#Foods & Beverages News
screenchow · 3 months
Ocean Spray unveils its "Just Add Cran" creative campaign, introducing the beloved farmer "Johnny".
Today, Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., announced a new Masterbrand campaign and tagline – Just Add Cran. The new mantra – which will fuel all future creative work – will initially come to life with three new ad spots highlighting Ocean Spray’s new Zero Sugar Cranberry Juice Drink, Craisins dried cranberries, and the brand’s fan-favorite line of cran-forward juice blends.   The new spots feature a…
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tallpiscesgirl · 8 months
Megah Rise Mall @ PJ Chinese Restaurant Recommendations for CNY
Feasting with friends and family is a must-do activity during Chinese New Year! Wouldn’t it be great if it can earn you a chance to win amazing prizes up to RM 200,000 including a BYD Atto 3? All you need to do is spend RM300 and above in two combined same-day receipts at any participating outlets in Megah Rise Mall. The contest starts from now until 18 February 2024. Come to Megah Rise Mall, the…
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gosulsel · 1 year
Trans F&B Hadirkan Konsep Baru untuk Coffee Bean Hingga Wendys di TSM Makassar, Apa Saja? - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM - Trans Food and Beverage (F&B) mengusung konsep baru untuk setiap restoran dibawah naungannya. Mulai dari tampilan restoran hingga sajian menu. Konsep baru ini dapat dijumpai di New Trans Studio Mall (TSM) Makassar. Masing-masing restoran itu adalah Coffee Bean, Wendys,...
#NewTSMMakassar #TransFB #TransFoodBeverage
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investmentassistant · 5 months
Fun friday ideas to end your week on a high note
Fridays are synonymous with relaxation and fun, marking the end of a long week and the beginning of the weekend. It’s the perfect time to unwind, have fun, and recharge for the upcoming week. Here are some creative and enjoyable activities to make your Friday nights memorable.
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Themed movie night
Kick off your weekend with a movie marathon featuring films from a chosen theme or genre. Whether it’s a nostalgic dive into 80s classics, a scary horror night, or a superhero saga, a themed movie night can be an exciting way to relax. Amp up the experience with themed snacks and decorations to match the night’s theme.
DIY pizza party
Instead of ordering out, why not make your own pizzas? Gather a variety of toppings and invite friends or family to create their custom pizzas. This not only makes for a tasty dinner but also a fun and interactive way to spend the evening. Pair with your favorite beverages for a complete party vibe.
Game night
Board games, card games, or video games—pick your favorite and host a game night. This is a great way to engage everyone in some friendly competition and lots of laughs. Choose games that suit the age and interests of your group to keep everyone entertained.
Outdoor adventures
If the weather permits, take your activities outside. Organize a picnic in the local park, go for an evening hike, or if you’re near a beach, a sunset walk can be incredibly peaceful. Being in nature is not only refreshing but also a fantastic way to disconnect from the week's stresses.
Art and craft night
Get creative with an art and craft session. You can pick a project like painting, knitting, or any other craft that piques your interest. This can be very therapeutic and a great way to express your creativity. Plus, you get to keep your creation as a memento!
Karaoke night
Host a karaoke night at home with your favorite playlists. It’s a wonderful way to let loose, sing your heart out, and enjoy some hilarious performances. You don’t need a professional setup; many apps can turn your smartphone or tablet into a karaoke machine.
Virtual hangout
For those who can't meet in person, a virtual hangout can be just as fun. Choose a platform, send out invites, and plan activities that can be done together online, such as watching a movie, playing games, or simply chatting and catching up.
Cooking challenge
Pick a new recipe or a cuisine that you and your friends have never tried before, and challenge each other to make a dish. Later, enjoy a feast of your creations. This can be a delightful way to discover new foods and hone your cooking skills.
Storytelling evening
Gather around in a cozy setting, maybe with some candles and soft music, and share stories. These could be personal stories, ghost tales, or funny incidents from the past. It’s a unique way to learn more about each other and enjoy some laughs or thrills.
Relaxation night
Sometimes, the best way to spend a Friday night is by doing absolutely nothing. Set up a spa-like environment at home with scented candles, soothing music, and perhaps a nice bath. Taking this time to relax and pamper yourself can reset your mind and body for the weekend.
Whether you're looking for a night of excitement or a peaceful evening, these ideas can help you make the most of your Fridays. Whatever you choose to do, the key is to have fun and make it special!
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creativeera · 19 days
Rising Demand for Sustainable Solutions: The Growth and Impact of the Disappearing Packaging Market
The global disappearing packaging market is a rapidly growing industry centered around environmentally friendly packaging materials designed to dissolve, disintegrate or disappear upon use or disposal. This innovative type of packaging offers solutions to traditional waste management problems by removing the need for subsequent disposal. Made from organic compounds like starches, proteins or polyvinyl alcohol, disappearing packaging provides an alternative to single-use plastics that clog landfills and pollute the environment for centuries. Common applications include food casings, pouches, wrap, cups and straws made to safely degrade without trace when exposed to water or moisture.
