#Flight booking in Timor-Leste
halo-dili · 2 years
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Halo Dili was developed to give consumers in Timor-Leste an effective way to shop online, which can be challenging given the country's lack of infrastructure and slow internet access. They also provide a method for residents of other cities to order cuisine from Dili establishments. The finest app in Timor-Leste for placing food orders and making purchases from your preferred retailers is Halo Dili.
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Logo - Halo Dili
Phone - +670 73769999 | +670 76769867
Address - Pantai Kelapan, Diamond Villa, No.27, Dili, Timor-Leste
Working Hrs - Monday-Sunday: 9AM - 9PM
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drukairsg · 11 months
Discover the Unspoiled Beauty of Dili with Drukair's Singapore Travel Flights
Immerse yourself in the unspoiled beauty of Dili, the captivating capital of Timor-Leste, with Drukair's convenient and comfortable Singapore travel flights. Explore this hidden gem nestled between mountains and the Timor Sea, where stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and rich cultural heritage await. Book your journey with Drukair Singapore Travel flights to Dili and embark on an unforgettable adventure to Dili, a destination that promises to enchant and inspire.
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e-vietnamvisa · 2 years
Getting instant Vietnam e-visa in 1-2 working hours
Vietnam e-visa has been introduced in February 2017 for the first time. There are 80 countries whose citizens are eligible for 30 days single entry Vietnam visa at present, including:
Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China (including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders, not applicable to Chinese e-passport holders), Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea (South), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Solomon Islands, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, and Western Samoa.
Normally, an e-visa application will take 3 – 5 working days to complete and it even takes up 15 working days if the visa application need further verified by the Vietnam Immigration Department.
If you already booked a flight to Vietnam and it would start soon while your e-visa application is still in processing, we can help you getting the visa done within 1 – 2 working hours (last minutes service), 4 working hours (emergency service), 1 working day (urgent service) or 2 working days (rush service).
You won’t miss your trip if you contact us early enough!
Emergency Vietnam visa
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malecsecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @Parabitri!
This idea turned out to be far more angsty than anything I usually write but it insisted on being written. I love the way Magnus and Alec always find their way back to each other, no matter what universe you put them into.
This is their Hallmark-style Christmas Story - I hope you enjoy it!
Read on AO3
This Christmas
Chapter 1
I remember,
I wish I could forget
What you did last December
You left my heart a mess.
- Ariana Grande (& George Michael), Last Christmas
~ The Present: 22nd December 2018 ~
“Are you sure Alec won’t mind?” Magnus asked for what had to be the fourth time that morning as he followed Izzy inside the apartment she and Alec shared.
“When has Alec ever said no to you?” Izzy threw over her shoulder with a wink as she opened Alec’s bedroom door and sauntered in.
“Well, there was that whole morning after the Yule Ball fiasco,” Magnus muttered to himself, dragging his feet as he followed Izzy.
“Besides,” Izzy said as she flopped down on Alec’s bed apparently oblivious to Magnus’ dark comments, “You and I both know, Alec’s the only person who has an early enough edition of Gray’s Anatomy to feature the illustrations you need.”
“They’re too valuable for any libraries to stock before about the 18th edition,” Magnus agreed with a sigh as he approached Alec’s bookshelves brushing his fingers lightly over the soft leather spine, tracing the gilded letters which identified it as a hallowed second edition.
“You said you’ve tried every other option, Magnus, and your essay is due in tonight. It’s not like you can just call and ask him. Even if by some miracle he isn’t still in the remote mountain villages in Timor-Leste then he’ll be in transit. You know as well as I do that any time he gets funded flights it means he’s on a stopping all stations round the world tour of obscure airports. Even if you managed to get a message to him, there’s no guarantee he’d be able to get an answer back in time.”
“I know,” Magnus sighed easing the book gently out from between its neighbours and cradling it close to his chest. He wanted Alec home but he also half-dreaded the idea that the tension that had grown like a wedge between them might still be there. “Thank you, Isabelle. I guess I’d better go finish my essay. You’ll let me know if you hear from him?”
“Of course! Hopefully this time he’ll remember to let us know before he boards the last plane so we can meet him at the airport, I know Max is dying to use the latest sign he’s made.”
Magnus laughed, thinking of Max’s ever-expanding stack of ‘Welcome Home Alec’ signs. At this point, they’d need to bring everyone they knew in order to hold up even half of them.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
[Throughout human history there have been many iterations of the symbol which represents the human heart. The first non-medical European illustration of the heart is thought to be a drawing accompanying the medieval French poem Le Roman De La Poire circa 1255 however it was not until the early 1500s that the familiar shape made its appearance...
...but why does this symbol bear so little resemblance to the human anatomy it represents? There are plenty of theories, the most prominent one being that most of our ‘knowledge’ of human anatomy in the 13th and 14th centuries was based on animal biology, in particular reptiles, which much more closely resemble the familiar scalloped shape of the heart icon. The ability of early physicians to view or study the human body was fiercely regulated and controlled - with many unable to view a single dissection let alone partake in the kind of labs that are a standard part of modern medical tuition. As such, Henry Gray’s seminal work Gray’s Anatomy, first published in 1858, was a turning point in the depiction of the human heart…]
Magnus' fingers stilled on his keyboard as he glanced again at the book he’d brought back to his apartment almost four hours earlier. It was ridiculous but he still hadn’t opened it. The thing was, he hadn’t told Izzy the whole truth. Yes, this essay was for his History of Medicine subject and accounted for almost a third of his grade but it was also final piece of his application to join Médecins Sans Frontières’ new project, working in the new hospital Alec had spent the past year helping local engineers design and build. Alec would be going back for another whole year to support the development of sustainable water supply for the school and the rest of the village. Following your best friend halfway around the world was madness, especially when things had never been quite the same between them since last year’s Yule Ball.
~ Morning After the Yule Balle: 19th December 2017 ~
Magnus came to slowly, groaning as he peeled gritty eyes open just long enough to take in the couch and apartment around him before squeezing them shut again. It wasn’t the first time since becoming friends with the Lightwoods three years earlier that he’d woken up on their sofa but the blinding headache was new. So was the fact that he couldn’t for the life of him remember how he’d gotten back here. He barely remembered any of the Yule Ball. Burying his head further in the soft pillows Magnus vowed never to mix first-generation antihistamines and alcohol again.  
Magnus’ eyes snapped open his lips curling at the corners as he took in the sight of Alec setting a breakfast tray on the coffee table beside him. The man really was an angel sometimes.
“I figured you’d need something to help wash down the aspirin,” Alec said, smiling back as he reached over and placed two pills on Magnus’ palm, following it with a glass of water.
“My hero,” Magnus said, downing the tablets and finally tearing his eyes from Alec and focusing on the food in front of him. “You made me blueberry pancakes, Alexander? That’s not exactly standard hangover fare. If you were anyone else I’d think you were trying to seduce me with your culinary skills.”
Magnus grinned at the way Alec’s cheeks heated at the suggestion and he became suddenly fascinated with his boots. Whatever the cause, Magnus wasn’t complaining - in fact, he almost moaned as he took that first blissful bite of pancake. Alec really would make an excellent husband to someone one of these days. Too bad there wasn’t any handy mistletoe or he might...Magnus’ thoughts ground to a sudden halt as he suddenly remembered kissing someone under the mistletoe last night at the ball. It hadn’t been a typical crappy holiday season hook-up either, it had been incredible. He found himself describing it to Alec as he ate: the way her lips had felt against his, passionate and wild yet somehow also tender as if she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to devour Magnus or worship him. The way her fingers had tightened in his hair, tugging roughly to adjust the angle of his head, deepening the kiss, only for those same clever fingers to send shivers of pure pleasure as they massaged away any last traces of pain. The worst part was, despite remembering every tiny detail of the kiss, he had no memory of the person who’d done the kissing.
“Please Alec, you were there last night you have to help me find her!” Magnus said, looking up beseechingly at his best friend only to realise something was wrong.
At some point during his monologue, the blushing, solicitous angel who’d made him breakfast had been replaced by a stone statue.
