king-moose · 5 years
Taelias Mom might be Prestor (Onxyia)
Ok hear me out, Taelia looks nothing like Calia Menethil (She's blonde and his fairly pale, but Taelia has black hair and has Olive skin) since it was confirmed Bolvar is Taelias dad its easy to see how there similar that being her green eyes, but what about her hair and skin..well Prestor had black hair and and blizzard said her model didn't have the right skin tone (Her skin is Olive color in lore if your wondering). The only thing we have been given about Taelias mother is that she was a Lordearon Noble, so ya Calia is a princess and from Lordaeron so ya that fits the bill, but guess who is also referred to as a Lordearon Noble..Katrana Prestor....and guess what...she worked very close to Bolvar considering they both ran Stormwind when Varian was missing (Kidnapped by Prestor) and Taelia was sent away as a baby because of Danger, what could have been that threat....well when Prestor revealed herself to be Onyxia and her cue on young Anduin and Varian.
(This is a theory, could be wrong just my thoughts on the matter.)
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lotusprincessblog · 6 years
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More fanfic Doodles, Deicded to draw what Onyxia looks like in my AU Fanfic XD
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rommath · 4 years
I know Shaw is super popualr rn but like I've never gotten around to warming up to him even when I regularly played alliance and I finally got around to starting to read exploring azeroth and literally on page one hes already leaving a bad taste in my mouth by acknowledging that 1. Edwin VanCleef was right in demanding payment 2. Onxyia and the nobles were in the wrong and were the main cause in the escalation of violence and he still his take away from that is he should have killed VanCleef sooner like what the fuck
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katieskarlette · 4 years
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The last time I got a cloak made with Onyxia’s scales it was in vanilla, and a rogue in my guild crafted them for everyone so we had a prayer of progressing through Blackwing Lair.  (Spoiler:  We downed Broodlord and never made it any further.  I still have the cloak in void storage for safe keeping, though.)
Anyway, as a longtime black dragonflight fangirl I love the thought of my mage being entrusted with the last scales of Nefarian and Onxyia.  It gives me a warm feeling (and not just because I’m a fire mage inside a volcano.)
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sixthleafclover · 5 years
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Cathedral District Invasion is real. Onxyia is here 💕🐲🐉🐉🐉🧀. This is a watercolor piece from a while ago. #blizzard #dragon #whelp #WoW #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #onyxia https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Ub5uHJNhc/?igshid=196vgsnsgmki4
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lorerunner · 5 years
So do you think this theory is possible? This is combined of the Chronicle and game play attuning. The Alliance do Black Rock Deaths and reveal Onxyia. Then the Horde go to Black Rock Spire and get the Ability to enter Onxyia and Black Wing Lair. But with no reason to kill Onxyia they give the Amulet to the Alliance. The Alliance kills her then gives the scale cloak they get from her body to the Horde to survive Black Wing. Factions working together.
Works for me.  But we all know the Scepter of the Sands was being obtained simultaneously.
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Deathwing: A Lore Guide
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Origins (before -150,000): The history of Deathwing, formerly known as  Neltharion, starts before the very first recorded date of Year -150,000. After Azeroth’s Ordering, Keeper Tyr battled with a monster, Galakrond, along with the aid of five intelligent proto-dragons: Alexstrasza, Malygos, Nozdormu, Ysera and Neltharion. Impressed by their courage and might, he and other Keepers turned to the Pantheon to gift the proto-dragons with powers to protect Azeroth with. Eonar bestowed Alexstraza with the titles Life-Binder and Dragon Queen, charging her with protecting all life, and gave her younger sister Ysera the name the Dreamer and bound her to the Emerald Dream. Alexstraza is the orginiator of the red dragonflight, and Ysera the green. Malygos was chosen by Norgannon to guard all forms of magic and the arcane, titled the Spell-Weaver. His dragonflight is the blue. Nozdormu was dubbed the Timeless One by Aman'Thul to protect time itself. He is the originator of the bronze dragonflight. Neltherion was charged with dominion over the earth by Khaz'goroth, becoming known as the Earth Warder and beginning with black dragonflight. This changed them all into the Dragon Aspects. Neltharion became bitter with his burden over time, and due to his connection with the earth he began hearing whispers from the Old Gods, imprisoned below, convincing him that he could rule the entire earth rather than serving it.
