#Food Distributor Los Angeles
jordanosfoodservice · 49 minutes
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Jordano’s is a top wholesale food and beverage distributor, offering a wide range of products for restaurants, bars, and food businesses. Their expertise and comprehensive product offerings make them the ideal partner to support long-term business success.
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moneyque · 8 months
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— monique mitchell, task OO3: p1.
What is your full name?
Monique Ella Mitchell.
Where and when were you born?
May 23rd, 2000 in Canarsie, Brooklyn.
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Michael Mitchell is an infamous drug distributor who owns several clubs throughout New York City. He can be described as stoic, over-protective, and intimidating. Monica Mitchell was a registered nurse before she passed away but was described as nurturing, loyal, and had a lot of sass & cheek.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Monique is an only child.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
Monique lives in her penthouse condo in Los Angeles, California by herself.
What is your occupation?
Monique is currently a socialite, influencer and a model.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
Standing at 5’4 and a half, Monique has dark brown eyes as well as dark brown hair that runs past her shoulders. She identifies as black, race-wise, and weighs around 145 lbs. She has numerous tattoos scattered around her upper body— a symbol on the back of her neck, ‘MUSE’ underneath her collarbone, her ex-boyfriend’s name tracing her ear, & another small tribute to her former relationship on her hip, ‘get money or get lost’ on her forearm, the outline of a diamond on her finger, and ‘new york’ on her left hand. Her style of dress is definitely trendy/ahead of the trend, fly, anything and everything designer, flashy, revealing, and anything to show off her curvy figure.
To which social class do you belong?
She belongs to the upper class.
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Are you right- or left-handed?
Monique is right-handed.
What does your voice sound like?
Monique has a distinct New York accent mixed with her somewhat high-pitched tone.
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
‘Stop playing with me.’ ‘Ode.’ ‘Girl.’ ‘Cute.’ ‘Weird.’ ‘Real.’ ‘Likeee.’
What do you have in your pockets?
Dior Addict Lip Maximizer in the color ‘Holographic Pink’ with a matching compact mirror to go with it.
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
Monique has a habit of flipping her hair or touching it. She also rolls her eyes constantly throughout a conversation and is overall very expressive with her facial features to a fault. Monique is very vain, so any time she gets a chance to look at herself or admire herself, she takes it. Monique makes it a point not to wear the same purse/handbag two days in a row. Another defining characteristic about her would be the color pink being incorporated into every single aspect of her life in almost a childish manner.
How would you describe your childhood in general?
Monique’s early childhood was a rough start for her. At the time, her father was still dealing with the loss of his wife/her mother as well as being a dope boy on the corner trying to bring in a steady income for his new born daughter. Initially, they struggled, living in the projects, surviving off of food stamps and a necessity-only lifestyle. Despite that, Michael always made sure Monique never wanted for anything. So, the transition from the projects to their penthouse in Brooklyn in her late adolescent years was somewhat smooth for her.
What is your earliest memory?
Monique’s earliest memory would be opening presents on Christmas at Sakari’s house, where she celebrated with both Sakari and Josiah’s family. Her father had just gifted her a Barbie DreamHouse, which sparked up her love for the doll/franchise.
How much schooling have you had?
Monique has been in school her entire life up until now, the highest point she reached being her B.S in Business and B.A Communication.
Did you enjoy school?
The only aspect Monique enjoyed about school was meeting up with her friends, or hanging out with them afterwards. She viewed school as mandatory and experienced a lot of pressure from her father to be a straight A/B+ student throughout her years in school.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
Monique learned a lot from her best friend Josiah, as far as street smarts, gang life, and how to make money.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
Monique’s father was her biggest role model. As well as Josiah. She also considered Barbie a role model to her, in the sense that she was perfect, very feminine, had it all, and could be whatever she wanted.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Monique got along with her dad very well, he was one of her best friends up until she reached high school. Which is when she started to take note of how overbearing, overprotective, controlling, and stubborn he was, which ultimately led her down the path of deceit and dishonesty.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Monique wanted to be rich.
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
As a young girl, Monique loved gymnastics, exploring the city and watching classic movies with her dad.
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
Monique displayed traits of resilience, sass, being outspoken, very saddity, and very adventurous.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
Monique was popular amongst her peers, throughout her childhood, mainly because she was always in the latest, had the best clothing, and appeared to live a lavish lifestyle. However, she always kept her friend group short. Her main friends were Josiah Reeves and Sakari Vaughn, but they grew to be like family to her. She kept very few close friends in school and mainly hung around the older crowd that she was introduced to.
When and with whom was your first kiss?
Her first kiss was from one of the boys in her neighborhood at the age of six.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
Monique isn’t a virgin. She lost her virginity to her first boyfriend when she was 15.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Monique considers moving out of the projects the most important event in her life so far.
Who has had the most influence on you?
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Monique considers establishing herself as a brand, a household name and being able to make money off of just being herself one of her greatest achievements.
What is your greatest regret?
Monique has no regrets.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Monique sold her ex-boyfriend’s social security number and pushed a girl down a flight of stairs causing her to sprain her wrist.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
Monique has been to jail for stabbing a woman in the arm, but her father got her record expunged.
When was the time you were the most frightened?
Monique was most frightened during her first car accident during a speed race.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
Her ex boyfriend’s mom walked in on them having sex when she was 16.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
Monique would change how fast she grew up. Monique feels like she rushed into being a grown up, and faced harsh realities very early on. She feels as though she didn’t get to experience ignorance and innocence for long.
What is your best memory?
When her dad bought her a G Wagon, her first car, when she was seventeen.
What is your worst memory?
Being in school and finding out her best friend had gotten shot, and was in critical condition at the time.
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
Monique tends to lean towards the pessimistic side, even though she’s working on it, she finds it easier to see and expect the worst.
What is your greatest fear?
Monique’s greatest fear is her father passing away and letting her guard down and then being hurt by someone she loves or trusts.
What are your religious views?
Monique isn’t spiritual at all but believes in God.
What are your political views?
Monique shares liberal political views.
What are your views on sex?
Monique sees sex as something somewhat sacred to her but fun. She doesn’t have sex with just anyone, she’s very calculated with whom she shares her body but she’s also accepting of people who think differently when it comes to sex, and sex work in general.
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
Monique isn’t a killer but when she’s pushed to the limit, it’s no telling what she’ll do or is capable of doing. Killing is acceptable when it’s to protect one’s self or someone else, and is unacceptable when it’s senseless.
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
The most evil thing a human being could do is maliciously harm the harmless.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
Monique does believe in true love and soulmates.
What do you believe makes a successful life?
To Monique, having a successful life is accomplishing what they want/set their mind on and acquiring wealth while doing so.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
Monique is usually very honest with how she feels or thinks, especially if she feels like she has the right to be or is justified in her thought process. If she has any doubts in her mind, she’ll keep it to herself and deliberate amongst her trusted friends and loved ones before communicating it.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Monique is biased & prejudice against men, in general.