The Disappearing Packaging Market is estimated to be valued at USD 4.26 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 8.96 Bn by 2031, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2% from 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the Disappearing Packaging Marketare Kuraray Co. Ltd., Aicello Corporation, Aquapak Polymer Ltd, Lactips, Notpla Ltd, GM& Packaging, Lithey, Mondi Group, The Mend Packaging, and Reckitt. Kuraray Co. Ltd. is a leading supplier of biodegradable polymers for disappearing packaging.
The growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions is a major driver for the Disappearing Packaging Market Growthindustry. Stricter regulations prohibiting single-use plastics along with changing consumer preferences are boosting demand for eco-friendly alternatives. Rapid growth of the food and beverage industry along with online food delivery services require more efficient packaging, generating opportunities for disappearing material innovations.
Global expansion is allowing market leaders to capture demand worldwide. Companies are investing in R&D to develop new material types and expanding manufacturing facilities globally. Partnerships with multinational brands are helping to scale production and distribution networks. Supply partnerships in emerging economies are enabling availability of disappearing packaging products in high-growth potential markets.
Market Key Trends
Water-soluble materials are gaining popularity in the disappearing packaging trend. New polymer formulations are being designed and tested that can fully dissolve in water, eliminating microplastics released by decomposition. This includes edible films for food and pharmaceutical products. Water solubility allows for disposal through sewer systems, improving sustainability. Another key trend is multifunctional materials that provide barrier protection comparable to traditional plastics but with disappearing capabilities. Advances like these are driving wider commercial adoption and market growth of the disappearing packaging industry over the coming decade.
Porter's Analysis
Threat of new entrants: New entrants face high capital requirements and will also find it difficult to compete with existing large players in the market.
Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate bargaining power as there are many options available in the market. However, demand for sustainability is increasing buyers' power.
Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers of raw materials have lower bargaining power due to availability of substitute materials. However, suppliers of speciality materials may enjoy some bargaining power.
Threat of new substitutes: Threat of substitutes is moderate as there are no direct substitutes but more sustainable packaging options continue to emerge.
Competitive rivalry: Intense as major players compete on sustainability, cost and quality.
Geographical Regions
North America currently dominates the disappearing packaging market in terms of value due to stringent regulations and growing consumer demand for sustainable packaging options.
The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth in the disappearing packaging market during the forecast period. Expanding e-commerce sector, growing middle-class population and increasing environmental awareness are driving the market in the region.
Get more insights on Disappearing Packaging Market
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Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
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naturecoaster · 2 months
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gatekeeper-watchman · 3 months
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Daily Devotionals for July 2, 2024
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 20:1(KJV): Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. Proverbs 20:1(AMP): Wine is a mocker, strong drink a riotous brawler, and whoever errs or reels because of it is not wise.
Thought for the Day
Some religious circles like to debate whether or not "wine" in the Bible refers to non-intoxicating grape juice or fermented, alcoholic grape juice. To answer this question, we must study the original language in which the Bible was written. The first scripture in which wine is mentioned is found in the book of Genesis, the Hebrew word, saying. It always means fermented wine; primarily from grapes. This is also obvious from the text: "And Noah began to be a husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, and was drunken" (Genesis 9:20-21). Only alcohol could make one drunk!
In the New Testament, the Greek word oinos is usually used for wine. Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). "When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now." This verse indicates that the wine was fermented, since good wine was usually served first, with the inferior wine served later. After their senses were dulled from drinking wine, no one would notice or care that the wine served later was not as good. Many other Biblical references to wine show that it is an alcoholic drink.
Some Christians might ask if it is a sin for us to drink wine today. I believe that because sin is in the heart of man and not in any object, wine itself is not sinful. However, becoming drunk can cause us to sin (Galatians 5:18-21). The Bible teaches moderation; even eating too much food is a sin (gluttony). Alcohol can cause people to go out of their heads. Alcoholism is responsible for broken homes, health problems, and many deaths (through disease or drunk drivers). Unborn babies can be damaged by it. The Bible says that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
In the Old Testament, there was a group of people known as Nazarites. Each one took a vow to dedicate himself to the Lord and did not drink alcohol at all (Numbers 6:2-3). Would it not please God if we love Him and our brethren enough to give up a passing pleasure that might cause someone to stumble? If a new Christian with an alcoholic past sees you drinking, he or she may fall prey to addiction all over again. Paul taught that we should not use our liberty in Christ in ways that would cause others to stumble (Romans 14). Galatians 5:13 says, "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." 1 Corinthians 8:9: "But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak."
Would it not be a more powerful witness to others in our age to stand out as one who did not drink alcoholic beverages because we did not need to do so? When we are filled with the Spirit of God, His spirit gives us the joy and release that many are seeking by drinking. May we instead desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit and not need "spirits."