The Dragon Soul (Year -10,000): During the first invasion of the Legion into Azeroth, the Aspects allied themselves with the night elves and their allies to repel the attack. Neltharion convinced his fellow Aspects to pour their power into a yellow disc that had been forged well before this time, telling them their combined power would be able to defeat the onslaught. They complied, but there horrified when they saw that upon its use he killed both night elves and demons indiscriminately, and when they learned he had been the only one to not pour his power into it, instead wanting to use it to rule over Azeroth. Malygos' blue dragonflight attempted to apprehend from him, but instead Neltharion used it against them, killing the blue dragons and scattered the Aspects across the land and he left to go to location that would later be known as Highmountain. His skin was becoming cracked from corruption, revealing his molten heart. The goblins worked to construct a metal vessel to contain him and so, Deathwing was born. However, Malfurion Stormrage used the Emerald Dream to steal back the Dragon Soul. However, he was intercepted by his brother Illidan and Varo'then, taking the artifact to be used to power the portal to bring Sargeras into Azeroth. Deathwing attempted to recover it, but failed as it fell into the Well of Eternity and a future incarnation of  Nozdormu from within the Well managed to obtain and return it. After the Legion had been stopped and the world sundered, the Aspects sealed the Soul in a hidden location to try and prevent it from being used once again. After retreating to Highmountain once more, he was banished to Deepholm by Huln Highmountain, a hero for who the land was named for, with the aid of a rebellion of drogbar slaves. Deathwing did return, but went into a great slumber.
Awakens (Year 0-3): The powerful magics of the Dark Portal stir Deathwing. The Old God urge him to aid the orcs in their invasion. He takes the guise of a nobleman and moves to Lordaeron and attempted to meddle in human affairs by claiming the rumours of orcs were to mask rebels within Stormwind, subtly preventing those who believed him into not sending aid. 
Dragon Soul (Year 4): Seeing that the orcs had been weakened by the First War, he granted orc shaman and chieftain of the Dragonmaw clan, Zuluhed the Whacked, visions of the Dragon Soul and how it could be used to tame dragons to use as ariel weapons against the humans. As it had been enchanted so that he could not use the weapon himself, but orcs could. Nekros Skullcrusher managed to recover the artifact. Deathwing further went further into Nekros’ dreams to teach him how to use it. Sensing its disturbance, Alexstraza investigates.
Enslaving the Dragon Queen (Year 5): The orcs manage to subdue Alexstraza and bind her within Grim Batol, forcing her brood to obey them with her imprisonment. They used it to control her and force her to lay eggs for them to raise as mounts.
Outland (Year 8): The orcs left on Outland reform and reopen the previously closed portal to retrieve artifacts to open other portals to more worlds to flee to. Deathwing approaches Ner’zhul and asks for him to take some of his eggs to their homeworld in exchange for his aid. The area in which he places his eggs is gronn area and in retaliation, Gruul attempts to kill Deathwing, the black dragon narrowly escaping. He then takes on the form of a false Lord Daval Prestor, claiming to be a distant cousin of Prince Aiden Perenolde of Alterac, making himself known among the Alliance leaders to manipulate from within. He telepathically coerced King Terenas II of Lorderon to propose “Prestor” marry his daughter, Calia Menethil. 
The Battle for Grim Batol (Year 9): The Horde planned to move Alexstraza and her eggs to Dun Algaz . Deathwing saw the chance to steal a batch of her eggs and raise his another dragonflight. He failed and the Dragon Queen was freed. Malygos, Ysera and Nozdormu were pursued by Deathwing, however managed to elude them, and Prestor mysteriously disappeared after.
The Children of Deathwing (Year 25): Onyxia and Nefarian, children of deathwing, attempted to take control of the world. Onyxia took the guise of Lady Katrana Prestor to counsel Anduin as King of Stormwind in his father’s absence. Nefarian pretended to be Lord Victor Nefarius of Blackrock Mountain, managing to enslave the Blackrock Clan. Onxyia is killed in her lair. Nefarian is killed in Blackrock Spire.
Night of the Dragon (Year 26): Deathwing’s mate Sintharia conducts the research of making Twilight dragonflight. She is killed, but he retrieves her corpse that is reanimated by the Old Gods to continue laying eggs.
The Shattering (Year 28): Twilight's Hammer clan, now his followers, forge new plates for the black dragon. Deathwings returns from Deepholm and releases an immense force of fire across Azeroth, scarring the world forever. Ragnaros the Firelord is summoned by Deathwing with the intent of destroying Nordrassil. Sintharia is slain in Bastion of Twilight and a resurrected Oxynia and Nefarian are both eventually defeated for good in Blackwing Descent. Ragnaros is slain in Firelands.
