#Florence Parly
usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Success in the sale of Rafale makes France go through a deficit of flight hours of its fighter pilots
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/30/22 - 11:00 in Military
French military pilots are facing an alarming training deficit, according to a recent report.
In the report of a French legislator on behalf of the National Defense and Armed Forces Committee, who discussed the challenges that French Air Force pilots will face in 2023, French Air Force fighter pilots should fly only for 147 hours in 2023, against 162 in 2022, which is below NATO standards that require a combat pilot to time at least 180 flight hours per year.
The report prepared by French Parliament member Frank Giletti noted that “this training deficit is particularly harmful, while the current strategic context requires, on the contrary, a hardening of the operational preparation of our aviators”.
The French Ministry of the Armed Forces responded to Giletti's observations by saying that the deficit in pilots' flight hours was linked to the availability of aircraft.
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"This situation results in part of the sale-export of Rafales to Croatia, which limits the number of fuselages available and the production capacity of flight hours," explained the French Ministry of the Armed Forces.
In November 2021, Croatian Defense Minister Mario Banozi? and his French colleague Florence Parly signed an agreement for 12 used Rafale F3-R fighters ?? to modernize the Croatian Air Force.
Greece also signed a defense agreement in January 2021 to buy 18 Rafale fighters, of which six jets were delivered on January 18. In addition, Athens decided to increase the purchase order by adding six more jets in September.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) closed an agreement in December 2021 to buy 80 new Rafales, which was also the largest order in the history of this aircraft.
In February, Indonesia also ordered six Rafale fighters and later added 36 more. The first batch of six Rafale fighters is scheduled for delivery in 2026.
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Therefore, Dassault's assembly lines would be occupied in the near future, which means that the success of the fighter's exports would continue to overload the flight hours of French fighter pilots.
To compensate for the 24 used Rafale fighters ?? sold to Greece and Croatia, the French Ministry of the Armed Forces will make a new order for 42 Rafale fighters in 2023, but reports suggest that they will not be delivered before 2027, a request that should be from the advanced F4 configuration.
Deputy Chief of Staff Frederic Parisot had already warned the French parliament at a hearing on July 20, 2022, that the shortage of training would extend for two years. “However, the situation remains acceptable, as long as the aircraft of the [future order] are delivered on time,” he explained.
Military transport pilots are also experiencing fewer flights, with only 189 flight hours scheduled for 2023, far below the minimum of 320 hours required by NATO standards.
According to the Ministry, this is due to the low availability of the C130H and A400M fleets caused by delays in implementation and technical problems.
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Giletti also pointed out that the current missions do not offer the most appropriate way for pilots to practice combat skills.
"Increasing operational readiness is all the more essential as the operations currently carried out in the Levant, the Sahel or Ukraine hardly mobilize the necessary skills in high-intensity combat, so that the latter can only be acquired by training."
Giletti's report also provided two recommendations to address this issue. The first is to continue developing and maturing the simulated training and potentially considering it within the standards of a pilot's operational activity.
The second recommendation was to form a fleet of 'aggressor' fighters that would replicate the role of opposing aircraft to provide realistic training, known as opposing air services (ADAIR), to French pilots.
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The report suggested that the Dassault Mirage 2000 fighters being phased out provide a window of opportunity to employ these fighters for this purpose. Alternatively, another solution could be to outsource this task to private contractors.
The French Navy has already implemented the second solution by hiring the private company ARES to train naval fighter pilots using 12 Mirage 2000 fighters acquired in Qatar to avoid overloading their 42 Rafale-Marine (Rafale-M) fighters with capacity for aircraft carriers.
However, the report noted that Red Air's private market in France is still crawling.