“You remember the kiss but don’t remember the-the-the person, at all?” Alec asked harshly his fists clenching at his sides.
Magnus flinched, feeling suddenly ashamed even though he didn’t know why it was such a big deal to Alec if Magnus’ memory had decided to defy logic. Before he’d had a chance to ask, Alec had turned away, his shoulders tense as he’d gathered up the remnants of Magnus’ now cold breakfast.
Tray in hand he’d barely looked at Magnus as he’d apologised, “I can’t do this, Magnus. I-I-I thought -” Alec sighed sounding frustrated but resigned. “I’ve got that application for Engineers Without Borders to finish.”
Magnus tried to get up and follow him into the kitchen but the world still spun horribly when he attempted to stand and he was forced to sit again so he didn’t fall down. The last thing he needed was for an already grumpy Alec to have to bandage his head when he split it open on the sharp corner of his coffee table. Impatiently, he waited for Alec to reappear, which took considerably longer than Magnus had expected.
When at least he came out he headed straight for the door his bag already slung over his shoulder giving every appearance of intending to leave without another word.
“Alec?” Magnus called out after him, wishing his head would stop pounding long enough for him to figure out whatever this was.
Alec turned, his hand resting on the door handle still refusing to meet Magnus’ eyes. “I have to go. Feel free to stay as long as you need.” And then he walked out, closing the door firmly behind him.
Magnus had waited, half expecting at any moment that his best friend would come back and tell him what exactly he’d said that upset him so much. After over an hour, Magnus had to accept the unwelcome fact that Alec wasn’t coming back. He wasn���t answering any of Magnus’ messages either. He knew he was being selfish, knew how important that application was to Alec even though the thought of them being on opposite sides of the globe sounded miserable to Magnus all of a sudden. It would be the first time in almost three years since Izzy and Magnus had met on their first day of med school that they’d have to go more than a few weeks without seeing one another. At present, barely a day went past that they didn’t speak, one way or another, whether it was IM, in person or notes passed via Izzy.
Despite Alec’s continued refusal to discuss anything about the Yule Ball, Magnus had kept looking - amazed to discover that despite there having been hundreds of people at the ball, somehow no one had seen Magnus spending time with any women other than Dot, Cat and Izzy and he was absolutely certain it hadn’t been any of them. He’d even tried to convince the photographer to go through their shots from last night only to discover to that the man was crazy enough to still be using film and hadn’t had time to get the negatives developed yet. Rolling his eyes at the pretentiousness of art students in general, Magnus had hunted on in vain.
~ The Present: 22nd December 2018 ~
Magnus sighed, running his fingers over the soft leather cover of Gray’s Anatomy. He could still remember the first time Alec had shown it to him. It had been a gift from his grandfather on his mother’s side, the same one that was responsible for Alec’s middle name being ‘Gideon’. He’d apparently been convinced, despite Alec’s complete lack of interest in medicine, that book that had been in their family for generations would inspire Alec to become the next doctor in the family. The meticulous technical drawings the book was famous had inspired him just not to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. He’d taken his love of the book’s illustrations and developed a fascination for cartography, drafting and surveying, finally settling on a career in engineering. Izzy had told Magnus that Alec had offered her the book when she’d first set her heart on doing medicine but she’d knew she’d never love it the way Alec did. She wanted the modern textbooks, the ones filled with gory colour photographs of real bodies, not the elegant etchings done over a hundred and fifty years earlier.
Magnus, by contrast, had happily indulged Alec’s passion and they’d spent hours pouring through the book together over the years every time Magnus had happened to need to reference one or other of the illustrations as he learnt about the body’s various structures and systems. As much as he’d adored it when Alec bought him a modern copy of Gray’s Anatomy for his birthday he always defaulted back to Alec’s copy with its incredible single-colour woodcut illustrations whenever he could. The text might mostly have become redundant has as medical knowledge changed fundamentally and rapidly over the past century but the illustrations were as important now as they’d ever been.  
He missed Alec. Magnus hadn’t realised how much he’d relied on his presence until his absence left a gaping hole in his life. It’s been almost a year and Alec is still the first person he wants to tell whenever anything happens. He might finally have stopped getting his phone out and staring out compose texts he can’t send but it still aches everytime he remembers Alec’s sat-phone is for emergencies only. Going from talking every day to exchanging infrequent emails had felt worse than some of his breakups. Then again, for the last few years, he’s always had Alec there helping him pick up the pieces whenever a relationship inevitably failed. He’d always scoffed at the adage ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ but it’s been 355 days since Alec left and he’s sitting at his desk hours before an important assignment is due incapable of completing it because he doesn’t want to open a book that would remind him too much of the man he wants, more than anything else, this Christmas. Too bad he felt certain Alec didn’t feel the same way about him.
Sighing, Magnus opened the cover and scanned the index of illustrations for the one he was looking for. There, under the heading ‘Heart’, the illustration he’d looked everywhere for: ‘Circulation of Blood in an Adult’ directing him to page six hundred and twenty-nine. Picking up the tome Magnus started at the middle and skimmed gently through the pages, slowing when he finally reached the six-hundreds to turn each individual page so as not to miss it. Magnus nearly dropped the book in surprise when he turned the final page and a colour photograph slides out onto the desk.
A single glance is enough to make him forget Gray’s Anatomy, forget the essay he has only hours left to finish and the application he needs to ace. On the desk in front of him is a photograph from last year’s Yule Ball. A photo of him and Alec wrapped tightly in one another’s arms, kissing under the mistletoe.
Chapter 2
I confess,
I loved you more than I let on but you weren’t ready for it and I wasn’t going to pour myself into hands that couldn’t hold me
- Lauren Eden, Of Yesteryear
~ The Present: 22nd December 2018 ~
Having seen the photo, Magnus wonders how he could possibly have forgotten. He’s spent an entire year comparing every kiss he shared to this one, like Prince Charming with his stupid glass slipper, finding them woefully disappointing by contrast. The thing was, with the exception of giants like Alec, he was tall so it hadn’t occurred to him why the angle always felt off - no matter what he tried. God, he was such an idiot! How could he have ignored what was right in front of him all this time? And why hadn’t Alec said something? But as soon as that thought occurred to him, he knew exactly why.
Who in their right mind would confess when the object of their affection not only didn’t remember them but had also somehow misgendered them in the process. Magnus felt physically ill as their conversation the next morning replayed in his head with full 5.1 surround sound, complete with high definition technicolour images of Alec’s transformation from breakfast baring angel to the stony-faced statue he’d been by the time he left the apartment. The fact Alec had hidden the photo here, in his most treasured book under the heading ‘Heart’ made the tears that had welled up unnoticed spill out over his cheeks.
With shaking fingers Magnus picked the photo up off the desk, the knife in his heart twisting as he realised they were both smiling as they kissed. Steeling himself, he flipped the photo drawing in a sharp breath as he saw the inscription in Alec’s familiar all-caps handwriting and in smaller text printed directly onto the photo, the photographer's details.
He’d thought nothing could make this situation worse, but one glance at the date the photo had been printed made Magnus want the ground to open beneath his feet to transport him straight to hell. Alec had tried to tell him and Magnus had unintentionally broken his heart a second time instead. By the time Magnus had realised his mistake, Alec had already left the country.
~ December 24th, 2017 ~
Magnus groaned when he heard the doorbell, it would probably be carollers but as the only person home the night before Christmas Magnus had promised his housemates he wouldn’t let any last minute parcels go unsigned for. Snatching his shirt up from where it lay discarded beside the sofa and buttoning it haphazardly Magnus made his way down the long passage to the front door, stunned to see it was Alec standing on the sill, a thick manilla envelope clasped in one hand.
“Alec, what are you doing here? I thought you would have gone back home for what’s left of the holidays,” Magnus said noticing the way Alec’s eyes lingered on his exposed chest a beat longer than they usually would before darting away.