The Hour of Twilight (Year 29): Agents of the Horde and Alliance are sent back over 10,000 years to the Well of Eternity and retrieve the Dragon Soul. It is then used within Dragon Soul by the Aspects and Thrall to destroy him. Their desiny fulfilled, the Aspects are reduced to a mortal state and the Age of Mortals begins.
Sintharia (prime consort)
Nyxondra (mate)
Nefarian, Sabellian, Wrathion, Neltharaku (sons)
Onyxia (daughter) 
Mordenaku (grandson)
Zoya, Onyxien (granddaughters)
Dragon Aspects (formerly) 
Black Dragonflight
Old Gods’ forces
Twilight’s Hammer clan
Out of his Mind: After decades of hearing the whispers of the Old Gods, Deathwing has been twisted into madness with a longingto destroy all the mortal races.
Puppeteer: Deathing is incredibly cunning and prefers to manipulate others from behind the scenes rather than place himself in combat (at least prior to the Shattering). From human affairs to orc plans, he very cleverly controls the actions of others without them even being aware of it.
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wisepowderposts · 3 years
World bosses are coming to Classic in Phase Two
World bosses are coming to Classic in Phase Two cheap WOW Classic Gold World of Warcraft Classic has had a monumental launch igniting the MMORPG genre and attracting millions of new players.To get more news about Best Place Buy WoW Gold, you can visit lootwowgold official website. Since well before launch Blizzard has said that Classic’s new dungeons raids and PVP features would be released in six main phases but until now hasn’t indicated when those updates will arrive. In an interview with game director Ion Hazzikostas which will appear in full on the site early next week I got a partial answer on when to expect phase 2: This year. Phase Two will be a deal-breaker for WoW fans hopefully bringing back old players and enticing the new.World bosses are coming to Classic in Phase Two giving players the opportunity to farm new content and gear. buy WOW Classic Gold cheapOther than Molton Core and Onxyia’s Lair players will have two new bosses to farm. One of the biggest hurdles to phase 2’s launch is “layering,” the new system that helped WoW Classic survive the storm of players who rushed the servers on day one. With layering a given server could handle many times the normal number of players by breaking them into different copies of the same world spreading out the population so everyone wasn’t in the same area at the same time. Most important though the PvP Honor System and Rank Rewards are going to be introduced. This will give players a reason to fight their opposing faction allowing them to build up honor and earn epic gear. They’ll be 14 ranks in all with each rank unlocking new rewards including gear and titles. Once every server is down to one layer phase 2 will be much closer to launching. That’s good news for everyone: Phase 2 adds powerful new world bosses to fight over in addition to the Dire Maul dungeon (which will undoubtedly spark a bloody new chapter in Classic’s silliest ongoing argument) for veterans. But even players who aren’t max level yet will still have something to look forward to with the new Honor system which rewards (or punishes) killing enemy players.
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kellyssports · 4 years
WoW Classic: Onyxia's Lair Raid Guide
Onxyxia's Lair is a Raid in World of Warcraft Classic. We'll cover everything you require to think about the attack, from plunder, to managers, to missions, and even how to enter the Lair.
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WoW Classic: Onyxia's Lair Raid Guide
Onyxia's Lair is a Raid in World of Warcraft Classic which is accessible from dispatch. It is the main 40-man, Level 60 attack with a solitary manager in the game. Discover more about Onyxia beneath.
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Universe of Warcraft: Classic
The strike is situated in the Contested Zone of Dustwallow Marsh. The passage can be found in the south of zone, in The Wyrmbog. So as to partake in the assault, you'll need the Drakefire Amulet in your ownership, which can be acquired as a mission prize from Blood of the Black Dragon Champion.
All Tier 2 Helmets will drop from Onyxia from Phase 1 onwards.
Moreover, it's a smart thought to for your attack to have a maximum level Skinner with Finkle's Skinner in their ownership, as they'll have the option to skin Onyxia for materials which can be utilized to create the Onyxia Scale Cloak, an absolute necessity have while striking Blackwing Lair.
Note:Also read here more about wow classic.
Capacities: Tail Sweep, Wing Buffet, Flame Breath, Fireball, Bellowing Roar, Cleave, Breath, Knockback
Onxyia is a mythical serpent comprising of three particular stages: two on the ground, and one noticeable all around. Like every other monster, your tank ought to be the just one straightforwardly confronting the mythical serpent, as this will permit them to be the main ones to be hit by Cleave and Flame Breath. It's likewise critical to guarantee that no different players are situated behind the chief, as they will take harm from Tail Sweep. Consequently, your attack ought to be situated on the manager's flanks.