"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the LORD; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:18-20).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear Father, thank you for the liberty that we have in Christ. Help us not to judge one another regarding drinking a little wine, but rather to be honest before You as to the issue in our hearts in this regard. May we be a good witness to those around us. When we make choices in this life, may they be pleasing to You and show love to those around us. You told us the highest law is the law of love. We are to love You first, and then to love one another. May we do this in word and deed? Keep us from temptation and let our actions prove to the world that we are true Christians. Deliver those who are addicted to alcohol and are caught in this snare of the devil. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
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gauricmi · 5 months
Specialty Food Ingredients Market Growth Is Propelled By Rising Demand For Convenience Foods And Beverages
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Specialty food ingredients refer to ingredients that are used to enhance tastes, textures, aromas or provide functional benefits like preservatives or emulsifiers. These ingredients aid in improving the quality, shelf life and appeal of the final food product. From natural colors and flavors to specialty starches and fibers, these value-added ingredients help address nutritional demands while enhancing flavors.
The Specialty Food Ingredients Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 155.2 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.4% over the forecast period from 2024 to 2031. Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the Specialty Food Ingredients Market Growth are Naturex, Givaudan, Eli Fried Inc., KF Specialty Ingredients, Ingredion, Associated British Foods Plc, Kerry Group, Agropur Cooperative, Ashland Inc, Archer Daniels Midland Company, Cargill Inc., Wild Flavors GmbH, DSM, Diana Group SA, Tate & Lyle, CHR. Hansen, ICL, and SubNutra. Specialty ingredients help manufacturers streamline production and gain a competitive edge by addressing the needs and interests of today's conscious consumers. Key players operating in the specialty food ingredients are leveraging their expertise and expanding their product offerings to capitalize on the significant growth opportunities in the market. For instance, Naturex recently launched Citrorine, a plant-based solution that delivers an authentic lemon flavor note while reducing bitterness. The growing demand for convenience foods and beverages is fueling the demand for specialty ingredients. Specialty food ingredients allow manufacturers to develop new products and shorten production time. The increased consumption of packaged foods and ready-to-eat meals is driving huge demand. The specialty foods ingredients market is expanding globally with key players increasingly focusing on emerging economies. Factors such as changing lifestyles, rising disposable incomes, and growth of the food processing industry in Asia Pacific and South America are compelling companies to extend their global footprint to tap into new opportunities. Market Drivers The rising demand for processed and packaged foods is a major driver for the specialty food ingredients market. Specialty ingredients add unique textures, flavors and prolong shelf-life thereby increasing the applications in diversified food products. Moreover, the increased health-consciousness among consumers has escalated the demand for specialty ingredients that provide specific health benefits like proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. The growing vegan and clean label trends are also augmenting market growth as manufacturers seek natural and organic specialty ingredients.
Get More Insights On This Topic: Specialty Food Ingredients Market
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hotelcollingwoods · 6 months
Creative Ideas for Themed Function Hire That Will Wow Your Guests
It's no secret that organising a themed function can be a daunting task. From selecting the perfect venue to ensuring that every detail aligns with your chosen theme, the pressure to create an unforgettable experience for your guests can feel overwhelming. 
However, with the right Melbourne function hire and a dash of creativity, you can elevate your event to new heights and leave your guests in awe.
In this blog post, we'll explore a plethora of creative ideas for themed function hire that will undoubtedly wow your guests, leaving a lasting impression and creating unforgettable memories.
Amp Up Your Event with Unique Function Spaces
When it comes to hosting a themed event, the choice of venue plays a pivotal role in bringing your vision to life. Whether you're planning a whimsical garden party, a glamorous Gatsby-inspired soiree, or a futuristic space-themed extravaganza, selecting the right function hire in Melbourne can set the stage for an extraordinary event. 
Consider unconventional venues such as converted warehouses, rooftop gardens, or art galleries that can provide a captivating backdrop for your themed function. 
By thinking outside the box, you can ensure that your chosen function space becomes an integral part of the overall theme, adding an extra layer of enchantment to the event.
Immersive Decor and Theming
The power of immersive decor and theming cannot be overstated when it comes to elevating a themed function. 
Transform your chosen function space Melbourne into a captivating wonderland by incorporating thematic elements such as custom lighting, larger-than-life props, and atmospheric enhancements. 
Whether it's recreating a mystical forest, an underwater paradise, or a vintage circus, the devil is in the details, and thoughtful theming can transport your guests to a different time and place, leaving them spellbound and enthralled.
Interactive Entertainment Experiences
Create an engaging and dynamic atmosphere for your guests by curating interactive entertainment experiences that align with your chosen theme. From live performers and roaming entertainers to interactive installations and themed photo booths, there's a myriad of ways to delight and surprise your guests. 
By seamlessly integrating entertainment elements into your function hire, you can ensure that every moment of your event is rich with captivating experiences that resonate with your theme, leaving your guests thoroughly entertained and immersed in the ambience.
Culinary Delights Aligned with the Theme
Food and beverages are not only essential elements of any function but also provide an excellent opportunity to further immerse your guests in the thematic experience. 
Collaborate with caterers and mixologists to create a menu that complements your chosen theme, incorporating thematic elements into the presentation and flavours of the offerings. 
Whether it's crafting whimsical cocktails for a fantasy-themed affair or curating a gastronomic journey for a cultural-themed event, the culinary delights served at your themed function can leave a lasting impression and contribute to the overall memorability of the event.