“It’s - uh, it’s about last week,” Alec paused, threading his fingers roughly through his hair in that familiar tell of mental agitation. “Look, you’ve got every reason to be mad at me. The next morning, after the Yule Ball - I know I should have-”
“Allowed me to drag you halfway ‘round NYU on a wild goose chase when neither of us had any idea who we were looking for?” Magnus interrupted smoothly, laughing softly. “I should never have asked, Alec, I know how important getting that internship application in was to you. Besides, it doesn’t matter now anyway.”
“It doesn’t?” Alec asked roughly, his gaze piercing as he froze in place.
“Surely you know me better than to think I’d let it rest until I found out, Alexander?”
“You - you’ve remembered?” Alec asked, looking suddenly paler.
“Not exactly. But Camille - you remember her from the presentation night for the Medical Prize, don’t you? She found out I was looking for her and admitted she’d been my mysterious stranger all along. Apparently, my crush wasn’t so unrequited after all. So you see, it’s all worked out. She’s coming around later tonight if you wanted to stay and meet her?”
Magnus’ head snapped back, surprised by the vehemence in that single word but before he had a chance to do more than raise an eyebrow, Alec had continued.
“I mean, I’d be interrupting your evening plans. I should let you -” Alec paused again, his teeth sinking into his lip almost hard enough to draw blood. “I have to go. Merry Christmas, Magnus.”
“Wait, Alec!” Magnus called out, hating this sudden chill between them as Alec turned away. “Surely you didn’t just come here to apologise. You should stay, have a drink with me. It is Christmas after all.”
“I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Well, can you at least tell me when we’re catching up next?” Magnus asked, suddenly feeling the need to make sure he hadn’t somehow irrevocably ruined the friendship without even realising it. “I know you had planned to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve with your family but seeing as you’re still here...”
“Actually, I, um. I got offered the internship with Engineers Without Borders,” Alec muttered, shifting his feet.
“Alexander! That’s fantastic, now you have to come in and have a drink with me, tell me all about it. Where they’re sending you, for how long - I want to know everything!” Instinctive Magnus reached out, tugging on the arm of Alec’s long black coat. It hurt when instead of smiling Alec pulled away.
“I fly out January 1st. I’ll be gone all year. It’s - I’ll be living in one of the mountain villages in Timor-Leste, they’ve got a new project to build a hospital there and if things go well, I can stay to work on securing the town’s water supply the year after. They said they’d try and get me back in time for next Christmas. So I - um - I have to go. You know, packing and everything.”
Every other time Alec’s said anything about the project his passion had been radiant, which meant these clipped sentences and flat tone had to be Magnus’ fault. Magnus cursed the Yule Ball, cursed the fact he couldn’t even abandon his plans with Camille because he hadn’t thought to get her number. Cursed the fact he was meant to be going away with Cat and Ragnor to have New Year's Eve at Cat’s family’s Chalet. So this was it? Alec was leaving the country in a few days for an entire year and Magnus wouldn’t get to see him again till next Christmas?
“At least let me take you out to the airport, Alec,” Magnus said, throwing caution to the wind and jettisoning his New Year's plans.
“But-” Alec began, displaying that adorable furrowed brow of his.
“Nothing is more important than seeing my best friend off on the trip of a lifetime,” Magnus assured him. “I’ll be at that airport whether you let me drive you or not. I’m not below blackmailing Izzy into telling me so you may as well just accept it.”
Alec’s rueful smile was like sunshine, the man he recognised peeking out from behind the rigid facade he was putting up.
“You really want to get up at six in the morning just to see me off at the gate?” Alec asked, raising a challenging eyebrow.
“I’ll be on your doorstep at five,” Magnus shot back, his lips automatically curling to match Alec’s.
“If you’re late I’m leaving without you,” Alec threatened sliding back into their familiar banter without even seeming to realise he was doing it.
“Okay. You’re on.” Alec nodded, holding Magnus’ gaze before saying softly, “Merry Christmas, Magnus.”
“Merry Christmas, Alexander.”
~ The Present: 22nd December 2018 ~
Magnus needed a drink.
His crush on Camille had been madness and she’d played him for the fool he was. She’d strung him along for almost 3 weeks after ‘confessing’ to being his mysterious mistletoe kiss. She’d made a game out of kissing him everywhere except his lips, correctly assuming that he’d realise the minute their lips met that something was off. He’d been so caught up in wanting it to be her, wanting to believe that she felt the way he did about her. But even she’d tired of that game eventually, laughing at his naivety when she’d finally revealed she hadn’t even noticed him at the Yule Ball, she’d just thought it would be fun to see how long she could string him along because surely the top medical student couldn’t be that stupid? Well, apparently he was. He’d spilled the whole humiliating affair out in one of his emails to Alec. It makes perfect sense now that Alec had barely referenced the whole mess when he’d finally replied over a week later. Then again, it wasn’t like Alec had super reliable internet at the best of times, so it could also be that Magnus was projecting.
Getting up, Magnus paced over to the drinks cart, skipping his usual ice and pouring whiskey liberally into the waiting tumbler. Tossing it back in a single swallow Magnus tried to figure out what to do. It’s been a whole year since that photograph had been taken, it’d hardly be surprising if the intervening time had been enough to thoroughly destroy whatever feelings Alec might once have had for him. Did he really want to risk destroying their friendship a second time?
The answer was immediate. He was in love with Alexander Lightwood and he had to know if there was any chance to make this work. Hell, he’d been prepared to follow the man to the other side of the world without the tiniest shred of real evidence to justify his hopes, now at least he knew it was possible. There had been real passion in that kiss and tenderness in the breakfast he’d made for him the next morning. He just hoped Alec was willing to give him a chance to show just how much he wanted that future.
To Be Continued
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carrymybaggage1 · 2 years
Singapore Airlines Excess Baggage Charges and Policy for 2022
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Singapore Airlines was founded on 1 May 1947 as Malayan Airways and commenced its operations on 1 October 1972 as Singapore Airlines. Currently operational in 132 destinations in 32 countries on 5 continents, Singapore Airlines has been named world's best airline four times by Skytrax.
In short, the services and benefits that you get in terms of value for money by choosing to ship your excess baggage internationally are immense. However, the standard rates and conditions will only be applicable for you if you are traveling with Singapore Airlines. If you only want to make a booking to carry your extra luggage, different charges and terms may apply.
Singapore Airlines has divided its excess luggage policies and charges into 2 different categories which are further divided into different sub-categories. You can refer to them and see the category which fits your luggage and make a booking accordingly.
Here are the categories, their terms and conditions along with the charge:.
1. Pre-Purchase Additional Baggage
You can pre-purchase additional baggage allowance online up to six hours before your flight departs, and enjoy discounted rates of 10 to 25 percent*. That way you’ll save money and time for a faster and smoother check-in at the airport.
Pre-purchase Discounted Weight Pricing (for Non Canadian/US Routes)
The table below shows the discounted additional baggage rates for weight concept that apply for purchases on www.singaporeair.com.
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Countries/ Regions by Band (Weight concept)
Band 1
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Band 2
China, Hong Kong SAR- China, Macau - China , Taiwan - China, Mongolia, South Asia Subcontinent (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia (in Asia), Japan, Korea, Middle East
Band 3
Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Timor Leste
Band 4
Africa, Europe (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom), Russia (in Europe)
Band 5
Copenhagen - Rome, Barcelona - Milan
• The above system applies to all travel itineraries (except for flights to/from Canada or the United States), including interline travel, with Singapore Airlines determined as the Most Significant Marketing Carrier (except in cases where Singapore Airlines stipulates that it will be the Operating Carrier) in accordance to International Air Transport Association (IATA) Resolution 302.
• For itineraries involving Canada and/or the United States, additional baggage charges are levied based on piece concept.
Last Minute Discounted Weight Pricing (for Non Canadian/US Routes)
The table below shows the discounted last minute additional baggage rates for weight concept that apply for purchases on www.singaporeair.com. Last minute additional baggage purchases refer to purchases made between 48 hours and 6 hours before flight departure.
