#Fortified Rice Kernels
amoliinternational · 20 days
Why is Fortified Rice considered healthier than regular rice?
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Fortified rice is considered more healthy than regular rice because it contains essential nutrients that are often lacking in our diets. Iron, folic acid, zinc and other vitamins and minerals are added to Fortified Rice Kernels which upgrade general health and fight malnutrition.
Whether it’s Basmati rice or non-basmati rice, fortification ensures that these vital nutrients are evenly distributed throughout each grain. On the other hand regular rice, fortified rice supports better immunity and prevents deficiencies, making it a smarter choice for families.
For the best quality Basmati rice and non basmati rice enriched with fortified rice kernels, contact Amoli International the best Rice exporters in India.
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efraclab · 2 months
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FSSAI India has made it mandatory to use its methods for Testing Fortified Rice & Rice Kernel. EFRAC Lab, we're at the forefront, offering specialized testing services tailored for the rice industry.
Meet us at BIOFACH INDIA from 03-05 August 2024, where we'll be showcasing our expertise. This is your opportunity to meet our team and discover how we can ensure compliance and quality for your products.
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karolinedgmachinery · 3 months
nutrional rice extrusion machine FRK fortified rice kernels plant artifi...
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eurofinsindia · 6 months
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Congratulations to the entire Eurofins Team on achieving satisfactory Z-Scores in the PT round for Iron, Vitamin B9, and B12 in Vitamin Mineral Premix for fortified rice kernel (FRK), conducted by FSSAI-AOAC (India section).   To get your products tested with Eurofins Analytical Services, click here: https://www.eurofins.in/food-testing
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farelabsgurgaon · 1 year
All You Need To Know About Fortified Rice Kernels (FRKs).
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Recently, the term FRK has taken the food industry across the globe by storm. You must wonder what exactly we are talking about when we say FRKs and how is it important for companies and the masses to know about it. Let’s dive in and clear the doubts once and for all. Fortified rice kernels are an essential tool in the fight against malnutrition and related diseases, especially in developing countries. Fortified rice kernels are rice grains that have been enriched with essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and vitamin A, which are commonly deficient in many regions around the world. These micronutrients are crucial for healthy growth and development, particularly for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
However, ensuring that the fortification of rice kernels is done correctly and that the rice grains are fortified at optimal levels is critical. That is where testing services come in. Testing services play a crucial role in ensuring that the fortified rice kernels meet the required standards and are safe for consumption. The Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has laid down regulations for rice flour used in preparing FRKs, permissible levels of vitamins and minerals, packaging and labelling standards, and other disclaimers which need to be followed by manufacturers. FARE Labs is India’s leading laboratory providing top-notch testing services in this area.
Testing Procedure for Fortified Rice Kernels
There are several tests that a Testing Laboratory provider may conduct to ensure that fortified rice kernels are meeting the required standards. Here are some of the most common tests:
Analysis of Micronutrient Content
The most critical test for fortified Rice kernels is to determine the actual micronutrient content. This involves testing the rice for iron, zinc, vitamin A, and other essential micronutrients that are added during the fortification process. Testing is typically done using specialized equipment such as Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) or Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
Physical Characteristics
Physical characteristics such as the size, shape, and colour of the fortified rice kernels can also be tested. These tests can help ensure that the fortified rice kernels meet the required physical standards, which can affect the consumer’s perception of the product.
Sensory Evaluation
Sensory evaluation is another critical test that can help determine the quality of the fortified rice kernels. This test involves assessing the appearance, flavour, aroma, and texture of the rice grains. Sensory evaluation can be done by trained panellists who evaluate the rice grains based on specific criteria.
Shelf-Life Testing
Shelf-life testing involves determining the product’s stability over time, especially when stored under specific conditions. This testing ensures that the fortified rice kernels do not degrade over time and remain safe for consumption.
Microbiological Testing
Microbiological testing is essential for assessing the safety of the fortified rice kernels. This test involves analyzing the rice grains for microbial contaminants such as bacteria, yeast, and mould.
A testing service provider like FARE Labs can help ensure that the fortified rice kernels are safe for consumption and meet the required standards by conducting various tests such as analysis of micronutrient content, physical characteristics, sensory evaluation, shelf-life testing, and microbiological testing. By utilizing these testing services, manufacturers and distributors can ensure that their fortified rice kernels are of high quality, safe for consumption, and meet the required standards.