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
Monique absolutely refuses to do anything that 100% comprises her self-respect or whatever she considers beneath her. She holds herself to a certain standard and any time that standard or boundary is pushed, she’s quick to attack the situation or retreat.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
Monique would die for her father, only.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
Monique is very standoffish and keeps everyone at a distance but still is polite/kind and considers herself approachable. Her treatment of them changes depending on how she perceives them, if they are friends or closer, or if she wants to get to know them romantically/financially.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
The most important person in Monique’s life is her father because time after time again, he’s proven to be the most genuine, solid and stable person in her life.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Monique respects her father the most, because of all the things he has risked and done for her to be where she’s at today. He could’ve just given up after his wife/her mother passed and stayed stagnant, and hindered her, but he’s put everything on the line to make sure she had what she wanted at all times and nothing/no one could supersede that.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
Monique’s friends are Asiah Porter, Josiah Reeves, and Sakari Vaughn. She views Josiah as her best friend.
Josiah is an older brother figure in Monique’s life, the second man in her life who took care of her, protected her and introduced her to the street life, fast money, and everything she’s known growing up. Monique sees Josiah as selfless, reliable, solid and loyal.
Sakari is the older sister figure in her life who’s always stuck by her side growing up. Sakari and Monique share similar home situations and upbringings which only brought them closer, as well as their fathers being close friends, and former business partners. Monique would describe Sakari as nurturing, soft-spoken, and not quick to express how she really feels.
Asiah Porter is Monique’s former roommate, she met Asiah through Sakari and once Monique moved to L.A., they formed a strong bond. Monique views Asiah as her partner in crime and a listening ear whenever she needs one. To Monique, Asiah is often the voice of reason, has juvenile tendencies, and is very friendly.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
Monique is single.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
Monique has been in love three times. The first time was with her first boyfriend, rapper Artist Dubose, who she dated for five years consecutively and thought she was going to spend her life with but they broke up due to both sides taking things too far and being disrespectful. The second time was with an on and off again situationship that ended up becoming more serious than she had originally intended it to be. She realized she was in love as she broke things off with him, due to internal issues. Lastly, Monique was in love with her ex-boyfriend of nine months, which also started off as harmless but eventually turned into something deeper. However, towards the end of the relationship, fights broke out that revealed issues with their relationship, resulting in her ending things with him.
What do you look for in a potential lover?
Monique looks for a provider, someone who's consistent, with a charming personality. Someone who shares similar traits to her father, someone who will defend her blindly whenever need be, someone who will cherish, reassure her, and exercise patience with her and not give up on her. She also looks to see if they trick.
How close are you to your family?
Monique is extremely close with her father, being that he’s the only family she’s ever really known or had. Monique is familiar with her mother’s side of the family but doesn’t have a close bond with them due to them not being as fond of her father and his occupation.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
Monique hasn’t started a family and doesn’t wish to at the moment, simply because she’s currently too selfish to have kids at the moment. Pregnancy scares her.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
Monique would turn to her father or her best friend.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
Monique trusts her father or Josiah just because they have shown her things in the past that make her feel comfortable with them doing so. Her father’s shielded and protected her, her entire life, treating her as if she was fragile and Josiah has fought for her many times before.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
Monique believes the entire world would miss her.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Monique despises her entire block list, and people who don’t like her in general because she feels as though they’ve picked unnecessary problems with her.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Monique would 100% argue with someone and by no means avoids conflict.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Monique leads herself in social situations, she wouldn’t try to control the crowd unless she’s being paid to host. Amongst her ‘peers’, she does her own thing or keeps her distance.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
Monique doesn’t mind interacting with large groups of people, she’s used to entertaining a large crowd because of her social position what she does for work, and who she is. She doesn’t necessarily like being around a lot of people, and if she had the choice, she’d stay by herself.
Do you care what others think of you?
Monique cares about how she's perceived, not necessarily about what others think of her. This means she cares about the impression she gives and the vibe she projects, but she doesn't necessarily care about how people personally interpret it.
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fearsmagazine · 11 months
AS WE KNOW IT - Review
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SYNOPSIS: “Set in Los Angeles in the late 1990s, struggling writer James Bishop grapples with the emotional shrapnel of a recent breakup with his longtime girlfriend, Emily. As James holds up in his Hollywood Hills home with writer's block, his eccentric best friend Bruce shows up with bad news. The city has plunged into chaos by an unusual zombie outbreak, courtesy of tainted soy milk, wreaking havoc on James' semi-charmed kinda life. With the streets of Los Angeles swarming with the undead, James, Bruce, and Emily come together to barricade themselves in the house while reconciling their personal struggles. And occasionally, letting in the only food delivery service still operating, Abracadabra.” -Press Release
REVIEW: Josh Monkarsh’s film feels like a play as James’ home is the main setting and much of the story unfolds in the living room, kitchen and bedroom. The limited locations add to the feel of a 90’s sitcom, from “Seinfeld,” to “Friends” and the late 90’s “Freaks & Geeks.” Clearly these characters are in their mid to late 20’s but their lack of maturity make them seem much younger.
Monkarsh, DePaolo and Francis’s script is jam packed with 90’s references and bits and gags that rely on period as well. One of the jokes between James and Bruce is their love of “Waterworld,” which they watch on a laserdisc (yes, I still have a player and a collection of laserdiscs). It is clearly a love letter to that period of time when life was simpler and complicated in different ways before the advent of the smartphone, tablets and laptops. The absurdity of the zombie plague being caused by tainted soy milk takes a back seat to the relationship between the three characters, and Rory, the delivery person who happens to be an old acquaintance of Bruce, makes for a nice distraction.
The film has a rather dry pacing, and even Bruce’s chaotic moments come at a slower pace. There is an overall malaise that you would expect from the zombies. Somehow it all works and becomes engaging. Each actor brings elements to their performances that make for likable and sympathetic characters, even Bruce. It’s a great ensemble cast, but I have to say actor Danny Mondello creates this memorable character that could have easily been cliched but comes off fresh and memorable, like an early Joe Pesci performance. Actor Chris Parnell received a nice amount of screen time, with an additional scene during the credits, and it would have been nice to see a bit more of Pam Grier.
I enjoyed the cinematography, costumes and production designs that captured the period. The editing sustained my viewing engagement. The zombie make up and designs are simple and effective, as well as the special effects, with nothing too gorey. I liked Michl Britsch’s score. It enhanced the comedic tones of the film and added slightly more energy to the film.
AS WE KNOW IT is a relationship comedy set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak taking place in Los Angeles. The film is kind of a 90’s American slacker reworking of “Shaun of the Dead,” with a tone similar to Jim Jarmusch’s “The Dead Don't Die,” but without some of the film’s more bizarre moments. A fun and mildly funny trip down memory lane with some likable characters who take center stage over the zombies. Monkarsh does a nice job with the material but given his film credits to date I’m not sure when and if will see Monkarsh venturing into the horror genre again soon.
