#Fort Miley
tita-ferreira · 6 months
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adribosch-fan · 10 months
Yomagate, caso Cóppola y AMIA: los escándalos de Mariano Cúneo Libarona, elegido por Milei como su ministro de Justicia
Por Carlos Forte  Nadie resiste el archivo. Este lunes, tras su victoria en el balotaje contra Sergio Massa, Javier Milei anunció que Mariano Cúneo Libarona será su ministro de Justicia cuando asuma como presidente de la Nación. Se trata de un abogado polémico, que estuvo con frecuencia vinculado a causas con alta exposición mediática, incluso supo defender a Walter Bento. A continuación, los…
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dejuncullen · 1 year
Malibu - Johnny Suh
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Os lábios salgados roubaram-lhe um beijo, ao passo que o sorriso safado surgia em seu rosto tão convencido. O Suh sabia do poder que tinha, era quase impossível resistir aos seus encantos.
Por muitas vezes jurou que o homem era uma espécie de tritão, dado às formas em como ele havia te encantado.
O conheceu na praia, num fim de tarde qualquer em que decidiu caminhar na areia e aproveitar o som do mar. Era a primeira vez em que pisara em um local assim e estava fascinada com tudo, o mar era realmente lindo como todos lhe diziam.
E foi em um desses momentos de apreciação que você o viu nas águas, despontando até que os olhos felinos estivessem a encarando. Ele nadou junto à sua prancha até que estivesse próximo da parte mais rasa, mas você fingiu não ter sido afetada por ele e seguiu caminhando.
Ah, mas o destino é traiçoeiro!
E como em uma cena de um filme romântico qualquer, o seu chapéu fora levado pelo vento forte e caiu justamente nas mãos dele, que sorria como um vencedor. A partir daquele dia tudo mudou, estava cada vez mais apaixonada pelo rapaz e na forma em como ele te cativava a cada palavra dita. Era engraçado, gentil, quente, amoroso... Tudo o que um dia pedira aos céus como presente.
Agora, embalada nos braços fortes, você o abraçava cada vez mais, tentando a todo custo não deixá-lo se afastar de si, estava extremamente necessitada da sua presença. O balanço do mar só melhorava tudo, já que usava isso como desculpa para puxá-lo mais para perto.
— Te amo... — ele soprou as palavras contra a sua boca, espalhando o hálito quente e viciante. Você fechou os olhos para aproveitar a sensação boa que ele lhe trazia, um aconchego sem igual — Te amo muito — tornou a repetir e você sorriu enquanto abaixava a cabeça envergonhada.
Ali, abraçada a ele, você confirmou que não existia outro lugar melhor que aquele. E com o barulho das ondas, o céu tão perfeitamente azul, acompanhado das juras de amor entoadas como uma canção em sua orelha, você se viu mais uma vez perdida nos encantos daquele homem, do seu único e verdadeiro amor.
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seddenostalgia · 1 year
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5/12 dernier jour en Argentine
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Alors que nous sommes en Argentine depuis moins d'une semaine, notre course folle vers Santiago va nous pousser à quitter le pays dès demain. Vu le nombre de contrôles routiers subis par Dr. X, on comprend qu'il ait envie de quitter le pays le plus vite possible.
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Cette belle journée ensoleillée a donc été l'occasion de jouir du train de vie de l'européen moyen en Argentine. On remercie d'ailleurs Javier Milei, le nouveau président élu argentin, qui en plus de faire probablement sombrer son pays permet aux touristes impitoyables que nous sommes de profiter de la dévaluation du pesos.
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Nos activités ont donc consisté à papillonner de boutique en boutique à la recherche de souvenirs authentiques, chose qui visiblement est rare à Mendoza. Plus décevant encore, Touille n'a pu trouver de cartes postales dignes de ce nom car "de nos jours tout le monde utilise les réseaux sociaux"... Reste les vendeurs de vins qui valent pour certains le détour.
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Fort heureusement, un restaurant salvateur a pu consoler ces maigres déconvenues par un steak bien gras et juteux, la viande se révélant même (enfin) meilleure que celle que nous avions déniché au supermarché.
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La majorité des protagonistes ne pouvant passer plus de 48 heures dans une grande ville sans faire une crise d'eczéma, il était déjà grand temps de retourner vers de plus déserts paysages. Nous avons donc fait route vers la frontière, nous arrêtant aux abords du lac Potrerillos, qui offre un beau cadre à notre dernière nuit sous le ciel argentin.
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tveitertotwrites · 6 months
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
Hey! Thanks for the questions! You can't really tell this that much based on the way I answered these, but all of my MC's/OC's are in the same room together doing this interview. The questions are from this ask!
3). What is your favorite childhood memory?
Brooklyn: "My favorite childhood memory is when my siblings (Elizabeth and Parker) and I would do a talent show with our cousins. We each did something different for our own separate sections, I usually did a song or a dance I had been learning for a competition. And since a lot of us were involved in dance and theater due to out parents, at the end we did a big cheesy dance number. It was always very fun and lighthearted and brought all of us closer together."
Claire: "My favorite childhood memory is when my grandmother and I would bake together. It was always so relaxing and it was something that I could do with someone who thought I was important at a time where home was not great."
Adelaide: "My favorite childhood memory is when my twin brother, Atlas, and I shared a room. We were little and while out parents always tried to make sure it was clean, we would always mess it up within like an hour after it was fully cleaned because we would make a big fort or something. It reminds me of when we were closer, not saying that we aren't close now, but there are times where I wish Atlas and I could be little again and making blanket forts and not having to care about the things that we thought was so far away at that time like paying rent and whatever else we didn't have to think about."
Charlie: "My favorite childhood memory is growing up with my siblings and doing the same sports as them. When I was a freshman, my older sister Athena was a senior and my older sister Summer was a junior and we were on the same volleyball team which was fun because I got to play alongside them and cheer them on during their senior nights. I also was on our school's co-ed swim team which I did with my younger brothers, Aaron and Sage, which was also fun because they were very supportive and I felt very proud of them, especially when they did well. Plus, I am the only one in our family to do a school activity with all of my siblings, so I feel like I won a competition or something."