Source- https://farelabs.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-fortified-rice-kernels/
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sidhug · 2 years
What exactly is Fortified Rice, and how does it get made?
What is fortified rice? - Fortified Rice Definition
Rice that has been fortified indicates rice that is healthy. It has more iron, B-12, and folic acid than regular rice. Apart from that, fortified rice with zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin B can also be produced. Fortified rice is consumed with regular rice. Fortified rice seems to be ordinary rice. Their flavor is also superior. According to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, consuming fortified rice enhances the number of nutrients in meals and promotes excellent health.
How is fortified rice prepared?
Fortified rice making machine in India is made in mills. During this, the amount of micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals in them has increased artificially. For this techniques like coating, dusting, and extrusion are implemented. First flour is made by grinding dry rice. Then micronutrients are added to it. They are mixed well with water. After drying with the help of machines, this mixture is given the shape of rice, which is called a Fortified Rice Kernel (FRK). After it is prepared, it is mixed with common rice. FSSAI rules say that it is mixed in the ratio of 1:100, which means 10 grams of fortified rice is added to 1 kg of rice.
What nutrients are in fortified rice?
Iron (28-42.5 milligrams), folic acid (75-125 micrograms), and vitamin B12 are all present in one kilo of Fortified rice plant manufacturers in India (0.75-1.25 micrograms). In addition, FSSAI has advised Zinc (10-15 mg), Vitamin A (500-700 microgram), Vitamin B1 (1-1.5 mg), Vitamin B2 (1.25-1.75 mg), Vitamin B3 (12.3-20 mg), and Vitamin B6 (1.5-2.5 mg) fortification of rice. Once prepared, Fortified rice can be eaten for up to 12 months.
How to identify fortified rice?
The length of fortified rice does not exceed 5 mm and the width does not exceed 2.2 mm. In this way, they look like common rice. Nonetheless, the government has created facilities for these grains to be identified separately. The +F logo is still there on their packages, and it is also stated that it has been strengthened. There is no need to use a separate procedure while cooking fortified rice. They may be washed, boiled, cooked, and consumed just like regular rice.
What is Fortified Food? Fortified Food Meaning in Hindi
According to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of the Government of India, fortification means the adulteration of essential micronutrients in a food item. Due to this, the nutritional capacity of that food item increases, and initiatives are taken to bring better health to the people while reducing the risk to health.
You must have absorbed a lot of nutrients through different types of foods, but have you consumed artificial nutrients? Do you know what is Food Fortification and Fortified Food? What are the health advantages of this? Even though it may sound a bit strange how nutrients are added artificially, there is nothing surprising in this. In this process, nutrients are added to the foods while processing them. Let us know through this article what is food fortification and for which classes fortified food is considered more beneficial. Food fortification is considered a very good way to meet the deficiency of any nutritional element in the body. Many people get sick and die due to the lack of micronutrients. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about two billion people all over the world suffer from micronutrient deficiencies.
What is Food Fortification - What is Fortified Food
Food fortification is a process in which nutrients are artificially added to foods. Just like Iodine is added to salt, similarly, at the time of processing of any food when the natural nutrition inside it is destroyed, it is necessary to add nutrition from above. Food fortification is a policy of the WHO and FAO to address nutritional deficiencies around the world. Food fortification is an important process. Many times we eat only one type of food and do not include other nutritional elements in our diet. 
What does fortified mean? Fortified Meaning in Hindi
(of a place) provide protection against attack with defensive works. Denoting a type of wine to which spirits have been added so as to produce port, sherry, or a similar drink. (of food) had vitamins or other supplements added to it so as to increase its nutritional value?
Vitamins or other supplements are added to food to increase nutritional value.
secure with bastions or fortifications
added something to increase the power
prepare yourself for a military confrontation
Provides protection against attack with defensive functions.
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How to differentiate between normal rice and fortified?
The Food Ministry has instructed the mills that the length of fortified rice should not exceed 5 mm and the width should not exceed 2.2 mm. In this way, they look like common rice. Nonetheless, the government has created facilities for these grains to be identified separately. The logo of +F remains on their packet and it is also written that it has been fortified. No different method has to be adopted for cooking fortified rice. Like common rice, they can be washed, boiled and cooked, and eaten.