Thematic Dress Code Guidance
Encourage your guests to fully immerse themselves in the theme by providing thematic dress code guidance. 
Whether it's a black-tie masquerade ball, a retro-themed costume party, or a mystical fantasy attire requirement, incorporating a thematic dress code can amplify the immersive experience and set the tone for the event. 
By providing clear and exciting guidelines for attire, you can ensure that your guests actively participate in bringing the thematic vision to life, resulting in a visually spectacular and cohesive gathering.
Personalised and Theme-Centric Invitations
The journey to creating a truly unforgettable themed function starts with the first point of contact – the invitation. 
Embrace the opportunity to set the tone for your event by creating personalised and theme-centric invitations that offer a glimpse into the immersive experience that awaits. 
Whether it's through custom-designed invitations, interactive digital invites, or thematic teaser packages, conveying the essence of your event through the invitation can spark curiosity and anticipation among your guests, piquing their interest and setting the stage for an extraordinary experience.
Incorporate Interactive Workshops and Activities
Inject an extra layer of engagement and excitement into your themed function hire by incorporating interactive workshops and activities that tie into your chosen theme. 
Whether it's a potion-making class for a magical-themed event, a dance workshop for a vintage-themed soirée, or a themed DIY craft station, providing opportunities for hands-on participation can enrich the event experience for your guests, fostering a sense of connection and enjoyment that goes beyond traditional event offerings.
In conclusion, the possibilities for creating a themed function that wows your guests are boundless when you harness the potential of function hire Melbourne and infuse it with creativity, attention to detail, and a genuine passion for delivering a memorable experience. 
By curating immersive function spaces, thoughtfully thematic decor, engaging entertainment, and culinary delights, you can transport your guests to a world of enchantment, leaving an indelible mark on their memories. 
Embrace the journey of planning a themed function as an opportunity to ignite imaginations, foster connections, and create moments that linger long after the event has drawn to a close.
Source: Creative Ideas for Themed Function Hire That Will Wow Your Guests
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priyablog26 · 8 months
 Robot Depalletizer Market May See a Big Move 2024-2030
 Robot Depalletizer Market May See a Big Move 2024-2030
Global Robot Depalletizer Market, Robot Depalletizer Market Demand, Robot Depalletizer Market Trends, Robot Depalletizer Market Analysis, Robot Depalletizer Market Growth, Robot Depalletizer  Market Share, Robot Depalletizer Market Forecast, Robot Depalletizer Market Challenges, Robot Depalletizer Market Opportunity
At Intellect Markets, published a new research publication on "Robot Depalletizer  Market Insights, to 2030" with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting Market associated stakeholders. The growth of the Robot Depalletizer  Market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Get Free Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @  https://intellectmarkets.com/report/robot-depalletizer-market/request-sample
Scope of the Report of Robot Depalletizer  Market: Robot Depalletizer Market employs a robust research methodology, encompassing past, present, and future analyses. Analyse the drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges influencing the Robot Depalletizer market. The Global Robot Depalletizer Market report serves as a valuable resource for understanding the market dynamics and making strategic decisions in this evolving industry. The Global Robot Depalletizer Market report plays a crucial role in providing a comprehensive overview of the market dynamics. It evaluates key segments, identifies emerging trends, assesses drivers and restraints, and offers insights into the competitive landscape.
Market Trends: Anticipated to undergo swift expansion, the vinyl glove market is driven by heightened demand in the food and healthcare industries. Disposable gloves are frequently employed for hand protection in scenarios involving medications, chemicals, and reactive, unclean materials.
Opportunities: A Depalletizer serves as a tool designed for the organization of items on a pallet, facilitating the alignment, arrangement, and packaging of diverse goods for transportation purposes. The implementation of this device is contingent upon the specific requirements of end users. Market dynamics are propelled by factors such as an upsurge in disposable income, heightened demand for convenience products, and increased consumer awareness regarding product quality. Notably, the food and beverage sector is witnessing a growing need for mixed-load palletizing, driven by the necessity for various goods in diverse applications. The adoption of innovative strategies, such as the utilization of hybrid palletizing machines, is enhancing functionality and optimizing the human-machine interface (HMI), thereby catalyzing the global expansion of the palletizing machines market.
Market Drivers: The Growing Popularity of Human Machine Interface (HMI) to Propel Market Growth.
Enhanced Workplace Safety Driving Market Expansion, Market Growth Fuelled by Technological Advancements.
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Robot Depalletizer  Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://intellectmarkets.com/report/robot-depalletizer-market/ask-an-expert
The Titled Segments and Sub-Section of The Market Are Illuminated Below: Robot Depalletize Market Research Report – Segmented By product (Bulk, Case, Bag, Pail) ; Technology (Low Level or Floor Level, High-Level); Application(Food and Beverage, Cosmetic & Personal Care, Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals, Others).
