’s another lull.
“What happens if we do use them? In the house?” Five asks, voice so very quiet that it’s almost lost as Kevin Bacon loudly says something to the Preacher on screen. 
and Ellie has to think about that, because she hasn’t really imposed any actual rules on the kids outside of like,, normal ones. Please be back before dark. Make sure everyone has something to eat, you can always go back for more if you’re still hungry. Pick up after yourself. The usual. And really, what can she do to punish a bunch of superpowered children, anyway?
So Ellie grins at them, “Then Clyde gets to sleep with me for the night.”
Immediately the tension is broken as the kids protest and cluster around to grab at Clyde dramatically. Clyde snorts awake but gives his tail some thumps at the attention even if he looks a little confused at why he’s receiving it. These days the little traitor sleeps with the kids who let him in their bed and cuddle him at night, all of them piled up on the mattresses that Ellie had thrown on the ground as they nest in the room that used to be her ‘office’ 
(she’s working on the extension to the house for them, but for now they have to share a bedroom. Not that they’ve complained about it, in face Ellie feels like she’s going to have to consult with them on what they want their sleeping arrangements to be in case they end up just wanting one giant bed to puppy pile on - which is fine for now but Ellie is pretty sure as they grow older they’re going to want their own spaces)
okay this got away from me i haven’t even looked at the second half of your ask
honestly if reginald did show up he’d knock on the door and Ellie would answer and then she’d squint at him when he demanded to see the children and would be like “oh hey it’s you ya motherfucker” and she’d be like “nope no kids here”
and reggie would point behind her to the family picture that ellie had taken a month ago that she loves because all the kids are smiling and laughing and ben is holding a frog and klaus is covered in mud and vanya has a leaf in her hair and luther’s pantlegs are soaking wet but it’s them and it’s wonderful and it’s her new favorite photo ever
and ellie looks him in the eye and deadpans, “haven’t gotten around to switching out the stock photo”
and reginald forces his way in and Ellie is maybe about two seconds away from fetching her wood chopping ax for Reasons and then the kids come back piling through the door loudly and raucously with laughs that die off when they see exactly who is in their living room, the front door still swinging open and Ellie looking coldly furious
even Clyde reads the mood and whines and there’s a loud growling grumble which absolutely does not come from Clyde but instead originates from the doorway leading deeper into the cabin where Marmalade/Orange Idiot stands with back arched as he bares his teeth at the intruder like the true guard cat he is
“Kids go to the other room.” Ellie says, and when they move to protest she puts her foot down with a “Now.” and a significant look because Vanya looks like a ghost all the blood has drained so fast from her face and Five is trembling and Klaus has tucked him and Ben behind Diego with wide frightened eyes and she knows the kids are going to eavesdrop but she wants them out of eyesight of their worst nightmare at the very least
Reginald is thankfully silent as the kids troop into the other room
“Clyde you go with them,” Ellie orders the dog, because those kids need as much comfort as they can get right not, and then she looks at the cat, “And Marm, you go too.” and hey her and Marm may not see eye to eye on most things but they both love the kids and Ellie feels like they have an understanding on the level of “if this ass goes into the room with the kids tear him a new asshole” and Marmalade sticks his tail in the air and hisses one more time at Reginald for good measure before trotting off as though he intended to exit the entire time
and Reginald says something about the kids returning and picking up their training pronto and Ellie just cuts him off
“Sir Asshat.” She says, ignoring the small gasp because her kids are not subtle, “I’m going to be straight with you - why the fuck do you think you’re walking out of here with any of those kids.”
and Reginald draws himself up and is like “They are my children. I made them what they are.”
“You traumatized a bunch of perfectly good kids is what you did.” Ellie says, “Look at them. They have anxiety. But that’s not what I’m getting at - though I don’t quite count buying them as being yours to begin with they’re children not furniture - but what I’m getting at is: how are you going to make them?”
and Reginald looks startled
“Those kids in there,” Ellie jabs a finger towards the wall, “Are extraordinary. And on top of that, they have powers the likes of which I’ve never seen before. And you think you, Mr. Hargreeves, are a match for them? If they decide to really go against you? You think you can force them to do anything they don’t want to do?”
She jabs a finger at Reginald’s chest, forcing him to take a step back. Because he came here thinking he had all the power, because he’s a powerful man and money talks. But not here it doesn’t. Not in Ellie’s grandmother’s cabin, in her neck of the woods, not when she has seven children behind her and the man who still gives them nightmares in front of her.