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Countries/ Regions by Band (Weight concept)
Band 1
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Band 2
China, Hong Kong SAR- China, Macau - China , Taiwan - China, Mongolia, South Asia Subcontinent (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia (in Asia), Japan, Korea, Middle East
Band 3
Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Timor Leste
Band 4
Africa, Europe (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom), Russia (in Europe)
Band 5
Copenhagen - Rome, Barcelona - Milan
• The above system applies to all travel itineraries (except for flights to/from Canada or the United States), including interline travel, with Singapore Airlines determined as the Most Significant Marketing Carrier (except in cases where Singapore Airlines stipulates that it will be the Operating Carrier) in accordance to International Air Transport Association (IATA) Resolution 302.
• For itineraries involving Canada and/or the United States, additional baggage charges are levied based on piece concept.
Pre-purchase Discounted Piece Pricing (for Canadian/US Routes)
The table below shows the discounted additional baggage rates for piece concept (itineraries involving Canada or the United States) that apply for purchases on www.singaporeair.com.
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Band 1
Hong Kong SAR - China, Japan, Korea, Germany, United Kingdom, Taiwan - China and points in North America (direct flights)
Band 2
Band 3
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, South Asia Subcontinent (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), Australia, New Zealand.
Band 4
Countries/ regions outside of Band 1, Band 2 and Band 3
Band 5 (sector)
Copenhagen - Rome, Barcelona - Milan
• The final additional baggage charge is derived by adding up all the individual charges.
• The Heavy Charge and the Excess Size Charge are not applicable on additional pieces of baggage checked in.
For itineraries other than those stated above, the additional baggage charge is USD150 for an additional piece, and USD100 for each heavy charge or excess size charge.
*Applies to all countries categorized under Traffic Conference 1 (TC1) in IATA Traffic Conference Areas.
Last Minute Discounted Piece Pricing (for Canadian/US Routes)
The table below shows the discounted last minute additional baggage rates for piece concept (itineraries involving Canada or the United States) that apply for purchases on www.singaporeair.com. Last minute additional baggage purchases refer to purchases made between 48 hours and six hours before flight departure.
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Band 1
Hong Kong SAR - China, Japan, Korea, Germany, United Kingdom, Taiwan - China and points in North America (direct flights)
Band 2
Band 3
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, South Asia Subcontinent (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), Australia, New Zealand.
Band 4
Countries/ regions outside of Band 1, Band 2 and Band 3
Band 5 (sector)
Copenhagen - Rome, Barcelona - Milan
• The final additional baggage charge is derived by adding up all the individual charges.
• The Heavy Charge and the Excess Size Charge are not applicable on additional pieces of baggage checked in.
For itineraries other than those stated above, the additional baggage charge is USD150 for an additional piece, and USD100 for each heavy charge or excess size charge.
*Applies to all countries categorized under Traffic Conference 1 (TC1) in IATA Traffic Conference Areas.
2. Additional Baggage Charges
Additional baggage charges are levied upon airport check-in.
Additional baggage charges are assessed each time you check in. For example, if your journey takes you from Jakarta to Singapore to Tokyo to Los Angeles, you’ll be charged for:
• Three flight segments if you check in separately in Jakarta, Singapore and Tokyo
• Two flight segments if you check in separately in Jakarta and Singapore, or Jakarta and Tokyo
• One flight segment if you check in at Jakarta through to Los Angeles
The same weight and baggage size limitations apply to additional baggage as they do to free checked baggage.
Singapore Airlines are unable to accept any item above 32kg as checked baggage, and these items may have to be re-packed or sent as cargo. Get in touch with your local SIA Cargo office prior to your travel if you wish to transport any item above 32kg as cargo.
Weight Pricing (for Non Canadian/US Routes)
For travel to and from any Singapore Airlines destination, except Canada and the USA. Charges are calculated based on flight zones.
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• The above system applies to all travel itineraries (except for flights to/from Canada or the United States), including interline travel, with Singapore Airlines determined as the Most Significant Marketing Carrier (except in cases where Singapore Airlines stipulates that it will be the Operating Carrier) in accordance to International Air Transport Association (IATA) Resolution 302.
• For itineraries involving the Canada and/or the United States, additional baggage charges are levied based on piece concept.
Band 1
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Band 2
China, Hong Kong SAR- China, Macau - China, Taiwan - China, Mongolia, South Asia Subcontinent (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia (in Asia), Japan, Korea, Middle East
Band 3
Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Timor Leste
Band 4
Africa, Europe (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom), Russia (in Europe)
Band 5 (sector)
Copenhagen - Rome, Barcelona - Milan
Piece Pricing (for Canadian/US Routes)
If you are travelling to/from Canada or the United States, additional baggage charges will be levied based on the type of charges shown in the table below.
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Band 1
Hong Kong SAR - China, Japan, Korea, Germany, United Kingdom, Taiwan - China and points in North America (direct flights)
Band 2
Band 3
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, South Asia Subcontinent (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka), Australia, New Zealand.
Band 4
Countries/ regions outside of Band 1, Band 2 and Band 3
Band 5 (sector)
Copenhagen - Rome, Barcelona - Milan
• The final additional baggage charge is derived by adding up all the individual charges.
• The Heavy Charge and the Excess Size Charge are not applicable on additional pieces of baggage checked in.
For itineraries other than those stated above, the additional baggage charge is USD150 for an additional piece, and USD100 for each heavy charge or excess size charge.
*Applies to all countries categorized under Traffic Conference 1 (TC1) in IATA Traffic Conference Areas.
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These are all the categories and sub-categories according to which the additional baggage charges are applicable on international flights operated by Singapore Airlines. By referring to them before making a booking for carrying your extra luggage, you can save a great amount of money and keep the process as easy as it can get or you can choose an excess baggage service while travelling with Singapore Airways.
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thisisluxurytravel · 5 years
Komodo Diving: Simply the Best
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If you love diving, then diving Komodo is the place to be for big fishes and strong currents. Keep reading for the Pros and cons of diving with a liveaboard vs. daytrips and practical tips on how to make your trip memorable. Komodo has become increasingly popular and it is easy to see why. So go there quickly before it gets too crowded.
1. Getting to Komodo (labuan Bajo)
Komodo National park can be accessed easily through Bajo. Direct flights go from Denpasar to Jakarta every day. From Denpasar, the flight takes 1 hour. The best airline is Garuda, which is dependable and allows carrying luggage up to 20kg of weight. Nonetheless, edelays in the flights to Labuan Bajo are frequent. Therefore, avoid planning for short connection, if you want to travel by international flight. Getting to hotels around Labuan Bajo is a 5-15 minutes scenic drive away. You can book the airport transfer or there are plenty of taxis waiting outside of the airport that will take you to the hotel for about 50000 rpies( 3 Eur) for the hotels in town up to 100000 Rpies ( ~ 6 Eur) for the hotels further away
2. Komodo diving: Land-based and day trips vs. Liveaboard
When diving in Komodo, there are two main options: Liveaboard or land-based with daytrips. I have been to Komodo 10 times over the last 12 years and did both liveaboards and day trips. Here is my verdict:
Pro’s of diving with a liveaboard:
1) The sunrise dive just rolling out of bed is usually amazing 2) Longer trips ( 7-10 days) visit sites that day trips can’t access and those are usually less crowded 3) Night dives or 4 dives a day are possible
Con’s of diving with a liveaboard:
1) The dive sites on shorter trips ( 2-4 days) are often similar to that of the day trips 2) Even on luxurious boats, the cabins are less comfortable than hotel rooms ( smaller, AC noise, tiny bathroom,…) 3) Labuan Bajo has an increasing amount of great restaurant so I would argue that you can eat better in town than on a boat 4) Dive groups on a liveaboard are often 8 to 16 divers so it can feel crowded on the diving deck and underwater. In low season, some day boat has only 2-3 divers making it less crowded on the water 5) You are expected to dive every day while if you are staying on land, you can interrupt your diving with a day of inland sightseeing 6) Liveaboards are usually more expensive than land based options
So my advice is to go with liveaboard trips over 5 days but consider day trips if you are only going for a few days and like good food.