CAST: Mike Castle, Oliver Cooper, Taylor Blackwell, Chris Parnell, Pam Grier, and Danny Mondello. CREW: Director/Screenplay/Producer - Josh Monkarsh; Screenplay - Brandon DePaolo & Christopher Francis; Producers - Daniel Cummings, K. Asher Levin & Joshua Fruehling; Cinematographer - Stephen St. Peter; Score - Michl Britsch; Editors - Yvonne Valdez & Rebecca Weigold; Production Designer - Lorus Allen; Costume Designer - Zoe Poledouris-Roche; Special Effects - John McConnell; VFX Supervisor - Kevin Vanhook. OFFICIAL: https://asweknowitmovie.com/ FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/-0U1pgXaygk?si=MqlxM792N7xDsdPX RELEASE DATE: Nov. 10th New York City, Chicago, Seattle; Nov. 15th Los Angeles; Nov. 17th Boston; Dec. 1st Calabasas.
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay), or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.15
Army Day (Slovenia)
Asphalt Day
Break the Glass Ceiling Dy
Bring Flowers to Someone Day
Bring Your Legislator to School Day (North Carolina)
Cold Sophie's Day
Constituent Assembly Day (Lithuania)
Day of Customs and Traditions (Burkina Faso)
Dinosaur Day (UK)
Discovery Day (Cayman Islands)
Do Lunch with Your Dog Day
Festival of Masks (Los Angeles)
515 Day
Flag Day (Macedonia)
Flip Your Mattress Day
Germit Day (Fiji)
Halvard Vebjornsson (Norway)
HG Awareness Day
Hyperemisis Gravidarum Awareness Day (a.k.a. HG Day)
International Conscientious Objectors Day
International Day of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
International Day of Families (UN)
International Fluevog Day
International Huntington’s Disease Awareness Day
International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day
International Men Can Wear Dresses Day
International MPS Awareness Day
International Mucopolysaccharidoses Awareness Day (a.k.a. MPS Day)
National Numeracy Day (UK)
International Political Coordinators Day
International Virtual Assistants Day
International Water Safety Day
Kamuzu Banda Day (Malawi)
Kan Phuetchamongkhon (Royal Plowing and Farmers Day; Thailand)
Kepler’s Law Day
Konstantineoba (Georgia)
Law Enforcement Memorial Day (Florida)
Ma’alot Massacre Anniversary Day
Miracle Monday (Superman: Miracle Monday)
Mother’s Day (Paraguay)
Nakba Day (Palestine)
National Cycling Day
National Defense Transportation Day
National Hispanic Hepatitis Awareness Day
National Pathological Demand Avoidance Day
National Pun Day
National Safety Dose Day
National Senior Fraud Awareness Day
National Stockings Day
National Stop Nausea Day
National Tuberous Sclerosis Global Awareness Day (a.k.a. TSC Global Awareness Day)
Never Turn Your Back on the Ocean Day
Nylon Stockings Day
Over the Rainbow Day
Peace Officers Memorial Day
Persian Language Day (Iran)
Relive Your Past By Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought, No Matter What It Was!, No Excuses Now Day
Republic Day (Lithuania)
Rhododendron Festival (Mentone, Alabama)
San Isidro Day (Mexico, Spain)
Shrub Day (French Republic)
Spring Astronomy Day
Straw Hat Day
Teachers' Day (Colombia, Mexico, South Korea)
Te Aso o te Tala Lei (Gospel Day; Tuvalu)
Tree Day (India)
U.S. Agriculture Day
VBF Day of Awareness (a.k.a. Vascular Birthmark Foundation Day of Awareness)
Welsh Poppy Day
World Aeronautical Informational Services (AIS) Day
World Climate Change Day
World Facilities Management Day
World Orthodontic Health Day
World Product Day
World Thrombectomy Day
World Vasculitis Day
Xenogender Visibility Day
Ziua Europei (Moldova)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
Hefe Day (Portland, Oregon)
National Bread Pudding Day
National Day of Pisco (Chile)
National Pizza Party Day
National Slider Day
Independence & Related Days
Gamerland (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Las Vegas, Nevada (Founded; 1905)
Paraguay (Independence Day, Day 2; from Spain, 1811)
Republic of Uniland (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Upper Silesia (Ceded to Poland by Germany; 1922)
3rd Wednesday in May
International Customer Support Day [3rd Wednesday]
International Trauma Survivors Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Employee Health & Fitness Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Juice Slush Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Parent Peer Support Provider Appreciation Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Playday for Health [3rd Wednesday]
National Trauma Survivors Day [3rd Wednesday]
Philly Loves PAWS Day (Philadelphia) [3rd Wednesday]
Turn Beauty Inside Out Day [3rd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 15 (2nd Full Week)
National EMS Week (thru 21)
National Law Week (Australia)
Festivals Beginning May 15, 2024
Aoi Matsuri (Hollyhock Festival; Kyoto, Japan)
The Great Escape Festival (Brighton, UK) [thru 5.18]
Nantucket Wine & Food Festival (Nantucket, Massachusetts) [thru 5.19]
National Association of Flour Distributors Annual Convention (St. Pete Beach, Florida) [thru 5.19]
World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest (Memphis, Tennessee) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
Achillius of Larissa (Christian; Saint)
Albert Dubout (Artology)
Aoi Matsuri (a.k.a. Hollyhock Leaf Crest Festival; Kyoto, Japan)
Argei (Ancient Rome) [also 3.16]
Athanasius of Alexandria (Coptic Church)
Bertha and Rupert (Christian; Saints)
Bike to Work Day (Pastafarian)
Buddha’s Birthday (Hong Kong, Macau)
Carlo Maratti (Artology)
Declutter Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Dymphna (Christian; Saint) [The Insane]
Feg Murray (Artology)
Festa dei Ceri (St. Ubaldo Day, Gubbio, Italy; Feast Day 5.16)
French Fried Fairy Awareness Day (Shamanism)
Hallvard Vebjørnsson (Roman Catholic Church; Martyr)
Hesychius of Cazorla (Christian; Saint)
Hilary of Galeata (Christian; Saint)
Huldra’s Blot (Pagan)
Ides of May (Ancient Rome)
Isaias of Rostov (Christian; Saint)
Isidore of Chios (Christian; Martyr)
Isidore the Laborer, celebrated with festivals in various countries, the beginning of bullfighting season in Madrid (a.k.a. Isidore of Madrid; Christian; Saint)
Jagger Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Jasper Johns (Artology)
Jean-Baptiste de La Salle (Roman Catholic Church)
Katherine Anne Porter (Writerism)
L. Frank Baum (Writerism)
Mercuralia (Old Roman Festival to Mercury)
Over Sea, Under Stone, by Susan Cooper (Novel; 1965)
Peter, Andrew, Paul, and Denise (Roman Catholic Church; Martyrs)
Purification Rite to River God of the Tiber (Sacrifice of 27 Straw Puppets; Ancient Rome)
Ralph Steadman (Artology)
Reticius (Roman Catholic Church)
Richard Avedon (Artology)
Simivisionios (Celtic Book of Days)
Sophia of Rome, the fifth of the Ice Saints (Roman Catholic Church)
The Sublime Ms. M (Muppetism)
Torquatus and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Vespasian (Positivist; Saint)
Viktor Vasnetsov (Artology)
Welcome Time Travelers Yesterday (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [27 of 60]
Angels & Demons (Film; 2009)
The Big Birdcast (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1938)
Bowling for Columbine (Documentary Film; 2002)
Bulworth (Film; 1998)
The Cactus Kid (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Chariots of Fire (Film; 1981)
A Crown of Swords, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1996) [Wheel of Time #7]
Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto, by Vine Deloria Jr. (History Book; 1969)
Dhalgren, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1975)
East Side Story, by Squeeze (Album; 1981)
Electric Earthquake (Fleischer Cartoon; 1942) [#7]
Fools Afloat or All the Drips at Sea (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 50; 1960)
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, by Patricia A. McKillip (Novel; 1974)
Gesta Danorum, by Saxo Grammaticus (Danish History; 1514)
Gigi (Film; 1958)
God Bless the Go-Go’s, by The Go-Go’s (Album; 2001)
The Great (TV Series; 2020)
Greetings Bait (WB MM Cartoon; 1943)
The Ground Floor or That’s Me All Over! (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 49; 1960)
Jungle Jive (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1944)
The Last Picture Show, by Larry McMurtry (Novel; 1966)
Laterals, by Tool (Album; 2001)
Leave Us Chase It (Phantasies Cartoon; 1947)
Lethal Weapon 3 (Film; 1992)
Little Hiawatha (Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1937)
Mad Max: Fury Road (Film; 2015)
The Magical Mystery Trip Through Little Red’s Head (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1974)
Marouf, Savetier de Caire, by Henri Rabaud (Opera; 1914)
The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov (Novel; 1967)
The Matrix Reloaded (Film; 2003)
Neck and Neck (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
One Cab’s Family (MGM Cartoon; 1952)
Pitch Perfect 2 (Film; 2015)
Porky and Gabby (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
The Portable Dorothy Parker, by Dorothy Parker (Short Stories, Poetry; 1944)
Pulcinella, by Igor Stravinsky (Opera; 1920)
Quest for Camelot (Animated Film; 1998)
Raising Hell, by Run-DMC (Album; 1986)
Raspberry Beret, by Prince (Song; 1985)
Romance (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Royal Opera House (Opera House in Covent Garden, London; 1858)
The Runt, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
The Time Traveler’s Wife (TV Series; 2022)
Tokio Jokio (WB LT Cartoon; 1943)
21st Century Breakdown, by Green Day (Album; 2009)
Vision of Love, by Mariah Carey (Song; 1990)
Von Ryan’s Express, by David Westheimer (Novel; 1964)
Weezer (a.k.a. The Green Album), by Weezer (Album; 2001)
Whispering Smith (TV Series; 1961)
The White Dragon, by Anne McCaffrey (Novel; 1978) [Dragonriders of Peru #3]
Wise Blood, by Flannery O’Connor (Novel; 1952)
Today’s Name Days
Hertraud, Rupert, Sonja, Sophie (Austria)
Izidor, Jakov (Croatia)
Žofie (Czech Republic)
Sophie (Denmark)
Sofia, Viia, Viiu (Estonia)
Sofia, Sohvi, Sonja (Finland)
Denise (France)
Hertraud, Sonja, Sophia (Germany)
Achilleas, Archillios, Kali, Pahomios (Greece)
Szonja, Zsófia (Hungary)
Achille, Germana, Mattia, Torquato (Italy)
Arita, Saulnesis, Sofija, Taiga (Latvia)
Algedas, Izodorius, Jaunutė, Sofija (Lithuania)
Hallvard, Halvor (Norway)
Afanazy, Atanazy, Berta, Cecyliusz, Czcibora, Dionizja, Izydor, Jan, Nadzieja, Ruprecht, Strzeżysław, Zofia (Poland)
Iacob, Pahomie (România)
Žofia (Slovakia)
Indalecio, Isidro (Spain)
Sofia, Sonja (Sweden)
Yardarm (Ukraine)
Sofia, Sonia, Sonya, Sophia, Sophie, Ward, Wardell (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 136 of 2024; 230 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 8 (Ji-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 7 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 16 Magenta; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 2 May 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 23 Caesar (5th Month) [Vespasian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 58 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 26 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.15
Army Day (Slovenia)
Asphalt Day
Break the Glass Ceiling Dy
Bring Flowers to Someone Day
Bring Your Legislator to School Day (North Carolina)
Cold Sophie's Day
Constituent Assembly Day (Lithuania)
Day of Customs and Traditions (Burkina Faso)
Dinosaur Day (UK)
Discovery Day (Cayman Islands)
Do Lunch with Your Dog Day
Festival of Masks (Los Angeles)
515 Day
Flag Day (Macedonia)
Flip Your Mattress Day
Germit Day (Fiji)
Halvard Vebjornsson (Norway)
HG Awareness Day
Hyperemisis Gravidarum Awareness Day (a.k.a. HG Day)
International Conscientious Objectors Day
International Day of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
International Day of Families (UN)
International Fluevog Day
International Huntington’s Disease Awareness Day
International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day
International Men Can Wear Dresses Day
International MPS Awareness Day
International Mucopolysaccharidoses Awareness Day (a.k.a. MPS Day)
National Numeracy Day (UK)
International Political Coordinators Day
International Virtual Assistants Day
International Water Safety Day
Kamuzu Banda Day (Malawi)
Kan Phuetchamongkhon (Royal Plowing and Farmers Day; Thailand)
Kepler’s Law Day
Konstantineoba (Georgia)
Law Enforcement Memorial Day (Florida)
Ma’alot Massacre Anniversary Day
Miracle Monday (Superman: Miracle Monday)
Mother’s Day (Paraguay)
Nakba Day (Palestine)
National Cycling Day
National Defense Transportation Day
National Hispanic Hepatitis Awareness Day
National Pathological Demand Avoidance Day
National Pun Day
National Safety Dose Day
National Senior Fraud Awareness Day
National Stockings Day
National Stop Nausea Day
National Tuberous Sclerosis Global Awareness Day (a.k.a. TSC Global Awareness Day)
Never Turn Your Back on the Ocean Day
Nylon Stockings Day
Over the Rainbow Day
Peace Officers Memorial Day
Persian Language Day (Iran)
Relive Your Past By Listening to the First Music You Ever Bought, No Matter What It Was!, No Excuses Now Day
Republic Day (Lithuania)
Rhododendron Festival (Mentone, Alabama)
San Isidro Day (Mexico, Spain)
Shrub Day (French Republic)
Spring Astronomy Day
Straw Hat Day
Teachers' Day (Colombia, Mexico, South Korea)
Te Aso o te Tala Lei (Gospel Day; Tuvalu)
Tree Day (India)
U.S. Agriculture Day
VBF Day of Awareness (a.k.a. Vascular Birthmark Foundation Day of Awareness)
Welsh Poppy Day
World Aeronautical Informational Services (AIS) Day
World Climate Change Day
World Facilities Management Day
World Orthodontic Health Day
World Product Day
World Thrombectomy Day
World Vasculitis Day
Xenogender Visibility Day
Ziua Europei (Moldova)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
Hefe Day (Portland, Oregon)
National Bread Pudding Day
National Day of Pisco (Chile)
National Pizza Party Day
National Slider Day
Independence & Related Days
Gamerland (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Las Vegas, Nevada (Founded; 1905)
Paraguay (Independence Day, Day 2; from Spain, 1811)
Republic of Uniland (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Upper Silesia (Ceded to Poland by Germany; 1922)
3rd Wednesday in May
International Customer Support Day [3rd Wednesday]
International Trauma Survivors Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Employee Health & Fitness Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Juice Slush Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Parent Peer Support Provider Appreciation Day [3rd Wednesday]
National Playday for Health [3rd Wednesday]
National Trauma Survivors Day [3rd Wednesday]
