bloodyanathema · 1 year
Varian is disqualified because he bites.
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modkatisbacc · 2 years
Just got done with Wrathgate Alliance side for the first-time and everyone at Foredragon Hold is screaming crying and running away, and then there's Derek Rammel, the flight master. He hasn't even flinched.
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king-moose · 5 years
Taelias Mom might be Prestor (Onxyia)
Ok hear me out, Taelia looks nothing like Calia Menethil (She's blonde and his fairly pale, but Taelia has black hair and has Olive skin) since it was confirmed Bolvar is Taelias dad its easy to see how there similar that being her green eyes, but what about her hair and skin..well Prestor had black hair and and blizzard said her model didn't have the right skin tone (Her skin is Olive color in lore if your wondering). The only thing we have been given about Taelias mother is that she was a Lordearon Noble, so ya Calia is a princess and from Lordaeron so ya that fits the bill, but guess who is also referred to as a Lordearon Noble..Katrana Prestor....and guess what...she worked very close to Bolvar considering they both ran Stormwind when Varian was missing (Kidnapped by Prestor) and Taelia was sent away as a baby because of Danger, what could have been that threat....well when Prestor revealed herself to be Onyxia and her cue on young Anduin and Varian.
(This is a theory, could be wrong just my thoughts on the matter.)
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oroontheheels · 6 years
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[I’m furious]
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gloamingdawn · 5 years
Five female favs and five male favs
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1. Eyir
2. Helya
3. Freya
4. Queen Azshara 
5. Ysera
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1. Kael’thas Sunstrider
2. Bolvar Foredragon
3. Prince Liam Greymane
4. Prince Anduin Wrynn
5. Asric & Jadaar (they count as one)
Thanks anon!
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stormwinds · 6 years
Wait wait Whom is the girl Anduins age?
Taelia Foredragon, link
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oroontheheels · 6 years
Amount of people who’s eager to “ship” Anduin with Taelia because they think this will somehow anger wranduin fans is ridonculous.
There’s also people who actually celebrating birth of another boring hetero romance in WoW, because they are proudly homophobic and happy af that their precious “manduin” is straight.
Oh dear. I hope you guys (and girls) will grow up and feel ashamed of yourself BEFORE any of you have children.
P.S. Oh Blizzard I also hope you will be sincerely ashamed of yourself someday
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