4). Least favorite childhood memory?
Brooklyn: "My least favorite childhood memory was when my dog, Daisy who was a Yorkshire Terrier was ran over by a car. We had just gotten home and were sending out the dogs one at a time because if all 3 of the dogs we had at the time went outside together, it would be too much chaos and we were trying to get our oldest dog, Miley, outside and Daisy just bolted out the door and into the road and she was ran over by a car. She survived thankfully but she did have to have surgery and some casts for a little while but she made it through for a few more years."
Claire: "My least favorite memory is when my grandmother passed away when I was 12. For about a year or so prior to her death, she had been switching back and forth between the hospital and the nursing home due to some complications. And then about a year of hopping between the two, she said, or more likely wrote because she couldn't speak very well in her last couple of months, she had enough and wanted to stay at the nursing home until she passed, which was hard to hear at 11/12 because she is the one who said it and while I don't blame her or anything, it was hard knowing that she did as much as she could and it still wasn't enough."
Adelaide: "My least favorite childhood memory is when my older brother Rowan went off to college. At that time, Atlas and I were only like 7 years old and we had like no perception of time, so what we thought was that he was going to be gone forever but reality it was only a month or two at a time because of breaks and stuff. We also were all very close even though Atlas and I were 11 years younger than Rowan."
Charlie: "My least favorite childhood memory is when I broke both bones in my lower right arm. I was 8 and playing on a swing set when no one was around me at the time and I wanted to stop, so I went to go put my feet on the ground to stop myself. And where the little play set with the swings was placed, it was dirt underneath but there were roots of a nearby tree that kind of stuck out of the ground and my feet got caught by it and I fell and used my arm to break my fall and ended up breaking both of the bones in my lower arm. Which wasn't fun because it was near the start of winter and it was my dominant arm so i couldn't use it and at school when we would do assignments I had to have my teachers write for me."
8). What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Brooklyn: "Probably seeing my family doing theater and dance. They're the reason why I do what I do and I can't thank them enough. I always try to invite them to any event I can and show them appreciation for what they did for me and how I have the privilege to be as successful as I am because of their help."
Claire: "I think what had the biggest impact on me growing up was the favoritism of my younger sister. While I did have my own activities and things like that, I definitely felt my parents always being at everything for my sister. Like if I had something coming up, my parents would 99 percent of the time either had something to do with my sister or would say that they had something with my sister and would go do something else."
Adelaide: "What had the biggest impact on me growing up was growing up with two brothers. Having two brothers was interesting because I was told that doing things for me was vastly different from my two brothers even though I was the same age as one of them. It wasn't a bad thing in my opinion just interesting."
Charlie: "What had a big impact on me growing up was probably being the middle child. I felt like there were times that I was seen as too young or too old to hang out with my siblings at times and since there was 5 of us I felt like everyone had a partner except for me. But I didn't feel like that all the time because of sports and school activities which I am thankful for."
6). What is the hardest thing you have had to do?
Brooklyn: "Probably standing up for myself against people within the industry even though it is very hard. There a lot about the industry that is hidden and comes to light later down the road and it can be scary for anyone, especially those who don't have much power or respect. Trying to make it in the industry, no matter which side, is hard enough for the people who don't already have a way in and then having the added barrier of people only giving you jobs if you sexually satisfy them or satisfy them in a similar way is really frustrating for people who want to come into the industry."
Claire: "The hardest thing I have had to do is the chemical attack. It was during a time when I didn't believe in myself, and there were things going on in my personal life at the time. It was hard knowing what was going on and what people would be going through, such as the families of Bobby and Danny who had died due to what had happened. Knowing that I was partially to blame for it still haunts me to this day, but I am grateful to be around people who support me and care for me after everything."
Adelaide: "The hardest thing I had to do was probably go to med school. It was the first time where I had been away from my family for a while, especially Atlas. He had been going to school on the West Coast while I went to school on the east coast. Undergrad was the hardest as at least with Med School, my best friend Claire (Evans) and I were on the same campus and shared a dorm for our time there and we also went to hospitals within the same area so that part wasn't difficult. Undergrad, I was by myself and knew absolutely no one."
Charlie: "The hardest thing was probably losing my grandparents at a young age. My maternal grandpa and paternal grandma both died due to cancer when I was little and then my paternal grandpa had died prior to my birth. My maternal grandma was also sick during my senior year and died only two months before my graduation which was hard."
13). You have an unlimited budget to build anything you want! What do you build and where do you build it?
Brooklyn: "Well if you asked me when I was little then I probably would have said little dog houses all over the world. But now I would probably say either a theater in my hometown or a women's shelter."
Claire: "Umm... Selfishly I would say another location of my hometown's coffee shop and put it here in Boston. But also free period products, birth control, and help line information for different needs in stations all over the country."
Adelaide: "Yeah. I would also say resource stations around the country. But also I would love to have the view I had in Greece from my room here in Boston but at that point I should just move to Greece instead, it would be a lot cheaper."
Charlie: "I would probably build free donation buildings for good condition clothes. People could donate their clothes that were in good condition and look through other clothes and they could be free."
Any other questions?