Region Included are: Global, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Türkiye, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Read Detailed Index of Full Research Study at https://intellectmarkets.com/report/robot-depalletizer-market
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get region wise report version like Global, North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe, South America, etc
Contact US: Intellect Markets, Unit No. 4, Lakshmi Enclave, Nizam pet, Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 500090 Phone: +1 347 514 7411, +91 8688234923 [email protected]
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tallpiscesgirl · 8 months
Muslim-friendly Restaurants in KL & PJ for Chinese New Year
In the bustling cities of Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, where cultural diversity thrives, the celebration of Chinese New Year extends its warm embrace to all. Exploring the vibrant culinary scene during this festive season, we bring you a guide to Muslim-friendly restaurants in KL and PJ. From traditional Chinese New Year delicacies to welcoming atmospheres that foster a sense of togetherness,…
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ranchevents · 1 year
Corporate Events San Diego - Book Your Corpora Summer Event With Ranch Events Now
Corporate Event Trends
Summer is the perfect time to plan a corporate event to get everyone focused on the company and heighten morale. Between the great Southern California weather, summertime food options and with Ranch Events diverse menu choices you can’t go wrong. Check out these corporate event trends!
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Themes & Food
Having a theme for your corporate event can create a lot of excitement and buzz in the office. This summer the corporate Luau seems to be a hit, guests love the Maui BBQ chicken and Kahlua Pork, not to mention it’s a perfect time to break out that Hawaiian shirt nestled in the back of your closet. If you call Ranch Events to plan your event, you will be in the right place. The food selections Ranch Events features in their Hawaiian BBQ menu includes these tasty items. As far as the Hawaiian shirt option, you are on your own!!! Other corporate favorites are old fashioned BBQs complete with tri-tip, ribs and red and white checkered tablecloths and seafood clambakes by the water! Again, Ranch Events Texas BBQ menu features tri-tip and ribs. If you love the idea of a New England clambake, Ranch Events can make that happen by planning a clambake at one of San Diego’s beautiful and scenic beaches. Ranch clients are still talking about the clambake they attended at Mission Bay, San Diego in the summer of 2015. The red and white checkered tablecloths gave the event the added touch of authenticity. You don’t need the Atlantic Ocean to have an exciting and fun clambake. Technology is everywhere. Why not add it to your next corporate event? There are many different ways to bring technology into the mix. Some of our favorite technology trends are:
Make an ideal atmosphere at your event with sound and light. Using AV techniques can “amp” up your event and add feeling. Some hot trends include gesture media which gives the speaker the ability to move objects on the screen by simple body movements. Also, the use of 4K technology presents the clearest and precise images available and finally a well-structured wifi plan ensures all guests can utilize their hand-held devices or laptops. By using the rights services, you can change your event both visually and auditory. Ranch Events can help in this area, and our engineers can guide you through a simple process of implementation.
Crafty Beers & Corporate Cocktail's
Team up with a local brewery to bring a selection of craft beers to your event. Local craft beer breweries offer a personalized and regional factor for your guests to enjoy, all the while having some stellar beverages to drink. San Diego is renowned for its sporting the biggest “craft” beer market in the country. So why not take advantage of this trend. You and your guests will love it Another great twist at the beverage station is creating a corporate cocktail. This cocktail can either be specific or unique to the company or the event. Give it a witty and catchy name that will have all the attendees talking (or cheering) by the end of the night. The Ranch Events bartenders are pros and can help you come up with or create the perfect cocktail for your event.
Dazzling Design Trends
To create an eye-catching and unique event, combine a color that utilizes patterns for your room décor. This winning combination of colors and designs can stimulate your guest interest and have them talking about your event months later. Finding a venue with lots of personality is also a great starting point for planning an event. Marina Village, where Ranch Events caters many of its parties, is just such a site. Marina Village is a popular destination for both intimate occasions and corporate events. This venue offers many different sized rooms to accommodate most event sizes and offers a beautiful Marina as its backdrop. Depending on your event you may need to think about different things that make the venue unique such as performance space, type of venue or décor. Leave the days of monochromatic themes behind and use splashes of color to brighten and liven up the event. Mix up the visual interest by incorporating patterns or multiple colors. Chevron, polka dot or houndstooth makes welcome additions to any company color scheme!
With the assortment of great food selections, adding in some tech trends, offering unique beverages choices and using dazzling color designs; your corporate event with Ranch Events planning the details will be a huge hit! Give us a call today so we can get started on your Summer Corporate get-together.
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mrudula01 · 1 year
Probiotics Market: Innovation Trends & Competitive Analysis
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With the rising incidence of digestive health issues and weight management problems, a number of healthcare professionals are recommending probiotics to patients. They contain live strains of microorganisms and confer health benefits when administered to a host in adequate quantity. Yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha, and kefir, as well as company-manufactured capsules, chewing gums, bottled drinks, etc., are common foods containing these microbiota.
Probiotics are also largely recommended to treat women’s urogenital health issues. Besides, they have demonstrated to benefit those affected by chronic illnesses like high serum cholesterol, allergies, and even cancer, and are thus witnessing increased demand. Triton Market Research evaluates the global probiotics market to develop with a CAGR of 9.09% over the forecast period, 2022-2028.