Ellie bares her teeth in what might generously be called a smile if it didn’t look too much like she wanted to tear Reginald’s throat out. “You are very lucky, Mr. Hargreeves. Because if I was in those kids shoes? There wouldn’t be anyone left to come looking for me, you know? You want that luck to hold, don’t you Mr. Hargreeves?”
“Are you threatening me?” Reginald demands, but looks unnerved. And he invaded her home, wants to take her kids away, wiped the smiles off of her kids faces and left them quiet and trembling and afraid just with one glance at them.
“No, sir.” Ellie tells him, “Just pointing out a truth is all. Now Mr. Hargreeves, I’ll even do you a favor and give you another truth for free. You see, you’re going to turn around and get the hell off of my property. You’re going to leave my kids alone, and never darken my doorstep again. You’re going to go back to your sad, miserable, lonely little life and you are never even going to think in the direction of my kids ever again. Do you understand?”
“I could have you arrested!” Reginald says severely, drawing himself up. 
Ellie crosses her arms and looks to the side, where all the kids are now hovering in the doorway and watching this clash between the two adults. “Kids,” Ellie says, mild as milk, “If I were arrested would you bust me out?”
“Yeah.” Luther says, and the fact that’s it’s Luther who answers and has his face set in stone as he turns towards Ellie as if Reginald isn’t in the room. And Ellie is so fucking proud of him it hurts, “Of course we would.”
Ellie nods, “So you see, Mr. Hargreeves, the thing about family is that if you mess with one you mess with all. And I don’t think you really want to mess with us.”
And Reginald turns sharply to the door, cane flashing in the light and Ellie can see the kids flinch back and is kind of regretting not just going straight for the wood ax or maybe one of the kitchen knives or hey maybe just using her fists and going to town she’s pretty sure she can take this pasty old man
and reginald leaves and maybe he vows to return and ellie calmly tells him that if he shows up again she’ll consider him a trespasser and deal with him accordingly
and then he drives off and ellie goes back inside and the kids huddle around her and she sweeps them into her arms and presses kisses on their heads and cheeks and wipes away Vanya’s tears with one hand as she presses Klaus’s sobbing face into her shoulder and she promises them that she’ll never let them go back to their father’s care no matter what
even if that means taking the kids and running
“But your grandmother’s cabin - ” Ben starts, swiping a hand over his own tearstained face as Ellie reaches out to him
“Nana would understand.” Ellie tells him simply, “She’s dead, you’re alive. You come first over any silly little cabin, you hear?”
and that night everyone piles into Ellie’s room instead of going to their own, pressing against one another in a tangle of limbs that Ellie already knows is going to have her waking in the middle of the night sweating like a don’t know what but she can’t bring herself to protest not even why clyde hops in and so does the demon cat who she will never admit she likes
“If he comes back I’m going to kill him.” Ellie says, thoughtful as the kids settle around her, “You kids would help me bury the body, right?”
“If we killed him, do you think we could go rescue Mom?” Diego asks quietly, and Ellie is suddenly turning in bed because the kids only mentioned their mother once and then shut down entirely any other time ellie asked
“We don’t have to wait, sweetheart.” Ellie says, all thoughtful and maybe just a little bit vengeful and petty, “Tell me about your mom in the morning?”
and the kids snuggle closer and nod
and okay later when Ellie finally meets Grace she can admit that she expected an older woman around Reginald’s age not this lovely young woman with her 60s style skirt and her smile and oh she’s a robot?? okay yeah that makes sense there’s no way this literal angel of perfection could possibly be a mortal to begin with
yeah ellie might be fucked
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Fanfics: Sparrow Academy Character Season 3 Development Part 1
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When the mysterious Umbrella Academy appeared in their house. Marcus and his siblings went to confront them. The skinny man-made front of Ben’s hair and scar with provoked him to punch him. The big man steps in but Marcus steps into him. They fought until he got tired making it easy to win. 
After Sloane sent the short woman crashing, Marcus watched as his siblings surrounded her. The Boy called her Vanya and told her to get out of there. Then her skin turned blueish white. She unleashed an energy blast that knock them back. 
He flew into the balcony. He realized she was powerful to fight, so he told her, and she did. 
Marcus along with the rest of the sparrow academy is trying to come up with a plan to take them down, especially the mysterious energy woman they called “Vanya”.  
When he went outside to blow some steam with some flips, he spots Vanya staring at him from below in the crowd. 