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2. Where to stay
Labuan Bajo is far from being the prettiest town in Indonesia but there is an increasing amount of accommodation options, making it more and more comfortable. As the Komodo National park is gaining in popularity, rooms are becoming scarce in high season. If you are traveling in July or August, I strongly recommend to booking room in advance as the best places get booked early
Best luxury hotel: Ayana Komodo resort.
This is the new and only 5* luxury hotel in Komodo and it is stunning. It is located 10 minutes drive from the pier where the diving boats depart in the morning. See my review here
Most convenient hotel for day trip diving: Green Hill Boutique Hotel
This hotel is simple and comfortable. It is located 5 minutes walk from the port where the diving boats depart every morning. Most of the rooms also have a very nice view the bay. Great for sunset after diving
Best mid-range hotel: Bintang Komodo
This hotel is located 10 minutes drive away from the pier and has a nice beach and garden. The level of comfort is way below the Ayana mentioned above but it is also much cheaper
Best Island hotel: Sudamala Resort, Seraya Island
Think paradise beach on a remote Island. Snorkelling off the beach is very nice. Bungalows are basic but comfortable. Slightly further away from the dive sites so not very convenient if diving is your primary goal but great if you want to chill on the beach for a few days after your dive trip
3. My favourite dive shop in Komodo
Some dive sites are tricky due to the changing current so make sure you dive with an experienced diveshop. I usually dive with Dive Komodo. They are one of the first operators in Labuan Bajo and their dive guides have the most experience. Their new boat is very comfortable and the staff is super friendly
4. Komodo diving
I place komodo diving in my top 5 diving destinations in the world. It combines really nice reefs with lots of big fishes like manta’s, sharks, turtles, tunas… Macro divers will also not be disappointed as there are tons of critters and nudibranchs to be found should you look for them.
The Komodo area falls within the Coral Triangle, the world’s epicentre of marine biodiversity. The region covers the exclusive economic zones of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste (the "CT6" countries). Covers 76% of all known coral species, 37% of all known coral reef fish species, 53% of the world’s coral reefs, the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world, and more than 3000 fishes makes it world’s largest tuna fishery. In 1984, the area of Komodo Marine became protected. It creates an incredible diving experience.
For Komodo diving, most sites have strong currents in Komodo and are mostly held in reserve to experienced drift divers. There are some quieter areas for beginners; however, the incredible action of big fishes in the current is missing. Some spots have currents that reach to 8 knots sometimes. Carefully choosing the site according to the conditions is utmost necessary for your safety. This current is due to the Komodo and Rinca island acting like a bottleneck between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
The guides are real professionals. For Komodo diving, you better accept the decision of your guide regarding trip cancellation because of safety reasons; these waters can be very risky and might wash you away in the open sea.
It takes about 90 minutes from Labuan Bajo pier to the majority of Komodo diving sites.
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halo-dili · 2 years
So, what are you waiting for? Download and explore our app today and get the best services in Timor-Leste.
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HaloDili, The first authentic e-commerce online shopping app/platform in Timor-Leste, is here. You can buy any daily groceries and much more from the comfort of your home. We are here for you to save your daily shopping chores, as simple as that! And yes, at prices lower than your super market, loja or kiosk! Quality guaranteed and consumer`s right protected.
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phgq · 4 years
31 countries open borders to Filipinos: DFA
#PHnews: 31 countries open borders to Filipinos: DFA
MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs reported Sunday that of the 177 countries/territories across the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and Middle East/Africa included in the updated infographics on travel restrictions, 31 have already lifted the inbound border restrictions on Filipino travelers, subject to medical protocols on arriving passengers.
In a press release, DFA said additional countries that have recently opened their borders include Bahamas, Egypt, Ethiopia and UAE.
On the other hand, 68 countries/territories in the list still do not allow entry in their borders such as Cuba, Haiti, Palau, Timor Leste, France, and most countries in Middle East/Africa, among others.
About 78 countries/territories, despite inbound border closures, give entry exemptions to Filipinos who are citizens of the destination country and returning residents, OFWs with work visas and contracts, diplomatic or UN passport holders going to post or on official travel.
The new update under this category is Macau SAR, with imposed medical protocols.
Moreover, DFA said the updated infographics also confirm that 138 countries now allow Filipinos to return to the Philippines, subject to flight availability and other special arrangements.
New countries which have allowed departures for the Philippines include the mentioned countries which also recently opened their inbound restrictions.
The DFA, together with its embassies and consulates in these countries, said it remains fully committed to bringing home Filipino nationals, whenever possible.
Meanwhile, with the recent announcement of the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) of the resumption of international flight operations in NAIA Terminal 3 beginning 12:01 a.m. of July 8, the DFA reiterated that travel restrictions can change without prior public notice.
The DFA advised all travelers to always check ahead of travel dates with the airlines that will be used as well as with relevant embassies or consulates before departure or before booking a ticket. (DFA PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "31 countries open borders to Filipinos: DFA." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1108008 (accessed July 06, 2020 at 02:50AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "31 countries open borders to Filipinos: DFA." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1108008 (archived).
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airlinenumber-blog · 5 years
How to Stay Healthy In East Timor?
Timor Leste is a breeding ground for diseases like Tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria, dengue, hepatitis and Japanese encephalitis. These diseases are very common in East Timor and precautionary measures are necessary to be taken. The health care facilities of East Timor are not of the highest quality.
Medical suggestions on vaccinations and other precautionary measures are to be taken in regard to these deadly diseases. Most of these diseases are mosquito-borne as mosquitoes carry diseases at day and even at night. Thus, keeping yourself protected would be one of the best things to do in East Timor
Clothing to cover the body should be worn and mosquito and insect repellents should widely be used. Malaria, a fatal mosquito-borne disease, affects people all year round. Mosquitoes have become mutant to chemicals like chloroquine and sulfoxide and thus, anti-malaria prophylactic medication is recommended if you’re planning to visit Timor Leste. Bug-repellent should be used liberally at night and you should cover your body while sleeping, to avoid mosquito bites. Enjoy your Timor Leste holidays but make sure to use an insect repellent safe for the skin, that has over 35% of chemical DEET.
Japanese encephalitis is prevalent in North, South and South-East Asia, Papua and New Guinea. This deadly disease is also spread all around Timor Leste places. Filariasis, dengue are also diseases you need to take proper prevention against.
Vaccination against Japanese encephalitis is available and can be taken from a registered physician. Tuberculosis, typhoid, and hepatitis, as well as other water or foodborne diseases, are common in East Timor. You should consult with your physician about these diseases and get your children booster shots before traveling after a discussion with your doctor.
One thing you can do to protect yourself is to boil all drinking water and to avoid adding ice-cubes and eating salads that could have been rinsed with tap water. Drinking bottled water is recommended. Raw and undercooked food might have a live virus or bacteria and should be avoided during your stay at Timor Leste.
If you want to eat fruits, probably fruits that require peeling like apple or bananas would be a better option as well as snacks that have been packaged well. Carrying a hand sanitizer and using it to kill germs would be a very good way of keeping yourself protected.
In case of the onset of fever or diarrhea, you must consult with your doctor and carry a re-hydration kit with you, if available. Otherwise, when dehydrated, you can add 1 tsp salt, 8 tsp sugar to 1 liter of water and prepare an oral rehydration drink.
Crocodiles near Manatuto and at Christo Rei beach, snakes, spiders, monkeys, civet cats, cuscus, deer are all potential dangers as they might have microscopic germs on them that can carry diseases. Avoiding petting local animals like dogs and cats would be one of the best things to do in East Timor.
With proper care and protective measures, you can enjoy East Timor to the fullest. The country is adorned with beaches, mountains, a national park, and amazing eateries. Let us help you get to East Timor. To book a flight or to know more about flight booking, cancellation or refund, contact us on +18002014791 and we would guide you and provide you with the best deals and offers to make your trip budget-friendly and easy on the pocket!