Philly Loves PAWS Day (Philadelphia) [3rd Wednesday]
Turn Beauty Inside Out Day [3rd Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 15 (2nd Full Week)
National EMS Week (thru 21)
National Law Week (Australia)
Festivals Beginning May 15, 2024
Aoi Matsuri (Hollyhock Festival; Kyoto, Japan)
The Great Escape Festival (Brighton, UK) [thru 5.18]
Nantucket Wine & Food Festival (Nantucket, Massachusetts) [thru 5.19]
National Association of Flour Distributors Annual Convention (St. Pete Beach, Florida) [thru 5.19]
World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest (Memphis, Tennessee) [thru 5.18]
Feast Days
Achillius of Larissa (Christian; Saint)
Albert Dubout (Artology)
Aoi Matsuri (a.k.a. Hollyhock Leaf Crest Festival; Kyoto, Japan)
Argei (Ancient Rome) [also 3.16]
Athanasius of Alexandria (Coptic Church)
Bertha and Rupert (Christian; Saints)
Bike to Work Day (Pastafarian)
Buddha’s Birthday (Hong Kong, Macau)
Carlo Maratti (Artology)
Declutter Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Dymphna (Christian; Saint) [The Insane]
Feg Murray (Artology)
Festa dei Ceri (St. Ubaldo Day, Gubbio, Italy; Feast Day 5.16)
French Fried Fairy Awareness Day (Shamanism)
Hallvard Vebjørnsson (Roman Catholic Church; Martyr)
Hesychius of Cazorla (Christian; Saint)
Hilary of Galeata (Christian; Saint)
Huldra’s Blot (Pagan)
Ides of May (Ancient Rome)
Isaias of Rostov (Christian; Saint)
Isidore of Chios (Christian; Martyr)
Isidore the Laborer, celebrated with festivals in various countries, the beginning of bullfighting season in Madrid (a.k.a. Isidore of Madrid; Christian; Saint)
Jagger Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Jasper Johns (Artology)
Jean-Baptiste de La Salle (Roman Catholic Church)
Katherine Anne Porter (Writerism)
L. Frank Baum (Writerism)
Mercuralia (Old Roman Festival to Mercury)
Over Sea, Under Stone, by Susan Cooper (Novel; 1965)
Peter, Andrew, Paul, and Denise (Roman Catholic Church; Martyrs)
Purification Rite to River God of the Tiber (Sacrifice of 27 Straw Puppets; Ancient Rome)
Ralph Steadman (Artology)
Reticius (Roman Catholic Church)
Richard Avedon (Artology)
Simivisionios (Celtic Book of Days)
Sophia of Rome, the fifth of the Ice Saints (Roman Catholic Church)
The Sublime Ms. M (Muppetism)
Torquatus and His Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Vespasian (Positivist; Saint)
Viktor Vasnetsov (Artology)
Welcome Time Travelers Yesterday (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [27 of 60]
Angels & Demons (Film; 2009)
The Big Birdcast (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1938)
Bowling for Columbine (Documentary Film; 2002)
Bulworth (Film; 1998)
The Cactus Kid (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Chariots of Fire (Film; 1981)
A Crown of Swords, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1996) [Wheel of Time #7]
Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto, by Vine Deloria Jr. (History Book; 1969)
Dhalgren, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1975)
East Side Story, by Squeeze (Album; 1981)
Electric Earthquake (Fleischer Cartoon; 1942) [#7]
Fools Afloat or All the Drips at Sea (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 50; 1960)
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, by Patricia A. McKillip (Novel; 1974)
Gesta Danorum, by Saxo Grammaticus (Danish History; 1514)
Gigi (Film; 1958)
God Bless the Go-Go’s, by The Go-Go’s (Album; 2001)
The Great (TV Series; 2020)
Greetings Bait (WB MM Cartoon; 1943)
The Ground Floor or That’s Me All Over! (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 49; 1960)
Jungle Jive (Swing Symphony Cartoon; 1944)
The Last Picture Show, by Larry McMurtry (Novel; 1966)
Laterals, by Tool (Album; 2001)
Leave Us Chase It (Phantasies Cartoon; 1947)
Lethal Weapon 3 (Film; 1992)
Little Hiawatha (Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1937)
Mad Max: Fury Road (Film; 2015)
The Magical Mystery Trip Through Little Red’s Head (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1974)
Marouf, Savetier de Caire, by Henri Rabaud (Opera; 1914)
The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov (Novel; 1967)
The Matrix Reloaded (Film; 2003)
Neck and Neck (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
One Cab’s Family (MGM Cartoon; 1952)
Pitch Perfect 2 (Film; 2015)
Porky and Gabby (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
The Portable Dorothy Parker, by Dorothy Parker (Short Stories, Poetry; 1944)
Pulcinella, by Igor Stravinsky (Opera; 1920)
Quest for Camelot (Animated Film; 1998)
Raising Hell, by Run-DMC (Album; 1986)
Raspberry Beret, by Prince (Song; 1985)
Romance (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Royal Opera House (Opera House in Covent Garden, London; 1858)
The Runt, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
The Time Traveler’s Wife (TV Series; 2022)
Tokio Jokio (WB LT Cartoon; 1943)
21st Century Breakdown, by Green Day (Album; 2009)
Vision of Love, by Mariah Carey (Song; 1990)
Von Ryan’s Express, by David Westheimer (Novel; 1964)
Weezer (a.k.a. The Green Album), by Weezer (Album; 2001)
Whispering Smith (TV Series; 1961)
The White Dragon, by Anne McCaffrey (Novel; 1978) [Dragonriders of Peru #3]
Wise Blood, by Flannery O’Connor (Novel; 1952)
Today’s Name Days
Hertraud, Rupert, Sonja, Sophie (Austria)
Izidor, Jakov (Croatia)
Žofie (Czech Republic)
Sophie (Denmark)
Sofia, Viia, Viiu (Estonia)
Sofia, Sohvi, Sonja (Finland)
Denise (France)
Hertraud, Sonja, Sophia (Germany)
Achilleas, Archillios, Kali, Pahomios (Greece)
Szonja, Zsófia (Hungary)
Achille, Germana, Mattia, Torquato (Italy)
Arita, Saulnesis, Sofija, Taiga (Latvia)
Algedas, Izodorius, Jaunutė, Sofija (Lithuania)
Hallvard, Halvor (Norway)
Afanazy, Atanazy, Berta, Cecyliusz, Czcibora, Dionizja, Izydor, Jan, Nadzieja, Ruprecht, Strzeżysław, Zofia (Poland)
Iacob, Pahomie (România)
Žofia (Slovakia)
Indalecio, Isidro (Spain)
Sofia, Sonja (Sweden)
Yardarm (Ukraine)
Sofia, Sonia, Sonya, Sophia, Sophie, Ward, Wardell (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 136 of 2024; 230 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 4 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 8 (Ji-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 7 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 7 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 16 Magenta; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 2 May 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 23 Caesar (5th Month) [Vespasian]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 58 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 26 of 31)
0 notes
seafoodfood · 10 months
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datascraping001 · 1 year
Agriculture Industry Database Scraping
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Unearthing Growth Opportunities: Agriculture Industry Database Scraping by Datascrapingservices.com. In the modern world, the agriculture industry plays a crucial role in feeding the global population. To thrive in this dynamic sector, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions. At Datascrapingservices.com, we offer cutting-edge Agriculture Industry Database Scraping services to help businesses unlock valuable insights and drive growth.