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outsidereveries · 1 year
masterlist other celebrities
rules upcoming readings time-cards announcements
here i will add hashtags for almost any readings i've done.
legend: outsidereveries | fikarot
masterlist: games' requests
masterlist: types of readings
masterlists: only soloists and etc. in the korean industry
masterlist: (disbanded) groups in the korean industry
masterlist: korean companies and divisions
anitta | -
ariana grande | -
bad bunny | -
baker mayfield | -
becky g | becky g
bella hadid | -
britney spears | -
camilla cabello | -
camilla morrone | -
chloe x halle | -
christian pulisic | -
christopher nolan | -
cillian murphy | -
conan gray | -
DDG | -
dominik szoboszlai | -
florence pugh | -
francia raisa | -
frédéric arnault | -
gavi | -
gigi hadid | -
hailee steinfeld | -
hailey baldwin (bieber) | -
harry styles | -
hector fort | -
jamal musiala | -
jessica alexander | -
jobe bellingham | -
jonah hauer king | -
jonathan bailey | -
jude bellingham | -
justin bieber | -
justine skye | -
kate middleton | -
katseye | -
kendall jenner | -
kylian mbappé | -
kylie jenner | -
lilly jay | -
lily-rose deep | -
lola tung | -
loreen | -
marc guiu | -
margot robbie | -
matty healy | -
mikey madison | mikey madison
miley cyrus | -
millie bobby brown | -
olivia rodrigo | -
paige bueckers | -
rachel zegler | -
rose hanbury | -
sabrina carpenter | -
sam levinson | -
selena gomez | -
sydney sweeney | -
taylor swift | -
timothée chalamet | -
the weeknd | -
tori kelly | -
travis kelce | -
troye sivan | -
vcha | -
william, prince of wales | -
zayn (malik) | -
zendaya | -
tv series/shows/films/etc
avatar | -
barbie | -
princess diaries | -
scream | -
the simpsons | -
uefa champion league | -
jean-luc mélenchon | -
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lingeringscars · 9 months
spell out your url using song titles. then, tag as many people as there are letters in your url. (or just tag however many people you want :D)
L- long live by taylor swift I- in too deep by sum 41 N- never too late by three days grace G- graveyard by halsey E- everywhere i go by hollywood undead R- remember the name by fort minor I- it was always you by daisy jones (riley kenough) N- numb by linkin park G- good girl by carrie underwood S- scream by troy bolton (zac efron) in high school musical 3 C- can you hear me by munn A- all you wanted by michelle branch R- renegade by styx S- see you again by miley cyrus
tagged by: @ownmidnight-bye
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moonperished · 1 year
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Lee Kitae: A Playlist
Second Hand Love - Cassadee Pope
"My heart has no pride standing here Good thing I can take the tears Sew you up as I'm tearing at the seams It's so good yeah while it lasts Go ahead and strike the match Burn me down make ashes out of me I breathe you in, breathe you in, like my first cigarette Breathe you out, breathe you out, turning off the regret Don't worry baby cause it's all my fault I'll take the parts that she doesn't want Breathe you in, breathe you in, take the spark with the smoke Breathe you out, breathe you out, feel the rush as I choke I know it's worth it baby even if it's just secondhand, secondhand love"
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
"In the winter, in the icy outdoor pool When you jumped in first, I went in too I'm with you even if it makes me blue Which takes me back To the color that we painted your brother's wall Honey, without all the exes, fights, and flaws We wouldn't be standing here so tall, so Kiss you once 'cause I know you had a long night Kiss you twice 'cause it's gonna be alright Three times 'cause you waited your whole life I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings"
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
"So cut the headlights, summer's a knife I'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes And if I bleed, you'll be the last to know I'm drunk in the back of the car And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh) Said, "I'm fine, " but it wasn't true I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you And I snuck in through the garden gate Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh) And I screamed for whatever it's worth "I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?"
Violet Chemistry - Miley Cyrus
"Stay awhile, stay awhile with me Stay awhile, don't deny the violet chemistry Stay awhile, stay awhile with me Stay awhile, put your arms around me Put them around me Fingers start to dance along the figures and the shapes Mixing all the colors like we're making a Monet There's something between us that's too major to ignore May not be eternal but nocturnal nothing more"
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) - Taylor Swift
"They say all's well that ends well, but I'm in a new Hell Every time you double-cross my mind You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would have been fine And that made me want to die The idea you had of me, who was she? A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you Not weeping in a party bathroom Some actress asking me what happened, you That's what happened, you You who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes Sipping coffee like you're on a late-night show But then he watched me watch the front door all night, willing you to come And he said, "It's supposed to be fun turning twenty-one""
Mamacita - Chase Atlantic
"Kind face with a cruel heart She can do it better than a pornstar She don’t carry no more xan bars She can work that product on her lonesome Look her in the eyes and go insane She been kicking shit, get out the fucking way She can take away all of the pain MAMACITA there is nothing left to say"
Call it What You Want To - Taylor Swift
"And I know I make the same mistakes every time Bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right I did one thing right I'm laughin' with my lover, makin' forts under covers Trust him like a brother, yeah, you know I did one thing right Starry eyes sparkin' up my darkest night My baby's fit like a daydream Walkin' with his head down, I'm the one he's walkin' to So call it what you want, yeah, call it what you want to"
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firecroft · 2 years
Vegard Ylvisåker: − Jeg ble flau av det
I begynnelsen skygget Vegard Ylvisåker litt unna. Nå takler han kjendislivet på en litt annen måte, men det er en risiko han ikke lenger vil ta.
 Publisert: 03.10.22 kl. 16:51
 – Det eneste jeg tenker på, er om jeg skulle ha gjort ting annerledes. At vi kunne smidd mer mens jernet var varmt på noen ting, sier Vegard Ylvisåker (43) og skjenker seg et glass Pepsi Max.
I år er det 22 år siden han og broren Bård (40) fikk sitt humorgjennombrudd som Ylvis.
– Jeg synes ikke at det kjennes som om tiden har flydd. Det er lenge siden 2000, sier Vegard når vi møter ham på en kafé på Grünerløkka i Oslo.
«Ylvis – en kabaret» ble til etter at Peter Brandt oppdaget Bård i en forestilling på Fana Skoleteater.
– Vi hadde aldri noe mål om å lykkes. Det som er digg med det, er at det aldri har kjentes som et usunt jag.
I 2004 solgte guttene billetter for nærmere fem millioner kroner til forestillingen «Ylvis en konsert» i Tønsberg. TV-karrieren skøyt fart da brødrene ledet «Norges herligste» på TVNorge fra 2007. Den voksende kjendisstatusen gjorde Vegard ubekvem.