He went with her to a diner, where they tried to negotiate a deal. She asked him not to make a move on his family again, but he brought up the fact they invaded their house. So he can’t promise her that he and the others won’t make a move on her family.
But then, in a more menacing tone, Vanya said then she’ll make her move on him. She threatens to humiliate him in a fight in front of tons of fans. She brought up her ending the world twice and called him just meat in spandex. This hurt Marcus and then he asked what Vanya wants. She said she wanted the briefcase he and his family left in their house. 
Later that night Marcus found the briefcase but before he could give it back to the Umbrellas, Ben stopped him and convinces him to use the briefcase as leverage. Marcus was reluctant due to not wanting to lose to Vanya but their dad told him to hold on to it and make another deal with them. 
After finding out Alphonso and Jayme got their asses kicked by Vanya now a man named Viktor and his knife brother, Diego. Later Marcus and Ben talked with Viktor, Diego, and their brother, Luther. They told them that the deal was off and that they’ll launch an attack on Viktor and his family.
A week later, Marcus and the Sparrows went to the city park to fight the Umbrellas. Marcus fought their Number One, Luther, and won again. This causes Viktor to come and fight him. As he’s ready to unleash his energy wave, he pleads with Marcus to not make him do this. But Marcus told him to do it. But before he could Jayme knocked him down. 
Marcus and the other sparrows were able to beat most of the umbrellas but when they were trying to finish them off with a combined assault, they were able to dodge their assault. Instead, they nearly hit a family but Luther and Viktor moved them out of the way. That’s when they realized they had been causing damage and hurting people around them. And the reason why the Umbrellas weren’t fighting back hard was to prevent anyone from getting hurt or getting people away from the dangerous fight. Before people could call them for the damage they caused Marcus got him and the others to get away. 
Two weeks after the incident, the sparrows were deemed as villains who persuade the public they were heroes and deemed the umbrellas as heroes. Marcus was conflicted about who’s the heroes and who’s the villains. 
In public, Marcus ran into Viktor and they have another talk. He asked why they’re actual heroes while his family is seen as bad guys. Viktor said he doesn't why, but he believes heroes are heroes when they don’t try to be better than others and show actual genuine concern for the people around them. He’s aware family isn’t perfect or even good, but they try their best to be good. 
After seeing the umbrellas helping people and not bragging about it, Marcus realized this is the team he wanted. Marcus went home and packed his bags and left. He also gave up the leadership to Ben. Ben tries to warn him to not leave or he and the others will kill him and the umbrellas. But Marcus wasn’t intimidated and hoped Ben doesn’t cause the team to break up like he almost did before. 
He went to the Umbrella’s base, Hotel Obsidian, and everyone was acting hostile towards him except Viktor. Viktor runs down the numbers of the umbrella from Luther being Number One to Number Five being Number Five him being Number Seven. He noticed they were missing their Number Six and asked where he or she is. Everyone got annoyed causing Viktor to talk to him outside. They walked to the diner where Viktor tells him about their version of their Ben/Number Six. Marcus is pretty impressed by Ben’s track record and called him better than his Ben, especially after the Jennifer incident. Viktor questioned what he just said and he claimed it was nothing.
After that conversation, Marcus says he wishes he could go to their timeline where their dad is dead. This gives Viktor the idea to ask Five if they could when him and his siblings with him when they get the briefcase back.
Viktor and Marcus then saw Luther and Sloane were dating. While Viktor wasn’t surprised Luther is dating Marcus’ sister, Marcus was glad Sloane is finally getting the treatment and love she always wanted. Marcus convinces her to leave the sparrows and joins the lovely family of umbrellas.
Later that night, Viktor and Marcus told the family about the idea and they unwillingly all agreed with it.
The next day, Luther and Sloane go for a run and Marcus decides to tag along. While running, Marcus is wondering what Luther is like as the umbrella academy’s No. 1. 
Luther tells him about Ben’s death, the academy splitting up, and how he got his gorilla body. Marcus expressed his sympathy for their family but Luther brushes it off as nothing. Sloane tells him how happy she is for them the hang out together and how they should do it more often. 
After they got back to the hotel, Ben and other sparrows showed up to fight. Marcus fought Ben and Fei. They express their anger at his “betrayal", especially Ben. 