An Insight into Top-performing Market Segments
Bacteria to show the fastest growth in the Strain segment with a 9.18% CAGR
Compared to yeast strains, bacteria strains are easier to modify genetically in order to obtain the required functionality, and therefore, witness increased demand. In 2020, China approved three new strains, Bifidobacterium infantis R0033, Bifidobacterium bifidum R0071, and Lactobacillus helveticus R0052, by Lallemand Health Solutions for use in infant foods.
Veterinary Feed to show the fastest growth in the End-use segment with a 10.96% CAGR
With the growing meat consumption worldwide, probiotics are increasingly being administered to chicken, swine, aquaculture, etc., in the form of animal feed to enhance their health and ensure food safety. In November 2020, Germany-based Evonik’s Animal Nutrition business vertical launched Ecobiol® Fizz, a probiotic tablet for chickens.
Market Players Amp their Game with Growth Strategies
Acquisitions emerge as a Leading Strategy
The studied market is rife with opportunities as consumer demand across the world has heightened substantially. Several companies are thus acquiring other players as part of their strategic expansion plans to consolidate their product portfolios. For instance, in July 2021, Ireland-based Kerry Group completed the acquisition of Spain-based Biosearch Life to expand its product portfolio with Hereditum® probiotic strains. Further, in August 2021, Denmark-based Novozymes acquired United States-based Microbiome Labs, which boasts of a vast portfolio of probiotic solutions.
Novel Approach for Product Delivery
When consumed directly, probiotics are prone to losing their efficacy in the stomach environment before reaching the digestive tract. As a result, manufacturers have innovated techniques like microencapsulation, which entails encasing probiotic cells inside an optimal protective material to preserve their viability during gastrointestinal transit. In January 2020, Biotech Consortium India Limited announced its plans to commercialize this encapsulation technique to increase products’ shelf life.
Growing use of Online Channels
Consumers largely gravitated toward online sales channels as an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Numerous manufacturers thus turned to e-commerce platforms like Walmart, Amazon, LuckyVitamin, Shopee, Nutrabay, and others, to reach their target consumer base. In fact, Jarrow Formulas Inc, which offers probiotic nutritional supplements, only operates as an online distribution mode and has no physical stores. Discounts, special offers, and the convenience of home delivery are some factors expected to drive the growth of this segment.
Notable Trend – Development of Innovative Product Formulations
Companies are playing the field by combining robust innovation with top-notch manufacturing and formulation capabilities. Probiotic foods, beverages, and dietary supplements are now available in the form of ice creams, candies, lozenges, chocolates, milk substitutes, drops, powders, sachets, specialized baby formulas, and other novel formats.
A recent notable development has been the formulation of products using FastMelt technology. Probi Fast Melt probiotic stick is one such product, which can be ingested without water, by dissolving in saliva. The rise in cutting-edge formulations is thus steering the market towards growth.
Widening Applications – Key for Future Growth
With the growing popularity of probiotics, the beauty industry has not been far behind in leveraging the benefits of these healthy microorganisms. Consequently, an arsenal of cosmetic & skincare products – from cleansers and moisturizers to masks and serums – packed with freeze-dried friendly bacteria, are widely available in the market. These products help strengthen the skin’s barrier, soothe inflammation, and even diminish acne.
Further, psychobiotics, a type of probiotics specifically formulated to boost people’s mental health, are also witnessing demand. These substances stimulate the production of neurotransmitters, anti-inflammatory cytokines, short-chain fatty acids, and enteroendocrine hormones. They are used in a range of applications, from stress reduction and mood enhancement to anxiety relief and neurodevelopment. The far-ranging applications paint a positive picture for the future of the probiotics market.
Q 1) Which are the main segments covered in the probiotics market?
Strain, Diet Preference, Sales Channel, and End-use are the main segments covered in the probiotics market.
Q 2) Which is the dominant region in the global probiotics market?
The Asia-Pacific is the dominant region in the global market, with the largest market share in 2021 and the fastest expected growth rate during the forecast period.
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drinkdsg122 · 1 year
How To Make The Best Protein Shake For Weight Loss
Ways To Make Protein Shakes Taste Better
They are typically taken in before or after weightlifting or a high-intensity exercise to assist in muscle recovery. They are also a popular treat on weight-loss or calorie regulated diet plans. Protein shakes have an unjust stigma that they are boring, dull, and taste undesirable. However, when made properly, they can be tasty.
Brown rice protein powder is a vegan and dairy complimentary choice but has an earthy flavor. This protein powder can likewise sometimes have included sugars or sweeteners in them. To amp up your protein content even further, there are some other amazing sources of protein.
How To Make Protein Shakes Taste Better
They all utilize wholesome and healthy components and contain very little sugar. Each shake just has between 120-150 calories, and just 4 ingredients. While there is no suggested limit on a day-to-day limit for protein shakes, attempt not to have over 2 shakes a day. This will permit your body to absorb the protein effectively and likewise choose whole food protein choices for your main meals.
The catch? They can get dull and dull fast, especially if you're taking a just-add-water method with a powder that can't help however taste milky. Conserve yourself from the dullness by including some brand-new protein powder shake dishes to the rotation. Feel confident, add-ons such as spices or nut butter can go a long way, there's no need to get too complicated and wind up with a treat choice that's no longer what anyone would consider "practical." These simple dishes will help you step up your protein shake video game without requiring too much effort.