– Jeg skygget litt unna oppmerksomheten i begynnelsen. Jeg ble flau av det. Nå har jeg funnet ut at om noen vil komme bort og ta bilde, må jeg bare si ja og være hyggelig, ikke late som om det ikke er reelt.
Fremdeles kan han synes det er litt ubehagelig å være på røde løpere og hilse på kjendiser han ikke kjenner.
– Det er litt som å møte en gammel bekjent i Syden. Det er rart å si hei, men det er rarere å ikke si hei. Hvis jeg sier hei til Marius Borg Høiby på en premiere, sier jeg underforstått til ham at «du vet sikkert hvem jeg er». Det synes jeg er ubehagelig.
Internasjonal suksess
Brødrene Ylvisåker har ledet en rekke programmer, og da de lanserte musikkvideoen «What Does the Fox Say?» på «I kveld med Ylvis» september 2013, fikk de dessuten enorm internasjonal oppmerksomhet.
I løpet av en måned hadde videoen over 100 millioner visninger og endte med å bli årets mest spilte på YouTube i 2013. Nå er videoen spilt én milliard ganger.
– Den internasjonale suksessen kom brått på. Det var surrealistisk og veldig uventet. Det var ikke noe vi hadde jobbet for, så det var litt gøy at det skjedde på den måten.
I kjølvannet av «Fox»-suksessen gjestet de blant annet «The Ellen DeGeneres Show», et av USAs største talkshow.
– Jeg husker at vi besøkte henne i garderoben før sending. Hun spilte veldig høy musikk. Litt som Era fra 90-tallet. Sånn munkemusikk med beats, humrer han. Duoen takket ja til å være med på skjult kamera sammen med Hollywood-stjernen.
– Vi gjemte oss i en bås på dass med revemasker. Når det kom inn folk på toalettet, åpnet vi døren og sang. Opptaket tok under ti minutter. Det var litt rart for oss som var vant til at en hel dag kunne gå bort i teknisk kål.
 Møtte Hollywood-stjerner
Like etter opptrådte Ylvis på iHeartRadio-festivalen på MGM Grand i Las Vegas med stjerner som Elton John, Katy Perry og Drake.
– Alle fikk store garderobe-trailerer. Side om side sto «P. Diddy» og «Ylvis» sine trailere. Manageren vår og jeg sto og så på trommesettet til Queen som var utstilt. Ved siden av oss var det noen flere fyrer som beundret trommene. Senere viser det seg at det var Muse som sto der. Så kom Drake gående med entouraget sitt. «Hey guys», sa han til oss. Da tenkte jeg: «Hva faen er vi med på egentlig».
Bård og Vegard deltok også på European Music Awards samme år.
– Vi går inn der og er helt ukjent blant alle artistene som kjenner hverandre. Så nærmer det seg at vi skal på scenen, så vi tar på revedraktene. Da forandrer alt seg. Jeg kjenner at noen hopper opp på ryggen min. Det er Miley Cyrus som sitter der og synger på sangen vår!
 – Var det godt å kunne reise tilbake til «vesle Norge» når alt stormet som verst?
– På den tiden lekte vi med tanken på å prøve oss i USA, men det tok ikke så lang tid før vi kjente på hvor godt det er å bo i Norge. Drømmen om Hollywood går fort over. Det er mye bedre vær der, da. Men når været er det jeg nevner, er kanskje ikke grunnlaget til stede for å flytte, sier han og ler.
– Ikke så mye sammen på fritiden
– Noen har brødre de ikke klarer seg uten, andre brødre de ikke klarer å være sammen med. Jeg tror jeg er midt imellom, forteller Vegard.
– Hvordan vil du beskrive Bård?
– Det er sammensatt å beskrive ham. Vi er like på mye, men også veldig ulike. Han er veldig opptatt av komfort og å være varm. Der er vi fysiologisk forskjellige. Vi er begge glade i å oppleve mye forskjellig, og vi blir nok aldri lei av livet!
Med intense innspillingsperioder får søsknene dekket det sosiale behovet seg imellom.
– Vi er ikke så mye sammen på fritiden. Det blir mest bursdager og konfirmasjoner. Det var veldig greit å være på «71 grader nord» uten bror også, forteller Vegard.
Han er en av årets profiler som kjemper om tittelen Norges tøffeste kjendis».
– Jeg har faktisk hatt lyst til å delta i «71 grader nord» helt siden jeg så første sesong i 1999. Da satt jeg i befalsmessen i militæret og så på det. Jeg er veldig glad i å gå tur, det var derfor jeg var i forsvaret. Jeg ble lønnet for å gå tur langsmed grensen i et halvt år.
 Deltar i realityserie
Han beskriver deltagelsen som å gå på en tastingmeny på en Michelin-restaurant uten å måtte betale.
– Det var helt fantastisk. Spektakulære turer som andre hadde lagt opp og som jeg ikke måtte betale for. Samtidig var det slitsomt også. Skulle jeg gjort det privat, hadde jeg tatt det litt roligere, samt ikke vært ute og gått i drittvær.
Vegard er ikke i tvil om hva det var han fryktet mest før oppholdet.
– Jeg var mest redd for det sosiale. Hvordan skulle jeg klare å komme overens med så mange forskjellige personer? Jeg hadde ikke lyst til å «klikke» på TV, så jeg var redd jeg måtte moderere meg for å unngå det, men det trengte jeg ikke. Det fungerte helt fint.
– Hva overrasket deg mest med deg selv?
– At jeg kunne bli så sterkt knyttet til andre mennesker på kort tid. Jeg har alltid sett på sånne reality-greier som stusslige, og det er det sikkert fortsatt, selv om jeg har blitt utsatt for det, gliser han og fortsetter:
– Vi var så tett og intenst sammen, så når en person dro hjem, gikk det mye mer inn på meg enn jeg skulle tro.