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slbcommunity · 1 year
College Students Face Multiple Struggles Beyond Grades: A Closer Look
A study conducted in the fall of 2019 found that 39% of college students experienced food insecurity in the past 30 days. According to Feeding America, there is a difference between “hunger” and “food insecurity.” Hunger is the feeling of not eating, whereas food insecurity is the inability to access enough resources to find food. Some college students may have the resources for one meal but lack the resources for the next, resulting in an inconsistent diet. Eating consistently and maintaining a healthy diet is second nature to most, and many of us cannot imagine life without access to food whenever we want it. However, college students struggle with scarce food, leading to a decline in their grades and mental health. Food is vital for survival, and access to food must be a priority for every college student, in my opinion. As a college student, I feel that food is the very first basic need to make me succeed in college.
We cannot ignore the recent events around inflation and the COVID-19 pandemic. While the pandemic caused the federal government to benefit struggling college students, there is no telling when these benefits may cease. Even before the pandemic, college students who needed assistance did not usually meet the requirements to receive support from the states. Many college students cannot afford healthy foods, and with the current situation of inflation and skyrocketing food prices, grocery shopping is becoming a challenge. For example, prices of eggs, rice, and dairy are surging, and some grocery aisles are slowly becoming areas of window shopping.
Food provides energy for our muscles and brain, and since we need food to survive, college students facing food insecurity may seek different avenues to acquire food. Some may opt for cheaper foods that do not provide adequate nutrients, while others may ration their meals. Regardless of the approach, college students should not have to focus on where their next meal is coming from. Food insecurity should not be an issue for young adults working on their college degrees, yet we face this problem daily. Students skip meals, take hunger naps, sleep in their cars, and all of this in the name of higher education. Can we blame students who drop out to support themselves and their families? Not everyone would agree with me, but let us have our own opinions on campus hunger.
Food pantries are becoming an essential resource for food-insecure college students. This type of outreach is available at many college campuses across the United States; however, their usage varies due to stigma. Many students facing food insecurity want to avoid being seen entering or leaving a food pantry. Some students may seek help from their close friends or family instead of using their campus pantry. Even if a student chooses to use their local food bank, these distribution centers often don’t solve the food insecurity crisis.
That is not to say that college food pantries don��t provide the necessary support. This temporary but essential resource alleviates some of the challenges students face until they get back on their feet. Many students depend on them, and if you see students lining up by the pantry, that means the demand is high, and pantries are doing an incredible job helping their students in need. Many colleges have implemented other avenues of support to complement the pantry programs. For instance, they utilize campus gardens to provide students with healthy food options and as a learning experience. The University of California at Berkeley’s goal is just that: to teach students how to grow their food and provide food to students in need.
As you may know, nonprofit organizations also fight against this growing problem. Student LunchBox, for example, partners with local distributors, local farmers, and food banks to provide food to insecure college students in the Los Angeles area. In late 2020, SLB served students from only one university; today, they serve over 45,000 students annually in seven colleges throughout LA. SLB’s mission is to rescue unsold produce from various places and distribute it quickly and efficiently before it ends up in landfills. In fact, according to the FDA, 30–40% of food ends up in landfills every year. While changes are happening at the federal level to try and mitigate this issue, nonprofits like Student LunchBox are doing all they can to get food to those who need it most.
This copy was prepared by Allison Norberg, a volunteer at Student Lunch Box, a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting food insecurity among college students.
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total-food-service · 1 year
distributors in new York - totalfood.com
Total Food Service’s Restaurant Food Distributors resource page offers a comprehensive national listing of wholesale foodservice and restaurant food distributors. From the Metro New York area including NY, NJ, and CT, to key national marketplaces including Los Angeles and San Francisco, California (CA) and Chicago (IL), the restaurant/foodservice professional will find a one-stop resource below. Visit https://totalfood.com/food-distributors/ for more information.
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legalvijayjain · 7 years
Class Accuses Market America of Racketeering
Two distributors for Market America claim the company’s $7.3 billion valuation comes from millions of people who have lost money after enrolling in the pyramid scheme, including Chinese-Americans whom the company targets to sell products to relatives in Asia.
LOS ANGELES (CN) – Two distributors for Market America claim the company’s $7.3 billion valuation comes from millions of people who have lost money after enrolling in the pyramid scheme, including Chinese-Americans whom the company targets to sell products to relatives in Asia.
Chaunjie Yang and Ollie Lan sued Market America, its founders, and the president and COO in a federal class action on Tuesday.
Alleging violations of federal anti-racketeering law, the lawsuit says that, while the executives tell distributors they can earn more than $560,000, only those at the top make that kind of money. Ninety percent of sellers do not receive a penny, according to the lawsuit.
“According to Market America, the only way to fail under Market America’s business model is to quit. Meanwhile, Market America and its confederate conspirators now assert a business valuation of $7.3 billion that they have made off the backs of millions of people in their pyramid,” the class claims in the lawsuit.
Yang says he handed over $35,000 to Market America and eventually lost money in the venture. He says in the lawsuit that people enrolling in the scheme have to pay a $399 startup fee and $129 a month.
Market America requires distributors to invest between $130 and $200 each month on third-party retail products. Distributors pay to participate in training workshops, events and seminars, including flashy pyrotechnic events, the lawsuit says.
The company targets Chinese-American immigrants, a vulnerable population who sometimes do not have the resources to defend themselves legally, the distributors say. Market America targets Chinese-Americans because it wants distributors to sell products to their family members in China.
“Further, these connections help Market America connect to billions of potential victims thousands of miles away,” the 46-page lawsuit states.
Yan and Lan say that like hundreds of thousands Market America lured into the scheme, they did not make any money despite their hard work.
Their lawsuit says 90 percent of distributors lose money in the scheme that rewards distribution for recruiting other distributors, rather than selling products. Through the website Shop.com, Market America offers various third-party retail goods including apparel, food, electronics and beauty products.
According to the plaintiffs, the company faced a 2012 class action claiming some of its products contained lead. Lan says his mother became ill after she was exposed to Market America's products.
The complaint seeks a ruling that the arbitration provision in agreements distributors sign with Market America is unenforceable. They also seek restitution, damages, costs and an injunction for unfair and deceptive practices, false advertising, Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act violations , and federal securities fraud.
Yan and Lan are represented by Blake Lindemann of Beverly Hills, California
Market America did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.
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ussweetners · 2 years
Corn Syrup 42 Forty Three #1 Provider Distributor Best Price
EZ-SET liquid container is ready to go to work for your industrial packaging needs. Ready to service your wants today and into the lengthy run. Disposable liquid bulk packaging with the customer in mind Bulk liquid sugar. Gateway Food Products was founded in 1961 by Carroll Crosley. Carroll built our reputation on a commitment to superior quality and service. By 1978, we had outgrown our facility and moved to Dupo, Illinois.
