anitatad · 2 months
Meet the Gang!
Tomorrow, on the new moon, my latest masterpiece goes live on Amazon. I am trying not to hold my breath, hard to do when you are repeatably wishing it all the luck in the world, but I have everything crossed, just in case. I thought I would introduce you to the stars of the show, and include an excerpt. Excerpt from The Mystery of Folly’s End Across the table from me, Charlie was being…
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anitatad · 4 months
Last Minute thoughts…
I now have a date to send off my manuscript to be edited, so all I can think about, is it ready? Have I done the best I can, or should I look at it again? I have three days to convince myself that Folly’s End is ready to be scrutinised. I’m desperately trying to remember the final edit. Were there any sneaky after thoughts, things that could have been better? In many ways, your final edit is…
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anitatad · 4 months
One Small High Spot of the Week...
It seems that I am not being allowed to do much these days, without some serious setbacks. Despite the presence of some menacing dark clouds and the presence of rain in the air, we managed to reach the garden centre in one piece. Apart from me. The worst case of travel sickness hit me before we had even reached the motorway. This is something I suffered from when a child, but I thought it long…
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anitatad · 7 months
The End, really?
Image by Anne Karakash from Pixabay The End, really? I wrote The End yesterday and should have cheered, but I didn’t. My mind was racing, already planning the editing process. I had waited so long to get to that moment; I couldn’t wait to start. But I had a character fix to sort out before I could do any of that. This story is about sisters Charlotte and Angela. Estranged sisters, and one…
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anitatad · 9 months
Jaye's Week One ~ 2024
This week was the very first one of 2024, and I was determined to start as I meant to go on. More productive and efficient is the order of my day. Unfortunately, my brain wasn’t on the same page and has taken some prodding to even consider cooperating. Fortunately, some of my jobs don’t involve brain power, so I have been concentrating on clearing the office of clutter. Like that mountain of…
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anitatad · 10 months
So far, so good... #Editing
I have always enjoyed immersing myself in my writing, no matter what else is happening in my world. This year, however, has been different. Somehow, I have become very old, and I don’t like it at all. This wasn’t a complete surprise. I knew it would happen eventually, but I hoped that some yoga and moderate exercise would make the process easier to cope with. And for a while, it did. Then,…
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anitatad · 11 months
A Brand New Week...
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay We Have a Brand New Week… Watch as someone ruins it… All joking aside, though, maybe this will be a good week. I would settle for a reasonable one, anything, really. Just don’t come at me with unsolvable problems, a baseball bat, or awkward situations I haven’t met before. Let me get on with my life without hitches, free to create my own messes. Or not, as…
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anitatad · 1 year
If it Ain't Broke... #Writing
Image by Samuel F. Johanns from Pixabay Lulled into a false sense of security by everything technical behaving lately, I have been delaying my plan to move my WIP from Microsoft Word to Scrivener. I believe in that old adage that if it ain’t broke, leave it alone… My main reason for procrastinating is that I honestly believe that joining Scrivener is best done when you start a new story.…
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