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cooldavidkentposts · 5 years
Event strives to propel Australia’s bioeconomy
Bioenergy Australia invites those involved in waste and circular economy policy leadership, waste management, financing and project development to Bioenergy STRONG 2019 in Brisbane this November. The event provides an opportunity to engage with global speakers, form business connections, meet investors, and drive the Australian bioenergy and biofuel industry forward.
2019’s ‘Bioenergy STRONG — driving Australia’s bioeconomy’ conference will be held during Bio Innovation Week. Created in collaboration with Life Sciences Queensland, all programs for both organisations will take place during the week of 11–15 November 2019.
The event aims to empower, share knowledge and connect Australian bioenergy producers, investors, researchers and users to make Australia’s bioeconomy world-class.
Following disruption to the global recycling trade after China’s decision to toughen restrictions on 24 types of recyclable waste from around the world, local stakeholders have debated Australia’s options — Bioenergy STRONG 2019 will provide practical problem-solving examples accelerating innovation in this space globally.
The event’s waste speaker line-up includes:
José Luís Guterres RESPECT — a project to enable Timor-Leste to become plastic neutral
Helen Pinch (Sustainability Manager, Qantas Airways) QANTAS: World’s first zero-waste flight
Amager Bakke (EfW and Skiing Facility Copenhagen Inge Johansson, Researcher) RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Henry Anning (CEO ResourceCo Energy Systems at ResourceCo) Energy from waste — beyond municipal solid waste
Geoff Ward (CEO Hazer Group Limited) The Hazer Process — zero carbon products from local waste
Troy Collings (Director of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Southern Oil) Waste — an asset to help solve Australia’s fuel security concerns
Jason Dickfos (Business Development Leader, Remote Energy at Energy Developments) US South Side LFG to RNG project  
Bioenergy Australia is keen to see commercial growth in the industry that takes advantage of bioenergy’s unique potential — from reliable, dispatchable electricity through to advanced biofuels and new regional industries.
Click here to view the full program, including more than 50 speakers.
Click here to book.
What: Bioenergy STRONG 2019
When: 12–15 November 2019
Where: State Library of Queensland, Brisbane
Web: www.bioenergystrong.org.au
Image credit: ©stock.adobe.com/au/tentacula
source http://sustainabilitymatters.net.au/content/energy/news/event-strives-to-propel-australia-s-bioeconomy-1185063232
from WordPress https://davidkent.home.blog/2019/10/15/event-strives-to-propel-australias-bioeconomy/
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charllieeldridge · 5 years
Life Update: Travel Plans and What’s Next?
Last year, we were completely exhausted from almost a decade of moving around the world from place to place. Once we both came to the difficult realization that it was time for a base and that being “nomadic” wasn’t for us anymore, we basically just stayed put for almost an entire year!
It was as if the years of hard travel and running an online business while on the road caught up with us. We basically had no desire to pack our bags and go on a trip  — which is unheard of. 
That was 2018. Fast forward to this year and we’re much more eager to get back on the road — we just needed a little bit of R&R and some downtime, we’re not in our 20’s anymore!
Earlier this year, we spent 2.5 months in Ecuador and Peru, two weeks in Nova Scotia and enjoyed a few staycations here in Grenada.
Ecuador was exactly the trip we were ready for!
After being back from Nova Scotia for almost 8 weeks now, we’re feeling ready to take off again — the travel itch is full-on this year.
︎ Big Travel Announcement:
We’re travelling to Indonesia, the Philippines, and Japan!
While these won’t be new countries for us, we’re visiting islands and towns that we haven’t explored yet. It’ll be a mix of work and pleasure and we’re looking forward to sharing our beach, food, diving and cultural findings with you!
We went live on Facebook announcing this trip. Check it out here (or continue reading below):
Why Asia?
This part of the world is one of our favourites and we find ourselves returning here again and again — either to travel or to put down some temporary roots.
The interesting cultures, the tasty cuisine, and the overall beauty have stolen our hearts over the years. Most of our travels have been spent in Asia (including Central, East, South, West, and Southeast) and in fact, we have just one country left before we’ve seen all of Southeast Asia (Timor-Leste/East Timor). 
There’s just something special about this part of the world that keeps us coming back. 
The street food in SE Asia is some of the best anywhere!
This time around, we’re heading to the Philippines to attend our friend’s wedding. He’s American, she’s Filipina and we can’t wait to experience a traditional ceremony and celebration!
Plus, other friends of ours will be there as well — this is going to be a fun reunion. We’ve rented a villa right on the beach and will be exploring the island, partaking in wedding shenanigans, and enjoying the company of our friends. 
When we were discussing the wedding itinerary and details, we simultaneously received an offer from Lotus Hotels to visit Indonesia and experience their stunning accommodations, which are all PADI 5* dive resorts. 
The timing couldn’t have been more perfect and we decided to incorporate Indonesia into our Philippines travels. 
A couple of weeks after accepting the offer in Indonesia, we were approached by a PR company in Japan who represents numerous tourism boards there. 
She invited us to experience lesser-travelled parts of Japan and share our findings with our audience.  
The company wanted us to visit in October/November, which lined up perfectly — everything seemed to fall into place. And, when that happens, we go with it.
We feel so humbled and grateful to be at a level where brands and tourism boards recognize our value and want to work with us. We started blogging for family and friends back in 2011, and since making the conscious decision that we were going to turn travel blogging into our full-time career, it has blossomed into something far bigger than we ever imagined.
And that’s all thanks to you and your support!
Us with the press trip crew in Chicago. Influencers from Mexico, Brazil, Australia and ourselves. Plus the PR reps for the hotel we stayed at.
While press trips aren’t our main income stream or blogging model, when we’re invited on campaigns that suit our ethos and travel style, we happily accept them.
This is a fun way to travel, as we’re either doing something completely unique (like plotting hiking routes in Kyrgyzstan), road tripping around and exploring on our own (like in Argentina and Nova Scotia), or scuba diving in remote locations (as Nick did with the Indonesian tourism board).
Since we take time to vet the offers and consider whether or not they fit with our interests and brand, we’ve had nothing but positive experiences in the past and I’m sure it’ll be the same for our trip with Lotus Hotels and Japan tourism.
First up, Indonesia
In 2009, we backpacked around Indonesia for 2 months, while travelling to the islands of Bali, Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Sumbawa, Java, Flores, Rinca, and Sumatra.
We slept on mattresses on the floor, endured some seriously dodgy accommodations, and actually bargained one particular room down from $3 to $2.50 / night! We took whichever transportation was the cheapest (we even rode on top of a bus), we typically ate street food, and we didn’t care about comforts — we just wanted to stay on the road for as long as possible.
The travel bug and the sense of freedom were overwhelming.
We were on an extreme budget that year abroad. In fact, we travelled Indonesia for around $35 CAD/day, for both of us.
Us in Indonesia during our first trip in 2009!
Our encounters with the people, the natural surroundings, the unique culture, the experiences we had, and the overall adventure of travelling around this part of the world made Indonesia top our list of favourite countries during that year in Asia. 
We loved it so much that in 2017 we decided to return to Indonesia to live in Canggu Bali for 3 months.
Here we are, 10 years since our first trip as budget backpackers, revisiting Indonesia in a completely different way — a way that reflects our current lifestyle and 35-year-old selves. It’s very surreal to think back on how far we’ve come and how we’ve evolved since 2009. 
While we’re happy we backpacked when we did, our tight budget at the time definitely limited some of the things we wanted to experience, which included scuba diving. This time around, Nick will get his diving fix! 
Living in Canggu Bali
Our Upcoming Route in Indonesia
Grenada -> New York -> Taiwan -> Bali -> North Sulawesi -> Raja Ampat -> Bali -> Gili Trawangan -> Bali
After a long, 25-hour travel journey we’ll arrive in Bali — jetlagged I’m sure but ready for the adventure. We’ve booked a nice villa on Airbnb in the beach town of Sanur. Even though we’ve spent lots of time in Bali we’ve never been here, but from what I’ve heard, Sanur has been dubbed as “snore” because it’s quieter than most of South Bali — which is fine by me! 