The sides of the room have eggs which will bring forth countless Dragonlings when drawn nearer. Make certain to stay away from them and abstain from being thumped into their middle.
Stage 1
Stage 1 fills in as a readiness stage. The tank should keep Onyxia near her base position, confronting the rear of the room. When she's in position, ensure she is kept in this situation to keep the remainder of the assault from being exposed to Cleave and Flame Breath harm from the front, and Tail Sweep from the back.
What's more, DPS players must give close consideration to their aggro age and should just utilize auto-assaults. Onyxia will often utilize the capacity Knockback. In addition to the fact that it does phyiscal harm and send the tank flying, Knockback decreases danger by 25%.
When Onyxia arrives at 65% HP, she will take off and Phase 2 will start.
Stage 2
Onyxia will take to the skies during Phase 2. Ensure that your DoTs are continually dynamic on the chief while she is noticeable all around. Furthermore, the eggs spread around the room will begin to bring forth, prompting the room being overflowed by Dragonlings which must be failed and taken out by all scuffle classes.
Onyxia will shoot Fireballs at an arbitrary objective occasionally, managing enormous harm.
At last, she will now and again utilize Breath, which overwhelms in a line from the caster. So as to all the more likely comprehend it outwardly, examine the picture underneath. Having Hunter's Mark dynamic on Onyxia will assist with envisioning which example will be utilized dependent on the manager's area on the minimap.
Universe of Warcraft: Classic
Stage 3
At 40% HP, Onyxia arrives back on the ground and focuses on the player with the most noteworthy dynamic danger. The tank ought to do everything they can to reclaim aggro, while being polished by Fear Ward or a Tremor Totem to oppose Onyxia's Bellowing Roar. Notwithstanding approaching Phase 1 spells, planes of magma will shoot up from breaks in the ground, incurring harm to anybody trapped in the splashes.
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boxwars · 4 years
Onyxia Guide
Given the assault's short length, there is just one kind of waste horde to look before taking on Onyxia herself. They are the Onxyian Warder and four of them are spread along the way to Onxyia's room.
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Flame Lash: Appears to target one arbitrary player. Arrangements 12-120 Fire Damage and applies a Magic debuff that lessens FR by 68 for 45 sec. The debuff can stack, and can be dissipated.
Fire Nova: No cast time. Hits everybody inside 20 yards for 1500 harm. They cast is each 5-10 seconds.
 MT can enter the scuffle go, while the remainder of the attack murders it from a good ways.
Flame Lash can be scattered and the other two capacities are scuffle arranged.
They have long watch courses and you would prefer not to battle more than each in turn.
4.0 Boss Fight
Its time for the main supervisor in the strike: Onyxia. She drops Tier 2 headpieces, just as other genuinely tantamount plunder. Onyxia drops the Head of Onyxia, which like most opposite end-managers begins a prize journey for murdering the last supervisor of an occasion.
4.1 Onyxia?
Her genuine room is genuinely round and you enter from the south. On the east and west side there are egg pits, that ought to be evaded. On the off chance that somebody enters, any eggs that are contacted will incubate and assault in swarms.
Onyxia is more about long haul persistence than full scale DPS and speed. In the event that you follow the methodologies spread around here and have tolerance and practice a little you ought to have no issue beating her. She has about 1 million HP.
4.1.1 Attacks and Abilities?
Inactive Abilities
Full invulnerability to the Fire school of enchantment.
Full invulnerability to insults. Most ideal route for tanks to pick up aggro is Sunder Armor.
Stage 1
Fire Breath
Cone molded fire breath assault that hits everything before her for 3063-3937 harm.
It is resistible.
To evade this, consistently keep her sharp north, away from the gatherings on the sides. Just the MT ought to be hit by her breath.
School: Fire
Sweep: 45 yards, 180 degrees
Wing Buffet
A thump back assault (563-937 harm) that hits everybody before her, throwing them a reasonable separation.
To evade this, accurately position yourselves at her sides as distant as could reasonably be expected while as yet being in skirmish go.
Keep your move in an opposite direction from the eggs.
School: Physical
Sweep: ?? yards
Tail Whip
Another thump back assault (600-1000 harm) that hits everybody behind her, close to the tail.
Tail Whip tosses players a lot farther than Wing Buffet, likely well into the eggs if their back is to them.
Causes a 2-3 second daze.
Stay away from this by failing to stand behind a furious winged serpent.