– Får vi se tårer på TV?
– Ja, det får du. Men jeg røper ikke årsaken. Kanskje det er en stor stein på tåa?
Trivdes i militæret
– Jeg føler at jeg kom meg gjennom det uten å fremstå feil, men guarden forsvant fort. Jeg var nedbrutt fysisk og på noen tidspunkt tenkte jeg bare på eksistens.
Han tenker seg om et kort øyeblikk.
– Jeg tok av meg på overkroppen der det kanskje ikke var naturlig, men jeg orket ikke å være så varm. Det gruer jeg meg til å se på TV.
Vegard ser bort på en gruppe med eldre som er ute på tur med rullatorene sine.
– Det handler bare om å komme seg ut på tur. Formen blir ikke bedre. Jeg hadde vondt «histen og pisten» før jeg dro, men det gikk veldig fint.
Ylvis-profilen tror hans halvannet år i militæret var med på å stramme ham opp mentalt før voksenlivet.
– Jeg lærte mye om meg selv og egne grenser. Når du føler du er i kjelleren, er du bare halvveis i kjelleren. Det er ganske jævlig å få høre. Det var ingenting på «71» som kom i nærheten av militæret.
Han humrer når han forteller en historie fra tiden ute i felt.
– 1200 soldater skulle bli til 150. Øvelsen var helt jævlig, og jeg hadde bestemt meg for å gi meg. Jeg så ned på eksemen på hendene og tenkte at jeg like gjerne fikk bli potetskreller. Etter at vi var ferdige med å pusse våpnene, var det felles middag i messen. Kompanisjefen holdt en tale der han sa at vi var «the shit». At vi hadde klart det. Det gikk rett til hjertet på meg og jeg følte meg spesiell. Jeg bestemte meg for å bli. Jeg hadde blitt flau om jeg hadde hørt talen nå, men det funket.
 Utdannet pilot
Det få kanskje vet, er at Vegard er utdannet pilot. De siste årene har han derimot ikke våget seg ut på flytur.
– Jeg har lagt flygingen litt på hyllen. Det er ikke realistisk å drive med det. Det går både på tidsmangel og at det er en risiko ved aktiviteten. Det er et faremoment ved det. Skal jeg risikere at noen andre skal miste meg for det?
TV-profilen har vært gift med kona Helene Helgesen Ylvisåker siden 2011, og sammen har de tre barn i alderen åtte til 15 år.
På grunn av Vegards lange innspillingsperioder og mye reising i jobben, har Helene vært hjemmeværende siden barna var små.
– Nå begynner ungene å bli så store at det er enklere, men det har vært en kabal som må gå opp hele tiden. Vi er en familiebusiness som gjør det som er best for familien.
Hjemme i huset på Ormøya i Oslo drømmer han om et stort verksted der han kan mekke på ting eller bygge noe, men enn så lenge nøyer han seg med YouTube.
– Jeg er interessert i så mye forskjellig, og da er det fint å kunne se på videoer for å få et innblikk i andres liv.
 Afrikansk barndom
I oppveksten bodde familien Ylvisåker i Afrika i to perioder, først i Mosambik, så i Angola.
– Jeg skulle ønske at jeg kunne tilby mine barn å bo i utlandet i en periode. Vi fikk oppleve veldig mye. Jeg var syv år da vi flyttet til Afrika første gang.
– Hvordan tror du årene i Afrika har vært med på å forme deg?
– Jeg tror kanskje det har vært med på å gjøre meg mer tolerant, sier han og utdyper:
– Likevel var det en del stereotypier som ble underbygget av europeerne som kom ned. Vi er mennesker som har med oss vår trygghet hjemmefra, og så dømmer vi de andre som lever et helt annet liv.
For noen år siden var Bård og Vegard tilbake i Mosambik for å besøke sin far. – Vi hadde bare 22 timer der, men det var veldig fint. Barneskolen vår hadde krympet noe vanvittig da, sier han spøkefullt.
De møtte også gamle kjente under besøket. På vei hjem fra besøket, sa faren at han var stolt av sønnene.
– Jeg lurte veldig på hva det var han siktet til, men det viste seg at han var imponert over at vi våget å snakke så jævlig dårlig portugisisk. Sammen følte vi oss trygge. He, he.
 Vegard Ylvisåker (43)
Kjent som: Programleder og artist.
Sivilstatus: Gift med Helene Helgesen Ylvisåker.
Aktuell med: «71 grader nord – Norges tøffeste kjendis»
Hører på: Jeg hører mye på podkaster. Jeg er veldig glad i de gode, gamle «Radioresepsjonen»-gutta. Det er også digg å slå på radioen og bare bli foret med det som kommer.
Ser på: Det kommer på om det er alene eller sammen med konemor. Sammen med henne ser jeg på «Game of Thrones». Jeg ser bare på dokumentarer på YouTube. Gjerne romfart og vitenskapsting. I det siste har det gått mye i sjøslag fra Andre verdenskrig.
Smaker på: Mat og drikke. Vi har ikke noe spesielt i helgene, men ungene er veldig glade i tacofredag og pizza på lørdag.
Reiser til: Jeg kan tenke meg å seile eller padle mellom noen sydhavsøyer.