What is the benefit of eating fortified rice?
Fortified rice is rich in nutrients. According to the Indian Express report, one kg of fortified rice contains iron (28 to 42.5 mg), folic acid (75 to 125 micrograms), and vitamin B12 (0.75 to 1.25 micrograms). Apart from this, FSSAI has recommended Zinc (10 to 15 mg), Vitamin A (500-700 micrograms), and Vitamin B1 (1-1.5 mg). Guidelines have also been issued for fortifying rice with Vitamin B2 (1.25-1.75 mg), Vitamin B3 (12.3-20 mg), and Vitamin B6 (1.5-2.5 mg). Once prepared it can be eaten for up to 12 months.
Fortified Rice Kernels
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What is the meaning of rice? rice meaning in English
Rice is the 2nd largest cultivated grain in the world. About 20% of the world's rice is grown in India. There are more than 40,000 varieties of rice found all over the world. Globally, China is the first producer of rice and India is the second largest producer of rice.
As per the guideline of the Government of India, all the rice used in public welfare schemes like Mid Day Meal and other Anganwadi Schemes should contain Iron, Vitamin B12, and B6 (Folic Acid), We are the leading manufacturer of Fortified Rice in Rajasthan and North India, rice is duly certified by a government recognized testing laboratories and we manufacture and supply in compliance with all standards. We are already supplying to many states in India and we have also manufactured fortified rice for export as per WHO specifications. So please contact us if you are looking for a reliable Fortified Rice Manufacturer in India, we can customize Nutrients, Minerals
Formulated Food Products – Fortified Rice, Snacks & Cookies, We Can Customize Nutrients, Minerals
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rudraagro · 3 years
Fortifying rice involves grinding broken pieces of rice into powder, mixing it with other nutrients, and then shaping it into rice-like kernels using an extrusion process.These fortified kernels are then mixed with normal rice in a ratio ranging from 1:50 to 1:200.According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), food fortification is called as the practice of deliberately increasing the content of essential micronutrients so as to improve the nutritional quality of the food supply and to provide a public health benefit with minimum risk to health.
Rice can be made more nutritious all along the value chain. Brown rice, bio-fortified rice, parboiled rice, and rice fortified with rinse-resistant coating technology are all proven methods in making rice more nutritious. The most advanced technology to add several essential vitamins and minerals to rice in a sustainable and cost-effective way, is extrusion technology.
Modified rice plants in Punjab are now becoming popular day by day. The fortification of rice includes first Breaking the pieces of rice and making them into powder then on top adding some nutrients and vitamins that will make them more nutritious and finally producing them in the form and shape of normal rice grains. In The process of fortifying rice, high technology machinery is used. Now the Indian government is making provisions to introduce more and more new technology in order to make food nutritious and reduce the Hunger index of India. The government of Punjab has also introduced to the farmers' new machinery which can produce fortified rice in an affordable and convenient way. Provisions are also being made to carry all the products from the company to the market without it being heavy on the pockets of people.
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is looking forward to setting quality standards for machinery that makes fortified rice kernels, as the country aims to handle the malnutrition by stepping up efforts to provide fortified rice through various government programmes. Fortification process increases various nutrients in the rice. Fortified rice kernels (FRK) are produced from the mixture of normal rice grains and nutrients  using extruder machines.
The machines are said to a particular standard so that there is no difference during its production. Different Variety of rice is produced in different regions all over India but with fortified rice kernels there is no discrimination in shape and size.
Fortified rice kernels are one of the major parts of the mid day meal schemes and other schemes introduced by the government of India for the betterment of children and population as a whole. Fortified  rice kernels will solve various issues such as malnutrition, nutrient deficiency, hidden hunger and various diseases which are caused due to them.
Iron is one of the most important substances which needs to be an integral part of every food. It has to be included in the day to day life of every person. But nowadays it is very hard to find nutritious food which consists of all the essential vitamins and nutrients. Deficiency of iron causes various diseases such as anaemia, weakness, night blindness and many more hence, daily dietary intake of iron is necessary.