After 3 nights spent chilling out, exploring by scooter and stretching our legs after the long flight, we’ll fly to North Sulawesi to the small island of Gangga. This area is known for having spectacular scuba diving and snorkelling opportunities. We’ve never been to Sulawesi and are excited to see what Gangga Island and the surrounding Bunaken National Marine Park have to offer.
This is where we’ll be staying, Gangga Island Resort and Spa. It looks amazing! (Photo credit: Lotus Hotels)
From North Sulawesi, we move on to our next island paradise, Raja Ampat. This once-secret group of 1500 islands is becoming more popular but is still considered off-track due to the effort it takes to get here. Nothing this good comes easy!
Idyllic islands, palm-fringed shorelines, crystal clear water, and some of the best diving anywhere in the world can all be found in Raja Ampat. The underwater world is teeming with life, which Nick knows first hand because he went on a diving trip here in 2017 during our stay in Canggu. I was so envious of that trip, and now I get a chance to see it with my own eyes. 
We’ll be staying at the Papua Paradise Eco Resort for 5 nights in overwater bungalows. This type of accommodation has been a dream of ours for many years, and it’s finally coming true. Watching marine life swim by, and snorkelling right offshore will be pretty incredible.
Overwater bungalows! We’re looking forward to snorkelling right offshore. (Photo Credit: Lotus Hotels)
From the far east of Indonesia, we’re returning to Bali to visit another town that we’ve yet to see, Candidasa. A trip to a nearby village, scuba diving and relaxing by the pool are all on the agenda here. After what I’m sure will be a great 3 nights in Candidasa, we’re taking a boat over to nearby Gili Trawangan. 
During 2009, we spent about a week on Gili T and really enjoyed the slow pace of the island. I remember renting bicycles with a plan to ride around the circumference of the island, only to find out that just 1/4 of it was paved, and the rest was sand!
It’ll be interesting to see how Gili Trawangan has changed over the past 10 years. The plan here is to do some scuba diving and snorkelling (of course), indulge in some relaxing spa treatments and explore the island. 
The dining and pool area of Villa Almarik on Gili T. (Photo credit: Lotus Hotels)
In total, we’ll be travelling around Indonesia for 20 days and can’t wait!
A Wedding in the Philippines
During our 10 years of travel, we’ve attended numerous weddings abroad. Most of those weddings were for people we didn’t actually know! When we found out our good friend was getting married, we figured it would be held in the Philippines (where he lives), and knew we had to make an effort to get there — especially considering Nick was named best man!
We’re flying into the town of Dumaguete and taking a boat over to the island of Siquijor, which is where the festivities will take place. 
The last time we were in the Philippines was back in 2012 when we travelled around the islands of Luzon and Palawan. There are over 7,000 islands in the archipelago and, not surprisingly, we haven’t explored Siquijor in the past.
Known for its interesting witchcraft healers, awesome scuba diving, pristine beaches, and gorgeous waterfalls, we’re very much looking forward to experiencing this island — through the eyes of a local. 
Exploring a deserted island in the Philippines back in 2012.
A Quick Trip to Japan
In 2018, we decided to fly from Bali to Tokyo and celebrate Nick’s birthday in Japan. He’s a sushi fiend. Landing in Tokyo and having sushi that day for lunch was probably the best birthday he could’ve dreamed of!
We spent around two weeks travelling to Tokyo, Kyoto, Takayama, and some surrounding villages. I think you could spend years in Japan and continuously learn about the history and culture of this unique destination. 
On a walking tour in Kyoto. Tatsuya was a great guide, and friend!
This diverse country has a little something for everyone — mountains, beaches, history, lakes, cities, food, and culture. There are just so many things to do in Japan. 
This time around, we’re starting off in Tokyo (sushi!) and heading to the northeast region of the country, Tohoku — which is known as being a hidden traveller’s gem. This part of Japan is filled with hot springs, mountains, villages, crater lakes, and of course, regional food specialities.  
From the north, we’re heading south to the Okayama area to explore castles, museums, gardens and shrines, before making our way back to Tokyo where we’ll complete our journey by soaking in an onsen (public bath). 
This whirlwind trip will give us a taste of some parts of Japan we’ve never been, and from what I’ve seen and heard, I’m pretty sure we’re going to want to return.
Tohoku region of Japan (image courtesy of Shutterstock).
Returning Home
This trip is all about the islands, and after hopping around 7+ islands in Asia for 2 months, I think we’ll be ready to return to our home base (which is also an island!).  
Having a base to return to really makes our travels a lot easier. These days, we don’t have to pack up literally everything we own and bring it with us. Plus, having a home allows us to actually accumulate a few possessions and to get some work done.
Once we return home it’ll be all about catching up with work, visiting with friends, enjoying some downtime and getting ready for our next adventure…which is happening around mid-January!
Have you been to any of the destinations I mentioned in this article? If so, please give us your must-sees, eats and dos in the comments below!
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  The post Life Update: Travel Plans and What’s Next? appeared first on Goats On The Road.
Life Update: Travel Plans and What’s Next? published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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diveplanit · 5 years
OZTek 2019 Dive Destinations – ask the experts where to book your next dive holiday
Want some inspiration for the next year’s dive trips? Several of Australia’s favourite dive destinations will be there, able to answer all your questions about where to go, when to go, WHY you should go, and what to expect. Here’s a taster of the destinations travelling to Sydney for the event, and three reasons to visit each one.
Don’t forget – by purchasing a Silver or Gold Pass to OZTek, you automatically go in the draw to win a dive holiday for two to the Solomon Islands including flights! Thanks to Diveplanit Travel, Dive Munda, Solomon Airlines and Tourism Solomons.
Dive Fiji
Shark dives of Beqa Lagoon and Barefoot Kuata in the Yasawa Islands.
Stunning coral pinnacles of Bligh Water and Raki Raki.
Lush rainforest of Taveuni and soft corals of the Rainbow Reef.
Dive Papua New Guinea
Pristine coral reefs of Walindi and Kimbe Bay.
The stunning sea fans and soft corals of Carl’s Ultimate on the Eastern Fields.
Wrecks, reefs and turtle sanctuary at Lissenung Island Resort in Kavieng.
Dive The Philippines
Beautiful coral and abundant marine life of Tubbataha.
Macro Heaven at Anilao and Dumaguete.
Wrecks and freshwater lakes of Coron, Palawan.
Credit: Gerald Rambert
Dive The Solomon Islands
100s of wrecks of Iron Bottom Sound
Beautiful caverns of the Russell Islands
Coral walls and gardens of Munda and Gizo and Uepi in the Western Provinces.
Timor Leste
Pristine coral reefs of Atauro Island’s west coast.
Friendly dugongs off the coast of Dili.
Amazing pelagic action as several species of whales pass through the Wetar Strait.
Dive Vanuatu
The Coolidge – the world’s most famous wreck still holds lots of treasures in its nooks and crannies.
Coral gardens and stunning wrecks of Efate and Port Vila from Bonzer Wreck to West Side Story.
Million Dollar Point – WWII’s biggest dumping ground is fascinating to explore.
Click here to see the full list of exhibitors and purchase a ticket.
PLUS – by purchasing a Silver or Gold Pass to OZTek, you automatically go in the draw to win a dive holiday for two to the Solomon Islands including flights! Thanks to Diveplanit Travel, Dive Munda, Solomon Airlines and Tourism Solomons.