Corn syrups are commonly used in desk syrups and in some jam, jelly, and protect recipes at the facet of both sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup. Corn syrup provides physique and mouth feel and acts as a crystal inhibitor for either sucrose or dextrose. Those applications corn syrup in bulk embrace pharmecuticals, beverages, baking, sweet, confections, dairy, well being meals, brewing, soups and dry purposes, tableting, bulking agents, and chocolate functions.
Corn Syrup is a transparent, clean tasting, ordorless glucose syrup manufactured from corn starch. It has a bland, sweet taste, and retailer and ships properly. It is also used in canned fruit preserves, ice cream, bakery merchandise, smooth drinks, a wide range of sorts of confectionery merchandise, and as a booster within the fermentation of alcohol. Manufacturer of sweet corn sweeteners and food merchandise. Capable of enhancing taste, solubility, improve browning in a baked good. Suitable for sauces, beverages, dairy, cereals, snacks, confectionery and soups.
If you’re nonetheless not satisfied and are hungry for extra information, try these frequently requested questions. Since these sugars aren't linked and won’t reconnect, there's less likelihood of crystallization. A smoother, velvety consistency, is important for recipes like fondant, icing, and ice cream. Whether you’re making caramel, icing, or another treat, you could find yourself caught between a rock and a hard place – or ought to I say between glucose and corn syrup? While each are wonderful choices, it might be exhausting to determine which one to make use of in your recipe.
Our corn syrup is made fresh from the facility in Los Angeles, and we use it within 2 months to ensure that our lollipops have the greatest quality and style. When stored properly, corn syrup can last for a quantity of years if it is not opened. Most corn syrup is safe to eat indefinitely, however again, if it fails the take a look at of colour and odor, discard the corn syrup. 30) in contrast the effects of HFCS and sucrose at 30% of calories in 2 randomized 2-d visits in normal-weight girls.
Tapioca syrup is a excessive viscosity dense liquid used as a thickening agent in dressings, beverages, smoothies, and jams. Other applications include cereal bars and granola products, dessert sauces and condiments, and a broad variety of candies, gum, and baked items. Distributor of food products and components for the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, food and beverage industries. Products embrace liquid sweeteners corn sweeteners, syrups, dextrose, maltodextrin, granulated organic brown sugar, vegetable protein, honey, molasses and polyols. Tapioca, corn, wheat, rice and potato starch, salts, chips, flours, oils, shortenings, blends and spices are additionally supplied. Gums corresponding to guar, xanthan, carrageenan, locust bean and acacia are also offered.
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jordanosfoodservice · 18 days
Sip, Smile, & Save the Planet!
Nixie® is passionate about revolutionizing the way people eat and drink. Their commitment to creating delicious, organic options is driven by a desire to help everyone live healthier, more sustainable lives.
Join them on their mission to eliminate sugar, single-use plastic bottles, and toxic forever chemicals from your beverage menu. Thank you for being a part of this journey towards a healthier, more sustainable future! Visit Now:-https://jordanos.com/
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SSC — Successful Mergers & Acquisitions over the years!
While some parts of the world are going through economic distress, there are some industries which are not affected by it. Sole Source Capital (SSC) is an investment firm which focuses on a diverse range of recession resistant industrial sub-sectors. They have an experienced team which has a successful record of investing in both private and public markets. Their focus is combining the institutional reach and proven investment processes of larger firms with the flexibility to enhance the lower-middle market space. 
SSC focuses on investing in established companies with sustainable competitive advantages. They tend to back strong management teams that will benefit from the team’s operating and Merger & Acquisitions (M&A) capabilities. 
With a portfolio of businesses in high-growth industrial sub-sectors, they have a buy-and-build strategy that transforms lower-middle market companies into professionalized businesses with significant scale. 
It started in July 2018, when SSC acquired a majority interest in Trade Supplies LLC, a distributor of nonperishable foodservice disposable items, dry-grocery items, packaging solutions and janitorial supplies. They have facilities in Southern California, San Francisco Bay area and serve customers across the Western United States with their headquarters in Los Angeles. In the same year, Sole Source Capital undertook a merger, combining Individual Foodservice with its portfolio company Trade Supplies LLC. This created one of the largest non-perishable foodservice distribution and packaging solution companies in California. 
After acquiring the non-perishable foodservice distributors, they further spread their business in the food sector. In October, 2019, SSC bought a majority of Worldwide Produce and positioned them for continued growth and industry leadership. They were an established distributer of fresh produce, dairy and specialty foods in California and Nevada. 
Sole Source Capital continued their strategic venture with the acquisition of Oakdale, Minnesota-based Supply Chain Services in May 2020. It is a provider of automatic identification, data capture and factory automation solutions to customers across North America. This partnership helped Supply Chain Services in their continued expansion of providing knowledgeable sales and information technology expertise. 
In October 2020, Supply Chain Services acquired Miles Data Technologies, a provider of barcode, RFID and mobility solutions. Through this acquisition, Supply Chain Services was able to grow its range of barcoding and data collection solutions for clients. This underscored its technology-driven product leadership and unparalleled commitment to high quality customer service. This transaction follows the company’s previous add-on acquisition in August 2020 of Dasco Label, a leading provider of custom labels, imprinting, serialization, and barcoding services. 
Despite the ongoing pandemic, the year 2020 proved beneficial to Individual Food Services, as they made 3 acquisitions in 12 months. Brady Industries, was a Las Vegas-based competitor, and IFS was an eco-friendly and custom-branded packaging, paper and plastic disposables, food products, and janitorial supplies distributor. The addition of Brady enabled IFS to cross-sell a complimentary product portfolio, to the end market with geographic diversification. 
In April 2021, as the world was going through the second wave of Covid-19, Sole Source Capital was in full swing. SSC acquired Peak-Ryzex and Optical Phusion Inc, both providers of automatic identification, data capture and factory automation solutions. 
The combination yielded significant technological and operational synergies as well as delivered enhanced cross-selling opportunities to a broad set of clients ranging from small and medium sized businesses to Fortune 500 companies. The acquisition of Peak-Ryzex from Keystone Capital and Optical Phusion Inc. marked Sole Source’s fifth and sixth investment in the AIDC space. This followed the purchase of Supply Chain Services and the add-on investments after the acquisition of Dasco Label, Miles Data and Coridian. 
In the same year, Peak-Ryzex, acquired North Grafton, Massachusetts-based Bar Code Direct, a reseller of AIDC hardware and accessory equipment for the manufacturing, retail, consumer and healthcare end-markets. 
The acquisition of Bar Code Direct, enabled Peak to serve its expanding array of clients and is Sole Source’s third add-on transaction for Peak-Ryzex, following the purchase of Optical Phusion Inc. (OPI) and Inovity Inc. earlier. 
