#Fool's Assassin
mellowthorn · 3 months
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Fool's Assassin
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baejax-the-great · 9 months
Nettle: tell me the truth. did you fuck your friend
Fitz: don't be crude--we went far beyond merely fucking. I will not elaborate.
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Sixty-year-old FitzChivalry Farseer (60 y/o) (sixty) (years old) finds out he is in fact an adult (60) and he can make his own choices (sixty)
Same tho
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p4nishers · 2 months
remember when fitz said in fool's assassin that it had taken him YEARS to accept beloved wasn't coming back? that he had waited for him, some part of his soul still dangling? waited like a dog told to sit and stay? that he had slowly begun to believe beloved didn't care about him anymore? that only after that did he really start to mourn? that he had obsessed over it for years, trying to excuse it? that he had chewed on one single line beloved had left him over and over and over, even going as far to question their friendship? that the scar of beloved's absence never healed? that the act of trying to understand his life years earlier turned into the act of trying to understand beloved? that he was never whole again after beloved left? that he likened the loss of beloved to nighteyes' death multiple times? remember that? yeah.
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silverdragon12 · 6 months
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Fool's Assassin is such a fun book
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cyberphuck · 3 months
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floradelisstuff · 3 months
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An edit on my Bee created months earlier. There are some new very exciting filters with in the filter software that I use and I like this much more.
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jewishdainix · 1 year
While I do totaly understand how Fitz's reply to Nettle in their ride from Jaamphe in Fool's Assassin is seen as just a silly attempt to deny queerness , there is actually a lot to analyse about it!
When you dissect it it actually shows Fitz's failure to both bridge the gap separate his and Beloved's relationship with/from queerness, and the Six Duchies' understanding of it.
Let me explain.
The view in the Six Duchies on queer relationships* seems to be that they are Scandelous relationships that are purely sexual.
The homophobia we see from the characters shows that: When Starling was insulting Fitz she said that she was sure he whispered Molly's name while Lord Golden was fucking him; when Dutiful asked Fitz if he and Lord Golden were sleeping together, but not if they were in a relationship; when Chade told Fitz he knew he didnt sleep with men; Lant saying he was afraid when he first met Fitz because he heard rumers Tom Badgerlock also desired men.
Even during The Quarell Fitz talked about that same sexual aspect, saying he would never want to sleep with the Fool.
When Nettle asked him about his and Lord Golden's relationship, and if the rumors about them were true, she brought back that old idea of the Scandelous, purely sexual nature of queer relationships.
And that wasn't what Fitz and Beloved's relationship was.
Whether or not you interprit Fitz being secualy attracted to Beloved, their relationship was not what the Six Duchies' idea of queer relationships was. It was an emotional connection that their relationship was built on, not a purely sexual one with no care beyond sexual desire.
Which is why Fitz said there was nothing "improper" about their bond. Why Fitz said that what they had wen far beyond that.
Fitz was still unable to separate the idea of being in a relationship with Beloved with that view of queerness (he almost did, by the end of Fool's Fate, but whatever progress he made was undone by him repressing his love for Beloved all those years apart. Admitting he loved Beloved would have meant he was not able to pretend he got the Happy Ending he so desprately clung to, buts thats a whole other post).
But thats just the part about him not being able to seprate queer relationships from the view on them in the Six Duchies. Because of those views, he doesn't know how to recognise his feellings for Beloved (and other men) as what they are.
When Riddle told him how he remembered that he and Beloved were "very close" Fitz didn't oject like he has done with the acusations/questions that were related to the supposed sexual nature of his relationship with Lord Golden. He hadn't replied with anything, but mentioned that his silence said more than any thing he could have said himself.
When meeting with Carson, Fitz immidietly mentions how he felt a "feelling that sometimes comes of insant connection, a deep friendship that could have been".