School: Physical
Span: 30 yards
Arrangements skirmish harm +315 to the essential objective and up to ten different focuses before Onyxia.
Dodge this by staying in your allocated and let the MT alter who will be hit by this assault.
School: Physical
Range: ?? yards
Stage 2
- Fireball
Onyxia spits fire aimlessly individuals. The fire hits for around 1700-2300 harm to anybody in the AoE.
Dodge this by remaining spread out with the goal that the fire doesn't hit individuals close to you.
Use wraps to mend yourself so your healers don't utilize all their mana.
School: Fire
Range: ?? yards
- Deep Breath
At the point when you see the act out: "Onyxia starts to take a full breath," roughly 5 seconds pass before a gigantic section of fire emits along the floor from her spot.
All things considered, it can quickly execute everybody it hits.
Stage 3
- Bellowing Roar
The ground shakes and Onyxia Fears everybody in the sanctuary.
The Fear is resistible.
Happens generally like clockwork.
- Eruption:
The floor shoots magma each time Onyxia Fears the attack.
Harms players inside range for around 1500 wellbeing.
Swathe yourself as frequently as possible.
4.1.2 Preparation and Setup?
At the point when you arrive at the principle chamber toward the finish of the passage, you will see Onyxia laying on the ground. Set aside this effort to buff everybody and guarantee that everybody has full wellbeing and mana. In the event that you are utilizing Greater Fire Protection Potions, take them presently to begin the mixture cooldown.
Enter Onixya's cavern as a gathering. In the event that any character enters before the remainder of the gathering is prepared, the fight starts. When the fight starts, the remainder of the example is loaded up with Onyxian Warders that can undoubtedly wipe any individual who lingers behind.
The assault will be part fifty-fifty – even-numbered gatherings and odd-numbered gatherings. Uniformly disperse the classes for each side. The association of the gatherings is basic, yet tragically you need to do it during the beginning of the battle. Gatherings 1,3,5 and 7 are set on the left of the room, while 2,4,6 and 8 are set on the right.
Gatherings 7 and 8 ought to be devoted to monitoring the whelps during Phases 1 and 3 on the off chance that one shows up (they don't need to, yet it can occur on the off chance that somebody gets excessively close). In any case their center is exclusively DPSing Ony like the remainder of the strike.
On the east and west side there are egg pits, that ought to be kept away from. On the off chance that somebody enters, any eggs that are contacted will bring forth and assault in swarms.
The MT ought to have a Priest, a Warlock (for Blood Pact), and a Shaman or Paladin (for fire oppose) in their gathering.
Set up a recuperating turn on the primary tank to guarantee he remains at full wellbeing, and that healers can recover mana between revolutions.
Mages ought to have Priests since they should AoE the Onyxian Whelps eventually.
The MT ought to continue to start the experience and tank Ony facing the back divider to invalidate the knockback influences of Wing Buffet and give the remainder of the strike space to move. The Melee DPS should then flank Onyxia and position themselves away from the 180 degree assaults of Cleave, Fire Breath, the Frontal thump back and Tail Whip. Run DPS ought to take action accordingly and keep particularly mindful of their situation corresponding to Onxyia's Tail.
4.1.2 Strategies?
The Onyxia battle is comprised of three separate stages. The first is the point at which you enter and goes on until she is dropped until generally 65% wellbeing. Now she will stroll toward the south finish of the room and take off, entering Phase 2. This stage goes on until she is dropped to about 40% wellbeing, so, all in all she will land and enter the third and last phase of the battle.
Onyxia is unquestionably one of the harder difficulties inside WoW Classic. This is because of the sheer number of mechanics in the battle, also the timeframe the battle really takes. Onyxia has a blend of latent and dynamic capacities, as recorded in Section 4.1.1 above. Her dynamic capacities will vary contingent on what period of the battle you are in.
In Phase 3, Onxyia has all the capacities of Phase 1 with the expansion of Bellowing Roar and Eruption.
Stage 1
MT should surge in a decent 20-30 yards in front of everybody to ensure they get introductory aggro. Have the MT gradually move into position at the north focus of the den. The MT's careful position is significant because of the thump back. They should be 10-15 yards from the north divider. When situated accurately, the thump back from Wing Buffet should bob the MT against the north divider and have them land extremely near their unique position. Keep Onyxia confronting north.
On the off chance that you wish to play it truly protected, nobody should begin assaulting Onyxia until one of these two things occurs: Her life drops to 99%, or a moment of fight passes.