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schoje · 5 days
Foto: Roberto Zacarias / SECOM A vice-governadora Marilisa Boehm assumiu na noite desta quarta-feira, 18, o comando do Estado. A transmissão do cargo ocorreu em Florianópolis, no Centro Administrativo. Ela substitui interinamente o governador Jorginho Mello, que se licenciou das funções até o dia 30. “Estou me licenciando sem remuneração. A missão estará com a Mari neste momento, pois eu confio nela e ela, sem sombra de dúvida, seguirá no nosso grande trabalho. Ela é uma mulher forte e guerreira e novamente dará conta do recado”, afirmou o governador. “Mais uma vez assumo o Governo do Estado com muita responsabilidade e compromisso. Como sempre, vou cuidar de Santa Catarina com os mesmos valores e princípios do amigo e parceiro de trabalho Jorginho Mello”, comentou a governadora em exercício. Esta é a terceira vez que Marilisa assume o Governo. A primeira ocorreu no início de dezembro de 2023, quando Jorginho viajou em missão oficial para a Argentina, onde tratou, em Buenos Aires, de assuntos de interesse de Santa Catarina e participou da posse do presidente eleito Javier Milei. Em 17 de fevereiro de 2024 ela voltou a assumir o cargo por uma semana, enquanto o governador realizou uma missão oficial em Dubai, nos Emirados Árabes. Mais informações:Jornalista Alessandro BonassoliAssessoria de ComunicaçãoGabinete da Vice-governadora(48) 9-9919-8372 / (48) 3665-2186E-mail: [email protected] Fonte: Governo SC
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redebcn · 2 months
Brasil assume custódia da embaixada argentina na Venezuela
O presidente da Argentina, Javier Milei, agradeceu “enormemente” ao Brasil por ter assumido a custódia das instalações da embaixada argentina na Venezuela, uma vez que seus diplomatas foram obrigados a deixar o país pelo regime de Nicolás Maduro. Em mensagem publicada em sua conta na rede social X, Milei destacou os “laços de amizade” entre Argentina e Brasil, que “são muito fortes e históricos”,…
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lakelandg · 2 months
Polk County Sheriff: Fort Meade Woman Arrested For Using Diner Patron’s Credit Card Info
A 28-year-old Fort Meade woman, Kellyn Miley, was arrested on July 23rd for allegedly using a diner patron’s credit card information to make a fraudulent online food order. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) investigation began when the victim received a notification of a $55 transaction at a local diner she had not made. The diner’s owner confirmed that Kellyn Miley, a former employee,…
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matbenetti17 · 3 months
Daisy Town: Miley
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🦦General Information🌾
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Species: Otter
State: Alive
Sexuality: Demisexual
Height: 1.83m (6')
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Aqua
Outfit: Red chemise, white tank top, jean shorts and brown boots              
Accessories: Brown belt and cowboy hat
Affiliation(s): Fort Branch (birthplace), Daisy Town
Occupation(s): Farmer
Marital status: Single
Relations: Ting-Ting Fei Ling (bestfriend), Jackson Randal (crush), Josephine Alcott (friend), Dawn Redwood (friend), Pamela Ramirez (friend)
🦦Some fun facts🌾
-She was a volunteer nurse at the aeronautical academy, where Roddy studied, with: Dawn, Pam, Jo, Ting and Kylee
-She and Ting are best friends
-She has a crush a Jack
Her name comes from Miley Cyrus.
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tourporlaindiaseo · 3 months
Delhi Travel Packages Through Tour Por la India Enterprise introductory India's capital city, Delhi, is rich in culture and history and offers a unique fusion of historic sites, vibrant markets, and contemporary attractions. With Tour Por la India Company, Delhi Travel Packages which is well-known for its extensive tour packages and top-notch service, discover this energetic city.
Historical and Cultural Points of Interest Delhi is home to many famous sites that highlight its rich history, including the Red Fort, which is a reminder of India's Mughal past, the imposing Qutub Minar, the tranquil Humayun's Tomb, and the stately Jama Masjid. A glimpse into Delhi's glorious past can be found at each location.
Highlights of Modern Delhi See the modern side of Delhi by going to the serene Lotus Temple, known for its stunning architecture, the majestic India Gate war memorial, and the spiritual Akshardham Temple, which provides insights into Indian culture and spirituality.
Specialty Tours Available The Por la India Company offers specialist excursions that appeal to a wide range of interests. These include heritage walks through Old Delhi's historic, winding streets and evening trips that highlight the city's exciting nightlife and its delicious food and cultural events.
Why Select India Tour Company? With years of experience and a thorough awareness of Delhi's cultural fabric, Tour Por la India Company guarantees a flawless travel encounter. World travelers have praised their personalized service and competent advisors.
Procedure for Booking Tour Por la India Company offers easy and quick tour booking. Go to their website, pick from a variety of tour packages catered to varying tastes and price ranges, then make your reservation by following simple instructions. Planning is hassle-free thanks to clear pricing and comprehensive inclusions.
Journey Advice For favorable weather, try to visit Delhi in the cooler months of October through March. Bring along easy-to-wear attire for shopping and touring. For a hassle-free and great trip, abide by safety precautions and honor regional traditions.
Consumer Perspective Visitors frequently compliment Tour Por la India Company on their kind staff, well-planned tours, and unforgettable experiences discovering Delhi's many sights. Reviews emphasize how dedicated the business is to both cultural immersion and client happiness.
In conclusion Tour Por la India Company's tour packages for Delhi provide an educational trip through modernity, culture, and history. Delhi offers an amazing experience whether you're drawn to its energetic markets, historic buildings, or spiritual sites.
Do the tour packages include dinners? Each package includes different meals. When making a reservation, details are given.
Is it possible for me to change the schedule of my tour? Indeed, the Tour Por la India Company provides individually tailored tour schedules to accommodate each person's interests and preferences.
What kind of weather does Delhi get? Delhi has warm summers and moderate winters. October through March, when the weather is cooler, is the ideal time to come.
During the tours, is there transportation provided? In order to ensure comfort and convenience during touring, transportation is usually included in trip packages.
Exist guides who speak English? Absolutely, you can have enlightening tours and a more enjoyable experience with Delhi's sights from guides who speak English.
Renowned Argentine economist and politician José Luis Espert, also referred to as Milei, is well-known for his unconventional approach to economics and politics as well as his vocal libertarian viewpoints. Milei (born November 27, 1970) is a Buenos Aires native who has become well-known for opposing government interventionism and supporting free markets and individual liberty.
Following his graduation from the University of Belgrano with a degree in economics, Milei went on to the National University of La Plata to pursue a PhD. Before turning to political commentary and public activism, he worked as a scholar and lecturer with a focus on macroeconomics and economic history.