Lets dissect that aswell, since I already put this under a readmore and dont care about how long this post gets. (@tragediegh and I talk about this quote every couple of days so everything I say here is recicled from our dms lol)
"Instant connection, a deep friendship that could have been," implies that the relationship Fitz is thinking he would have is very close, but it is not based on an actual expirience with that person, rather their first impression on Fitz - their vibe and how they look (interesting how Fitz says it about Carson, a gay man).
"That sometimes comes" shows that it is an - if not a common one - an occurence that happened multiple times.
This sounds like someone describing a crush/romantic atraction without knowing that what they are feelling is that!
The reason Fitz describes it as a "deep friendship" and "instant connection" and not "romantic feellings towards men" is because how he still view queer relationships from that homophobic view the Six Duchies have, and because of that is unable to connect his feellings towards men (amd beloved) to what they are.
* mlm relationships, technically. We havn't seen what they think of sapphic ones (even in The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince Felicity mentions how possible homophobia only briefly, though they do seem to not consider lesbian sex as not actual sex which makes since with how their culture views reproduction) and I'm pretty sure Six Duchies people don't know about trans/genderqueer people because *gestures to everything*
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sirguyofdykesborn · 2 years
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brand me with a hot iron. Sorry
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swordbreakerz · 6 months
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who up realming they elderlings
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I trusted none of them with the Fool but carried him myself to the sled, loaded him, and clambered up afterward to sit beside him.
I saw her swallow. “As an apprentice, the first cleaning of an injured man is one of my tasks.”
“As his friend, it’s my task. Please.”
I rose and before he could touch the Fool, I took the rags and medicine from him. “I’ll do it,” I told him.
Another, saner part of me was saying softly, “Fool. Fool, it’s all right. You are here with me now, and they cannot hurt you anymore. You are safe here. Oh, Fool. You are safe. Beloved.”
Feared that it would alarm him to be touched and feared even more that it would draw me tighter into his misery and wake my own. But at last I took the three steps that carried me around the table. “Fool. You are safe here. I know you can’t believe it just yet, but it’s over. And you are safe.” I stroked the broken hair on his head, rough as the coat of a sick dog, and then pulled him closer to cradle his head against my sternum. His clawlike hands came up and clutched my wrist, and he held himself tighter against me. I let him have his tears. They were the only things I could give him then.
He rose and groped his way around the end of the table to where I sat. His hands felt for me, found a shoulder, the side of my face, and then fluttered up to my head and the crown there. He lifted it slightly, and then, with no self-consciousness at all, measured the length of my hair. He walked his fingers down my face, touching the break in my nose, the old scar, the scruff of beard on my chin. If anyone else had done it, it would have felt invasive. Insulting. But I knew he was comparing what I looked like now with what he recalled.
He cleared his throat once more and after a pause he added, “You’re a handsome man still, Fitz. Not as pretty as before Regal broke your face. But you’ve aged well, I judge.”
"But what matters, as I started to say, is that I want you to feel safe. So tell me. What can I do to make you feel safe?”
His grip on the knife loosened. “You aren’t irritated with me? Annoyed at my weakness?”
I was startled. “Of course not!”
“You went away so abruptly. When you didn’t come to tell me yourself, I thought … I thought you had wearied of having me depend on you for everything.”
“What would make you feel safer?”
“You do. Being here.”
Fool's Assassin/Fool's Quest Robin Hobb
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If i was in Fitz's place i would collapse, first Shun, a brand new relative, suddenly arrives to his home and then Bee starts to prophesy and then some dying person appears in his yard AND THEN his brand new relative starts sobbing in front of him, what a day
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heyitsrink · 1 year
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We love an old man with the body of a 35-year-old and the mind of a teenager
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owlbelly · 1 year
Bee: "Papa, where do babies come from?"
Fitz (deeply embarrassed): "well...when a man and a woman and a White Prophet and the spirit of a dead wolf all love each other very much..."
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Are you fucking kidding meeeeeeeeeeeeeee with this
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