The attack should find a steady speed gradually, this battle is more likened to a long distance race then a run. Range DPS's will have the subsequent eliminate to go all and delivery their full force. It is exhorted that any enchantment went DPS utilize their wands now and again to ration however much mana as could be expected.
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Besides, the other motivation to not go totally insane with DPS during this stage is since, in such a case that Onyxia turns and uses her Flame Breath, all the characters with light reinforcement (Warlocks, Mages, Rogues...), will bite the dust immediately, which would clearly prompt a wipe.
All classes that have some kind of aggro decrease capacity should utilize it as regularly as could be expected under the circumstances (Vanish, Feign Death, Cower ...) to help the MT in keeping up his situation on the head of the danger table.
There ought to consistently be no whelp brings forth at all during this Phase except if somebody gets thumped into the eggs. On the off chance that there are whelps, have a couple mages use Frost Nova and AoE's to clear them out. Keep Priests/Warriors prepared to help if things go bad. You ought to have the option to deal with any measure of whelps that come, however any more than around 15 may altogether harm the attack's drawn out survivability. Try not to go anyplace close to the whelps and you'll be fine. Recollect that the eggs don't expect you to remain on head of them before they bring forth like the UBRS Rookery room; their produce separation is a lot bigger.
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Once more, Onyxia ought to consistently be confronting north.
During your first runs as an unpracticed strike gathering, Rogues should adhere to utilizing their default assaults (no combos/completing moves) and casters should stand by a couple of moments between each spell. It's ideal to endure the run gradually than keep on pulling aggro from the MT and likely wipe the strike. Slaughter her gradually and consistently by keeping her on the MT and in position.
At the point when she's arrived at 70% life, take a decent 30-second break on assaulting to let the MT revamp aggro; best to be as cautious as possible. Throughout that break is a decent an ideal opportunity to drink a fire retention elixir in anticipation of Phase 2.
Aggro the executives and MT situating are the keys to this Phase. This Phase is strikingly simple contrasted with the following two because of its clear "MT tank her in the center, healers keep MT alive, every other person DPS gradually" methodology.
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undeadhybrid · 7 years
Meet the Characters.
This is going to set up the characters I’ll be using, they are from my DnD group and I have tons of stories to tell you and prompts to use for them so here's a quick introduction to them. There are two games that I’m using mainly but I’m adding in the third one. though I plan to make a story out of the game play.
There are five players, Ad, Bard, Egg, Myself(Hybrid) and Wolfy. So far I’m the only one who hasn’t lost or changed characters, though I’ve come close to it. Also you may notice a pattern in Wolfy’s characters, he’s like to hit things and rage a lot.
EDIT - New guy in game three!! He’s been bolded!!
First game:
The Crimson Fuckers - Set in the average fantasy world.
Garrosh, a 6ft Orc who owns a pet Dragon called Onxyia, he did own another but I joined after he had died.
Dathleen, a 5ft Assassin who can kill people using a move called study where, after studying the target for 3 turns, she can kill the target as long as the rolls are in favour. She left of her own accord.
Dolgrin, a 4ft Dwarf who has a Rock elemental companion called Boulder. He’s known for shouting out his quote “Can ye move meh?!”
Samuel.L.Jackson, a 5ft Wizard who like to collect all things magical and give no shits about the gold. He left to go in search of magical items. 
Leocan Thero, a 5ft Gunslinger who’s the apprentice of Samuel. His gun is possessed and when it hits something, it hits HARD.
I, Hybrid 
Eli Thompson, a 5ft Elf Druid who loves nature. She has a dog companion called Smudge and casts spells to summon other creatures, her most prominent one being a poison frog called Joey.
Guts, the Head Hunter, a 6ft Berserker who’s dumb as hell. He collects heads from everything he kills as a momento. 
Second game:
The Dweebs - Set in a world of Dragons.
Elrond, a 5ft Sorcerer who died at the hands on Linguini during an infiltration. 
Bilbo Baggins, a 3ft Bard who’s “a sucker for a pretty face” charmed the leader of the enemies, Frulam Mondath.
A druid, I don’t know much about it we never went into details on the character as Bard wanted to kill it off soon as. I can tell you that the character was unsuccessful in their attempts to kill themselves and died to vines instead.
 Leroy, a 5ft Blue Dragon born who’s incredibly dumb but says super smart things. He has a ‘pet’ butterfly called Cal that he talks to.
Linguini, a 5ft Rouge raised by fairies. He’s a shit cook but can convince people to eat his food or that he made what they’re eating. Often dresses up to infiltrate the enemies.