He gained notoriety for his unrelenting criticism of Argentina's economic policies, which he saw as characterized by high taxes, excessive government control, and unsustainable public spending. Milei is a fervent supporter of free-market solutions to promote economic growth and prosperity, and she advocates against increased government intervention in the economy.
Milei has gained notoriety for his unorthodox public character, which extends beyond economics. He frequently appears in media with a unique hairdo and colorful vocabulary. His strong social media following allows him to interact directly with both admirers and detractors, spreading his libertarian ideology and upending conventional political narratives.
Milei's impact on Argentine politics has grown in recent years. In order to establish himself as a contender in the 2021 parliamentary elections, he founded La Libertad Avanza, or Freedom Advances. In order to boost Argentina's flagging economy, his campaign pledged to eliminate red tape, lower taxes, and encourage entrepreneurship.
Despite Milei's recent political inception, he has had a significant influence on Argentine popular opinion. He is still seen as a divisive figure, with supporters applauding him for taking a daring stand against economic conventional wisdom and detractors criticizing him for having ideas that are either too radical or too unrealistic to tackle the nation's complex problems.
To summarize, Milei, also known as José Luis Espert, has become a controversial figure in Argentine politics and economics by promoting libertarian values and refuting accepted beliefs about the role of the government and economic governance.
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newstfionline · 4 months
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Summer 2023 Was the Northern Hemisphere’s Hottest in 2,000 Years, Study Finds (NYT) The summer of 2023 was exceptionally hot. Scientists have already established that it was the warmest Northern Hemisphere summer since around 1850, when people started systematically measuring and recording temperatures. Now, researchers say it was the hottest in 2,000 years, according to a new study published in the journal Nature that compares 2023 with a longer temperature record across most of the Northern Hemisphere. The study goes back to the year A.D. 1, using evidence from tree rings. The average temperature from June through August 2023 was 2.20 degrees Celsius warmer than the average summer temperature between the years 1 and 1890, according to the researchers’ tree ring data.
A wildfire has forced out hundreds of residents in Canada’s oil sands hub of Fort McMurray (AP) Hundreds of residents in four neighborhoods in the southern end of Canada’s oil sand hub of Fort McMurray, Alberta, were ordered to evacuate with a wildfire threatening the community, authorities said Tuesday. Fort McMurray has a population of about 68,000, and a wildfire there in 2016 destroyed 2,400 homes and forced more than 80,000 people to flee.
Trade Frictions (NYT) U.S. President Joe Biden unveiled a new slew of U.S. tariffs on Chinese imports on Tuesday. The White House cited “unacceptable risks” posed by Beijing flooding the global market with cheap products. Around $18 billion of imported goods will be affected, including electric vehicles, semiconductors, steel and aluminum, critical minerals, medical products, and solar panels. Beijing immediately vowed retaliation. “This action will seriously impact the atmosphere of bilateral cooperation,” the Chinese Commerce Ministry said. Biden’s announcement signals the latest escalation in a trade war that began under Trump and has since become a key campaign issue ahead of the November U.S. presidential election.
‘Nightmare scenario’ forecast calls for significant flooding in already-soaked Texas and Gulf Coast states (AP) Rounds of fierce storms and gushing rainfall are raising the risk of dangerous flooding late this week for millions in the already-waterlogged South. Double-digit rainfall totals between 20 and 30 inches over the region in recent weeks have soaked the ground and left rivers swollen, priming the flood threat to extreme levels. More widespread heavy rain Thursday and Friday is only going to make matters worse. The forecast calling for extreme rainfall rates and repeated rounds of storms is creating a “nightmare scenario” for the Gulf Coast, according to the Weather Prediction Center. “Significant and considerable flash flooding is likely as a result, as multiple inches of rain fall in a matter of a few hours.” A Level 3 of 4 risk of excessive rainfall that could trigger flash flooding is in place from eastern Texas, through Louisiana and into western Mississippi Thursday, according to the WPC.
Argentina reports its first single-digit inflation in 6 months as costs hit home (AP) Argentina’s monthly inflation rate eased sharply to a single-digit rate in April for the first time in half a year, data released Tuesday showed, a closely watched indicator that bolsters President Javier Milei’s severe austerity program aimed at fixing the country’s troubled economy. Prices rose at a rate of 8.8% last month, the Argentine government statistics agency reported, down from a monthly rate of 11% in March and well below a peak of 25% last December, when Milei became president with a mission to combat Argentina’s dizzying inflation, among the highest in the world. Although praised by the International Monetary Fund and cheered by market watchers, Milei’s cost-cutting and deregulation campaign has squeezed families whose money has plummeted in value while the cost of nearly everything has skyrocketed. “People are in pain,” said 23-year-old Augustin Perez, a supermarket worker in the suburbs of Buenos Aires who said his rent had soared by 90% since Milei deregulated the real estate market and his electricity bill had nearly tripled since the government slashed subsidies. “They say things are getting better, but how? I don’t understand.”
France prison van attack: Huge manhunt after prison officers killed in ambush (BBC) A search is underway in northern France for armed assailants who killed two prison officers and wounded three others in an ambush on a prison van, freeing a 30-year-old inmate and drug dealer known as “The Fly.” The incident marks the first time on-duty prison workers have been killed in France since 1992. The prison van was transporting inmate Mohamed Amra from a courthouse to a jail in the Normandy region when the hooded assailants—arriving in two vehicles—rammed into the van near an expressway toll booth and opened fire. The ambush came the same day a French Senate committee report found drug-related crimes are spreading across France, igniting gang wars.
Slovakian prime minister in life-threatening condition after being shot (Bloomberg) Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico suffered life-threatening injuries after being shot multiple times in public, the first assassination attempt on a European leader in more than two decades and an incident that underscores the deep polarization in the country. Fico, 59, was rushed to the hospital and remains in “very serious” condition following an attack by a 71-year-old man during an appearance away from the capital.