Then suddenly random old man showed up and fired a fiery energy blast at them. Marcus was able to get Fei down. Also, he saw tentacles being burned by the energy and Alphonso’s face getting more burned The Sparrows retreated to see the threat of the old man. Viktor reveals that the man is his ex-lover’s kid, Harlan. Marcus was unhappy with how this battle ended. 
Later ,Viktor and Diego try to Harlan somewhere. Marcus questioned where they were going, but they refused to tell him.
Marcus, alongside Sloane, Luther, and Klaus, goes to the academy to check up on their siblings. Ben was still pretty pissed at them for having an old man jump them. Marcus tries to explain to him what happened but he refused to listen. He told them to watch their backs. Then Ben looked at Klaus. 
Later that night, Jayme and Alphonso showed up, telling him and Sloane they were moving in. So they greeted them at home. 
Later, in private, Marcus talks to Klaus about him telling them that he came back to life. Then he told him that he needs to train him to handle his siblings. And when Klaus asked how Marcus kills him. 
Next morning, Marcus stuffed Klaus in the trunk of the hotel’s car and drove out to the middle of nowhere. Marcus started to make some calls. 
When Klaus woke up and he got him out of the trunk. As he was driving, Klaus explains about him about his powers and about their dad locking up his mausoleum. 
When they got out, Marcus claimed they'll start training by testing his reflexes with the ball. When he caught the ball, he got over a by-car. They continued training. Klaus went from calling Marcus a dickheaded brother to calling him the best. This continues until Klaus comes back in less than a second. 
Later that night, they were driving, Marcus reveals to Klaus that he got his friends to run him over. Klaus called him deranged, which Marcus took as a compliment because he got to be deranged for the first time in his life. 
Marcus took him to a cemetery to make him conquer his fear of the dead. Klaus was resisting so Marcus had to force him in. Marcus was shocked to see how scared Klaus is of ghosts. And after he got an answer from him, he reveals he can tell Klaus is stronger than he thinks he is and how much he can do this and called him brother. Klaus then was able to make the ghosts disappear. Marcus was very happy for him. And gave him the title King of Death. But Klaus prefers the Prince of Darkness. Marcus didn’t care and hugged him. 
When Klaus and Marcus came back to the hotel, they saw Alphonso and Diego injured. He was to recognize it as Ben’s doing. Marcus told other Jayme, Sloane, and the umbrellas that they need to train soon. 
A few days later, Marcus hosted a training day. Marcus sparred with Klaus. Klaus was able to show up his immorality ability. 
He witnessed the sparring between Luther and Sloane and it kinda annoyed him. 
Then when Viktor and Jayme were, Viktor created tentacle-like energy and scared Jayme. He holds Viktor to let her go. Jayme then ran off crying. Marcus tried to go after her, but Viktor told him that he'll do it.
Allison and Alphonso sparred. But while they’re sparring, Allison goes on Alphonso beating him so much he can’t fight back. Then she rumored him to shut his mouth. Alphonso couldn’t breathe. Then Marcus told her to stop. Then she ran off when she saw what she had done to Alphonso Marcus canceled training, to went after Allison. Allison was crying after what she did. Marcus went comfort her. He asked what’s wrong. She revealed that she suffering from PTSD from the 60s and fighting Alphonso triggered it. And now afraid that she’ll go down the wrong path again. She then brought up her daughter Claire and how she’s gone and she brought up her husband. Marcus assured her that things will alright. Then Marcus questioned if her husband is still alive and she said yes. Marcus left. Marcus became back with Five. Five got them to present-day Dallas, Texas, and a hospital. Marcus uses his popularity to charm the staff into letting them into a certain room. The patient in the room was 90-year-old, Ray Chestnut. Allison was a relief to see one last. They hung out in the room for hours. Ray was going dying but before he died gave Allison advice. That he and Claire will be in her heart. Then he gave some advice to Marcus. He is live life in the way he wants to. Then he passes. 
After soon after got Allison home, became comes in limping and saying Ben killed Pogo. This shocked Marcus and others. 
As they struggle to process what Ben has done, Umbrellas and Sparrows go into what made Ben so different. Later on, Christopher showed up injured and told them that Dad capture Ben. 
They were conflicted to go help Ben. But then Viktor started to scream. He said that could hear Ben screaming his and Klaus’s names from hotel oblivion. This made Marcus, Diego, Allison, Five, Viktor, Lila, and Christopher go. Eventually, so do Luther, Sloane, Klaus, Fei, Alphonso, and Jayme. 
When they got to hotel oblivion, they split up. Marcus went to Allison, Klaus, and Fei. 