The best way to tackle the situation of iron deficiency is production of rice fortified with iron. Rice is fortified by mixing the regular milled rice with iron rice premix (I-Mix is iron-coated rice containing 1300 mg of iron per 100 grams) at a ratio of 1:250 consisting of one part I-Mix to 250 parts regular milled rice. The colour, odour and shape of rice is exactly like the normal or unfortified rice grains. The taste of the rice also barely makes a difference.
Fortified rice kernels (FRK).
Fortified rice plant in Punjab.
Fortified rice.
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hexagonnutrition31 · 3 years
Fortification of rice can be done by the following methods, according to GAIN:
1.Hot Extrusion: The rice can be fortified by the extrusion process, which involves combining the rice flour, micronutrient premixes and water and then the product is extruded in the form of rice kernels. The process involves subjecting the product to heat i.e. 70°C -110°C, hence the product is precooked
2.Cold Extrusion: This process is like hot extrusion, but there is no heat processing and rice flour is replaced by rice dough, which is combined with the micronutrient premix. The mixture is then extruded in the form of rice like kernels. This type of fortified rice is not precooked.
3.Coating: In this technique, the micronutrient premixes are combined with ingredients like gum and waxes, which is later sprayed on the rice.
4.Dusting: This method involves dusting of the rice grains with the micronutrient premixes, which binds with the rice grains due to electrostatic force.
Although other techniques like Coating and Dusting exist, Hot Air Extrusion is the most preferred method of fortification.
Common Fortificants:
Vitamins: Vitamins B9 and B12
Minerals: Iron
For more information visit Hexagon Nutrition.
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amoliinternational · 21 days
Health Benefits of Non Basmati Rice
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Non Basmati Rice has several health benefits proving to be a great addition to your diet. Rich in vital nutrients, the type of rice improves heart health, digestion and energy levels. 
When enriched with fortified rice kernels, it gets even more powerful, capturing a spectrum of vitamins and minerals and helping fight nutritional deficiencies. Consuming Non Basmati rice can contribute to overall health. 
Amoli International is a leading rice exporter in India, ensuring only the best quality rice. Switch to the healthier alternative today.
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sidhug · 2 years
What is artificial rice?
Artificial rice offers the following key economic benefits as a nonrice product that resembles rice: Nutrition rice, sometimes known as an Artificial rice machine, is a type of rice replacement produced by an extrusion machine. 
The artificial rice-making machine:
This nutritional fake rice-making equipment makes artificial rice, often known as golden rice or healthy rice. fortified rice kernel machine contributes to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
1. High in nutrients. During the production process, the food provider can incorporate maize, millet, wheat, oats, soybeans, starch, vitamin, and nutrient (calcium, zinc, iron, and so on) into artificial rice. The nutritious content of fake rice is typically 5-10 times that of ordinary rice.
2. Cost-cutting measures. Aside from the materials mentioned in Benefit 1, you can also utilize broken rice as raw material. Instead of selling such rice at low rates, fake rice raises the value of damaged rice.
3. Significant market convergence. Although fake rice is more expensive than ordinary rice, it can be cooked directly or steamed with regular rice at a 1:300 ratio. It can meet the needs of both high-end and low-cost clients.
The features of the artificial rice-making machine:
Nutritional rice is another advancement in extrusion engineering techniques.
Not only do you keep the original nutrients of rice, but you also add other vitamins and minerals to produce high-nutrition rice.
Be able to combine different grains to make faux rice.
It cooks quickly and may be converted into instant rice.
The Artificial Rice:
The starch-based grain may be processed in the artificial rice making machine by combining, extruding, drying, milling, and granulating. A nutritious material, such as grinding dry vegetables, vitamins, and minerals, is added to the mixture during the manufacturing process, so the nutritional content of the fake rice is substantially higher than that of conventional rice.
The features of artificial rice:
The substance used to manufacture fake rice is rather inexpensive.
The completed product has a low starch level and a high nutritional value.
It has a fantastic flavor and is easy to digest.
Because of its long shelf life, fake rice is not only appropriate for the household, but also for field workers and long-distance travelers.