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roinish · 7 years
”Welcome aboard flight 562 to your dream destination, whether for work or pleasure. Except for you in seat 56C, you will be turned away at the landing point, because you didn’t check your passport. Your travelling companions will be allowed to continue on with their journey though”DONT LET THIS BE YOU!!!!!If you are travelling overseas, please, I beg of you, go grab your passport NOW and check the expiry date.As a general rule, passports should have at least three or six months of validity when traveling internationally. Most countries will not permit a traveler to enter their country unless the passport is set to expire at least three or six months after the final date of travel.It takes only seconds to check your passport expiry date. You do NOT want to be stuck at the airport unable to board your flight because you didn’t check.What countries need you to have 3 or 6 months validity either from date of arrival or date of departure?If travelling to the USA, if your passport country of issue is on this list then you don’t need 6 months left on your passport. If it’s not on the list, you do!AlbaniaAngolaAustriaBahrainBoliviaBotswanaBruneiBurma (Myanmar)ChinaCôte d’Ivoire(Ivory Coast)Denmark Ecuador(including Galápagos Islands)EgyptFrench PolynesiaGuyanaGreeceGermanyHondurasIndonesiaIranIraqIndiaKenyaKiribatiMadagascarMalaysiaMauritiusMozambiqueNamibiaNew CaledoniaNew ZealandOmanPalauPapua New GuineaRussiaSaudi ArabiaSingaporeSt LuciaSwedenTajikistanTanzaniaThailandTimor-Leste (East Timor)Trinidad and TobagoTurkmenistanUgandaVenezuelaVietnamZambiaGo here to check other countries not on the list for visa requirements etc...So, to save you hassles at the airport, and to save you a HEAP of money, please check ALL passports in your house NOW. you never know when you will have to suddenly travel overseas, and you need to be prepared.Edit: added some info about the USA via /r/LifeProTips
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olduvaicareers · 3 years
Worldwide Travel Visa Guide
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Worldwide Travel Visa Guide
What is a Travel Visa?
A travel visa is an authorization that permits a traveler to visit one certain country, usually in the form of a sticker document affixed to a passport page or a stamp also placed in one of a passport pages. Each country has its own visa policy. To get a travel visa you must apply at the office of the immigration authorities of the country you are planning to visit. In cases when your destination country does not have a consulate or embassy in your home country, you will have to obtain a travel visa at the embassy of another country which is authorized to issue visas for the country you will to visit.
Types of Visas
There are are many types of travel visas depending on your nationality, destination country, purpose of travel and even number of times you wish to visit that country.  You could obtain a visa to visit a certain country for the following purposes: - Tourism. - Transiting. - Visit family and friends. - Seek medical treatment. - Seek employment. - Attend business conferences. - Participate in a scientific research project. - Study at a university, college or other educational institution. - Join your spouse. - Invest or open your own business.
How to Apply for a Visa?
To apply for any visa in the world, you must go through the steps outlined below: Step I – Figure out what kind of visa you need It will be simple to find out what visa you need if you are going to visit a particular country for common reasons like medical purposes or for tourism. However, some countries, as the USA, have a lot of visa types. Some of these visa types have their own categories and subcategories. It is crucial to apply for the right visa in order to have a successful application. If you do everything correctly, but you apply under the wrong visa category, most probably, your application will automatically be rejected. Step II – Find out where you need to apply Some people think that they just need to submit the application at the embassy of the country they plan to visit and that’s it. However, things are a bit more complicated. Since in some states, the same country has more than one representation body (consulates), often each of these bodies have their jurisdiction area. You will have to apply at the body under the jurisdiction of which, the area where you live falls. On the other hand, embassies and consulates often outsource visa submission to the embassy of another country or other parties that offer visa services. Moreover, some countries have abolished internal borders, and a visitor can enter all of them with a single visa. These entities, as the Schengen Area, have their own rules on at which a person wishing to visit more than one country, should apply for the visa. Step III – Collect the required documents Start gathering the documents as given in this checklist. Obtain each of these documents, according to criteria set by the embassy. You will also have to fulfill the application form among others. Make sure that the information you give in this form complies with that in the other documents. In general, some of these documents may be: Application form. Valid passport or other travel document. Photo. Health Insurance. Proof of accommodation arrangements. Proof of travel arrangements. Evidence the applicant has the financial means to remain in that particular country throughout the intended period. Invitation letter. Step IV – Book an appointment Most of the embassies have made it possible for visa applicants to book an appointment online. However, in case such a service is not offered in your country or by the country you wish to visit, you will have to book it in person. Remember that each country has its own rules on when you can apply the earliest and the latest for a visa. Pay attention to these rules! Worldwide Travel Visa Guide Step V – Pay the visa fee Before attending your interview, you will have to pay a visa fee. Fees are paid either electronically, or in cash at the embassy / consulate / visa center. Keep the receipt, if you get one, in order to show it to the consular officer during your interview as a proof that you have paid the fee. Remember that visa fees vary from the visa type you are obtaining, and the country that issues it to you. If you do not pay the fee, your visa application will not be processed. Step VI – Attend the visa interview​ On the day of your appointment, show up at the embassy / consulate / visa center on time. Most of them suggest you to show there exactly 10 minutes prior to your interview. Try to be relaxed but serious. Wear something comfortable but a bit more formal. Most people advise the applicants to eat something prior to their interview, in order to avoid dizziness caused by nervousness and excitement. The interviews last from 10 to 30 minutes, during which the interviewer asks the applicant on the reason behind their purpose of traveling to their particular country. During the interview, the applicant handles in the documents as required.
Worldwide Travel Visa Tips
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How to Book a Flight Itinerary for Visa Application?
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How to Submit Proof of Accommodation for Visa Application?
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How to Write an Invitation Letter for Visa Application?
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How to Write A Cover Letter for Visa Application
Visa-Free Entry
If you are entitled to enter visa-free at your destination country, then all you need to with you carry is your passport. You will not need to apply for anything else prior to your trip, or upon arrival in this country. Usually, visa-free regimes are applied only to the nationals of the benefiting countries traveling for business or tourism purposes. Some of the main deliberations for a country to grant visa-free entry to another country are as follows: - Good diplomatic relationship. - Nationals of the beneficial country are unlikely to illegally overstay in the visa-free country. - The beneficial country is economically developed. The Singaporean and Japanese passports are regarded as the strongest in 2019, offering their holders visa-free access to 189 world countries. Germany, South Korea and Finland passport holders can visit 187 countries without a visa. The UK passport and the US passport have visa-free access to 183 countries. On the other hand, Afghanistan has the weakest passport in 2019, with only 25 countries granting them visa-free entry.
Passport vs Visa
People may struggle to understand the difference between a passport and a visa, especially when they are holders of very powerful passports, with which they can visit most of the countries of the world without the need of obtaining a visa first they still have pretty a huge difference. While the government of a particular country issues visas to foreigners wishing to visit that country, passports are issued to the citizens of their own country, and enable them to visit other countries. Although a visa can sometimes be a must in order to be able to travel somewhere, it does not always guarantee you will enter that country since the border guard makes the final call.  To travel to some countries you may require a visa and in some cases you are only required to have a valid passport because of a visa-free agreement between countries. Worldwide Travel Visa Guide Visa Countries issue visas to foreigners wishing to visit that country. The visa contains information of the destination country, the date the traveler is allowed to enter this country, the date before which this person must exit and also the number of days they are allowed to remain in that country within the given period of time. Passport Countries issues passports to their own citizens, and enable these citizens to visit other countries. A passport contains basic information about its holder, as full name, date of birth, nationality, photo. Worldwide Travel Visa Guide
Visa on Arrival
A visa on arrival, as its name suggests, is obtained upon arrival at the port of entry of the country that issues it. It is usually issued in the form of a stamp in one of the pages of a traveler’s passport. Some countries issue it in the form of a card or printed document. In order to be eligible to apply for a Visa on Arrival to your destination country, you should: - Possess a valid passport. - Be entering the country for tourism or business purposes. - Be a national of one of the countries that fall under the VoA program. - Be a frequent visitor to that country. Countries That Issue Visas on Arrival Find below the list of countries offering visas on arrival for travelers: Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Benin Bolivia Botswana Burkina Faso Cambodia Cape Verde Islands Comores Islands Djibouti Egypt Ethiopia Gabon Guinea-Bissau Guyana Honduras Iran Jamaica Jordan Kenya Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Lesotho Macao (SAR China) Madagascar Malawi Maldives Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nepal Nicaragua Oman Palau Islands Papua New Guinea Paraguay Qatar Reunion Rwanda Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Seychelles Somalia Solomon Islands South Africa Sri Lanka Saint Helena Suriname Sudan Swaziland Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Timor-Leste Togo Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu Uganda United Arab Emirates Read the full article
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