The Best Protein Shake Recipes For Muscle Gain
Protein shakes can be naturally sweetened with banana and maple syrup, and comes together in 5 minutes. If you're looking for simple protein shake recipes, this one's about as easy as it gets. It requires a few active ingredients, and you can also utilize either fresh or frozen fruits depending on what you have on hand.
Packed with important nutrients that keep your skin, hair, bones, muscles healthy, store-bought protein shakes have no preparation work or clean-up. But not simply any beverage will do. Protein sips from regional health clubs and juice stores frequently carry more added sugar than a lots donuts, and the very same is true for some recipes you'll find on the web.
Delicious Protein Shake Recipes
That is, naturally, unless you select from our round-up of the healthiest protein shake recipes. To assist you remain on track if you're attempting to slim down, we browsed our dish archives for the most savory for weight reduction out there. Ahead, you'll find something to satisfy every yearning from refreshingly fruity to a milkshake-inspired dessert.
And if you do a laborious workout, you'll wish to make sure you have enough protein afterward, too. If you are thinking about a protein shake before a workout, try to do so a couple [of] hours prior to beginning any activity. Consuming protein right prior to an exercise might cause some stomach discomfort due to the fact that it can decrease digestion.
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Exactly How To Make A Protein Shake That Tastes Amazing
Breakfast shakes and coffee are my jam which implies this coffee lover's protein shake is my ultimate fave! And this one tastes like a directly milkshake. On a rainy day, there's absolutely nothing I like more than sitting by the window and composing with a tasty treat neighboring to drink or treat on.
How To Make A Protein Shake
Pre-made protein shakes often come loaded with added sugars, so making your own is a great method to avoid the sugar trap. Be mindful of sources of included sugars.
Homemade protein shakes are your best choice if you wish to gain lean muscle. These are safe, easy to make, and keep you satiated before or after a workout session. Protein is important to keep your body working properly. You can easily utilize these shakes as a meal replacement also.
Protein Shakes Without Protein Powder: Tips And Recipes
They likewise taste much better and can be tailored according to your needs. It tastes sweet (but not too sweet) and is fragrant and an instantaneous state of mind booster. The active ingredients make them a great source of protein too.
Enhance The Taste Of Your Protein Shake
You don't require supplements to construct muscle, lose fat, and get healthy. But the best ones can assist. After several months of consuming the same taste, even the most delicious protein powders can get dull. That's why it pays to have a couple of plant or whey protein shake recipes up your sleeve to break the uniformity.
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naturecoaster · 2 months
Camping with the Blues 2024
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Set in the rolling hills of Florida, Camping with the Blues is an annual blues music event that benefits the beautiful and rustic Florida Sand Music Ranch and will be held Friday through Sunday, October 18-20, 2024 at the Florida Sand Ranch, 85 Myers Road, Brooksville, FL 34602. It was chosen as a Top Twenty Event by the Southeast Tourism Society in 2020 and 2021! Come out for the day or the weekend and see why for yourself. This incredible three-day and three-night camping festival is located just off I-75 at Exit 293.  Not a camper?  No problem.  Day and weekend passes are available. Camping with the Blues was envisioned by Greg Herndon, a former member of the Sertoma Youth Ranch Board of Directors, to create a blues music festival at this amazing venue to help fund and keep this campground operational for our youth to enjoy. Camping with the Blues and Blues Bash at the Ranch are produced by GPS Festival Productions, LLC; partners Greg Herndon, Founder and Former President and owner of Mojoe Productions, Inc., an interstate all-event production company that supplies sound, stage, and lighting for countless events all over the eastern USA, and Paul Benjamin, Festival Promoter of several festivals around the country and co-founder of the highly successful North Atlantic Blues Festival. Between these partners, there are over 90 years of combined experience in the entertainment industry and festival production. Both are paid consultants at various festivals throughout the year. ​ For those who do not camp but want to enjoy the great outdoors at our beautiful campground, our sponsor hotel, The Days Inn, is available nearby.  Call them at 855-213-8441.  There are RV sites and tent camping available for all ages.An open-air covered seating area and stage provide the perfect setting for a fun-filled weekend with a great dance floor where you are upfront and personal with the bands.  We are family and dog-friendly.  An array of food, beverage, and merchandise are on site all weekend long. A children's program is presented on Saturday, October 19, 2024, from 10 am-5:30 pm. Please bring your children to the Youth Pavilion and sign them in by 10 am. The Youth Pavilion will provide arts and crafts programs for ages 4 to 12 (parental supervision requested for those unable to stay by themselves) This is a full day of fun activities! SAVE money by purchasing your tickets in advance online or by calling 941-758-7585.  Online ticket sales will end on Tuesday, ​October 14, 2024 at 10 pm. Tickets and available camping will be sold at the gate, October 17-20, 2024. Gates open at 9 AM on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  You may camp early for an additional fee. The event is Rain or Shine.  All Sales are Final.  No Refunds or Rollovers. ICE, FIREWOOD, BEER & WINE:  You may bring your own or the ranch will have it for sale. BATHROOM & SHOWERS: Yes, there are bathroom/shower facilities on site.  A brand new restroom facility has been built by the main pavilion! PICNIC TABLES: There are about 70 in the park. Feel free to relocate one to your site, but be prepared with your own folding chairs, etc. RV SITES: 30 amp service.  