One of SSC’s PE backed companies, Dallas Plastics, acquired Orange, Massachusetts-based Hi-De Liners Inc, a maker of polyethylene and linear low-density polyethylene film. Through this transaction, Dallas Plastics added fourth manufacturing facility to its US operations. The increased scale and geography enhanced Dallas Plastics’ customer base and strengthened its leadership position in the production and distribution of high-performance specialty films used in flexible packaging. 
Sole Source Capital’s other successful venture, Supply Chain Services, acquired ISG Technologies, an Arlington, Texas-based reseller of AIDC hardware and provider of repairs, maintenance and managed mobility services. This was the fourth add-on transaction supported by SSC, followed by the purchases of Dasco Label, Miles Data and Coridian since Supply Chain Services was acquired in May 2020. 
In August, 2021, SSC acquired an Ohio-based label manufacturer and made their second platform deal of the year. This investment in I.D. Images brought their portfolio to six platform business. 
Through “significant capital and integration expertise” along with a traditional buy-and-build strategy, SSC’s M&A volume had broken records. With six deal announcements including two platform acquisitions, 2021 was marked as one of the most active years in recent history. 
After a profitable year, SSC announced four add-on acquisitions in the very first month of 2022, expanding two of their portfolio companies. This doubled the size of their newest platform investment and was an excellent start to this year. The Old Parkland-based firm, which specializes in the niche manufacturing industry, added three companies, Digital Printing Concepts, Multi-Action Communications and Valley Forge Tape & Label company to I.D. Images and one company Avalon Integration Inc. to Peak Technologies. 
Soon after, Supply Chain Services, acquired Access POS, a provider of automatic identification and data collection hardware. Along with, Peak Technologies added Graphic Label, which provides automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) market consumables, hardware, software and related installation and on-site services. Shortly after, Peak Technologies bought Siena Analytics. With Peak’s current supply chain and logistics solutions, Siena analytics suite helped them leverage emerging opportunities in micro-fulfillment while providing mobile and retail visibility in the omni-channel supply chain. 
This was SSC’s seventh add-on for Peak Technologies, including Optical Phusion, Inovity, Bar Code Direct, DBK Concepts, Avalon Integration and Graphic Label. 
Later, both of these portfolio companies, Peak Technologies and Supply Chain Services agreed to merge. The combined company will operate under the name of Peak Technologies, creating a solution provider in the automatic identification and data capture market. 
Sole Source Capital’s leading portfolio company, Worldwide Produce, acquired Vision Produce, and Left Coast Food Company along with a Northern California competitor, Chef’s Choice Produce Co. 
Dallas Plastics also completed its second add-on acquisition by buying Emballage MPP and extended their reach into Canada. 
In October 2022, SSC acquired a California manufacturer, Westwood Laboratories. The year ended with a profitable seventh add-on investment for IDI, since it became a Sole Source Capital portfolio company in August 2021. ID Images bought Summit Labels and Precision Label in separate transactions following the acquisition of Hickman Label in November 2022. 
They are looking forward to several more strategic M&A in the future. 
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alex-bayer-01 · 3 years
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After recognizing that most competing brands differed very little from one another in ingredient quality and manufacturing practices, brother and sister duo, Ahmed Rahim and Reem Rahim Hassani, set out to turn a new leaf in the business of tea. Co-founding Numi Organic Tea in 1999, Ahmed and Reem were inspired to connect the American consumer to diverse cultures through the simple art of tea. All Numi Organic Teas are certified organic, but organic agriculture is more than abstaining from the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or insecticides. Beyond delivering a high-quality product, organic farming preserves the earth’s biodiversity by minimizing pollutants as well as protecting the health of the workers who would come in contact with these potentially harmful chemicals.
Read More>>
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andyboosack-a · 3 years
𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 : 𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! hello everyone ! as someone who lives in a particularly large city , i know that there is a huge variety of unique careers that can be found. i know for a fact , however , that i have a hard time picking occupations on the spot for my characters ... especially for groups based in new york city , los angeles , etc . i feel like i always gravitate towards the basic careers ( barista ! influencer ! trust fund baby ! ) or common college majors ( bio ! business ! psych ! ) so after some thought , i put together a masterlist of potential occupations ! under the cut , you will find 143 possible careers organized by category. if you find this useful , please give this a LIKE + REBLOG.
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occult & related
crystal & mineral shop clerk / owner
tarot card reader
oddities shop clerk 
oddities shop owner
oddities collector
herbal apothecary owner
herbal apothecary salve & potionmaker
occult bookshop attendant
paranormal investigator
enchanted object seller
autopsy pathologist
crematory technician
books & literature
secondhand book seller
freelance journalist
publisher / publishing agent
wholesale book distributor
fashion & design
local thrift store owner
small-scale fashion designer
graphic designer
jewelry maker
small business make-up brand
interior design
cosmetic & fragrance marketing team
freelance stylist
fashion line marketing
productline planner & builder
seamstress & alterations
museums & zoos
museum donator & curator
museum tour guide
gift shop employee
aquarium handler
zoo handler
art gallery owner
independent or community pharmacist
clinical pharmacist
industrial pharmacist
pharmacy technician
registered nurse
radiology technician
speech pathologist
physician’s assistant
medical writer & journalist
dietician & nutritionist
home attendant
medical or pharmacy resident
physical therapist
massage therapist
professor / adjunct professor
teaching assistant
university preceptor & internship coordinator
guidance counselor
career services
research faculty
research assistant
private tutor
food service & industry
line cook
sous chef
head chef
farmer’s market clerk
food truck owner
boba tea shop
restaurant manager
food stylist
boutique coffee brewer & roaster
winery clerk or owner
craft brewer
urban farmer
home chef
bakery owner or clerk
pastry chef
software & tech
technology start-up owner
software developer
software tester
project manager
ux research team
web designer
network engineer
system analyst
project coordinator
software engineer
full-stack developer
business & finance
social media relations team
marketing team
finance analyst
public relations team
risk management analyst
investment researcher
stock broker
equity trader
financial consultant
market analyst
event planner
law & legal
legal associate
pro bono lawyer
corporate lawyer
criminal lawyer
advocacy lawyer
public policy maker
paralegal associate
ruban planner
community liaison
social advocacy associate & policy maker
non-profit organization founder
underused majors
fashion design 
toy design
speech pathology
biomedical engineering
tv & film
clinical lab sciences
public health
fashion marketing
risk management
actuarial science
graphic arts
sports medicine
philosophy & ethics
culinary arts
mortuary science
chemical engineering
phd student
masters student
research fellow
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seafoodfood · 10 months
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Selamat datang di toko kami!
KLIK https://wa.me/08994648716,  makanan laut ringan yang, makanan laut restaurant di, makanan laut restaurant los angeles, makanan laut restaurant duba.
Kami dengan bangga memproduksi berbagai olahan seafood yang dapat anda nikmati kapanpun. Dengan harga yang terjangkau anda dapat menikmati olahan sefood yang sangat lezat.
Kualitas Terbaik Harga Terbaik
Alamat : Temanggung,  Jawa Tengah
Melayani pesanan
~ Seafood booth
~ Frozen food
~ Suplier distributor
Facebook            : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551015043471&mibextid=ZbWKwL
Youtube               : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn171ekGr_zYukTxwLh7nQg
Instagram            : https://instagram.com/seafo_odfood?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
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