 Jonah, a 5ft Arcarna Ranger who prefers distance to melee. (There’s a joke in the group that Jonah gets off when he shoots things. We rolled for dick size, you can do that in DnD and it works for boobs too, and I got 4 inches making him the smallest of the group so I said he doesn’t need to jack off, he’s perfectly fine shooting things.)
 Davor Greyskull, a 6ft Beserker who doesn’t speak. He uses his shield as a way to communicate, it’s covered in a chalk board type material.
Third game (The one I plan on using as a story):
The Kestrel - Set in a world where people uses ships in the sky.
Torvin, a 5ft Aasimar. He was one of two captains on the Kestrel. 
Bejra, a 4ft Lizard Monk who can only say the word Tasty.  Unless told otherwise everything is worth eating in his eyes. (He’s wise enough to know that tomatoes don’t belong in a fruit salad but he’s not intelligent enough to know why.)
Tilrin, a halfling. Little blind guy who uses an owl to see. He has a stereotypical British accent.
Qorik, a 5ft Illithid who doesn’t know he’s the only one left. He’s now the only captain of the Kestrel and is known to pull some bullshit moves. He can be quite scary when he wants to be. (Think Davy Jones from POTC)
Sylvia, a 5ft Air Genasi Sailor. The first mate of the Kestrel. Quick to boss people around, likes to pull rank. Can be sadistic at times, much to the horror of the crew.
Xena Bacchus, a 4ft Aarakocra Monk. All human except she has wings, bird feet and can’t be understood. She pilots the ship and will be damned if anyone else does it.
Ragnor, a 7ft Golaith Beserker who’s a major pyromaniac. He cam from hell, met a gambling priest who taught him cards and bashed someone’s head in with a table and tavern door just to get them to join the crew. 
Darius, a 7ft Golaith Barbarian who’s as bad as his brother. He also has a druid Totem of the Bear, allowing him to transform into a Bear for a few hours, any damage taken in this form does not go into his human form.
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shadowphoenixrider · 7 years
sigurdjarlson replied to your post: sigurdjarlson replied to your post: ...
That’s the one I want the most too! I also want Onyxia’s drake really bad but no luck </3
I have Onxyia’s drake, but it took me a LOOONG time before she deigned to give it to me. At least she was easier than fucking Kael’thas and his monologuing. my dude just give me a’lar and shut up
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/business/the-mystery-tracks-being-forced-on-your-spotify/
The mystery tracks being 'forced' on your Spotify
Image copyright Spotify
Mysterious musicians have cropped up on Spotify, racking up thousands of listens and (perhaps) hundreds of pounds. It’s a phenomenon that experts say could indicate a security flaw. But while Spotify denies that accounts have been hacked, the music streaming site has not explained how the playlists of some users indicate they’ve “listened to” musicians that nobody’s ever heard of.
They have names like Bergenulo Five, Bratte Night, DJ Bruej and Doublin Night. Apart from being musically unremarkable, they generally have a few things in common: short songs with few or no lyrics, illustrated with generic cover art, and short, non-descriptive song titles.
Interestingly, the bands also have little to no presence on the rest of the internet. At a time when social media plays a crucial role in connecting musicians and audiences, these artists have no fan pages, no concert listings, social media accounts or even photos of the actual musicians.
But somehow these mystery artists and a host of similar acts have snuck into people’s Spotify listening playlists, in some cases racking up thousands of listens and prompting a number of users to speculate that their accounts had been hacked.
Skip Twitter post by @robbiegirl
my spotify was hacked a couple months ago, so to whoever that was – your top sub genre was reggaton flow and your top artist was bergenulo five, my dude
— ᴹᶦˡˡᶦᵉ Robbie ᴮʳᵒʷⁿ (@robbiegirl) December 7, 2018
End of Twitter post by @robbiegirl
Many listeners (including this reporter) never actively searched for or played tracks by bands like Bergenulo Five, but found that their music ended up being logged in their listening history anyway.
The BBC asked Spotify for contact details for the artists in question. They declined, and all of our attempts to contact the bands were met with silence. But within a few days of our query, most of the mystery artists had disappeared from the music streaming site.
Some of the mystery artists who appeared – then disappeared – on Spotify
Bergenulo Five
Hundra Ao
Dj Bruej
Doublin Night
Bratte Night
Do you know anything about them? Email BBC Trending.
Bergenulo Five is a typical – and fairly popular – artist in what might be called the “mysterycore” genre. On Spotify they initially had two albums posted – “Sunshine Here” and “Hit It Now”.