Russia Detains Senior General, Widening Military Purge (NYT) Russian security agents detained a senior general early Tuesday, widening a purge of the country’s sprawling Defense Ministry amid President Vladimir V. Putin’s broader shake-up of his government. Lt. Gen. Yuri Kuznetsov, who oversaw the ministry’s personnel department, was detained on an accusation of “large-scale” bribery, Russia’s Investigative Committee, a federal law enforcement agency, said in a statement on Tuesday. His detention came after Mr. Putin unexpectedly removed his long-serving defense minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, from his post and replaced him with a member of his economic team.
Singapore’s Riches Grew Under Its Leader. So Did Discontent. (NYT) Singapore was once known as an affluent and strait-laced city-state. Today, it’s a glitzy international destination. It has hosted Taylor Swift concerts and Formula One night races. And it is substantially richer, per capita, than the United States. That transformation happened under Lee Hsien Loong, the Southeast Asian country’s third prime minister. He made Singapore even more prosperous by largely following the semi-authoritarian and free-market model pioneered by his father, Lee Kuan Yew, the country’s first leader. On Wednesday, Singapore gets a new leader for the first time in nearly 20 years. Mr. Lee, 72, is handing the office to his deputy, Lawrence Wong, 51. Their People’s Action Party has governed Singapore continuously for over six decades, and has had astounding successes. But there are concerns that the vaunted “Singapore model” is failing more and more people. Singapore is one of the most expensive cities in the world, but it does not have a minimum wage. Housing prices have surged, and many Singaporeans say social mobility has dropped considerably. Others complain that freedom of expression is still tightly controlled, if less so than before. The strains are exacerbated by the need for overseas workers; about 40 percent of Singapore’s nearly six million people are not citizens.
France imposes emergency in Pacific territory of New Caledonia as violent unrest turns deadly (AP) France announced Wednesday it is imposing a state of emergency in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia for at least 12 days, boosting security forces’ powers to quell deadly unrest that has left four people dead. The emergency measures will give authorities greater powers to tackle the violence, including the possibility of house detention for people deemed a threat to public order and expanded powers to conduct searches, seize weapons and restrict movements, with possible jail time for violators. France’s government also rushed hundreds of police reinforcements to the island, where pro-independence supporters have long pushed to break free from France. The Interior Ministry said 500 additional officers were expected on the archipelago to bolster 1,800 police and gendarmes already there. More than 300 people have been injured since Monday, when protests over voting changes pushed by Paris turned violent.
Overlooking a dark history, tech companies are flocking to the Middle East (Washington Post) Two years ago, Andrew Feldman couldn’t find Abu Dhabi on a map. But like many Silicon Valley leaders, the artificial intelligence entrepreneur has been wooed by the promise of Middle Eastern partnership and money. He’s among a generation of tech founders and investors quietly pilgrimaging to the sovereign wealth funds of the gulf states, pursuing deals with authoritarian regimes. Some tech entrepreneurs and venture firms once shunned Middle Eastern funding. But Middle Eastern money has become the most powerful geopolitical force in the tech industry virtually overnight. “The Khashoggi era is over,” said a prominent venture capitalist. “Everyone I talk to is either going to or coming back from the UAE—the same way we used to swing by Sand Hill Road,” said Feldman, referring to the street that’s home to Silicon Valley’s storied venture capital firms.
U.N. staff member killed in attack on car marked with U.N. flag in Rafah (Washington Post) A U.N. staff member employed by the U.N. Department of Safety and Security was killed Monday while traveling in a U.N. vehicle from Rafah. He was Waibhav Anil Kale, 46, an Indian national who began working as a U.N. security service coordinator in Gaza last month. The shots that killed him “came from a tank in the area,” a spokesman for the U.N. Secretary General said, noting that only Israel operates tanks in Gaza. The car was marked with a U.N. flag, and Israeli authorities had been informed of its movements.
Biden advances $1 billion in arms for Israel amid Rafah tensions (Washington Post) The Biden administration informally notified congressional committees that it planned to move forward with more than $1 billion in weapons deals for Israel, U.S. officials familiar with the matter said. It’s a major transfer of lethal aid that comes a week after the White House paused a single shipment of bombs because of concerns over the immense civilian toll of a planned offensive in Rafah. The decision underscores the administration’s reluctance to defy pro-Israel donors in the Democratic Party who criticized Biden’s decision to withhold the weapons shipment. It’s also another indication that attacks by Republicans asserting that Biden had imposed an “arms embargo” on Israel bore little connection to reality.
For Netanyahu, Gaza’s ‘day after’ must wait (Washington Post) Israel Defense Forces chief of staff Herzl Halevi has bemoaned Netanyahu’s lack of commitment to a “day after” plan in the Gaza Strip that would help reckon with the security and political vacuum in the war-ravaged territory. Halevi echoed the frustrations of many Israeli security officials, who see Hamas fighters resuming operations in areas of Gaza where they were supposed to have been neutralized. “As long as there’s no diplomatic process to develop a governing body in the Strip that isn’t Hamas, we’ll have to launch campaigns again and again in other places to dismantle Hamas’s infrastructure,” Halevi was quoted by Israel news network Channel 13 as saying during private meetings over the weekend. “It will be a Sisyphean task.” Netanyahu and others in his right-wing camp have vowed the total defeat of Hamas and the dismantling of its military infrastructure. But a growing body of experts, as well as senior diplomats, doubt that Hamas can be fully vanquished—and fear the excruciating toll exacted on Gaza’s civilian population as Israel attempts to do so. “Right now, we are in a status of almost a stalemate,” Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said Tuesday in reference to the rounds of indirect talks that his and other governments attempted to mediate between Israel and Hamas. “There is no clarity of how to stop the war from the Israeli side,” Mohammed pointedly added, while warning that the scale of destruction in the territory was so vast that it could lay the grounds for a “new wave of radicalization” if not enough is done to rebuild and invest in Gaza.
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