Fei and Klaus questioned him and Allison on why they were so determined to save Ben after what he did. Marcus tells them that he knew that Ben can't handle these situations due to the last time. They somehow went from floor 1 to 3. Then they heard bell ringing sounds. Then a samurai with a Sai showed up behind Allison and attacked her. Marcus got Allison to safety and quickly bandaged her arm. Fei and Klaus ran away from the samurai after couldn’t defeat it. Marcus then goes back to fight it. He was able to fight it back but eventually got knocked back. Klaus and Fei go crazy about it. Allison then goes up to him and rumored him to be strong enough to fight it off. He ended up stabbing it with its own Sai. 
After defeating it, they got back to the lobby, and there they all saw Ben. Ben went to Marcus to apologize for not listening but brought him in a hug to be relieved that his brother is alright. Then their father showed up with Harlan, Grace, and three more samurais. He then showed his horrible alien face. Marcus was shocked, but he just starteding attack him. He and his brothers and sisters fought one of the samurais. He found out about Jayme and Alphonso’s new powers, and he, them, and Sloane launched a coordinated attack on it. 
After Ben got knocked out by Reggie. He and Luther fought him. And everyone just tries attacking him. Marcus got them to launch an attack. Then they knocked their dad out. 
They took him and Ben back to their house and found pills that Pogo left behind for Reginald. They put him on those pills. 
In celebration, they order multiple pizzas and had a party. When Ben woke up and saw them, Marcus was one of the first ones to hug him. And invite him to the party. 
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tehmoonofficial · 4 years
Five: Lila vented
Diego: What are you talking about I was with her the whole time she’s just a normal girl from Dallas
Lila, absently dancing a TikTok choreography in the year 1963: Yeah Five what the fuck bro not cool
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sunriseseance · 4 years
Oh I would love to hear your thoughts on the siblings worst nightmares! I could see Allison’s being about Claire and Klaus being about Dave :)
Luther: he's a protector and a shield. He lost his body to a horrific accident/experiment. He was lied to by his abuser and then isolated for four years. This all combines to him failing to save his family, losing his body, and ending up alone.
Diego: no WAY it isn't Grace at the center of it, imo. He loves all of his family so much bus she's so uniquely special to him and such a good opportunity for a nightmare. Esp in this alternative timeline. Maybe some Lila also.
Allison: I think it'll be her reuniting with her daughter and then her daughter Swiss cheesing in her grasp, right after saying some really, really mean shit.
Klaus: Vietnam and all of the death and drugs and surreal jungle heat that invites (to be clear YES I'm talking abt Dave here, but more than that too. He saw so much death).
Five: I mean. Just the past two seasons? His siblings dying in front of his eyes and he cannot stop it?
Vanya: probably the anechoic chamber? Being alone?
But I'd LOVE to hear other thoughts!
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fiercene0n · 1 year
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what if..... five in all black...
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fandomscombine · 4 years
The Umbrella Academy Masterlist
>> General Masterlist<<
Hargreeves Kerfuffle Series: x NumberEight! Reader
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BG: The Reader is Number Eight. It follows how you fit into the structure of Season 1 and the family dynamic of the siblings.
>Part 1 : Disastrous Childhood (Prologue)
>Part 2: Family Reunion
>Part 3: Luther
> Part 4: Diego 
Coming Soon:
> Part 5: Allison
>Part 6: Klaus
> Part 7: Five
>Part 8: Ben
>Part 9: Vanya
>Part 10: Family for Better or for Worse
if you want to be tagged just let me know!
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jayme-hagrevees · 2 years
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natewrightt · 4 years
Hc for teaching Five to text?
-Five isn’t answering your texts
-and you’re worried
-so you go over to his house to see this man freaking tapping aggressively on the phone
- “oh there you are Y/N, it’s not working.”
-you examine it for a minute before speaking
- “do you know what a charger is, sweetheart?”
-after about an hour you two go at it again
-he finds it so interesting that you can communicate without seeing your face
-finally, he gets the hang of it and you leave
-he doesn’t understand slang, let alone text slang
-so everytime you say “lmao” or “idk” he gets so confused
-also, I would like to point out that Five is the worlds ✨dryest texter✨
-but it’s okay because he’s hot
-Klaus steals his phone half of the time anyways so....
-in conclusion,
-just call him man
- p l e a s e
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weareinastormoffuck · 4 years
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They made a choice
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