The cover art for each album was simple: the album title in black text over a bright colour. And each album was packed with more than 40 short songs each, most of them just a minute or two long, with no verses or choruses, and mostly one-word titles: Awake, Winter, Coming. Bergenulo Five songs had in total nearly 60,000 streams on Spotify by users of music tracking website Last FM.
Image copyright Spotify
Image caption How the Bergenulo Five’s album ‘Hit It Now’ appeared on Spotify
Reddit, Twitter and Last FM’s fan pages are rife with negative comments from listeners who have noticed that according to their account history, they’ve been “playing” Bergenulo Five songs.
“What is this spam?” wrote one.
“So annoying,” added another.
On Reddit, Callum Dixon wrote: “The same Bergenulo Five keeps being played on my account and I’ve tried everything – changed my password, logged out of everywhere. I can’t stop it!”
Dixon also happens to be a cybersecurity graduate who wrote a thesis on Spotify – and speaking to the BBC, he suggested that something called access tokens had something to do with the sudden spread of mysterycore tracks.
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Access tokens
Access tokens are permissions granted when you use one website or social network to log into another site.
For instance, users can log into Spotify using their Facebook username and password. An electronic access token is granted which links the two accounts, and the method is generally secure.
“This worked brilliantly well, up until the point where the access tokens were breached,” says Tim Mackey of security software company Black Duck.
That’s a reference to a security problem announced by Facebook in September 2018. Initially the company said up to 50m accounts were affected, and people who were potentially caught up in the breach were prompted to re-enter their login details.
Facebook said that they cancelled all access tokens that might have been violated by the breach, thus keeping accounts secure.
But Mackey says that identifying exactly what was taken in the data breach is extremely complicated, and when it comes to cancelling the tokens, “you may end up with a certain small percentage that were missed.”
Facebook insists that all affected tokens were cancelled, and said that they have no evidence that the attackers – who have not been identified – used the tokens to access Spotify or any other sites or apps before September.
Mysterycore artists began cropping up on Spotify in early October 2018, shortly after the access token attack was made public. However, many Spotify users only noticed that their accounts had been logging tracks by the mystery bands later, when the streaming site promoted a widget that allowed users to post a list of their most-listened-to tracks of the year. Some people noticed that bands that they had never heard of, much less listened to, somehow made their personalised list.
Getting on Spotify
So how does a band with few fans and no digital footprint get their music on to Spotify in the first place?
It would have been fairly difficult until recently. Spotify was launched in 2008, and for most of the site’s history, record labels and companies were responsible for getting songs uploaded. But in September 2018, the company relaxed its rules, allowing independent artists to upload tracks to the service directly.
And popular artists are eligible for royalties. Because there are several variables, it’s difficult to calculate exactly how much one listen is worth, but one expert, Mark Mulligan of Midia Research, told BBC Trending radio that Bergenulo Five could have made about $500 to $600 (about £380 to £460) from 60,000 streams.
Hear more about the mystery artists on Spotify
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Spotify would not say whether it actually paid any money to the mystery artists, and did not give any information about who “forced” my account to play music from the Bergenulo Five and others.
“We take the artificial manipulation of streaming activity on our service extremely seriously,” the company said in a statement. “Spotify has multiple detection measures in place monitoring consumption on the service to detect, investigate and deal with such activity.”
Spotify denied that the mystery artists were linked to the Facebook access tokens breach, and underlined the statement from Facebook which said that no third-party accounts had been compromised. At the same time however, Spotify offered no explanation of how user accounts had been “forced” to play mystery tracks. Neither did they detail why the artists in question had their music taken off the site.
And so, in the absence of further disclosures by the company, mysterycore artists like Bergenulo Five will remain – well, a mystery.
Do you know more? Get in touch and let us know.
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crypticzzz · 5 years
Bolvar Lich King Art on Blizzard Gear Shop - Is Shadowlands the Next WoW Expansion?
With the Blink Shopping Sale now live for BlizzCon 2019, intrepid fans have discovered a fine art print of Bolvar, the Lich King, on the Gear Shop site. Does this mean Shadowlands is all-but-confirmed as the next WoW Expansion?
Miquelisme on Twitter noted that if you take the image URL for the fine art Onyxia print, and swap the word "Onxyia" for "Bolvar," the fine art print pops up.
Onxyia: https: Continue reading » source https://www.wowhead.com/news=295873/bolvar-lich-king-art-on-blizzard-gear-shop-is-shadowlands-the-next-wow-expansion
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