A dump station is located on the property. PRIMITIVE OR SELF-CONTAINED CAMPING:​ Quiet generators (no commercial) and rated 70 DB or less are allowed. ARE CAMPFIRES ALLOWED: YES, you can have a campfire!  You can bring your own wood, but please do not cut wood from the park!  There are fire rings scattered around the park…just grab one.  Please do not leave your fire unattended!  NO ground fires in the field across from the front gate.  You may bring your own fire pit. CAN I BRING ALCOHOL: Yes, alcohol is allowed in the park and anyone consuming alcohol must be 21 or older.  Alcohol will also be sold at the festival. ARE DOGS ALLOWED: Dogs are allowed in the park but MUST be kept on a leash at all times! No exceptions! AND you must be holding the leash! Any dogs in the park must be under your control at all times. Dogs are NOT allowed in the kitchen, pavilion, or concert areas. Owners must clean up after their dogs. If any dogs are found roaming the park, the owner will be asked to leave. No loud barking or fighting will be tolerated, and attendees/owners will be asked to leave if it continues with no refund. ARE GOLF CARTS ALLOWED:   Yes, you can bring your own or we recommend renting one from Golf Carts of Tampa Bay:  813-996-6500.  Order EARLY! Golf carts are not allowed in the stage and vendor area. BAR-B-QUES: YES, you can have a bar-b-que!  You can bring your own bar-b-que and charcoal. Please do not leave your fire unattended! PA - RV & AUTO SOUND SYSTEMS: In keeping with the rules of the ranch, sound systems are to be in the concert area ONLY. ABSOLUTELY no sound systems; e.g. PA, DJ, etc. in the campground area. Violation of this ordinance will evict you from the property immediately, and no refunds will be issued.  Also, NO loud cars or trucks. Read the full article
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Daily Devotionals for July 2, 2023
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 20:1(KJV): Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. Proverbs 20:1(AMP): Wine is a mocker, strong drink a riotous brawler, and whoever errs or reels because of it is not wise.
Thought for the Day
Some religious circles like to debate whether or not "wine" in the Bible refers to non-intoxicating grape juice or fermented, alcoholic grape juice. To answer this question, we must study the original language in which the Bible was written. The first scripture in which wine is mentioned is found in the book of Genesis, the Hebrew word, yayin. It always means fermented wine; primarily from grapes. This is also obvious from the text: "And Noah began to be a husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, and was drunken" (Genesis 9:20-21). Only alcohol could make one drunk!
In the New Testament, the Greek word oinos is usually used for wine. Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). "When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, and saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now." This verse indicates that the wine was fermented, since good wine was usually served first, with the inferior wine served later. After their senses were dulled from drinking wine, no one would notice or care that the wine served later was not as good. Many other Biblical references to wine show that it is an alcoholic drink.
Some Christians might ask if it is a sin for us to drink wine today. I believe that because sin is in the heart of man and not in any object, wine itself is not sinful. However, becoming drunk can cause us to sin (Galatians 5:18-21). The Bible teaches moderation; even eating too much food is a sin (gluttony). Alcohol can cause people to go out of their heads. Alcoholism is responsible for broken homes, health problems, and many deaths (through disease or drunk drivers). Unborn babies can be damaged by it. The Bible says that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
In the Old Testament, there was a group of people known as Nazarites. Each one took a vow to dedicate himself to the Lord and did not drink alcohol at all (Numbers 6:2-3). Would it not please God if we love Him and our brethren enough to give up a passing pleasure that might cause someone to stumble? If a new Christian with an alcoholic past sees you drinking, he or she may fall prey to addiction all over again. Paul taught that we should not use our liberty in Christ in ways that would cause others to stumble (Romans 14). Galatians 5:13 says, "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." 1 Corinthians 8:9: "But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to them that are weak."
Would it not be a more powerful witness to others in our age to stand out as one who did not drink alcoholic beverages because we did not need to do so? When we are filled with the Spirit of God, His spirit gives us the joy and release that many are seeking by drinking. May we instead desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit and not need "spirits?"
"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the LORD; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:18-20).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear Father, thank you for the liberty that we have in Christ. Help us not to judge one another regarding drinking a little wine, but rather to be honest before You as to the issue in our hearts in this regard. May we be good witnesses to those around us? When we make choices in this life, may they be pleasing to You and show love to those around us. You told us the highest law is the law of love. We are to love You first, and then to love one another. May we do this in word and deed? Keep us from temptation and let our actions prove to the world that we are true Christians. Deliver those who are addicted to alcohol and are caught in this snare of the devil. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller, @ParkermillerQ, Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Sunday, July 2, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA, https://www.facebook.com/StevenParkerMillerQ Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman, https://www.tumblr.com/gatekeeper-watchman, https://www.pinterest.com/GatekeeperWatchman1/ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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