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rudraagro · 3 years
Malnutrition is a major problem persistent in India. It gives birth to several different diseases and results in the death of thousands every year. The only solution to the issue is providing nutrient rich easily accessible and inexpensive food for the more vulnerable section of the society. Malnutrition refers to when a person’s diet does not provide enough nutrients or the right balance of nutrients for optimal health. Moreover, not taking sufficient quantities of vitamins and minerals in spite of a high calorie diet results in what we know as ‘hidden hunger’. Rudra agro is a fortified rice kernel manufacturer in India devoted to making the nation healthy and free of malnutrition. We constantly work in support of the numerous government programs and schemes that initiate large scale feeding programs to fight malnutrition and the deficiency diseases. These include, Special Nutrition Programme, Balwadi Nutrition Programme, ICDS programme, and Mid-Day meal programmes. Rudra agro backs up the government by manufacturing fortified rice kernels and creating a bridge in the current food fortification scenario. Fortified rice denoted rice fortified in iron and dense in both micronutrients and macronutrients. As fortified rice kernels manufacturers in India, we provide the solution to combat this global issue.. Rice is a staple food in every household and can be easily accessible by the poor. Hence, we partner with several government organizations to make rice available to the poorer and below the poverty line section of the society. Fortified rice kernels are rich in vitamins and minerals. Indian diet is mainly focused on carbohydrates and fats, providing very less amounts of other essential nutrients. Most of the nutrients of the rice are lost during the milling and polishing process. Rice fortified with iron combats the issue and contributes to a healthier diet. The vitamins and minerals are added to the fortified rice kernels post harvest. Micronutrients such as vitamin B12, iron and folic acid are added to the rice to make it a healthier version of the staple food. The fortified rice kernels are one of the most effective and practical ways to improve the diet of a huge percentage of Indians and solve the problem of malnutrition. The food and civil supplies department of each state distributes a number of rice millers in each district for regular supply of rice to the FCI, from which it is distributed to the public under several schemes. As the leading and one of the only fortified rice kernels manufacturers in India, rudra agro operates the production plant at the capacity of producing 30 tonnes of rice fortified with iron everyday in order to meet the demand and supply of the second largest population in the world. The fortified rice kernels are loaded with the much needed nutrients and nourishes the body from indeed out keeping an individual healthy, leading to a disease free lifestyle. The nutrient index is not the only quality of the fortified rice, but it also smells, cooks and tastes like normal rice, if not better. The lost minerals and vitamins are re-added to the rice which makes it not only healthier but an affordable choice for millions of Indians.
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hexagonnutrition31 · 2 years
Fortification of rice can be done by the following methods, according to GAIN:
Hot Extrusion: The rice can be fortified by the extrusion process, which involves combining the rice flour, micronutrient premixes and water and then the product is extruded in the form of rice kernels. The process involves subjecting the product to heat i.e. 70°C -110°C, hence the product is precooked
Cold Extrusion: This process is like hot extrusion, but there is no heat processing and rice flour is replaced by rice dough, which is combined with the micronutrient premix. The mixture is then extruded in the form of rice like kernels. This type of fortified rice is not precooked
Coating: In this technique, the micronutrient premixes are combined with ingredients like gum and waxes, which is later sprayed on the rice.
Dusting: This method involves dusting of the rice grains with the micronutrient premixes, which binds with the rice grains due to electrostatic force.
Although other techniques like Coating and Dusting exist, Hot Air Extrusion is the most preferred method of fortification.
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amoliinternational · 1 month
Best Basmati Rice for Biryani
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Discover the rich aroma and excellent taste of 1121 Sella Basmati Rice, the ideal choice for preparing real biryani. This premium rice variety, known for its extra long grains enhances every dish with their unique flavor and fluffy texture. 
Whether you are preparing a traditional biryani or experimenting with new recipes, 1121 Sella Basmati Rice never disappoints.
Non Basmati Rice and Fortified Rice Kernels are also available for those seeking variety offering nutritious and versatile options for all your culinary needs. Contact Amoli International for best deals on rice exports.
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thenetionalnews · 2 years
FSSAI operationalises standards for fortified rice kernels
FSSAI operationalises standards for fortified rice kernels
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has decided to operationalize standards for fortified rice kernels (FRKs) with immediate effect to strengthen the national-level fortification program in the country. As per the order dated June 23, the food safety authority said that while the draft regulation with regards to standards for FRKs has been framed and notified on May 25,…
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