Tags: Armée de l'air - French Air Force/French Air ForceMilitary AviationDassault Rafale
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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albad · 1 year
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Le nouveau RAFALE F4 de l'armée de l'air
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“Ce standard F4 est un saut technologique, un saut industriel et un saut stratégique” disait la ministre des Armées Florence Parly en 2019 lorsque le développement du Rafale F4 devenait officiel. Cette nouvelle génération vient succéder aux standards F1, dont la mise en service au sein de la marine française remonte à 2004, F2, F3 et F3R et devrait jouir de nombreuses améliorations, tant sur le plan offensif que défensif. Cette version modernisée permettra au pilote de tirer des bombes bien plus importantes sur coordonnées GPS. Le pilote doit rentrer les coordonnées GPS de la cible, avant ou pendant le vol et sera en mesure de tirer dans un périmètre de 50 kilomètres. Ce système n’est pas inconnu des Rafales mais il sera plus performant puisqu’il peut transporter des bombes allant jusqu’à une tonne. Le F4 sera également équipé d’un viseur de casque Scorpion, fourni par Thales. Il s’agit d’une grande première sur le Rafale. Et pour cause, jusqu’à présent, le pilote devait aligner l’appareil en direction de la cible pour viser. Désormais, il aura simplement à tourner la tête en direction de l’avion ennemi et pourra ainsi viser grâce à un affichage sur son casque. Jean-Paul Ebanga, directeur des activités avionique de vol chez Thales se réjouit de cette nouvelle : “Lorsque le succès de la mission se joue en quelques fractions de secondes, la compréhension rapide de l’environnement tactique et l’interaction facilitée avec les systèmes sont décisifs. Nous sommes heureux d’apporter aux équipages des futurs Rafale F4 un avantage considérable pour la réussite de leurs missions au travers d’équipements de nouvelle génération offrant des capacités d’affichage avancées et une interaction améliorée avec le système d’armes.”. Ce Rafale dernier cri va également jouir d’un développement important de ses fonctions de combat collaboratif. Dassault Aviation n’a pas donné plus d’informations pour le moment mais les communications et échanges de données entre appareils seront démultipliées grâce au système de radio CONTACT, compatible avec le système Scorpion de l'Armée de Terre. Enfin, le système de maintenance ira encore plus loin. Depuis la première génération, les Rafales sont équipés d’un système d'auto-diagnostic leur permettant de prévenir la maintenance des éventuels problèmes ou réparations à effectuer. Sur ce nouveau standard, le système sera à “maintenance prédictive”, cela signifie que les réparations seront anticipées. De quoi réduire les coûts et améliorer la disponibilité des appareils. En décembre 2021, l’Armée de l’Air des Emirats Arabes Unis a signé un contrat prévoyant l'acquisition de 80 Rafale F4 pour 16 milliards d’euros. Le pays devient alors le premier utilisateur officiel de cette nouvelle génération au-delà des frontières françaises. Le 10 février, l'Indonésie a signé à son tour un contrat pour 42 Rafales de dernière génération. Read the full article
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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First Rafale F4.1 is delivered to the French Air Force test center
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/07/2022 - 13:00 in Military
The first Rafale in the F4.1 standard was delivered on March 2 at the Military Air Specialization Center of the French Air and Space Force, at Air Base 118 in Mont-de-Marsan.
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In 2019, former Army Minister Florence Parly formalized the development of the Rafale F4, describing the project as a true "technological, industrial and strategic leap". The arrival of the first state-of-the-art Rafale is just the first of a long list to come, she said.
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"The first plane we received today is one of the F3Rs we sent to the Flight Test Center of the Directorate General of Armament, in Istres, for its software transformation," explains Lieutenant Colonel Guillaume, second in command of the Fighter Experiment Squadron (ECE). “Other brand new aircraft will come directly from Dassault’s production lines, and will complete the fleet of fighters gradually sent to Istres for the transition from the F3R standard to F4.1,” he adds.
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The capacity contributions associated with this new generation fighter speak for themselves: integration of a helmet aim and new 1,000 kg weaponry, improvement of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons control, self-protection and the TALIOS pod. A real technological leap, which will accompany the pilots in the high-intensity conflicts of tomorrow. Several experimental stages are now waiting for the device in the coming months, based on the receipt of a second Rafale F4.1 next week.
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From then on, the first phase that will lead to the "adoption" of the aircraft will begin. "The objective is to pronounce the latter so that the aircraft can be used by the pilots of the 30th Fighter Wing, in the shortest possible time," says Lieutenant Colonel Guillaume. This phase is crucial to allow the appropriation of Rafale F4.1 by the forces for training missions initially.
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The next phase will consist of the approval of the first operational capacity of the Rafale F4, followed by the final phase of complete operational commissioning.
Tags: Armée de l'air - French Air Force/French Air ForceMilitary AviationDassault Rafale
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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